BIM Outsourcing BIM Coordination Bim MEP Models Structural Architectural

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    16/10/2013 BIM Outsourcing|BIM Coordination|Bim MEP Models|Structural|Architectural

    ADVENSER pr ov ides BIM s erv ices in the f ol lowin g do mains :

    Architect ur e St ru ctural MEP HVAC Faad e

    Enhanced visualization

    Higher product iv ity enabled by easy retr ieval of information

    Better coordination of construction documents (CD set)

    Effective sharing of information , value-addition & reuse

    Embedment and linking of vital information such as information of v endors, spe cific component mater ials, deta ilsand quantities required for estimation and tender

    Improved delivery

    Reduction in costs

    Aut oma t ion of ass emb ly digi ta l p ro duct da ta may be us ed in do wnst re am pr oc es se s an d f or be ut ili ze d f or

    manufacturing/assembling structural syste ms

    Improved customer serv ice by a bett er understanding caused by accurate v isual izat ion.

    Improved Facil ity management by uti l ization of building Lifecycle data requirements, design, construction and

    operat ional

    The usage of BIM extends beyond the planning and design phase of the project, beyond the building l ife cycle. It

    improve s all related proce sses too including cost management, construction management, project

    management and faci l i ty management . BIM provides the potential for a virtual information model to be

    handed from Design Team (architects , surveyors , consult ing engineers , a nd others) to Contractor and

    Subcontractors and then to the Owner , ea ch adding their own additional discipline-specific knowledge and

    tracking of changes to the single model. The result greatly reduces the information loss that occurs when a new

    An ar gu ab le tech no logic al br eak thr ou gh in the

    construction field, BIM or Building Information

    Modeling is continuously emerging as the most

    fea sible and reliable option available in the building

    construct ion industry. With the advent ofBIM

    building design, const ruction and management has

    become an eas ier and cost ef fect ive ta sk than ever


    A BIM (Building Information Modelling) is the

    creat ion ofparametr ic, or intell igent models

    instead of 2D perspective un-intell igent drawings. A

    BIM operates on a d ig i tal database and any changemade to thi s database is ref lected throughout the

    ent ir e drawing. This allows everyone involved in the

    building l ifecycle architects, engineers,

    contractors, dev elopers, and building owners -

    to sync t ogether allowing them to view t he model in

    d i fferent way s and seamless ly share information.

    Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a digital represent ation of phy sical and functional chara cterist ics of a building.

    The various benefits of BIM are:








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    Adv en se r: BIM Se rv ices, MEP Coo rd inat ion, Re v it , HVA C, CAD Dra f t ing, BIM Mod el s, Pr eca st Pa ne l Deta ili ng , St ru ct ur a l S tee l Deta ili ng , A luminu m Faca de

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    Architectural BIM



    Structural BIM

    team takes "ownership" of the project as well as in delivering

    extens ive information to owners of complex structures fa r

    beyond that which they a re current ly accustomed to hav ing.

    BIM produces construction documents that resemble

    those created by 2D CAD Drafting , but ar e done much

    faster and contain information about s tructure, quant i t ies ,

    materials and other data that can be used in both the

    construct ion and management of a building. Using BIM,

    designers can ana lyze the building design in detail and locate

    human errors , i f any. The bas ic d ifference between 3D CAD

    model and a BIM i s that, 3D CAD model is to people

    VISUALIZE ho w a bu ild ing wil l l oo k, wh ile BIM provides

    deta iled & comprehensive information about how the

    functioning of a building.

    BIM can great ly decrease errors made by design team

    members as well as the construction team (Contractors and

    Subcontractors) by allowing the use ofconfl ict de tection

    where the computer actually infor ms tea m members about

    parts of the building in conflict or clashing, and t hrough

    detailed computer visualization of each part in relation to the

    tota l building. As computers and sof tware be come more

    capable of handling more building information, t his will

    become even more pronounced t han it is in current design

    and construction projects. This error reduction is a great part

    of cost savings realized by all members of a project.

    Reduction in time required to complete co nstruction direct ly

    contributes to the cost savings numbers as well. It's

    important to re al ize that th is decrease can only be

    accomplished if the models are sufficiently developed in the

    Design Development phase.

