Blog Statement 2

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  • 8/12/2019 Blog Statement 2


    Faux's Blog Statement 2

    Hi peeps again,

    If you havent read part 1 I advise you to do so beause I dont plan to go over the same

    laims again as I brea! do"n her blogs# She repeats some of the same things over and

    over so I plan to fous on ne" laims brought up in eah blog# For more detailedstatements to her laims you an read old statements posted on riseandstand#net

    $ets start#

    Internet Stalking & Grifters Profiting from Victims

  • 8/12/2019 Blog Statement 2


  • 8/12/2019 Blog Statement 2


    When I ordered a packet in the mail for state by state cyber-harassment laws and definition NJ said,

    New Jersey

    Last updated: May 16, 2013

    Definitions; cyber-arass!ent, cyber-sta"#in$,arass!ent sta"#in$ desi$nated a cri!e; de$rees%

    a. As used in this act:

    1# "ourse of conduct" means repeatedly maintainin! a isual

    or physical pro#imity to a person$ directly, indirectly, or

    throu!h third parties, by any action, method, deice, ormeans, followin!, monitorin!, obserin!, sureillin!,

    threatenin!, or communicatin! to or about, a person, orinterferin! with a person%s property$ repeatedly committin!

    harassment a!ainst a person$ or repeatedly coneyin!, or

    causin! to be coneyed, erbal or written threats orthreats coneyed by any other means of communication or

    threats implied by conduct or a combination thereofdirected at or toward a person.

    &. "'epeatedly" means on two or more occasions.

    (. ")motional distress" means si!nificant mental sufferin! or


    *. "ause a reasonable person to fear" means to cause fear

    which a reasonable ictim, similarly situated, would haeunder the circumstances.

    b. A person is !uilty of stalkin!, a crime of the fourth de!ree, if hepurposefully or knowin!ly en!a!es in a course of conduct

    directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonableperson to fear for his safety or the safety of a third person or

    suffer other emotional distress.

  • 8/12/2019 Blog Statement 2


    c. A person is !uilty of a crime of the third de!ree if he commits

    the crime of stalkin! in iolation of an e#istin! court orderprohibitin! the behaior.

    d. A person who commits a second or subse+uent offense ofstalkin! a!ainst the same ictim is !uilty of a crime of the third


    e. A person is !uilty of a crime of the third de!ree if he commits

    the crime of stalkin! while serin! a term of imprisonment orwhile on parole or probation as the result of a coniction for any

    indictable offense under the laws of this tate, any other state or

    the nited tates.

    f. his act shall not apply to conduct which occurs durin! or!ani/ed

    !roup picketin!.

    0.122&, c.&32, s.1$ amended 1224, c.(2, s.1$ 1225, c. 16, s.($ 1222,

    c.*6, s.1$ &331, c.&&3, s.&$ &332, c.&5.

    7oin! off of this, I would say my obseration about 8au#, 9lin!, 1

    shot, and the !an! were correct. 9ullies. yber-arassers ; een



  • 8/12/2019 Blog Statement 2


    8or those who don=t already know, the reason N>? chan!ed to thename '.I..). ; AN@, and the reason we chan!ed our 9io had

    NIN7 to do with 8au#. Just weeks after launchin! No >ore ?ictims

    with my beloed friend, she passed away from cancer. his was onlytwo months after I lost my 7randma to cancer. I was no lon!er in a

    partnership since she was !one, so I decided to start oer and do myown thin!. A !ood bit of the olunteers that helped us with N>? was

    people who my belated partner worked with or was friends with but I

    did not know them all ery well.

  • 8/12/2019 Blog Statement 2


    We all went our separate ways, includin! the !irl who helped !et meconnected to witter Bat the time I thou!ht she had fooled meC, and I

    recruited my own new team.

    I neer really cared much for the name No >ore ?ictims because it

    wasn=t ery inspirin! and upliftin!. ome dear friends helped me tocome with '.I..). ; AN@. 'each. Inspire. upport. )mpower. he

    website ; the social accounts were made oer and our missionstatement chan!ed.

    I had different !oals then what my belated partner had and somecompletely different plans.

