Bayport News Senior-Faculty · Air Force at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. He >•> a graduate of...

Bayp ort News By CL/JRE NEWBERG HR 2-148] Daniel Manfre celebrated his third birthday last Wednesday, when his parents , Mr. and Mis . Perry Manfre of First Avenue , gave him a party. His guests were Deborah Boccalupj, Jean- nette Scherff , Holly Smith and Donald Swamback. Jeffrey P. Farrar, son of Mr. and Mrs Robert Page ot 418 Renee Drive, has br-en pi umoted to airman second class in the Air Force at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. He >•> a graduate of James Wilson Young High School . The play, "Hay Fever " , put an by the Community Actois Playhouse on February fifth and sixth made a profit of $322.50 for the treasury of the P.T.A. Girl Scout Cadet Troop 27 held a Thinking Day ceremony and Court of Awards on Tuesday rf last week at the juni or high school. Nancy Carra was in- vested as a new member. The foUowing girls received badges. Nancy Carra , Donna O'Klock, Janice Down, Barbara Hcydcr , Barbara Shand , Betsy Meissner , Carol McMann , Karen Thorvald- sen, Lynn Conte , Sue Wiese , Karen White , Christine Golden , Martha Smith , Jane Trapani , Kirk , and Francine Zolezzi. ETM/3 Lawrence Williams , son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wil- liams of Third Avenue , was given a birthday and welcome home party last Wednesday w lth his family and friends present Mr. Williams seived for thiee years and seven months, his last ship being the U.S.S. Pocono. Are your valuables and im- portant papers safe from loss? A safe deposit box at The Oy- stermen' s Bank in SayviUe is available to you. The cost is pennies a day. 8tf The Play Bays Club as a com- munity project recently went bottle hunting. The boys collect- ed all the bottles they could find on the streets , washed and returned them to local merch- ants for the deposit money, which added up to $1 51 This money is being used to buy two CARE packages. The following boys took part: Thomas Roskow- ski , Gary Ilerold , Bruce Poli , WUliam Van Horn , John Giecne . Dick Norman , flavid Goodwin , Mark and Kim Zetlei bei g, Wil- liam Pfister , Donald Hillen- brand, Joii and Jeff Wedemey- er and Brian Rathbun This is a group of ten to J2 year old Doys. Limited openings are now available for new memberships in Land's End Beach and Tennis Club. Please contact John Burke. LT 9-1888. tf Mrs . John Q. Adams of Aca- demy Street was the hostess at an Early American demonstra- tion given at her homo on Tues- day of last week. Mrs. William Scherff demonstrated to Mrs. George Schrader and Mrs. Robert Prince of Blue Point , Mrs. Robert S. Smith of West Sayville , Mrs. James Ostrom , Mrs John Kreye , Mrs. George Rhodes and Mrs. Henry Carter of Sayville, Mrs. Horace Penny, Mrj Mary Smith , Mrs. Joiepli Jankowski , Mrs . Ernest Paul , Mrs. William A. Lynch , Mrs. Richard Dietz , Mrs. Anthony In- gegno and Mrs. Albert Chase of Bayport. Refreshments were served and the winner of the door awards were Mrs. Schra- der and Mrs. Carter. The P. T.A. will meet on Mon- day, March 15th at eight p. m. at the elementary school, when Leonard DuBois wUl act as moderator for a panel of local people, who will discuss the topic, "How Can We Spot Potential Drop-Outs and Van- dals in Elementary School'" The third grade mothers will serve refreshments. Modern Home Owner combin- ed package insurance policies can save you money. See Charles P. Dickerson, 31 Main Street, SayviUe. 27ti Kenneth Bernhard , son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bernhard of Gerritsen Avenue , celebrated his ninth birthday with a lunch eon party on Sunday. His guests were Roy Mawhinney, Peter Hammer, Warren Haskell and John Groppe, and Kenneth's sis- ter , Linda , and brother , Richard. The Bayport Circle Players had a party at the fire house after their performance of "Lit- tle Mary Sunshine, " on Satur- day. There was entertainment by the Ivory Trio , a local three- piece band , and gifts were pre- sented to Don Van Boskirk , of Blue Point , the director , and Mrs. Van Boskirk , the choreo- grapher; Mrs. Robert Jeschke of Sayville, and Mrs. Lyle Thorn- bloom , the accompanists; and Mrs. Frank Edmunds of Blue Point , ticket chairman , who sup- plied refreshments for all the rehearsals. Mrs. Edmunds also gave awards to the following people , who sold more than 30 tickets: Air. and Mrs Lyle Thornbloom, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Warnken , Mr.fend , Mrs Ed- w ard Divis , and ilr. and Mrs. Seymour Fink of Bayport , and Mr. and Mrs. William Keller of Blue Point. Thirty Cubs from Pack 130 attended a hockey game at the Long Island Arena , in Commack , on Friday. The fathers of the boys who went were Sheldon Klein , Cub Master , Albert Hess, Willard Bates , Robert Luff , Frank Settle, Thomas Meyer , Ernest Paul , Herman Meyer , William DeCaro, Ernest Maw- hinney and George Belz. Dr . and Mrs. Joseph Toye and daughters , Mary Ellen and Cathy Ann , of Browns River Road , arri ved home last Wed- nesday after two weeks in Mexi- co, where they stayed in Aca- pulco and Mexico City. Barbara DeMarzo , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeMarzo