i Ii feti Ilnn GRASS BLADEnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71ns0ktd1d/data/0702.pdf · t 7 + vh r Ii +ara rry +...

t 7 + vh r Ii r1ryMMi i- i + ara r ry + 0 t Ii r I feti 2 Ilnn u GRASS BLADE jDITED BY A HEATHEN IN TIlE INTEREST OF GOOD MORALS1UBG7s11ED WEEKLY 100 A YEAR IN ADVANCE r VOLUME XII NUMBER 43 LEXINGTON KENTUCKY SUNDAY DECEMBER 20 EM 303 = f TERMS OF THE BLADE 1 Issue for one year 8100 In clubs of five or moro 60 cents each a yearde TermsLO0 per year In advance foreign subscription 5150ho Five copies one year and asExpress Blue Grass Blade Lexington Ky When you change your address ad- vise this office giving your old as well as the new address When you send your subscription say whether you are a new or old sub Briber The rose slip on the paper explrIon of subscription an show the date as changes servo as a r tbscrlber aye r Subscript o this publication are not discoc tftivd at expiration unless soordered by the subscriber Th- ejcourts invariably hold a subscriber to the publisher for the price of all DA P ers raI- i celved unth the paper is paid for in lull up to date and ordered discon tinned Office of publication 161 East Third street near Walnut Entered at the Post Office at Lexing- ton ¬ Ky as Second Class Mall MatterAddress all communications to r SLUE GRASS BLADE P O BOX r 393 Lexington Kentucky Fayette Telephone 619 Cumberland Telephone 307 THE DAMNED STUFF CALLED ALCOHOL I believe that alcohol to a certain rr degree demoralizes those who make it those who sell It and those who drink It I believe from the time It Issu from the coiled and poisonous wor of the distillery until It empties mittth the hell of crime death and It demoralizes everybody that touchc- t I do not believe that anybody can contemplate the subject without b coming prejudiced against this Ilqui crimeAll you have to do Is to think of the deathsof the suicides of the Insan- Ity of the poverty of the Ignorance ofas the distress of the little children tug ging at the faded dresses of weeping and despairing wives asking for bread of the men of genius it has wrecked of the millions who have struggled with Imaginary serpents produced by this devilish thing d And when you think of the jails ofccr the almshousee of the prisons and of the scaffolds upon either bank I do not wonder that every thoughtful man Is prejudiced against the damned stuff called alcoholROBERT G INGERSOLL Keep Church and State forever separateGrr t In no sense whatsoever is this gov ernment founded upon the Christian religion Washington The divorce between Church and State should be absoluteGarfl- elCOLLEGEofMFiDICIN d E SURGERY Chicago Four years Graded Course Laboratories fully equipped Abundance of Clinical Material EEP MODERATE Fall term opens In September Write today for Catalog to FLORENCE DRESSLER H0 Se t 46247 Ashland Ave Ctdg Itf From Courler Jatrnalb LAST OF THE GREAT THINKERS OF THE VICTORIAN AGE DEATH OF HERBERT SPENCER At His Home In Brighton After Many Months Illness f Author of the Phrase Survival pf the Fittest So Often Attributed to Darwin LIFE ONE OF ARDUOUS TOIL Spencerthe healthhad fewdays painThe MrSpencer scribe as the last of tho great think era of the Victorian age Born In 1820 Derby the son of tyllllam George SJencer a and private teacher un partlon nded school at Hinton Charter use Hath where ho was under tho tutelage of an uncle the Rev Thom academicdegr conferred upon him In later life have tiante competition between men who are rising and those who havo risen the titles held by the latter class are a handicap to those who are striving to rise totd ¬ a and for five years thereafter was a lltn rrriJJ r he turned to philosophical and liter ¬ ary work In philosophy Mr Spencer has un questionably reached the highest at ¬ tainments of any English writer and student since Bacon His thought has been untrammeled either by pre ¬ radlI become the apostle of Individualism and died an agnostic His works in thems lses constitute a library in the pre ration of which he devoted the largest share of his life Struggle Against Adversity andI su t at times threatened to put an end to the completion of the great task which ho had mapped out Embarrass ¬ theII servo a notice of cessation upon sub scribers Fortunately he fell heir to a bequest at this time and the war was carried to a successful camel- Lion after an arduous toll extending yearsm of e author It was in n measure a Spencer practically admits himself conquered by the