    >ost of you know that my employment outside of '; is ollyweb

    nline. I hae owned a elebrity D' ; Adertisin! company for 1*


    When I launched the or!ani/ation, I used a series of promotions toadertise. witter business promote, !oo!le ads, 89 ads, bin! ads,

    arious forms of promotion adertisement offered on the web. Just likeany business that wanted to be successful, I adertised. I=m !ood at

    what I do and it didn=t take lon! after ads were posted for my social

    sites to take off. In addition, I had some celebrity friends I=e !ainedoer the years helpin!.

    nfortunately wheneer usin! these adertisin! serices there is noway to preent spam accounts, dummy accounts, and bot accountsfrom clickin! on your ads.

    ere=s a tip for you, if you decide to scan someone=s witter for fake

    followers, Eust know ahead of time anyone who doesn=t hae s photo,

    hasn=t tweeted in 1* days, chose not to add a phone number to theiraccount, has less than F3 followers or has an account in a forei!n

    lan!ua!e will show has fake.

    Neertheless, yes, '; did !ain some bot followers throu!h ads. It isnothin! most people would worry or care about, unless they werelookin! for a reason to humiliate.

    tatement 1 !oes oer our relationship with witter.

  • 8/12/2019 Blog Statement 2


    >y team feels as if we are ery trained ; e#perienced. Apparently sodo schools, eent leaders, and other or!ani/ations because we are

    inited to speak and help seeral times monthly.

    he team takes classes ; courses re!ularly$ a couple is studyin!

    psycholo!y in school. A few of us schooled in the field of technolo!yand most importantly, all of us hae lied throu!h real life trauma=s

    that tau!ht us a lot.

    I also think that is a pretty bi! claim to make a!ainst others when you

    do not personally know them. 8au# does not know one person on ourteam personally. he neer met them neer spoke to them. Who is

    she to say who is +ualified to raise awareness a!ainst bullyin! or standup a!ainst harassmentG

    As far as the claims that we !ie out personal info recklessly,dan!erously and whateer other aderbs she used to cut us down, our

    priacy policy ; terms of serice hae always been aailable on ourwebsite.

    8or those who do not a!ree with how we work, we are sorry you feel

    that way and hope you can find another or!ani/ation that can help


    As for us, we neer take sides in the be!innin! and we don=t do oneside of the story Eobs.

    If you come to us claimin! someone is harassin! you and ruinin! yourlife, you can bet we will confront that person. We will let them know

    the claims a!ainst them. If we see they are !uilty, we will do our bestto stop it but if they are innocent, we will let them know we found

    them innocent.

    ere is 8au#=s idea of me usin! bully tactics. nlike her, I do not take

    thin!s out of conte#t so it fits my needs. Anyone who wants to checkthis out, !o to

    /@KittyMcCaffery knock knock1s40t__1k1ll tweeted onFeb 05, 2014 01:00e!ly

    @1"#0t_1Kill @KittyMcCaffery $ow co%ld

    @&"'and"()*+ know w#o loed in or accessed

    troll acct-fa%.realityere!lied onFeb 05, 2014 01:25e!ly!/1s40t__1k1ll!/fauxrealitye!/1s40t__1k1ll!/fauxrealitye
  • 8/12/2019 Blog Statement 2


    @Fa%.eality' @1"#0t_1Kill @&"'and"()*+ o% cant know w#o t#e !erson is

    o% can only know an area t#ey are inkittyccafferyre!lied onFeb 05, 2014 01:45e!ly

    @Fa%.eality' @1"#0t_1Kill @&"'and"()*+ & %naware of any software t#at

    tracks ore t#an an area of &"3kittyccafferyre!lied onFeb 05, 2014 01:4e!ly

    @KittyMcCaffery @1"#0t_1Kill @&"'and"()*+#y wo%ld yo% disc%ss it wit# t#e 6ery !eo!le w#o

    enco%raed t#e troll acct- o%re f%ll of

    s#itfa%.realityere!lied onFeb 05, 2014 02:01e!ly

    @Fa%.eality' @1"#0t_1Kill @&"'and"()*+ 7ook fa%. & #a6e no !roble wit# % 8

    dont know w#o % t#ink we a6e info too b%t we always said wekittyccaffery re!lied on Feb

    05, 2014 02:09e!ly

    @Fa%.eality' @1"#0t_1Kill @&"'and"()*+ dont take sides e #ere bot#

    !eo!les side of t#e story 8 t#en send w#at info we et to twitterkittyccafferyre!lied onFeb

    05, 2014 02:0e!ly@KittyMcCaffery @1"#0t_1Kill @&"'and"()*+

    )re yo% denyin t#at yo% told t#e 6icti @(witter

    a6e yo% info on troll acct-fa%.realitye re!lied on Feb 05,

    2014 02:20e!ly

    @Fa%.eality' @1"#0t_1Kill @&"'and"()*+ @twitter we were ;%st told it wasnt

    coin fro location we t#o%#t by a friendkittyccaffery re!lied on Feb 05, 2014 02:2

