Batavia NY Daily News 1916 Jul-Dec Grayscale - 0929

PAGE TWO i. .ii i* ' •• THE  DAILY  NEWS, BATAVIA,  N. Y.,  MONDAY  EVENING,  NOVEMBER  20, 1916. Don't Make Your Home an  Ice Box Yo u  know  the way the old style, inefficient heater  and boiler acts.  One  minute your house is too hot and the next too  cold.  Mostly  the  latter. That's because th e heater  is run on the  wrong  principle. With th e  Boynton  Square  Pot Boiler you can  keep your house cozy warm all the time. Th e  patented  square  lrepot  s round atthe top and  square  at th e  bottom.  This feature  al lows increased radiating sur face and -more heat  on a  less amount of  coal. Study the  Illustration  closely. Note t he square  lrepot and  the nearness of  the  interior  water- holding sections to the  fire. This arrangementgives free and greater steam on little  fuel. Call on us and we will explain ho w  the  Boynton  Square  Pot Boilers will save  you money  and worry. Steele & Torrance Co. Inc. Batavia,  N. Y. THE  DAILY NEW S and BAT A V LAN. OJBKRIT B. OKUWOLD ANDREW J. McWAIN No*. tt-U  Jackso n Straat. Batavia, N. T. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. BT MAIL—$2 a year; II tor *lx month.; SO c.nU (or ta r. , month*, invariably In advance. Entered at the po.tofflce at Batavia. N.  V., a. second class matt er. BY CARRIER —rive wents a week, payable la -advance. ADVERTISING RATES. Schedule of rate* and all Information regarding advertising may be obtained at the office. Frank P. Northrup, special advertis ing representativ e. No. 22S Fifth are* nue,  New York, and Association Build ing, Chicago. At *«* a ton the man who smoke* cabbage is not to be shunn ed. But you can try to *ai away fr om him. Tour first real taste of winter prob ably hasn't come yet- Walt till som e kid soak* yon just above the chin with a snow-ball "icy packed," New York wants to start the New Year right. And It want s it bad enough so there will be a g uarant ee of no Interference fr om the police. "War finance and war inflation continue to be the Important factors in the security markets," say* Henry Clews, the banker, in his weekly let ter. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1916. CITY-MANAGER RKStliTS. How you can get rid of eczema with Three years ago not a city was be ing operated under the city-manager plan. Today there are forty and the idea is sprea ding so rapidly that facts concerning it are of wide interest. Briefly the plan is as follows : The city chooses its councilmen, who in turn hire a city manage r. His job la permanent as long a* he makes good. He Is usually a man of engineering experience and la frequently an out sider. The salary which he receives in high enough to command one who is above local politics and capable of running a big business—as any city surely la, Dayton, O. (population 140,000), was the pionee r in thi s work and, since the start, has been recognised as an authoritative source for city- manager data. There the manager is paid 112,60 0 a year. Report ing to him are a purchasing agent, a public Hervice expert, a public welfare ex pert, a director of public safety, a le gal director and a finance expert. Here are a few of the results an nounced by Dayton after nearly three years of its co mmission-mana ger plan: The deat h rate has decreas ed from 15.7 to 18.007; the tax rate, from 14.40 to 13.40; Infant mortality from 124. to 87.2. Over $76,000 of an old floating debt has been cleared off in two years and 899,000 of new service haa been secured out of ex penditures equal to those of 1913. Dayton's waterworks, instead of showi ng a deficit Is how paying a profit of $50,000 a year. The city today has a garbage removal system w hich show s a profit of ) 17,000 a year. Pu b lic nursing, free legal aid for the poor, empty-lot garden plots, chil dren's playgrounds, workhouse farms, milk stations and a civic music hall have all come to Dayton since her new plan started. When- the new form of g overn ment was called into office, Da yton had borrowed 6126,000 agains t expected revenues. It haa since cut that down tor660,000 and has pushed the qlty** sinking fund from $100,000 to $600,- 000.  On Janua ry 1, 1914. the total assets of the city ware valued at $16,000,0001 they are now placed at $17,000,000, AN VGltY  PnOGREBSTVE. fe Reiinol Ointment, with Reiinol Soap, usually stops itching instantly. It quickly and easily heals the most distressing case* of eczema, rash or similar tormenting skin or scalp eruption, not due to serious internal 'disorder*. Sold by all druggist . It took* as if the sta te G.A.R. en campment would be In Gloversvllle next summer. A council of the vet erans will meet Jn Albany soo n to make a decision. Thinking of 1918, at least one pa per has sugges ted Fra ncis M. Hugo , the re-elected secretary of state, as a strong candidate for the Republican nomination for governor." * Oanastot.Va recent $20,000 fire which consumed the engine house, city hall and Jail la believed to have started from a defect ive flue. The de fective flue leads a ll other .Are causes. Garlic flavor can be elimin ated by heating milk to 146° F. and blowing air through It.—Science Note. Hut how i* one to heat milk to 146° In a railroad st ation, oar or oth er place where th e garlic flavor , pre dominate*? Mrs.  Willi am G. McAdoo seems to be borrowing Alice Longworth's stuff. She announc&i. to newspaper report ers in Dallas, TW-, that she had just set a world's record by dressing in twenty minute*. Just five we*fc* from night-before Inst you will be chasing around trying to do your Christmas and Saturday night shoppin g all In a lump. Unless voii believe In holiday preparedness and shop early. Five weeks from to day is Christmas. ANOTHER ENDLESS CHAIN is started every time a houaewtfe| bakes bread for the first time from ANGELUS FLOUR" i^kW m She I* *o pleased sh e t ells her irlenda ; they, In turn, pas s the word alnr ig slid to It goee rora for it Don't take our ..  