of Baywood Lane , celebrated her eighth birthday with a party on Tuesday of last week. Her guests were Diane Adesso, Hea- ther Shand , Kate Kennedy, Ja- net Dubilewski , and her cousins , Catherine and IsabeUe De Mar- zo. Peter Harenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Harenberg of Harriet Road , took his friends to see "Mary Poppins " in Patch- ogue on Saturday, in celebration of his ninth birthday. Girl Scout leaders , Mrs. Charles Golden and Mrs. Robert Arden , took the girls of their troop, Loretta Kirk , Barbara Shand , Kristina Golden, Martha Smith. Karen White , Francine Zollezzi , Patricia Buckleman , Su- san Wiese, DeeAnn Smith and Lynn Conte, on a tour of the Town Hall m Islip. as part of the requirements for "My Gov- ernment" badge. Mrs James Shand drove some of the girls. The Home Extension Unit held a business meeting and luncheon at the fire house last Wednesday, when the following officers were elected: Mrs. George Newdell , chairman; Mrs Edward McFadden , vice chair- man; Mrs. Walter Shaw, secre- tary; and Miss Betty Rogerson. treasurer . The members joined the Sayville Unit in the after- noon and participated in a dem- onstration lesson , "New Ways With Chicken ," by L A. Deven- peck , associate agricultural a- gent and poultry specialist. Yes- terday, the first lesson on "The Well Pressed Look" was given by a local leader , Mrs. Newdell. Diane Kuehn , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Kuehn of Edgewater Avenue , celebrated her seventh birthday on Satur- day. Her friends Debra Sentz , Patricia Geiss and Donald Suth- erland went with her to Patch- ogue to see Mary Poppins and had refreshments at Diane ' s home. Winners of the Little League Oil Fund Drive were announced last week. The following people each received 100 gallons of fuel oil: Barbara Walker , Grace Selby, Edward J Kennelly, Rich- ard Usher , Francis Kuehn , Rich- ard Kennedy, James McMann , William Scherff , J Monzillo , all of Bayport , and George Rhodes of SayviUe. President Alfred Thompson announced that try- outs for both major and minor league teams are scheduled for March 27th at nine a. m. at the Little League field. In case of inclement weather , try-out day will be rescheduled for April fourth. Umpire-in-chief , Jack Metcalf announced that more umpires are needed in order to meet the - minimum require- ments for each scheduled game. All adults interested in umpir- ing are asked to call Mr. Met- calf. Mr. and Mrs William Stum- per of Second Avenue had then- daughter , Kristin Mary, christ- ened on Sunday, by the Rev . Joseph P. Benante at Our Lady of the Snow Church in Blue Point. The godparents are Mr. Stumper 's brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stum- per of Northport. A buffet sup- per was served when the guests w ere Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stum- per and sons, Robert and Ed- ward , the baby ' s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stumper , an uncle and aunt , Mr. and Mrs George Stumper and daughters Georgiann and Debra of Port Washington. Also pres- ent were Kathy, Gail , James and William , sisters and brothers of Kristin . Paul Gisbert Auwacrtor, son of Mr and Mrs. Gisbert Auwaer- ter , of Montauk Highway, was given a party on Tuesday of last week to celebrate his third birthday. His guests were SusSj| Orsinger , of East Patchogue , Patricia Ruckel , Thomas Bru- cato , John Windells and Brett Davis of Bayport , Michael Hotit- sager of Bellport and James Weik of SayviUe. The first meeting of the Even- ing Home Extension was held at the home of Mrs Stanley Goette of Fairview Avenue on Tuesday of last week. Miss Hel- en Easter , county hom e demon- stration agent , showed slides and discussed the work of Home Extension units. An organize tion meeting was held on Tues- day and anyone int .rested should call Mrs Richard Kuse- vich of Middle Road Mrs. Hiram Dar -ow of Bay- port Avenue returned on Sun- day after spending two weeks in Florida. While there, Mrs. Darrow visited -Mr. and Mrs . Percy Overton , of Lake Grove , who have their winter home in West Palm Beach , and Mr and Mrs. Warrington B. Stark , in Jupiter , who have "been living in Florida for five years. There will be a Cub Scout committee meeting next Wed- nesday at the elementary school at eight p. n. Anyone interested in being a den mother or work- ing with the committee is in- vited to attend. William Puis , District Commissioner , and Mrs. Agnes Kominski will be the guest speakers. William Swamback and Rich- ard Smith were the guests of honor r.t a birthday party, given by their wives, at the home of Sir and Mrs. Smith of Academy Streel on Saturday evening when a buffet supper was serv- ed The guests were Mr. and Mrs Ronald Fry, of SayviUe , and Mr. and Mrs. William Hal- lock of Patchogue. The World History Class of James Wilson Young High School went to New York with their teacher , Paul Harenbe*;g^«-- on Thursday. They had a guided _ tour ol the United Nations buildings , and sat in on the meeting of the Human Rights Commission. After lunch , they visited the Cathedral of St. John the Divine , to see the Gothic architecture , which they