Be 'f .. ,. '.1 1 Ei., l L~~~~~~=-J - City of Herald...

._------ ._----- NlJMBEH 48. \'\' e wish to \'ou Jl 10 <is we> , Beef Tea Tomato Bouillon Asporax \\' e have been VIGORAL have a large Clly tr,uft· In lhat lint' tIl '\urply. th,tnk the p}1bhc for their patronage, and will cnn1tlnue ,'lIJr fair and hont.''5t dealing. Estey CompallY's Urgans Putnam Compaoy':-, (Jrgan:::; Bros.' High (trade Ifamdton J. T, LEAHY HOT DRINKS Furchner, Duerig« COo Not Cocoa Hot Coffee Grape Juice An Old Reliable Storee Up-to-Dale, liensonable Goods for sale at Prices, WAYNE, DQUG 'PHONE 79 . I A Delicious Beverage io Warm You Up Is , H§!II'II..... I DAPPY NEW YEAR I - We are the largest news dealers in :;-ortbeast .\lehra"ka. anJ take ,ubscriptlO'," for all maga- zines auJ newspapers. I -_.-.__ ====,;: IN THE TY; Will alation I :Raddolph, ou-* '01-/ 1 ArJO '(Ol: t; It-!U- The blirD on tbe farm on WlllOh S.... l., dt.ooTered, the exhanat IJ?8 Dor,man lftliides l eleven miles i Iof tho .DglD. bncI i\jeeD plugged P to sbnih.... 01 WayD., WaD de,l;royed by Iti.'.port.d .hal bUJiht COrD wlll .. WI lIre,Snnday nlghl, 10g.lhe? with firo oure bog oholera. I old BWea.teT., : b'oraes, :eight' t.oDfI of hay. four Bet£! of Mrs. Nels' Herman of Wlakefteld. died a Kuhl came up ,from W4yne barpe198', thirty bU6helB 01 corn Md in an Omaha h08pital on te 2Ot.h ult. Cuesda,. eTeoing., J.Q.,." 8e'Y61' .• ",!D.te.n:u. of leBs 'Value. The con, Beojamln Harrlson of JRk&1leld, suf· ooan!Ctlou. democratlo ft,.. tent. be1:oarid to Mr. Dorman Bnd were I feted A BllKht stroke 9f II paralyli8 00 lOme time -«0, t DI' tile prin(l.ple8 V81U.ed lat. sBoo, mostly covered by lo- P d M " . 1 f 1904 t Moodoy of I_-t week. I, ad"aDoel'l And 'he 41eU promulgate by lJuranoe 111 FarmerB' Mutual com- I 'I· apel'S au agazme,s or a - t J¥a I d Ib d . h' Wayne Bennett of! dolph, pto- 8111 an 'dJe ra an 10, ell t$ be "'e· pany" w ,ob Sherifi' Meara is the I I poB68 to make a trip to tb world'lI fair 1,. io e ,Otto w looal agebt. Mr. Donnan diBCl"lVered , &. SI, Lonltl on a bloyol., " olork' of lb. dllltrloi oo.rl 0 W+yn. Ih. ,fir••bo",I,8 o'olock and w.. able 10 I on the rep""Uoan tloket ila&t .• v' ItOmt!l QqWI!l and Doe horst'l. The I I FrldHoyafternoon Misa Vorrinne Jar· tall and will aII.*m.e the,dnties of the to hiB nncle, who OWDD P 'BOAk S·10· re min was drowned wlJlle skating 00 the office! nu." week.+-Hartington HfltiUd. the farm, nOO the HERALD haD not : '. n es W:.." Ph-l.tt6 river near Fremont. (Monday) Over- learned what it waG worth Ql whether Now ihat &em Of, w.ter rnleda for:, ",.,nRW trial Of.'.: the it wa. impred or Dot. I ' wdrkstsueariogoompe n l tbe town $lp,OOOlibelau1t.of ..... W. 'Va CHANGE OF COUNTY OFFICERS. , I wa.l. a n.w .ohool bo OlW'loa B. Alhloni ",hloh "'.nlted 'In & v' ::l' "I W B'lUlOt"oft is makmg p vilioo for. v-d'-" for ihe dFite-U.lant. Thia 1s a have beeD 00 the 'I[ All Dailies and eekly aud - w. 1 "" h" L '", - oomfortable room to Be mm()date 'he oaIe a:rowiDl out *he oongre88looal mo"f'1 t ready for the 'II Indians who trade in ina iown. campaign of conu;mao MoCartij,.- of begiuning,Q'tl.he new term today, Th" " Monthly Puhlications Haudled hovo hoen io " .. ion '". Ohris Stricker, the 'brflwer at Wnt Ponca, Neb" boib. 'f bee &0 the a¢tion winding up the olOlJing butd0888 or the :;'{ Point had. hie face frighUall;y burned being rea1deDts r :70JJoal IllDd the with hot pitch Doe da1 1:J.i week. aotio51,' conceroing to year and the o,b.n omeara hue beflO .. ,. '.1 I h """"Ih Blo Oi oompl.s\DI TOporn .nd pntti.g tb. . Dixon ill figuring on buUdlDg a 178- c aree l agala., "---rr- y.- ax lIy flniabing to::ocheD On their recorde ? tern of wa.terworu and esri- Tribune. , I! '" Ei. Vqlpp, Olerk Brown, Depnty I)i mllte8 the from ,t, i& '1,000. Patrons of 'he ..: office in 'hhJ city Beebe Wittler are ., The barbera' union at artingoon baa DYe,been consider. ,. aDDoyed of Jate tbe OBelJ w-ho wiU quit the court hooRe 'I Musie Department complete, declaftd at!' the Sn.oda dOllog rule by partlu who 800m tblnk "be wait- and pursue vacations not nc. 'I I aud so people oan iI'll- lib r hirsute ap· inK room of tbat i08 t.uttoo 1B to beueed pendent "fIt (STar of Allof III and up-to-date. peoduges amputated an day in tbe for ,hile watt- tbem to give np official '-f I wettk hereafter in tha.t tor the ma.U to 14ietrtbuted Ufe aod,l TI"P,...arer Vlllpp is especla.lly been rudolr boy' "bo were d 'h all .." .Wegt fee18 that 11 is IOUfIliog. Sach.. UI!I U. rem.i4ided ," ,1', ,J" ,eI, , ....:,'U'.,-.:.-J ......... ahve toment 8. new, up-to· e epo thattbe }>fInaley fn-l tahling a d18tur- M 0' II 1" I"' "nd; is mo.lling o.D effort looking to that banoe in suob a se'Yere and tHft C9880 r , r., for a. few weeks ----!t!-' __ I Tile ci.ty. propOies to donate a post.maO;ter Will that the law $hall >'+BI new8tte to the rll.llroadoQmpBny in reo be striotly eofOlOBt In tbe future. meei not Jatlet" th"n 'he 12th inBt,to tarn for a new depot. -West Point orgMlize and).,. the foundaiioD for the Malcomb Smith, a Pender le.ti tbe 'O.rroll II. year's work. on a sidewalk recently. hill head &. violijot blow and rnpttlrln« a mentDJ'OpOIe'ioban,agrandwoltbunt COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. "r . C I CK ROO M SUPPllEC: b'ood v6888l. He WM iaken &o8iou.x nu ibe 12th, ooyerio' a territory:tour Neb., Jan. 6, 1904. i: I tJ 1'1'· ' tl Olty tor treamleni and 'he injury 18 milM Fquare. Tbebal round up, will oounty oommbsionoi'1'l mol: an pea' 7+ ii . TOry oorion., Ioke pl......b. In"""'lo. 01 ilh.r- aqj ,orn.,OItI; .n m.mber., J: Hie IIlake a specialty of this line of goods and s .. New. oon- 1U&n,DoorOr••k.,QI/llpin .nd thf8ald Tb. 101lOwing omela, bond, w.r. ex· # dv direct. from the makers themselves, thus taiu'ed eight eztra page., eTuled to the precinot•• HOB,urtiel Will begin "t 10 amined on Ulolioo o.pproved "'1 '1- growth lind proepeoN d1- Norfolk aod olclook. and ooly wUi be 0 H BrilJbt, 00 Superintendent ; Hr, etli'ig" g h , feO!S' Yt·oIlQneuWag.OiOtdyS"O,f_t_h_e______ tdbntary ••o,io.,. Itw'1'" oomm.nd· A'\1lxooC01llllr:p".".nero.. RdbIH,Jon...,OoBnrv.yor _ able lltrvke ot eot6rpri8", aDd will (0 ty wolf soa!pe, t\ mlghti apprf!olate J M do Tr68Sut'€li'. DIllUb good in setting forth the remu)r.. the prGKrato ohanged: and Ohll8 M 00 Olerh ,'.:1'. I At The,l able prQgrea. ot .. ohnnk of the !leoomlnll' the B08Q.e or tbe Grant Sheriff. Itate. l1p IIDd QafIlage. H Kohl, Olerk of Di8t Court. !'! Lbwest P!rice A female ma.gnetio who re· JU9t now POma'farmers who oooQlJion- IW Alter, of Peace Wllyne 'IJ : ol"ntly endeavored to ply her prorefl8bn &-11y feed. a 1O&d or cattle ..-re in .B F Feather," ., n have !.he guarantee of the makers of these 1D Rm,ftolph, fouvd few and donbt of tbe doobt H,P .. 'J j LI It. rth tb· hard s!t·ddiug there and, belog IIhort of Murroaudiog tb;i rmce. of oorn. '. It 18 ,:at-nrv ci Constable i. "10 '''II' '" . guarau ,ee ,S wo e prICe , ." current 8h.. kels, a of cblUito.bly true that Peavy, 'thegre<d: elevator, mag- Ed Lumia, fbf.ovcry lJurchaso made. inolined people oontribtited means to premiulD fd.,r ear 'PettrLief,OverseerDistNo ,''14 H..' YMONO'S UO ST,OR,E h.lph.r on\ 01 tb. oonnlty, 00'0 WId .. F' A Rll8S.lI, " R I{it' )lr. and MrR. Fred K',a.y "'bQ reside '<t Rtor8 itl raise. "Some W PARler, 'l WAYNE, NE RASKA Iw.I•• mile. 'oulh 01 Wok.bld. e.l.. 010"'" oorn will go Inp and .ome,.ay It H ° Barttl'le, " '" 1I0'deo "YIt.U go doWD. 8c.l r At Fraulrd:)60U, ., 40 .;; pUlnE Dnuos I tell " " :t I,fl ,I , ....If ... to 1'\ ..... '. lto11 tbelr children p.nd Il(I'andobildren ,he' story. III ti. *" rRf.t,ll!l m'l8t 0 a '&'klri&oo, " Mr, .nd. M,.. K.y r.Daiv.d a gilt 0( b.... tbo oom Imd ",tIDg .!'gular 0 1!'00000,jtlokjo., .. '6 iL.L.. o.bIOut in f[old o<ri.n. taiiouII.-Rando1ph T1Die8. I J E: Wihlan, 4: Bnf'lral juvenile Imembers of Sauta ; James,$. wbet D,led :: 4-7 R Ii f LEA P I mllUS' band o.t thoR Lut.b.eran ohurch 10 to UY€l De$f T under iarrest Jaoob BAohert, '. ; 0, "i,'I', Ponca Oi1.ri8tmal got too BI 8t: lbe: IM;ter cbBrted L J Etlllht'f1, .. 26 the, tapers, UlumioatlD:g tbe tt"e6, an ,With an the aid- Wm B.d 32 , I,. fire, and, pool heacb aDd and .bettl tbe orime. !Welch '" The ::wag ehtJm"l were examined '1Ul,!,'" banrtl prevented them from heiDa :wuied to lila ,htl wife'll ASCer and " d ""-", all W\ - 'I!I Dealer In ,.,""u,lybnrnod.nd eiwotng Ihe oon· 11'11010 marry ....otber 37 25 gtegation to lItampede·1 'aur.n, belitsvlng ;'Hebry oue, " " 2 00 I II : ',i, 'I'he two I who were ar- I httP free' to Q& ,oo.t hia wt;j' not '.iF'rrJ VplpPI pOitage eta, 36 50 , 1,·:1' .1 Groceries Q n d 'i-0nfectionery, t'6'8,ted While making a .&le of s88udng to ,ko ... there ,a law IBeh BrowD "" 26 10 tnr c08Jts nt, a i weeks ago r;;: RiDe! reliel, 100 00 Cigors, fruits and! Nuts. Eve .. and who enloyed hospitality of ")08 WQnld ou1 Eft a woro: shf' ,10 road work, 3 15 ill Sh.eriff for one njtI8'.ht, the olutehea df he i.l, ely to L $ WiUlJOr;o.blllotsmithing, to 00 I' thing fresh and best quality, bo'!!&.oonrtat.Pon. I........... mlt gSi ,0haBWtle,noldo.poalage, 950 I I ' oatv anew", 10 Ih. 01 bor81ary, INDEPIiNDE T 'tELEPHQN,f LINE 'A T WI,ier,'bOlIlIf, 1200 I '. M• t' J; I oOlUmltlod .1 Emer.on, ' ., . , Aug Ba\ll', rood work 8 75 i i[' 'I ", •••• lnmneso 1' .' our, ..••• Snpl. M. R. snod:::; 01 tb. WarD. W'r ne will ••n 11 d .pen-. OW l\e<ld. U " ! 25 h Ii b I .• b S.·M S • do,,1 tolOPhO-=. 'I<!m whloh w,1I oon- :w O.Wi8.blluan. Fry i ...... 13 20 80 00, as been Be eo 1-& y --v a. wUk .. of f8l!JlD.erl!l in J. Fowler .. one of -'8 and oth eQnoties. of' the :Jobn work, 5 00 , N2ne Better •• 60fk ill .Itnotore In tho jnni", n<Jml101to '" Wlr.. &'" '" H= nnd.r· nnd WA 8 75 l I held at Valeutlno tibe Gamiug ,nul- , p, " 'PO ,W A -'o..e... 12 60 I guaranteed. , m.r.. The a.po\nbe\ 10 an glrtall lull ollio ."1."'1 whloh N•b TiJIqPhono 00 Servlceo, 560 I .k on:e..=..1Wilner OhroDioj.. IrQarao&e81 the tel'J' of H 0 road work, 28 75 ° DPORS SOUTH .hF DAVIIE6' &OOK 6 III....., B.n f'd 0 Btlon.the g.nlle- E,\l ••• ro,d 500 r, Rav. mfJ.DWho ha.To:,ar.-auKed to b ld llnll Jobu(c:",UtJ"r()I,d'W01"k. aii 00 I 1;1. of W&yne, .. tbe opera jboUtll own the ate now h te aud. Ob,as work. 2 50 : B I . Wedn\elday M(l liltened hal'e thl'l band 1 TbI y have N'b OO'1I6rv106B, 5 75 . i '1 dl... oltentlon 10 Jl,i.llln'l}'8t.d IoOturol bnlll•• a.d oomf hlSbl.y J E ria. ';u janitor 40 00 T6 AN, Ok ..1 .A ." . on lb. Lil. 01 Ohrlot. 'Tho U1 trallono' par" wJu1r. 'Ih.y OronIS'1II:.":'. fe., bour<! 411 50 ,..r. Ib,II.., w.. both l IIbe Ir...,.aeled Thry bave., HE Blnli\Jl , '200 00 '1 Pr.oldoot. C,A, CHAam. VI e Pr•• R. W, LaY, O,.b\er Ihrougb-! : I ====""'=='1=";=' =:""'I'r=,,' =:j:1= tlividual Respon ibility $200,000. i I So... nnknow'1lnd/vldnol. hl'Jl dle U!l\b,." •. I.and 8 00 i'.': . .i: .. J._ , ,'" ' , I #Q beeD by the W.I/. 1 .. let mers, I to N,.O. .. I General B'inking I Interes* paid on TIlDe De' and malice atdretl:1<mght" pat btdld ow 1 e., do eO, .pd they E ObaJ/' ' ,. ,. 30' 00 ., " I I ., g lor lhe" tOr ViI Alli.i t' ''.' 80 00 Tb W :::;'::'a':d p::::e •• tt: 1 ,," .::: •. e . aw ne . ',I i ery: 'I' :' , " ,il \ ,4..::" ::: __ ,",,,:I B i I, 'R h" I 0, oequrod PMII!"* II'" 3000 ·1 Ii I i,. i,'. egio' :,. .a--. ,i ig .' 1 n w.:1"'1r lughl .. 00 H ' j:J , t Iii I hy r I ht .xp u,. 10 jhav. on " .. :1: as t e ution Qr 1, , '! " .IMr•... '. II .. '. .' .#e. ""\ In .•... :.Oill:. rr,' 00 th\, kind in 11 . a\i<,l t .. ..•'. I. ! lied .. , '. ,..p,o rrjlln ,o.... 0000 ...b lle' .. e ; :1 1 , unao a wi .. h hWl. e•. nl fn :i.wiD 00 t !DI .DIl .. r of Ir Wm 8 00 tl1 D . ding Its busibesB. i .' ': " ! , '. .., ; 0 b the '1.10, 00 !.lts '1ta . '. < I ,. ::,* :r::tt I' i':!'i:-rt"'i I, .' 001 I , p:::, , PI': , ow"" :80.00 a Ie to procure an xClilllept uality p 11!\l1lO· II 'i I' , , : I 180 00 a ,model'ate co t, I' , iii : g : o ..• ?.p.J .. .. .. .. · ..'.:.' .. 8 ...•... 1 e .i ...•..... u ...•.I.,: I,:..:.:t: .. ,:, ..•.. :.; ....a .•..n .......r .. ..•h !l ••.•' ..• ••. I .........•.. '1· 8 00 Q /'Iloo··. '.•' ..•.o.· •.·l· del""'" "'.•. ,1"·""1' ,IiI: ':.,''''", ,J·.I.: '.' ,\' ,:''1'' .:i':,' if:",';:,,: "j",,: :::. ':,' ,,:.,:,,:::::, ':,:'i ',fl"';':::'''' .l!i > :I,8pl ,

Transcript of Be 'f .. ,. '.1 1 Ei., l L~~~~~~=-J - City of Herald...

._-----­._-----NlJMBEH 48.

\'\' e wish to

\'ou brJn~ Jl 10 <is we>,

Beef Tea

Tomato BouillonAsporax

\\' e have been


have a large Clly tr,uft· In lhat lint' tIl '\urply.

th,tnk the p}1bhc for their patronage, and

'N\~ will cnn1tlnue ,'lIJr fair and hont.''5t dealing.

