BioMax Health -

BioMax Health Intelligent Bio-Medical Formula It is like having a Doctor in your body!

Transcript of BioMax Health -

BioMax Health

Intelligent Bio-Medical Formula

It is like having a Doctor in your body!

Who is BioMax?What is Bio-Medical?

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Company Projection

• Bio Max was established in 2018 for the research and development of bio-organic (living elemental) vitamins, minerals, pet care, animal care and plant care.

• It aims through creating a bio-medical product to replace synthetic and organic products with intelligent living elemental foods, supplements and fertilizers that would enhance the quality life of people, pets and plants.

• In creating bio-organic fertilizers designed to replace current super phosphate which harms the soil and has to be used yearly, with a fertilizer that can supply the same growth over a 5 to 10-year period at a reduced cost.

What is Bio-Medical

• Bio-Medical is when the vitamins, minerals and supplements are tuned to establish a synergistic relationship with the human body.

• People are not adapted to use inorganic mineral elements, we need plants to survive as all forms of foods start with plants.

• The human body has a complete DNA consistent and adaptable with any plant life, we are genetically coded to adapt to any part of this planet.

• Our bodies become attuned to the energy patterns of the food we eat.

Food Types

• Our bodies are primarily designed to eat foods in this order.1. Plant based

2. Animal based

3. Processed foods

When the food is damaged it delays progression of the cycle causing disease and aging occurs.

Why use Bio-Organic foods and fertilizers

• Plants when kept in their natural state have a kind of intelligence exhibiting opposing properties as necessary, in the appropriate times bio-medical fertilizers can during dry times draw water into the soil to nourish the plants roots and at wet times store the water in an elemental compound for future use.

• Our human body is like the soil has its basic needs that only natural bio-organic vitamins, minerals and supplements can supply.

Testing weight loss formula before and 4 weeks later:

Varicose veins before and after 4 weeks of treatment:

Plant before and 6 weeks after being treated with soil regeneration formula:

Animal care formula for farm animals and livestock.

Cat before and after 4 weeks of treatment with Pet Care formula:

Biomedical Camera and results of testing on patient with skin cancer.

Plant growing in bushfire ash & 4 weeks later peanut sprouting from the ash.

Soil prepared with soil regeneration formula before planting & 1 week after planting.

Plant before receiving regeneration formula

Plant 10 days after using soil regeneration formula

Plant growth after 15 days using soil regeneration formula

Peanut sprouting up from the bushfire ash

Soil prepared with soil regeneration formula

Bushfire ash after mixing in the soil regeneration formula

Results after 4 weeks of planting radishes in bushfire ash

Plant when first planted in bushfire ash with its first treatment of the soil regeneration formula.

After 2 weeks of testing the soil regeneration formula has started absorbing moisture from the air to aid the plants growth.

Plant after one day of testing the soil regeration formula.

Plant after 1 week, 4 peanuts are planted in the new regenerated soil to test if they will grow.

4 weeks later a peanut has sprouted from the soil, the plant has out lived its life cycle.

Three seed trays prepared with different types of the soil regeneration formula, radishes planted as the test plant.

Tray 1 after 1 week of testing, just bushfire ash no formula

Tray 2 after 1 week of testing, bushfire ash and formula.

Tray 3 after 1 week of testing, bushfire ash, formula and seedling mix.

In Conclusion

• If the virus is a parasite using anthrax, staff, strep as its backbone as all are of the same family, the virus is mutating by changing its relationships with its sister and brother viruses it doesn’t want to die, the only way to fight this is with an intelligent formula that can evolve to meet these changes and stop them.

• We have the formula that can do this, yet synthetic anti-viral medicines cannot evolve. Elemental life can serve as a suppressant and anti suppressant at the same time.

• Bio-organic is living elemental life, like the slime in the plant, it is programmed to evolve to meet different circumstances, the formula creates different types of elemental life like different solders in a battlefield. We’re like this, it follows the bodies commands and goes where it is needed, both synthetic and organic fail to create elemental life, and cannot follow the bodies’ commands.