but try It yourself next bake day. ANGELlJ.s Flour i. made from the choicest selected wheat by our special process that retains aft the best part* of tho wheat. TMyPSQN liliUNw Ct. l.orkport, N, Y, •o ld by OANN BROI., <>« k*rU. N. V. Thinking of 1920, more than one newspaper has suggested the prob ability of Colonel Roosevelt being; the Republican nomtnee for President. The result of the recen t election ha s not yet been carefully analyzed, how- over, and until It is disserted and ex- n  mined It will be futile to spe culat e upon men and matters in the cam paign of four years hence. Colonel Roosevelt has a large and powerful following, but in returning to the Republican ranks and giving aid and encourag ement to the Repub lican nominee this year he alienated himself from many Progressive* who never again will be led by him. Per haps there are few antl-Roo ievelt men so radical as Is W.W.Patterson, forerly of Canastota, who was con spicuous in organising; the Progres sive party in that villag e, and who Is now a resident of Norw ood, O,, a suburb of Cincinnati. "We In Ohio," Mr. Patterson writes to the newspap er of his" old home town, the Canastota Co urant, "a re somewhat cocks y at the present time that we helped to pat the rollers un der our old enemies, 'the old guard,' and gave the elephant another patch on hM hide. I note that so me east ern papers are trying to boom T. R. for 1920. Woutd beg to advise th em that he could not be elected town scavenger In a nigger ward down this way." Hut conditions may c hange In. the next four years. PAST EVENTS November 20, 1916. Days past, 824—Days to come, 41 1788—-Capture of American ship Retaliation by the French ship Llnaurgentc. 1941—John Russell Toung, who accompanied Orant around the world, born. Premier Laurler born. I860—Kenesaw Mountain Lan- dis,  judge , born. FEATURES OF A COAL PROBE. From the Niagara Falls Journal. Lockport dealers testified chestnut coal sells for $7.76 in that city. North Tonawanda dealers testified they sell chestnut coal for $7.26 a ton. Sanborn dealer tells the district at torney his price for chestnut and stove coal is $7 a ton. All out-of-town dealers say It would be impossible to r them to deliver coal at the Falls. Shortage of cars and labor at the mines are blamed for lack of coal sup ply. So-called Independents charge $2 a ton more for coal than old-line com panies. Falls consumers tell of paying $6.26 for coal in half-ton lots. Dealers will be asked to sign waivers of Immunity. THIS MORNING'S NEWS. Universal Victor Cigars Try the new Londres sis* of the Uni versal Victor lidvitnn Cigar. A pop ular, straight shape, which makes a free smoking cigar. The cigar which has an aroma and mildness ail It* own.  The- cigar you will come back for. Ten e*nt* strai ght. Also car- r*»d in,oth er sixes. Try one tonight. 4  | f. ... E.  A.  FRIEDLEY  & CO. CIGARISTB, He. TO  Mala It. No. « Jack*** St. BELL ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 26c  at all  druggists. RURAL NTGHT BCHOOIii. It Is the pu rpose of the Rur eau of Naturalisation of the United States Department of Labor to extend the privilege of attendance upon the pub lic night school* of the country to every candidate for cittsenshtp wherever he may make his home. Heretofore, this work, nation-wide and important M It to, ha* been re stricted to urban center*. It is now proposed. In co-o perati on with the public scho ol author ities, to carry this great educational ca mpaign Into the rursl r-ommunlttM, Where It Is found imp ractic able to gather the cltlxenshlp candidates In the schoolrooms they Will be able to obtain the course of Instruction from the school teacher*, reporting by ap pointment (or such help a* may be needed. citisenship classes maintained for adult foreigner* in the public night school* are of vital importance local ly and nationally. Patriotic consider ations demand that men and women Iof foreign birth ahoutd be encouraged to Install American cu stom* and ideal* In their home life. The Russian* have three distinct fleets; one in the Arctic Ocean, one in the Baltic and one in the Black Sea. They also have warships-In the Med iterranean.—War Correspondent. And a few in the sea over Japan way, too, any Japanese student of re cent history might add. At heart the Chinese must be very much like the rest of u«. Mrs. Well ington Koo, wife of the Ambassador, who has a few weeks' old baby says: "He Is just as cu te if not cuter t han any other baby every born in Wash ington." Buffa Ionian* ha ve s ent out a war n* bit) against fake solicitor* who oper ate on  behalf of alleged charlt***. Such people are usually out at Christ mas time. Ther e is never any harm In asking a solicitor to sho w his cre dentials. Lockport's Board of Commerce says It will not endo rse the pro jected merger of Bell and Independent lines unless there Is a ten-year a greeme nt to leave rates as they are In that city. Business four-party lines are now $38 over there and residence service of the same type la $18. Hickory lo gs In a open hearth fire may be a thing of history in Ohio, but something akin to it Is in evidence In Wooater just now, where wood is be coming a compe tito r of coal. Wood Is selling at $2 to $3 a load find th e claim la made that a load of wood *uch a* the farmers deliver will pro duce nearly as many heat units aa a ton of coal. Miss Constance Kopp, 1mown a* the "Demon Deputy Sheriff' of Bergen county, New Jer sey, 1* slated to lose her Job, according to John W. Cour- lor, tho newly-elected sheriff of that county, but Mias Kopp refuses to seo It that way and defies Courier to re move her. Mi*a Kopp asserts that civil service regulations protect her from summary removal, and a fight In the courts is in prospect. Altogeth er it W M an exceedin gly high priced, high cla s* show, A mil lion dollars worth of clas* on the hoof,  $180,000 worth of It owned by K. T. Stoteabury of Philad elphia and an equal amo unt by Judg e Moore. Twenty thous and dollars' worth of decomtiona; $30,000 worth of prizes. Another million do lieW worth of Jewel* gracing society In the boxes on vartott* occasion* . Two hundred and tlfty thou sand dollars* worth of go wns doing the. earn*. In all, about $*.