had studied about in class , and had a guided tour. The chaperons for the 49 students were Mrs. Lee Jubenville and Mrs. John Wilson of Bayport , and Mrs. George Huber of Blue Point. William Brown of Renee Drive underwent surgery on Friday in St. Albans Naval Hos- pital on his left arm and hand , his sixth operation to correct injuries suffered in a fall on the ice while he was employed by the Highway Department. Mrs. Mary Rutherford was the guest of honor at a luncheon last Friday on the occasion of her 91st birthday. The party was given by her daughter , Mrs. Russell Lechner of Bayport Ave- nue and the other guests in- cluded Mrs. Joseph Lechner , Mrs. I.eroy Van Nostrand , Mrs. Donald Huszagh , Mrs . Katherine Heiser , Mrs. Frank Kinsey and Mrs. Clyde Benscoter. Mrs Hus- zagh entertained the group with her autoharp. j POWDER HORN PARK I | 18 Hole - Miniature j GOLF I DRIVING RANGE [ NOW OPEN I SUNRISE HIGHWAY | & SYLVAN AVENUE j [ BAYPORT ^^* ED'S AUTO ^fM ^, COLLISION 9—/ «! »^n-_ ' 8 RA,LR0A D AVE * SAYVILLE «uF"" _ _y _ ____\ '0pp' ThealTe' S^|I A J«J LT 9-9333 \_$^^ Expert Body Work We Spend Exfra Time on Every Single Car. NIGHT TOW SERVICE LT 9-2763 Honor Students Chosen Miss Kathleen Betjemann and Robert Goodall have been cho- sen by faculty members at James Wilson Young High School as Students of the Month for March. Both are members of the senior class. Miss Betjemann , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Betje- man , 49 Nelson Avenue , Blue Point , has 'been active in the Girls' Sports' Club, is currently- serving as treasurer of the Fu- ture Teachers of America Club and is the art editor for the high sehool yearbook. Her favor- ite hobbies are sports, reading and art. Her favorite subject is mathematics. Kathleen has been accepted at the College of St. Rose, Albany, where she will major in education. She plans to be a high school math teacher. Robert Goodall , son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garbett , 11 Park Street , Blue Point , is pre- sident of the senior class. He has been an active participant in sports , listing among his ac- tivities varsity cross country, wrestling and track. This year he is co-captain of the wrestling team and a member of the Var- sity Club. Robert is also sports editor of the school newspaper and a member of the yearbook stafl. He plans to attend Brock- port or Potsdam State -Teachers College where he will major in history with the intent to teach in high school. Bayp ort Date Book ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS SayviUe Group Monday evenings 8:30 in the Littlejohn Building at St. Ann ' s Church , closed meeting, Friday evenings fl:30, same place, open mr-r-r inw BAYPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL P.T.A. Third Monday 8 D. m.. school auditoriu m BAYPORT-BLUE POINT BOARD OF EDUCATION Second Wed- nesday of each month at 8:30 p. m. in James Wilson Young High School. THE BAYPORT METHODIS T MEN' S CLUB Third 1m-* ,ua> ui every month at 8 p. m. tJAYPORT-SAYVlLLE UNIT - LADIES' -UiXfLIARY - BROOK HAVEN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Second Monday, 8:15 rht Community Honas , SayvUle. BAYPORT CIVIC ASSOCIATION , INC. First Thursdays , Jan uary, March , May, September and November. 8:30 p. m.. Bay. port High School . Annual Meeting Third Tuesday July, 8.30 o. m.. Bayport High SchooL BAYPORT REPUBLICAN CLUB—Meets at the Suffolk County RepubUcas Clubhouse in Blue Point at 8 p. m. on the fourth COUPLES' CLUB Second Saturdays , 8:13 p. ro. FIRE DI<*PARTMENT First Fridays 8 p. ra. firehouse Ladies' A uxiliary, meets second Monday at 8:15 p. m. CUB PACK Meeting fourth Wednesday of every month. Thursday of the month. BAYPORT TAXPAYERS ASS-N. First Thursaays In January, April , June and October Board of Directors meets. Third Thurs- days of January, April , June, and October, regular meetings held at Bayport-Blue Point High School. GIRL SCOUT TROOP COMMITTEE First Wednesdays, 8 p. m. GIRL SCOUT BROWNIES Mondays and Thursdays , Elementary School- 3:15 4-30 p. m ; Fly-up Brownies, Tuesdays, Methodist > *hliri--ri 3-an . l- ** n n m LITTLE LEAGUE MEETINGS Every thiid Wednesday at the Elementary School, al 8 p m All adults are welcome. Senior-Faculty Game Scheduled Plans were announced this week for the annual senior-fac- ulty basketball game scheduled for Saturday, March 20th, at James Wilson Young High School The game will be pmyed for the benefit of the Scholar- ship Fund. In a preliminary contest, the Bayport Elementary School All Stars will play the Blue Point Elementary School All Stars. Democrats Slice Enrollment Gap Yaphank—The Board of Elec- tions - disclosed this week that Democrats exceeded Republi- cans in new voter enrollments last year for the first time in Suffolk County ' s history. A total of 27, 749 new Demo- crats were registered compared with 19, 808 Republicans. How- ever , the GOP still holds a sub- stantial lead in total enrollments —192, 649 to 110,797. Signing up time for the Town of Islip Recreation Department swimming lessons will continue until March 31st at the Recreation offices in Bay Shore and Brent- wood. Above are Ben Poidomani , superintendent of