Ayurveda Q

Ayurveda Q&A: Home remedies for liver cirrhosis Dr Gowthaman, Medical Director, Dr Gowthaman’s Ayurveda Panchakarma Center, Chennai, answers readers’ questions on Ayurveda. Get your doubts cleared and see them featured on our FAQ page every Tuesday. This week’s answers: 1. Sir, I am affected for last one month by a Obesity ( Big Stomach ) and acidity and i am testing by blood the sugar level is fasting – 142 mg PP – 246 mg URINE Fasting – NIl PP – Green PPT(+) URIC Acid – 9.3Mg TGL – 480 HDL – 26.78 Total CHOL – 266.70 FREE T3 – 3.13 ml FREE T4 – 1.22 dl


Ayurveda Q

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Ayurveda Q&A: Home remedies for liver cirrhosis

Dr Gowthaman, Medical Director, Dr Gowthaman’s Ayurveda Panchakarma Center, Chennai, answers readers’ questions on Ayurveda. Get your doubts cleared and see them featured on our FAQ page every Tuesday.This week’s answers:

1. Sir, I am affected for last one month by a Obesity ( Big Stomach ) and acidity and i am testing by bloodthe sugar level is fasting – 142 mgPP – 246 mg

URINEFasting – NIlPP – Green PPT(+)

URIC Acid – 9.3Mg

TGL – 480HDL – 26.78

Total CHOL – 266.70

FREE T3 – 3.13 mlFREE T4 – 1.22 dl

TSH – 6.77

With these above results can i know am i Diabetic? If there is any Ayurvedic Tablets to Reduce the Obesity and Aciidity. Please suggest.Thanks and reagrdsMurali

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Yes, blood sugar levels are suggesting that you are diabetic. Your cholesterol levels are also high. You may require a holistic treatment for all complaints – Diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity.

A holistic approach which heals both body and mind can control diabetes naturally. More than just medicine, lifestyle changes can help.

The Ayurveda philosophy aims towards a long and above all healthy life in the sense of a balanced style of living – based on the three pillars of body, mind and soul. Any course of treatment therefore starts with personalization. This includes not only recording the case history and the current living habits, but also a pulse diagnosis and a physical check-up.

In this connection, deciding on the Dosha type according to the Ayurveda Tri dosha model plays a very important part. After consultation with experts, we have nevertheless decided to list a number of indications and name some disorders that have frequently been alleviated by Ayurveda treatments. The types of treatment vary of course according to the Dosha type.

A combination of yoga, meditation and Ayurveda therapies and thus a holistic method. This treatment takes 3-4 hours daily for a period of 7-14 days and includes yoga, meditation, rejuvenation massages and Dhara, Njavarakizhi, Thalam, herbal steam baths, mud packs etc. and orally taken Ayurveda medicine. This personalized approach is very effective for stress management and to encourage body and soul to achieve composure of the mind.

Generally speaking Kataka Kadiradi Kashayam 15 ml + 45 ml of warm water twice daily before breakfast and dinner with Madhumeha nasini ras 2 tablets help. Siva Gutika 1 tablet thrice daily 5 minutes before food helps for all diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity.

Simple apple diet – One apple before breakfast, lunch and dinner helps.

2. my age is 17 and weight 70 plz advise how i am lose my weightMahevishAs I suggested many times physical exercise and simple apple diet are the best ways to reduce weight. Take 1 apple before breakfast, 2 apples before lunch and dinner followed by your regular meal for 120 days. This will help you to reduce at least 5-7 kg.

Ayurveda guide lines for obesity

a. Usage of barley, green gram, red gram and horse gram is recommendedb. Honey is recommended in minor dosesc. Always drink warm water to eliminate the toxinsd. For cooking Sesame oil/ Mustard oil is indicated. Spices like turmeric, black pepper, ginger and rock salt are advised for obesity.e. Vegetables with astringent, bitter and pungent taste, soup with such vegetables as diet improve the weight lossf. Avoid sweets prepared from wheat, cakes, pastries, milk and sugar, cold drinks, alcohol, deep fried foods and non vegetarian diet.