too difficult task of solving many of the problems of human na lAbod e r collected Is not of a sufficiently Irre futable nature of satisfy his own mind The struggle for recognition a literary man and thinker was severe and exacting The Principles of Psychology Issued with a first ed- ItIon of 7GO copies did not sell for twelve years while Social Sta ics with an edition of the same num- ber required fourteen years to sell At the end of fifteen years Mr Spen had lost about 5000 on his pub lications having been compelled to print them at his own expense as no publisher would run tho risk of plac- Ing them on tho market It was the termination of this discouraging period that he contemplated giving up writing The System of Synthetic Pnilosophy DEATH OF HERBERT SPENCER Elsewhere in this Issue of the Dlade there Is clipped headlines and all from tho CourierJournal the greater part of tho Associated Press despatch giving the account of tho death of Herbert Spencer the great est Infidel In the world It will be noticed that everything Bald about him Is of the most comp 11 ¬ mentary yea eulogistic kind not AIs syllable of any kind derogatory to h character though it says plainly that ho was an agnostic This Is all as the news comes to us fresh now through means the accu ¬ racy of which no Intelligent person doubts tho sumo means that lately told us of Pope Leo XIII on its death pointCy his Ug room and from which he begged his r f F thatho the same accounts stated that one cardinal was found dead with suspi clone that some of the other cardinal- nd hi murdered him and also the slat meat that some of the cardinals bar- red up certain rooms of the Vatican with furniture to keep other cardinals PopeAll our minds and yet In as short time as practicable Christians will b filling their pulpits and their papers with lies that will describe tho beau tlful grand philosophic death of Leo XIII and will tell of some horrid thing connected with the death of the Infidel Herbert Spencer- I know that there are many even among Infidels who will say I am ex aggerating this case but I am not and there is a chance that it will be even worse than I soy propagnndlshave the clergy got their lies about the death of Paine noel other famous In befare accurate accounts of such things as we have at this day But you have seen that the Reverend liar Strough at Cincinnati has even this soon af- ter the death of Ingersoll started tho knYou branded as a liar by all respectable newspapers but Strough has not even been reprimanded by his church for that He and the seed has been planted and in time Christian edit ¬ ors and priests and preachers will be teaching that Ingersoll suicided In the same way they will get up somethingthe devil only knows miserableloath sayho there Is no allusion to site regret ex- pressed him that his life had been de InfidelityHe doesl t happen that so many distin guished Infidels live to old age strong in mind and body to the last If Infidels are the debauched liber nes that Christians soy they are Its a common thing for Infidels toI write strong letters to this paper and say they are 70 75 and 80 years old and one old sister aged 86 years sent Thflea upon reading the paperI Certainly when It is said of such a tnan asS fncjjrtt at hg wa atitemhar roast u uy was ru publication of his works a man like I am ought not to bo discouraged With my fate It took Spencer twelve years to sell an edition of 750 copies of his Prin ciples of Psychology when an sell flan of 1500 Dog Fennels sold out In a little over three months while theI orders for them were coming as fast as they ever did and we had to give hurry orders for another edition It took Herbert Spencer fourteen years to sell 750 copies of his Social Statics I wrote The Rational View In 1890 printed an edition of 1000 copies and sold It all out so Ion ago that I could not tell by two three when Mr Spencer had to print his book- at his own expense because no lisher would run the risk of them on the market With no publisher to boost m books and not a cent ever paid an body for advertising them my prison written book Behind the liars 31498 Is still Belling really 500e from the time It was first issued Spencers infidelity Is esoteric an mine Is as radical and plain amiI pronounced as I had language make IL- What honest and Intelligent man will say then in the light of facts that Infidelity Is not Rtridin ahead In nhne league boots DR DABNEYI Has Been Called to the Presidency of