Bibliography Egypt

Select Bibliography W.Y. Adams, ‘Architectural Evolution of the Nubian Church, 500-1400 AD’, JARCE 4 (1965) 87-139 —— Nubia. Corridor to Africa (London, 1977) R. Alston, The City in Roman and Byzantine Egypt (London, 2002) É.C. Amélineau, Monuments pour servir à l’histoire de l’Égypte chrétienne aux IV e , V e , VI e et VII e siècles, 2 vols (Paris, 1888-1895) D. Arnold, Temples of the Last Pharaohs (New York and Oxford, 1999) F. Arnold, Elephantine XXX. Die Nachnutzung des Chnumtempelbezirks (Mainz, 2003) S. Ashbrook Harvey, Asceticism and Society in Crisis. John of Ephesus and the Lives of the Eastern Saints (Berkeley, 1990) —— and H. Brakmann, ‘Johannes von Ephesus’, RAC XVIII (1998) 553-64 P. Athanassiadi, ‘Persecution and Response in Late Paganism: The Evidence of Damascius’, JHS 113 (1993) 1-29 S. Bacot, C. Heurtel, ‘Ostraca coptes d’Éléphantine au Musée du Louvre’, in N. Bosson (ed.), Études coptes VII (Paris, 2000) 17-45 T.A. Bácz (ed.), Festschrift E. Gaál, U. Luft, L. Török (Budapest, 2002) R.S. Bagnall, Egypt in Late Antiquity (Princeton, 1993) —— Later Roman Egypt. Society, Religion, Economy and Administration (Aldershot and Burlington, 2003) —— and K.A. Worp, Chronological Systems of Byzantine Egypt (Leiden, 2004 2 ) J. Baines, ‘Temples as Symbols, Guarantors, and Participants in Egyptian Civilization’ in S. Quirke (ed.), The Temple in Ancient Egypt. New Discoveries and Recent Research (London, 1997) 216-41 —— and J. Málek, Cultural Atlas of Ancient Egypt (Oxford, 2000, rev. ed. of Atlas of Ancient Egypt (Oxford, 1980) B. Baldwin, Studies on Late Roman and Byzantine History, Literature and Language (Amsterdam, 1984) P. Ballet, F. Mahmoud, ‘Moules en terre cuite d’Éléphantine (Musée Copte). Nouvelles données sur les ateliers de la région d’Assouan, à l’époque byzantine et aux premiers temps de l’occupation arabe’, BIFAO 87 (1987) 53-72 T. Baumeister, ‘Das Stephanuspatrozinium der Kirche im ehemaligen Isis-Tempel von Philä’, RQA 81 (1986) 187-94 H. Beinlich, Die “Osirisreliquien”. Zum Motiv der Körperzergliederung in der altägyptischen Religion (Wiesbaden, 1984) É. Bernand, ‘Réflexions sur les proscynèmes’, in D. Conso, N. Fick, B. Poulle (eds), Mélanges François Kerlouégan (Paris, 1994) 43-60 J. Bingen, Pages d’épigraphie grecque. Attique-Égypte (1952-1982) (Brussels, 1991) A.M. Blackman, The Temple of Dendûr (Cairo, 1911; repr. with supplement, Cairo, 1981) R.C. Blockley, The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, 2 vols (Liverpool, 1981-3) J. Bodel (ed.), Epigraphic Evidence. Ancient History from Inscriptions (London and New York, 2001) D. Bonneau, La crue du Nil. Divinité égyptienne à travers mille ans d’histoire (332 av.-641 ap. J.-C.) (Paris, 1964) L. Borchardt, ‘Bericht über den baulichen Zustand der Tempelbauten auf Philae’, SPAW 1896, nr. 45, 1199-1215 —— ‘Der Augustustempel auf Philae’, JDAI 18 (1903) 73-90 P. Borgeaud et al. (eds), Le temple, lieu de conflit (Leuven, 1994) N. Bosson (ed.), Études coptes VII (Paris, 2000) M.-F. Boussac (ed.), Autour de Coptos (Lyon and Paris, 2002) R. Boutros, C. Décobert, ‘Les installations chrétiennes entre Ballâs et Armant : implantation et survivance’, in N. Bosson (ed.), Études coptes VII (Paris, 2000) 77-108 216 216