  • 8/12/2019 Blog Statement 2


    help. A N>? olunteer was assi!ned her case at the time and was!ien the story by 'o/ that someone created a parody account to

    harass her and her family. he said the name of the account was anaddress and at the time, I think the account een had a photo of a

    family member=s house.

    he was asked who she thou!ht may hae done this and was told she

    suspected two women. 'o/ asked her info stay priate and was erydemandin!.

    he bi!!est priority for the team at the time was remoin! the parodyaccount. We reported it, sent fa# to witter, and then the olunteer

    asked the public to spam block the account to !et it remoed faster.

    he team did not think this was a bad moe because 'o/ herself

    tweeted about the account Eust about daily een mentionin! who=saddress the accounts name was usin! seeral times. >ind you, her

    account was not priate when she posted the info.

    Neertheless, 'o/ freaked on the olunteer so bad I stopped what Iwas doin! to take oer the case completely.

    I could see ri!ht away she was hi!hly demandin! and I fi!ured shewas either ery emotional about the parody or this was Eust her

    personality. )entually, a team member !ot the ID of the parodyaccount user. We could not !ie the entire ID to 'o/ but we did show

    her enou!h to let her know the two women she suspected were not inthe area of this ID. his infuriated her and I was threatened not to tellthe women what I had discoered. oweer, that is not how we work.

    he two women were clearly ictimi/ed also since they were accusedof runnin! the parody account.

    I could not lie with myself knowin! the account was not located intheir area and watch them be accused of bein! trolls. Anyone that

    knows 8au# and her !roup know that they don=t Eust accuse someoneof a crime and leae it be. hey harass, threaten, and humiliate the

    accused ictim for as lon! as they can.

    'o/, 8au# and her !roup were outra!ed I told the women the ID was

    not from their area. I didn=t Eust stop there thou!h. I spoke to peoplethat knew both sides tryin! to find out if anyone had solid proof of who

    owned the account.

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  • 8/12/2019 Blog Statement 2


    Door .A.8.). A8) is owned by a !irl named andra who asked meto help her build and put to!ether her or!ani/ation. he saw all I had

    done with 9ullies eep ut and wanted me to do somethin! similar forher but instead of bullyin! she wanted to focus on domestic abuse.

    he had a passion to help women and children who lied in abusie

    homes because her husband used to be an alcoholic and abused her. Afew times in Eail, counselin!, and the scare of andra leain! him, her

    husband turned his life around. e has now been clean for 4 years.

    Anyways, andra=s mother owns a well established a non-profit. hehelped andra +uickly !et under her F31c( in a few months. I built her

    website for free and helped her !et on her feet.

    andra was !ood friends with one of our olunteers who were helpin!risten with some stalker issues she had while I built websites and did

    all the or!ani/ation start up work.

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    he olunteer I=m talkin! about is the one who made a friendship withthe two reps from witter. Now, to be honest I do not know what all

    was !oin! on here. I am not the one who wrote the tweets durin! thistime and I don=t know if andra is talkin! about info she !ot from the

    witter reps or somethin! else. I am the one who tweeted you see

    from '; aboe and I was Eust bein! honest. It Eust wasn=t what 8au#wanted to hear and it looked better for her story if she said it was a


    ere, 8au# knew e#actly what this tweet was about$ it was not about

    people askin! us alid +uestions. he bullies we were referrin! to were

    1shot, horseman and others that were postin! tweets like, Hhere kittykitty. 0yin! cunt I hae literally hundreds of tweets from 8au#=s !roup

    who attacked my or!ani/ation, myself, my friends and my family,

    callin! us dis!ustin! names and throwin! out accusations. A I900LIN7. ae to admit, !irls !ot !reat twistin! skills.

    I did delete tweets for a short time that mentioned we !ot help from

    twitter because when 8au# asked me those +uestions and my oldolunteer acted shady not wantin! to !ie me the reps info I !ot


  • 8/12/2019 Blog Statement 2


    I=m ery humble and if my olunteer lied and I found out she did Iwould hae publically apolo!i/ed. I actually let her !o because she

    refused to !ie me the info but a couple months after I reached out toher askin! for a statement and told her all the trouble caused. he

    then !ae me all the info and I see she was ri!ht. I owed )' an

    apolo!y. We are all back on !ood terms now.

    What the heck kinda of anti-hate or!ani/ation does she think I amrunnin! hereG I am not the 89I. I don=t een know an anti-bullyin! or

    human traffickin! or!ani/ation that has all those credentials. I spoketo tomp ut 9ullyin!, Not 8or ale, Anti-9ullyin!. 7o, and seeral

    other or!ani/ation ; causes and asked if any of their board of directorsor team has these credentials and if it=s een re+uired. he mostcommon answer, HWhat would we need that forG No one had those

    kinds of skills.