University of Cincinnati Acceptt Cincinnati 0 Dec 7Prof Cha WmDabney president of the Univer ¬ slty of Tennessee has been asked t assume the presidency of the Unive- city of Cincinnati next July whe ° President Howard Ayres the preset oilat tho tructeos Ayers retention longer than then is understood that Prof Dabney h Indicated he will accept the position Comment Dr Dabneys wife Is n nieceHe Is a model husband father an citizen and his record as an educat Is hardly second to that of any icon He is a man of Indomitable energy and of fine health He Is a fine scholar but Is not bril liant On religion he is not an ad- vanced thlnlrctPresbtcrlan SECOND EDITION DOG FENNEL Thin second edition of Deg Fennel has been decayed a little on account 01 paper not being delivered on time but we are glad to say that It Is now In the hands of the binder noel will be out tnls weep Send a copy to your friends as a Christmas gift I ISend for live postal curds and hcp Increase the circulation of the Blue Grass Blade t r J ui PASSING loe OF SECTARIANISM DISCUSSED BY DR RAMSAY h1ESSIAc H From CourierJournal The Passing of Sectarianism was WH to a large congregation In the Church Intetestlng tendency of modern times to do atva parthe alaptableof s form with every ago and civilization centurywill bothdoctrine thonly the ago This is preeminently tho tIlpldlygrowlngImowledge ll tithe up and assimilate the truths veryrapldl churcnes are adopting the truths n higherspiritual largeuniverse er finds himself We are still In the trembling that It will he overthrown by sacrile nofear Injuryfrom verse li doomed to die This Is tl centurjj of historic criticism Th andhlgherlway Infallibility have given way to a more theDlhlefnot whwithin filteringdown e problem of many ministers to ¬ Is to know how much to tell the people They want to be honest but many of them are timid They do nn rqtb 0 I the co 1UXe toUe harm to hock them liberal thinkers ore deserting the churches They conclude that the preachers are waythoughtful selves with churches In which the ruling facts and truths which they ac- cept are denied or Ignored Dr Mun ger of New Haven has recently said that ministers come to the churches with esoteric notions Instead of burn- Ing convictions They try to mise between the old Ideas and the new Our ono Is hungry for truth It wants to know facts as they are I credibly Informed that more than ghalf ofale Intelligent men of this city seldom enter a church Louis ths ° We are shag 11 Religion cannot be destroyed but cosmosY to c tor In mans life The Christianity of ng Il ° thr at t ¬ reltglod n people or Is afraid to trust their h telligence will never succeed In th country thg mote of It Is much of the same tren Further on he says The old he of Jonathan Edwards and the Trlnlt OL Calvinism are no longer In contra versyHe closes by sayings The creed the new church will bo based upon tho divinity and brotherhood of inn and the humanity of God It wi liis titan pace growing moral Ideals of mankind locir see auprouit 10 at stAmerican democracy another of the 1001 evi nbnndonitits tgof teaching Is p fd 01 tuP tr religionl Truly The heresy of today is the ilorthodoxy of tomorrow op ther l r but Dr Ramsay as an exponent of modern uptodate Christianity says Christianity will taw up noel assimilate the truths of the new scienceIn the new Christianity is hut another name for the old Intuit ty He says Tho leading minds the churches are adopting the truths of evolution and showing their higher spiritual meaning Darwin tho archInfidel was tho father of the doctrine of evolution noel the salient feature of that doc trine that set tho whole educated world by the ears was that man had developed front a monkey and that Infidel statement was ridiculed to tho echo by Christian press pulpit and I vostruu Now JJro Rauroy says tho 1 i1t e l I 41L leading minds of the church are adopting that Idea Of course It Is true that they aro 81lower But If this is true what are wo go nIngersoll story and the apple story and what about the fall In Adam And If InAdam Christ and what Is to become of the preachers Job That higher spiritual meaning goingto esotericY ers call talking through your hat problem ¬ Jeopleanll hasdevoJopod would not do to just plainly and hon ¬ estly and bluntly to tell the people hisjob monkey trick has a higher spiritual meaning but what this higher thethings tho people honest t ux P castr andkeel alg Of course he Is helping Infidelity tina well as I do