recreation , Calvin Robinson , and Bruce Cappadora. "Little Mary Sunsh ine " Disp enses the Same Mildred Fink was a charming "Little Mary Sunshine " In the title role of that spoof of old- time musical comedies which was presented to large and en- thusiastic audiences last Friday and Saturday nights in the Bay- port Methodist Church Parish Hall by the Bayport Circle Play- ers. Capt. Jim , commandant of the detachment of Forest Rang- ers out to track down a wicked Indian was convincingly played by Gary Newhouse who was bold and brave and a bashful , tender lover by turns. Corp. Billy Jester , played by Bill Franz , and Nancy Twinkle , the maid , played by Flo Keller , provided much of the humor , while Karen Hasselriis sang beautifully the role of Madame Ernestine Von Liebedich. The young lady who gave the pro- logue was Ruth Lewis and Chief Brown Bear was played bv Ro- bert Warnken. Fleet Fool was another Indian guide who seem- ed anything but fleet and was played by Gerry Aquaro , while Cy Fink was Yellow Feather , the wicked Indian. Vince Fleming was Gen. Os- car Fairfax (Ret.) and did a real job of lady-killing, operat- ing chiefly on the young ladies from the Eastchestcr Finishing School , Cora , Henrietta , Gwen- dolyn, Blanche , Maude , and Ma- bel , played respectively by Dot Smith , Ruth Lewis, Joan Kir- ouac, Ruth D i v i s, Connie Schwadron and Janclle Richter. The stalwart young aentle- men of the U. S. Forest Rangers , besides those already mentioned , were Hank , Pete , Tom , Tex , Buster , and Slim , played by Walter Pulley, Don Luginbuhl , Eric Gande , Lyle Thornbloom , Bill Keller , and Rod Richter. The play was directed by Don VanBoskirk and the chorcgra - phy was by Barbara VanBoskirk. Connie Schwadron was the cho- ral director and the accompa- nists were Rosslyn Jischkc and Sally Thorn bloom. The proceeds of the produc- tion went to the WSCS of Un- church and to establish a schol- arship for a local student talent- ed ir. tho performing arts. The technical staff included Ed Divis , Don Kirouac , Cy Fink , Dick Hambley, Barbara Sentz , Irma Miller , Robert Taylor , Vince Fleming. Walter Pulley, Gerry Aquaro , Don Luginbuhl , Rita Aquaro , Joyce Hambley, Ester Luginbuhl , Ginger Brana- gun , Grace Owen , Marion Flem- ing, Betty Edmunds , Frank Ed- munds , Gloria Pulley, Jerry Land , Betty Swa m back , Jane Mawhinney, Dolly McClure , Vir- ginia Gande , Janolle Richter , Elaine Lotz , Joan Kirouac , Mil- lie Fink , Marge Taylor , Janet Warnken , Barbara Brunner , Mary Ringhousc , Linda Fink , Susan Edmunds , Judy Lugin- buhl , Leslie Divis, and members of the W. S. C. S. New! We Now Have Complete \MA__mMLm iM "FOR YOUR DINING PLEASURE AND COMr -ORTi" The finest in German-American cuisine specializing In Sauerbraten. Table de'hote luncheons 11 A. M. to 3 PM. a la carte dinners 11 A.M. to 10 PJn. Children ' s portions served. Open 7 days a week—all year ' round. For weddings, dinner dances and all social affairs our facilities are Incomparable. m BRONCO ^CHARLIE 5 C5&- ORIGINAL Log Cabin Restaurant Montauk Hwy. LT 9-1132 Oakdale, N. Y. Pmilfvvwvws/vvljVUyrtfi ^^ a w Registering For Spring Classes j [uitation Lod ge INTER COURSES TRAILS j REE RINGS DRESSAGE 1 FOR BOYS AND GIRLS 6-16 j - SPORTS CRAFTS ' retrain Coached By Lee Bateman, ' ? pt. Dartmouth Wrestling Team. j TEL. EM 3-6770 j ^_«_ «-M. ___ _4_ * _lffl_M_k___ ^^^iflj^^^^^^HBto^^^ _^_^_^_^_^_^_J_ri__l_^___^_i_t^ _^_-_^_^_^_^_^_^_J^-^_^_^_^_lH_l_k. I rWWV\An#WVWVWUV\n/\AnAfVVVtn'W\nrwv\A/VWW\n^rvVWWV^Afin fc ^\/VVUVV\/V\r_V\AAAAAA/*A/\A/VVV\AlV\AnA/^ LEAN BRISKET . __ ,„ MEE I Corned Beef CABBAGE \ 1 5 9S,. 2 lbs. 19 U STRAIGHT CUT 79c LB. fl *U\Aaf\ AAiUWWUWWW\^AAnA/WVWW^A/Vk^n/W\AA/WUWWW\AAAAA«WW ^Afjv ^MJVWwsijV^^ ^ BIRDSEYE CUT ' DOXSEE GREEN BEANS 3 pkg. 49c CLAM CH0WDER ' ?" ?C r e MANHATTAN OR NEW ENGLAND STYLE PHILADELPHIA NBC PREMIUM CREAM CHEESE Lg. bar 29c SALTINES 1 lb. Box 27c CARNATION HUDSON PAPER ___ - __.. . __ _, _. . _«, muic. e r i b _ _ C0FFEEMATE 11 oz. Jar 69c TOWELS Twinpak 33c | SHAND'S BAYPORT'S HOME TOWN MARKET SINCE 1864 MIDDLE ROAD TEL. HR 2*0317 BAYPORT , N. Y. Dr. Edward Rager , attorney, author and public speaker, will discuss "The American Judicial System: Its Choice of Judges and Contribution to Justice," at Adelphi Suffolk CoUege next Tuesday. The public is invited. Dr. Rager ' s lecture, to be held in the Carriage House on cam- pus at noon , is co-sponfored by the student Conservative Club and Oracle Group. Dr. Rager to Speak On Judicial System Bay Shore An educational program for women will be launched Monday by the Amer- ican Cancer Society Suffolk Di- vision , when a morning meet- ing from 10 o' clock to noon will be held simultaneously in six locations throughout the county. The meeting place tpr this area is Macy ' s Community Room. A physician will explain the program , and the film , "Time and Two Women " will be shown. Mrs. Charles Mizzi ol Sayville and Mrs. Rafael Del Castillo of Bayport are co- chairmen of the program for the Eastern Mip Town unit. CANCER PROGRAM ARTISTS' MATERIALS OILS WATER COLOR FRAMES FRAMING The Dolphin Shop 188 MIDDLE ROAD (Sooth Main Street Cor. Foster Avenue) LT 9-2822