    BIM also provides adequate information for building performance analysis a nd evaluation , which is of v i tal

    importance for sustainable building design. BIM provides accurate and extremely reliable information about the

    building, the structure, the m aterials used , etc. including green aspects such as energy eff ic iency an d

    day l ighting. .

    The various stages for BIM are:

    Conceptual or schematic design

    Preliminary design

    Design development

    Construction documents and details

    Each of these des ign phases has a speci f ic focus and they

    can be briefed as below.

    Conceptual or Schematic Design

    The conceptual design sta ge ty pically commences with a

    program statement or f lowchart that itemizes the l ist of

    required criteria that must be fulfi l led by the design. Using

    this program statement as a guide, the design team typically

    develops and evaluates several rough concepts for the

    overal l shape, m assing, orientation, and positioning

    of the building on the project s i te.

    In developing these design concepts, various criteria that

    bind the potential building envelope must be taken into

    account. These often include site set backs, f loor area or bui lding footprint l imitations, dayl ight planeand shading restrictions , and other requirements imposed by local authorities and approval agencies.

    Matching the client requests and requirements and the site

    constraints can be a tr icky task. Abstract concepts of the

    overal l building shape and placement will be deve loped

    and eva luated, o fte n with bare minimum deta ils about the

    precise features of t he bui lding envelope or the configurat ion

    of the interiors. In order to manage the des ign problem

    systematically, this top-down approach focuses on making the

    important decisions initial ly, saving more deta iled design

    decisions for a subsequent phase.

    Us ing the v ersat i l ity of BIM tools , many aspects of these

    conceptual des igns can be evaluated at a very early s tage.

    For example, building performance analysis can be performed

    to ev aluate the potent ial energy use of v arious build ing

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    shapes and orientations. Design teams can use this early

    feedback to help guide their recommendations about the best

    al ternat ive to choose f rom.

    The conceptual design options wil l be evaluated and presented to the clients, and once a consented option is

    selected and approved, the process can move on to the next s tage.

    Prel iminary Design

    Once the ov eral l shape and form of the bui ld ing envelope are esta bl ished, the des ign teams often focus

    on area and s pace planninga llo ca t ion of av a ila ble sp ace wi thin the bu ild ing en ve lope to the vari ou s

    program needs and considering various layouts for how these spaces might be best organized or uti l ized.

    Typical art iculation of f eatures of the bui lding envelope, propos ing the exterior wall materials and

    assemblies, prel iminary window placements, day l ighting and shading features, and t he roof form

    will happen in the initial stage of design. Preliminary room layouts are also be created to develop the scheme for

    the interior spaces that wil l be used.

    As and when in for mat ion abo ut the pr op os ed de sign is re f ined an d impr ov is ed to the bu ild ing model, ana ly si s of

    the proposed design can continue to guide the design. For example, during the initial design phase, cost

    estimates are often developed based on the quantities and materials mentioned in the model. These estimates

    provide valuable feedback that helps design teams evaluate the impact of potential design decisions and

    ultimately make bett er decisions.

    Design Development

    The ideas and design features approved during the

    preliminary design phase are developed and explored

    in more det ail during the design development phase.

    For instance, once the approval for room layouts have

    been procured, a wide variety of interior detai ls

    and finishes can be added to fi l l out the design.

    Design alternative s for casework opt ions and

    fixture p lacement can be taken into a ccount.

    Evaluation of special architectural treatm ents

    for interior walls or ceil ings can be executed. Though these features could have been added during an earlier

    phase, it makes more clarity and reduces the l ikelihood of wasted work to add them after the preliminary design


    Evaluation of design options i s also part of des ign development phase. This involves ident i fy ing key features

    where the des ign develops and explores several al ternate approaches. The versat i li ty of the BIM model ing

    process al lows the des ign teams to develop al ternate des ign ideas and evaluate t hem in the contex t of the ove ral l

    proposed design. Teams wil l have greater latitude to test new ideas and find better solutions by making it easy to

    consider design options.

    Ana ly si s of the bu ild ing mod el can continue at greater detail during the design development phase. Cost

    est imates may be updated and refined. Various analysis tools can be use d on the building model to help

    tea ms in producing preliminary designs f or the structur al and building systems (mechanical , electrical , and

    plumbing systems) , and the impacts and interactions with these systems can be evaluated and ut i l ized for

    improving the des ign proposed by the t eam.