that the criticism done b5 scholars within the churches Is oute of the bayonet The scholars within the churches burned Bruno a hertic outside at thet en the Bible said it was flat The old hell of Jonathan Ed wards which was the fire and brim unmistakablytaught the trump card of the Christian cell wot itsPresbyterians trhfE JU i qJpere1nalltfLJI1 hell gnashing their toothless gumsrn eternal lames until the heretics out ¬ side stirred up the mothers until they would not stand It any longer and there was a falling off of the shekels of the sanctuary from Calvan stthen within the churches conclude that all babies except Presbyterian ones quD ligent people were concluding that preachers were Ignorant or coward ly he would have expressed the ex- act sentiment of the Intelligent here tics outside If he hal said Ignorant or cowardly liars The Reverend Doctor says minis- ters want to be honest I doe btAary If any of them do noel am certain the notIt g whoIt the Bible says and not what Darwin says and If they are not going to do that they ought to announce them selves Infidels rend Dog Fennel and G thrass I have been grinding sausage to shoals dof d up a sausage machine does a piece of fat hog From Cincinnati Enquirer thcl 1And Leeches Are Ministers Declares Rev David Morgan I BMinisteof rs n and the church aro luxuries Teache Schaoli These are the principles laid down mlit s ne Someka ty ut schoOls said Morgan having hot n founded before either existed You are a parasite society he sain to Prof P W Cropper Professor English Literature at llamllne Un argunlontue re plied tho proicssor I ncltnoweds ° It 1 am a parasite on society All ministers are para sitesYour gospel leaves aft tho on replied the professor Society Is not made of SOUISIe pUce Morgan The world can get along without the church Religion is a luxury that people may have If they wish to pay for It I do not be- lieve In forcing all citizens to pay ior tn MANLY LETTER FROM- BROTHER WASHBURN Boston Dec Sth 1903 Mr Charles C Moore Dear Sir Send me six Dog Fennels noel I will re ¬ mil upon receipt of bill I hopo Ute Blade will not have to go up as you hint In the last paper but wo are all running behind Yours with best wishes L K WASHBURN- I 100 A YEAR THE BLADE MUST LIVEN SUCH ARE THE SENTIMENTS OF- t THE SUBSCRIBERS OF nTHE PAPER In my walls and talks in Cincinnati d rIs a prominent business man on Third street the other day and he is ready to cooperate with others in Cincin ¬ f theDlade It is too bad that the subscribers of the Blade can not get together at thouorganize tee of the whole nnd the majority of ¬ t plncotheir produce that requisite 2ono dollar advancoand tion for Afrienda new subscriber telepathy extent as to permit the subscribers anothersthollght + allImow F makingepeech thesuccess knowIng scribers am responding But Judging from the remarks I Ihave d mlttees plan will be adopted gener thelinotype + or two s There is another thing that I would like to talk about There is always that apprehension toI the Blade andappmci n m success of the committees plan thenade afriend tribute 2 and that the porter in hisY < 2hut suspendsThis tho estion how many more expect the same And how can all doubts about QUmInntee ¬ hestror oreeslgnated ¬ should be deposited until the neces ¬ 1500 had been collected undpr conclusion that since Mr Hughes was bbo bee oNce of the Blade telephonemessage e subject I think we should have shouldbe son than Mrs Josephine K Henry Versailles Ky Mrs Henry Is a personal friend of both Mr 11oorei and Mr Hughes and their families She Is well acquainted with andthe r ton and In short is proper per sons to act as treasnreri The work smallShe tions to the office of the Blade and re L canis willb ulated I am suggesting Mrs Henrys name butImuwlng Freethought tedious I take It for granted that she will consent to act In that capacity allthe their contributions at once to Mrs Henry No acknowledgment will be made watch the label on your Blade and onel the money had reached Its destina lion Something more might be said In this connection which will guarantee to the subscribers of the Ulado tho continuance of the publication and I adIsedly suggestionsthat Josephine K Henry at Versailles J Ky will meet with universal approv ¬ f al MORRIS SACHS Send us your order for Dog Fennel In the Orient and make your friends a Christmas present ill be ready to mall to you before Christmas Price 100 or in lots of 12 or more 80 cents eachI of j l 1 rrll a