Estey CompallY's Urgans

Putnam Compaoy':-, (Jrgan:::;

(~hi('kering Bros.' High (trade PjaJl()~




Furchner, Duerig« COo

Not Cocoa

Hot Coffee

Grape Juice

An Old Reliable StoreeUp-to-Dale,

liensonable Goodsfor sale at

~ea~onable Prices,


A Delicious Beverage io Warm You Up Is

, H§!II'II.....


I DAPPY NEW YEAR It1lll!ll!l·U<~"T.W""""'1Ol\lW;.:JIDjj)C""'.®.kiJm='llJ""'i~_ ­

We are the largest news dealers in :;-ortbeast

.\lehra"ka. anJ take ,ubscriptlO'," for all maga­

zines auJ newspapers.



I ~_-_.-.__-_-~_-_-_-L- ====,;:



Ptim~lDg alation I :Raddolph, ou-* '01-/1 ~A'RN ArJO HO-~SES---;~;;;;E~.I·'b¢~u '(Ol: • t; 'l'E:~1itl,. It-!U- The blirD on tbe farm on WlllOhS....l., dt.ooTered, • the exhanat IJ?8 4\d~lph Dor,man lftliides

leleven milesi"~N;~w,~w,w,~w,w,N1t9ii Iof tho .DglD. bncI i\jeeD plugged P to sbnih.... 01 WayD., WaD de,l;royed by

Iti.'.port.d .hal bUJiht COrD wlll IboeX"Dlorlourta~ll1lb.n.. ~ WI lIre,Snnday nlghl, 10g.lhe? with firooure bog oholera. I old BWea.teT., : b'oraes, :eight' t.oDfI of hay. four Bet£! of

Mrs. Nels' Herman of Wlakefteld. died O,~O a Kuhl came up ,from W4yne barpe198', thirty bU6helB 01 corn Md

in an Omaha h08pital on te 2Ot.h ult. Cuesda,. eTeoing., J.Q.,." 8e'Y61'.•d~h1a O~he.r ",!D.te.n:u. of leBs 'Value. The con,Beojamln Harrlson of JRk&1leld, suf· ooan!Ctlou. .lth~:democratlo ft,.. tent. be1:oarid to Mr. Dorman Bnd were

I feted A BllKht stroke 9f II paralyli8 00 lOme time -«0, t DI' tile prin(l.ple8 V81U.ed lat. sBoo, mostly covered by lo-

P d M" . 1 f 1904 t Moodoy of I_-t week. I, ad"aDoel'l And 'he 41eU promulgate by lJuranoe 111 t~ FarmerB' Mutual com-

I 'I· apel'S au agazme,s or a - t J¥a I d Ib ~ d . h'Wayne Bennett of! dolph, pto- 8111an 'dJe ra an 10, ell t$ be "'e· pany" ~r w ,ob Sherifi' Meara is the


I poB68 to make a trip to tb world'lI fair 1,. io e ~ ,Otto w e~ted looal agebt. Mr. Donnan diBCl"lVered, &. SI, Lonltl on a bloyol., " olork' of lb. dllltrloi oo.rl 0 W+yn. Ih. ,fir••bo",I,8 o'olock and w.. able 10I co~t1 on the rep""Uoan tloket ila&t.•v' ItOmt!l QqWI!l and Doe horst'l. The

I I FrldHoyafternoon Misa Vorrinne Jar· tall and will aII.*m.e the,dnties of the ~ belo~gqd to hiB nncle, who OWDD

P 'BOAk S·10·re min was drowned wlJlle skating 00 the office! nu." week.+-Hartington HfltiUd. the farm, nOO the HERALD haD not: '. nes W:.." Ph-l.tt6 river near Fremont. Ju~ge;Gaynortoda1 (Monday) Over- learned what it waG worth Ql whether

Now ihat Emer80n'8~y&em Of, w.ter rnleda mot~n. for:, ",.,nRW trial Of.'.: the it wa. impred or Dot.I ' wdrkstsueariogoompe n l tbe town $lp,OOOlibelau1t.of ..... W. 8h~i.bler. 'Va CHANGE OF COUNTY OFFICERS.

~ , I wa.l. a n.w .ohool bo OlW'loa B. Alhloni ",hloh "'.nlted 'In & v'::l' "I W B'lUlOt"oft is makmg p vilioo for. v-d'-" for ihe dFite-U.lant. Thia 1s a Ooun.y',:ofl",i~ have beeD 00 the'I[ All Dailies and eekly aud - w. 1 "" h" L'", - oomfortable room to Be mm()date 'he oaIe a:rowiDl out I~; *he oongre88looal mo"f'1 t ~"weel( ready for the~ 'II Indians who trade in ina iown. campaign of conu;mao MoCartij,.- of begiuning,Q'tl.he new term today, Th"" Monthly Puhlications Haudled Domm"'lon.~ hovo hoen io " ..ion'". Ohris Stricker, the 'brflwer at Wnt Ponca, Neb" boib. 'f bee &0 the a¢tion winding up the olOlJing butd0888 or the:;'{ Point had. hie face frighUall;y burned being rea1deDts r :70JJoal IllDd the~ with hot pitch Doe da1 1:J.i week. aotio51,' conceroing !~avit. relati~g to year and the o,b.n omeara hue beflO

~.. ,. '.1 I h """"Ih Blo Oi oompl.s\DI TOporn .nd pntti.g tb.. Dixon ill figuring on buUdlDg a 178- c areel agala., "---rr- y.- ax lIy flniabing to::ocheD On their recorde

? tern of wa.terworu 'hia~8ar and esri- Tribune. , I!'" Ei. Treasur~ Vqlpp, Olerk Brown, Depnty~ I)i mllte8 the co~t from ,t, i& '1,000. Patrons of 'he ..: office in 'hhJ city Beebe ~~ ~Dlm188ioDer Wittler are., The barbera' union at artingoon baa DYe,been consider. ,. aDDoyed of Jate tbe OBelJ w-ho wiU quit the court hooRe

'I Musie Department complete, declaftd at!' the Sn.oda dOllog rule by partlu who 800m tblnk "be wait- and her~fje~ pursue vacations not nc.~ 'I I aud so people oan iI'll- lib r hirsute ap· inK room of tbat i08 t.uttoo 1B to beueed pendent "fIt tl;l-~ (STar of politic~ Allof

III ~t c1<i~:i and up-to-date. peoduges amputated an day in tbe for .gymu~Qm. ~noD. ,hile watt- tbem se~m ~Uliog to give np official'-f I wettk hereafter in tha.t to~n. iD~ tor the ma.U to 14ietrtbuted ~a."e Ufe aod,l TI"P,...arer Vlllpp is especla.lly~ been rudolr boy' "bo were d 'h all.." .Wegt Pui~t fee18 that 11 is ,:~ol:otl; IOUfIliog. Sach.. UI!I U. rem.i4ided ~r. ~;:~na:rll1 j~e~~::h~~tbtohi~O !l:~:," ,1', ,J" ,eI, ,....:,'U'.,-.:.-J .........(a-;'lI'>=~~~)J':fJ':{Jf'~~ ahve toment 8. new, up-to· • e epo thattbe }>fInaley fn-l tahling a d18tur- M 0'II 1" I"' "nd; is mo.lling o.D effort looking to that banoe in suob a pla~1i1 se'Yere and tHft C9880

r, r., J,,~1Dolds, for a. few weeks----!t!-'41--~~--~~==-t·C"~==,,~=__=,,_=_,,~,,_,,_=_=,,_:=c~='I r,;t>ult~" Tile ci.ty. propOies to donate a post.maO;ter Will 8~ that the law $hall :~~:~~m~r~o ~~~~

;r_'<~RH~+'I:'i'>'+BIt-j;.B+~4-EHR-tt-+iG<""oH-J40-DstTt*ttttttttt*ttttttttEnew8tte to the rll.llroadoQmpBny in reo be striotly eofOlOBt In tbe future. meei not Jatlet" th"n 'he 12th inBt,to

tarn for a new depot. -West Point De~'. orgMlize and).,. the foundaiioD for theMalcomb Smith, a Pender ~oy. le.ti Aocording,~ tbe 'O.rroll Inde~. II. year's work.

on a sidewalk recently. Iltrikw~ hill Dumberofre81dellillP:ttb~ WelohB~ttle- _~~ ~head &. violijot blow and rnpttlrln« a mentDJ'OpOIe'ioban,agrandwoltbunt COUNTY COMMISSIONERS.

"r . C ICK ROO M SUPPllEC: b'ood v6888l. He WM iaken &o8iou.x nu ibe 12th, ooyerio' a territory:tour ~ayne, Neb., Jan. 6, 1904.~; i: I tJ 1'1'· ' tl Olty tor treamleni and 'he injury 18 milM Fquare. Tbebal round up, will T~e oounty oommbsionoi'1'l mol: an pea'7+ ii . oon~ldon~ TOry oorion., Ioke pl......b. In"""'lo. 01 ilh.r- aqj ,orn.,OItI; .n m.mber.,J: Hie IIlake a specialty of this line of goods and s ..nrd'Y·'NOrfOlkD~New. oon- 1U&n,DoorOr••k.,QI/llpin .nd thf8ald Tb. 101lOwing omela, bond, w.r. ex·# dv direct. from the makers themselves, thus taiu'ed eight eztra page., eTuled to the precinot•• HOB,urtiel Will begin "t 10 amined ~nd on Ulolioo o.pproved"'1 '1- growth lind proepeoN d1- Norfolk aod olclook. and ooly ~O.fUD'wUi be ~llied. 0 H BrilJbt, 00 Superintendent

~, ;Hr,etli'ig"g

h, feO!S'Yt·oIlQneuWag.OiOtdyS"O,f_t_h_e______ tdbntary ••o,io.,. Itw'1'" oomm.nd· A'\1lxooC01llllr:p".".nero.. ~onn, RdbIH,Jon...,OoBnrv.yor

_ able lltrvke ot eot6rpri8", aDd will (0 ty (,I~ wolf soa!pe, t\ mlghti apprf!olate J M Ch~Jry. do Tr68Sut'€li'.DIllUb good in setting forth the remu)r.. h.l'~g the prGKrato ohanged: and Ohll8 M ~eyuolda. 00 Olerh

,'.:1'. I At The,l able prQgrea. ot .. l~rge ohnnk of the !leoomlnll' the B08Q.e or tbe 0108iDg~ouD-d Grant Si~~B, Sheriff.Itate. l1p IIDd QafIlage. O~IO H Kohl, Olerk of Di8t Court.

!'! Lbwest P!rice A female ma.gnetio ~e&ler, who re· JU9t now POma'farmers who oooQlJion- I W Alter, Jtl8tio~ of Peace Wllyne'IJ : ol"ntly endeavored to ply her prorefl8bn &-11y feed. a 1O&d or '~ot cattle ..-re in .B F Feather," .,i~ n have !.he guarantee of the makers of these 1D Rm,ftolph, fouvd few ~"ientlJ and donbt w';'l~t to'dnJ.·~tlMof tbe doobt H,P Pd~rBOn .. "WinRid~'~' 'J j LI It. rth tb· hard s!t·ddiug there and, belog IIhort of Murroaudiog tb;i rmce. of oorn. '. It 18 ,:at-nrv ci Smi~h, Constablei. "10 '''II' '" . guarau ,ee ,S wo e prICe , ."

current 8h.. kels, a nUlDlbtl~ of cblUito.bly true that Peavy, 'thegre<d: elevator, mag- Ed Lumia,fbf.ovcry lJurchaso made. inolined people oontribtited means to llate1i.pa1to.ga08~.'premiulD fd.,r ear 'PettrLief,OverseerDistNo ,''14

H..' ~ YMONO'S D~'UO ST,OR,E h.lph.r on\ 01 tb. oonnlty, 00'0 WId 'hl8lO~n"' ..eant~oth. F' A Rll8S.lI, " RI{it' )lr. and MrR. Fred K',a.y "'bQ reside ~~nd8 '<t Rtor8 itl ~or,. raise. "Some W PARler, 'l

:~" WAYNE, NE RASKA Iw.I•• mile. 'oulh 01 Wok.bld. e.l.. 010"'" oorn will go Inp and .ome,.ay It H °Barttl'le, " '"tq.~8d. ~belr 1I0'deo w~n8' an~ftIr. "YIt.U go doWD. tb~.XOD~. At Fraulrd:)60U, ., 40

.;; pUlnE Dnuos I 'p'onth.29thnlt,by~ ll'''llletlq~,of ~nyra"'lben.xt2\lor30darsw*1 tell 'WmSo~uh., " ":t I,fl ,I , ....If ... to 1'\..... ~ '. lto11 tbelr children p.nd Il(I'andobildren ,he'story. III ti. *" rRf.t,ll!l m'l8t 0 a '&'klri&oo, " ~g~~*k*HHHHHHHH*H.HHHHHHHHHH*H Mr, .nd. M,.. K.y r.Daiv.d a gilt 0( b.... tbo oom Imd ar~ ",tIDg .!'gular 0 1!'00000,jtlokjo., .. '6

iL.L.. o.bIOut ,~OO in f[old o<ri.n. taiiouII.-Rando1ph T1Die8. I J E: Wihlan, 4:

-~--i=J;:=F--'-_.--- Bnf'lral juvenile Imembers of Sauta ; James,$. Wel~habdMf8, wbet D,led :::~::~. :: 4-7

R Ii f LEAPI mllUS' band o.t thoR Lut.b.eran ohurch 10 to UY€l De$f T m~,-.e under iarrest Jaoob BAohert, '. ~3; 0, "i,'I', • Ponca ()~ Oi1.ri8tmal got too oea.~ ~, COUD~ BI 8t : lbe: IM;ter cbBrted L J Etlllht'f1, .. 26

the, tapers, UlumioatlD:g tbe tt"e6, an ,With biga~y an the w1t~ aid- Wm B . d 32, I,. oa~~ht: fire, and, pool heacb aDd ~ng and .bettl ",~ tbe orime. !Welch '" The ::wag ehtJm"l were examined

'1Ul,!,'" banrtl prevented them from heiDa :wuied to lila ,htl wife'll ASCer and " d ""-", ~b~OI' all W\ -'I!I Dealer In ,.,""u,lybnrnod.nd eiwotng Ihe oon· ,.o/l.n~od 11'11010 marry ....otber ,~n$:::.rn:w~"":wor1>: ~ 37 25

gtegation to lItampede·1 'aur.n, belitsvlng ha~:iao'ioa W(lu~11eaV8' ;'Hebry oue, " " 2 00I II : ',i, 'I'he two individJna~Iwho were ar- IhttP free' to Q& ,oo.t hia wt;j' not '.iF'rrJ VplpPI pOitage eta, 36 50, 1,·:1' .1 Groceries Q n d 'i-0nfectionery, t'6'8,ted While making a ~crifloe .&le of s88udng to ,ko ... ~bat there ,a law IBeh BrowD "" 26 10

tnr c08Jts nt, H~skins a i~ew weeks ago I~~::~:t~~ t,:~~h::r;;: ~ ~ RiDe! ~1dierB reliel, 100 00Cigors, fruits and! Nuts. Eve..y~ and who enloyed th~ hospitality of ")08 WQnld ou1 Eft a woro: shf' ,10 Oh,aa"Dqto~,road work, 3 15ill Sh.eriff for one njtI8'.ht, have:~,beeD the olutehea df 1i~. ~"', he i.l, ely to L $ WiUlJOr;o.blllotsmithing, to 00

I ' thing fresh and o~ best quality, bo'!!&.oonrtat.Pon. I...........mlt gSi ,0haBWtle,noldo.poalage, 950I I ' oatv anew", 10 Ih. Oh~g. 01 bor81ary, INDEPIiNDE T 'tELEPHQN,f LINE 'A T WI,ier,'bOlIlIf, 1200I '. M • t ' J;I oOlUmltlod .1 Emer.on, ' ., . , Aug Ba\ll', rood work 8 75

ii[' 'I ",••••lnmneso 1'.' our,..••• Snpl. M. R. snod:::; 01 tb. WarD. W'rne will ~ooll h~.,••n 11d.pen-. OW l\e<ld. U " ! 25

h Ii b I .• b S.·M S • do,,1 tolOPhO-=.'I<!m whloh w,1I oon- :w O.Wi8.blluan. Fry i...... 13 2080 00, as been Be eo 1-& y --v a. ~~ wUk .. .~berof f8l!JlD.erl!l in J.p~rtnt$nd"nt Fowler .. one of -'8 ta~ W~yne and oth eQnoties. Pa~ of' the :Jobn :eqlll8~I'~ work, 5 00

, N2ne Better•• ·Ev~ry 60fk ill .Itnotore In tho jnni", n<Jml101to '" Wlr.. &'" '" H= nnd.r· nnd W A ~.n~.1 8 75l I held at Valeutlno tibe Gamiug ,nul- , p, " 'PO • ,W A -'o..e... 12 60

I guaranteed. , m.r..The a.po\nbe\ 10 an.~ glrtall • lull ollio ."1."'1 whloh N•b TiJIqPhono 00 Servlceo, 560I .k on:e..=..1Wilner OhroDioj.. IrQarao&e81 the tel'J' ~et of lfD~e. H 0 B~rMIJ., road work, 28 75° DPORS SOUTH .hF DAVIIE6' &OOK 6 TljI~IE III....., B.n f'd 0 Btlon.the g.nlle- E,\l••• ro,d wo,~. 500r, ,Ala:rgeand1en06gr~.tedRav. ~hb'. mfJ.DWho ha.To:,ar.-auKed to b ld llnll Jobu(c:",UtJ"r()I,d'W01"k. aii 00

==~~1==="1'=========*=,===1========I=;" I 1;1. ~ey of W&yne, a~l ..tbe opera jboUtll own the exc~ng~. ate now h te aud. Ob,as Weee.,e~,.road work. 2 50: B I .W· Wedn\elday nigh~ M(l liltened "lt~1 hal'e thl'l e~~~rf1~lin band1 TbI y have N'b Tel.~J1q,neOO'1I6rv106B, 5 75

~. i ~''1 dl... oltentlon 10 Jl,i.llln'l}'8t.d IoOturol bnlll••,Pl~~te a.d oomf hlSbl.y J E H~.ria.';u janitor 40 00

T6 AN, Ok..1 .A . " . on lb. Lil. 01 Ohrlot. 'Tho U1 trallono' ~Dlm.nd.d f'~ par" wJu1r. 'Ih.y OronIS'1II:.":'. j.ilo~ fe., bour<! 411 50,..r. ~xo.lI.nt .n~ Ib,II.., w.. both l IIbe Ir...,.aeled Thry bave., HE Blnli\Jl ~y , '200 00

'1 Pr.oldoot. C,A, CHAam. VI e Pr••ld.~, R. W, LaY, O,.b\er ~:~~~:I:~:a:~I~';=tlveIhrougb-! :~:::.:::::. t~~~t:::t~~ ~:~t~~: i,~~~~·$t~~t:g:::~~.. ~ : I====""'=='1=";='=:""'I'r=,,'==t===".==,=-======,!~. =:j:1=tlividual Respon ibility $200,000. i I So... nnknow'1lnd/vldnol. bel.l.r.~ hl'Jl U!l\b,." l~th.m •.I.and H:.OX,.tjI~ll#" 8 00 i'.': . .i: .. J._

, ,'" ' , I #Q b~ve beeD bUlttg~tfed by the ~v~ t~.!ll7 W.I/.1..let t~tmers, I o,~eIl1te to N,.O. ;E.m~'~' ~ ~nonal6ett16ment. ~O,OO ~i',fI"~O++:'.$o+.;:+y~*>t-++:-.)'::oo!o'I'~~""'~(~J~~I ..