- 300,000 wort h of horse *how. And what good- did It *H no? Mr. and Mr*. Charles E. Hughes have gone from New York to Lake- wood, N. J., where they will remain a fortnight. Fire early yeaterday deatrbyed the entire business section of Roscoe, a summe r resort village in Sulliva n county, causing $250,000 loss. Peter Deck of Utica, aged 78, miss ing since November 1st, was found yesterd ay by hunters, hanging fro m a tree in woods near that city. Thomas Kelly, a wealthy Winnipeg contract or convicted of grafting in connect ion with building, was sen tenced to 2% years' imprisonment. Extraordinary weather conditions prevailing in France for 48 hours cul minated in a tidal wave In the Gulf of Marseilles, in which many vessels foundered. In his personal electron expense statement United States Senator-elect Calder said he had no receipts and expen ded $1,689 for postage, clerk hire and advertising. President Wilson told a delegation from the American Federation of La bor that all class feeling in America should be wiped out by the establish ment of justice "with a heart in It." Mayor Richardson of Batesville, Ark., charged with the m urder of Farrell Padgett, whom R ichardson accused of attempting to lure away hi* 17-year-old wife, was acquitted by a Jury. According to reports just received at Laredo, Tex., 149 persons were killed and many others were injured In a railroad wreck on the Inter- ocean line near Jalapa, Mex., on No- comber 12th. Morris Hlllqult, Socialist candidate for Con gress In New York City, will contest the election of his Republican opponent, Isaac Siegel, who received 495 plurality, according to the un official return*. Head s of ttve Washington, depart ment of agriculture and Chicago grain men Indignantly deny the charge of Joseph Hartlgan of New York, that western farmers under, estimated their crops. It develops that Helen Keller, the blind deaf mute, wished to become the wife of Peter Fagan, formerly her secretary, but gave up the idea be cause of the objections of her teach er ,  Mrs. John A. Macy. Convicted by a court martial of shipping 380 cases of champagne to the German emperor, a Rhelms, France, wine merchant named Goul- den has been sentenced to five years' Imprisonment and fined 80,000 francs. Direct diplomatic relations between Serbia and the United States for the first time have been opened with the appointment of LJoubonlr Mihailo- vltch a* Serbia's first envoy extraor dinary and minister plenipotentiary to this country. Conv ictio n of Edward M. Grout, once comptroller of New York City, on charge of perjury in connection with th e affairs of the Union Bank Of Brooklyn, of which he was presi dent, has been reversed by the New York Appellate Court. i Elimination of unnecessary middle men and closer co-operation between the farmer and consumer are declared to be the practical solution of the farming- problem of this state, In a preliminary report by the Wicks leg islative Investigating committee. ENVIRONMENT'S MIRACLE. At home he cell* the food they serve "Junk" and "punk" and "hay." And vow ought to s ee the stuff he'll eat While out of town some day." Only One BHOMO  QITIVIVK." To get the genuine, call for full name LAXATIV E BROMO QUININE. Look for sig natu re of E. W, OROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. 25c. When you need something, let the Want Column clock tick It in for you. AND THERE THEY "You'll never come back. WBRfX Tou're too old, "And If I were younger I *uppoa* I would com* back with some sa ssy answer and yon wouldn't hire ate any way." . MEMBERSHIP j)VBR $00. From the Amsterdam Recorder, If you are not a member, or If your Inititutlon Is not enrolled, you are urntrriy requested to call at the Beard of Trade ro oms and eawetl, or any mem ber will be glad to take in your applica tion. The membership la now over 800 and ateadily gro wing. All cltlaens of Amsterdam with the welfare and ad vancement of the city at heart should align themselves with an organisation representing the Whole community. P a*  rt*a« Clas* Mask and beet method* ef applying rubber tires call on Haaten, carriage, and her- neae,  vane-Ra ilroad street*, Batavia. CATARRH LEADS TO  CONSUMPTION Catarrh 1* a*  much  a blood disease a* scrofula  or  rheumatism.  It may be  relieved, buMt cannot  be  removed by  simply loo*/treatment.  It  causes headache and dlsxlneas. Impairs  the taste, Tfnell and hearing, affect*  the voice, derange* the digestion,  and breaks down the general health.  It weaken* the delicate lung tissues  and leads  to consumption. Hood's Sarsapartlla goes to the of  the trouble,  purifies  the blood, I*  so successful that  It ia known th e  beat remedy  for  catarrh. Hood's Sarsaparllla strengthens an d  tone*  the whole system.  It  builds up .  Ask your druggist for Hood's, an d  Insist  on having  it.  There  la no real substitute. seat < Dynamite Will Move Things B ut  thai-* won't  be  anything  l.ft  worth mentioning. CARROLL Also Move*  Things jae ••<*••» eerj ifetiat MWI aa*J sr# at Netki a* win few brakeai ••>• ••( •«n« A Carroll Carting Co. »•» -T Bail Mad.  By F-lW  4 Wire.  C Trey, N. Y» Since 1132 - In  Your Grandmother s Day th e  Stewart trademark guaranteed against disappointments.  When your mother started housekeeping sh e  did not  have  to be  informed as  to the  superiority  of the  Stewart—she  knew.  _ Follow their footsteps—let your choice be a Stewart The  present  d ay  models bring greater efficiency  in the kitchen,  better cooked food  to th e  Jable,  and  reduced fuel bills. Examine them today at any of th e  dealers mentioned below; see the  oven thermometer  and  glass  door;  the permanently polished top, the b ig  water heating  capacity, and the ash  chute  to  basement FULLER & WARREN  CO.,  (Since  1832)  Troy, N.Y./ SOLD BY  ^ _ Steele Torrance Co., Inc. Bell Phone.  