Transcript of Bayport News Senior-Faculty · Air Force at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. He >•> a graduate of...

Page 1: Bayport News Senior-Faculty · Air Force at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. He >•> a graduate of James Wilson Young High School. The play, "Hay Fever", put ... Donald Hillen-brand,

Bayp ort NewsBy CL/JRE NEWBERG HR 2-148]

Daniel Manfre celebrated histhird birthday last Wednesday,when his parents , Mr. and Mis .Perry Manfre of First Avenue ,gave him a party. His guestswere Deborah Boccalupj, Jean-nette Scherff , Holly Smith andDonald Swamback.

Jeffrey P. Farrar, son of Mr.and Mrs Robert Page ot 418Renee Drive, has br-en pi umotedto airman second class in theAir Force at Nellis Air ForceBase, Nev. He >•> a graduate ofJames Wilson Young HighSchool.

The play, "Hay Fever", putan by the Community ActoisPlayhouse on February fifth andsixth made a profit of $322.50for the treasury of the P.T.A.

Girl Scout Cadet • Troop 27held a Thinking Day ceremonyand Court of Awards on Tuesdayrf last week at the juni or highschool. Nancy Carra was in-vested as a new member. ThefoUowing girls received badges.Nancy Carra, Donna O'Klock,Janice Down, Barbara Hcydcr,Barbara Shand, Betsy Meissner,Carol McMann , Karen Thorvald-sen, Lynn Conte, Sue Wiese,Karen White, Christine Golden ,Martha Smith , Jane Trapani ,Kirk , and Francine Zolezzi.

ETM/3 Lawrence Williams,son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wil-liams of Third Avenue, wasgiven a birthday and welcomehome party last Wednesday w lthhis family and friends presentMr. Williams seived for thieeyears and seven months, his lastship being the U.S.S. Pocono.

Are your valuables and im-portant papers safe from loss?A safe deposit box at The Oy-stermen's Bank in SayviUe isavailable to you. The cost ispennies a day. 8tf

The Play Bays Club as a com-munity project recently wentbottle hunting. The boys collect-ed all the bottles they couldfind on the streets, washed andreturned them to local merch-ants for the deposit money,which added up to $1 51 Thismoney is being used to buy twoCARE packages. The followingboys took part: Thomas Roskow-ski, Gary Ilerold , Bruce Poli ,WUliam Van Horn, John Giecne.Dick Norman , flavid Goodwin ,Mark and Kim Zetlei bei g, Wil-liam Pfister , Donald Hillen-brand, Joii and Jeff Wedemey-er and Brian Rathbun This isa group of ten to J2 year oldDoys.

Limited openings are nowavailable for new membershipsin Land's End Beach and TennisClub. Please contact J o h nBurke. LT 9-1888. tf

Mrs. John Q. Adams of Aca-demy Street was the hostess atan Early American demonstra-tion given at her homo on Tues-day of last week. Mrs. WilliamScherff demonstrated to Mrs.George Schrader and Mrs.Robert Prince of Blue Point ,Mrs. Robert S. Smith of WestSayville, Mrs. James Ostrom,Mrs John Kreye, Mrs. GeorgeRhodes and Mrs. Henry Carterof Sayville, Mrs. Horace Penny,Mrj Mary Smith, Mrs. JoiepliJankowski , Mrs. Ernest Paul ,Mrs. William A. Lynch, Mrs.Richard Dietz , Mrs. Anthony In-gegno and Mrs. Albert Chase ofBayport. Refreshments wereserved and the winner of thedoor awards were Mrs. Schra-der and Mrs. Carter.

The P.T.A. will meet on Mon-day, March 15th at eight p. the elementary school, whenLeonard DuBois wUl act asmoderator for a panel of localpeople, who will discuss thetopic, "How Can We SpotPotential Drop-Outs and Van-dals in Elementary School'" Thethird grade mothers will serverefreshments.

