DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MODEL EXAMINATION APRIL/MAY 2015 GE2152 / BASIC CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Year/Sem : I/II Date : 02.04.20 15 Class/ Section : EEE Duration : 3 Hours Faculty : JAIRAJESH.P Max. Marks : 100 Answer ALL Questions PART A (10 2=20) 1. What are the arithmetic equation used in rise and fall method? 2. Define two objectives of foundation? 3. Define stretcher and header in masonry? 4. Define workability of concrete? 5. Define leveling and its objectives? 6. List the factors considered for the selection of site for the hydro electric power plant? 7. Difference between humidification and dehumidification? 8. What is the function of choke in the petrol engine? 9. What is the function of economizer? 10.What is the purpose of fusible plug? PART B (5 16=80) 11.How surveying is classified based on the objective of survey name any four of them. The following staff readings were observed successively with a level the instrument having been moved after 3 rd sixth and eighth reading 3.150,1.605,0.920,2.600,2.900,1.125,0.605,2.265 bench mark 110m perform arithmetic check using rise and fall method (16)


bcm model question paper

Transcript of BCM MODEL SET 1


Year/Sem:I/IIDate: 02.04.2015

Class/Section:EEEDuration:3 Hours

Faculty:JAIRAJESH.PMax. Marks:100

Answer ALL Questions

PART A (10 ( 2=20)1. What are the arithmetic equation used in rise and fall method?

2. Define two objectives of foundation?

3. Define stretcher and header in masonry?

4. Define workability of concrete?

5. Define leveling and its objectives?

6. List the factors considered for the selection of site for the hydro electric power plant?

7. Difference between humidification and dehumidification?

8. What is the function of choke in the petrol engine?

9. What is the function of economizer?

10. What is the purpose of fusible plug?

PART B (5 ( 16=80)11. How surveying is classified based on the objective of survey name any four of them.

The following staff readings were observed successively with a level the instrument having been moved after 3rd sixth and eighth reading 3.150,1.605,0.920,2.600,2.900,1.125,0.605,2.265 bench mark 110m perform arithmetic check using rise and fall method (16)


12. Explain compass surveying and a series of offsets were taken from a chain line to a curved boundary line at an interval of 5m in the following order 0, 3.25,4.10,6.45,8.90,5.75,8.50 calculate area using simpson ,trapezoidal and area ordinate rule. (16)

13. Explain leveling and a series of offsets were taken from a chain line to a curved boundary line at an interval of 10m in the following order 03.15,4.30,8.20,6.85,7.60,4.20,5.60 and 4.30 calculate area using simpson ,trapezoidal and area ordinate rule. (16)

14. The following (OR)

15. Explain the two stroke Diesel engine? (16)

16. Give the different types of Bridges?


17. Give the schematic sketch of a diesel power plant and explain it briefly with apps?

17. Give the schematic sketch of a hydel power plant and explain it briefly with some selection factors? (16)


18. Explain the Four stroke petrol engine?

19. i) State and explain the different types of lintel?


20. i) Explain the foundation for machinery?