Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom...

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. SUNDAY The Holy Eucharist 7:30 a.m. Rite I 9:00 a.m. Rite II, Rite III 10:15-11:15 a.m. Formation 11:15 a.m., Rite II Weekdays Tuesdays, 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. The Holy Eucharist 2nd Thursday, noon Healing Eucharist Saturday, 4:30 p.m. The Holy Eucharist February, 2014

Transcript of Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom...

Page 1: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom… · Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


The Holy Eucharist

7:30 a.m. Rite I 9:00 a.m. Rite II, Rite III

10:15-11:15 a.m. Formation 11:15 a.m., Rite II

Weekdays Tuesdays, 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer

Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. The Holy Eucharist

2nd Thursday, noon Healing Eucharist Saturday, 4:30 p.m. The Holy Eucharist

February, 2014

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Page 2 February, 2014

Rector’s Annual Report As I mentioned in my written report, we have had a tremendously successful year in most every seg-ment of our parish life and ministries – in some instances, unprecedented in our history. I am deeply indebted to our wardens, Mike McDonnell and Jane Francoeur, for their extraordinary efforts this past year, particularly with the Restoration 60 project. They helped us sail through the inevi-table glitches with near perfection, and they were here on site with such regularity that I worried that they’d ask to be put on the payroll! As you may know, last month marked the retirement of Rusty Holaway, our sexton, after 24 years of service. His faithful work supported our ministries in countless ways. At a gala December Sunday fare-well, we wished him and Nancy Godspeed; and thanks to many of you, we were able to give him a suit-able purse, expressing our deep appreciation for his longtime ministry among us. I’d like to close tonight by sharing with you two transitions that are on the horizon: one of them this year, and one in 2015. First, after nearly 13 years of priestly ministry here at Trinity-by-the Cove, Mother Alice will be leaving the end of this year. Her decision is to insure she is properly positioned to accept a new call. She is also in good health to do so. Alice came to us directly from seminary. Both her ordina-tions, to the deaconate and to the priesthood, took place here at Trinity-by-the-Cove. She was the first female priest to serve the parish. We have benefited in countless ways from her ministry, her presence, her generosity of spirit, and her dedication to our parish -- and to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Three particular areas of our parish life and ministry have excelled under her leadership – adult formation, pastoral care, and the ministry of healing. She has been a blessing to countless people, me included. She reminded me recently that I said to her, when she was called to this parish, that among the gifts we both could give the parish would be a long tenure, since such tenures had not been experienced here at Trinity-by-the-Cove for decades. This leads me to share with you another transition that will happen in the following year: I have made the decision to retire in 2015. I am currently in the 15th year of serving as your rector; my family and I arrived the beginning of October 1999. I was forty years old, married, with two school-aged chil-dren. Now, after fifteen years, I am still married -- quite happily, I might add -- and both Cameron and Cho have graduated from college, found careers, and have married. I’ve said before that my previous parish taught me how to be a priest –and, truth be told, Trinity-by-the-Cove has taught me how to be a rector. My decision to retire has been thoughtfully considered. The decision has not been rushed. Over the past few years, Jill and I have given this a great deal of thought, reflection and prayer. Lest there be any concern, all is well with me. I am healthy, having fully recovered from back surgery. My marriage to Jill

Below was presented at the 60th Annual Meeting for Trinity-by-the-Cove on January 27, 2014, by the Rector, The Rev. Michael Basden

Page 3: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom… · Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the