Transcript of i Ii feti Ilnn GRASS BLADEnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71ns0ktd1d/data/0702.pdf · t 7 + vh r Ii +ara rry +...

Page 1: i Ii feti Ilnn GRASS BLADEnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71ns0ktd1d/data/0702.pdf · t 7 + vh r Ii +ara rry + r1ryMMi i-i 0 t r Ii feti I 2 Ilnn u GRASS BLADE jDITED BY A HEATHEN IN TIlE INTEREST


7 + vhr Iir1ryMMi i-

i+ara rry + 0 tIi


feti2 Ilnnu GRASS BLADE


f TERMS OF THE BLADE1 Issue for one year 8100

In clubs of five or moro 60 centseach ayeardeTermsLO0 per year In advance

foreign subscription 5150hoFive copies one yearandasExpressBlue Grass Blade Lexington Ky

When you change your address ad-

vise this office giving your old aswell as the new address

When you send your subscription saywhether you are a new or old subBriber

The rose slip on the paperexplrIon of subscription anshow the dateas changesservo as a r tbscrlber aye

r Subscript o this publication arenot discoc tftivd at expiration unlesssoordered by the subscriber Th-

ejcourts invariably hold a subscriberto the publisher for theprice of all DA P ers raI-

i celved unth the paper is paid for inlull up to date and ordered discontinnedOffice of publication 161 East Third

street near WalnutEntered at the Post Office at Lexing-


Ky as Second Class Mall

MatterAddressall communications to


r 393 Lexington Kentucky

Fayette Telephone 619Cumberland Telephone 307


I believe that alcohol to a certainrr degree demoralizes those who make

it those who sell It and those whodrink It

I believe from the time It Issufrom the coiled and poisonous worof the distillery until It empties mittththe hell of crime death andIt demoralizes everybody that touchc-t

I do not believe that anybody cancontemplate the subject without bcoming prejudiced against this Ilqui

crimeAll you have to do Is to think of thedeathsof the suicides of the Insan-Ity of the poverty of the Ignorance ofasthe distress of the little children tugging at the faded dresses of weepingand despairing wives asking forbread of the men of genius it haswrecked of the millions who havestruggled with Imaginary serpentsproduced by this devilish thing

d And when you think of the jails ofccrthe almshousee of the prisons and ofthe scaffolds upon either bank I donot wonder that every thoughtful manIs prejudiced against the damned stuffcalled alcoholROBERT


Keep Church and State foreverseparateGrr t

In no sense whatsoever is this government founded upon the Christianreligion Washington

The divorce between Church andState should be absoluteGarfl-





Four years Graded CourseLaboratories fully equippedAbundance of Clinical Material

EEP MODERATEFall term opens In SeptemberWrite today for Catalog to

FLORENCE DRESSLER H0 Set 46247 Ashland Ave Ctdg Itf

From Courler Jatrnalb




At His Home In Brighton After Many

Months Illness fAuthor of the Phrase Survival pf the

Fittest So Often Attributed

to Darwin


SpencerthehealthhadfewdayspainTheMrSpencerscribe as the last of tho great thinkera of the Victorian age

Born In 1820Derbythe son of tyllllam George SJencer aand private teacher unpartlonnded school at Hinton Charter

use Hath where ho was under thotutelage of an uncle the Rev Thom

academicdegrconferred upon him In later life havetiantecompetition between men who arerising and those who havo risen thetitles held by the latter class are ahandicap to those who are striving torisetotd ¬

aand for five years thereafter was a

lltn rrriJJ rhe turned to philosophical and liter ¬

ary workIn philosophy Mr Spencer has un

questionably reached the highest at¬

tainments of any English writer andstudent since Bacon His thoughthas been untrammeled either by pre ¬radlIbecome the apostle of Individualismand died an agnostic His works inthems lses constitute a library in thepre ration of which he devoted thelargest share of his life

Struggle Against AdversityandIsu tat times threatened to put an endto the completion of the great taskwhich ho had mapped out Embarrass ¬

theIIservo a notice of cessation upon subscribers Fortunately he fell heir toa bequest at this time and the warwas carried to a successful camel-Lion after an arduous toll extendingyearsm of

e author It was in n measure aSpencerpractically admits himself conqueredby the too difficult task of solvingmany of the problems of human nalAbode


collected Is not of a sufficiently Irrefutable nature of satisfy his ownmind The struggle for recognition

a literary man and thinker wassevere and exacting The Principlesof Psychology Issued with a first ed-

