BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Natanya Anderson Brand + Local Social: Creating Balance in the Customer Experience This video is from BlogWell San Francisco June 20, 2011 Case Studies This presentation is from BlogWell Bay Area August 6, 2013

Transcript of BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Page 1: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Natanya Anderson

Brand + Local Social: Creating Balance in the Customer Experience

This video is from

BlogWellSan FranciscoJune 20, 2011

SocialMedia.orgCase Studies

This presentation is from

BlogWellBay Area

August 6,

Page 2: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Brand + Local Social Creating Balance in the Customer Experience

Natanya Anderson

Director, Social Media & Digital Marketing @natanyap

Page 3: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson


•  Culture  •  A  holis-c  view  •  Channel-­‐specific  strategies  •  Local  reali-es  •  Support  &  infrastructure  

Brand + Local Social: Key Elements

Page 4: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Culture Eats Strategy for

Lunch @natanyap

Page 5: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Creating a Holistic Vision


Brand  =  Lifestyle  • Informa-on  • Inspira-on  • Aspira-on  

Local  =  Shopping  • Sales  • Local  products  • Events  

Shared  Customer  Experience  

Page 6: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Brand + Local Together: Berry Season


Brand   Local  

Page 7: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Brand + Local Together: Flash Sales


Brand   Local  

Page 8: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Brand + Local Together: Summer Wine Program


Brand  (Pinned)   Local  

Page 9: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Brand Only: Honey Bees


Page 10: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Local Only: NYC Surf and Turf Sale


Page 11: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Building a Channel Specific Strategy


Brand  Lifestyle-­‐focused  visuals  Highest  priority  programs  

Customer  service  Broader  range  of  programs  

Inspire  broadly  Integrated  contributors  

Celebrate  local  visually  Build  a  community  

Local  Local  sales  &  products  


??  Should  we  be  here  ??  

No  presence  

Content  source  Build  awareness  of  local  





Page 12: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Pinterest: A Broad View of our Brand Lifestyle


Page 13: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Instagram: Three (Surprisingly Similar) Views of Local


Brand   New  York   Customers  

Page 14: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Living with Local Realities


•  Hourly  workforce  •  High  turnover  •  Restricted  mobile  device  access  •  Limited  digital  marke-ng  

experience  •  Inconsistent  interest  in  social  •  Social  is  only  one  part  of  their  job  •  SpoNy  support  from  leadership  

Page 15: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Building a Local Support Team & Plan


•  Seed  content  •  Best  prac-ces  •  Crisis  support  •  Front-­‐line  customer  service  

•  Social  Media  Management  

•  Repor-ng  •  Listening  &  monitoring  

• Broad  spectrum  • Ongoing  support  • Helpdesk  • In-­‐person  

•  Digital  specialists  •  “With  and  through”  philosophy  

•   Connec-on  to  regional  marke-ng    

Regional  Support   Training  

Content  &  Community  Management  


Page 16: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

What ’s Next


ü From  “grassroots”  à  Strategic  Ini-a-ve  ü Social  Media  Academy  ü My  role:  Chief  Digital  Evangelist  ü Measure,  measure,  and  measure  again  

Page 17: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Thank you !

Natanya Anderson @natanyap

Director, Social Media & Digital Marketing

Page 18: BlogWell Bay Area Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods Market, presented by Natanya Anderson

Learn more about past and upcoming BlogWells

This video is from

BlogWellSan FranciscoJune 20, 2011

SocialMedia.orgCase Studies

This presentation is from

BlogWellBay Area

August 6,