Rector’s Annual Report is vibrant and strong, and our children could not be better. We are in a good place, and we are at peace with this decision. Two thousand fifteen marks my 30th year as a priest, 28 of those as a rector. I have come to believe that God has in store for me something more, something different in my priestly ministry. I do not know yet what it is, but I put my whole trust in the Holy Spirit to guide me. Jill and I intend to remain in Naples. We have lived here longer than any other place. We love it here, and can’t imagine living anywhere else. As my fourth-generation Floridian mother is fond of saying, “We have and will always have sand in our shoes!” A danger of long-term successful rectorships is staying too long which is neither good for the parish nor the rector. Trinity-by-the-Cove is arguably in the best shape it’s been for decades, and this is the way I would like to leave it. A wise priest once told me that I was a builder priest. At first, I didn’t understand what he meant; but now I do, and I believe he is correct. In these 15 years, not only have buildings been built here at Trinity-by-the-Cove, but more importantly, ministries have been strengthened and increased -- in the areas of worship and music, Christian Formation, parish membership, outreach, charitable bequests, community service, operating budgets, and the strengthening of the endow-ment. You may not be aware that our yearly operating budget has steadily grown over these past 15 years and has now doubled in size from what it was in 1999. Our endowment has been steadily growing, and is now nearly three times the size it of what it was when I arrived. In addition, over these past fifteen years we have raised together nearly 8.5 million dollars for the expansion of our facility and ministry. The time has come for a transition to the next phase, so that the parish’s ministry and mission can be built up further on the foundation which has been prepared. Bishop Smith will be meeting with the Vestry this coming weekend to discuss the various models of transition available. Rather than the one-cookie cutter model, there are now several different ways to choose a new rector. The parish is now offered an unprecedented opportunity. My retirement will be the first clergy retirement in the parish’s history. Rather than announcing my decision and leaving in a month or so (which is the tra-ditional pattern), my remaining as rector for the next 15 to 20 months will avoid disruption to the life and ministry of the parish, and, at the same time, allow the parish to move forward at a considered, deliberate pace, as we begin the next chapter of our parish’s clergy leadership. I am confident these months will serve us well. The Vestry will begin shaping and planning where we go from here, making sure to keep the momentum we are currently experiencing; and the Wardens will keep you informed of their progress and decisions. Mother Alice, Father Edward and I will continue to do our best to follow God’s lead in our lives and ministries, which, in essence, is the work of discernment. Discernment involves prayer; -- it also involves reflection, self-awareness, seeking wise counsel, and the courage to move into uncharted waters. (continued, page 4) Page 3 February, 2014

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Rector’s Annual Report The three of us are committed to doing our best to do what is right, not only for ourselves, but for this parish and the Church at large. Discernment will also be the vestry’s work. I have confidence that they, too, will ground their efforts in prayer, reflection and wisdom from the past, while being confi-dent and realistic about the future, seeking good guidance, as they, like Mother Alice and me, move into unexplored terrain. Trinity-by-the-Cove is blessed with a strong and devoted vestry. We are en-trusting these twelve wise and dedicated leaders with an important work. I am asking each of you to remain calm and confident in the future.

As I told the vestry, I now tell you: God is holding you and our parish in the palm of his hand. God wants what is right, good, and fruitful for this parish, and I know that prayerful discernment will lead Trinity-by-the-Cove ever more deeply to fulfill our stated mission: “To spread the Good News of the Gospel, and provide a loving and compassionate environment for the continuing transformation of a life in Christ Jesus; believing this journey is shaped by God through worship, learning, friendship and service to others.” I realize this news is a surprise to most of you. In time, we all will settle into a new ‘normal’. Our anxiety will fade, and we will begin to look forward to the new opportunities which God has put be-fore us. In the meantime, I ask you to share in the confidence I have: that God will continue to guide, encourage and empower this parish family, to proclaim the Good News of God in Christ Jesus ---- as it has done for over sixty years. I should also tell you that a letter to the entire parish was mailed earlier today, announcing both of these clergy transitions. Thank you for allowing me to serve as your rector all these years. Words are inadequate to express my feelings of gratitude and delight for the many ways in which God has blessed me and my family: in and through all of you. Thank you

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Page 5 February, 2014

The Fine Art of Living invites you to join us for two very special events this season. The funds raised from these events will be distributed to agencies fo-cusing on mental health, shelters, and exceptional services, all within Collier

County. This year’s events are:

Saturday, February 8, 2014 The Fine Art of Dining with Chef Rick Bayless

Enjoy a gourmet excursion into contemporary regional Mexican cuisine with multiple award-winning James Beard Chef Rick Bayless. Cookbook author, chef-restaurateur, and television personality Rick Bayless has done more than any other culinary star to introduce Americans to authentic Mexican cuisine.

Cocktails and hors d’ oeuvres, seated dinner with paired wines, exciting auction items, and a night mingling with one of the world’s foremost chefs makes this one of the most talked about events of the 2014 season.

$350 per person The Port Royal Club

Saturday, March 1, 2014 A Magical Night in Monte Carlo

Escape to the glitz of Monte Carlo for a night of intrigue and mystery. Dine on festive food, test your luck in the casino entertainment, peruse the silent auction, and mingle under the spell of international glamour. $175 per person The Port Royal Club

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Wednesday Nights Out

Page 6 February, 2014

Brian McLaren, author Date and Time: February 5th at 6:00 pm Location: Parish Hall Dinner: $15.00

Brian D. McLaren is an author, speaker, pastor, and networker among innova-tive Christian leaders, thinkers, and activists. His groundbreaking books include A New Kind of Christian, A Generous Orthodoxy, The Secret Message of Jesus, and Everything Must Change. His latest book was released in June, 2014, is We Make

the Road by Walking. Named by Time Magazine as one of America's top twenty-five evangelicals, McLaren has ap-peared on Nightline and Larry King Live, and has been covered by The Washington Post and the New York Times. Please sign the roster in the hall when it appears. Dinner will be served and is $15 per person.

