Battling Bullying By: Allison Brown and Jeremiah Sublett.

Battling Battling Bullying Bullying By: Alliso n Brown and Jeremiah Sublett

Transcript of Battling Bullying By: Allison Brown and Jeremiah Sublett.

Battling BullyingBattling Bullying

By: Allison Brown and Jeremiah Sublett


Bully- A blustering overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.

Tease- To irritate or provoke with persistent petty distractions.

Selfish- Devoted to or caring only for oneself. Target- The person bullying. Cyber Bullying- The use of technology to harass,

threaten, or embarrass.

How bullying can hurt others?

o By calling mean names.o Want students to commit suicide.o Hurting people can cause the target to get in trouble.o The target may think that the person they are

bullying does not fit in to their group.o How they look or act is another way.o If you feed the monster or bully it grows.

Why do bullies pick on others?

o To get pleasure out of intentionally hurting.o To aggravate and pick on them.o To make the target feel bad about themselves.o The target is jealous about who they are bullying.o The color of skin, what they wear, what religion they

come from, the weight, if they are poor or rich, or their height.

What are ways to deal with bullies?

0 Ignore the target.0 Tell an adult.0 Walk away.0 Avoid the bully.0 Do not bully back.0 Do not be afraid to stand up for yourself.0 Do not blame yourself.0 Do not wear your heart on your sleeve.

How can you help friends who are being bullied?

0 Tell your friend to stick with her friends.0 Tell her that she may want to get in a safe place.0 You can help your friend boost her self- esteem so

she/he can react to the target in a healthy way.0 Report to a teacher/adult telling an adult can be hard

but it may stop the bullying.

Cyber Bullying

0 Typing mean messages on a website about someone.0 Emailing, Texting, and posting things are all examples

of cyber bullying.0 Ways of cyber bullying are using technology to

harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person.0 Posting personal information or videos about the

person you are bullying is another way of this type of bulling.

0 Cyber bullying can be considered harassment.

Steps of Bullying

0 Steps of bullying are to:0 Stay calm.0 Assess the likelihood of violence.0 Have a thick skin and sense of humor.0 Collect evidence.

Bullying rap!



What are ways people cyber bully? How can you help friends who are being bullied? How can bullies hurt others? What are ways to deal with bullies? Why do bullies pick on others?


0Typing mean messages on an website about someone.0Tell her she might want to get in an safe place.0By calling them mean names.0The best thing you can do is ignore the bully.0To get pleasure out of intentionally hurting.

Resources Sited

0We would like to thank the following sites for the information we used for this presentation. 0WWW.schooltube.com0 Notes from movies we watched in our class room.0 Notes from skyping Dr.Fane.0 Notes from a book called Don’t feed the bully.

The End