86 Main  St. UDQAL. NOTICE) TO CBHIDITOR to an order of Hon. Edwar burn, Surrogate of the cou see, notice Is hereby given sons having claims or dem Martha Hallack. late of Stafford, in said county, d they are required to exhib with the vouchers therefo A. Hallack, the executor of and testament of the said the residence of the said Fr lack, in the town of Staff county, on or before'the March, 1917. Dated the 11th day of FRANK A. HALLOCK WALTER H, SMITH, Attor ecutor, Le Roy, N. Y. NOTICE TO CREDITOR to an order of Hon. Edwar burn. Surrogate of the Cou see, notice is hereby given sons having claims or dema Cornelia A. Gowan, late of Pembroke, in said coun that they are required to same with the vouchers Frederick C. Gow^n, the ex last will and testament of ceased, at the office of Da Main street, In the city of said cou nty, on or before of March. 1917. Dated the 6th day of Sep FREDER ICK CT DAT & DAY, Atys. for Executor, Batav NOTICE TO CREDITO to an order of Hon. Edwa burn, Surrogate of the cou see, notice is hereby give sons having claims or dema Henry M. Munger, late of Byron, in said county, de they are required to exhib with the vouchers therefor Hunger and Burton W. Mu mlnistrators of the goods, credits of the said deceased denoe of the said Nora W the town of Byron, in sai or before the 23d day of M Dated the 11th day of No NORA W. MUNGER, BURTON W. MUNGER, A F: A. LEWIS, Attorney f trators, Batavia, N. T. p pnp n P pnpi nnainninnininn Happy eflection— BACK TO PHYSICAL COMFORT QUICK RELIEF is what  Connto. •n d  the Reputation  of any Linim ent utandsi, or  fall*]  on it* ability  to STOP PAIN . Sharp Pain Dull Pai n Muscle Pain Nerve  Pain* Shilling Pain Spinal Pain COMMONLY CALLED RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, BACK ACHE INFLAMMATORY, LAMENESS, ETC., ETC Don t Suffer.  Use 3 NOTICE TO CREDITO to an order of Hon. Edwa burn. Surrogate of the cou see,  notice Is hereby give sons having claims or dem Tryphosa Cady, late of th tavia, in said county, de they are required to exhi with the vo uchers t heref C.  Bo wer, the executor of and test ament, of the said the residence of the sai Rower, in the town of B county, o n or before the March. 1917. i Dated the 11th day of Se ALBERT C. BOWER NOTICE TO CREDITO to an order of Hon. Edwa burn. Surrogate of the Co esee, notice is hereby give sons having claims or dem Morltz Moll, late of the cit in said county, deceased, t required to exhibit the sa vouchers therefor to Anna executrix of the last wil tnent of the said deceased, dence of the said Anna I. Ross street, In the city o said count y, on or before of January, 1917. Dated the 10th day of Ju ANNA I. MOLL FRE DD H. DUNHAM, att ecutrix, Batavia. N. T. NOTICE TO CREDITO to an order of Hon, Edwa burn. Surrogate of the cou see, notice is hereby give aons having claims or dem William Q- Hitchcock, late of Alabama , in said coun that they are required to same with the vouchers Perry H. Wigh t ths exe last will and testament o ceased, at the residence Perry H. Wight, in he- tow in said county, on or bef day of May, 1917, Dated the 6th day of Nov PERRY H. WIGHT FRED A. LEWIS, Attorne tor, Batavia, N. T. NOTICE TO CREDITO to an order of Hon. Edwa burn, Surrogate of the cou see, notic e is hereby give aons having claims er dem Mary Jane Heal, late of Le Roy, in said county, d they are required to exhi with the vouchers therefo C.  Dunham, the executor will and testament of the a at the realdence of the C.  D unham, in the town o said county , on or before of May, 1917. Dated the 4th day of No WILLIAM C. DUNHAM STEDMAN & WATERMA for Executor, Batavia, N Prices Remain  the  Same Realizing that the  European struggle might last  iti- defmately,  we purchased large quantities  of  Dental  sup plies at  prices  far  below their present  cost,  and are therefore able to maintain  the same reasonable charges always n\ade by this  office. We  do NOT  charge  by the HOUR  or by the  TREAT- MENTf but for the  FINISHED  PRODUCT. OUR  MOTTO —Reliable Work  at Reasonable  Prices. A sk  Tour Frends About  Us. DR.  HASBROUCK Walker Building. Dentist. Batavia, N. Y. fter Your Sunday Dinner #  Finish  of with a / J /v /: w/\/ J. F. GARNIER, MTu m atavia New York. NOTICE TO CREDITO to an order of Hon. Edwa burn, Surrogate ot  ths Cou see,  notice is hereby give f ons havin g claims or dem lerbert Wlllard, late of Pembroke in said county, d they are required to exhi with the vouchers therefo Gray and George H. Padd mlnistrators of the goods, credits of the said dece office of Frank E. Lawson, street, in the city of Bat cousty, on or before the March. 1917. Dated the 13th day of Se ADDIE L. GR GEORGE H. A FRANK B. LAWSON, att mlnistrato rs. Batavia, N. " NOTICE TO CREDITO to an order of Hon. Edwa burn, Surrogate of the cou aee, notice Is hereby give aona having claims or dem Rufu* Hutchinaon, late o Pavilion, in aald county, d they are required to exh with the vouchers therefo Hutchinaon, th e executrix will and teatament ot t ceased, at-'the realdence Clara L. Hutchinson In Pavilion, In said county, the 7th day of December, Dated the 29th day of M CLARA L. HUTCHINSON FRANK S.  WOOD,  Attor utrix. Batavia, N. Y. NOTICE TO CREDITO to an order of Hon. Edw burn, Surrogate of the cou seo,  notice Ta hereby give aons having claims or dem Fred O. Ward, lat e of the gen, in aald county, decea are required to exhibit t the vouchers therefor to H the administrator of the tela and credit* of the sai th *  residence of the said in the town of Bergen, In on or before the 3fat da 1917. / Dated the 18th day of J HOWARD WARD, Ad JAMES A, LE SEUR. Att mlnlstrator, Batavia, N. NOTICE TO CREDIT6 to an o rder of Hon. Ed w burn, Surrogate of the co esee, notice is hereby giv sons havingclalms or dem Duan« W. Wllber, late o Rata via, in e» d county, they are required to exh with the vouchers therefo Bostwick, the admintatr goods, ch atte ls and credi deoeased, at the residenc administr atrix. No. alt street, In the city  ot  B county, on or before  th* ^^ Vri'M.  •B Ajf N.  K CONE, attorney  fo trlx, Batavia. N. Y.