ItIon of 7GO copies did not sellfor twelve years while Social Staics with an edition of the same num-ber required fourteen years to sellAt the end of fifteen years Mr Spen

had lost about 5000 on his publications having been compelled toprint them at his own expense as nopublisher would run tho risk of plac-Ing them on tho market It wasthe termination of this discouragingperiod that he contemplated giving upwriting The System of SyntheticPnilosophy


Elsewhere in this Issue of theDlade there Is clipped headlines andall from tho CourierJournal thegreater part of tho Associated Pressdespatch giving the account of thodeath of Herbert Spencer the greatest Infidel In the world

It will be noticed that everythingBald about him Is of the most comp 11 ¬

mentary yea eulogistic kind notAIs

syllable of any kind derogatory to hcharacter though it says plainly thatho was an agnostic

This Is all as the news comes tous fresh now through means the accu ¬

racy of which no Intelligent persondoubts tho sumo means that latelytold us of Pope Leo XIII on its deathpointCy his


room and from which he begged his


f F

thathothe same accounts stated that onecardinal was found dead with suspiclone that some of the other cardinal-

ndhi murdered him and also the slatmeat that some of the cardinals bar-red up certain rooms of the Vaticanwith furniture to keep other cardinalsPopeAllour minds and yet In as shorttime as practicable Christians will bfilling their pulpits and their paperswith lies that will describe tho beautlful grand philosophic death of LeoXIII and will tell of some horridthing connected with the death ofthe Infidel Herbert Spencer-

I know that there are many evenamong Infidels who will say I am exaggerating this case but I am not andthere is a chance that it will be evenworse than I soy

propagnndlshavethe clergy got their lies about thedeath of Paine noel other famous Inbefareaccurate accounts of such things aswe have at this day But you haveseen that the Reverend liar Stroughat Cincinnati has even this soon af-ter the death of Ingersoll started thoknYoubranded as a liar by all respectablenewspapers but Strough has noteven been reprimanded by his churchfor that He and the seed has beenplanted and in time Christian edit ¬

ors and priests and preachers will beteaching that Ingersoll suicided

In the same way they will get upsomethingthe devil only knows

miserableloathsayhothere Is no allusion to site regret ex-pressed him that his life had been deInfidelityHedoesl t happen that so many distinguished Infidels live to old agestrong in mind and body to the lastIf Infidels are the debauched liber

nes that Christians soy they areIts a common thing for Infidels toIwrite strong letters to this paper and

say they are 70 75 and 80 years oldand one old sister aged 86 years sentThfleaupon reading the paperICertainly when It is said of such atnan asS fncjjrtt at hg wa atitemharroast u uy was rupublication of his works a man likeI am ought not to bo discouragedWith my fate

It took Spencer twelve years to sellan edition of 750 copies of his Principles of Psychology when an sellflan of 1500 Dog Fennels sold out Ina little over three months while theIorders for them were coming as fastas they ever did and we had to give

hurry orders for another editionIt took Herbert Spencer fourteen

years to sell 750 copies of his SocialStatics I wrote The RationalView In 1890 printed an edition of1000 copies and sold It all out so Ionago that I could not tell by twothree when

Mr Spencer had to print his book-at his own expense because nolisher would run the risk ofthem on the market

With no publisher to boost mbooks and not a cent ever paid anbody for advertising them my prisonwritten book Behind the liars31498 Is still Belling really500efrom the time It was first issued

Spencers infidelity Is esoteric anmine Is as radical and plain amiIpronounced as I had languagemake IL-

What honest and Intelligent manwill say then in the light offacts that Infidelity Is not Rtridinahead In nhne league boots

DR DABNEYIHas Been Called to the Presidency of

University of Cincinnati

AccepttCincinnati 0 Dec 7Prof Cha

WmDabney president of the Univer ¬

slty of Tennessee has been asked tassume the presidency of the Unive-city of Cincinnati next July whe°President Howard Ayres the presetoilattho tructeosAyers retention longer than thenis understood that Prof Dabney hIndicated he will accept the position

