BigFocuson$Large$Patch$ Weather$ - University of Missouri · BigFocuson$Large$Patch$!!!!! C...

Big Focus on Large Patch Weather The back half of April calmed the early April fire. Temperatures expect to remain cool, and, if the forecast holds, April will finish approximately 3 degrees above average. This is somewhat of a relief considering at mid April the state was 7 degrees above normal. The NOAA climate prediction center has forecasted a warm early May in Missouri and much of the nation. If this occurs, I expect that several pest and disease problems that had their metabolism kickstarted in early April and suspended by cooler temperatures in late April, will rebound quickly and cause symptoms. Precipitation has been consistent throughout April, with the last 7 days, including yesterday’s event, having most areas receive 0.5 – 2.0” of rainfall. The state is expected to dry out over the course of next week, which should be a relief to many in the region who have dealt with consistently saturated soils. The saturated soils, and frequent April rains along with the cooler temperatures, may have set the stage for large patch, which is featured again in this update.

Transcript of BigFocuson$Large$Patch$ Weather$ - University of Missouri · BigFocuson$Large$Patch$!!!!! C...

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Big  Focus  on  Large  Patch    





The  back  half  of  April  calmed  the  early  April  fire.    Temperatures  expect  to  remain  cool,  and,  if  the  forecast  holds,  April  will  finish  approximately  3  degrees  above  average.    This  is  somewhat  of  a  relief  considering  at  mid  April  the  state  was  7  degrees  above  normal.      The  NOAA  climate  prediction  center  has  forecasted  a  warm  early  May  in  Missouri  and  much  of  the  nation.    If  this  occurs,  I  expect  that  several  pest  and  disease  problems  that  had  their  metabolism  kick-­‐started  in  early  April  and  suspended  by  cooler  temperatures  in  late  April,  will  rebound  quickly  and  cause  symptoms.        Precipitation  has  been  consistent  throughout  April,  with  the  last  7  days,  including  yesterday’s  event,  having  most  areas  receive  0.5  –  2.0”  of  rainfall.    The  state  is  expected  to  dry  out  over  the  course  of  next  week,  which  should  be  a  relief  to  many  in  the  region  who  have  dealt  with  consistently  saturated  soils.    The  saturated  soils,  and  frequent  April  rains  along  with  the  cooler  temperatures,  may  have  set  the  stage  for  large  patch,  which  is  featured  again  in  this  update.                                  

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Big  Focus  on  Large  Patch    



Quick  Hits:      


-­‐ Frost/Freeze  Website  (click  to  view):    Dr.  Patrick  Guinan  has  scoured  the  last  120  years  of  data  to  historically  define  the  growing  season  window  from  the  last  date  of  frost  in  the  spring  to  the  first  date  of  frost  in  the  fall.      Plentiful  contour  and  point  maps  indicate  median  dates  for  temperatures  of  24,  28,  32,  and  36°F  throughout  the  state,  as  well  as  the  extreme  latest  or  earliest  dates  for  spring  and  fall  frost  events.    If  you  plant  anything  in  Missouri,  this  should  be  a  go  to  resource  for  scheduling  your  activities.        

-­‐ On  sites  with  previous  history,  billbug  issues  on  zoysia  should  be  considered  now.    Curative  control  is  challenging,  and  a  preventive  strategy  targeted  towards  control  of  adults  is  suggested.    As  mentioned  in  previous  updates,  zoysiagrass  in  Missouri  is  predominantly  the  cultivar  ‘  Meyer’  due  to  its  superior  cold  tolerance.    ‘Meyer’  is  also  unfortunately  the  most  susceptible  cultivar  to  billbug  damage.      Previous  research  at  U.  of  Arkansas  found  hunting  billbugs  were  most  active  in  late  March  and  April,  but  some  activity  was  observed  throughout  the  whole  year.    Complicating  matters,  several  billbug  species  are  present  and  may  feed  on  zoysiagrass  in  Missouri,  and  their  peak  periods  of  activity  and  egg  laying  may  be  different.    The  website  tracks  the  bluegrass  billbug  with  a  base  50  degree  day  model  and  indicates  most  of  Missouri  at  or  below  I-­‐70  is  in  the  range  of  first  adult  emergence.                    