IGeneral B'inking I nU8lne~8 Interes* paid on TIlDe De' ofl~tB and malice atdretl:1<mght" pat ~h btdld ~r ow 1 e., do eO, .pd they E ObaJ/' ' ,. ,. 30' 00 ., "

I I ., '~dotha.wI g lor lhe" tOr • ViI' ''.' 80 00 Tb W B~k·;

~~~f~*~*~*;·~*~*~*~**;';*;,~;~;~~;;;~;E:=a;;~;~H;"J :::;'::'a':d .:~:~ p::::e•• tt: ~~:; ~~~ 1,~n~: ,," .::: ~ •. e .awne . ',I i ery:'I' :' , " ,il \ ~E!F;:::~:' ~:!= ,4..::" ::: _~"__,",,,:I

B i I, 'R h" I ~pb 0, ~.IJlallb. oequrod PMII!"* II'" 3000 ·1 Ii

Ii,. i,'. egio':,. ~'.a--. ,i ig .' 1 O.n~_ n ~ w.:1"'1r lughl '~B Qhl.\1~I~r. .. 3~ 00 H ' j:J , t Iii~ I ~ hy ~-:mcd r I ht .xp u,. 10 jhav. ~ on " L~ .. :1: ~ as bljCO~ t e }t~08Ntcom~lete_t~st\,ution Qr 1,

, '! " .IMr•.~.. '. II..'. .' .#e. ~ ""\ I~o In.•... :.Oill:. rr,' 8~.i 00 th\, kind in ~Ollf'~h'! 11 . ebra~a a\i<,l e!,~erB t i·..~ ..•'. I.! lied ,~ .. , '. ,..p,o rrjlln ,o.... 0000 n~wYea.fwiti...b lle' .. ro~pect ~.'sti'] fu~.t~.'r. e ; :1 1,

unao awi fe.~.. hhWl. e•.nl fn :i.wiD ~ 00 t!DI .DIl .. r of Ir Wm 8 00 tl1D. ding Its busibesB. i .' ': " ! , '. .., ;~~, 0 b the '1.10,~80 00 !.lts ~ndipa~ !ri~B.,. '1ta., '.~Mri;!'l <IiS~ ,. ··;:I:~Z' ::,*~ :ll~:: ::~~~~:et:ll~ l~e:~I:fTt:r::tt I' i':!'i:-rt"'i

I, .~" .' I~001 I , p:::, , PI':, ow"" :80.00 a Ie to procure an xClilllept uality p11!\l1lO· II 'i I' , , : I180 00 a ,model'ate co t, I' ,

iii :g I.;.c.~.I: o..• ?·..'.:.'..8...•...


.i...•.....u...•.I.,:I,:..:.:t:..,:,~.I..•..:.;•....a.•..n•.......r..~.g..•h!l••.•'..•'.'t.lli.I.~••. I.........•.. q~.'1·


/'Iloo··.'.• ' ..•.o.·•.·l·del""'" "'.•. ,1"·""1' ,IiI: ':.,''''", ,J·.I.: '.''~" ,\' .!:"~ ,:''1'' .:i':,' if:",';:,,: "j",,: :::. ':,' ,,:.,:,,:::::, ':,:'i ',fl"';':::''''.l!i > !1;~ll:(~;d'l~':I,8pl ,



F,n::., Hll,",k anti (at.T Ox('s ~r(' not (IS IJ dOIlH's!l( ~t('t!

TIH:,'. Iff'lllstrtbt[U] !"p'!turf>s Bod [11WIVS pine for frp(l! Jill but III nre inst mcE'S Hp,n 11 d Jo~r g h IS II lldlH'SIS findfPSpolH}'l flftl'!" '1 [IS)lI HI of LIS 0" 11

to l)llllllll ],lndnl"-'S 1)( SIll il nOllE I

dal1~ pappf I( Ih it prPlty "ton-~€'!I fs a tamp fiOX ,,) \1 (!l tlltl1(>(1 an I

or sUd) ~ood m!(n!IOIh tbn! IIp ",m notlouch any of tbl pOllltry on tilt' plflPOChlcketls (('ed ne•• f Ids !lox, lIntI h ..ncts IlS Jf be llI.:! d thE'lr SOl Jpty Doubtle8s HIe) sene to nuder hiS C'onfioC'Ulf'nt It'Ss lrksoll1(,

Ol1P llJOInln~ It"l.'enl!' fI Inr,;p dlJd.::f'll ha\\k s-noope1l1!l)\\1l nnr} (1l1ght a(l\lckpll (l()~( to the box "!Hfn the foxIs (h l!Ill d :'\('(}, tJ p ur!l1g the llOlS{'

~~;llilgf~1~t ~)~~d(n~~~~:lts:~l ~l:\:' 1: l~;: I~~I~tlnd !-H'ttled It'l free (tl'\ dN'P into tlwfox s noS(' 1\(') liard ~qll("lled but lJehung- to the han]. s leI{

At tblfl lllo!Uput a ('It th~t had !l(

come alt~'lcJl('(l to tile fox b'f'..'1nl :'\('il:i('Ties of [JIlin lind ruslllll;:" 01lt S!H'SI1MWg upon thl' 111"k lllHl r1fJ.\\(O It:-;bat>!. J 11 It III ule tlH hUll J. let g"o tlll'fOJ("s nose \(]v ~u(](l{,JlJ) to plole,tIt"e!f from tbis IJ{'\\ rOt It tried hdllW the (al 11\\i "hill thus (,llgageuthe fox s('! ht" II (til Into It." bead amis)u,ok till' life' Jut or It

~1J{)11 lftp] tbls \:('d Ifid tl (> CfIt WPrl

SCPt! hIll.!:" 1m\ II sJtle I ly SIde In gI"C'at

'u!llty aDd contpf1tUlPD~---~---~

It 18 not strlllge that the I!uldter o~

lwkt't dut~ reads her letrpr mUDy tlQlCsJlIe nuds bel\\cen the IUles



, ,:,


I (

(lurlnr last YearThey Ale "~ttled lUId .... tUlnlr on th.

Gr-all) and G dng l..anda, &Dd lU'8 pro..peroll~ ""d t'dl1cd

BlrW,lfred LAurl..r~lIInU7l14ld .....

~i,~ l:'t;w~~i ri"i:'~~~~~~h,~~~:::,who I~T"" th .. i1Lnd or bb &nce~to"tit

~~::1ti~;~ ,:~o:.:.r3:,.hllf\a:~~''t~.

FOR WOMENA Boston ph)Slclan'!l dlS;""""'~'T'1rovery ~ hJLh cleanses andheals all Illlhmmalwn of the mucousmembrane II h"re~er located

in \O( a! In atment of female ill~ 1?u.tlnelSlfl\aludJle l~eJ as a douche itis a l"e\p\ll >n III cl~an~)ng and heallDgpo~er It kills all germs WhlChI:.l.uo,e lnftamt litt\ In and dIscharges

Thou!'.arllh of letters trom women

f;~:(~r~1111~1~~e~'ldi~~~~~~~l~llre forI axtJne ne~er fads to cure pehlc

catarrh, nasal catanh sore throat, sorem"llh and SQre e)es, because are all cauged by Inflamma.tLonuf the mu~ou~ memlJrane

lor deonsloj'.{. willtcning Bnd pre-

:~~::;gt~h:r~~~(I~7t~ ~~:~Il~nglil thoI'hySll lano,. and SpN 11lL~ts everywhere

prr~( nIH" ",nd {'nd >r~c I'.allne, and thouq .nd.,o( lr-st l!l1onlall"llcrs prove Its value

At druggl~ts or !lent postpaid So cts

InZt~~~~i();:-:~I~~~:e,;~~:e~~I~The:R Puton Co , Dept, 6 Boatou. MUll.

(][I\ll1lh 1[1 th, IH ]~e In n receut let-tl?r tJ IJI IllrllJJHI hl'lmpl

S 1"1 J 0) OREGQ:-;, ~

Exnl nVF" D~P'd<rY£NT f1)" I', r JIll! '1, ! (TIll' (~o ("lumbl1~ ()

Dear Sirs-l hlJVe bad OCC4sJontou50

1\ c~

fCL0ro ,'{sr:Jl?"~ GOVERNO,R OF OREGON~~rn~ I k=il~NJn •\.11~~NU~ Uses Pe-ru-na _ ~n His family

for Colds and Grip.


! ,I

--friday ~ January


On above date I will sell forty Brood SowsooDuroc Jersey""

all of which are bred to well noted hogs, namely: ~owa

Chief No, 23305, and Cherry Box No, 2328 H,

Some very choice mares will also be sold, all being bred to

McMahon. Also McMahon and twenty"one of his colts_

I will offer for sale my Jack, one year old.weight 600 pounds.


M. S. MOATSS 758 25

403 20

353 45

1jotal r~.I1st qtr.1 ",12d "

i~' .. : 13d ..

Ie!.IJffF==t==r~E#"i~F*"=F=¥rn=:f;;:~~:,=,=o,:=.::=t!o~i:ll~ ,f:p=I~=;e~Ei:=~:::=':=;h=::~~=v~1~.=:~~~ F:ir:,::M:lr:.,,,r.,~;e,~lJOM~'=:W~INJ~=:W~E:~~~'~~~'t:1T191~t~,,~.~.~.="""':.:==.i'!':=':.::"-=-~=-==~=-''==:'.=~=.=~=:.'='~='~'=~='J'>=~=,=.=~=~=~=~=~=:}?=~=,-=,~=,"='''=~=:'=~=~='''=~="c=~';'::,;:-,~

taI4Uzg Bodd~'posiDg at temale teBopers:l ' ',i .. V:~'I I --, , Today the, ee' girl grndu.te, longon. ~il"~. Ca,ld~"1lof ChiCB

r,I;) ldeaIBBad','Bb oaexperieace"emfrges MjSB!E"li'~Pc.eau"t"a,Vld'jWUf"th(, ------------' W!"

I"" , I,.j ,," ' from Ibe ••b I room ouly '0 re,ente" it mnmp" 'P 'Hfftl(Jin~ AJeopatby, IJo.m$Opa 'hr, ;, Salt; pork.; is a f,mollS; pld- &~ 8. Pt~pt e%6. By cariug fOT other ThL ~Ilke~ boys did bh9i.tl60.S in Win- '

\1\~~~,~~~ b;t)~~~~~~Jr~i9~e(~~~. fash,io~ed ~emedv for, eon- Pe.01)1£'J'8 ehil ren she learns all that a, side T~eBda:;y. \ L t'"

:, fp~slonllllJ'. W.orne. Ne'or ,,' " II E t~1 I "" f teao.l:::er .1I~(lulii know about ~he j'O.";'?'nile A, a. C.$dar wenl; (to Sioux Cito- ,', ali'-s •S/lqlptlon. a I p en,) a pi' ~ fd h tth Ii hO h •

" , por,'k,".,.was the adyice to' the~1~hi8arpr;'t~~ e:pe~::ce: a:~ Tne8d~y to ~i8it friend~.. 1_~ DNE$DAY, JAN. 27, at thP,' DO/YD. na1ly l& ~m~\<ellt t~a.oh, shem~eB Mi~Nell)e Pdlmer r~tnrned trom .her

)1 'l~ WtUiReturn Every. Four W~6k8. con:su~ptiv~ 50 I and r?o aod8C~lBe shernomore. Mr. Fowl. h~me~n.aattIeCreek~idaYeveJ.ling..


" '! Oo.ti81'ilt Ber Whi~e The QPpori ye~rs ago. . er .ugges~' at inutnU<lh as gtrls can- Thel proqnct of the I'ioe pona west otI !tuninty iA at ~d. I 'j, I I~ • d 'f no&; be prey Dted from marrying, it town is being Itored verY rn.pidly. The':

oa tpOrJ\l IS goo 1 a man might be!S pl.n to employ nulmed qualilly at the lee ie godd.

.! ~~~i~~~~ac;~ :~at ~th~5i~: ;~:;:e.:~" :r~~:e ~~ ::~:. ;;e~;::~ Of'ir:~:~::"~'~·~r.hw:~e~;:; ~~e~~~~~. ~1 rrr:. over is 480 bed by the Buperintend~nt A very pleaaallt time i~ reported. '... ~\~ &, of'II ! fo~d the c9nsumptive needs more to the marrying habit to which Mlss Edith Jones, w~o spent her va.. F ~ .1.1 I m~st* the "malo.lD.l''' seem o.ddicted, than to eation at her home north of Wayne, reo E "

. I,' li,li I· , Scott'sEmulsionisthemod. ~~e::::~~to.I;;: :::J~~::~ ~~ed.~~e~r ~~::::g~O her 'O~OI dutie. sund.,: Wilson Bro'" . iast two weeks H1 v ~

. ern method of feeding fat to women,a c~ance," School opene,1 Moud.y with .n iUr ~. " (1 :.;;.

i:i~ 1 the consumptive. rPork is too In gr~wt·~-a~d---~omruHcia.l import- ere,alled atte~dlUlce. Arnong the non,- We wiLt close our business by glVll1g- )11 tiff':1 rough for sensitivt st01nachs. anee, Wayn& iR forging ahead and baa resident Rupll~ are Wlllle and M<J.~d " ~I.i. I gre.' po"'ib~i'lee that m.y he re.lized Templetou .. two weeks of specml prl'(;es, cpo ",'I~,','I." I~I IT .1lJ"I Scptt's Emulsion is the most hy cu,oper.tion .ud the pursnit of Herb'" Lound returned to hi, .chool .. - ,e u ,e , y,I I' refined of fats,: especially broad-minded polioies. A bO:lrd of work tu Omaha Slltnrday. Mr. Lound •

II ' giVing '.!TO\] ftJ!iI>I I prepared for easy d.igestion. trade. comprising the business meu, ioa spedks very highly of the work being J1 ~


one of our, ~reRBing needs. It would done in the Omab~ pbarmaoeotiMl " ..Feeding him fat in" this and gnard .od college, .. 20 Ibs, sugar $1.00'"I I " , ,,' ' way. which is often the: only promote Pfbllc intere,'e gener.l'y MI" M.'Y McL.ughlin p.ssed... 3 ..

, ~Dr,O&ldv;fellHm1LsnerpractiCeitothe h If h bIb O'herohi68 l havedeveloped mpidlybl thr.Jogh Wwside Wtdnesday evening • cans good corn ~o FI i;peOiRl ttje,atiment ot diseases ot thk, Eye, way, is ate att e; ut h l~~..;a" ... r' d th' e. ~e ar~ suo un baU ellO • an f're 18 DO r - eu route to Gordon" Neb., where ahe 2 cans succotash 20"( EJu', Nos • Throat, Lungs, Fem e Dis- Soott's Emulsion does more 800 why W~yne cannct do the'same, bas been employed as Rrammar room "\ q~ges, ~i8~es of Children ~d all I ..p l(]hronio,:N~rvous and Smg{oaJ seases th:J.ll that. There is sPI1le- Let the oit zens get together and by teucher for rhe balanoe of the yenr. 3 packages Ela t· t h F

III lut(lonr~hle"Datnre,EarIYconsu ption, h i barmoniou8 and determine~ acHon Mr JtJrryHaytsvillitedover Senday .. S lC S arc "2.5 ~Bronohitis, Broncbial Catarrh, dhronic thing about t e combi~at on p.1l6h f~rward. ~et oontenrhng fac- wirh hifl parents aod foister, MrR, E," 2 packages Egg 0 See -5

Iii II~r~:r~b!~~w~~ub?e~~irle~:~~ ;f colliver oil-and hYPOfhOS- tlOn8. cliqUElS or, rIngs ~ d'~,olved an(l Cullen. Mr Hayes i, located in North • - - G ..I't'", N~blgi., Sci.tica, Brig~h'DI,· "hite, in Scott's Em Isipn .upereeded by. puhllc"putted hody, O.ko'", "holdiDK dOwn" • fine" No, 1 lamp chimney .s f1'

;~!iv~r~~ai?ta2f:~D~~z~::S~N~o~~ t:~,at f)ut:-> new II'Ce I·nt, t.he bent?D progrt'ss,. Jealou'lY. envy, pat· nl's.r MoCluxeyville, &.nt is lu,nd o.f!,611t" N 21 h' ...

I I....,· ~ 11 ty llpite and malIce, ullually bll8l'd on fo" .Ie.dl'n" fi,m l'n St, P.ul, • o. amp C lillnAy . 0 f{E';

I ,ness,In*'.geBtion, .obeaity , Inta pted hI' 0 ~~utritio • Slow Growth in 0 i1dren, \ il':) ' .. p:lrts and as a sr.eCia imaginary groonds, are appropriately .. II .

'I I."d.ll ""tinKD",iuaduIR De- h uursedlnvillagee,where 'herei,li"le Wm,Schrumppha.,e"KDedhl,pOln, .. A our wall paper at 7c per double

II ',fljrrmitie$, Olub·l!'eet, Ourvat e of ;'Hi;m 011 t e diseased :ungs. other diverlilon but should not be nJ. tiOD as r:I~pot agent aod acoepted a bet- F ~I It\16 Spioe, ' of the Brain Par- lowed to 1ilree~ In and obstruot the ter po,<;iti~n ~ith a ~t. Panl Rraill o~m... rol1 9 border at same price. We have dec ide d ~.' II a}YRis, Hea.rt DisefloBe, Dropsy, S eUing A sample will be grl?wth of 0: oity, It flucb irritating, paDy. Bis d1aJly friends rrgret' IO!lwg F to t L d' .. d ~h' Id 'J' ~l' I,,{ tae Limbs, Strioture, Open, Sores, ~ntfreeupon .request, injurious mental pictures have been socb an accotnn1odaHng but fe .. l " pu our aleS' an 1 ren's, ackets in •I I

, in -the Bones, Granular E~larKe- '" th t th' ..ictu fl in th t th otiou is h de erv"..1 fl ,j,1ueDtR,llIndoJ.llongstandivgdiseMeB, tlJeflf:~::ol~b.b~I'--15o~the harboredheretosnydegree,lfltthem a. eprom mnc B """. ! • _Our lots and sell them at $2,$3, $5 <:1.ncl$'7, ~

~~".~~ O)~" ..~~" botl1e of be ntterly wiped ant anrt forgotten in IItU!~UUUUf.~.UU-!-f-MJ1':~,II ~ RLOOD ANI( AKIN DIBEA.8E~ .........ulsiv~ V~ "u .... W h' 1 f BP I Bl hE' . L' SCOrrT .,.. an unp,ecedeated forw.rd movement, ~ .• .. eave ots () _ oys' and Ladies' Suits

[I j,)o~~~~iing ~~Ct:=' H~~:t~:l o~~_r ~ Let 1004 be a record· Breaker in build- i HOSKINS, :. ..

II' "·xion.iEezem., Th,u.' U1oBr~, Bone BOWNE, inKnpW.yne and exp.ndingi', hn,i ';"'~~"~"'''9~''''''''~~''~'''''''' fill!l In the house at $.'), All our calicoes 8"t 'ltc ~

I, ' ::tn~~~, ~:~~~:s~~:ak~ ~:~: GHEMISTS, ne8S. Mrs :Robt. Templin is aD the sick F ., A FI ,e!feeto of cOnB'itn'ionai Bie~e" or 409 Pearl St.• !'I. Y FOR COMMISSIONER. lie' II! per yaru, n y ladles' fascina tor i.n the ..II l~etakingoftoomnDhinjuriunB!roedl- OC" 'd "" aIldcuggi,l,< M" K.te Waddell i, home from.. house for 25c, Big cut on our shoes, Don't ...11 dine ~oeive8 searohing tre~ent. re::~::D~~':~:~nJ~:s::~n~i~~:Win8Id~... "

II ~rt~~::':::~: ·W~:.~:eI~~:~~ Men- THE WAYNE HE~ALD, lor 'heoflloe of commle,ionnr of puhlic MeR S.lIeng retnmed to Omaha 'hi,,,, miss this as it will be to your intbrest •1 ~truatioD,j'allinJlof the Womb~Bea"- -------- ........-~- land8 and buildings in the person-of morning. ..

III lugDo""Femal'Disp~en',. OIll".'''''..'otW'''n••ndW.'.e ....u'' .. Remember, only two more 'weeks of ~~ack of'S~xual Tone, Leuoorr~~" ,Hier-I __=P;"..:::b:::lI:::.b=e::-d~...:.:::.r>::".:Tb::urod==::a::.:.,__ Bon. J. R. Manning, a life, long repnb- Mrs. C, h.1l8. Linn tiM been qu1te NickI ...

"II l-nity or 'BluTennes8, consult Dr.1 OrJd- W. "USE a: sON" BdltO'rfl;. lioan and" man ot' unquostioned o.bil- of quioftY • selhng, ~I WeU, attd ahe willsbow them th~< oauae I- ~~_I it.- and trt"ltegn'tv. For twent".two j

I I hi' I d h " -'I....,T "Born, t.o Mr. arfd Mr8, Gust Benedic ,


i"ll ~~eJ, r' troub e an t e way to eoome E'lltere~.BII~t~~~~.~~~:~~~~~~.Neb.• years Mr, lWanning bas been intimately Jan. 0, a 80n. . .. ~, assooiated !wUh the publio affairH of the Tbe ladles are atrl\n<J"inni for a leap ...

[,',1 ~d:::;~~J:::~s ~~:~~~ p;~: the SulMlcffption, $1.00. Ve., in Adv••~ ~:::~ ~:th8::~~i~yeOfh:m:::i~nt::. year ball In the near fut~re~. •

I',' t~~~Uyt1~:~~t ipU~r.:ti~~d m:,\~~~, :~~e On Monday Pre,ldent Rooeavell.ent and w"" "" eJIIDien' member of the D, F"nk S.lI" of Np,folk, WeB .. -"<~~"--"~, ~ •

VY II a,'8p6oial m6sll&ge to oongress on the t te .' 1889 'h making New Ye£Lr's call~ here last ... ..joss of a drop of blood,iaoneoftierown 8n: senaTe III • repreSeDtlngt f' • W''IL'SON BRO" w:;II tli~ICOV(ltie8, and is I'eally the most subject ot the Panama.' canal, giting a eleventh ~istriot, His vote during that week, I . faA

I'r! f!.?.tentiOe method of this· advan~cI age. cbmplere hi8tory of thlB oountry'~ nego- .,' f Frllo,k Sines I;ft last ni~b~ for MAnio I' ..

~!r. Olloldwell haH practioed her Iprofes- tb.tions with Oolombia. The action of ~s81On 1BJt~atttehr ,0 tereO~rdf and W8l'l Waehih<J"toll, where he intends to IDII,ke "... . , ,_•._,""'-_~'.'.'._,_ ~laon in BOrne of the largest hp,pilals IW.waY80....,. 10 e tn relit 0 economy I"> ..

thr b nt th nt Sh I has the a.dministration is olearly Bet: forth and the pqbhc good, hiB home, <!

llup~~r°in tre~i~~:ndrydiagnC:{ng d~~ afd ably defended.. This P8llt of Nebraska is entitled to Robt, Temple lionel dnuR'bter" E~thpr,II! ~;e~~~~:l:m~~~~ ~~c, O::ha~!~~e~: ,'John L, ~w~e~he;;;';;e;;rll""."'b"'oo"m""'7for the 'Vioe recognition on the state tioket and it spent New Year's, at LJoleridge with ..

1:1 i where abe will~nd a portion qr eaoh presidenoy haH been launohed and a oao be RTflinted to DO more de8l>rvin~ or n>lativefl:, ~~(UGa ...

, ,week trea.ting r many patien.s. No meeting of the committee, chosen for better qnapfied "WZAll than Mr, Man- JllCO'l l10wer nurl wife ar~ in Brlyd ~F"F F F F, F F F 'F" F"F" F F F F F F F ~ ea

II,:, I li-nourable case!> cepted tOI" tre.,.tment. tfhl3 purpose, will meet in Omaha on the Ding, His candidacy will land ill thf' oounty this week, lookinJt alter their ~

f, ~nO~doulltla·'rio,no·,ehxo·,mmel:n~'~_dan,d !'ulvioe, ~th inat., to form pla.p8 and egree upon state oonvrmtion with the united RUp· ll\nd interests.• ~•• - d ~'] to hi port of hi' hOID& ooonty and in addition

I Address all oommunioations ,to Bee ' eb\l,l 8 prepo.ra ry to pUB ng the Ne- promises to be strengthened from the .lohn Backland took a layoff andBuilding', Omaha, Nebr. i 1!lrWlklln'8 clUldlda<"y itt all po.-nEl of the, visitf'd old friends lat Wan81i from J;l'ri,

DR, ORA OALDWELL & «!lO, 'ation. elart by tij,e be&tty co-operation of all day till Monday. ', oounties hereabouts. There IS ewry

Omaha, Nebr, ~~a~~l~_ MOllt AmerioAnIl ;"cmld like to B66 the prospeot that he will become a. BncceSB- Mi8~ Nellie Pric~' of' Will8irtfl, vlsVed, mop tbe earth with the Russians ful rival tpr the oommi88'i.onersbip, oter ~'1nrtav with her tridnd, Mi~8,

DR J C Clark Eye Spetialis in the even' their nnplell8lWtne" cul, jllce Mc('la'ohey, '. '. *., , Finates in war, ThtJI rule of the Rus. COUNTY-COMM~ISSIONERS. U,* Sohroeder, Aug Deck and A: nI,:;


BOLTON BLOCK, SIOUX CITY, ,'tAo Bian government h~ been tyrannioal verill, aaoh ShiPP.,ed stock to Om4q'',. '1l1lVIl hlladll.Cbll, . J:I.,ieno::,_- and cruelly oppre8sive, K1'Ossly violat- t I f\ first of the week, .' " I

·IHIllS, red iufl.'_lln~.:l lid. lng th~ American idea. of equal right8 Geo. Hfl!\R' hils I 8eve r lld bls cOQQ'f"m ,

~' ,and e:s.act l·nstioe for all. tion with the Edw6.,rdA & Bradford ]~"nJ;,,', ,

c~eYIl~lu~n~, '~

WILL BE IN WAYN£~P'EB. I, t 04 The trial:of~Sena.torn[etri"'~ on brlb- ber company here and gone to ~'it J'~ ,i u¥ City, , ,~,U;M DAMME"ER ery and conBplracy charge, w•• under- 0."" Ohl..d aud MI" HlId. l/.Jj~-

" • II taken in the federal oourt at Omaha t 9690 X"",1n were mart,ied at waynel,'),,' \'1,'. I Tuesday. The oout lU8lalned th.e del' 112 50 hDfsday an~ hav;e gone to ~ons,,~lj~p.:2 OOOR,S WEST eF P. O. defendant's demurrer to, the OOIl8ptraoy 55 50 i g lin the :$ohllie h()use 10 the ,.~t