    Construction Documents and Deta i ls

    The construction documentation an d detai l ing phase emphasizes on adding information to the

    building model for a comprehensive description of t he proposed de sign through drawings and detai ls that can

    be used to ass is t in the construct ion process.

    A comprehensive documentation of the proposed des ign at the level of detai l required to guide the

    construction process can be an immensely difficult task. The documentation should cover every feature of the

    building assemblies, the connection detai ls, and the com ponents that wil l be installed and they be

    presented on sheets f or d is tr ibut ion to the project del ivery team.

    There are sev eral ways f or BIM tools to be ut i l ized during th is phase of the des ign process. Amodel of the

    building with an overall framework for generating the details must be created. Vie ws of t he building model can

    be created that becomes the base for detai ls rather than drawing each detai l from scratch as a series of l ines.

    Ann ot at io ns and no tes are added to completely explain these details, but the building model acts as a valuable

    starting point and serves as a consistency check. As the model views are l ive, changes to the building model are

    automatically reflected in the derived details.

    The output of the construct ion document phase is typ ical ly a set of printed plan sheets . The building mode l

    can be shared with the project del ivery team to enable automated quantity takeoffs as well as for solving

    confl icts a nd interference checking in the drawing. This effec tual BIM design application proce ss mandate s

    new approaches to organize project teams, share r isk and Integrated Project Del ivery.

    Integrated project del ivery ( IPD) i s a revolut ionary way to ex cel your construction management by

    minimizing wastage, reducing costs and improving productivity. The main goal of the Int egrat ed Project Delive ry

    main goal is to create a team effort in bringing together the owner, architects, engineers, manage rs and

    subcontractors on the same platform . The Integrated Project Del ivery creates an unique bond from day one

    of the planning stages and binds all key players for the project development.

    A co mpa ri so n of t ra di t iona l d el iv ery met ho ds vs. In teg ra ted Pr oj ec t De liv ery (I PD) met ho ds

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    16/10/2013 BIM Outsourcing|BIM Coordination|Bim MEP Models|Structural|Architectural

    TOPThe various BIM supporting softwares are :

    Product Name Manufacturer Pr imary Funct ion

    Cadpipe HVAC AEC Design Group 3D HVAC Modeling

    Rev it Architecture Autodesk 3D Architectura l Modeling and

    parametric design.

    Aut oC AD A rc hit ect ur e Aut od es k 3D Arc hi tec tur a l Mod el ing and

    parametric design.

    Rev it St ructure Autodesk 3D St ructura l Mode ling and

    parametric design.

    Rev it MEP Autodesk 3D Deta iled MEP Modeling

    Aut oC AD MEP Aut od es k 3D MEP Mode lin g

    Aut oC AD C iv il 3D Aut od es k Si te De ve lopme nt

    DProf iler Beck Technology 3D conceptual modeling wi

    Bentley BIM Suite (MicroStation,

    Bent ley Architecture,

    Structural, Mechanical,

    Electrical, Generative Design)

    Bent ley Systems 3D Architectura l, Structura l,

    Mechanical, Electrical, and

    Generat ive Components


    Fast rak CSC (UK) 3D St ructura l Mode ling

    SDS/2 Des ign Data 3D Deta iled St ructural Mode ling

    Fabricat ion f or AutoCAD MEP East Coast CAD/CAM 3D Deta iled MEP Modeling

    Digita l Project Gehry Technologies CATIA based BIM Sy stem for

    Arc hit ect ur a l, De si gn ,

    Engineering, and Construction


    Digital Project MEP Systems


    Gehry Technologies MEP Des ign
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    A rc hiCAD Gr ap hiso f t 3D Arc hi tec tur a l Mod el ing

