Bahasa Inggris Tugas

Tools : Watch Glass, used for mixing small amounts of chemicals and observing non-energenetic reactions Erlenmeyer Flask, are useful to react or to hold liquid samples. They are also useful to catch filtrates Burette, are for addition of a precise volume of liquid. The volume of liquid added can be determined to the nearest 0,01 ml with practice Volumetric pipette, are used to dispense small quantities of liquids Spatula,is used like a spoon or an instrument for scooping material out of a container Beaker glass are useful as a reaction container or to hold liquid or solid samples. They are also used to catch liquids from titrations and filtrates from filtering process Volumetric flask, are used to measure precise volumes of liquid or to make precise dilutions Glass rod, are used to stir liquids Analytical balance, is an electronic scale that can measure the mass of an object to an accuracy of 0,0001 grams Rubber bulb, are used to sucks the liquid into the pipette and also to drain the pipette in a controlled Materials : Potassium hydroxide



Transcript of Bahasa Inggris Tugas

Tools : Watch Glass, used for mixing small amounts of chemicals and observing non-energenetic reactions Erlenmeyer Flask, are useful to react or to hold liquid samples. They are also useful to catch filtrates Burette, are for addition of a precise volume of liquid. The volume of liquid added can be determined to the nearest 0,01 ml with practice Volumetric pipette, are used to dispense small quantities of liquids Spatula,is used like a spoon or an instrument for scooping material out of a container

Beaker glass are useful as a reaction container or to hold liquid or solid samples. They are also used to catch liquids from titrations and filtrates from filtering process Volumetric flask, are used to measure precise volumes of liquid or to make precise dilutions Glass rod, are used to stir liquids Analytical balance, is an electronic scale that can measure the mass of an object to an accuracy of 0,0001 grams Rubber bulb, are used to sucks the liquid into the pipette and also to drain the pipette in a controlledMaterials : Potassium hydroxide Palmitic acid Thymol blue indicator Distilled water Crude palm oil

Procedure :Standarization of Potassium Hydroxide with Palmitic Acid First of all make 0.1 Normality of Potassium Hydroxide solutions as much as 250 ml and put it into volumetric flask After that place the solutions into burette as much as 50 ml Then weigh palmitic acid as much as 1gram and mix it with ethanol with 96% purity as much as 25 ml into Erlenmeyer flask Next add thymol blue indicator as much as 2 untill 3 drops into the palmitic acid mixture And then titrate the mixture with potassium hydroxide Finally calculate the normality of potassium hydroxide solutionsDetermination of Free Fatty Acid of Crude Palm Crude Palm oil First place 1 gram of Crude Palm Oil inside Erlenmeyer flask Then pour the ethanol inside it as much as 25 ml After that add thymol blue indicator as much as 2-3 drops into the Crude Palm Oil mixture Next titrate with potassium hydroxide until the solution turning into blue colour Repeat the expreminets until 3 times Finally calculate the Free Fatty Acid

Peralatan: Perhatikan Kaca, digunakan untuk mencampur sejumlah kecil bahan kimia dan mengamati reaksi non-energenetic Erlenmeyer Flask, berguna untuk bereaksi atau memegang sampel cair. Mereka juga berguna untuk menangkap filtrat Buret, adalah untuk penambahan volume yang tepat dari cairan. Volume cairan ditambahkan dapat ditentukan dengan ketelitian 0,01 ml dengan praktek pipet volumetrik, digunakan untuk mengeluarkan sejumlah kecil cairan Spatula, digunakan seperti sendok atau alat untuk menyendoki bahan dari wadah

kaca Beaker berguna sebagai wadah reaksi atau memegang sampel cair atau padat. Mereka juga digunakan untuk menangkap cairan dari titrasi dan filtrat dari proses penyaringan

termos volumetrik, digunakan untuk mengukur volume yang tepat dari cairan atau untuk membuat pengenceran yang tepat

batang kaca, digunakan untuk membangkitkan cairan

keseimbangan analitis, adalah skala elektronik yang dapat mengukur massa suatu benda dengan akurasi 0,0001 gram bola karet, digunakan untuk mengisap cairan ke dalam pipet dan juga untuk menguras pipet dalam terkontrol

bahan: Kalium hidroksida Asam palmitat indikator biru Timol Air suling minyak sawit mentah

prosedur: Standarisasi Kalium Hidroksida dengan Asam palmitat Pertama-tama membuat 0,1 Normalitas solusi Kalium Hidroksida sebanyak 250 ml dan memasukkannya ke dalam labu ukur Setelah tempat itu solusi ke buret sebanyak 50 ml Kemudian menimbang asam palmitat sebanyak 1gram dan mencampurnya dengan etanol dengan kemurnian 96% sebanyak 25 ml ke dalam labu Erlenmeyer Selanjutnya tambahkan indikator biru timol sebanyak 2 sampai 3 tetes ke dalam campuran asam palmitat Kemudian titrasi campuran dengan kalium hidroksida Akhirnya menghitung normalitas solusi kalium hidroksida

Penentuan Free Fatty Acid minyak Crude Palm Crude Palm Pertama Tempat 1 gram Crude Palm Oil dalam labu Erlenmeyer Kemudian tuangkan etanol di dalamnya sebanyak 25 ml Setelah itu tambahkan indikator biru timol sebanyak 2-3 tetes ke dalam campuran Crude Palm Oil Berikutnya titrasi dengan kalium hidroksida sampai larutan berubah menjadi warna biru Ulangi expreminets sampai 3 kali Akhirnya menghitung Asam Lemak Bebas