Diana Butler Bass, author Date and Time: February 12th at 6:00 pm Location: Parish Hall Dinner: $15.00 Diana Butler Bass is an author, speaker, and independent scholar specializing in American religion and culture. She holds a Ph.D. in religious studies from Duke University and is the author of eight books, including Christianity After Religion: The End of Church and Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening, A People’s History of Chris-tianity: the Other Side of the Story (Harper One, 2009). Publishers Weekly named her best-selling Christianity for the Rest of Us as one of the best religion books of 2006.

Diana consults with religious organizations, leads conferences for religious leaders, and teaches and preaches in a variety of venues. She regularly comments on religion, politics, and culture in the media including USA Today, Time, Newsweek, The Washington Post, CNN, FOX, PBS, and NPR. From 1995 to 2000, she wrote a weekly column on American religion for the New York Times Syndicate. She is a contributing editor for Sojourners Mag-azine. Please sign the roster in the hall when it appears. Dinner will be served and is $15 per person.

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Page 7 February, 2014

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

D on’t you just love receiving invi-tations in the mail? I have even

received e-vites online! Do you remem-ber as a child, the invitations in the shape of a dinosaur or an ice cream cone? Thirty some years ago, I remem-ber being overwhelmed at choosing wedding invitations. Aren’t the invita-tions to the Fine Art of Living some of the finest?! What about the invitation to a “Stay at Home Tea Party”, with the tea bag enclosed? Such a creative fund raiser! Then there is the “Open Invita-tion” we have for our families to come and visit us in Florida.

Well, I have an invitation that I know you will delight in accepting! The cate-chists and children invite you to come to and see our three Catechesis of the Good Shepherd atria. For parents it is a great opportunity to see your child’s work; and for all parishioners, it is a time to better understand Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. The children want to share their favorite works with each of you and your presence allows them to shine! You will gladden our hearts, and we will appreciate your support. Make sure to admire our lovely courtyard garden so lovingly cared for by the catechists and the children under the direction of Deborah Gallagher Each year we have first-time visitors to the atrium who cannot believe their eyes. If this will be your first visit, come ready to be amazed! If you are returning, we know you will enjoy your time with us. This is also an ex-cellent opportunity to come and personally thank our catechists and assistants: Anne Angstrom, Meredith Brewer, Jeanette Havig, Marcie Kohl, Ruth Leigh, Diane Moore, Lisa Murray, and Christi Silver for their com-mitment to the religious formation of Trinity’s children. Besides, our Good Shepherd is always present in this holy place. How can you say No to him? Refreshments will be served in the courtyard, so follow the children after the 9:00 liturgy to our holy place.

Come and see the works of God, he is awesome in his deeds for mankind! Psalm 66:5

Linda Gemmer Director, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

The children of


invite you to visit the

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Between 10:05am and 11:05am

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Coming this Month

Page 8 February, 2014


O n Sunday, February 2nd, Trinity-by-the-Cove’s Focus on Faith program begins. The program

is designed for adults preparing for Baptism, Confir-mation, Reception, or deeper spirituality. It explores understanding God, human relationships, and the Episcopal Church. Whether you are a new member to Trinity-by-the-Cove or a life-long Episcopalian, Focus on Faith may be of interest to you. The sessions will be led by the Rev. Ann Steven-son, beginning on February 2nd from 12:30 to 2:00 in the Conference Room, with a light lunch. Some of the topics will be: The Journey, Jesus and the Chris-tian Gospel, Baptism and the Holy Eucharist, the Bible, the History of the Episcopal Church, the Book of Common Prayer, Prayer, Palm Sunday, and Easter Sunday. Each week begins with check-in and a light lunch, followed by a presentation with questions and discussion. We finish with prayer at 2:00 p.m. To participate in Focus on Faith, or if you have ques-tions, call (262-6581 ext. 206), or send an e-mail asad-ler This is a great way to build faith and friendships.

Men of Trinity

Monday, February 10th at 8 AM

T he next meeting of the Men of Trinity will be 8 AM Monday, February 10 in the Par-

ish Hall. All men of the church are welcome. Zach Gurick, Area Director for Young Life, will be joining us to speak of his work which is part of a national effort serving 1.4 million kids with over 58,000 volunteers. Come join us for good fellowship, breakfast and another chance to do some good. Please sign up in the Parish Hall if you plan to attend. Contact Mark Goebel at mark.c.goebel@gmail or 239.595.3921 with any questions.

WELLNESS RECEPTION Monday, February 14th, 4:30-6:00 pm

The Trinity-by-the-Cove Wellness Committee has changed the format of our Wellness Education Forums to afternoon receptions from 4:30-6:00 pm. Please plan to join us for these Wellness Receptions; you will find them very interesting and helpful.