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g. Active physical life is very important to prevent and manage weight gain. Staying awake at night and day sleep will increase the Medo Dhatu which in turn ends up in Obesity.h. Ayurveda recommends herbs like Amrutha (Tinospora cordifolia), Mustaa (Cyperus rotundsa) Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula), Bibhitaka (Terminalia belerica) and Aamalaka (Embica officinalis) for prevention and management of this condition.i. Ayurveda recommends a special weight loss recipe called “Takra Arishta” – Fermented buttermilk for active weight loss

3. hi,my husband having liver cirrhosis.i from malaysia.i want have 2 gud treatment for my husband.plz reply me.DhyanaHerbs, effective for protecting the liver

a. Andrographis paniculata (kalmegh) – Andrographolide, the active constituent isolated from the plant Andrographis paniculata, showed significantly increased the percent viability of the hepatocytes. For centuries Andrographis has been an important herb in the Asian healing systems of Ayurveda, Unani and Traditional Chinese Medicine.Traditionally this herb has been used to potentiate immune system response to inflammation and infections, and as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic (lowers fevers) and a hepato-protective.b. Phyllanthus Amaris (Bhuiamala) – Phyllanthus Amaris has been researched for its effects on hepatitis. Clinically reported that 22 of 37 cases of Hepatitis B lost their “carrier” status after using the herb for a month.c. Boerhavia diffusa (Punarnava) – An alcoholic extract of whole plant Boerhavia diffusa given orally exhibited hepatoprotective activity. The extract also produced an increase in normal bile flow suggesting a strong choleretic activity.d. Eclipta alba (Bhringaraj)- Was significantly restored by Ea. The study shows that hepatoprotective activity of Ea is by regulating the levels of hepatic microsomal drug metabolising enzymes.e. Swertia Chirata(Chirayata) – Simultaneous treatments with S. Chirata caused improvement at both biochemical and histo-pathological parameters.f. Terminalia belerica (Baheda) – Induced physiological and biochemical alterations in the liver. Administration of compound I led to significant reversal of majority of the altered parameters. Our results confirm the presence of hepato protective activity in altered parameters.g. Tenospora cordifolia(Guduchi) – Outstanding results in people suffering from jaundice have been obtained using a herb called Tenospora Cordifolia used the herb in malignant obstructive jaundice.h. Picrorhiza kuroa (Katuki) – Picrorrhiza Kurroa is one of the herbs they recommend to support the liver not on

Home remediesAlthough simple, if regularly practiced can prove effective in treating liver cirrhosisa. Drink Giloy (Tenospora cordifolia) juice mixed with honey.b. Add black salt to tomato juice and consume it once a day.c. Soak a tender bark of Acacia tree in water overnight and consume it in the morning.d. Obtain a tablespoon of juice by grinding the black seeds of papaya and mix with 10 drops of fresh lime juice. Take this concoction twice a day for a month.

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Ayurveda Pancha karma for CirrhosisAyurveda emphasizes preventive and healing therapies along with various methods of purification and rejuvenation. To achieve this balanced state of body, mind and consciousness, Ayurveda prescribes Pancha karma therapy for the cleansing of body toxins.

Pancha karma means five purification process or therapies. Ayurveda treatments give more emphasis on prevention than cure. That’s why prevention is always better than cure.

Pancha karma is of purification type of treatment. There are so many subtypes of this therapy and different types of herbal massages, fomentation’s such as steam, external oil treatments, Basti (medicated enemas), Virechana (purgation through herbs), Vamana (emesis through herbs), Nasya (nasal administration of oils) etc. are also incorporated. These practices are extremely helpful in relieving deep seated diseases as well as being beneficial for maintaining and improving physical and mental health.

Lifestyle changes, reduced alcohol intake, increased water and fresh vegetables & fruits intake improves the liver function. Following Ayurveda treatments, Medicines and incorporating Yoga in some way into one’s daily routine can also prove beneficial.

4. My mother aged 72, is having b.p., border-line sugar and thyroid. She is under medication for all this. She is also having osteo-arthritis for the past few years. Recently she seems to have osteo-arthritis in her rib (as shown in scan report) also and has mild pain. Is there any treatment for this please. She seems to be having mild pain.Regards,A.R.RamanarayananYes, Ayurveda can help. Ayurveda therapies and medicines can improve the condition swiftly.