CIG ~intictment and the idaY'l!I legal battle 89 20 g f t ' , !, ~ (' ,AR FACTO Y ended decIdedly to 'lje .dvant,age ul the H, 45 par u own,: ,: ,;

_____~ +_I llacctlsed. Ye8terdayifn~tber1)earing 01 19 80 ++++;~ ~·"i-' .'-'#F*II 95 ' I ,r I

Dizzy? I z 50 ITE CAFE I,

Then your liver isn't1cting z go EL :1'1well. You sulferfroIl\ bi ious- 3 :~ iif? ::1,nes~, constipation. yer's 25 i' ; II )1

Pills act directly on ,th Iiver,MEALS" i;!:.. ' IIi'

For 60 years they h~v been 6 co SHO~T QI(DE~S i I!,

the Standard Family Pill. 4 &5 LlJNCHES ~ r'ISmall doses cure. !AII::O' ...' , 35 OYST ,~ II

475 00 I I"

~ 111


CREAM FLOUR is on the way

Th is is a high patent and one of~' ,lea'

hat .


I " I";'. klY\~ nnt fnrg-otlen tl;at it 111way~ pays to

.·dnr \1\l~,'tb\:r. EClrl.Y \lh})r ~'SiOll~ t'.r~ \i~t\ng an,

~c r'ea~"on we ~re"gol11g- t pleas'1.the other;::. ofQuuty,ill Dunng Jatluar we \\~11l g ve you a

tat of '; I !I, I

Of the Famous SLEEPY EYE

25 per/


Till r"IJ"wllIg I<'urnitnre is a1ways useful as well as1'l'i"~I:~1I Of'll'L"l""t. to allY home.1 Will suggest a few of

"urira~l)' ~ICCOS "f funlltur~ 10 jhe followrng: 'Iv '\'rri,., Cltair" I Cbmbination Book Casest~l' n UOCk(TH chu('hes,"\vi"g 1('HOkor8 Uarpet Sweepers

i~Sl'" ["HOkers Genter Tables( Ii~td's 1(>I'k"IS ,Ji,mJinc>Lf Standsi' tlsir (;,t1,i'll'IS Hible c;talItls 1I:a lirs' Writing !Josks Foot StopIs,\ fIlL Iii,,: of f'ralIH:tl Pictures; also atil elegalIt li,ne of

l'1I""."1 \rrl"ldilIj.;. I.Jring ill )'our plctnres early and let11'11" "'" 111I"1I !,,:[ore tile rUHil. Remomber the place.I~ricl:" 1m: rigbt lLllll everything just as represente~,


FrenchLeroy J.


t MILDNER'S II '. . I~"lll"lIDlI1!\""'f@jjj;"l,"","","'='Jjj]jj("""'''llO...:"r"l>l''<f"I'''ij''l''';"'''_~'',;lllj.c~ • ag ".i Is thL' ;11au.' to ,Qr) tor yOl!l' Flt1t' \\ int ..." L1LjuUr.i ~1iJ ~

" ~:trl ~~~a~~el ~~~~c\e~'l"~\'::ll~~'rl !;:~~"\\:l,~~S }~~~ ~igW nis'.. ie.'l art:' t,he lJl~'''l and \\"~ can m:lb: \'ou an, .

t'xcl:'l'clingh'!nw prirl' (In lhem \,IH'fl 'aken In

galllJll l(Jt~ or Iflore,1 Our Bonini Ben~ Were

bottlt:rl expre~~ly fur family llSV. Whl'tl \\';mt-

ing- someth]{lZ 10 tris li-ne that j'io particulilrly I~nice call us (m the! telephone and ask for a cast:'

I uf tilt' LlllllJUS E[~EL\\'.Er:) BEEH. h,hKh we

~ Isill delivcr" to ynur hIJIl;'(' fr':T ,,[ char;..:!'. I~: Also carry a full lint' (Jf JlI~h ~r.lde ng;lr~. Ia ~

)lill<I~"""Jll!l"'(J;<llll"''''@lltJlJl1lmllrliI''"I"'llI"I"lll',''.*''lj''~l"!''''' ;0"'" "'''Il;)j[l'illI~

I Wayne, Neb.lljJ"JjjJ..r""'~l'fl<ll!i""'J)t"]i<r~_"~,,,,",~w:;:a_'<r",jj-m>ID<"'''J<'ill'


Peck's Bad Boy\

A tll!1HieaJ treat. 8uperbly Staged.

A U rand cb orUH. Beautiful Costl!lme~,

Magnificent Scenery. Au Army of Pretty' Girls.

Tonight. Jan. 7. One Night Only

I ','I I

xxtxxxx XXXIX X**XI 'itXX!' xx.*x aF **II xJ J< *]1: xx *! X txxX IXxDX. . 'I '



Superbly Staged,


One Night poly'


A mpsic"l treat.

Peck's Bad Boy

Leroy J. French

This is a high patent and one of

CREAM FLOUR is on lhe way,

Of the Famous

A Grand Choruo, Beautiful C()st~me~,

Magnificent Sceuery, All Army of Pretty' Gir~,

T~oight. Jllll. 7.


Presents With all All Star Cast t.he ~ltlsical Comedy Sqccess

Brilliantly BeautifuL

. r1tllll~~I~Ij:j[}{[~;~.}:c~:irl:t]fli;rn't~@lID!J~~®fiffi<llJ!l,;r'l;r~@J!I~JtliiJ:trlm...ift~jWIDt~~'

! MILDNER 9S I~ "L.Jjjjil1mlll;IDijjj}iID<ll<l<I,." ><Jjj)~ .,>lIIt "IllW_J" -:lii>lJ_": ",/Ill' .r_J!l' ",.,••c"""J"""J)lllj(~ , ~.i "'j{1 Is thl· r1act: to QO tor your Finl' ", int">, L'lju(Jr,~ aI and ['Igars, ChOIcest Bnllkrl Beers, and Fin- I; est Kt~g Bet:r always lin tap. ()ur \\'Jnt':-i and II" are the bt:".t (Ind \\'(~C1 ctln m;lk .... you an II l'xcl?edirlgh' J(J\\' pfll"(' (In them. \\ hVII ',lken In


(ijj gall(lll lot.., fJr more, I Our Buu!nj Bt:lTS \\'t:re

bottled expressly fo,r Lunily ust". When \\';mt­

iog s()mtthJll~ In ,~his li'ne that l'j particubrl.y

nice call us on th~ telephone and ask for a GISt:

I (If rtll' LlTll'jUS EDEL\\.'ErS gEr<~fL \\i!Kh Wt'I \\1 11 deli", ... to your h,nr,," f,,"e ,,[ ,h,rg".Also carr)-' a full linl' of hi;!h l';rade ,·Ig;\rs. ~

~ ~

J."I"I~I"T_1l1Jl<lllT~"1",~"'j'I"~Jl'"'",~"I"JljI""""'''''<1"''''"J'~i"'""""1l<)1'''1!i~ili ",

I Wayne, Neb.L"T"IllJ""':Jfj'l!'''''.''''''"<i_D<"'''''j''''IJ''''llT"[j,_a,""".n,",~r"lI11~'''"'

best, at

Beltha. Hood~---


~ look, -for n~ uun ,nal num\'i'r ~)Y Fn~:! $!o.,+''''"',~~'~,'»"_~~$!-~,?,..e..-&~~M~"i!_q.Jll"~~~fi,::"I, .t~:~~.<l;>,,!~~ -,?,~~_~""~6j111o,.,.~~.'l!o.~~~§MI4;_~:;~'1!~~~-;;~~"~~I LOCAL E. S~ l}rililge~thi1:lyear. I j .i,I' 1 '~:~~l..E{j)~ l'iO'lES, ;••- •..• ' , -." ' .!\ - : gr.t\lylnl! t~ note tl,.>tlle re- ;:, \. ' ", ,',' '" ,,: ,'1{' I~ 'T'~{j ~I:D) ,,'''' t\ R: l., " c.{pts of the W","<i:POBtofil<l.I"i,th••"'fi/,.ot,~~'''iIi''~h<ii''~'''''''9'V~'O~~ 1, t'.i\.l ;j "~ili li,l,., ~'''' ", ~, , ~

.~lt~ :r1~I'wnllg,-,r re,f, Dr ed, tODDY fl0m past ~Bar show a ,considerahlB' incteasB O~,~ t!>,pt~ ~'eek remainB of thecrlllouL ~ I B.. - L.rl E: - 1:::' ~a VIH1,~ 1ll Omaha. , over what ,they her bave been ~n a t6rm,-' j ..,

Leq BleuJrirQu of '.,~ Rt\~df,IPh,,' was in 8ingl,~ year 'be(or~E T,he tlno.nciaI·; reo- s,btte~h~'D"eW, I'.tuu0Ut.'O ha.V0 oom~, In iWay*e yesterday.:, ord b1' the posta oe ls an unfailing sino~ la$t: ~ek's report.

L. IF. HoUz of I\andol~h, r~B in orl~rion of the owth ot &~e t6wn. M~B8 'f. 0. of Concord, 0. 8tudent of "Wayne yesterday. " In 'O<J,lum('l of bust, ep,p,. Wa.yn~ Po pbflta\ J89~ year, ttl'entered (.lr:hool Monda. ~i. ,I , "dr:U departwenti'BE1]V/taKfJl'lthe lBad 0' all ! I '. Y

Mxtl.. J .. E. OW'el:l5, '£~tu'£U{) U.~5d.a.y taWIl' In northell.!lt Nebraska, ~nly M:\"B t~1' %:\ll\.~n, a weU 'J,mOWll ~tu-trom a V1Sl~, at Nelig~. .',' Norfolk excepted., ; dent of to~er years, haR entered school' -:tMr~. Frank Traoy ~f WiDlide,1 W88 l\ M J T B' 1 d I, 8ga~,' Hf.'home ie in Gregory oounty, :~

Wa. de visitor esterd,8.' II. 00, • rta8 er an, Bontlh Dak ta.y , y Y ! Maud and Dorothy, and 80n • .rohn~ de~

Geq. Merrillaod w~e ot<;,arroU, were parted this mornliq for Alt.lbona\ Fa, MJPs 'B ,echel and Mr. Lockwood, :WaYq.B viaitors Tn~s~ay. " They will also visit ,at Birni1nK~am t::Jllc~erBi~ the Fairfax, S. D" ijchoolfl, 'iN

A daught6r wRsbotn to Mr. and Mrs. that sta.te, where twootherdau8'tttfll'~ apentSaturday in Wayne. Tb6YwfJre ~ the best flours on the market. IF. H.,Ka.y Tuuday evening. are a.ttending sohool. Mr, BreJislell ex- a~~endantR,at thq Nebraska, St .. te Teach- i]p

Ma:cus Krug'er and A. L. ;Hotteer pectstojoio thf'm there in ~bou' ten ers' A~!Iqcill.tion. ~ It's· a pleased customer whowent~,0 Winside this,mol'ninp;. da,lJ,hey will visit. dif!'eren~iQ't84I Atitdna- the tHlW atudentR aro MeSBrR. iTh~,-cebarve8ti8inprO<rt'esB8od t.he thge ,am~emW88hl ton Pity, Anderson and Oarroll of K'ioX county, ~ uses SLEEPY EY" FLOUR

~ .' M • YO Stron E v' kl!\ • - L ,quali~,1J of the prodnot Is tlrBt'CI~'s. and expftOt to be absent Dnt{ about tti,e e,. j' , vaos. mc e a.nd Miss _ I

Ilrs~ of Maroh, Beok of adar connty, and Mr. Me- i,Olal'de Hunter o! Akel!jy, M nn., 1. _ Donalp! Ugb, ~,Every sack is thorounhly nuar-

here visiting his nncle, Jndge Ruuter. The local ohurches have been ho~d1Dg ", 6 e;Th~ cit school"! res~med Monda union meetings tbLs week inabServ.,.uce The commerclll.l depar~ment preaentll ;:', ..

after the :sual two weeks' halida v~ at the usual we~1l:: ot prayer and )h~ve a baey scene ,or. ao~tvHle" these dayfl..... ante ed.. y had large attend.,nce and enCPU~K1DK All the co~mnc18l 8tuden t s are entb~-

catIOn. rel!lu~ta. The mee*ing this evenlng,' will mastic ovel! their work and much crada 'OPL. E. Thorp was visiting relatives in be conduoted by 'Rev. Mr. Dulei and be, given to Pr~f. Wolf for the :

the northwestern PM"t of the county tomorrow niRht by Rev. Mr. Ri~ger, o~i!itlon8 IBxillting l:IfLst week:. both in Ute Preilblterian ohuroh. The At the weetioll of the Crescent liter- "lie R I .hrU d II

OlI1X'ence Beaton, who lives near union servioe Sunday evening will he ary sooi~ty toroorr0w evenin~ the Palla~ :.,,' rII pun 0 ~:Shole$, W!l6 doing business in Wayne beld Rot tbe Methodist ohurch with a Infl, question will be de~at(jd by ProfR U '(J;yedterday. sermon by Rev. M-r. Birrell. V"ught and Greg~, the former ceosur oQ i.,

Superintenuent Brightv!aUedsoho<;,ls The supoer .Kiv~m by the Oatholic illJ" o.nd the latter jUlltifying the cour"e ~ 'Dhane 85 THE CA,sH GROCER ttwelve miles west of W8!Yne the fore ladies in the vacant buUdinR' adjo~ninR of:the ndm~Qilliration. <Gi ;:

part of the weEk. Wilson BrOB.' _tore, New YeA-r's rri~bt, 'klss Mntan of the city 8cboolH. Vll!it- "-~~~*"'i''''''"-''~''999+9.W9''~''~,",,,,Au~. Fi.soher and his f~ther'in·law, netted the ohurch treoRnry 150. equal- ed with Miss Kingl'bury wll\lA in Lin

Mr, Wolf from Winside had bUBLne88 in highest expflcta~ionB. During the prog. c110 last week and reportll hM!if! mel'!town on Tuesday. reRA of the f1upper Fathrr Haley KBrVe a iUK with the BlIOC~BR hrr frifJnrlll hf·rp

O. W. Gurlgf1ll, one of the represelltll- phonographlo entartalnment, prodboinR bad pre(1ioted for her MiAfl Morall ff'-

live citizens of Hho!ee, was a Wayne twenty·four BelectioDA. Tbe ooro'asion SnmeR her work in thfl chemical lal:o;f1Yl8itor Yl:hterday. was enjoyed by fl,l~, and the ladies ~igh. tory thip week.

MisA Edilh StocldnR', 000 of the IV appreciate the Re°eroull patrODture The flenior C1MS oNtionA will be rh'Wayno t03.ehOr8, returned Saturd».y with which their efforts 'w.t}re tewEirded. livered OU threo RuccesRive week flay

from Itor visit at North Dend. Prof. Snod/ifras'1, Snpl"rintetJdent eveniuRS. bf'woninR on Friday ()f opxtThe Nebraska Telephooe oompany Bright, Arthur Neely and Ed/ifRr ·War., week. t\8 ha.s been the prflc~ice 1n the

hM sold itA exchange at Madison to a ner, and Misses Mug n, Barrett, Wal· pa,at, th~i.r oration8 will bA judgf'd aodoompany of local busineS8 men. lace and Green re~uTJIled Saturday' from tbe one ratlking highest will receive a

Linooln where they e.ttended the: state prize of fi'ite do!larR.Tobn Harder and family arrived home tea.chers' meeting. ~e spf>lting con- The muaio department 18 prli'panng to

Tuesday evening from Michigan where test took place lest Friday. In th~ oral Kiva a recital in about two weekR. Thflthey visited relatives for three weeks. work, in whioh Airthur Neely too~ part, date will be given to tlll1 public io dut..

The Sone of Hermann are planoing to all but thrfle ot the oontestanta 9pelled time. This will be the first reCital j;l;ivgive a grand m8,llquerade ball in the oorreotly all the worda preneete4. and eo here nnder the direction of Profopera hoose hele next Tuesday night. thull that part~ the contest $,df"d, D:ilworth $-nd \s looked forwa.rd to with

.J. E. Owens arrived hpnte 18.8t week leaving about t enty wlnnl'lra out 01 interest by thH ooJl~g~ folk.from Mltsoori where h~ hAY been oarry~ twenty· three. thor Neely wt4s one -------ing ou' c,ntruo', tor ral!,oad grading, 01 the ,wen'y, Jln. to bave anaJe tbe~-~~

M,T. and Mrs. David Ounningham test satisfactory, the list of "ords ~ , CtlU~CH NOTES. "left for OhicaR'o yesterd~y afternoon, ahould have been\extended until ~l but ~j:"'~iI9~~• .j-~~summoned there by the iIlotes at their ooe went down. Alii it waR, there WaR) Pt$sBYTERlAN CHURCH.

S,)D. ROSR, who is in that ,city studying lltUe honor of vio~ory to the or~dit ofmusic. a.nyone. Edgflr Warner, who repre- OommuMoD service Sunday ll1ornin~

sented the Wayne oounty f'cbocha in AU ;memljers are urged to be present

f~~::/ei~o~::P:~:~t~: ,~;:~:~kas:~: tbhe written 8pellinp; chontestl'lwa.s~mong ~~:~rodnan~e:~;s:~e~~ri:':-u:~t:e~~~l~t B twelve winotp'B w 0 spe ed (J~rrect-

o I!1t~nd for 1904, nrovidjng for a. flat ly aU of the 100 ~ords ~iVln. IbA ohurch on prefes~ion or faitb

i..~~~~~~~s~~ ptlr ton fot' beets regard- As previoUBly planrled thl'l Methodist We ullite in the union mee,iug to

~uu:~:a:::~..~:=:~e~o~;::: ~~:~ ~t~eo~=~h~:e~h:fer:Aa~e:Kat the Metho:

There seem to h8~e been two spenial t FIltHT BAPTI~T cur-nCB

r8aSODB for this $lijoyable ocoaal~o-to PreanJJ1I)R' servic .. H Jnday nt [0:411 n.

rewp.rd the winQing side in 0. frlt>ndlY m ; .n::n~J~ot:, "Tbat other bl\l,tilllll;"rivalry to main~m.u follnttenrll'lpoe at te~ 1\ G·lll: 1 J

Sunday sohool &qdl

t.o r6(10Il1pf1n~p rll,. ,,0 evonrn~ service

ohildren tor thei~ 8~t·donial iU~'lviu6C I ~q.n~ay ~e~ooi a.t noonrather than re()ehill~at the Cn tmaa ',nil or qn on at. 3 p. moelebration. The Bchool had. ~ been :YOnng ~elOple's prayer servl'le at 6 :30divided into two ~ctiOtlS, one w~8ring P1 m., led ~,. Ftlrn bnttoll8 and the other blue bnlttons, o;~:~ ah,dy BAturday eveniuj;l; at. 7.30

and the purpose -;Vf18 to excel in o.iteud~ " •"noe. The winners were t.o en oy an ~ RE~OLUTIONS.

enterte.inmeot at Itlie handR of the 08er8 '\Wherea1' 'the angel of death has cu-The blues won and aooordingly the t~t,tld, -U~, ~CirCle for t.he first time andred!! oarried. out the ullderstaDdin~. An taken fro 08, on December 16, one ofinteresting progr~mof music andl red· our ohoH r members, Mr£l. Gertrudet.attoos Wfl,8 rentd~ted, followed by ~ Rnndell, t ~efore be itooome of excelledti~~tre8hmentfl.Jmon~ p.e801ved, tb.n.t we, the entlre Guole,which were thlt, .'way9 pllolat ible ioe de~p~y regtet the of our esteemedoream ,,-od oake. 4\bout 250 young and fr~eqd and extend to the bereaved husold were present a"d all spent an ieven· b*d and lother relatives our d6eposting of unalloved 'ple~urfb. 8howl*g the sy pathy, and assure them that whilegrowth of the ~an~y sohool, it vlill be th y tDorujn the 10s8 ot tbeIr dear oneof interest to add that the lar~~8t at- ln, the h~' we mourn the lOBS of atende.nce dUring the year waB 268'1 wbrthy frl ,Ii. Be It further

FARMERS' INSTITUTE.] Resolv ,that our charter be drapedL :r L 1 h d ~ jri\mourn B: for a perIod of thlrty dayR,

stat:tt:~:t ~o~ar~::~l:Btit:eq 7~e: tb~t 0. co ~ be sent to the sorrowmgheld 10 F~brue.ry Ii and 6 and husband, 0'ilr lo081 papers and 8 oopy




r~ttlp !{epairin!-(.


L I" , :. 1 ,. I 3· t 12:(0:1 all () q- Boy~ Knee \"lut ~UltSj agt'!s ,0 :years.i 'l~\\, n.'t11ClldH:r tlpt all our goods are tfar1<ed in:11hit I i, "~lrl':-; a~~d you get tbe di~qJUnt if you buy here in

;~ - Do ~'lot g-et thi", sale tn~xeJ with the, so-called1 " ,out ~;~1l':-;," where they rpark goods up so they

(n l'I<.1()·,\·l1'~ll1d still have a p~ofit. We are going- to

1! hie l110l l~er:'. hecause it a,lw~ys- P~'y1~. It will not

1 ,I dc,--eivc anyone. Bring]' your boy in J and you- lfl,:l Lrg-e stock to select If,OU1. Prices -.till surelyJ j-,Iu. •.


i Til' ["II"wing ICurnitnre is ajways useful as well asi IJ"ill~I' n Ol'l""llellt to allY borne,: Will suggest a few of

'.ur rrj"ny pieeeo "f/urnitur'1 in (he folldwing: .,~ , rJ'\.' Ollall" ComblllatlOn Book Casesljr n 'Uockl'rs dou('hesN villg j(ockrrs (larpet Sweepersj\ i~",,' [((»'I"'r,, Genter TablesI l'lld', 1('lI'kf'l's ,Jlardillear Stands~ I :-;i(~ Cilhj.llP~~ I~iblo St~lld:-; -i1,'a Ii",,' IVIILill!-( Desks Foot StoDls

,\ 11111' Ii Ill' III' f'ram",j J'ictnres; also a~ ele,,;allt line of1'11'1,,1';\ ~1'lIIldillg, Brillg ill )'lIur pictures early and letII' I'I';!IIIII', i ll"lll h,,[ore 1l1e rush, Remomber the place.I:ri(',,~ I,lre right llml everytbing just as represented_


l'~iI' ~'iM't("'f-~asefl. ' h;m\! not f"rg-ot\en tat it ~lw"A p"ys to

\ hlh.:a.· .~(nt· l1l(lhcr. E;l.rly 11npr ssious :••k,lfC If,sting a.n!that '. 1c n:al (H1 yVC are going- t please'the others of!""ay onuty:( During Jauuar we "",iJl g ve you a

\disc nt !of 'I I, I

i ~ 25iper



;j;~~t;~~t~=:::=" ,i "" to. B, COOK

, 'I"

r:'Jhe Wolf Implement Co.

il; ,,,:u<::": ::"r~::,I':~::"B': ,"0'"'(lIJii'~ Ill'pair jll/lllpS. Pump ltPpairing' a :-;pecialty.

\l~ f\;()~'k gllaralltn[~d. Ca.11 O~1 us when in need of




Mayor or Bloomington I Unable to

r.Handlo Hfl"lko

DI!:lomJ gton III Hlo us scp.-n('1lhlllr~l.'d he str(l~t ['Ill" stn e SundnyWU~UO", in BIX (IITa Wf>le 1)1 Iy smashedby *18SI~C8 tllro\\ 11 by stnk sympalhlz('rH, whd ~J.lgr('gllt((l Ile\e ul hundred

~t~~oc~svr~~o~ ~h~O~l U~e~edI::;

ged rro their curs and sev rely benten IThe rna or ndmlts tbnt he I llot able to

D~~a;~Jhott~~eB~~~~~O~~rIl ~~::;~d~t InouI/lces !that he \\}tI oppen) 0 the mayorlto a~k rdr mllltill to protect he street carproI:l~rtyl Three aucats)\ re mude dur-/mg he ~ny After 4130 p m the compnn~ l(bllhdoned. an efforts to run ('lIrs


lto.l!an Woman-;;tall Slashes 11

Co nt ..yman with RazorOrau , N J ]0 a rowded COll

roOl S lturdllY Mrs en cIa Barbatoabo t years old, drew a razor frot et ot her dreas au slushed Pas(j Parma lICrOSB the leek, seveI'm

::~~~~~~~l;ell: ri ~it :::a~u~;BC

tla the tim£' and t e blood tha

Rpd edl from the' wound spattered thJud e'~ fnce and dothll.lg' The wouudemo I~ In a crltJcul eondl on~ 1St arbato bad QllUS( the arreRt 0

DC] Pa a, 1\ hom sbl!' ~C'(' Ised of QllnQV

~~'e~~ a~~ :;~e:l~t;~~I~n go ;dl~~nl;er

Three Persona-;7~~~d ~nd FourOthers In Ittred

Chj~ago Three pt. ronR F"f'rf! klll{'{1nnd +our oth('rs illJllr{,l~ ill a ~~p ~hnt tIp

~~:r d the LOIll re HO~<JI. onl I nk:e \. ~ ('

lfd.rlY 100 «neRtR "fib> 111 thf' llOtf'1 litthe time the firf' hro~f 011t folf'v'f'ra1 or"hom had ntlrf'd tor I~trf' n1l2:ht W,lhth~membrunceot Ith* IrnqtlOls thefltNbo r tresh in mh d, I,' e'veryolle 1Il tb'place became pamc ~t~ ck{'n and rushedmad1t tor the strp<ts 9 !loon ok it be­cnm

Jknown thnt tl~e o~el WRR 011 fiN'

Se ernl perRoos wl}re lleMl!H.'(] trom til!'RPCO d story throllJ,t'l, t e efforts ot thrQPot tl~e «tll'st$ of th" h 1(>1 fhf'$l' thre£>men IrW8ed 0. plolll( t R'" fudow, and

