AW Academy Awards Proposal

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  • 8/8/2019 AW Academy Awards Proposal


    AW Academy Awards Proposal

    Compiled by Christopher Walkeraka SW Chris

    September 9, 2005

  • 8/8/2019 AW Academy Awards Proposal


    Purpose of the Organization

    The purpose of this organization is to provide Active Worlds with a medium whereones peers may choose to recognize one for their contributions to their communityor the greater Active Worlds universe. We believe that the most secure, efficient,

    and fairest way to do this is to create an Academy of peers to make these decisions.

    Brief Step-by-Step Outline

    The following list is a step-by-step guide that shows how we bring each awardsseason from the planning stage to the final show.

    1. Organize the task force. If any member retires or is terminated, it isimperative that we have a full task force before moving on.

    2. Review and finalize the rules and procedures and awards categories for thisawards season.

    3. Begin recruiting new Academy members and alternates for vacant Academypositions. Members who did not do their duty last awards season by filling outtheir ballots will be replaced. Members who also retire will also needreplaced.

    4. Begin building/renovating the show world and make preparations for thingslike the amount of bandwidth we will need available for the show.

    5. Begin the nomination process. The public submits nominees in each awardcategory for the Academy to consider.

    6. Finalize the Academy roster for the current awards season. The list ofAcademy members will be kept confidential to avoid politicking andharassment of members.

    7. Nomination process ends. We publish the nominees list on our website.8. The Academy selects the winners for each award via secret ballot.9. We publish a list of the Top 5 Finalists on our website.10. Prepare media for the awards show.11. Finish show world.12. Rehearsals.13. Show time!14. Distribute awards and prizes in a timely fashion to the winners.

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    The Academy

    Academy memberships are given out on an invite only basis by the task force. Wedo not want power-seekers or bias on our team and so those who ask for a positionwill not be considered for one. We only want those who are dedicated to the

    organization and who will represent the awards by exemplifying them. Secondarily,Academy Members should represent the myriad of different communities within AW.Academy Members must also be in good standing with their community and thegreater Active Worlds universe.

    Academy members are voted on by all task force members on a voluntary basis viapoll in the task forces private forum. A simple majority vote makes the member-elect a member.

    The Academy is an academy of ones peers. In keeping with this most basic tenantof our organization, Academy members are assigned to vote only in the awardscategories in which they have prior experience. As such, winners and finalists fromprior awards shows will be considered for vacant positions within the categories inwhich they have been nominated.

    Each awards category will have anywhere from 5 to 10 members assigned to it andwill have 2 to 4 alternates just in case a member does not perform his or her duty byvisiting each nominees build or by researching each nominee and then filling out aballot.

    After an awards cycle, any Academy member who did not perform his/her duty willbe terminated from the Academy. Any Academy member who does not remain ingood standing with his/her community and the greater Active Worlds universe willalso be terminated.

    Eligibility for Awards

    1. In an effort to maintain fairness and objectivity, Academy members are eligible toreceive awards and statues, but will not receive the prizes that come with them.

    2. If an Academy member is nominated for an award, they shall not be allowed tovote in the awards category for which they were nominated. They shall, however, beallowed to vote in any other awards categories in which they were not nominated.An alternate will fill any vacant positions for that year only if this situation occurs.

    This does not mean that Academy members will be discharged from their positionssimply because they were nominated. They will be able to resume their positionagain the following awards season.

    3. Academy members may also choose to decline a nomination and still retain theright to vote in the category for which they were nominated.

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    Proposed Awards CategoriesThese awards categories are designed to recognize outstanding, but not necessarilythe best, leaders and creations that people have made. A creation may beoutstanding in one area but deficient in another, and as you will see in Section 8, theAcademy Ballots for each award have been configured to reflect this reality. Below is

    a listing of the awards categories to be presented for the 2005-2006 awards season.

    DefinitionsPublic Building World: A public building world is a world where all tourists and/orcitizens may freely build without needing to first ask for permission from the worldadministrators.

    Private World: A private world is one where tourists and citizens are not allowed tobuild without special permission given to them by the world administrators.

    The Awards Season: Normally the awards season is considered to be from January 1st

    to December 31st of the previous year. For the first show, it is considered to be fromthe last Academy Awards nomination period until the present.