On Monday, February 24th, we welcome Susan Kemper, RN, nursing director of Mental Health Services at NCH. She will focus on caring for the caregiver. At one time or another, most of us face the task of caring for someone suffering from an acute or long term ill-ness. Our ability to care for a loved one can only be as good as the care we take of ourselves. Susan will offer her advice on taking care of ourselves during these stressful times.

Women of Trinity Luncheon Program GUARDIANS OF THE EVERGLADES Tuesday, February 18th, noon

W hat passion drives a person to spend his or her entire life protecting wood stork nesting sites,

the Florida panther, and wild orchids? Join us as we “visit” the Everglades and experience your own love affair with one of the most magical yet fragile places on earth and meet the twelve living Guardians who are devoting their lives to conservation of this American treasure.

Classical portrait artist Nicholas Petrucci and conservation photographer Connie Bransilver, with paintings, sheer banners, photographs, video, music and a few words, will offer you insights into this devo-tion.

Lunch is provided by Crave Culinaire and is $15 per person. These luncheon programs are a great way to introduce Trinity-by-the-Cove to your friends. Please sign the roster in the hall to assist with planning.

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Page 9 February,. 2014

Coming this Month /Around the Parish S A G E S Seniors are God’s experienced servants Thursday, February 20th Conservancy Trip

P arishioner Ellie Kendrick has arranged for the SAGES to visit the newly-renovated “Conservancy” on

Thursday, February 20th. Our visit will include a special electric boat ride with guide plus a tour of the Dalton Discovery Center and the Von Arx Wildlife Hospital.

Please sign up in the Parish Hall.

Time: 11:45AM-arrive at Welcome Center (off Goodlette ) 12:00 to 1:00 PM enjoy a box lunch 1:00 to 3:00 PM Boat trip and tour Cost $20/per person; payable to Trinity by the Cove Questions: Call Clyde & Lorry McBride @ 300-4705 ***you do not need to be a SAGES to join us***


Grand Concert of Civil War Music Music from a Divided Nation


A fascinating afternoon of popular music from the time of Abraham Lincoln’s presi-

dency, with original scores from the Lincoln archives in Springfield, Illinois, some of them not heard since the Civil War era. There’ll be famous favorites from both the North and the South: When Johnny comes marching Home, Dixie’s Land, Battle Hymn of the Republic, Tenting Tonight; as well as some obscure historical songs: Oh, I’m a good old Rebel, The Bonnie Blue Flag, Lincoln’s Requiem, The Grand Inaugural Polonaise (written for President Lincoln), The Douglas Polka, and others. A reception follows the concert. This is a great way to introduce newcomers to our beautiful church.

John Fenstermaker, Director of Music

Church Mouse

A s many of you are aware, Marilyn Wain-scott, our long-time chair of the Church

Mouse, has retired. We are sad to see her go, but we wish her well in her new “life of leisure.”

Women of Trinity are pleased to report that we have four new Church Mouse chairs. They are: Alexandra Austriacu, Thayer Caskey, Barba-ra Todd, and Lydia Kerr. These ladies are all en-ergetic, enthusiastic, and committed to the minis-try of the Church Mouse. Please welcome and support them in their new ministry with the Church Mouse!

Looking ahead a bit….the next BIG Church Mouse Sale is now scheduled for Saturday, March 8th! There will be lots of opportunity for you to volunteer and help in many areas for a successful sale. At this point, the Mouse is in need of good quality items most especially furni-ture that commands the bigger prices. Perhaps it is time to change out your sofa or a dining set? Please call the parish office if you need large items picked up.

Habitat Service Project The Service Commission assisted in the construction of three homes at Regal Acres during a 4-hour work session. We had 25 volunteers including 8 from the Youth Group. Projects included adding

soffet and siding to two homes and building interior walls on a third home. A three bedroom home's interior wall studs were completely built and erected during the work session, mainly by the Youth group with help from several of the adults. It was quite an accomplishment, and it was still standing when we checked out at noon! We also met several of the future home owners who were working on the site. Jim Wheeler, Chair

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Page 10 February 2014

Around the Parish

M eet Patrick Meek, the 28-year-old son of our very own Sherrie and Joe Meek, will be competing in the

5,000- and possibly the 10,000-meter speedskating events.