~~~t~~d~~~~ ~~~JSd j~ditl 80 several


C4U;aa-Q Cit~ BuUdlng Inavect.or' Al_o,in t.he Grip of the Lnw-Men Are ,Charf:ed 'tVit.b MnzuJlaua:htcr-Pollee 'CIoee Elarhteeu PlaYhou"e..,



I 'I'~

'1'1,,, of th(' orehestraI" \\ ho Iwg-g"ecl

: 111" :I11l:!i"II"I' 1<1 Il,,111 in c!leck, [lro\)-

In1.l\ <...,[\I'd Illllll) li\p~ Ill. the pnr(juetf~" <II"

'1'111'1"0' WI'I'I' ~ ll(lI) p('r"nn~ or thpre­

nlHJl11 ~ III ! I,,· 11"'1\ 1I'I" Of thaI Illlll1\lr'r1.-;'\1) II "I "":11". Tl'0 ]"('"t Wf>re 1I1.'l.~Red

III tIl,' 1<',\1" <If I!ll' "l'llt" 01\ the main tloorHild IlL!' Illsllo:J1,

'['III' Ill'\\"""t

M..en fell on their knee3 and prayed.Men nnd women cursed.

If'or an bour the rescue wO'rk wBS car­ried on without Qther light than that otcandles,

Or the 900 persous Bellted in tbe firstand second balaonie8 few if lIDy escapedwiUwut seriouB injury.

Under1preteuse of serving as r~acueraghoulEl gained entt"nnce to the theater and

\':lUl Chicago began to recover trom the

~botk aud stunning grief' of the IroquoIs1'heat¢r calamity, demand!! became loudfrODl both people nnd preS8 for the ex~emplllfY puniuhm~nt of aU the men whowould seem in 811y wuy responsible for'the death of nearly GQ() human beings..Within fortY'eiJ;"ht hours the silence o(gl'ief began to bo broken by the hoarsemutterings oj rage ngalnst the apparentcrime and the possible I'riminnla.

Late Friday night Will J. Davis andBarry .T. Powers, propnetors and man~

IlgerH of the Iroquois 1'lleater, andGeorg", Williams, city building iuspec­tor. W(Jre! vlaced under arrest on thef:rlminnl charge of mllmllilughter. ArthurE. Hull, \\ho lost £1 wife nnd three chU~

drl.'n, with their maid, in the holoc1l.',swore to the complaint on which the war-­rallts Wl're iSAlled.

Ten of the em['llo:o~s 01' the theaterarf' nlBo ill jail. :md many of the ChOruBglrtn of the "~rr, Blue Beard" compnny.who i'ere on tbo 6tage when the fIltalfire started., are under rNltralnt, bein¥h.,ld lUl witueEscs. '