Comment Dr Dabneys wife Is n

nieceHeIs a model husband father an

citizen and his record as an educatIs hardly second to that of anyicon

He is a man of Indomitable energyand of fine health

He Is a fine scholar but Is not brilliant On religion he is not an ad-

vanced thlnlrctPresbtcrlanSECOND EDITION DOG FENNEL

Thin second edition of Deg Fennelhas been decayed a little on account01 paper not being delivered on timebut we are glad to say that It Is nowIn the hands of the binder noel willbe out tnls weep Send a copy toyour friends as a Christmas gift I

ISend for live postal curds and hcpIncrease the circulation of the BlueGrass Blade t


J ui




From CourierJournalThe Passing of Sectarianism wasWHto a large congregation In the ChurchIntetestlngtendency of modern times to do atvaparthealaptableof s

form with every ago and civilizationcenturywillbothdoctrinethonlythe ago This is preeminently thotIlpldlygrowlngImowledge

ll tithe up and assimilate the truthsveryrapldlchurcnes are adopting the truths n

higherspirituallargeuniverseer finds himself We are still In thetremblingthat It will he overthrown by sacrilenofearInjuryfromverse li doomed to die This Is tlcenturjj of historic criticism Th

andhlgherlwayInfallibility have given way to a more

theDlhlefnotwhwithinfilteringdowne problem of many ministers to ¬

Is to know how much to tell thepeople They want to be honest butmany of them are timid They do nnrqtb 0 I the co 1UXe toUe

harm to hock them liberalthinkers ore deserting the churchesThey conclude that the preachers are

waythoughtfulselves with churches In which theruling facts and truths which they ac-cept are denied or Ignored Dr Munger of New Haven has recently saidthat ministers come to the churcheswith esoteric notions Instead of burn-Ing convictions They try tomise between the old Ideas and thenew Our ono Is hungry for truth Itwants to know facts as they are I

credibly Informed that more thanghalf ofale Intelligent men of thiscity seldom enter a church Louisths °

We areshag 11

Religion cannot be destroyed butcosmosY toctor In mans life The Christianity ofng Il

°thr att ¬reltglod n

people or Is afraid to trust their htelligence will never succeed In thcountrythgmote of It Is much of the same tren

Further on he says The old heof Jonathan Edwards and the TrlnltOL Calvinism are no longer In contraversyHe

closes by sayings The creedthe new church will bo based upontho divinity and brotherhood of innand the humanity of God It wiliistitan pacegrowing moral Ideals of mankindlocirseeauprouit10

atstAmerican democracy

another of the 1001 evi

nbnndonitits tgofteaching Is p fd 01 tuP trreligionl

Truly The heresy of today is theilorthodoxy of tomorrow

opther l r

but Dr Ramsay as an exponent ofmodern uptodate Christianity says

Christianity will taw upnoel assimilate the truths of the new

scienceIn the new Christianity ishut another name for the old Intuitty He says Tho leading mindsthe churches are adopting the truthsof evolution and showing their higherspiritual meaning

Darwin tho archInfidel was thofather of the doctrine of evolutionnoel the salient feature of that doctrine that set tho whole educatedworld by the ears was that man haddeveloped front a monkey and thatInfidel statement was ridiculed to thoecho by Christian press pulpit and I

vostruu Now JJro Rauroy says tho



I 41L

leading minds of the church areadopting that Idea

Of course It Is true that they aro

81lowerBut If this is true what are wo gonIngersollstory and the apple story and what

about the fall In Adam And IfInAdamChrist and what Is to become of thepreachers JobThat higher spiritual meaninggoingtoesotericYers call talking through your hatproblem ¬

