Band Copley Music Boosters

/ 2020 Band Copley Music Boosters 3807 Ridgewood Road · Copley, Ohio 44321 [email protected] CHS Music Participation Packet As a music student in choir or band, your student can look forward to having some of the best times in their Copley High School lives! We are so happy to have you as part of our musical family! Copley Music Boosters is a volunteer organization composed of parents and educators grades 5-12. Our mission is to provide both financial and moral support to the vocal and instrumental activities associated with the music programs of Copley-Fairlawn Middle School and Copley High School. The various fundraising activities throughout the year provide opportunities, music, uniforms, instruments and equipment for the entire music program. There are so many exciting things happening, we want everyone to know and share in the musical excellence that has become a tradition for us at Copley! MEMBERSHIP in Copley Music Boosters is automatic to ALL parents and/or guardians of currently enrolled instrumental, vocal, and color guard students in grades 5-12. Boosters meet once every month to discuss business. Refer to the school district calendar for meeting dates and times. VOLUNTEER TIME in the Copley Music Boosters is essential to the success of our program. There are many areas where you can help! If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to ask any of us. Information is detailed on the Volunteer Forms enclosed in this packet. We ask all band and choir parents to choose from the many ways to volunteer. If you don’t have the time to volunteer, please consider a patron donation. FINANCIAL COMMITMENT: Fees for the student will depend on the items to be purchased. Payments are broken down into three installments. The payment schedule is printed at the bottom of the band attire invoice. Any concerns about this schedule are to be emailed to the Music Boosters’ Invoice Administrator ( CMBMusicFees101 ). Copley Music Booster Website: Music Boosters can be found under Copley High School’s organizations and activities. Go to , find the select-a-school tab and click “Copley High School”. Click the “organizations & activities” tab, then Music Boosters. Packet Information - Read ALL pages included in this packet. Cover and parent page “stay home”; all other pages are required at the fittings. Included in this packet are: Specific parent page Music Boosters’ uniform financial agreement for band Music Boosters’ family contact sheet (only one needs to be submitted per family) Music Boosters’ volunteer form Student invoice (covers marching band and concert season) Make all checks or money orders payable to “ Copley Music Boosters ” and place an appropriate phrase in the memo line [i.e. fitting fees, attire fees]. It’s best not to send cash. Music Boosters can only process credit cards during the scheduled evening fitting sessions. Payments not provided at the fitting sessions are to be placed in an envelope with the student’s name and “band fees” on the outside. The envelope is to be put in the blue mailbox in the music hallway.

Transcript of Band Copley Music Boosters


2020 Band

Copley Music Boosters 3807 Ridgewood Road · Copley, Ohio 44321 [email protected]

CHS Music Participation Packet

As a music student in choir or band, your student can look forward to having some of the best times in their Copley High School lives! We are so happy to have you as part of our musical family! Copley Music Boosters is a volunteer organization composed of parents and educators grades 5-12.

Our mission is to provide both financial and moral support to the vocal and instrumental activities associated with the music programs of Copley-Fairlawn Middle School and Copley High School. The various fundraising activities throughout the year provide opportunities, music, uniforms, instruments and equipment for the entire music program. There are so many exciting things happening, we want everyone to know and share in the musical excellence that has become a tradition for us at Copley!

MEMBERSHIP in Copley Music Boosters is automatic to ALL parents and/or guardians of currently enrolled instrumental, vocal, and color guard students in grades 5-12. Boosters meet once every month to discuss business. Refer to the school district calendar for meeting dates and times.

VOLUNTEER TIME in the Copley Music Boosters is essential to the success of our program. There are many areas where you can help! If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to ask any of us. Information is detailed on the Volunteer Forms enclosed in this packet. We ask all band and choir parents to choose from the many ways to volunteer. If you don’t have the time to volunteer, please consider a patron donation.

FINANCIAL COMMITMENT: Fees for the student will depend on the items to be purchased. Payments are broken down into three installments. The payment schedule is printed at the bottom of the band attire invoice. Any concerns about this schedule are to be emailed to the Music Boosters’ Invoice Administrator ( CMBMusicFees101 ).