    MEP Modeler Graphisof t 3D MEP Modeling

    HydraCAD Hydratec 3D Fire Sprinkler Des ign and


    F ireCad Mc4 Sof tware F ire Piping Network Design and


    CAD-Duct Micro Applicat ion 3D Deta iled MEP Modeling

    Vect or wo rk s Desi gner Ne met sc he k 3D Arc hi tec tur a l Mod el ing

    RISA RISATechnologies Full suite of 2D and 3D

    Structural Design Applications

    Tekla St ructures Tekla 3D Deta iled St ructural Mode ling

    Vic o Of f ice Vic o So f twa re 5D Mode lin g wh ich ca n be us ed

    to generate cost and schedule


    PowerC iv il Bent ley Systems Site Deve lopment

    Site Design, Site Planning Eagle Point Site Deve lopment


    A rc hi tect s

    The innovation of BIM started with archite cts, a nd many st i l l see its v alue emerging from its use in the

    design phases. It is generally agreed that architects experience a high level of value along with many

    contractors (43%) and owners (41%), say.

    Structural Engineers

    It is general ly accepted that structural engineers can extract high level of value from BIM. Elements such

    elements as steel columns, beams and trusses are frequently modeled by users. Contractors are t he most l ikely

    (47%) part ies to see structural engineers realizing significant benefits.

    Construction Managers and General Contractors

    Cost f actor is an important crite rion during construction. Budgets may be minimized considerably by reducing

    rework. Owners are t he most l ikely (57%) part ies to see a Construction Managers or General Contractor

    gaining highly on a project, most l ikely because the cost savings can be passed on.


    As BIM r eso lv es co nf lic t s and bu ild s co nf idenc e in bu ild ing plans , man y team members eye op po rt un it ie s f or va lue

    addition in fabrication. Wastage may be minimized by accurate fabrication of materials and time may be saved

    during the pre-assembly. Contractors (56%) ar e most l ikely to witness fabricators experiencing a higher value

    than architects (23%), engineers (38%) or owners (30%).

    MEP Engineer s

    MEP engineers have ample instances to use BIM. Modeling of extensive elements such as duct systems and

    air handlers are f easible options, while smaller elements such as electrical switches and outlets might prov e

    may be d i ff icu lt . Unfortunately, a very few engineers (22%) col lect ively see MEP engineers enjoy high value.

    Nearly hal f of contractors (45%) bel ieve MEP engineers see s igni f icant value.


    Owners are the part ies who ult imately enjoy al l values col lect ively gained on a project. More than hal f (52%) of

    owners say they experience high value, but less than 30% of al l other users bel ieved t h is . The reason could be

    that other team members realize that owners are yet to see much value from BIM being used in operations and

    maintenance . Sti l l, most owners believe they can tap the value of BIM during design and construction.

    Specialty Contractors

    Specialty sub-contractors may be assigned for executing some of the specific complexities of a project, but a

    few team members (23%) believe they are experiencing a high value from BIM. Generally, specialty

    subcontractors are smaller firms compared to general contractors and the costs of adopting BIM would not be

    pract ical. As BIM users ut i l ize a variety of software a pplicat ions, specialty subcontractors may f ace inter-

    operabil ity issues and may incur added ex penses to wor k within various models.

    Building Product Ma nufacturers

    A ver y f ew (1 1% ) of building team me mbers witness building product manufacture rs gaining high value f rom

    BIM. This could impact t eam members belief that BPM's are not supplying suff icient BIM-related infor mation y et.


    LOD stands for leve l of detail ing/deve lopment. There are 5 different lev els which has been classified by

    the Americ an inst it ut e of arc hi tect s(A IA ) in BIM Protocol (E202).

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    To simplify, the 5 different levels of LOD in industrys interpretation are l isted below:

    LOD 100 Co nceptual modell ing

    LOD 200 Ge neral modell ing

    LOD 300 Accura te modell ing & shop drawings

    LOD 400 Fabrica tion & Assembly

    LOD 500 Maintenance & Operations


    Model Content Requirements

    Ove rall building mass indicative ofarea, height, volume, location and orientation may be modeled in three

    dimensions or represented by other data.

    Aut ho r iz ed Us esAna ly si s- The Mode l ma y be ana ly zed ba se d on volume, area and orientation by application of generalized

    performance criteria assigned to the representative model elements.

    Cost Estimation

    The model may be used to develop cost estimates based on current area, volume or similar conceptual

    estimating techniques (e.g. , square feet of f loor area, condominium unit , hospital bed, et c.)