~\('cording to the Trihune un tnacle-­q'1I11tely protected "spot light" machine, .

~~~R~ to ~~h~~~ri~~,n~n':: tfl:n~~~b1n~~1~~' J.

thnt aed the fire. Willinm ~lcMuUen,the man who operated the "spot light,"is under urrest with a charge of maD­slauglttel' against h1im. .. A llpark from

dIAG~"i:'\{ RHO\\11~G CRrRil AT RECO\'D B,\L('O\,Y E~'l'RA~CES. r~etl~:Jf~~~~~~\:~t::no:J~~::;~~~~:~~::---1 .- ---t:1- ~_.:- . ~- - .. • - -- :: -- ~ _ _...==..:..:::..-::=. fhe ("Oilfessloll by ~le:Mullen to ChIefof tlll' !1ta'.gl1 1H'lIr tllQ pro:1'·('[I11HlI. ignited II rol,lH'<! (kud lind uylUg; ill the midst of, O'Neil\, Two !Den, McMullen and his

it! !ltnrtl~Jo{ the nre. I th" tin'. r:;i~~tD::s;~;,el~gnh:.he~r:tli~~~c~::~ea:~t~;'I:;;~:rt:r~/~~~li~~II~l'S,C('nn~~;1,~nj~~~\~f'~: Wf'~,:·t~II,lt\I~~lk:l~~f~l~mn;J7~e;lai~n~,Jre:~~ to an angle of aMut forty degrees tot~('~l' fr()~l til kill.':" 'fir~ t1lso tll,-. I>tnl:f> m:lll· the hI" Wil~ ('''tin~nished. Illuminate the double octet in its dance.

;:~l.'~O\:~~~~l~erlII~~~fll~~~~~u~:\~~nd;J~,I,Je~: tll:II~,I'\'~]~;I~IBg.o~h~~~i:·~ot~~~; t::nee~ ~~~ A terr~~~t~:s~~~·~a~i::t~;:~ learned.':"~lll'ry, iij tJH~ir (·1tejtf>mpnt, rnl~f'd Jr, find f;J('PS Chll,rrM beyond rf'cognition. by the snerlfiee of nearly 600 live8, then!LlII>st il~tantl1n.eously 'th{' \lames leaped Th(' the.lIer bad thirty exits. All were Chicago city nuthoItities h~riday nighttt;! th~ odIe!' hanging BC'el1('ry. n[lplll',j be [ore tile fire relu.:hp(j (ull Ilelld~ closed {'ighteell theaters lind Conc(!rt halls

: Before [ the 8l.'I1"e uf dl\n".~r bel'nme \\ ay. hilt s()m(' hud to be forced open. In the downtown and outlying districts,;g.tnernl t.?e flames surr~:1THh·,1 !oJf'r:'ra~ of IJllrknesH tobroulled the the~ter witli its Prom data In the PQsses~ioD of the Mar­t~e cnlnUIn tllll1;,~. \\ 11h n hhllrllll~, hllndrl'l].-> "r delH.] whf'fJ till.' fire WlHl un- or and the Conndl it is B"hOWD that few,~nr(,hinf:' (I\lff, which ~f'llt n fl;hl'et or ul'r cO!llrol tllut the I.JUilding could be If any or the pln.rQoase wanagers have I

\\ hite ill~Il~C out ihto the IlUdltoriUIlI, It!llll'rpd. , tl'",ke:nOPf'"tPl,e",...prpea"t~n••ti,opl! {G safeguard the "tl (','1(' exploued, srarttl'('IJlI: tJ,C fire :tud :,\pitlipr linlcony f('l1. Thf' RI'::Jts are" •• r8 nrtillg the wild, terriLl" IlCramlJle tOt l·uin,,.I, tl1l' Htllg" fl wl'p('k, lIwl tile full 'I'he thenters oI)lerl'd closed were aerv": js'l1fety. Ili~". It is \hOllgl1t, may be 51;:;0,000 to ed \\ith notlca that they must not reope$lI·\..n ntteq,vt "fI"n~ marjf" tn ('(ll1tlne the $20ll,O(JI). till nsbestos curtains have been iustalled,-:

~r _tn th~~n~~~~~ ~~~~~~~h~~OS f();'~~ 1},II~tr~~~'~ r~l,~h t1~~n\~:~:ie~orm~~~ ~ulltnJtb~h:~fO~~l S~:d~:~('ti:d o~~o:e~: !

I w,dU"n lind (hihlrell were thl"Own bodily PlfYh~nSe8 arc allowed to reopen. 'down tllf' #tl'jl!l. Following is a llst ot' the theateMl

T!I1' ''T'lw.]" fOtl;(ht .so in their pITorts w IOSl~ dUOI'S were elosed by the order:tf) p"{'ape tl,nt tot(, U\\"lly tile iron Seating

~';~~,II[lh" ""J"t'):~~1\ ll'uping upon (.\C.~ill'lll)" of :\IllSi,'. . .~a.~~~::tO~IT:II' 111<' fif(' of lSi1, when :2JO \ AI1\lllllhru _.. :2,275

,', ll' I,ill<>d h'lCl ('I'II'a>;:,) !H'P!I mantiI'd by .\.'Cf'IlII(' G13,'I'LI ,\ 1l1l[\l'rs,,1 lragrd.\·. Il,'ver ha~ it RijLoIl .,1,:208

1 ,I blow sr) insUnUlllcollsly shock- Chicag-o Upera HOIlH' ... 1,000(llnr\;: Htrl'ct :\Jusenlll. 271Thirtv-fil·;;t :->treet ., .1,142I'rltl'I:WIl 1,4011,'\!ig;I'lIflll\l\\l"l 400{~llr·I'll1l1ll'l; ,.1,8.18IT(IY1l111l·k(·( •• 1,900II(l\YlInl 874~1\1JI T. J:U·k· Cl .. , £ISSLl)nrloll ~f US('(! ••• , • • •• 175:'II II r!o\\"l.' . ' .... , .1,323:'\tjlwllllkee Ave. Garrick, .. , 953l"ew Americull ... , ... 1,351OiYlllpi,' ... .•. , •... 1,500

TId dosing- on1er was issued by Build~

Ing- Commissioner Wlilinms at the dIreC­tion 'of ;'IIn:"oI· IInrrison, lind enforc~ment was by the l)()!ice. In few instances ~

protests were 1l1[1I1e by the manugers ot I

the houses th:lt Were darkened, but inall bllt thr('c instlatl("es the order walllput into immedinte C'ffect alld audience$;

lie.... ',_----, were turned from the doors.

W:lI:r~'~1,1l\t3~;](~ tl~'C~~;~\ O~f:Cnk. t~:he~la~ to ~TI~i~>~i6~~~~n:~t~: ~~~~~~~~~~~~n~~~81::doors (,r tit!' t!lpnter pre closed, ,the Inil the other th1t:tS-S1X theaters recelve~

dInned, tor:l nnd "!ilitp ·('0 bodie~ were ,'orders during j.he day that· toobed the~r 1('aniNI from tile' un lUg ot the rate or ~ ~tllg~ prOdlll'lIollS or much. of the scepi;e, ,ifour [] millll(('.( '_ effec~t City E!ectrtician Ellicott ae~t..q~t ;,

Prrl1llJl"\ 111~ wor."It of the horror-~r oNle~8 prohibiting the use or electriC 1;1111' IIr horror (au II:l\"(, 1\ ~J-!lbdh,th'e-i~ thnt and (lulciulll la~nps behind the scenes. 1,1

n gn'.lt 'portIOn or till' \](,fl~ nre children. Sad l'\e.",..IYear'. nay. ,It "-rJ" h 1lo!ldny m:llinee. It was \"aCfr"" 01\ i'\ew Year's day funeral corteges-,'

r~l~~ ~:;;\ :.IIC ;:;l~o~~~ ~;:~,l~~~ ~~~'S t~~ 'i~~ :o;~~ ~~~;~lgl'cl~~:9~r~ i~n:;ln~a~;;:.~:~~~;.onld t!lere hllve been such an 1I~- ;~f~~~lt~~.1! y~~~:,~s nOlf ~I~:,lr~~~~!= ~~;at~tJ: ~:

f;(,ol"l':'> :\11 I $curp>; (lierl in the bal10nies mOn~lllng ,Chkur;o ne'\'er before ba 'fur fr<)lll 111[> e:'\it~, \Voml'n and chil- lmo,~n, Ilud thc ~addest scenes wfr ,tln'fl, fl'11rfu) of the! rtl~h nnd deciding fonn? in the homes where funeral se~- ~

~'~C lJ·:~·~)j\tl:;) 1~::~i\l:~l.'C~It.'1t~~n:.hem~~p~e~l~ Vi~e:I': ~~~:r\~~~~~ 'where scores or vlJ-\~ h"11 it \\ :HI 1001 law to flee. They died Urns 'had lived, hqndreds Qf friends 8.Dl1

, in t\ln (lisles UIl,1 amid the wreckl.of th~ ~o~aol? the j~~

_N_',rl'O w.{GnN,TS spnt'l. and sH!lters. i

r _ Thl1 !;t(l~l' loft (·ollupsl.'d nnd tons or 1 "~ide, for b i-- ~.....----~ fire pOl~rell 1I,'pr Ihp stn~e. The llr-bts sent by.,train l t I

I rop cuttn,n, wifl i I[~ l'e1]lured by th~ went ollt in the thl.'ater with Ulis d~ relnt ""€Os at home, • , ~(;~y frd\lln{lCes

• il:J t t tJldsomc ~ell~oll ll~t >;trUl'ti~n of the llwiteJlbom-d nnd nll·stage Til tll1ll'l"n] S{tdces :»'ere 61mPl~ iel\.I Y e;xp alOe/ I CI not e roug ('onuect1ions. One ('O!IlDlll of flame ~oa~ 'l'lH't: wpre too Ilinll~' t1eu,d to let i*'6

(own mrr1 tbt1ll~ r~hJlds or tb<- tlJS- nnd swishpd nlong the ('emllg of the the::- 6th Ivise, ~tieh ~Ild lloot were bll iJ' 1allre. I~ f otero 'I'llI'll this awful i1111m,innt.l~n. :0.199 ,lill -e· prql-ailed tfillJ all. Ji~

W~o e llht Mm,t Heed. WllS swa]]n" ~d lip. ~ona DIay Pll~t from, ,ympll'th:r wins allowu eYl~rywher~.!,runIS~llp~Jl~ ndt-g ~tt for the guilt or personal ll11derst!l!Hhn~ that, W11 It took. ,l'leges rq,Oll· J

egligcn(lQ that pkt tti(!d such a cnlnm. place ip thut:IJit ~f flnme!'Ut ~,rkqess:. ugh;ow co~·ered s.~reet~ ~I':. y ICI111not be,fi 'd, No penalty can None l~ves, tql tt'll It. ,I., ~~ I., ," >,.1 i v cepeterl~~_lI;Pd _"hpe )O\lOg rrj~";,

tohe tar ft. : Notl 'the spirit ot ten- BefOrCj the fir:;t fifty ~.odi~ :bqd e~r... ,tiVCS,~\TePt,t~ "caSkets, other :ht,"!nce.lhll* in s~ determination ~hnt cnrriedlfrom the burn~ng[theater·n a o*' ,aou~lt the ,mo~g114s and pndertnkinx: e~

n'f .~'li:;.~stbr m~ tl ~OI' the future' be .qr 'morEl!?! ghouls hud ("oIhmellce~ Senl,'C~lt jtnbll hment~ _lD~,:ln nltlt?st. ~IOP~ ~~,t,'a e I po"l~le,. t~: I ptust be tile rqost I g theilplles dt den~ for loot. Tli~y qn!! ,sea ~l for ,!Io\ed ours. ~lml1a[ se ne

en cllin ,i V~8t1g t Ilof its cau8~s.,Or t ~fr poc1l:et~. Rltlgs.: br~celej;B t~ ~erel euncte!d ~t , lei ho.sp!tfl~s.•be, mca;, s. ~ich 0 tprevent Its r1p.e- atches ,were' taken from the de~~'1 fan Ion tI e, or of mo, ,v to l~~jl~tlry

I "

, '~I

ti~~~~h1~~ ~i:hPJ;~:a' ~I~;t~~U~~ ~~enna burned' and 8'om"e~ w~l'e lost. 'nthe destruction or L~llmnln'13':: Theater' In61. l'eterebu~g bet)Vefu,<Kjo td TOO ,POt'BODS were ~Uled. ,

The most Jtecent,th~nterlfir In Chi~a*obeto~ thia :Was tho '(one. th. destroyed

. the Co1ult!bfll. Tbe:lt~r ill, Mpllroe Btre~tI four years ago and 'which ~d its "·ork

in PJ'llctlCIlJJ,'V twenty'mIllbte. ThIs fire, occurred during a IItoge.r!s rothe~ ro­, h·enrsnI nnd the phlyet'l'l olt the atnl!=eI were vrot~('ted by th-e fire ('uhaln. While

" ~~~~:g:a\~ja~Od~O:: ~~a~f~;:lrr:I;l1r~l~e~~su1t from the Iroquois fire, 110(1 the re­BU[tll if th{3 house had been fi led, ll.S,WB.II

" the lrorllloiB. ClIn only be 1m ginertOCCllHlopnl panies Ilfl ve oc lured from

time to time In Chicllgo thea er!!, Btnrtedhy fnl.'!e alarm>! ill the th~ater ot' by

! firel! nenr by, but tbty hnnlt cnusell no10RS of life. I ~-f'

In the great C!licllgO firf' ?f 1~71, t.largest contll\grn1lOn (If modern tlm{js, IIIwhich 2,12-! n('r('~ wt're !l{'\'!stHt('(I, but200 Iive~ werc lost, flO, fur ll.'l lie mOllt I'e­Iiuble infonnation showed'


HnmDn VnltQrt'6 Swpop DO~1J on Ylc·t.iolll of the Cqta"trophe.

Hllman vultur('s in! the (olrm or tJil'¥­po.'kf'ts /lul! thlt'\'{'!l ,," nope!! ,J"wn upon

~l:)~ ntll~);~;;~:(~ Il~n~e~;J)r~lrr:~:.:I~l~~ t l~:~)ij':i: ;:~r~of the lif('lf'!Hl Victllll* or th~ llo]oClJufit.

'1'IIf':," (lid not ('"CO 1U'~itnt~ to altn"k thellvin~ lIwl whlle jn t!H" p!lnic of fhE' 11'",ful

~~lln~~ :O;~~;'~::'I:l~e r'~tltl~~:en\1p:;fif'~ I {~{'~l:~feehly to prot{'('t the tOllit'M ~!r the ~]f'ad

===d="",,==, Ithn! loy In pileH in (lrug Jtnrl'll, t'igarshops, llOtels, rellt.'lunlntR arJ(} en~il inthe "tl'c('ff-l, gangs of thil~'\eg lInll l.Jk~-

:)17~:k::~11~~I~c:h ~r81 ~~~~~~~t:(~~ C::li~\~ ~:e~~seufchillg tor tht·ir lo\"('(l U~H"'l truo~f'd

upon the me'nncho[y scjelle. Imjludl'lltlrt·these IJln('k~lUlrdH IJllflhj!d tllroll~h tl1('llurtahi of the teUlpor:try 111111");11(''1 nnd

~ll~';~:l \?n :;;:tlll~ll~OKr\Il~~:Jr~~n ~:~) ~~:e &:~~~lluJ jpw{'Jr.v. '

Filldlll.';' th6'mljelH'~ llnnl~lf' to COI){'with tlHJ !l(,(JUI\llt€'l!\ the bllll'('onts fjelltout n enl] for nil tlle pdlka tl'Sl'rn'f-j Inthe dt~·, UIHl (l"llll the outlyiilll)o; \)<oli<-o !!tn­t1011!\ (jptt'dlveOl find unitot'llll'd officersponrel1 into HtlndolJlh strA,r't.

_~~_~_-+-I The plnln clothc'S 1llf'1I n~1 ~nllr(l at the

WORST IN COUNTRY'S HIS1"ORY. ~~~lI;;:~I:)~~~~~~\~et~s:;):~(~.. IH\t~~1'~lli,7 l~~~:~o PrcviODII Pl"'::rhODIIO Fte 80 De_ 1)1'('0 imj1Os!lible to cOl\lln<,\ ~b(,1I1 thI'<lUgh

8tructiv~ to Human .ife." the denf;f' rollS!'! of 11('011[e t~I:'t thmngq.dThe Iroquois Theuter dlsll. ter :In Chi- the Rtrf'f'tll, lIml the llbHl'l1r'(l of till' otrl-

~::~ ;r~ll t~"IS~]Yq~~O~~h~~st~~n~~:l~~~I:~) ::~~ ~~~SO;~'l(;I;l~o~~~~~,gi\~~ r:::;~tl (~:~:~~~J,l"~~~l~~~In the ,hiHttJrr ot thi!! eOlllltnj. 'fhe line (orf>, the thil'Ve"', whell lh!ll'rtl'd, wereIlfl.';t tljl it In pollnt of IIH.'I l<f'lt or-curred klekpl! or ('tll!~f'l('d ont of ~Jl(' hl'lr.':"UI'll .• _1: 1 ---l - .~:;:-:=::..J~ __ -:;;--= ._~,- ~;'- ._-- -::--- '-1- >,

'early f;hamI d.ildren me

Sc ne 01 Horror I t n ified as ScoresL~a'p to 5t e r Fall froIj1

, the a '5.

(ll :l !,(~1I,1 1:1: r"l I

(h" ~t:' r;r> I'.

'~ it I" slri',1i,