Modern Home Owner combin-ed package insurance policiescan save you money. SeeCharles P. Dickerson, 31 MainStreet, SayviUe. 27ti

Kenneth Bernhard , son ofMr. and Mrs. Richard Bernhardof Gerritsen Avenue, celebratedhis ninth birthday with a luncheon party on Sunday. His guestswere Roy Mawhinney, PeterHammer, Warren Haskell andJohn Groppe, and Kenneth's sis-ter, Linda , and brother, Richard.

The Bayport Circle Playershad a party at the fire houseafter their performance of "Lit-tle Mary Sunshine," on Satur-day. There was entertainmentby the Ivory Trio, a local three-piece band , and gifts were pre-sented to Don Van Boskirk, ofBlue Point , the director, andMrs. Van Boskirk , the choreo-grapher; Mrs. Robert Jeschke ofSayville, and Mrs. Lyle Thorn-bloom, the accompanists; andMrs. Frank Edmunds of BluePoint , ticket chairman , who sup-plied refreshments for all therehearsals. Mrs. Edmunds alsogave awards to the followingpeople , who sold more than 30tickets: Air. and Mrs LyleThornbloom, Mr. and Mrs. Ro-bert Warnken , Mr.fend ,Mrs Ed-w ard Divis, and ilr. and Mrs.Seymour Fink of Bayport , andMr. and Mrs. William Keller ofBlue Point.

Thirty Cubs from Pack 130attended a hockey game at theLong Island Arena, in Commack,on Friday. The fathers of theboys who went were SheldonKlein , Cub Master, Albert Hess,Willard Bates, Robert Luff ,Frank Settle, Thomas Meyer,Ernest Paul , Herman Meyer,William DeCaro, Ernest Maw-hinney and George Belz.

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Toyeand daughters, Mary Ellen andCathy Ann , of Browns RiverRoad , arri ved home last Wed-nesday after two weeks in Mexi-co, where they stayed in Aca-pulco and Mexico City.

Barbara DeMarzo , daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeMarzoof Baywood Lane, celebratedher eighth birthday with a partyon Tuesday of last week. Herguests were Diane Adesso, Hea-ther Shand , Kate Kennedy, Ja-net Dubilewski , and her cousins,Catherine and IsabeUe De Mar-zo.

Peter Harenberg, son of Mr.and Mrs. Paul E. Harenberg ofHarriet Road , took his friends tosee "Mary Poppins" in Patch-ogue on Saturday, in celebrationof his ninth birthday.

Girl Scout leaders, Mrs.Charles Golden and Mrs. RobertArden , took the girls of theirtroop, Loretta Kirk , BarbaraShand, Kristina Golden, MarthaSmith. Karen White, FrancineZollezzi , Patricia Buckleman , Su-san Wiese, DeeAnn Smith andLynn Conte, on a tour of theTown Hall m Islip. as part ofthe requirements for "My Gov-ernment" badge. Mrs JamesShand drove some of the girls.

The Home Extension Unitheld a business meeting andluncheon at the fire house lastWednesday, when the followingofficers were elected: Mrs.George Newdell , chairman; MrsEdward McFadden , vice chair-man; Mrs. Walter Shaw, secre-tary; and Miss Betty Rogerson.treasurer . The members joinedthe Sayville Unit in the after-noon and participated in a dem-onstration lesson , "New WaysWith Chicken," by L A. Deven-peck, associate agricultural a-gent and poultry specialist. Yes-terday, the first lesson on "TheWell Pressed Look" was givenby a local leader, Mrs. Newdell.

Diane Kuehn , daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Francis H. Kuehn ofEdgewater Avenue, celebratedher seventh birthday on Satur-day. Her friends Debra Sentz ,Patricia Geiss and Donald Suth-erland went with her to Patch-ogue to see Mary Poppins andhad refreshments at Diane'shome.

Winners of the Little LeagueOil Fund Drive were announcedlast week. The following peopleeach received 100 gallons offuel oil: Barbara Walker, GraceSelby, Edward J Kennelly, Rich-ard Usher, Francis Kuehn , Rich-ard Kennedy, James McMann ,William Scherff , J Monzillo , allof Bayport , and George Rhodesof SayviUe. President AlfredThompson announced that try-outs for both major and minorleague teams are scheduled forMarch 27th at nine a. m. at theLittle League field. In case ofinclement weather, try-out daywill be rescheduled for Aprilfourth. Umpire-in-chief , JackMetcalf announced that moreumpires are needed in order tomeet the - minimum require-ments for each scheduled game.All adults interested in umpir-ing are asked to call Mr. Met-calf.

Mr. and Mrs William Stum-per of Second Avenue had then-

daughter, Kristin Mary, christ-ened on Sunday, by the Rev.Joseph P. Benante at Our Ladyof the Snow Church in BluePoint. The godparents are Mr.Stumper 's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stum-per of Northport. A buffet sup-per was served when the guestsw ere Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stum-per and sons, Robert and Ed-ward , the baby's grandparents,Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stumper,an uncle and aunt , Mr. andMrs George Stumper anddaughters Georgiann and Debraof Port Washington. Also pres-ent were Kathy, Gail , James andWilliam , sisters and brothersof Kristin .

Paul Gisbert Auwacrtor, sonof Mr and Mrs. Gisbert Auwaer-ter, of Montauk Highway, wasgiven a party on Tuesday oflast week to celebrate his thirdbirthday. His guests were SusSj|Orsinger, of East Patchogue,Patricia Ruckel , Thomas Bru-cato, John Windells and BrettDavis of Bayport , Michael Hotit-sager of Bellport and JamesWeik of SayviUe.

