Bio plastic


Transcript of Bio plastic


Bio based products…

The term bio-based product refers to products wholly or partly derived from biomass, such as plants, trees or animals (the biomass can have undergone physical, chemical or biological treatment).

Example of Bio-plastics are…

Examples of Bio products are Bioethanol



Bio alcohol and

Bio plastic…

What are Bioplastics?

Degradable polymers that are naturally degraded by the action of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and algae

Also known as…Bioplastics

Biodegradable plastics

Recycled plastics

Carbon Cycle of Bioplastics


H2O Biodegradation

CarbohydratesPlastic Products


Fermentation PHA Polymer



Silent feature of Bio plastic…

These days plastics are predominantly made from crude oil

In this context, renewable resources are becoming a more viable and promising alternative for the plastics industry

When plastics made from petroleum are burned, they release the carbon dioxide contained in the petroleum into the atmosphere, leading to global warming.

The use of bio plastics offers significant advantages not only in an ecological sense but also in an economical sense.

Bio plastics are a form of plastics derived from plant sources such as sweet potatoes, sugarcane, hemp oil, soy bean oil and corn starch.

Bio plastics are environmentally friendly because, compared with traditional plastics, their production results in the emission of less carbon dioxide, which is thought to cause global warming.

They are also biodegradable, meaning that the material returns to its natural state when buried in the ground.

Enzymes are used to break starch in the plants down into glucose, which is fermented and made into lactic acid.

This lactic acid is polymerized and converted into a plastic called polylactic acid, which can be used in the manufacture of products after being heated and shaped.

In addition, bioplastics are biodegradable.

If something made of Bioplastics is buried in the ground, microorganisms will break it down into carbon dioxide and water.

Bags made of Bioplastics can be thrown away and buried with other biodegradable garbage, and there are a growing number of other uses for the materials as well, including artificial fibres, medical products, and construction materials.

Bioplastic Properties

Some are stiff and brittle

Crystalline structure rigidity

Some are rubbery and moldable

Properties may be manipulated by blending polymers or genetic modifications

Degrades at 185°C

Moisture resistant, water insoluble, optically pure, impermeable to oxygen

Must maintain stability during manufacture and use but degrade rapidly when disposed of or recycled

Types of Bioplastics

Starch and Starch Blends

PLA/ Poly Lactic acid

PHB Poly-3-hydroxybutyrates

CO2 emission with

Typical Plastic

CO2 emission with Bioplastic

Use of Bioplastic

Bioplastics are already being used in automobile interiors and in cases for consumer electronics.

Toyota Motor Corp. became the first automaker in the world to use bioplastics in the manufacture of auto parts, employing them in the cover for the spare tire



The use of bioplastics for shopping bags is already very common.

After their initial use they can be reused as bags for organic waste and then be composted.

Trays and containers for fruit, vegetables, eggs and meat, bottles for soft drinks and dairy products and blister foils for fruit and vegetables are also already widely manufactured from bioplastics.

Catering products

Catering products belong to the group of perishable plastics.

Disposable crockery and cutlery, as well as pots and bowls, pack foils for straws are being dumped after a single use, together with food-leftovers, forming huge amounts of waste, particularly at big events.


Within the agricultural economy and the gardening sector mulch foils made of biodegradable material and flower pots made of decomposable bioplastics are predominantly used due to their adjustable lifespan and the fact that these materials do not leave residues in the soil.

This helps reduce work and time (and thus cost) as these products can simply be left to decompose, after which they are ploughed in to the soil.

Plant pots used for flowering and vegetable plants can be composted along with gardening and kitchen litter.


Bioplastics don't always readily decompose. Some need relatively high temperatures and can still take many years to break down. Even then, they may leave behind toxic residues.

Bioplastics are made from plants such as corn and maize, so land that could be used to grow food for the world is being used to "grow plastic" instead.

Some bioplastics, such as PLA, are made from genetically modified corn.

Bioplastics cannot be easily recycled. To most people, PLA looks very similar to PET but, if the two are mixed up in a recycling bin, the whole collection becomes impossible to recycle.

CONCLUSIONBioplastics is a reality and is a practical

truth. Our willingness and

improvement in technologies will give

it a wider success.