JeopleanllhasdevoJopodwould not do to just plainly and hon ¬

estly and bluntly to tell the peoplehisjobmonkey trick has a higher spiritualmeaning but what this higherthethingstho peoplehonest tuxPcastrandkeelalgOf course he Is helping Infidelitytinawell as I do that the criticism done

b5 scholars within the churches Isouteof the bayonetThe scholars within the churches

burned Bruno a hertic outside attheten the Bible said it was flatThe old hell of Jonathan Ed

wards which was the fire and brim

unmistakablytaughtthe trump card of the Christian cellwotitsPresbyterians

trhfE JU i qJpere1nalltfLJI1hell gnashing their toothless gumsrneternal lames until the heretics out ¬

side stirred up the mothers untilthey would not stand It any longerand there was a falling off of theshekels of the sanctuary from Calvanstthenwithin the churches conclude thatall babies except Presbyterian onesquDligent people were concluding thatpreachers were Ignorant or cowardly he would have expressed the ex-act sentiment of the Intelligent heretics outside If he hal said Ignorantor cowardly liars

The Reverend Doctor says minis-ters want to be honest I doe btAaryIf any of them do noel am certain thenotIt gwhoItthe Bible says and not what Darwinsays and If they are not going todo that they ought to announce themselves Infidels rend Dog Fennel and

GthrassI have been grinding sausage toshoals dofd

up a sausagemachine does a piece of fat hog

From Cincinnati Enquirerthcl1And Leeches Are Ministers DeclaresRev David Morgan I

BMinisteof rsn

and the church aro luxuries TeacheSchaoliThese are the principles laid downmlit sneSomeka tyut

schoOls said Morgan having hot nfounded before either existed

You are a parasite society hesain to Prof P W Cropper Professor

English Literature at llamllne Unargunlontue replied tho proicssor

I ncltnoweds ° It 1 am a parasiteon society All ministers are parasitesYour gospel leaves aft tho onreplied the professor

Society Is not made of SOUISIepUce Morgan The world can getalong without the church Religionis a luxury that people may have Ifthey wish to pay for It I do not be-

lieve In forcing all citizens to pay iortnMANLY LETTER FROM-


Boston Dec Sth 1903Mr Charles C Moore Dear Sir

Send me six Dog Fennels noel I will re¬

mil upon receipt of bill I hopo UteBlade will not have to go up as youhint In the last paper but wo are allrunning behind Yours with bestwishes L K WASHBURN-


100 A YEAR





In my walls and talks in CincinnatidrIsaprominent business man on Third

street the other day and he is readyto cooperate with others in Cincin ¬


theDladeIt is too bad that the subscribersof the Blade can not get together atthouorganizetee of the whole nnd the majority of


tplncotheirproduce that requisite 2ono dollaradvancoandtion for Afrienda new subscribertelepathyextent as to permit the subscribers

anothersthollght +

allImow F

makingepeechthesuccessknowIngscribers am responding

But Judging from the remarks IIhave d

mlttees plan will be adopted generthelinotype +

or two s

There is another thing that I wouldlike to talk aboutThere is always that apprehensiontoIthe Bladeandappmcin msuccess of the committees planthenadeafriendtribute 2 and that the porter in hisY <2hutsuspendsThis thoestion how many more expect the

same And how can all doubts aboutQUmInntee ¬

hestrororeeslgnated ¬

should be deposited until the neces ¬

1500 had been collectedundprconclusion that since Mr Hughes wasbbobeeoNce of the Blade

telephonemessagee subject I think we should haveshouldbeson than Mrs Josephine K Henry

Versailles Ky Mrs Henry Is apersonal friend of both Mr 11ooreiand Mr Hughes and theirfamilies She Is well acquainted withandthe r

ton and In short is proper persons to act as treasnreriThe work

smallShetions to the office of the Blade and reLcaniswillbulated

I am suggesting Mrs Henrys namebutImuwlngFreethoughttedious I take It for granted that shewill consent to act In that capacityallthetheir contributions at once to MrsHenry

No acknowledgment will be madewatch the label on your Blade andonelthe money had reached Its destinalion

Something more might be said Inthis connection which will guaranteeto the subscribers of the Ulado thocontinuance of the publication andIadIsedlysuggestionsthatJosephine K Henry at Versailles JKy will meet with universal approv ¬ fal MORRIS SACHS

Send us your order for Dog FennelIn the Orient and make your friends aChristmas present ill be ready tomall to you before Christmas Price

100 or in lots of 12 or more 80 centseachI of


1 rrlla