Patrick, who first put on ice skates at age 2, seemed destined to hit the ice. Joe was on the national speedskating circuit and was a club coach at the North-brook Speed Skating Club in Chicago when Patrick was 4. “In order for me to continue to coach there, I had to bring Patrick with me, and that’s when he started skating regu-larly,” Joe said. “He’s been at it for 24 years.” After high school, Patrick moved to Salt Lake City in 2004 to pursue his Olympic dream, while his family moved to Naples. In 2010, he missed making the Olympic team by one slot. “Rather than going to law school at USC as he planned, he decided to give it one final try,” Joe said. “He supported himself, securing corporate sponsorships and working as a valet at the Waldorf Astoria Park City to make it happen. His parents are relieved he’s made it, it’s been a long time coming.”

Patrick just finished a regional qualification cham-pionship in Calgary, then heads to Munich for Olympics’ processing before arriving in Sochi. Joe and his wife will be leaving on Feb. 5 to see the opening ceremony and the 5,000-meter event the following day. Joe said. “We’re in-credibly excited to go, and very proud of Patrick — he’s supported himself through this without our help. This is purely his success.” Congratulations to Patrick for this incredible ac-complishment — the Trinity family will be rooting for him. For more information about Patrick and his Olympic journey,

visit the Team USA website


O n Sunday, January 19th as the run-ners of the Naples Half-Marathon

ran past Trinity-by-the-Cove and received a blessing, Trinitarians gathered to sign a Prayer Canvas for next year’s Boston Marathon. The Prayer Canvas is a grass-roots project to honor the Boston Mara-thon bombing victims and survivors, as well as the City of Boston. Designed to show America's unity and humanity, the Prayer Canvas will travel the US from May 2013 - February 2014 collecting well wishes from the public. Nicole Soderlund a Trinity member, and co-worker with America 4 Boston, brought two of the 150 canvases traveling to the 2014 Boston Marathon to Trinity. With the power of the Holy Spirit, God will turn this tragedy to good. With our love and prayers, Boston will know heal-ing. The Prayer Canvas will be presented to the city on Patriot’s Day, April 21, 2014 at the Red Socks game at Fenway Park

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Page 11 February, 2014

ICON WORKSHOP March 31 - April 4

Although icons have been an integral part of worship and prayer in the Eastern Ortho-dox Church for hundreds of years, today many Western Christians find them to be a rich resource for spiritual growth. In addition to pray-ing with icons, some have found that actually writing (i.e. painting) an icon of their own can be a moving experi-

ence. Small icon-writing classes have been led by Rebecca Taylor at Trinity-by-the-Cove annually since 2008. Rebecca is a highly respected icono-grapher in the Byzantine tradition and a gentle teacher with 20 years of experience with this an-cient form of art and prayer. NO PREVIOUS

ART BACKGROUND IS NECESSARY, just ask any of the clergy! The process consists of a series of traditional and well-defined steps, each of which is first demonstrated by the instructor. There is no competition; writing an icon is a spiritual exercise, framed by prayer and Chris-tian fellowship. This year's subject will be the image of Christ the Good Shepherd. The workshop is five days in length, beginning each morning at 9 and ending at 4. The day begins with a brief period of discussion about the history of icons and pray-er. Participants bring their lunch and we enjoy a social time at mid-day. The cost of the class is $400.00. Although most materials (including gold leaf ) are provided by the instructor, partici-pants supply their own panel and brushes. A list of options and suggestions is available when you register. A deposit of $100 is required by March 7th. Perhaps this is something you might be in-terested in exploring this year? You will be glad you did.

Looking Ahead Lenten Morning of Reflection

Wednesday, March 12 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.



led by The Rev. Ann Stevenson

John 13:34, 35 - I give you a new command-ment, that you love one another. Just as I loved you, you should love one another. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

It sounds rather simplistic, even trite, but receiving and demonstrating sacrificial love is one of the most difficult and challenging admonitions set before people of faith. It requires courage, forgiveness, generosity, compassion, hu-mility and the willingness to surrender our prejudices, our self-absorption and our need to always be right.

1 Corinthians 13:13 - Now faith, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Join us for this brief time of meditation, silence, journal writing and prayer as we seek God in scripture, tradition, reason and experience. You may want to bring a pad/journal for making notes. ALL ARE MOST WELCOME: men and women, Trinitarians, Episcopalians, guests.

1 John 4:7 - Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God, and the one who loves is born of God and knows God.

Schedule 9:00 - 9:30 Continental breakfast 9:30 - 10:00 The Holy Eucharist 10:00 - 10:15 break 10:15 - 12:15 Presentations and reflections 12:15 - 12:30 Conclusion

Sponsored by the Daughters of the King The Proverbs Woman Chapter

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Page 12 February, 2014

Looking Ahead



May 2 – 4, 2014

Our accommodations include the Pool House with a Meditation Garden and three cabins. The retreat officially opens with dinner on Friday, but attendees are welcome to enjoy the grounds during the afternoon. The retreat will end at noon on Sunday. A non-refundable deposit of $60 will reserve your spot for the weekend. The cost for semi-private rooms is $230. and private rooms are $300 for the weekend. This covers all meals and lodging for the weekend. Reserva-tions will begin in February. Please come join in the fun and relaxation. More details will follow soon. For scholarship information, contact Alice Sadler, Associate Rector.


