Benefits of the Abacus

STAR CAREER ACADEMY Ph: 9933021080; email: [email protected] 2010 1 BENEFITS OF ABACUS Children have an amazing ability to learn, but their vast brain potential is not always nurtured to the fullest extent. With the proper guidance and tools, children as young as 4 or 5 are capable of mastering mathematical skills and calculating ability that will yield benefits that last a lifetime. Learning Mathematics with the Abacus is a set of books offering simple, enjoyable instructions for using the abacus, an ancient calculating device that provides modern children with valuable mental stimulation and proficiency in mathematics. Scientific analyses indicate abacus training can improve a child's ability to: "Concentrate, visualize, memorize, observe, and process information.” FUNCTIONS OF BRAIN Our brain has two hemispheres, the LEFT brain and the RIGHT brain. About 95% of our children use only the LEFT brain. They fail to use the RIGHT brain which is the seat and origin of intelligence. LEFT Brain - Analyzing Information, Concerning Languages & Sound. RIGHT Brain - Integrating Information, Thinking & Creativity. The Left and Right brains have their own specialized powers and functions. Our task is to activate BOTH parts of the brain simultaneously. By using BOTH the parts of brain, students can more fully realize their great potential. But...



Transcript of Benefits of the Abacus

Page 1: Benefits of the Abacus


Ph: 9933021080; email: [email protected]




Children have an amazing ability to learn, but their vast brain potential is not always nurtured

to the fullest extent. With the proper guidance and tools, children as young as 4 or 5 are

capable of mastering mathematical skills and calculating ability that will yield benefits that last

a lifetime.

Learning Mathematics with the Abacus is a set of books offering simple, enjoyable instructions

for using the abacus, an ancient calculating device that provides modern children with valuable

mental stimulation and proficiency in mathematics.

Scientific analyses indicate abacus training can improve a child's ability to:

"Concentrate, visualize, memorize, observe, and process information.”


Our brain has two hemispheres, the LEFT brain and the RIGHT brain. About 95% of our children use only the LEFT brain. They fail to use the RIGHT brain which is the seat and origin of intelligence.

LEFT Brain - Analyzing Information, Concerning Languages & Sound. RIGHT Brain - Integrating Information, Thinking & Creativity.

The Left and Right brains have their own specialized powers and functions. Our task is to activate BOTH parts of the brain simultaneously. By using BOTH the parts of brain, students can more fully realize their great potential. But...

Page 2: Benefits of the Abacus


Ph: 9933021080; email: [email protected]


2 can we motivate BOTH parts of the brain at a time?

“Learning abacus can accomplish this goal”

We offer training using the Japanese Soroban abacus, which is has one upper row of beads and four lower rows. We have found the Soroban abacus particularly effective for teaching mathematical calculating skills to young children.

Using an abacus, a child can do all arithmetic calculations up to 10 digits and master the skill of doing it mentally, without relying on modern devices such as calculators.

There are procedures and training methodologies to master abacus use

When children use hands to move the beads for small and large arithmetic calculations, the quick communication between hands and brain stimulates brain cells, promoting quick, balanced and whole brain development.


Fosters a greater sense of numbers. Helps develop an intuitive understanding of numbers through their concrete

representation. Fosters one's trust in the process of calculation by enabling one to observe it in action. Manifests the concept of decimal places and the progression of units by tens physically. Instantly accomplishes addition and subtraction when numbers are placed on the

abacus. Improves understanding of compounded numbers (through the use of supplementary

numbers for 5 and 10). Helps in developing the beneficial qualities of concentration, patience, and endurance. Fosters one's confidence in calculation. Uses a left to right calculation method, which makes quick estimation and rounding off

possible. Works on the decimal rather than fractional system, an easy progression to digital

systems. Develops mental calculation, which is the ultimate resource. Develops the right brain tremendously. Leads to greater mental capacity. Expresses large numbers simply and easily. Provides a sense of achievement as one's proficiency improves.

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Ph: 9933021080; email: [email protected]




Abacus education enhances progress in various abilities. Scientific analyses have demonstrated the effectiveness of abacus training in improving the following six abilities:

Ability to concentrate (Concentration) Ability to visualize and to be inspired (Inspiration) Ability to memorize (Memorization) Ability to observe attentively (Insight) Ability to process information (Information processing) Ability to listen and read quickly (Speed reading and listening)

At SCA we take utmost care for your child and ensure that no stone is left unturned to bring the best out of him. The students with us get contentment to the highest level and rediscover themselves with each passing month.


The course is divided into 8 term has classes taught over 3 months. Each class is of two hours duration with 10-15 minutes homework per day. Total program duration is about 24 months and does not clash with school curriculum as the classes are conducted once a week, usually Sundays…


How you can teach your child to do mathematical calculations using a remarkable educational tool - the abacus? An abacus is an ancient Asian calculating tool that helps modern students as young as age 4 or 5 master essential math skills they will retain and use all their lives.

Math proficiency gives students a competitive edge and prepares them for tomorrow’s highly selective job marketplace. Most new jobs require good math and science skills, and our Learning Mathematics with the Abacus instruction program is an excellent way to prepare your child for future career success.

With abacus instruction, you can help your child achieve more than just math skills. You can boost your child's confidence, provide a sense of achievement, promote intuitive thinking, enhance problem-solving capability, enhance creativity, and improve concentration and mental endurance.

When children use hands to move the beads in small and large arithmetic calculations, there is quick communication between the hands and the brain that stimulates both the right and left hemispheres of the brain. This promotes rapid, balanced whole brain development.

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Ph: 9933021080; email: [email protected]



Educators maintain that the abacus helps children develop powers of mental calculation. It enables children to:

Understand the base-ten number system and place values, Understand concepts of carrying and borrowing in arithmetic, and Visualize close relations between numbers and numerals.

The abacus is an excellent substitute for rote memorization of multiplication tables. Abacus calculation relies on the manipulation of beads rather than use of traditional arithmetic. It teaches children to visualize numbers and their relationships and placement values.


Every child from the age of two learns by seeing, touching and feeling every object that comes its way. For generations this is the fact proved by scientific researches on children's habits and based on this unassailable fact the wonderful learning method "Abacus Training" has been devised. Developed by the ancient Chinese, Abacus Education has been very widely popular in the European countries. Abacus Education in India is catching up fast and Maxmind ABACUS ACADEMY is providing the Abacus Education to Indian kids from Hyderabad with their nationwide branches and franchisees.

Basically children from 4 years to 14 years are eligible to undergo Abacus Education in India. The tools used are colorful beads on a groove or bar and attract the child's mind to physically touch, feel and make the mathematical sums while counting the beads visually. This way with the help of the beads on the bars the basic mathematics of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are learnt by the child as a play of fun.

The brain of the child works fast and from observing the number of beads the skill of observation is enriched. By repeated practice of counting the beads the intellect inherent in every child is motivated. Needless to mention, once a skill is learnt at the young age, it will come throughout the life of the child when they grow up and go up from class to class in Abacus Education in India

Because of the fundamental training of the brain, the child gets - observation power, logical thinking, analyzing and memorizing everything they come across. As such learning any subject, apart from mathematics, in the class room or out of it becomes a natural habit of the child by undergoing Abacus Training.

A sharp minded child is thus created to face any education as fun-learning instead of considering it as a load. This has been proven beyond doubt by consistent researches and studies by experts the world over to certify that Abacus Training is a must for your child, if you want him or her to be a bright student of the class. So let your kid join MAXMIND ABACUS ACADEMY revolution at the right age offered by the nearest Abacus Training Center of your town, run by them.