Slabs Hon, on Train and Later ~e·

rto....,. Wound. Herselr.PiqUA, 0 AR the CmcllllllltJ, IIumJi

~~11~~do~t~~o;~:::~~~u~~Sn:~;~porn:~~hln FoU~t IflPl"lUlP; Oll the tt'q,r fltf'l.lfl ort~€' chilli cnr Ilnd lmmrdultely rllshed nta couple, f'llChlhnlng

a ;,~n\"t~~~'t~bil:JU t~~ 1~~kj'IO;~u:l~nnK1;Int lIot l,;PflOll!lh Hill t1J('1I nUl mplcd~o fltnb nol~ Mortoll "ho Hat III tbe niljOU.llog se~'t. but pllRflellKell1 luterfl.'r('d\\ ben c~rrled Into the !lmoltl~g ('ompurtIDcnt shr fltnhbf d IWrB<>]f ~Ilt.l It If!

;:~~~h~a~~t~' ~~I ~;J~~J~():;rbn:t~~WIlS

The (lB8fi~ltetl couple tlllgb~('d at Troy,the next stop nftf'r 1t111\lllg jDayton


Cbk;a;;:o City :E:llIild~DC :InQo~'tor .A'1I6o',iXl l.h~ Griv of 'tb~ La....-Men ~.'

Cb."l;:ed wi'tll Matllllau&:,h'ter-Potlee,'CIotre Eighteen Playhoul(ea.



"f F','.r. '.of thf' oITbestIl!. .j,. " ,~. ,,! ,'r l'IJypr". "Iln tW):':ije(\

! 111 .1\:111:1,1: ,r.I.;·" ::;' (l":'l:l~t,~~.t~>~u :;I/I~c~l:l~:~~~~


Men fell on their knees and prayed.Men ll:Dd women eursed.

For an bour the re8C'D! work was CJ1J'"tied on without q~er l.icht tlmu that ofC1I.D.dles.

Of the 900 persons seated in the fimand second baJconiell few It /lOY escapeclwithont eer1Qus injury. '

Under pretense of serving fiS :reSClleru

ghouls gained entr.:m~ to the t..hell:t.e'!:" unO.

Jectrlc' '~rc L12l"~~' Ia'ttiten Gauzy': 8t~itc Dlrlaperleo.

Tlw fire: ,brigiDnted Lfrom sparks f;romDe of th't ~;rit eleefr;Jt' arc lights whichung in tb~ t)rst @"Mr,BDl'eo back Df Uleros(''tni~.~i.'t'l' reb, jfi~ lbehind the dnpenrD ,the south 'side t the stage. Theseere in use at the' ~ ~\e to tltrow "spot'"

igbta on the., ped0nll,e 5!ldaring the ~~n­igbt scene_~ One 01:: ~ 3put'kB. strtklngpon the dp1>eo b*,-'Q1dn~ f~~~~ top

As Chicago b~Z'D.n to ro:covcr from find stunning grief of the IroqaoisTheatf;[ c.abmity, d~mantls berame loud'from both. p<:!ople "tid preS3 for the ex~

:emplary punishment <)! aU the men who,'would S€€Ir! i'l any lin2Y responsible torthe death f)f ~~ar~y COO buman beings.W'it1::.iu fort;:"8ight hO::ll'S tlle SIlence 01

: f:,'Tief be;;aIl tl) b8 'nuken by tbe hoarseClutterings rage against the appar~nt

erirn", :lnd the p.ossihie criminals.Lc.fe Fr;duy night ~n!l ,T. Davis and

Harry J. I'\J,y,~r~" vropiietors and mnn~

ager3 uf Ih", IrorluoJs Theater, nodGeorge dty building iIlSP~~tor. ',-,-ere ll:ld~r arrest on the

GH:OULS ROB IB' DIES. trlminaJ dHlrge of r:::ltl.Dslal'lgnteL Arthnr----, , I E_ Hull, ,., h" lost n wife and t!:lree chQ~

Heman Vnltnr~'"Swoop own on Vic- dr"n. with their maid, in the holocaust,

Hnm~\~:\~~u1~: ~att'l~'til,f~)~~e'f)t ni('k- ':.:UOtr: ~f)f.~'\;~:%.lflint on which the War-pw·kpts aud t!JI('\"'PS >'Rft<JO -.1 dotn) Ulpon T~n or th~ '!mplo:ops of the th~llte'!'the rr:or~u~s and telllWJr;l,r!l1 rf'''tlUg"'I.d:l~·es ::J..r'f" al~o In .lad. ::lllrl Ulany 01' the ("hornsfor the dead and eOl1JQH>{k" d ~pqilatlOn girts or tbe ":'\!r. B~ue Beard" company,

~l:~)~li~~f:J:~.~~;~~til:l~:itt~~lltJ,~~lt~;rkn'~;l~ ;;ef) s~;~:rl~)\~~e o~t~:: ~:~~i~~.e ::i~~linn;: Jlod whllp m fh(' p~rl/lK" of tllf" ll\l;"fUI Iwld 1l:B "Wiln~:ses.

h011N follo~ mg the Ollt~I}[Ik nr :h(' fire 1 .\l1"Cording to tb~ Trihune an Inade-

ilitiIt 'naH lfupo",slble Cor t , polu'V i\f'U I qnately protected "spot light" machine,

DEATI~ TR.\[P _loT THE Y:\I~ R.;\I.C':>XY reeLly to trot...-'t the h+'!l'~ (,f tLrt f ~ad i clo!:e to l\ bieb ~ung the f-ra.Ted edge of'~ -_-.-__--_=-=t=-~-==- - -- - ~ that Iny n plIes lD dpt "I"rf"s~ c .;ar the nrc:!J drnpen~, made the combination

t"N, ~wppt I C'arned. ,aglZE'J or thrown T I"f.' whE!' rt thousn d l<Pl·tfidUID. feD. Hlwp~ hotf'ls. rest:lI1rnr\:t' niH} d erj In that cuu$ed the fire. \VilHam :UcMallen.flut to the stairways, nnd en'n b('yond tQ Io:bout thi~ hatt!{>1 with h(' oest yer the !>t.r('e~, gan~ or tbt1oe~ no,\ pl\:"k- the man who operated the "spot Iight,"thpm doun to the In*dlnl;s In Rctual --l-/{uUnnt tt"S("1Ie8, JOYoj)us re U10'J],8, ~o.ble Ip.wkets C",m the shIm" b p.ll ('!wtagp 1m I is under art'ell't witlh II charge.of man-fil~!lt or (llif' dllyhght tt.:lt strenrnf>d IRihorH In li-f.llet of pulP. am; lfish charity tile l'''mbl~uce ot dlStrp. tr<1 m(lUrllers 8lau~htf.'r agaim~t Mm. "A !\'Park fromtlir\trg'h tllp hI,\;' trolilt~dOllr,.,-1O sl~ht of t~!lt 'WllS (;;plemdid lIn~ "po tnut-ous l>e:lr~lllllg for thl-Ir Io~ Otlf"~ t;n....lj.H>d I thL..'1' (HI ~n :\T fl.F( (>,[, n \1 c()'.~ E'TR ',cES ~he art' liJtht W.ithiD the machine caughtJlll' tl,r"lig''l ollt."lde. t p fir{" wngr/DS ond Bu~ tl) tho'll' who flaw 'tl'iat temhle lI{lOn tht' U;lelancholy t;C(' ej lmlldoeM!) DIAGn.\:'d' Slh... ~.. I'\G L> .~~ "'- 10 the frayed f."dge of thflJ>·dfapery," wasTll" fiDr(n,lrlJ;' !lol"'K€'s-----rl ed It! ftvat mas..'I(":!l ~pnl/' 'nh¢! l\cnt Ir 1nl} rf~r n ml)~f'Il't Ithese j,lo(,,~~:lIllrd!l l,u'Ih'f tllr'Il1':;:~l the I~ _ ...::_- _~, It.::): -=---_--=---== rhe f'Op.lestlioll by YcMullen to Chief~h' I IlILt) ",l;;:llt (("("t h gil II!Ilhlll IDJIl;:)E'..-J ::s tlbq:o",t' slulfflnls nnll :lm0f,J::' tjbe tllis! portal.'! of the lempoi:l/7 m"rl;'u1" aud IjI',t tlu· l;tau-c nl!'n;ri~ IJro~, ('fHum 19l1lted 1"')bbed deud und dym,; III Ille mIdst or O·~~ll. T~Q men, YclInllen and hisr. ,rfulh (o¢,,:lJer, dotl:llul: \.~I.HllJt off and 1)l)dIl'!1 ot those ponr 't'1.·~ml\, the: de"f'ltl' the lltmoilHt "ff"r~'!1 of tl~ Wiltre lilt. 6tnrtlllif thr- ~ th" tin' aslmltJlnt. we~ on the tim pereh opept·f 1" ~ '~Il;:ln In thf'~r lost lI.~oj)Dl('S nil ~hol,(> lItoIT or thiS ~u l:t I!ltn~;:;gle be- i 111('\ (flrn.J:,1 alI nngs, t;Ht he!'!, 1'1ln>e8 I~ Till re were).$Q r!:k>p sC'eOf'S ban~ Ilg' at I Ten 1,::Hlk('ts of monel and Jewelry ing the "spot" light. The light WlUI bent

H oJ ['nll!! lul\ ard thl.! dooj)M1 thty (..mid not l':'tin~ il-ml l'n{l!I the~. nnd Ithl'te l.>nly Illlld ]f'u"ln I I th,(' thpnter fit tf) '1mii' an'} to I rl'~f"Dt I tn r" pI<' ed np from the maID floor when ~o a~ angle or aoout fort~ d.egrees toIl'r 1".,,), W·hnlt C:ll1!\(>(! ~he fire'l~hat ~rn,~erty IOI'll!! FI.ldlDg thf>m~el...!\ ~lpDhll' to ¢Qpe I hf""f> fmD! tllki4~ ff nlst) the slal;f> nl:lll I nJe fll' "I'> PX'tID;:'Ulshed illummate the double octet III Its dance..[ld I I run I Window!'! Ilt the north flnfl weKt: \vlJl!l S\ll"tn~nt'd. wh{'re t If> Ll:llm1, Ir any with tlle S('oun,lrl"!'l tl~€jl bill< (oaUi sent ~f'r dll"eded thp ~he bunlln~ Jrnp",r; I Hun,lN'ds of bodies werp taken from Police Clo~ TbeateT1l.

hI '·nJ~ "f Ih(' Q-tllldlUJt tilEt nctllfi" $irenmed" ,:}n lie pl;act'd-what m.8tt~'''M> It, ~hnt out a {'all for nil the *~Ilt'e n''''('n'ps 10 Ibe lo~ered ItlIS~fj~. the 0l('!J HI the tho th(' luildlU!= th{'lr dothlIlg gone therr A terrible lesson having been learnedllbn I. ,} J,\ rh,' Htnr)kf" nOll ('!fnzt>.d heyond I rnlJ tUatter beSide tJII!!t tl'rttlhl~ picture the rlty and fr'Jm tllt' uMbfln~ v"jlt< f' ~tfil Iltltll"r. LII ulelr ~1\f) ement r Il~pd \t, nn II f::H""'''1 rharrl."fl b"vond re("Q~ltlOn. by the s8,crifice of m~n.rly ~ li'eA. the

,~, ,pe: till ")~~I!'lllt, ot heJp~ll~ th1W>\plves ror 01ll tbt Il'ta~no that awful blottlQ.g out u( \ tlon~ df.'t.~tl' ('" Rnd u*rbrn. J otfkers lu1UH-t InstSDtll](j; 11 tllf' thIIles lealJ'E'd I Thf' tll('at('r had thIrty (':tItS. All w,ere Chicago City. fl.uthoritie9 Friday nightr1,-.r "r or t:lklf1~ :td\lUntllJ;e of the DId I hurnlUo lJrt-s, that hullO('llust ot erne) PQnrf't1 10to ltund",lpb ~rf'f't (to thp othjpr hal &\i.~ s<en('l"> II pf"n....:i bef')N' the !'ire rE">!.lhed tull head- dose-d eighteell theaters nnd concert halls

,lr,' I~ >l~ h' I..... ('l) "X,, llf'-u 1" thpm frolp the U{Jpe-r floors d~ath 'l The plaiD rlothls n p$IPh plard at the I Before the 8 j.!<i! ot d.w",,,,,r bet"r.nH' \. u hnt "()IDI' b:ld to be fOrc'M open in the downtown and outlying districta..II II,,, l "I-,,'l.l rli,d (lJ tllldJll,::::S raUDh' the th('ntllr I.addet'S, W'OiRST IN COU NTRY' 91 HISTORY, temporary morgU('li hud I[J~) tII11P to ta:"£' I;::-eueral' th{' ~a¢ !1nrrnull h>,1 sl''l"f'rnl or I lIa:>kue'iH< shroudl"d the theatl'r WIth Its From data 10 the (X)li~SSjOU of the ¥aY-

• pi III""' r"r...-s, pole1'\ e\"'tJtbung that _~~ ~ the rohh"rs mt. custodtll t \\ fluid hare Ithf' cal<--wmj ta ~. \\ Ilh a hllUdlU;;, Ihl1'ldr,...J,.. Iff dpad l\ h ..n p~j'.P7was un- or and the Council it is Ehown that ,few:II \ \l"~l\" ll~ '" rill l",,,,.. lhl} Sf'n p tl) n!lSIS/t these poor :'ito Previpu. Pla:rbou.e:tJr So De- bf'f"I1 lmposIllble to {,OlllJld'1:l tllPm tht11.u,:;:-b S-f"Olrchrn,::: Pllff, IW'hlf"h !;<'Tlt a I'ln'et of der ('oLJtrol that the ~ajJdlb&.~ould be it aaJ or the Pl.Rybouse managers have

lit III 'I. It I~S III tllf'lr hllttle tfllr hte, were .trlu;tin! to Humftlll Li eo the densf' mllfl!l or ppop e tllrlt throngpll 1\\ hlte tll1~llej ~ t-Dlo IIll' lIullrtonurn' l entl'r\·d ~. taken proper preeautions to safeguard the1",,\1",>, rt,::'r=.': :IlId tumed IUtl(; bl'lllies. but tew The lrOQuol!< Theater dlSIl'<tulD Chl- the IItr~t". nn,I th(' nit orr- or th,> om IltJ~f>ll" {'.'tplr.Jf1lJ! 1r:1ttPl"l])g' the fire and I 'iPlth. r lllljC-VOv fell ( f' fH"l1tS aNI lives or their p:l.trons.I j:; ,t ,I r,,~,., all~ t' cJ]g'o uns i'rnstly mort>. dpstr!nrtl e to hu- ('erg would htl~ e ;;l\{'n II rt;f' OI'l'ortljIllty l!ltnrtlllg' the ",11th temt It' H{'ramble tnr -n'llf>il till:' J5 :lp> :I \\ r~k. u I tlHo' tull The theaters orden>d dosed were aerv-

f 1'1 I Th,'~" tillll~~ "".re l~tlll7.*",1 (lftJ>-f>o [DlQ milD hfr- thnn nny othPr pllll\ ou~e fire tor othpr roh~('N In Ilo"t ('!l'<f''1 tlhl'rt>- suft't) I r j,,~,< It IS tI16ugh', rnuy'[}e $1.'JOOOO to ed with notico iliat tb",y must not reope$l" Je I nt('\; 1ft. r t

le hr1lt I(lanJD to drllg' tbe I ,rl th' 10,,'0..,- 0' t1". rooo,,; Tbr fi... '0.... the ,10",,". whe ,ked"'! wm to "".mpt lit'; m.d. '0 ron'" the 12'''''"' till "be,,", ,ort.ln, lone been io.taI1rdo:.

t hI :' 11 trl"1',j II .. 1\, S lI' rO"1, un,l, o"rer thf'm Iif'xl to It lID poiot of IO>lt O<"<1Jrred k.kk~l or cud::;,('hfl ont Ill(' IllfJrJ:llP~ IlfiI"f> fn tbp !l!ngr 11) hOW(,l"ln/i:' Ih<> 8,,1)('''11)5 -\10 rhp fir5t ru~h was made fl)r. the but the rer/)rtD Iifpeeified is only one ofl'~~-<' I r'1t'ld \ 'j[I{' b!~lrkl1'll11] ((>rpse at I :t ~ _ I-=--. _ _ ~_ ~---=_ -===+===='-= ::::;=-~..=_~ ..... -- ---- - - -=:::-::- (n,er .. lltrtlD\.... r,) the balNJnles men, many thar wilT be e"acted before the

I I W,,:1wn lUll (hJldr"ll were thr-o\'; n Lodny playhouses are allowed to rropen.I fi''''"l1 rbl s:t.. ps. '. IFollowing IS a list ot the thl!!atenI T~,,> "n'i\-d~ fnu;<ht I'll lTI ttelr f'ffom hose J .....ll'1; .... ('ore closed by the order:

Id "'"'ll!''' thllt r!l"y t"I"1' 3\\ ay the iron ~e.atingr:ll:.[l::~ "f rli .. ha;"('ni",s, Ieapiu; upon ("apadty.

I tl:.· " 1:'.:,"';'<;' fi:-<> >'\f 1"71. wb('n ~~)!) \ :~;;:~,:11~1~!:1 cof \rtl~l<' . .~~~'-"r" I.~.I.·,!. I::l~ r'hwa~" b"f'!] rnantl<>d b}· A''-'!1l>~ CI3

" I I f'rs. j :rJ.c(·d.-.-. Iwver has tt .1.2('>8r_'''II.·,j l t.l",. ~,' lil5tall[:!n,~ull,,:ly :.boe.k- .1,GOO