    Active Community: This is considered a community where its leadership is engagedin running the communitys day to day affairs, whether they be building, interactingwith members of the community, or interacting with others outside of theircommunity.

    World Level Community: This community is built for and revolves around a world inmuch the same way communities in public building worlds are built and revolvearound a town within the world.

    Eligibility1. Each award has its own special conditions for eligibility. These have beenincluded underneath the description for each award. Most of these conditions are

    very similar to each other.2. People who win for objects, designs, environments, or for participation in acommunity service organization cannot win the same award again for the sameobject, design, environment or participation in the same community serviceorganization. For example, cetaris paribus, someone who wins in OutstandingAchievement in Avatar Design for a spaceman avatar in 2006 may not win the sameaward for the same avatar in 2007.3. People are eligible to win the same award in different years for different objects,designs, or environments. For example, cetaris paribus, someone who wins inOutstanding Achievement in Avatar Design for a spaceman avatar in 2006 is eligibleto win the same award for a dragon avatar in 2007.4. Nominations for awards in the Leadership Division are limited to one nominationper person, per year for each award unless otherwise specified.

    Leadership DivisionOutstanding Achievement in Community/Town AdministrationDescription: Awarded to those who show exceptional service to and leadership of acommunity that is not a world level community.Eligibility: Nominees must have been in an administrative position within the townthat he/she is being nominated for administrating, and must have been holding thatposition for at least part of the previous awards season. Administrators ofcommunities within private worlds are eligible as long as they are not the world level

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    community (for these communities, see Outstanding Achievement in WorldAdministration). For example, administrators of communities within a Role PlayingGame world are considered eligible, but administrators of the entire Role PlayingGame world are not eligible. People may be nominated more than once foradministrating two or more different towns in the same year, one nomination pertown.

    Outstanding Achievement in World AdministrationDescription: Awarded to those who show exceptional service to and leadership of aprivate world.Eligibility: Nominee must have been in an administrative position of the world thathe/she is being nominated for administrating during at least part of the previousawards season. Administrators of public building worlds as well as administrators ofprivate worlds are eligible for this award. Administrators of communities that arepart of the larger world community and are not considered the larger worldcommunity are not eligible for this award. People may be nominated more than oncefor administrating two or more different worlds in the same year, one nomination perworld.

    Outstanding Event Planning and ExecutionDescription: Awarded to those who show exceptional leadership in planning andexecution of an event.Eligibility: The event in question must be related to the Active Worlds software. Theevent may take place in or out of universe and is not limited to online events, andmust have taken place during the previous awards season. A person who plans anevent that has won during a previous awards season, for example, AW Reunion 2006,are eligible to receive the same award again for AW Reunion 2007 because the 2007reunion would have in fact been a different event. People may be nominated morethan once for planning two or more different events in the same year, onenomination per event.

    Outstanding Upcoming Leader in Community ServiceDescription: The sister award to Outstanding Upcoming Builder. It is awarded tothose who have registered as Active Worlds citizens during the previous awardsseason who show exceptional motivation and selflessness when helping others.Eligibility: Nominee must have registered for the first time during the previousawards season. Nominees who nominate themselves will not be considered.Nominees do not have to be in a leadership position where they are responsible forothers underneath them, but must have been in a community service position for atleast part of the previous awards season.

    Outstanding Leadership in Community ServiceDescription: Awarded to those who show exceptional leadership in leading othersinvolved in community service.Eligibility: Nominees who nominate themselves will not be considered. Nomineesmust have been in a leadership position where they are responsible for others

    underneath them for at least part of the previous awards season.

    Outstanding Community ServiceDescription: Awarded to those who show exceptional selflessness and motivation tohelp others.Eligibility: Nominees who nominate themselves will not be considered. This personmust have been active in community service for at least part of the previous awardsseason and does not need to be in a leadership position.

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    Outstanding CommunityDescription: Awarded to the community, world, or town that shows exceptionalcommunity spirit.Eligibility: Nominee must be a community or town that has been active for at leastpart of the previous awards season.

    Creative DivisionOutstanding Achievement in ProgrammingDescription: Awarded to those who create a utility that can be used for thebetterment of Active Worlds. Includes but is not limited to bot or web-based utilities.Eligibility: Utility usage must in some way be related to Active Worlds.

