B.C. Tourism Industry By Jasmine Chung Yoohee Chung.

B.C. Tourism Industry By Jasmine Chung Yoohee Chung

Transcript of B.C. Tourism Industry By Jasmine Chung Yoohee Chung.

B.C. Tourism Industry

ByJasmine ChungYoohee Chung

overview• British Columbia is set between the Pacific Ocean in

the west and the Rocky Mountains in the east. British Columbia has breathtaking landscapes that offers chance to experience the activities and adventures. This gives the reason to come and settle in BC which leads the increasing in population.

• Also, the British Columbia has a mild and general climate that is one of the important things to tour. Therefore, it provides variety of activities in each season. There are mountains to climb, river to cruise, beaches to enjoy, forest to hike and enough snow to ski. It includes all the good resources of tourism. Besides, the 2010 Olympic is going to happen in Whistler which is the most famous ski resort in BC.

Cruise and Cruise and whale watching whale watching• BC offers various cruises either on big

comfortable buses or on cruise ships. Whale watching cruise offered in Victoria and Vancouver island is a great example of such. The cruises are meant to be more on a luxury side than an ordinary travel agency, and because BC has such variety in weather and temperature compared to other territories and provinces, it is renowned for fantastic cruises. Annually, about 1.3 million people find B.C for a comfortable cruise.


• The hotels throughout British Columbia provide a wide range of services and styles depending on visitors’ particular preferences. B.C supports the travelers to stay comfortable with safety while touring. There are variety of services that helps tourist to enjoy more such as hot tub, sauna, and meals. Also, the hotel offers all the needs while traveling. This is the one of the reasons that people want B.C for touring. As more people visiting, better services in hotels will increase.

Ski industrySki industry• One of British Columbia’s biggest tourism

success has been its ski industry. Mountain resorts in British Columbia have enjoyed annual growth rate that is about 6 percent. British Columbia had become an international ski destination. Whistler, for example, is the number-one-ranking resort that grows the fastest in North America. As more people visit British Columbia for skiing, it is impacting on the BC’s economy. More and more people are employed at alpine ski resorts. There are about more than 8000 people who are working in the ski industry. Also, British Columbia is earning approximately $500 million in each ski season.

2010 Olympic2010 Olympic

• The Olympics symbolize democracy and internationalities. The Olympics are not only interesting to take part in and to watch, but it is also very important because its many events give opportunities to all kinds of people. This honorable event will hold place in Whistler, BC, Canada in the coming year of 2010. Whistler is known best for its great ski resorts, thus the reason the 2010 Winter Olympics will hold place there. Thousands of people had known Whistler well before it was announced to be the destination of the Winter Olympics due to the wonderful facilities it offers. Such fame of Whistler even reaches countries out of North America: some time before, even the princess of Thailand visited the city of joy, Whistler.

Impact on economyImpact on economy

• Tourism in BC generates over $9.8 billion and offers 117,500 direct jobs on tourism. During the next few decades, tourism will need 84,000 new workers, and there currently are about 20,000 tourism-related businesses.

Issues improvementIssues improvement

• Disturbing the nature

• Pollution increasing

• Increase in traffic jam

• Decrease on the cost (not too expensive

• Create more attractions where it doesn’t disturb the nature

• Make more of garbage can

Future trends Future trends of the industry of the industry

• Since more and more people are visiting B.C., workers needed in the tourism industry will increase to about 84 000 NEW tourism workers over the next decade. Moreover, between 300-to-500 new tourism businesses are founded every year due to the increasing number of tourists. Because of all these, businesses in tourism will eventually increase and prosper. Business rates will stay constant as long as there is an increase in population and people to visit BC.



The end-------

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