D r. Susan Wilson, founder & CEO of the Tumaini Fund, will be back in Naples March 1- 10, 2014,

for a week of speaking engagements and fundraising.

As many Trinitarians already know, the mis-sion of the Tumaini Fund is to help the estimated 200,000 impoverished AIDS orphans in the Kagera re-gion of northwest Tanzania to survive and become self-sufficient by helping to meet their basic needs such as nutritional support, clothing, housing, mosqui-to nets, access to clean water & educational opportuni-ties. While visiting Naples, Dr. Wilson will meet with the Sewing for Hope ladies who spend hours making hundreds of dresses which are then blessed and mailed to the orphan girls in Kagera. These sim-ple dresses allow the young girls to attend school and not feel ashamed of their clothes. Dr. Wilson will address the congregation dur-ing her visit on March 8th and 9th.

It’s Carnival Time

Time marches on! Christmas is past, twelfth night as come and the next big day is Shrove Tues-day—the last great feast before Lent. As has been the tradition these past few years, the young families will gather for a young family social to feast on New Orle-ans fare. Children will decorate masks! Youth will decorate a banner! And, all will pass a good time. Then, on March 2nd, the children will offer the retiring procession at the 9 a.m. church service. They will pass out beads (symbolizing the kingdom of God) and cups (reminding us that our cup is never empty with God) and we will all sing when the Saints Go Marching In! Another note: The youth brainstormed on the theme

this year and decided that the Krewe-by-the-Cove will celebrate Mardi Gras and Good times with God. The good times, they say, are at Trinity-by-the-Cove and include: Kayaking, Disney Trips, Pilgrim-age, Forums, Doughnuts, Sunday time, Service Pro-jects, Mini Golf, and Acolyting to name a few. Note also that the youth selected Glow in the Dark Cups symbolizing the Light of Christ scattering darkness—clever bunch! We look forward to Good Times with God!

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Annual Stewardship 2014 Commitments As of Wednesday, January 29th, pledges have been received from the following parishioners. We offer thanks for their support of the life and ministry of our parish:

Page 13 February, 2014

Sandy & Chuck Abookire Alice & George Ahrens Grace & Frank Alexander Katie & Dave Anderson Barbara Angelescu Anne & Carl Angstrom Jennie & Stan Anton Bette & John Aymar Anne & Mason Ayres Marilyn & George Babcock Andy Baldwin Joan Ball Barbara Bambling Connie & Nicholas Barrow Gail & Ray Barry Barbara Bartlett Jill & Michael Basden Jane Baugham Joan Bawden Beth & Ed Beck Ann Beckett Dorothy & Nick Beckwith Sandra & John Beeman Walter Bell Bertha & Richard Bennett Linda Bennie Suzan & David Bergland Pat & Warren Bickerton Audrey Bird Nicole Biernat Birgit Biesing & Dick Maier Claudia & Robert Biggers Barbara Bixby Raymond Bligh Mary Duke Blouin Walter Boerger Mark & Elizabeth Bole Jessica & Nick Bosworth Ida & Azmy Boutros Cookie Boyd Erin & Mark Brahms Meredith & Scott Brewer Elizabeth Brewster Richard Briscoe Eileen Brooks Lilias & Jackson Bruce Tim Buck

Julia Bugera Polly Butler Marilyn Buttner Nancy & Doug Campbell Carol Carleton Emilie & John Carpenter Peggy & David Case Elizabeth Caskey Eleanor & Nick Chabraja Wendy & Larry Chamberlin Elizabeth Chish-Graham Karin & Ron Ciesla Charlotte & Tom Clarke Sandy & Joe Clausen Korinna & Howard Cole Cookie & Harry Coleman Elizabeth & Bacon Collamore Trig & Sam Cooley Mary & Jim Cooper Sheila & Bill Crawford Barbara Creason Barbara Crockett Maureen & Hardy Croom Mary Crosby Laurie & Carlton Dargusch Betsy Davis Kitty & Bob Davis Andrea & Andy Deane Diana Dearth Mary Ann & Tom Deveny Pam & Tom Devine Kathryn Dickinson Boyce Donaldson Lu Drackett Mame & William Drackett Barbara & Robert Dudley Sally & Don Dunaway Joann Duncan Caroline & David Dunn Mary & Ron Echols Arthur Edmonds Susan & John Eick Polly Eide Jane Erickson Jeanette & Herb Evert Jo Faulmann Gill & Jeremy Farmer