The first meeting of the Even-ing Home Extension was heldat the home of Mrs StanleyGoette of Fairview Avenue onTuesday of last week. Miss Hel-en Easter, county hom e demon-stration agent , showed slidesand discussed the work of HomeExtension units. An organizetion meeting was held on Tues-day and anyone int .restedshould call Mrs Richard Kuse-vich of Middle Road

Mrs. Hiram Dar -ow of Bay-port Avenue returned on Sun-day after spending two weeksin Florida. While there, Mrs.Darrow visited -Mr. and Mrs.Percy Overton , of Lake Grove ,who have their winter home inWest Palm Beach , and Mr andMrs. Warrington B. Stark, inJupiter , who have "been livingin Florida for five years.

There will be a Cub Scoutcommittee meeting next Wed-nesday at the elementary schoolat eight p. n . Anyone interestedin being a den mother or work-ing with the committee is in-

vited to attend. William Puis,District Commissioner , and Mrs.Agnes Kominski will be theguest speakers.

William Swamback and Rich-ard Smith were the guests ofhonor r.t a birthday party, givenby their wives, at the home ofSir and Mrs. Smith of AcademyStreel on Saturday eveningwhen a buffet supper was serv-ed The guests were Mr. andMrs Ronald Fry, of SayviUe,and Mr. and Mrs. William Hal-lock of Patchogue.

The World History Class ofJames Wilson Young HighSchool went to New York withtheir teacher, Paul Harenbe*;g^«--on Thursday. They had a guided • _tour ol the United Nationsbuildings , and sat in on themeeting of the Human RightsCommission. After lunch , theyvisited the Cathedral of St. Johnthe Divine , to see the Gothicarchitecture , which they hadstudied about in class, and hada guided tour. The chaperonsfor the 49 students were Mrs.Lee Jubenville and Mrs. JohnWilson of Bayport , and Mrs.George Huber of Blue Point.

William Brown of ReneeDrive underwent surgery onFriday in St. Albans Naval Hos-pital on his left arm and hand ,his sixth operation to correctinjuries suffered in a fall on theice while he was employed bythe Highway Department.

Mrs. Mary Rutherford was theguest of honor at a luncheonlast Friday on the occasion ofher 91st birthday. The partywas given by her daughter , Mrs.Russell Lechner of Bayport Ave-nue and the other guests in-cluded Mrs. Joseph Lechner,Mrs. I.eroy Van Nostrand , Mrs.Donald Huszagh , Mrs . KatherineHeiser , Mrs. Frank Kinsey andMrs. Clyde Benscoter. Mrs Hus-zagh entertained the group withher autoharp.

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Honor Students Chosen

Miss Kathleen Betjemann andRobert Goodall have been cho-sen by faculty members atJames Wilson Young HighSchool as Students of the Monthfor March. Both are membersof the senior class.

Miss Betjemann , daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Henry N. Betje-man, 49 Nelson Avenue, BluePoint , has 'been active in theGirls' Sports' Club, is currently-serving as treasurer of the Fu-ture Teachers of America Cluband is the art editor for thehigh sehool yearbook. Her favor-ite hobbies are sports, readingand art. Her favorite subject ismathematics. Kathleen has beenaccepted at the College of St.Rose, Albany, where she will

major in education. She plansto be a high school mathteacher.

Robert Goodall, son of Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Garbett , 11Park Street, Blue Point, is pre-sident of the senior class. Hehas been an active participantin sports, listing among his ac-tivities varsity cross country,wrestling and track. This yearhe is co-captain of the wrestlingteam and a member of the Var-sity Club. Robert is also sportseditor of the school newspaperand a member of the yearbookstafl. He plans to attend Brock-port or Potsdam State -TeachersCollege where he will major inhistory with the intent to teachin high school.

Bayp ort Date BookALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS — SayviUe Group — Monday evenings

8:30 in the Littlejohn Building at St. Ann's Church, closedmeeting, Friday evenings fl:30, same place, open mr-r-r inw

BAYPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL P.T.A. — Third Monday8 D. m.. school auditoriu m

BAYPORT-BLUE POINT BOARD OF EDUCATION — Second Wed-nesday of each month at 8:30 p. m. in James Wilson YoungHigh School.

THE BAYPORT METHODIST MEN'S CLUB — Third 1m-*,ua> uievery month at 8 p. m.


BAYPORT CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. — First Thursdays, January, March, May, September and November. 8:30 p. m.. Bay.port High School. Annual Meeting — Third Tuesday July, 8.30o. m.. Bayport High SchooL

BAYPORT REPUBLICAN CLUB—Meets at the Suffolk CountyRepubUcas Clubhouse in Blue Point at 8 p. m. on the fourth

COUPLES' CLUB — Second Saturdays, 8:13 p. ro.FIRE DI<*PARTMENT — First Fridays 8 p. ra. firehouse Ladies'

Auxiliary, meets second Monday at 8:15 p. m.CUB PACK — Meeting fourth Wednesday of every month.

Thursday of the month.BAYPORT TAXPAYERS ASS-N. First Thursaays In January, April,

June and October — Board of Directors meets. Third Thurs-days of January, April, June, and October, regular meetingsheld at Bayport-Blue Point High School.