    The model may be used fo r project phase scheduling and overall duration.

    LOD 200

    Model Content Requirements

    Model Elements ar e modeled as generalized sy stems or assemblies with approx imate quantities, size, shape,

    location, and orientation . Non-geometric information can also be attached to the model elements.

    Aut ho r iz ed Us es

    Ana ly si s- The Mode l c an be ana ly zed f or pe rf or man ce of se le ct ed sy st ems b y app lic at ion of general ized

    performance criteria assigned to the corresponding model elements.

    Cost Estimating

    The Model can be used to develop a cost est imate based on the approximate data f urnished and conceptual

    estimating techniques (e.g., volume and quantity of elements or type of

    System selected).


    The Model may be used to show ordered, t im e-s ca le d app eara nc e of major elements and syste ms.

    LOD 300

    Model Content Requirements

    Model elements are modeled as specif ic assemblies and are precise in quantity, size, shape, location, and

    orientation. Non-geometr ic information can also be attached to model elements.

    Aut ho r iz ed Us es

    Construct ion- Suitab le for t he derivat ion of trad it ional construction documents a nd shop drawings.

    Ana ly si s- The Mode l ma y be ana ly zed f or performance of se lected system s by applying specific performance

    criteria assigned to the corresponding Model Elements.

    Cost EstimationThe Model may be use d to dev elop a cost est imate based on the speci f ic data provided and conceptual

    estimation techniques.


    The Model may be use d to show an orde rly, t im e-sca le d app earanc e of detailed elements and systems.

    LOD 400

    Model Content Requirements

    Model elements are modeled as specif ic assemblies that are precise in size, shape, location,

    quantity, and orienta tion with complete fabrication, assembly, and det ai l ing information. Non-

    geometric information can also be attached to model elements.

    Aut ho r iz ed Us es

    Construction- Model elements are considered as virtual representations of the proposed element and are

    suitab le for construct ion.

    Ana ly si s- The Mode l c an be an a ly ze d f or performance of approved se lected systems based on specif ic model


    Cost Estimation

    Costs are based on the actual cost of specif ic components during procurement.


    The Model can be used to show an orderly, time-scaled appear ance of detai led specif ic elements an d

    syste ms including construction means and methods .

    LOD 500

    Model Content Requirements

    Model Elements a re modeled as constructed assemblies which are actual and accurate in size, shape,

    location, quantity, and orientation . Non-geometric information can also be attached to modeled


    Aut ho r iz ed Us es

    General Usage-The model can be used to maintain, alter and add to t he project , but only to the exte nt

    consistent with any l icenses granted in the Agreement or as specified in a separate l icensing agreement.

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    16/10/2013 BIM Outsourcing|BIM Coordination|Bim MEP Models|Structural|Architectural

    With the construction industry facing recessions, intell igent players are adopting BIM to provide them with a

    competi t ive advantage over t heir counterparts . Most of the organizat ions us ing BIM normal ly have a pos i t ive

    feedback about i ts eff ect on their bus iness. BIM is being currently employed by profe ssionals on all building

    type s from the simplest ware house to many of t he most complex new buildings.

    The Industry Foundation Classes (IFC/ifcXML) are an open specification for Building Information Modeling and are

    used to share and exchange BIM in a neutral fo rmat among various softwa re applications. GBxml is an emerging

    schema, a subset of the Building Information Modeling efforts, focused on green building design and operation.

    A lt ho ugh th ere are man y di f f icult ie s, two of the main hu rd le s in ado pt ing BIM technology are training and

    costs .

    Training: Receiv ing adequate train ing is the greatest chal lenge to adopt ing BIM . This could be particularly

    difficult because only a l imited number of users might be hav ing an expert background that co uld be used as atraining resource.

    Costs: Cost of software and required hardware upgrades also form significant hurdles in the adoption of BIM

    technology .

    BIM Outsourcing

    Cons idering the adv antages of adopt ing BIM technology , handling the wor k in-house would most proba bly

    nul li fy the advantages due to the involvement of train ing t ime & costs , hardware upgrade costs , software costs ,


    Hence, BIM adopters are finding outsourcing BIM work, to countries l ike India, more advantageous than handling

    the work in-house.


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