    9ut, since I hae helped track stalkers for oer 1* years for my

    celebrity clients and hae learned how to use seeral software=s thathelp me do so, I feel e#perienced. ince our team continually takes

  • 8/12/2019 Blog Statement 2


    classes ; courses on bullyin!, human traffickin!, abuse, and otherrelated subEects we feel professional. ince all of us hae lied throu!h

    abuse and rose aboe it we feel e#perienced. I took seeral computerclasses where I learned a ton about scripts and IDs. hat counts for


    >oreoer, since this 8eb 16thour team has more than doubled. We

    now hae two trained professionals in computer forensics on board,one psychiatrist in trainin!, a teacher, a retired police officer, a

    eterinarian, and seeral other people with !reat skills. I=d like to know

    when I said I had Hno such skills. Dretty sure I always said I owned aD' company where I helped track and identify stalkers and took

    seeral classes oer 1* years to learn how. mmm

  • 8/12/2019 Blog Statement 2


    Leah I was liid. 8au# and her entire !roup were tellin! eeryone westole our donations for ourseles and were tellin! people do not donate

    to use because we are a fraud.

    8irst, could someone please send me a screen shot where no more

    ictims or rise for that matter said we were a non-profit before midAprilG

    I know, I hae neer said we were a non-profit before we became a

    non-profit. I said non-profit pendin!.. or !iin! circle or!ani/ation.

    ow could an or!ani/ation Eust launched already be a non-profitG hatdoes not make sense.

    andra asked us to be under the same F31c( she was under and at

    first, I accepted. It=s a lot less money, faster, and much easier to !o

    that route. 0ater, I chan!ed my mind and decided to pay to !et myown F31c(

    oweer, 8au# claimed all of this was a lie based off the fact that

    andra failed to mention on her erbalife 89 pa!e that the picture ofher and her friends celebratin! was not only for reachin! their wei!ht

    loss !oal, but receiin! their F31c( umbrella. Bnder her mom=s or!C

    hame on you andra for not e#plainin! your personal party in it=sentirety on your personal 89.

    9W, afe us not our sister site.

  • 8/12/2019 Blog Statement 2


    orrection, andra did not lie about her F31c( status and 8au# knewthat because she looked it up and found out A8) was under andra=s

    moms F31.

    he did delete her witter but it wasn=t because she did anythin!

    wron!. It was because 8au# and her !an! attacked her and her familypostin! pics of her family callin! them dis!ustin! thin!s. 8au# ; 1sh3t

    posted her husbands mu! shots and case records from when he wasan alcoholic and tweeted thin!s like, HA8) helps top Abusie 8amily

    )nironments, e#cept for her own 00

    I do not know if you are a recoerin! alcoholic or addict but you can

    ima!ine how it must feel to be accused of somethin! still after oercomin! it and it was a real low blow for andra since she sacrificed so

    much and worked so hard to help !et her husband where he is today.

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    I admire that woman !reatly because she counsels women daily, shehelps women and children !et out of abusie homes and into safe

    houses weekly.

    What does 8au# and 1sh3t doG

    Ne#t, oh yes when I helped my e# husbands cousin who=s house burnt

    down. >anM ow awful of me. 9ack in No &31( around the holidaysmy e# husband=s cousin who I call my cousin too lost her home and

    eerythin! she owned in a house fire. he is a sin!le mom with (

    dau!hters. wo who are in colle!e and one that=s in middle school. Icreated a 8undly account to help them.

    he 8undly account clear e#plained she was family Bat least I consider

    her familyC and I needed people to help her. Nowhere on the 8undly

    account, which is still runnin! today, does it say donations were ta#e#empt. )en if 'ise and tand was ta# e#empt at the time which we

    were not and was not claimin! to be, the fundly would still not bee#empt because it was set up personally by me under a personal

    account and not a non-profit charity account.

    9efore we receied out ta# status in April, we were able to choose how

    we wanted to use our donations. here we no restrictions accordin! toour state at the time as lon! we paid are ta#es.

    At first, we had donations set to F3F3. 'ise took F3K so we could

    pay to apply for our F31c( and build our or!ani/ation and the restwent to charities we support.

    nce we paid for F31c( we chan!ed it to 63(3 which is 80 Non-profitlaw.

    @on=t see what we did wron! here since this info was posted on oursiteG

    o this wraps up part & and anyone who has +uestions feel free to

    email me at

    hanks for readin!M

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]