Copley Music Booster Website: Music Boosters can be found under Copley High School’s organizations and activities. Go to , find the select-a-school tab and click “Copley High School”. Click the “organizations & activities” tab, then Music Boosters. Packet Information - Read ALL pages included in this packet. Cover and parent page “stay home”; all other pages are required at the fittings. Included in this packet are:

● Specific parent page ● Music Boosters’ uniform financial agreement for band ● Music Boosters’ family contact sheet (only one needs to be submitted per family) ● Music Boosters’ volunteer form ● Student invoice (covers marching band and concert season)

Make all checks or money orders payable to “ Copley Music Boosters ” and place an appropriate phrase in the memo line [i.e. fitting fees, attire fees]. It’s best not to send cash. Music Boosters can only process credit cards during the scheduled evening fitting sessions. Payments not provided at the fitting sessions are to be placed in an envelope with the student’s name and “band fees” on the outside. The envelope is to be put in the blue mailbox in the music hallway.


To ALL Band Members’ Parents

Make all checks or money orders payable to “ Copley Music Boosters ” and place an appropriate phrase in the memo line. It’s best not to send cash. We can process credit cards only during the scheduled fitting sessions noted at the bottom of this page .

1. The initial deposit, and all four (4) forms from the packet are required at the initial fittings in July . Please complete all pages, as the papers go in different directions. A student will not be fitted if the paperwork and deposit are not signed / completed.

2. Payments are divided into three dates. The deposit is required at the fittings in July. A second payment can be paid by August 28th. All

remaining balances must be paid no later than September 25th.

3. All payments and paperwork not turned in during the actual fittings are to be put in an envelope with student name and “band fees” on the outside . The envelope can be placed in the blue mailbox in the music hallway. Doing so minimizes the delay for cashing checks. Payment plans can be arranged to extend past the printed schedule on the invoice. A unique payment schedule may be worked out where the final payment date will set up in October; payments must be completed during the first quarter of the school year. ( email  [email protected] ) . If you are unable to make payments due to financial hardship, please contact Mr. Foster or Mrs. Wade confidentially by email or phone.   

 Payments made toward the student invoice may be refunded except for $60, which is not refundable if the student drops band after the marching band show has been written. Items ordered that are not used may be returned for credit toward the invoice amount.

4. Students may purchase small items at each fall football game. This is typically gloves, winter headwear, or berets for tuba players. Shoes

may be ordered, but will arrive within two weeks. Any ordered items are to be paid for prior to placement of the order with cash or a check made out to Copley Music Boosters. Students cannot “charge” a purchase.

5. Headgear (other than the marching hat) worn in the band stands is limited to the Copley “C” beanie/winter cap, the Copley headband or

the do-rag as listed on the invoice. The only substitution allowed is a SOLID NAVY version of the item. No designs, stripes, squiggles or colors on the item will be allowed. Consider purchasing these items on the invoice.

6. The uniform maintenance fee covers alterations and a scheduled, fixed number of uniform cleanings during the school year. If a student’s

uniform/attire requires a cleaning outside of the schedule, there will be a charge of $4 per item (marching jacket, pants, or concert attire).

7. RETURNING BAND: Please locate your summer uniform, marching shoes and gloves. Try everything on to confirm that it still fits. This will help you determine if you need replacements. Identify any replacement items on the invoice at the time of the fittings in April/May. Consider that you will need the summer uniform for the Memorial Day parade as well. Please bring a separate check to pay for the summer uniform at the fitting. You will receive your summer uniform prior to the parade.

8. Fittings will be done outside the Copley High School Band room. Park in the lot on the east side of the school (behind the softball diamond and the Board of Education Office). Please sign up for a fitting time on the Sign Up Genius link provided by the directors. Fitting dates are as follows.

 Remember to bring deposit payment and completed paperwork to the July 22 and July 23 fitting times. Payments can be made  with cash, check, credit/debit card, or Paypal.   


Returning Band dates and times will be:  Wednesday July 22 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Thursday July 23 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm


  Incoming Freshmen / New to Band dates and times will be:  

Summer Uniform/Shoes/Gloves: Wednesday July 22 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Thursday July 23 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

 Uniform Fittings will be assigned during Band Camp Week


2020 Band

Copley Music Boosters 3807 Ridgewood Road · Copley, Ohio 44321 [email protected]

Copley High School 2020 - 2021

Music Boosters’ Uniform Financial Agreement for Band

Payments: Fees for the student depend on the items to be purchased. Payments are broken down into three installments. A deposit is required at the initial fittings in July. A second payment can be made by August 28th. The full balance is to be paid by September 25th.