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Big  Focus  on  Large  Patch    




-­‐ Shortly  after  the  previous  update,  a  putting  green  sample  of  dollar  spot  was  submitted  to  the  plant  diagnostic  lab  from  the  Springfield  area.    Perhaps  clouded  by  the  recent  aerification,  the  symptoms  were  a  bit  non-­‐descript  and  could’ve  easily  been  confused  with  Microdochium  patch  or  anthracnose.    After  incubation,  copious  amounts  of  mycelium  covered  the  affected  areas  on  the  plug  and  Y-­‐shaped  mycelium  of  Clarireedia  homoeocarpa  (formerly  Sclerotinia  homoeocarpa)  was  observed  covering  and  entering  leaf  tissue.    As  noted  in  the  previous  update,  the  copious  amount  of  rain  we’ve  had  in  April  may  be  reducing  the  amount  of  available  nitrogen,  and  rendering  the  bentgrass  particularly  susceptible.    If  you  applied  a  preventive  application  for  fairy  ring  (see  below),  you  should  get  a  side  benefit  of  some  dollar  spot  control.        

-­‐ The  cool  temperatures  to  end  April  kept  us  in  the  window  for  preventive  applications  targeted  at  fairy  ring  control  on  golf  putting  greens.    At  this  point,  however,  these  applications  should  probably  be  down.    The  subsequent  low  rate,  watered-­‐in  DMI  application  should  therefore  be  made  in  21-­‐28  days,  hopefully  outside  the  window  of  a  potential  high  heat  event.      

-­‐ Bermudagrass  managers  should  be  on  the  lookout  for  spring  dead  spot.    Several  cases  have  been  reported  in  Arkansas  over  the  last  few  weeks.    If  you  do  get  the  disease,  the  damage  has  been  done,  and  fungicides  will  not  be  effective  if  applied  at  this  time.    Map  the  outbreak,  plan  for  fall  prevention,  and  fertilize  during  the  forecasted  May  heat  spell  to  promote  recovery.        

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Big  Focus  on  Large  Patch    



Large  Patch  Research    

   April  showers  bring  May  flowers  and  …  large  patch.    Several  outbreaks  of  large  patch  have  been  reported  throughout  Missouri.    Below  is  a  description  of  the  research  currently  being  conducted  by  M.S.  student  John  Koehler,  and  a  corresponding  sample  request  for  this  research.                Large  patch  on  zoysiagrass  is  caused  by  the  fungal  pathogen  Rhizoctonia  solani    AG2-­‐2  LP.    Little  research  has  been  done  on  the  effects  of  cultural  practices,  particularly  nitrogen  application  timing  and  source,  on  large  patch  incidence.    Nitrogen  applications  during  fall  and  spring  are  commonly  avoided,  due  to  concern  of  increasing  large  patch  severity.  No  definitive  correlation  between  nitrogen  applications  and  increased  large  patch  severity  has  been  found,  however.    Our  goal  is  to  determine  if  applying  nitrogen  during  the  spring  and  fall  infection  periods  will  increase  large  patch  severity,  or  decrease  it  and  promote  disease  recovery.    Along  with  application  timing,  we  will  also  investigate  the  impact  of  different  nitrogen  sources  on  disease  severity.    In  our  lab,  we  found  that  R.  solani  remained  its  characteristic  brown  color  on  media  amended  with  calcium  nitrate  or  urea,  but  on  ammonium  sulfate  amended  media  was  completely  white.    Some  fungal  pathogens  rely  on  dark  brown  melanin  pigments  to  penetrate  into  plant  cells,  but  the  importance  of  melanin  in  R.  solani  infection  of  turfgrasses  is  not  known.    The  overall  goal  of  this  project  is  to  integrate  a  nitrogen  application  strategy  into  the  large  patch  management  scheme.        For  this  project,  large  patch  samples  from  the  region  are  needed.    If  your  golf  course  is  near  Columbia,  MO  I  can  visit  to  collect  large  patch  samples.    For  those  who  are  

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Big  Focus  on  Large  Patch    



farther  away,  it  may  be  most  feasible  to  make  arrangements  for  shipping  the  samples.    If  you  choose  to  ship  samples,  follow  the  guidelines  as  you  would  for    sample  submission  to  the  turfgrass  diagnostic  lab.    In  brief,  cut  an  area  of  the  affected  turf  from  the  margins  of  the  disease,  including  2/3  symptomatic  and  1/3  healthy  turf.    A  cup  cutter  plug,  or  plugs  4-­‐6  inches  wide  and  approximately  2-­‐3  inches  deep,  will  be  sufficient.  Please  also  indicate  the  location  (home  address  or  golf  fairway)  the  sample  was  taken  from.    Please  contact  John  via  email  ([email protected])  to  set  up  the  logistics  for  getting  the  sample  to  him.      Lee  Miller  Follow  on  Twitter!    @muturfpath  Like  on  Facebook!  Mizzou  Turfgrass  Extension  Turfgrass  Pathologist  University  of  Missouri