    Outstanding Achievement in Object DesignDescription: Awarded to those who have achieved exceptional modeling and/ortexturing of a specific object.Eligibility: The object that the nominee has been nominated for must have beenfinished during the previous awards season.

    Outstanding Achievement in Avatar Design

    Description: Awarded to those who have achieved exceptional modeling and/ortexturing of a specific avatar.Eligibility: The avatar that the nominee has been nominated for must have beenfinished during the previous awards season. Avatar skins are not eligible for thisaward.

    Outstanding Achievement in Avatar SkinningDescription: Awarded to those who have created an exceptional skin for acustomized avatar.Eligibility: The avatar skin that the nominee has been nominated for must have beenfinished during the previous awards season. Avatar models or texture sets for non-custom avatars are not eligible for this award.

    Outstanding Media PresentationDescription: Awarded to those who have created a media presentation that is relatedto Active Worlds.Eligibility: Radio and Television stations are not eligible. Radio and Televisionshows, movies, newspapers, and slide shows are eligible for this award.

    Outstanding Active Worlds Themed WebsiteDescription: Awarded to those who have created a well developed Active Worldsthemed website.Eligibility: Website must have been updated at least once during the previousawards season.

    Outstanding Upcoming Builder

    Description: The sister award to Outstanding Upcoming Leader in CommunityService. It is awarded to those who have registered as Active Worlds citizens duringthe previous awards season who show exceptional motivation and willingness tolearn the art of building with object paths. Nominees are nominated for theirmotivation and willingness to learn, not for a specific creation.Eligibility: Nominees must have registered for the first time during the previousawards season.

    Outstanding Achievement in Interactive Application

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    Description: Awarded to those who have created an environment that includesexceptional interactive elements that either the user interacts with or that interactwith the user. The specific rights granted to the user by the world in which theenvironment was created in will be considered by the Academy when selecting thewinner of this award.Eligibility: Nominee must have created an environment during the previous awards

    season that shows some degree of interactivity. Environments created in bothprivate and public building worlds are eligible.Outstanding Innovation in ArchitectureDescription: Awarded to those who have created interesting, functional, andaesthetically pleasing architecture for a specific building or object. The object pathused will be considered by the Academy when selecting the winner for this award.Eligibility: Nominee must have created this building or object during the previousawards season.

    Outstanding Ground Zero DesignDescription: A ground zero is often where users who are visiting your world or townland for the very first time. This award is given to those who have created aninformative and aesthetically pleasing ground zero for a specific town or world.Eligibility: All ground zeros for which nominees have been nominated for must havebeen updated at least once during the previous awards season. Winning groundzeroes from previous years must be significantly different than they were when theyfirst won the award to be eligible for the current year.

    Outstanding Achievement in Game Design in a Private WorldDescription: Awarded to those who have achieved a successful melding of gameplay,immersion, and functionality of a game within a private world.Eligibility: The game that nominees have been nominated for must clearly be agame to be eligible. The size of the game does not matter. Mini-games and queststo full blown role playing game worlds are eligible for this award.

    Outstanding Achievement in Game Design in a Public Building WorldDescription: Awarded to those who have achieved a successful melding of gameplay,immersion, and functionality of a game within a public building world.Eligibility: The game that nominees have been nominated for must clearly be agame to be eligible. The size of the game does not matter. Mini-games and queststo full blown role playing games are eligible for this award.

    Outstanding Achievement in Immersive Environment Design in a PrivateWorldDescription: Awarded to those who have created an environment that immerses theuser into the world that they have created. The use of sounds, textures, ambience,realism, aesthetics, zones, particles, and management of lag are integral parts of theselection process for this award. Interactive elements will not be judged during theselection process.

    Eligibility: Nominee must have created an environment during the previous awardsseason that shows some degree of immersion and may or may not include interactiveelements.

    Outstanding Achievement in Immersive Environment Design in a PublicBuilding WorldDescription: Awarded to those who have created an environment that immerses theuser into the world that they have created. The use of sounds, textures, ambience,realism, aesthetics, zones, particles, and management of lag are integral parts of the

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    selection process for this award. Interactive elements will not be judged during theselection process. The specific rights granted to the user by the world in which theenvironment was created in will be considered by the Academy when selecting thewinner of this award.Eligibility: Nominee must have created an environment that shows some degree ofimmersion and may or may not include interactive elements.