Ayurveda treatment protocol is primarily focused on normalizing the vitiated vata dosha and to rejuvenate the affected tissue. Since this condition may also be related to stress, Ayurveda recommends a holistic approach with Ayurveda medicines and therapies, life style modifications and diet, minimized exercise and yoga.

Ayurveda recommends Guggulu, Aloe Vera, Ashwagandha, Turmeric, Giloy, Dry Ginger, Shallaki etc for prevention. These herbs are well known muscular and stress relaxants and anti inflammatory with no side effects which helps to prevent and to manage this condition. Ayurveda does recommend intake of 3 gm of Cow’s ghee as diet for prevention.

Ayurveda therapies

Ayurveda cautions not to use any stronger, vibrant massage therapies for this condition as it may further worsen the condition. Only a gentle application of warm medicated oil, depends on the condition and Prakriti of the patient the oil is selected followed by herbal steam application improves the condition in no time.

Uro Vasti: Ayurveda recommends this therapy as a specialized care therapy for this condition. A bridge is formed on the back bone with flour power and warm medicated oil is filled for the

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period of 45-60 minutes. This helps the muscles and ligaments to relax and heal; improved blood circulation heals the tissues. This treatment usually advised for 14-28 days depends on the condition.

Ela Kizhi: Warm medicated oil application followed by warm Herbal bolus on the affected part improves the stiffness and pain. This therapy is recommended for 7-14 days depends on the condition

Mamsa Navara Kizhi: This is one of the specialized treatments for Osteoporosis. Red meat, medicated rice, Vata normalizing herbs processed with milk, made as a bolus. After the gentle application of the warm oil, this bolus is applied on the affected parts for 30-45 minutes without pressure. This treatment is very effective to heal any types of Osteoporosis and with any degree of pain. This treatment usually suggested for 21-28 days depends of the condition.These three above treatments is suggested alone or in combination depends on the condition.

Ayurveda recommendation:

a. Avoid sour, salty foods and drinks, curd, deep fried foods, maida, suji, pulses and various by-products of pulsesb. Take bitter gourd, drum stick and neem flowers as dietc. Wheat helps well than riced. Add more fibers and water as constipation may increase the conditione. Avoid exposure to cold, cold water bath, violent exercise without proper guidancef. Improve mild physical exercises like walking, etc.

5. Dear Sir, I am suffering severe acidity , heartburn and farting too much. Since childhood I used to have stomach disorder. I was taking careful diet adjusting to my stomach. But since last 1 year I am getting too much farting, gases, heartburn, stomach disturbances. Mainly my pee is sometime like foam and after flushing in latrin I find floating and after 3 to 4 flushing it goes. Please suggest and guide me Also I am confused either I should take or avoid few below foodsLemon, apple, orange, hot soup, sour food, raw vegetables, fruits etc. Please help meRegards,TejaLooks like you are suffering from very high levels of Pitta dosha. Proper Pitta detoxification can help you a lot.

You may have to avoid lemon, orange, sour and salty foods and drinks.

Take 3 gm of Avipathy Choornam at bed time with warm water. This herbal powder is not a laxative. This basically gives strength to stomach and intestinal muscles so that the bowel movements become regular.

* It’s good to drink plenty of buttermilk in a day to avoid stomach related problems and take fresh juices.* Eat brown rice/ boiled rice and avoid white rice and white flour

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* Always take freshly prepared foods.* Take fresh fruits and vegetables* Avoid all re-heated foods, deep fat fried, spicy foods, packed chips items, pickles, fast foods, refined flour, sugar etc* Drink 3 liters of water in a day and hydrate yourself.* Avoid non-vegetarian foods or take as clear soups.* Avoid coffee, all carbonated drinks, alcohol etc which cause water-loss and also a reason for irritable bowel syndrome.* Drink green tea, milk etc instead other beverages.

Send in your questions on Ayurveda to [email protected] now! And don’t forget to include `Ayurveda FAQ` in the subject line.

Tags: Ask our experts, Ayurveda, Diabetes mellitus, Dr Gowthaman, high cholesterol, Obesity, Sify Health