I understand that band attire fees must be paid IN FULL. Failure to make payments as scheduled means that any ordered items will not be distributed to the student. The payment schedule is also noted at the bottom of the student invoice.

Any concerns about this schedule are to be emailed to the Music Boosters’ Invoice Administrator; a unique payment schedule may be worked out where the final payment date will be due in October (before the end of the first quarter of the school year. ( [email protected] ). Payments made toward the student invoice may be refunded except for $60, which is not refundable if the student withdraws after the marching band show is written. Items ordered that are not used may be returned to the Music Boosters’ Invoice Administrator for credit toward the invoice amount. Music Department Uniforms: I understand that the Music Boosters provide students with the appropriate base uniform items. These attire pieces are on loan and are considered school property. Students are expected to exercise care when wearing or using these items. If an item is damaged and cannot be repaired, the student is expected to reimburse Music Boosters for the item. For marching band, the items on loan are:

- Marching band jacket, pants,helmet, and plume $ 255.00 $135.00 $ 75.00 $25.00 - Marching band raincoat $ 70.00 - Concert season dress $ 58.00 - Concert season tuxedo (jacket, pants,, cummerbund, and tie $56.00 $26.00 $7.00 $3.00

Student Name: _________________________ ____________________________ Please Print First Last

 Music Boosters Uniform Financial Agreement   I have read the 2020 Band Uniform Financial Agreement above.

1) Payment schedule due dates: Fitting deposit July August 28th, and final payment September 25th 2) Any ordered items will not be distributed until attire fees are paid IN FULL. ** Different for 2020 season 3) The cost of any uniform attire item that is damaged will be paid.

_______________________________________________ __________________ Parent/Guardian Signature (required) Date _______________________________________________ ___________________ Student Signature (required) Date


Copley Music Boosters  3807 Ridgewood Road · Copley, Ohio 44321

CHS Music Program FAMILY Contact Sheet  PLEASE PRINT so we can enter all the correct information. E-mail informa�on is requested to facilitate communica�on, coordinate ac�vi�es, and inform parents of scheduled rehearsals, performances and other music department related informa�on


Please check here to “opt out” of a possible Music Boosters’ family directory   

Please check here if you do not want your student(s) to receive direct text messages from the director(s)   This option does NOT affect the app  

Student - A


Grade 2020-2021 School Year 9 10 11 12

Circle ALL that apply Band Guard Choir

Identify Instrument[s] OR Choir

Planned Graduation Year [circle one]

2024 2023 2022 2021

Cell Phone

Email Address [Student] *** cannot be

Student – B


Grade 2020-2021 School Year 9 10 11 12

Circle ALL that apply Band Guard Choir

Identify Instrument[s] OR Choir

Planned Graduation Year [circle one]

2024 2023 2022 2021

Cell Phone

Email Address [Student] *** cannot be

Student – C


Grade 2020-2021 School Year 9 10 11 12

Circle ALL that apply Band Guard Choir

Identify Instrument[s] OR Choir

Planned Graduation Year [circle one]

2024 2023 2022 2021

Cell Phone

Email Address [Student] *** cannot be

Parent/Guardian Information



Email Address [Parent1]

Email Address [Parent2]

Home Phone [Parent1]

Cell Phone [Parent1]

At least one parent should receive Music Boosters’ emails Send Music Boosters’ emails to: Parent1 Parent2 Both

Home Phone [Parent2]

Cell Phone [Parent2]

Home Address + City / State / Zip Code [Student(s)]

Home Address + City / State / Zip Code Parent] or write SAME

The Copley Music Program strives to keep communications current. This information will NOT be shared with any other company or organization.

Revised March 2020


Copley Music Boosters 3807 Ridgewood Road, Copley, Ohio 44321 Email: [email protected]

Volunteer Sign-Up Form: ( required form ) Complete parent and student name block at the top The Copley Music Boosters depends heavily on volunteers to help raise funds to support our music programs. We ask that each parent donate time each year in support of their student and this department. Check the areas below in which you are interested in volunteering your time. A Booster representative will contact you to provide you with more information.