Transcript of Batavia NY Daily News 1916 Jul-Dec Grayscale - 0929

  • PAGE TWO i. . i i i* '


    Don't Make Your Home an Ice Box

    You know the way the old style, inefficient heater and boiler acts. One minute your house is too hot and the next too cold. Mostly the latter. That's because the heater is run on the wrong principle. With the Boynton Square Pot Boiler you can keep your house "cozy warm" all the time. The patented square flrepot is round at the top and square at the bottom. This feature al-lows increased radiating sur-face and -more heat on a less amount of coal. Study the Illustration closely. Note the square flrepot and the nearness of the interior water-holding sections to the fire. This arrangement gives free and greater steam on little fuel. Call on us and we will explain how the Boynton Square Pot Boilers will save you money and worry.

    Steele & Torrance Co. Inc.

    Batavia, N. Y.

    THE D A I L Y N E W S and BAT A V LAN.


    No*. tt-U Jackson Straat. Batavia, N. T. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE.

    BT MAIL$2 a year; II tor *lx month.; SO c .nU (or t a r . , month*, invariably In advance.

    Entered at the po.tofflce a t Batavia. N. V., a . second class matter.

    BY CARRIERrive wents a week, payable la -advance.

    ADVERTISING RATES. Schedule of rate* and all Information

    regarding advertising may be obtained at the office.

    Frank P. Northrup, special advertis-ing representative. No. 22S Fifth are* nue, New York, and Association Build-ing, Chicago.

    At ** a ton the man w h o smoke* cabbage is not to be shunned. But you can try t o *ai away from him.

    Tour first real taste of winter prob-ably hasn't come yet- Walt till some kid soak* yon just above the chin with a snow-ball "icy packed,"

    New York wants to start the New Year right. And It wants it bad enough so there will be a guarantee of no Interference from the police.

    "War finance and war inflation continue to be the Important factors in the security markets," say* Henry Clews, the banker, in his weekly let-ter.

    MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1916.


    How you can get rid of eczema with

    Three years ago not a city was be-ing operated under the city-manager plan. Today there are forty and the idea is spreading so rapidly that facts concerning it are of wide interest.

    Briefly the plan is as follows: The city chooses its councilmen, who in turn hire a city manager. His job la permanent as long a* he makes good. He Is usually a man of engineering experience and la frequently an out-sider. The salary which he receives in high enough to command one who is above local politics and capable of running a big businessas any city surely la,

    Dayton, O. (population 140,000), was the pioneer in this work and, since the start, has been recognised as an authoritative source for city-manager data. There the manager is paid 112,600 a year. Reporting to him are a purchasing agent, a public Hervice expert, a public welfare ex-pert, a director of public safety, a le-gal director and a finance expert.

    Here are a few of the results an-nounced by Dayton after nearly three years of its commission-manager plan: The death rate has decreased from 15.7 to 18.007; the tax rate, from 14.40 to 13.40; Infant mortality from 124. to 87.2. Over $76,000 of an old floating debt has been cleared off in two years and 899,000 of new service haa been secured out of ex-penditures equal to those of 1913.

    Dayton's waterworks, instead of showing a deficit Is how paying a profit of $50,000 a year. The city today has a garbage removal system which shows a profit of ) 17,000 a year. Pub-lic nursing, free legal aid for the poor, empty-lot garden plots, chil-dren's playgrounds, workhouse farms, milk stations and a civic music hall have all come to Dayton since her new plan started.

    When- the new form of government was called into office, Dayton had borrowed 6126,000 against expected revenues. It haa since cut that down tor660,000 and has pushed the qlty** sinking fund from $100,000 to $600,-000. On January 1, 1914. the total assets of the city ware valued at $16,000,0001 they are now placed at $17,000,000,



    Reiinol Ointment, with Reiinol Soap, usually stops itching instantly. It quickly and easily heals the most distressing case* of eczema, rash or similar tormenting skin or scalp eruption, not due to serious internal 'disorder*. Sold by all druggist*.

    It took* as if the state G.A.R. en-campment would be In Gloversvllle next summer. A council of the vet-erans will meet J n Albany soon to make a decision.

    Thinking of 1918, at least one pa-per has suggested Francis M. Hugo, the re-elected secretary of state, as a strong candidate for the Republican nomination for governor." *

    Oanastot.Va recent $20,000 fire which consumed t h e engine house, city hall and Jail la believed to have started from a defective flue. The de-fective flue leads all other .Are causes.

    Garlic flavor can be eliminated by heating milk to 146 F. and blowing air through It.Science Note.

    Hut how i* one to heat milk to 146 In a railroad station, oar or other place where the garlic flavor , pre-dominate*?

    Mrs. Will iam G. McAdoo seems to be borrowing Alice Longworth's stuff. She announc&i. to newspaper report-ers in Dallas, TW-, that she had just set a world's record by dressing in twenty minute*.

    Just five we*fc* from night-before Inst you will be chasing around trying to do your Christmas and Saturday night shopping all In a lump. Unless voii believe In holiday preparedness and shop early. F ive weeks from to-day is Christmas.

    ANOTHER ENDLESS CHAIN I is started every time a houaewtfe| bakes bread for the first time from




    She I* *o pleased she tells her irlenda; they, In turn, pass the word alnr rig slid to It goee

    rora for it Don't take our .. but try It yourself next bake day. ANGELlJ.s Flour i . made from the choicest selected wheat by our special process that retains aft the best part* of tho wheat.

    TMyPSQN liliUNw Ct. l.orkport, N, Y,

    old by OANN BROI., k*rU. N. V.

    Thinking of 1920, more than one newspaper has suggested the prob-ability of Colonel Roosevelt being; the Republican nomtnee for President. The result of the recent election has not yet been carefully analyzed, how-over, and until It is disserted and ex-n mined It will be futile to speculate upon men and matters in the cam-paign of four years hence.

    Colonel Roosevelt has a large and powerful following, but in returning to the Republican ranks and giving aid and encouragement to the Repub-lican nominee this year he alienated himself from many Progressive* who never again will be led by him. Per-haps there are few antl-Rooievelt men so radical as Is W.W.Pat terson , forerly of Canastota, who w a s con-spicuous in organising; the Progres-sive party in that village, and who Is now a resident of Norwood, O,, a suburb of Cincinnati.

    "We In Ohio," Mr. Patterson writes to the newspaper of his" old home town, the Canastota Courant, "are somewhat cocksy at the present time that we helped to pat the rollers un-der our old enemies, 'the old guard,' and gave the elephant another patch on hlM hide. I note that some east-ern papers are trying to boom T. R. for 1920. Woutd beg to advise them that he could not be elected town scavenger In a nigger ward down this way."

    Hut conditions may change In. the next four years.


    P A S T E V E N T S November 20, 1916.