Jeanne & David Feight BJ & Dennis Ferriel Patricia Firth Sally & Bob Fischer Lilian Fischer Kathy Flack Joyce Fletcher Nancy Foley Pat Fordyce Joan & Peter Fortune Anne & Torrey Foster Joanne Fowler Mary Eunice & Bob Fox Jane & Philip Francoeur Elizabeth & Charles Frank Alice & Bob Fraser Judy Fratus Sonja Freeman Locke Galbraith Deborah Gallagher Caress & Pat Garten Steve Gauly Michele & Brice Byrd Karen & Jim Gburek Phyllis & Mike George Fay Ghorayeb Linda & Robert Gicking Muffin & John Gillam Gail Ginsburgh Marlin & Jim Glaspie Virginia & Edward Gleason Nan & Mark Goebel Mazzie & Charlie Gogolak Grace Gokturk Susan & Rick Goldie Pat & Gary Good Carol Goodrich Jane Gorg George Gould David Gray Beverly Graham Claire Greeley Anne Hagan Bill Haidle Gloria Hall Donna & John Hall June & Sam Hamra

Page 14: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom… · Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the

Annual Stewardship 2014 Commitments As of Wednesday, January 29th, pledges have been received from the following parishioners. We offer thanks for their support of the life and ministry of our parish:

Page 14 January, 2014

Linda Hardee Ann & John Harris Ellen Harris Diana Harrison Junko Hartman Jeanette Havig Helen & George Hawn Corky & Walter Hellyer Jim Hill David Hindman John Hochschild Nancy Hodgkiss Katherine Holloway Pierre Holloway Marion Howell Jan & Chuck Huffman Bonnie & Hal Hume Sally & Tom Inslee Debi & Richard Jaynes Stephanie & Matt Jepsen Liz & Jim Jessee Charlene & Bob Johnston Norma & Crawley Joyner Nan & Dave Jubell Sharon & Lance Julian Linda & Charles Karpas Emmie & George Kelly Sandra Kelly Eleanor & Bruce Kendrick Ruth & Dale Kern Lydia & Peter Kerr Jana & Jim Kirk Darlene & Eric Knorr Rebecca Knowles Fran & Roger Koch Marci Kohl & Peter McLean Diane & Jack Kreager Billie Krum Judy & Tom Kukk Vivianne Lake Susan LaPointe Anne Larson Anne & Bob Lashenka Marian Lauck Grace Lawson Dee & Chris Leach Margaret & Jim Leefe Ruth Leigh Rosemary Leistner

Heather Lerner Anne Lewallen Susan & John Limpitlaw Suzanne & George Lorch Cory Loucks Penny Love Dorothy Lowrie Vivian & Jim Lytle Joan Mac Millin Betsy & Mihai Marcu Stuart & Kirk Materne Carolyn & Kevin Martin Joanie & Bill Martin Susie Martinsen Lorry & Clyde McBride Lisa & Mike McDonnell Isabel & Fred McDuffie Gwendolyn McLaughlin Andrea & Mitch McLendon Sherrie & Joseph Meek Sally & Tom Melvin Lynne & Chuck Merriwether Helen Miller Angela & John Montaque Carolyn & Mike Moore Diane & Mick Moore Malcom Moore Robert Moore Yvonne Moore Mary Morris Emily & John Morse Judith & Joseph Mudarri Ginny & Steve Muehlberg Leah & Fred Mueller Grace Munique Sherrill Nash Patricia Nelson Kathy & Art Neumann Varick Niles Cynthia & Michael Nolan Lois Osler Joyce & Bill O’Meara Betty Jo Palmer Joan & Dean Patenaude Betty & Hugh Pearson Judy Perry Gretchen Peterson Salli & Lester Peterson Marion & Richard Petrelli

Beatrix & Robert Petter Susan Pettigrew Bonnie & George Pettway Carol Pier Charles Pingree Robert Potts Faye & James Preston Lucy Preston Evelyn Pugliese Nancy & Gordon Ragan Anne Ratliff Carole & Anthony Record Julie & Alan Renken Dee Richards Jerry Richards Paul Richards Sarah Ridgway Colby & Tom Rieger Kathryn Rieger John Robb Helen Roberts Barbara & Robbie Roberts Lindsay Robertson Molly & Bill Root Stanley Root Cathie & David Ross Holland Salley Martha & David Sampsell Donna & Bill Sawers Susan & George Schreiber Barbara & Chuck Schroeder Gale & Don Scott Marilyn & Wes Scott Marilyn & Bill Scott Susan & Harry Scott Michele & Bob Seass Phyllis & Bart Sharp Janice Shaw Midge Shepard Pam & Nick Shea Ruth Sheridan Jeannette Showalter Barbara Sill Elva & Mitch Sill Anne & Dick Silven Richard Slocomb Virginia Small Susan Joy & Larry Smellie Alfred Smith