Email Address Student Name

Studen tGrade in Aug

Phone Number

_______ I am unable to volunteer with the 2020 Copley Music Boosters Music program Band ____ Guard _____ Choir ____

Concessions [Fall home events] Marching Band Chaperones & Pit Crew

Volleyball Chaperones for away football games (travel on bus)

Soccer Circle choices Boys Girls

Chaperones for competitions and contests


Circle choices Varsity JV Freshman

Band Escorts: for home football games (walking with band thru parking lot)

Circle choices BEFORE AFTER

Concessions [Winter and Spring home events] Marching Band Pit Crew crew needed at all football games and competitions

Basketball Circle choices Boys Girls

Marching Band Trailer Drivers’ crew needed for away football games and competitions


Track Circle choices Boys Girls

Music Dept Uniform Support

Lacrosse Circle choices Boys Girls

Marching Band Fittings April/May (evening times)

Marching Band alterations June/July at home (simple sewing of hems, no machine required)

Choir Fittings Early Sept (evening times)

Misc Fund Raising Choir alterations Sept/Early Oct at home (simple sewing of hems, no machine required)

Concert Band Fittings Oct/Early Nov. (evening times)

Cookie Walk: December concerts Circle choices Choir Band

Concert Band alterations (Nov and 1 st week in Dec) (simple sewing of hems, no machine required)

Acme Receipts (collecting Aug thru Dec with tabulation & finalization in Jan)

Uniform rehanging (evening work after dry-cleaning) Circle one Choir Band

Local dine-in mini fundraising (monthly) (participating restaurants TBD)

Annual Fund Raising Performance Event Uniform Checkout & Check In ****** You will not miss any part of the program

Fall Marching Band OMEA Invitational [October] Prep begins in Sept ** Available volunteer slots will be published in Sept

Before or after football games (Fridays thru 1 st weekend in November)

Circle choices Home games Away games

Patron Drive in the classrooms CHS: August, Sept CFMS: March/April

Before program/event or competition help Circle Choices Choir Band

After program/event or competition help Circle Choices Choir Band

Should you have any questions, please contact: Copley Music Boosters at [email protected] and your question(s) will be forwarded to the appropriate individual.

Rev. 5 Mar 2020


Marching Concert

FEES and SUPPLIES Copley Marching Indians

Invoice 2020 -

Symphonic School Year 2020-2021 Wind Ensemble rev. 2020.01

Student Information Last Name: First Name: Grade in August:

Address: Instrument(s): City: Ohio Zip: Student Phone

Item Description / Notes Size Qty Unit Pric e

Line Tota

l The following items are required each year; pay only ONE maintenance fee per year

Uniform Maint. Fee - full year Full-time Band members (marching & concert) n/a


Uniform Maint. Fee - half year For those only in concert season --- limited to Guard

& those who receive special permission of director



Misc fees Covers any misc. charges or unique costs throughout the school year (noted in 'size')

Black Gloves (2 pair recommended)

Required; to be replaced as needed ($5/pair); can be purchased before games


1 / 2 $5 / $10

Show Theme T-shirt Annual theme T-shirt for band student XS S M L

XL 2XL 3XL 1 $10

Senior Shoulder Cords Seniors wear cords to identify "senior status" one size $12

The following items are required for first year members; to be replaced as needed

Summer Band Shirt Required; to be replaced as needed S M L XL 2XL 3XL


Black Marching Shoes

Required; to be replaced as needed; if ordered in band camp cost is $

if ordered after school starts cost is $

men / women med /



Cymbal Gloves 1 pair required for performances; practice pair opt. S / M / L only $15 Beret -- Tuba Players only Required; to be replaced as needed one size $16

Tux Shirt -- concert tux pkg

Required for concert season, replaced as needed; fitted in Oct/Nov. and issued before first concert sizing TBD at concert fittings in Oct/Nov


The following items are optional; only acceptable headgear when in uniform Copley "C" Winter Beanie Only hat to be worn when in uniform one size $10 Copley Winter Headband Only headband to be worn when in uniform one size $11 Solid navy do-rag Only do-rag/bandana to be worn when in uniform one size $8


Make checks/money order payable to "Copley Music Boosters"

For Boosters’ Invoice Administrator only: Responsible Party: Responsible Party Phone

NEW Band: Min $100 deposit required at time of fitting RETURNING Band: Min $60 deposit required at time of fitting

Payment schedule is listed in chart below ----- $60 is non-refundable if dropped after the marching band show has been written.

Due Date Amount to be Paid Date Rec'd Check Num & Amount Verified by Balance Due

Fitting session July deposit amount

August 28, 2020 partial payment

September 23, 2020 balance owed