    Days past, 824Days to come, 41 1788-Capture of American ship

    Retaliation by the French ship Llnaurgentc.

    1941John Russell Toung, who accompanied Orant around the world, born. Premier Laurler born.

    I860Kenesaw Mountain Lan-dis, judge, born.

    FEATURES OF A COAL PROBE. From the Niagara Falls Journal.

    Lockport dealers testified chestnut coal se l l s for $7.76 in that city.

    North Tonawanda dealers testified they sel l chestnut coal for $7.26 a ton.

    Sanborn dealer tells the district at-torney his price for chestnut and stove coal is $7 a ton.

    All out-of-town dealers say It would be impossible tor them to deliver coal at the Falls.

    Shortage of cars and labor at the mines are blamed for lack of coal sup-ply.

    So-called Independents charge $2 a ton more for coal than old-line com-panies.

    Fal l s consumers tell of paying $6.26 for coal in half-ton lots.

    Dealers will be asked to sign waivers of Immunity.


    Universal Victor Cigars Try the new Londres s i s* of the Uni-

    versal Victor lidvitnn Cigar. A pop-ular, straight shape, which makes a free smoking cigar. The cigar which has an aroma and mildness ail It* own. The- cigar you will come back for. Ten e*nt* straight. Also car-r*d in,other sixes. Try one tonight.

    4 - - | - - f . . . . E. A. FRIEDLEY & CO.

    CIGARISTB, He. TO Mala It. No. Jack*** St.

    BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 26c at all druggists.


    It Is the purpose of the Rureau of Naturalisation of the United States Department of Labor to extend the privilege of attendance upon the pub-lic night school* of the country to every candidate for cittsenshtp wherever he may make his home. Heretofore, this work, nation-wide and important M It to, ha* been re-stricted to urban center*. It is now proposed. In co-operation with the public school authorities, to carry this great educational campaign Into the rursl r-ommunlttM,

    Where It Is found impracticable to gather the cltlxenshlp candidates In the schoolrooms they Will be able to obtain the course of Instruction from the school teacher*, reporting by ap-pointment (or such help a* may be needed.

    citisenship classes maintained for adult foreigner* in the public night school* are of vital importance local-ly and nationally. Patriotic consider-ations demand that men and women

    Iof foreign birth ahoutd be encouraged to Install American custom* and ideal* In their home life.

    The Russian* have three distinct fleets; one in the Arctic Ocean, one in the Baltic and one in the Black Sea. They also have warships-In the Med-iterranean.War Correspondent.

    And a few in the sea over Japan way, too, any Japanese student of re-cent history might add.

    At heart the Chinese must be very much like the rest of u. Mrs. Well-ington Koo, wife of the Ambassador, who has a few weeks' old baby says: "He Is just as cute if not cuter than any other baby every born in Wash-ington."

    Buffa Ionian* have sent out a warn* bit) against fake solicitor* who oper-ate on behalf of alleged charlt***. Such people are usually out at Christ-mas time. There is never any harm In asking a solicitor to show his cre-dentials.

    Lockport's Board of Commerce says It will not endorse the projected merger of Bell and Independent l ines unless there Is a ten-year agreement to leave rates as they are In that city. Business four-party lines are now $38 over there and residence service of the same type la $18.

    Hickory logs In a open hearth fire may be a thing of history in Ohio, but something akin to it Is in evidence In Wooater just now, where wood is be-coming a competitor of coal. Wood Is selling at $2 to $3 a load find the claim la made that a load of wood *uch a* the farmers deliver will pro-duce nearly as many heat units aa a ton of coal.

    Miss Constance Kopp, 1mown a* the "Demon Deputy Sheriff' of Bergen county, New Jersey, 1* slated to lose her Job, according to John W. Cour-lor, tho newly-elected sheriff of that county, but Mias Kopp refuses to seo It that way and defies Courier to re-move her. Mi*a Kopp asserts that civil service regulations protect her from summary removal, and a fight In the courts is in prospect.

    Altogether it W M an exceedingly high priced, high clas* show, A mil-lion dollars worth of clas* on the hoof, $180,000 worth of It owned by K. T. Stoteabury of Philadelphia and an equal amount by Judge Moore. Twenty thousand dollars' worth of decomtiona; $30,000 worth of prizes. Another million dolieW worth of Jewel* gracing society In the boxes on vartott* occasion*. Two hundred and tlfty thousand dollars* worth of gowns doing t h e . earn*. In all, about $*.-300,000 worth of horse *how. And what good- did It *H no?

    Mr. and Mr*. Charles E. Hughes have gone from New York to Lake-wood, N. J., where they will remain a fortnight.

    Fire early yeaterday deatrbyed the entire business section of Roscoe, a s u m m e r resort village in Sullivan county, causing $250,000 loss.

    Peter Deck of Utica, aged 78, miss-ing s ince November 1st, was found yesterday by hunters, hanging from a tree in woods near that city.

    T h o m a s Kelly, a wealthy Winnipeg contractor convicted of grafting in connect ion with building, was sen-tenced to 2% years' imprisonment.

    Extraordinary weather conditions prevail ing in France for 48 hours cul-minated in a tidal wave In the Gulf of Marseilles, in which many vessels foundered.

    In h i s personal electron expense s ta tement United States Senator-elect Calder said he had no receipts and expended $1,689 for postage, clerk hire and advertising.

    President Wilson told a delegation from the American Federation of La-bor that all class feeling in America should be wiped out by the establish-ment of justice "with a heart in It."

    Mayor Richardson of Batesville, Ark., charged with the murder of Farrell Padgett, whom Richardson accused of attempting to lure away hi* 17-year-old wife, was acquitted by a Jury.

    According to reports just received at Laredo, Tex., 149 persons were kil led and many others were injured In a railroad wreck on the Inter-ocean line near Jalapa, Mex., on No-comber 12th.

    Morris Hlllqult, Socialist candidate for Congress In New York City, will contest the election of his Republican opponent, Isaac Siegel, who received 495 plurality, according to the un-official return*.

    H e a d s of ttve Washington, depart-ment of agriculture and Chicago grain m e n Indignantly deny the charge of Joseph Hartlgan of New York, that western farmers under, est imated their crops.