Transcript of Bibliography Egypt

  • Select Bibliography W.Y. Adams, Architectural Evolution of the Nubian Church, 500-1400 AD, JARCE 4 (1965) 87-139 Nubia. Corridor to Africa (London, 1977) R. Alston, The City in Roman and Byzantine Egypt (London, 2002) .C. Amlineau, Monuments pour servir lhistoire de lgypte chrtienne aux IVe, Ve, VIe et VIIe sicles, 2 vols (Paris, 1888-1895) D. Arnold, Temples of the Last Pharaohs (New York and Oxford, 1999) F. Arnold, Elephantine XXX. Die Nachnutzung des Chnumtempelbezirks (Mainz, 2003) S. Ashbrook Harvey, Asceticism and Society in Crisis. John of Ephesus and the Lives of the Eastern Saints (Berkeley, 1990) and H. Brakmann, Johannes von Ephesus, RAC XVIII (1998) 553-64 P. Athanassiadi, Persecution and Response in Late Paganism: The Evidence of Damascius, JHS 113 (1993) 1-29 S. Bacot, C. Heurtel, Ostraca coptes dlphantine au Muse du Louvre, in N. Bosson (ed.), tudes coptes VII (Paris, 2000) 17-45 T.A. Bcz (ed.), Festschrift E. Gal, U. Luft, L. Trk (Budapest, 2002) R.S. Bagnall, Egypt in Late Antiquity (Princeton, 1993) Later Roman Egypt. Society, Religion, Economy and Administration (Aldershot and Burlington, 2003) and K.A. Worp, Chronological Systems of Byzantine Egypt (Leiden, 20042) J. Baines, Temples as Symbols, Guarantors, and Participants in Egyptian Civilization in S. Quirke (ed.), The Temple in Ancient Egypt. New Discoveries and Recent Research (London, 1997) 216-41 and J. Mlek, Cultural Atlas of Ancient Egypt (Oxford, 2000, rev. ed. of Atlas of Ancient Egypt (Oxford, 1980) B. Baldwin, Studies on Late Roman and Byzantine History, Literature and Language (Amsterdam, 1984) P. Ballet, F. Mahmoud, Moules en terre cuite dlphantine (Muse Copte). Nouvelles donnes sur les ateliers de la rgion dAssouan, lpoque byzantine et aux premiers temps de loccupation arabe, BIFAO 87 (1987) 53-72 T. Baumeister, Das Stephanuspatrozinium der Kirche im ehemaligen Isis-Tempel von Phil, RQA 81 (1986) 187-94 H. Beinlich, Die Osirisreliquien. Zum Motiv der Krperzergliederung in der altgyptischen Religion (Wiesbaden, 1984) . Bernand, Rflexions sur les proscynmes, in D. Conso, N. Fick, B. Poulle (eds), Mlanges Franois Kerlougan (Paris, 1994) 43-60 J. Bingen, Pages dpigraphie grecque. Attique-gypte (1952-1982) (Brussels, 1991) A.M. Blackman, The Temple of Dendr (Cairo, 1911; repr. with supplement, Cairo, 1981) R.C. Blockley, The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, 2 vols (Liverpool, 1981-3) J. Bodel (ed.), Epigraphic Evidence. Ancient History from Inscriptions (London and New York, 2001) D. Bonneau, La crue du Nil. Divinit gyptienne travers mille ans dhistoire (332 av.-641 ap. J.-C.) (Paris, 1964) L. Borchardt, Bericht ber den baulichen Zustand der Tempelbauten auf Philae, SPAW 1896, nr. 45, 1199-1215 Der Augustustempel auf Philae, JDAI 18 (1903) 73-90 P. Borgeaud et al. (eds), Le temple, lieu de conflit (Leuven, 1994) N. Bosson (ed.), tudes coptes VII (Paris, 2000) M.-F. Boussac (ed.), Autour de Coptos (Lyon and Paris, 2002) R. Boutros, C. Dcobert, Les installations chrtiennes entre Balls et Armant : implantation et survivance, in N. Bosson (ed.), tudes coptes VII (Paris, 2000) 77-108


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