Page 15: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom… · Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the

Page 15 January, 2014

Annual Stewardship 2014 Commitments As of Wednesday, January 29th, pledges have been received from the following parishioners. We offer thanks for their support of the life and ministry of our parish:

Beverly Smith Bitsy & Garnett Smith Jean & Phil Smith Jill & Richard Smith Margaret Smith Richard Smith Dianne & Gary Snable Mary Snyder Rebecca Lambert & Jon Sonne Petra & Joe Sparks Carol Spears Judy Sproul Dorothy & David Spry Isabelle & Ray Staffeldt Cindy & Ed Stegemann Susan Stielow Linda & Allan Stikleather Jessica Stearns Margaret Stevens Sally & Bill Stevens Muriel Stevenson-Johnson Millie & John Stewart Mary Stine Tom Stone Nancy & Nic Stones David Stowell Laura & Ron Strain Anne & Fred Stratton Carol Strong Kay Strong Mary Ann & Craig Sturken Tom Sully Jenny & Kermit Sutton Joanne Swanson Anna Taylor Jody Taylor Mary & Gill Teschner Julie & William Thompson Alice Thorn Mary Susan Tibstra Jody Tiffany Harry Timmons William Todd Jay Tompkins Jennie Tracey Diana Treco Robert Troth Judy Tuff

Jeanne & Tom Tyrrell Ashley & Sam Tunkle Louise & Anthony Urick Courtney & John Vanasse Patricia & Alex Vance Nan Van Every Sue & Dick von Maur Paula & George Vyverberg Marilyn & George Wainscott Cilla & Jack Wall June & Roger Ward Suzanne & Bert Warner Bernadette & Henry Watkins Mary Watkins Tom Watts Carole & Frank Weaver Sally Webb Harold Wegner Katy & Bob Weidenmiller Valerie & Casey Weidenmiller Sally & Daniel Weir Kenneth Whipkey Campbell & Van Whisnand Kathy & Gifford Wells Jane Wentling Pat & Jim Wheeler Liz Willard Betsy & Dave Williams Bryne Williams Roger Williams Sara Williams Trish & Michael Williams Carol Williamson Lis & Jeff Wilson Sue Winters Bill Whitbeck Eleanore & Doss Wood Roz & Philip Wyche Susan Yoder Patsy Zalokar

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Visitors/New Members

Baptism William Russell Drackett, son of Shannon & Jonathan Drackett, grandson of Mame & Bill Drackett, January 5, 2014

PARISH STAFF RECTOR: The Rev. Michael Basden, ext 202; SR. ASSOCIATE RECTOR: The Rev. Edward Gleason; ext 214; ASSOCIATE RECTOR: The Rev. Alice Sadler, ext 206;

DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: John Fenstermaker, ext 207; ASSISTANT ORGANIST: Mary Watkins;

OFFICE & FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR: Bill Haidle, ext 204; PARISH ADMINISTRATOR: Polly Butler, ext 202; DIRECTOR OF CATECHESIS: Linda Gemmer, ext 215; STAFF ASSISTANT: Katie Anderson, ext 201; DIRECTOR OF GIVING, Don Scott, ext. 211;

MEMBER MINISTRY COORDINATOR: Judy Fratus, ext 213; PARISH COUNSELOR: Ellen Harris, 404-0862;

SEXTON: Chris Wainscott, ext 210; HOUSEKEEPER: Tasha Moreno

Mick Moore, Senior Warden Jane Francoeur, Junior Warden

John Beeman Mark Goebel

Jim Jessee Sharon Julian Kathy Morris

John Robb Cookie Spears

Marilyn Tiburski Jody Tiffany

Casey Weidenmiller

Standing Notices The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is celebrated at the Easter Vigil, the Day of Pentecost, All Saints’ Day or the Sunday after All Saints’ Day, and on the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord (the First Sunday after the Epiphany). Baptisms are reserved for these occasions or when the Bishop is present.

The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is offered to members of the parish, in good standing, and members of their immediate family. Lent is not a suitable season.

It is expected for the parish office to be informed when a member of the parish is hospitalized in order to secure the ministrations of the church.

The Sacrament of Holy Unction is administered at the Healing Service on the second Thursday of each month at 12:00 p.m.


Or Current Resident

Tena & Chris Achen Beverly Bangs Kathy Bass Laurie & John Blatt Judy Boots

Susan Klugman Charles Milling Tim Nash Brad Noe Phyllis & William Renner

Celia & Arnold Serotsky Phyllis & Carl Staplin Betty & Hudnall Ware