    It develops that Helen Keller, the blind deaf mute, wished to become the wi fe of Peter Fagan, formerly her secretary, but gave up the idea be-cause of the objections of her teach-er, Mrs. John A. Macy.

    Convicted by a court martial of shipping 380 cases of champagne to the German emperor, a Rhelms, France, wine merchant named Goul-den has been sentenced to five years' Imprisonment and fined 80,000 francs.

    Direct diplomatic relations between Serbia and the United States for the first t ime have been opened with the appointment of LJoubonlr Mihailo-vltch a* Serbia's first envoy extraor-dinary and minister plenipotentiary to this country.

    Conviction of Edward M. Grout, once comptroller of New York City, on charge of perjury in connection with t h e affairs of the Union Bank Of Brooklyn, of which he was presi-dent, h a s been reversed by the New York Appellate Court. i

    Elimination of unnecessary middle-men and closer co-operation between the farmer and consumer are declared to be the practical solution of the farming- problem of this state, In a prel iminary report by the Wicks leg-islative Investigating committee.

    ENVIRONMENT'S MIRACLE. At home he cell* the food they serve

    "Junk" and "punk" and "hay." And vow ought to see the stuff he'll eat

    While out of town some day."

    O n l y One "BHOMO QITIVIVK." To g e t the genuine, call for full name LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W, OROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. 25c.

    When you need something, let the Want Column clock tick It in for you.

    AND THERE THEY "You'll never come back.

    WBRfX Tou're too

    old," "And If I were younger I *uppoa* I

    would com* back with some sassy answer and yon wouldn't hire ate any-way." .

    MEMBERSHIP j)VBR $00. From the Amsterdam Recorder,

    If you are not a member, or If your Inititutlon Is not enrolled, you are urntrriy requested to call at the Beard of Trade rooms and eawetl, or any mem-ber will be glad to take in your applica-tion. The membership la now over 800 and ateadily growing. All cltlaens of Amsterdam with the welfare and ad-vancement of the city at heart should align themselves with an organisation representing the Whole community.

    Pa* rt*a Clas* Mask and beet method* ef applying rubber tires call on Haaten, carriage, and her-neae, vane-Railroad street*, Batavia.


    Catarrh 1* a* much a blood disease a* scrofula or rheumatism. It may be relieved, buMt cannot be removed by simply loo*/treatment. It causes headache and dlsxlneas. Impairs the taste, Tfnell and hearing, affect* the voice, derange* the digestion, and breaks down the general health. It weaken* the delicate lung tissues and leads to consumption.

    Hood's Sarsapartlla goes to the of the trouble, purifies the blood, I* so successful that It ia known

    the beat remedy for catarrh. Hood's Sarsaparllla strengthens

    and tone* the whole system. It builds up. Ask your druggist for Hood's, and Insist on having it. There la no real substitute.

    seat <

    Dynamite Will Move Things But thai-* won't be anything l.ft worth


    CARROLL Also Move* Things

    jae ( n A

    Carroll Carting Co.

    - T Bail

    Mad. By F-lW 4 W i r e . C

    Trey, N. Y Since 1132


    In Your Grandmother's Day

    the Stewart trademark guaranteed against disappointments. When your mother started housekeeping she did not have to be informed

    as to the superiority of the Stewartshe knew. _ Follow their footstepslet your choice be a Stewart

    The present day models bring greater efficiency in the kitchen, better cooked food to the Jable, and reduced fuel bills.

    Examine them today at any of the dealers mentioned below; see the oven thermometer and glass door; the permanently polished top, the big water heating capacity, and the ash chute to basement FULLER & WARREN CO., (Since 1832) Troy, . N . Y . /

    SOLD BY ^ _

    Steele & Torrance Co., Inc. Bell Phone. 86 Main St.


    NOTICE) TO CBHIDITORSPursuan to an order of Hon. Edward A. Wash burn, Surrogate of the county of Gene see, notice Is hereby given to all per sons having claims or demands again* Martha Hallack. late of the t o w n , Stafford, in said county, deceased, th, they are required to exhibit the sari with the vouchers therefor to Fran A. Hallack, the executor of the last wr and testament of the said deceased the residence of the said Frank A. ii.,i lack, in the town of Stafford, in aa county, on or before'the 27th day , March, 1917. *

    Dated the 11th day of Septembei FRANK A. HALLOCK, Executor

    WALTER H, SMITH, Attorney tor Ex ecutor, Le Roy, N. Y. *

    NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursuar to an order of Hon. Edward A . Wasi, burn. Surrogate of the County of Gen, see, notice is hereby given to all i,. sons having claims or demands UKaim Cornelia A. Gowan, late of the town .' Pembroke, in said county, decease that they are required to exhibit th same with the vouchers therefor > Frederick C. Gow^n, the executor of th last will and testament of the said u. ceased, at the office of Day & Day u Main street, In the city of Batavia' i said county, on or before the 20th. 'i, of March. 1917. w Qd

    Dated the 6th day of September. 19i< FREDERICK CT GOWAN

    DAT & DAY, Executor Atys. for Executor, Batavia. N. Y.

    NOTICE TO CREDITORSPursuai to an order of Hon. Edward A. Was] burn, Surrogate of the county of Gen. see, notice is hereby given to all pei sons having claims or demands again.-Henry M. Munger, late of the town < Byron, in said county, deceased, th: they are required to exhibit the sam with the vouchers therefor to Nora v Hunger and Burton W. Munger, the ai mlnistrators of the goods, chattels an credits of the said deceased, at the res denoe of the said Nora W. Munger i the town of Byron, in said county, or before the 23d day of May, 1917.

    Dated the 11th day of November, lsi NORA W. MUNGER, BURTON W. MUNGER, Administrator F: A. LEWIS, Attorney for Admlnl;

    trators, Batavia, N. T.

    DDpDpnpDnDPDpnpiDnnainninnininn A Happy Reflection BACK T O PHYSICAL COMFORT QUICK R E L I E F i s what Connto.

    nd the Reputation of any Liniment utandsi, or fall*] on it* ability to STOP P A I N .

