BIBLE STORY SHEET Wk 1 - 2-5 - Bible Story Sheet...BIBLE STORY SHEET Wk 1 - 2-5 - Bible Story Sheet...

BIBLE STORY SHEET Wk 1 - 2-5 - Bible Story Sheet SAY: Follow my lead whenever I clap. Pay attention to how many times I clap, t oo! READ the following story: One day, Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee. He saw two fishermen throwing their nets out into the water. Their names were Peter and Andrew. Jesus said, "Peter! Andrew! Come, follow Me." The two men dropped their nets and followed Jesus right away. (CLAP TWICE) Jesus walked farther down the shore. He saw two more fishermen in a boat. Their names were James and John. Jesus called out to them, "James and John! Follow Me!" So James and John also dropped their nets and followed Jesus. (CLAP TWICE) The next day, Jesus invited a man named Philip to follow Him. (CLAP ONCE) Philip was so excited about following Jesus that he went and got his friend, Nathanael, and brought him t o Jesus. Nathanael realized that Jesus was the Son of God, and he started following Jesus, t oo! (CLAP ONCE) Later, Jesus met a man named Matthew, who was a tax collector. Jesus said, "Follow Me, Matthew." Matthew got right up, quit his job, and followed Jesus! (CLAP ONCE) Jesus kept going and met Thomas, James, Simon, Thaddeus, and Judas. He invited all five of them to follow Him. (CLAP FIVE TIMES) How many times did we clap? (SEE if kids can remember how many total times you clapped--12) We clapped 12 times to see how many people Jesus started leading in t his st ory. These men were Jesus' 12 disciples! As the disciples followed Jesus, they learned how to be leaders by following Jesus' example!

Transcript of BIBLE STORY SHEET Wk 1 - 2-5 - Bible Story Sheet...BIBLE STORY SHEET Wk 1 - 2-5 - Bible Story Sheet...

Page 1: BIBLE STORY SHEET Wk 1 - 2-5 - Bible Story Sheet...BIBLE STORY SHEET Wk 1 - 2-5 - Bible Story Sheet SAY: Follow my lead whenever I clap.Pay attention to how many times I clap, too!


BIBLE STORY SHEET Wk 1 - 2-5 - Bible Story Sheet

SAY: Follow my lead whenever I clap. Pay attention to how many t imes I clap, too!

READ the following story:

One day, Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee.

He saw two fishermen throwing their nets out into the water. Their names were Peter and Andrew.

Jesus said, "Peter! Andrew! Come, follow Me." The two men dropped their nets and followed Jesus right away. (CLAP TWICE)

Jesus walked farther down the shore. He saw two more fishermen in a boat. Their names were James and John.

Jesus called out to them, "James and John! Follow Me!" So James and John also dropped their nets and followed Jesus. (CLAP TWICE)

The next day, Jesus invited a man named Philip to follow Him. (CLAP ONCE) Philip was so excited about following Jesus that he went and got his friend, Nathanael, and brought him to Jesus.

Nathanael realized that Jesus was the Son of God, and he started following Jesus, too! (CLAP ONCE)

Later, Jesus met a man named Matthew, who was a tax collector. Jesus said, "Follow Me, Matthew." Matthew got right up, quit his job, and followed Jesus! (CLAP ONCE)

Jesus kept going and met Thomas, James, Simon, Thaddeus, and Judas. He invited all five of them to follow Him. (CLAP FIVE TIMES)

How many t imes did we clap? (SEE if kids can remember how many total t imes you clapped--12) We clapped 12 t imes to see how many people Jesus started leading in this story.

These men were Jesus' 12 disciples! As the disciples followed Jesus, they learned how to be leaders by following Jesus' example!

Page 2: BIBLE STORY SHEET Wk 1 - 2-5 - Bible Story Sheet...BIBLE STORY SHEET Wk 1 - 2-5 - Bible Story Sheet SAY: Follow my lead whenever I clap.Pay attention to how many times I clap, too!


QUESTION SHEET Wk 1 - 2-5 - Quest ion Sheet

Who made the sun with their Play-Doh? (ALLOW kids to show their "suns") Those look great! Let 's say your mom tells you to put on sunscreen before you go to the lake at camp, but some other kids start making fun of you for it . Should you set the right example by obeying your mom OR disobey your mom so your friends will stop making fun of you? (Set the right example and obey your mom)

Let 's see who made fire with their Play-Doh! (ALLOW kids to show you their "f ires") Great! You don't have any trouble in your fire building class, but another kid in the class, who has been mean to you all summer, needs extra help. How can you be a leader? (By helping him, even though he's been mean to you) Just like Jesus, we can be leaders who show kindness to all people, even people who are mean to us.

Did anyone make a cookie with their Play-Doh? (ALLOW kids to show their "cookies") Awesome! At Camp Wannastay, every camper knows you can only have one cookie with each meal. But, some of the other campers in your cabin start sneaking extra cookies, and they get away with it . How can you be a leader, even if you want extra cookies, too? (Keep following the rule, set an example by doing the right thing, etc.)

Who made the moon with their Play-Doh? (ALLOW kids to show their "moons") Let 's say your counselor says not to leave the cabin in the middle of the night, but your friends are planning to sneak out as soon as the counselor falls asleep. What can you do to be a better leader? (Obey your counselor, suggest a fun game to play inside, etc.)

Show me your plate if you made a worm with your Play-Doh! (ALLOW kids to show their "worms") Your friend at camp thinks it would be funny to replace the gummy worms with real worms at the ice cream shop! How can you be a leader in this situation? (By telling your friend it 's not a good idea, by let t ing an adult know if your friend goes through with it , etc.)

Page 3: BIBLE STORY SHEET Wk 1 - 2-5 - Bible Story Sheet...BIBLE STORY SHEET Wk 1 - 2-5 - Bible Story Sheet SAY: Follow my lead whenever I clap.Pay attention to how many times I clap, too!