Birds aradas


Transcript of Birds aradas


2010 / 2011

Andorinha-dos-beirais(Delichon urbicum)

Eng:Common House Martin Fr:L'Hirondelle de fenêtre


• The House Martin is a migratory passerine bird of the swallow family which breeds in Europe, north Africa and temperate Asia, and winters in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical Asia.;

• It feeds on insects which are caught in flight;• It has a blue head and upperparts, white rump and pure white

underparts, and is found in both open country and near human habitation;

(Delichon urbicum)

Andorinha das chaminés (Hirunda rustica)

Eng: Swallow the chimneys Fr : Avalez les cheminées

Andorinha das chaminés (Hirunda rustica)

• The swallow-the-chimneys, also known as Tern Red-necked (Hirundo rustica) is a small migratory bird belonging to the family of andorinhasHirundinidae.

• It feeds exclusively on insects, which captures in flight.• It migrates to the climates with plenty of flying insects.

Cegonha-Branca(Ciconia Ciconia)

Eng: White Stork Fr: Cigogne blanche

Cegonha-Branca (Ciconia Ciconia)

• The white stork (Ciconia ciconia) has white plumage except Remigi in their wings, which are a glossy black. Stork adult can reach a height of as much as 1.2 m, measuring nearly 1.2 m body length, with a magnificent wing span that can extend up to 2 m.

• Her long red beak, broad, pointed at the base, is used by the stork to search the mud frogs, fish or small reptiles.

Garça-branca-pequena(Egretta garzetta)

ENG : Egret small FR:Aigrete-petits

Garça-branca-pequena(Egretta garzetta)

• The little-egret (Egretta garzetta) is a pure white aquatic bird that is distributed by the wetlands of central and southern Europe. It is distinguished by the cattle egrets and long black beak and black paws with yellow legs.


(Milvus migrans)

Eng. Black Kite Fr. Black Kite

Milhafre-preto(Milvus migrans)

The black kite is a diurnal bird of prey. The black kite is about 55 cm long and 135-155 cm wingspan, weighs about 1 kg. The beak is curved and adapted to a carnivorous mode of feeding. This bird lives in solitary or in pairs.The black kite is a bird predator that feeds on small mammals, particularly rodents, and amphibians, but with characteristics of opportunistic food diet that varies according to geographical location and season.