2i1.. 1,142


.1,838:',,,,,. 1.1n.,m:lrb·· .1,900

T'I"['" :..: 11,1:) ["'r""I1'; n:- tllPrl~' (J"~I':lf,l 8.4IJ ,\ "n\"r or llllrnlwf SaD\ T .b,L', 9SS

i 1 7111 I, .1 "":11" TlJ,· n'fit .... PH' Ul:l5"P() '.condon ;L!u--:"e • 1m. I', I:' ·,1 f\I" ~,·:\t~ un the maio Uvor :>Iarlnw" .... 1',323

:Jr'_, 1.1: :Hihr:lllker· .'\.'P G.rn-;\'k 953,ww,":t tllP:lter in Chkngo, th.e :S~'IV At.·wr~can _.1,351

d'·L·l.UpJ to be fi'n'proo( from 01yn1!1l" ....•.. 1,500bnrDE'd tiB T'6e ,.]o~ln;: "r,j,'r ,,:::.S iSSUed by Bnild·

wr:." :\ skelpt,m and its lng l'()mtni"~IOller \Yilliams at the ~:)I,;, r,," a dJ:Jrnd 1Inll~e. tion "1 :\I,n'''r ILlrrison. find en!Qrc&.!

'H I'. \\1\\\J"111.\',,·,1 IW',Ir!y all wer~ SI) men[ W:iS br' uw p'lEe,o. Tn few instaoces1,::<11\ \'llr[L!'.]\t r,.,")::;nitl.,n ..::IS impos-- pro!r'stii WerE' ;:un.],' h.r the managers of~d,l,'- i 1:1:} ~"I' tnd·"f·t-, and burned sc::raps the holts"",, that 1''-'?l"le d:,r;;:eo.N. bat Innt' ,,",;r,:''; 1Il'P:li<>1 rl)u;,j the bodies ot all but thrC'e imlt"of"es the order 'WBJI

!ltl!l'.il!'d~ b., Lll.:H~e kDDWll to their tn.mi- put into imm~chinh' effect :md audiencesIt...~. were tnrnf'll fr0ill tboo> doors_

Fr-\·:-J ;) ~I) ()(·:".... k. 'wheD thE:" ularm Whilp the \a"k of fl",h(>:Stos curtains led,CH !'f'l:t lll, t,} ,:3u o·clod:, wben the to. the clO.<:lllg or the ejg-ht~en pl.nrho~se",

d,JOr's ,,r thot thp::tcr were dosed. the ' all the other thirty-sLt theaters I"'e('e-rveddlarTe'] t"r:, and t,lif'tcred bodies were 1 orders during the dny that robbed i;helrf":t;icd 'fr~'rtl IlJe build in;::; tit rne rate or stngp prodnctions ot much or the soeni~runt a m~tl'ltl'. effect. City Eledrieinn,EIlic9tt sene.,ou;t

I'f'l-h:~:J" tl'p TIorst of the nOITOr-it Or'de:I'S proh"ibiting tile use of electric' arc[horrQr "'1: !l:IY~ a snoerlutive---is that :lnU cnkillOl lamp's behind the sceneS.~ ~ I'0r:lon lie tht" ,l":ld are children. 5ad ~ew Tear'. Day.It W:l<: a m:1tinN~. It wns \,,3('11- Ou :\'('l\" Yenr's flay fnneml cortegestion f"r ti,e ,,, ehilJr('n and the col· mo_ed through the, st~Js in al~ ~arr-s

!f'~., ~J"Y:'>' ~flt in the 3tl5 da....s of the l O'I;.\~I."tl.:i:"'·~",nCshi""~·t·lo,e ,llil~uboO'.''''-.Tmb'e.t''ar r"uld ~hcre hll.a be"en silch an :!l:l. '- u "'." ,. , ._"~

Ulcnce. ilisaFter. Rucb * ~ew Year's day off',('\>IP" :l n I l<con"s tIled in the balconies: mou:rnillg' Chiellslo n,'yet" before I, had

f:lr fr"w II'!' l'xits. \YolDen and ebU- known, nnd the saf-Jde:.t .scenes ;werfdrt'll. f\'.H(\I! of the rash aud decidingl fonlld in the homes where funeral ser­[() t['"ltsl I') tbf"ir s<::':1~s in the hope the Yic~~ were held. , 'fire \'.·"nl-! llut rt'rlc-h them, met denth 1~ the house~where .8~re:!l ot vie­wllt'Tl It w~s tlln 1atc to f!t:'e. They died ti.tns bnd lived, llDd~eds of friends andin th ... aisles tI!).d nrnil!! the wreC'k~of the rel!l-tive$ Djfisembl dl ~ ('~'~Ie the;. pkf-'spa t". entf/; ~lusb:tDds: b others a~d sisteni.' T1\,e

Tho> fit:lJ.."e l>1ft f'Olillpsed find tons of sadness extended liar an~ ,-ide, !~r bodiesfire poured lil>t)r the stng-e.. The .l~h:t:!ll o~ '~:m}· victims \.... ere se~t by ,~ill: ~I)w{'nt out in the tlleatE'r WIth thJ.!!' !de-, ral~p'n~s at hO[D~. , ' ~

~~:~~~~o:~_ ~hQ::i~'~I~~tl~n~n:~::~:'! JT~~e :.~;:r~~o ~l[':~egdc~~e:: Je:tt:P1

nnd swishpd n.1~LDg the r:i1i.U:;. O!.~hel ~~e.:~.' 6'.. wise. l{i("fll nu~ Il~r_ 'Well! ~ari '

~t:;. ~1\:~i\~l~.::;~~lp~~~:;:I:;;:\~~~r~1 :~I ,; i~i:~:~~~.Pt;:l~t~;~t~_:t;~he ~personal lI11d('-t"$tmldin;; th.n:t 'W'h.i'C'h \to?kl hile the ""He- 't rnnerol. mol'·ph('e in t!IU't pit of, lit: iiarlme edmtLroU;-h the ~ Of. co.ered stl'e1'ts to

. ~o (Ienatty enD None lives tq tell it. i' I, , "I lbas ('emeten and 'W~ne ,)~g rel~~the spirit ot veJ1~ Before tb~ first tiftjf bo()ie8 .had :.'~' tiT" wept o\"eJ; e .('asket~. oth ~ronp

lion that 'carried trqrnl tbe bnrnfng theater a S~~ht the mo. es an~ tl:nde k.~~or !be future be or more of: g~ouis had 'remme-oced s~ 1 b ~!ShIl)ents 10 ~n :nlm~s.~ .,hop~l

ere mnst be thf most [lIlg the piles of dead for loot. They I~U ch for, tOyed ones.

W· Slmllar:"t;oc:n

ti,;tp of its ca 50 <?f theIr pockeG. Ri:n;;ts, brac-eletB ,Ij~. we en!l.ct~ at the b ~~~fi!9', .~~ ~.,

m.boy l)rcvent i rei>e- watches -w:ere taken trom the ~ead.rl :-l onib~.p.r't... or m..' .'.•...' .",.,.".'.Y~. . ti.'-=f==,#=oJ#ftS~=====l=========~'=======,;,=r='liJot' rnendJi;: at tl~ .lDorgleetl' aronsoo w..;- lin ' ,Ju~d th~.. arr)l~1 borno<li!r ...

~ ~~ tq ~OJ1pit ,:~bl~'I:tq .ret1ijn :~o e'Iil rgaes broken .('~rt('.d;: : II,'lr. some hom fun·e.l1tll' 'St'r.icesl·beltl for more. t an ODe men~bek- ~t 8t.:! 'it,.-. In otbp hOllse~ some reIler.t hi d

experien~ed by We finding, ~ eof a broth r or sfr>t . re

• o\"ti[-


I 'eene 01 Horr I IfSlJied as Seor..

Uap to re I or Fall Irom

lh : E c pes.

I t--i

i ~e:lr~ S~:rI n,] 1'11~Jrl'n n

ew IttflU()\~ .

es'!ar ~H it ",,,1('

te,j bt lir<:. " if I

.".'. 'U" '.'j. eeln" an4t!Jf'r ! l!l'

e imtlp w!tng: ,,,,,

Hun,Jrt'<l" 0 til

'fe 11114 deatl.ur:lt, at thei

'!Ide e,er)" ur

he ('it~ wa$

.In '.- or u'~lit:'

'The ~bll~:" •

h:1rll"rrr I!dl


::: .... pdlrf ,rrE11 '

illl fl~II~' 1.~



Capital and Surplus, $90.000.


J. P./Gaertner, Wayll1e, Nebr.

The dLllh. rOOm Is }"Ol.1 do tb", b >nori of your horll"Tt.r", tuuOSIa dlJy, you'ralud'y, you o.ull your f,\mHy w,,<,t in

thA dinluir room Half of )'OU" on)'))Wcllt id L;t!leD tbere. uud liexttoo YOllr fuoUlJotbiu6radd .. 1110ro to tbllteujuYlU6U1; lunn lin" dlulllgrOOm (uflliluro.

Btl{ tlIEli"Iu,.t DIllinI:' RoolD Furniture dO(;go't D'l'eP8s'lrl1y mell.UeX(Joul:llv~ fUrlJlttUe. Not If you bu,,.-lt here. The Ju.r&,l!8t and moatcOlUp!et!l line <:>f Illld"g ltOOlll FurnIture will b" fou~it upon our6uor_, Ilud whIle you luu.rvel "~ the rldllle~lI 01 domign I!I,d til.lH:lb. i,,­Quiry tot DrlCe~ Will rl;lveal thU.l it CO-jL15 nut a {'ltlnt more thao muohlu!erl"r 2"O<!s

H you are Juokiug' for Dining Room Eleg(l,lIQtl at a mighty lowco .... , yon sl,ollld ~"tJ UIl,

H~ttre.tlt"~ I rOil Hoos&ad up-to-d..tefurnltnro or all kinde. PrlOl'IiIare rIghl. .


DIREOTOns:- J.~. St.rahan. F. E. Strahan. R. E. K, Mellor, Georg~' BogartFrl\ok Fll'lIer, :T.ohn T. Brel'l~IAr Iln~ H. ·F. Wtlf<l,on~

J. M. STRAHAN, Prosldont. F.!G. 8TR,UIAN, \iioe-Pl'8B. TI, F. WILBOIf:.Csshier

" I'


I PHPTOGRAPHE~OoIblnol Photo•• Bpeoialtr.

,I ~18~ over Post OfIloe.i

'I, , e4t)\ •

1t~~=~:t:~iii]r;~t~i;~=:=I=~;;~;:=:~~:;::::~~~~;:~~::~~~~~(:lW~~~~~~~~=':~:::':~""';~Z~~:::~~~~::~::;~::::,::=::~:'~\ebdnY.hU~ 'aIDe ,to h r

, ' 'I I E f· 01 8 Wfl8 a b'flaloeS$1 vUlitoraU. I I I ! I '0 Wlnllhl nda,. ~

!ll~tr l!ll'tltrlDn ~fudi~ Itl7t ~lt!n. Jad was here from a.r;lleldI~~~p:~~~~t~~~~~I ( ~bit ,anllli. bl~ tl'ftn /:1dnrld), :;Jan~ :r..t.rday a Ing. , • ( !Wlill I.~.t !lll0~'1 f, 1 J'a~n. .rriott was here from !We f&11 The Genuine Powell's Run HOC.l\ing lump, ~~

il' t an~ ;)ll~~tn ~ bt~3 ,bon.n, W.ldllield Tn ed.:y. 'btl. it I'nth ~cl/~tin", rb~I'/1' $fori J"". T. re 'I.r mad. e,,' Irlp And Washed N'lt(lofe bl~' nelltm (l.II~ !, ' , '. 10 Wlnlld ••day.

, 1-- -"I """$ I: Mike D IIhlpped a car of cst- The Best F H r d I\'1 on tin PIlIli'i.!9i••t,bonL 1I,.n, lie 10 0 ond.y. ) ! or ea Ing an CooKingb.t, wat'bd,'i.~r'inion. ~,ttrL '1In' L. E.. Pte n was. a vi'l. ,tIon 1C\\let hbet bOG 'I, ja~r 6 ~e. lor y••ter ay morning. . ..

: ~:~f~:i~e~n~~~m;~.:,i.n:r:. f:~~~L ~~r~:~::d::::.~:: ~L~PH~'lllE~&~~,O.',~_;~~I.n e~~~mill' lie~ ~ettn (liut!. ~:II ~IB vlBlt Blenooo, low.. III ..

I 1Il '" ' • 101'... 0 ~. Witter '0 Wlnsld.~ll I t U . ':; ,I' M;onday '1~U her parenta.

II !t~~~~~~~~=t~~1 ~I. iwir ~~r.n 'ilt,' ijr~uldn ~Ila OlaUB '!'ada ••• of hoI!" on .heil I!ltiltn (~",'on.llll tlntt .J/!iio.~ .,trnll/ld) 8iouOll Dlerke. yee'.rday.

A. ~AN.EL80N. Itar\!. ,,!Ill!t wOnld/lI' I~t 'iballilg. J. R. anJiing w.n' np 10 0""011i .,~EWELER, llle~tlu~g. '. (' , ..ter mCirnlng nn busln...!:leoot'd dO~,r w~t nf P"~ OtlJee.. ,atit unb {!ind !jlfe!1 belu~lm iQt. 1Id.long of Bloomll.ld, wa._' l!l~tm1/lItt In 'tlDllin~ bie ,1:ape nad) doing bn ... In Wayn. Tne.da:y.

~. ~INB6R. $,.1 Qn~~~.' .U.Ub..llthe1'5lt,'nbaltlbll. John oD.pnald retnrn.d y....rd.yI Bt.AOKBMITH tin gl ry.~~hd). 1:agl.,~ ~, ~':'lnK f""f hhllrlp to Alberta. Oan·

W.yne,Neb. iUitittrid)1 In ~ib.n ~fftnlli~n John ....a.l.on. who liv•• n••r, <5 len ~at wi.lI.t IItgol\nen. 'lItld} Randolp ,.tas doing basin•., in W.yn.

tb4, "Ne:veraUp" !oboe for onel. '1bl., ~or~tJl1anblnldj~llt linb, lUlell.t Honday

1--+--+--~------+--:--lfl'\fIig ~n D't 'lItb,it. ' . Mlee .yl. Jou'. r.'urasel '0 hrr0'] .I: FORTNER, '"' If .3.!ll ' ." l'~, Wi f .'ndi... IhIl8.... Unlv...ily Mond.y

W,,"YN'E MEAT MA~$' f" tn, otmann I .'~IU, "' mornln ., ., not ~Iola ~II~. flirt. mil blr Ern.. BOi.h from n.... O.rroll. w••

• 'Irs.'",aBlj .Iway. on i\'Wd. 11 mllt'...'., ftlne~ .ollen." 6rt, nb.~, Rarl duing n...... in W".l'ne y.,terday

u etetlers In h14••, fura aocI pelto. @j tnll, ~a~ltt ba:~ 91e~iaQt. moraln .f----L-'--------+'--I D~ ' Rinb b.§ ol)ett~ ;}. 01). Mr.. . dl. Lalt•. and d.aghter F.y.,

lJIoU lUlit. le~len !!Sonnlag '116enb 01 T.ka ab, vWled In Ih. cUy $unday

1l1i"" I I ; . he' b' 91bl with fr nell.trn ~~ ten; t tr",'lng, If: ,; M.ia UWa BI&R'ler of Pender, was alaUf. ub 'en ~am.n,::lo~aDl1 @.Ofg. gu••' 0 Ml~. Rose BI.gler Irom Friday

\Jtal\ Wtalll 1Ja~!~ bon i !ponca,' nnW nejay.blc I~# {!illttn rr.:~. $~elnfOt Blain" !it..n r.turn.d from FolI.r·ti~ig, rt.age befUcfllc•. 1.~t1e ,!!llonlag· lon, w~erd ". bed b••n vlsl'lUg frI.nd.!DIctgell 1lIi1 *." ,IWli IRil\bttn iU' & ODUpI~ wI~ek•.

8&*"",a1' marDInA' Mi.. Anoa ( ",Rudie her

4w~~ ABBTBAero~I ~ Eet>ate and x-na.'I Ij~,.nce and OoIIeQtlOll/"

'P..~ lAve Botel W&7D~, Neb

'I II : lirgtoti. '!lebt., fit~ 9pooi Illonat

! a. A. lUNDBUR/G. brar. 'I I -tltt~ ~bo(~~ Illotljjan. unQei~~t 10. . lawyer mIll", fUb'~ltlid/ ~rn ~itt halle ba~I •• ~nglUl! bau i~m litin !!ilbll I~ml

qver FIrst National, Bank. ", 'Ilf.~t," am 6o~nlaQ, 'llbmb b.t',onnt1t. , 'ot~ltin {!ibna titmQnn~ Stod/I.t

*~ qclot3 1.~t1' I'blen !1lonlQ9~~d) IIlQ~a ;utM, i ttl i~tt i !!Sluliitnlit bIt $d)ul. b.t 'lI~olllel.tlunli wie,bet fot/Bul'ben, ", -tlm ~gult r;1f~b~b \Jtau. bie

tleun 2/lt.itn'ilb~~li~· bOil !lllQQ~'l!'0~ntn; IDUt~n ltof/l ~'" I'bl.n 'lagl/t~ allm ;}a~te~~~utdj ble \!lebutl,in,~ gtlUnben:U l.tlt\n§ ttfnul. .

-l).rt 1\!I.otg '!!lon !s,gg,tn bon btt'!Plllm ltml I,jetle ,~a§ ~,ula~t mil

!tlntlt ~Ilttn b~it!. ~mil. tinilng.trt So~~. lellt" IUtM. nm b.n

!'Binltt 'illlet bQ~ l!1~eg! in b.lud/.n.

,. A. WElitlH. A. R. DA'JIS


I I Wa:rne, Neb. Ifmoe np·."". nver thl OIt1z~D8Bank.


I PHl'BIOIAN AND BUl\I)lEONI' 'Wap.8, NebraBk•• ~

pfIloe ove~ the Wayne N&tlo~81 Bank.

IGJ~=~~N~NDBtJ~EON.Ga1~an,u .nd Faradl~ *18Otrlqltyand Q'"Ji'lIen. Treatment 'It Ohronlo

," Dlsoali.... Sp.oIal.y. O.l~ Night or'da,. recetye prompt attentldo.