Basix: A Business Analysis

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A Business Analysis of Basix, a leading Microfinance and Livlihood firm operating in India.

Transcript of Basix: A Business Analysis

  • 1. Presented By: Amitabh Vatsya
    Email: [email protected]
    Basix:A Study of Business Processes
  • 2. Basix
    BASIX is a livelihood promotion institution established in 1996, working with over a million and a half customers, over 90% being rural poor households and about 10% urban slum dwellers.
    BASIX works in 16 states and over 22,400 villages. It has a staff of over 5,400 of which 80 percent are based in small towns and villages.
  • 3. BASIX mission
    To promote a large number of sustainable livelihoods, including for the rural poor and women, through the provision of financial services and technical assistance in an integrated manner. BASIX will strive to yield a competitive rate of return to its investors so as to be able to access mainstream capital and human resources on a continuous basis.
  • 4. Value
    The circle represents the globe, our mother Earth, half of which is dark blue, representing poor, who are excluded from opportunities for better livelihoods. The white dot in the dark region represents an area of hope, arising from the talents and aspirations of the poor and the efforts of BASIX to promote livelihoods.
    The white part is the economically more prosperous world, but colorless, and it can benefit from the vibrancy and talents of the dark blue part. The lines represent BASIX attempts to establish linkages between the two zones. These linkages include capital, human resources, technology, markets, institutions and policies. The environment is represented by the circular boundary, which also depicts the Earth. Anything that we do to enhance prosperity, has to be sustainable for both zones together.
    With the motto, Equity for Equity means that BASIX attempts to use capital (financial, human, social and natural capital) to work towards bringing equality of opportunity and social justice in society, globally.
  • 5. Corporate Structure
    The Holding Company of the BASIX Group is called Bhartiya Samruddhi Investments and Consulting Services (BASICS) Ltd.) which started operations in 1996
  • 6. Founder: Mr. Vijay Mahajan
    IIT D & IIM A & Princeton UniversityAlumnus.
    Vijay co-founded PRADAN in 1983, Sa-Dhan in 1998 and APMAS in 2000.
    He has co-authored a book "The Forgotten Sector" on the rural non-farm sector
    Member of the Committee on Financial Inclusion and Committee on Financial Sector Reforms constituted by the Reserve Bank of India.
    "Outstanding Social Entrepreneur" by the Schwab Foundation of the World Economic Forum, Davos in 2003.
  • 7. BASIX strategy
    It is to provide a comprehensive set of livelihood promotion services:
    • Agricultural Business Development Services (Ag/BDS)
    • 8. Financial Inclusion Services (FINS)
    • 9. Institutional Development Services (IDS) to rural poor households under one umbrella.