    Sharp Pain Dull Pain Muscle Pain Nerve Pain* Shilling Pain Spinal Pain


    Don't Suffer. Use


    NOTICE TO CREDITORSPursua. to an order of Hon. Edward A. Waal burn. Surrogate of the county of Gem see, notice Is hereby given to all pei sons having claims or demands again Tryphosa Cady, late of the city of \i-, tavia, in said county, deceased, th. they are required to exhibit the san with the vouchers therefor to Al!>e C. Bower, the executor of the last wl and testament, of the said deceased, i the residence of the said Albert Rower, in the town of Byron, in county, on or before the 23d day I March. 1917. i

    Dated the 11th day of September, 191 ALBERT C. BOWER. Executor.

    NOTICE TO CREDITORSPursuai to an order of Hon. Edward A. Was) burn. Surrogate of the County of Gei esee, notice is hereby given to all p. sons having claims or demands again Morltz Moll, late of the city of Batavi in said county, deceased, that they ai required to exhibit the same with ti vouchers therefor to Anna I. Moll, ti executrix of the last wil l and testi tnent of the said deceased, at the res dence of the said Anna I. Moll No. l: Ross street, In the city of Batavia, said county, on or before the 20th aa of January, 1917.

    Dated the 10th day of July. 1916 ANNA I. MOLL, Executrix

    FREDD H. DUNHAM, attorney of 10: ecutrix, Batavia. N. T.

    NOTICE TO CREDITORSPursuai to an order of Hon, Edward A. Wasl burn. Surrogate of the county of Gen see, notice is hereby given to all pe aons having claims or demands again William Q- Hitchcock, late ef the t' of Alabama, in said county, decea that they are required to exhibit i, same with the vouchers therefor Perry H. W i g h t ths executor of, t last will and testament of the * M Dated the 6th day of November, 191 PERRY H. WIGHT, Execute:

    FRED A. LEWIS, Attorney for Exect tor, Batavia, N. T.

    NOTICE TO CREDITORSPursua to an order of Hon. Edward A. Was burn, Surrogate of the county of Geri see, notice is hereby given to all if aons having claims er demands again Mary Jane Heal, late of the town Le Roy, in said county, deoeased, th they are required to exhibit the san with the vouchers therefor to Wilii.i C. Dunham, the executor of the la will and testament of the aald deeeas* at the realdence of the said Win . C. Dunham, in the town of Batavia said county, on or before the 18th di of May, 1917.

    Dated the 4th day of November, 191 WILLIAM C. DUNHAM, Executor

    STEDMAN & WATERMAN, Attorm for Executor, Batavia, N. Y.

    Prices Remain the Same Realizing that the European struggle might last iti-

    defmately, we purchased large quantities of Dental sup-plies at prices far below their present cost, and are therefore able to maintain the same reasonable charges always n\ade by this office.

    We do NOT charge by the HOUR or by the TREAT-MENTf but for the FINISHED PRODUCT. "OUR MOTTO"Reliable Work at Reasonable Prices.

    Ask Tour Frends About Us.

    DR. HASBROUCK Walker Building. Dentist. Batavia, N. Y.

    After Your Sunday Dinner # Finish of! with a

    /J/v /: w/\/ J. F. GARNIER, MTu


    Batavia, New York.

    NOTICE TO CREDITORSPursua to an order of Hon. Edward A. Was burn, Surrogate ot ths County of Gen see, notice i s hereby given to all v fons having claims or demands agair lerbert Wlllard, late of the town Pembroke in said county, deceased, tit they are required to exhibit the sat with the vouchers therefor to Addle Gray and George H. Paddock, the a mlnistrators of the goods, chattels a credits of the said deceased, at t office of Frank E. Lawson, No. St Ma street, in the city of Batavia, in sa cousty, on or before the 27th day March. 1917.

    Dated the 13th day of September, 19 ADDIE L. GRAY, GEORGE H. PADDOCK,

    Administrate FRANK B. LAWSON, attorney for a mlnistrators. Batavia, N. "3L..

    NOTICE TO CREDITORSPuraua to an order of Hon. Edward A. W burn, Surrogate of the county of Gar aee, notice Is hereby given to all p< aona having claims or demands agan Rufu* Hutchinaon, late of the town Pavilion, in aald county, deceased, th they are required to exhibit the aai with the vouchers therefor to Clara Hutchinaon, the executrix of the 1: will and teatament ot the said < ceased, at-'the realdence of the si Clara L. Hutchinson In the town Pavilion, In said county, on or befc the 7th day of December, 191*.

    Dated the 29th day of May, 191s. CLARA L. HUTCHINSON, Executr!

    FRANK S. WOOD, Attorney for Ex< utrix. Batavia, N. Y.

    NOTICE TO CREDITORSPursua to an order of Hon. Edward A. Wa; burn, Surrogate of the county of G*> seo, notice Ta hereby given to *Jl_P' aons having claims or demands agair Fred O. Ward, late of the town of B< gen, in aald county, deceased, that tn are required to exhibit the same w the vouchers therefor to Howard Wa the administrator of the goods, ehi tela and credit* of the said deceased, th* residence of the said Howard Ws in the town of Bergen, In aald coun on or before the 3fat day of Janua 1917. /

    Dated the 18th day of July, ll. HOWARD WARD, Administrator

    JAMES A, LE SEUR. Attorney for A mlnlstrator, Batavia, N. Y.

    NOTICE TO CREDIT6RSPursui to an order of Hon. Edward A. WRI burn, Surrogate of the county of Get esee, notice is hereby given to all p sons havingc la lms or demands agaii Duan W. Wllber, late ot the town Rata via, in e!d county, deceased, M they are required to exhibit the s with the vouchers therefor to Stella Bostwick, the admintatratrlx of I goods, chattels and credits of the - deoeased, at the residence of the a. administratrix. No. a l t East M street, In the city ot Batavia In si county, on or before th* 14th day

    ^ ^ " V r i ' M . BOWI'CV9 Ajfmlnlatratrlt

    N. K CONE, attorney for admlnl.t trlx, Batavia. N. Y. Untitled Document

    file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/hello.html2/18/2007 11:01:03 AM

    Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069