GIRL SCOUT TROOP COMMITTEE — First Wednesdays, 8 p. m.GIRL SCOUT BROWNIES — Mondays and Thursdays, Elementary

School- 3:15 • 4-30 p. m ; Fly-up Brownies, Tuesdays, Methodist> *hliri--ri 3-an . l-**n n m

LITTLE LEAGUE MEETINGS — Every thiid Wednesday at theElementary School, al 8 p m All adults are welcome.

Senior-FacultyGame Scheduled

Plans were announced thisweek for the annual senior-fac-ulty basketball game scheduledfor Saturday, March 20th, atJames Wilson Young HighSchool The game will be pmyedfor the benefit of the Scholar-ship Fund.

In a preliminary contest, theBayport Elementary School AllStars will play the Blue PointElementary School All Stars.

Democrats SliceEnrollment Gap

Yaphank—The Board of Elec-tions- disclosed this week thatDemocrats exceeded Republi-cans in new voter enrollmentslast year for the first time inSuffolk County 's history.

A total of 27,749 new Demo-crats were registered comparedwith 19,808 Republicans. How-ever, the GOP still holds a sub-

stantial lead in total enrollments—192,649 to 110,797.

Signing up time for the Town of Islip Recreation Department swimming lessonswill continue until March 31st at the Recreation offices in Bay Shore and Brent-wood. Above are Ben Poidomani, superintendent of recreation , Calvin Robinson,and Bruce Cappadora.

"Little Mary Sunshine"Disp enses the Same

Mildred Fink was a charming"Little Mary Sunshine" In thetitle role of that spoof of old-time musical comedies whichwas presented to large and en-thusiastic audiences last Fridayand Saturday nights in the Bay-port Methodist Church ParishHall by the Bayport Circle Play-ers. Capt. Jim , commandant ofthe detachment of Forest Rang-ers out to track down a wickedIndian was convincingly playedby Gary Newhouse who wasbold and brave and a bashful ,tender lover by turns.

Corp. Billy Jester, played byBill Franz , and Nancy Twinkle ,the maid , played by Flo Keller ,provided much of the humor ,while Karen Hasselriis sangbeautifully the role of MadameErnestine Von Liebedich. Theyoung lady who gave the pro-logue was Ruth Lewis and ChiefBrown Bear was played bv Ro-bert Warnken. Fleet Fool wasanother Indian guide who seem-ed anything but fleet and wasplayed by Gerry Aquaro , whileCy Fink was Yellow Feather,the wicked Indian.

Vince Fleming was Gen. Os-car Fairfax (Ret.) and did areal job of lady-killing, operat-ing chiefly on the young ladiesfrom the Eastchestcr FinishingSchool , Cora , Henrietta , Gwen-dolyn, Blanche, Maude , and Ma-

bel, played respectively by DotSmith , Ruth Lewis, Joan Kir-ouac, Ruth D i v i s, ConnieSchwadron and Janclle Richter.The stalwart young aentle-men of the U. S. ForestRangers, besides those alreadymentioned , were Hank , Pete,Tom, Tex, Buster , and Slim ,played by Walter Pulley, DonLuginbuhl , Eric Gande , LyleThornbloom , Bill Keller , andRod Richter.

The play was directed by DonVanBoskirk and the chorcgra -phy was by Barbara VanBoskirk.Connie Schwadron was the cho-ral director and the accompa-nists were Rosslyn Jischkc andSally Thorn bloom.

The proceeds of the produc-tion went to the WSCS of Un-church and to establish a schol-arship for a local student talent-ed ir. tho performing arts.

The technical staff includedEd Divis, Don Kirouac , Cy Fink ,Dick Hambley, Barbara Sentz ,Irma Miller , Robert Taylor ,Vince Fleming. Walter Pulley,Gerry Aquaro , Don Luginbuhl ,Rita Aquaro , Joyce Hambley,

Ester Luginbuhl , Ginger Brana-gun , Grace Owen , Marion Flem-ing, Betty Edmunds, Frank Ed-munds , Gloria Pulley, JerryLand, Betty Swamback, JaneMawhinney, Dolly McClure, Vir-ginia Gande , Janolle Richter,Elaine Lotz, Joan Kirouac, Mil-lie Fink , Marge Taylor, JanetWarnken , Barbara Brunner,Mary Ringhousc, Linda Fink ,Susan Edmunds , Judy Lugin-buhl , Leslie Divis, and membersof the W. S. C. S.

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Dr. Edward Rager, attorney,author and public speaker, willdiscuss "The American JudicialSystem: Its Choice of Judgesand Contribution to Justice," atAdelphi Suffolk CoUege nextTuesday. The public is invited.

Dr. Rager's lecture, to be heldin the Carriage House on cam-pus at noon , is co-sponfored bythe student Conservative Cluband Oracle Group.

Dr. Rager to SpeakOn Judicial System

Bay Shore — An educationalprogram for women will belaunched Monday by the Amer-ican Cancer Society Suffolk Di-vision , when a morning meet-ing from 10 o'clock to noon willbe held simultaneously in sixlocations throughout the county.The meeting place tpr thisarea is Macy's CommunityRoom. A physician will explainthe program, and the film ,"Time and Two Women" willbe shown. Mrs. Charles Mizziol Sayville and Mrs. Rafael DelCastillo of Bayport are co-chairmen of the program forthe Eastern Mip Town unit.




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