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    Proposed Nomination Forms

    Outstanding Achievement in Community/TownAdministrationDescription: Awarded to those who show exceptional service to and leadership of acommunity that exists within the world level community.

    A * indicates a required field. Failure to correctly fill these fields out will result in yournomination not being considered.

    Your Name*:Your Citizen Number*:Nominee*:

    Town He/She Administrates*:Write down a few members of this town*:Write down this persons superiors, if any:Write down this persons subordinates, if any:

    Why do you think this person deserves this award?*:

    Outstanding Achievement in World AdministrationDescription: Awarded to those who show exceptional service to and leadership of aprivate world.

    A * indicates a required field. Failure to correctly fill these fields out will result in yournomination not being considered.

    Your Name*:Your Citizen Number*:Nominee*:

    World He/She Administrates*:Write down a few members of this town*:Write down this persons superiors, if any:Write down this persons subordinates, if any:Why do you think this person deserves this award?

    Outstanding Event Planning and ExecutionDescription: Awarded to those who show exceptional leadership in planning andexecution of an event.

    A * indicates a required field. Failure to correctly fill these fields out will result in yournomination not being considered.

    Your Name*:Your Citizen Number*:Nominee*:Event He/She Planned*:Did you participate in this event?*:Write down a few other people who did participate in this event*:Why do you think this person deserves this award?

    Outstanding Upcoming Leader in Community Service

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    Description: The sister award to Outstanding Upcoming Builder. It is awarded tothose who have registered as Active Worlds citizens during the previous awardsseason who show exceptional motivation and selflessness when helping others.

    A * indicates a required field. Failure to correctly fill these fields out will result in yournomination not being considered.

    Your Name*:Your Citizen Number*:Nominee*:Organizations he/she is involved in*:Write down a few other people who know this person*:Write down any subordinates, if any:Write down any superiors, if any:Why do you think this person deserves this award?

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    Proposed Scoring Method

    Scores for each question on an Academy ballot are added together to make a ballottotal score. The total ballot scores from each academy member ballot are thenaveraged with all the other total ballot scores for that nominee to form an average

    score for that nominee. This score is then divided by the total number of pointspossible that the nominee can earn to come up with the final score for that nominee.The highest final score in the award category is the award winner. The next fourhighest are the finalists.

    The coordinator will calculate the results based on the ballots returned by Academymembers. Only the coordinator and specific members of the task force will be awareof the final results until they are announced during the awards show.

    Example of a Ballot and Scoring MethodOutstanding Active Worlds Themed WebsiteNominee: AWAcademy.comWebmaster: Joe Bloe

    Description: Awarded to those who have created a well developed Active Worldsthemed website.

    Rate this website on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For all items, aten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and least desirable.

    How informative is this website about the subject that it is based on?7

    How easy is it to navigate from place to place within the website?9

    How eye-pleasing is this website, aesthetically speaking?


    How well does this website hold the readers attention?10

    Total Score: 7+9+5+10 = 31

    Average this score with the other four total scores returned by theAcademy.

    Total Score 1: 6+10+7+10 = 33Total Score 2: 5+7+2+8 = 22Total Score 3: 9+6+8+4 = 27

    Total Score 4: 7+8+7+8 = 30

    Average Score = 31+33+22+27+30 = 143/5 = 28.6

    Divide this score by the total number of points possible that this nomineecan earn.

    Final Score: 28.6/40 = .715

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    If this is the highest score, this website wins the award for OutstandingActive Worlds Themed Website.

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    Proposed Academy BallotsThe main purpose of the Academy's voting practice is to be as pain-free and easy aspossible. The nomination forms and their respective ballots, while individulized foreach awards category, are designed to give the Academy member the informationthat he or she needs to make an informed decision and yet make that decision

    quickly and efficiently. The way we achieve this is through simplicity, but notnecessarily through broad-stroke one-size-fits-all voting.

    Outstanding Achievement in Community/TownAdministrationDescription: Awarded to those who show exceptional service to and leadership of acommunity that exists within the world level community.

    Rate this person on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For all items, aten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and least desirable.

    Clarity of CommunicationCommitment to credibility begins with the clarification of the leader's and

    constituents' needs, interests, values, visions, aims, and aspirations. Clarity existswhen people can state I have a clear idea of what others value and what they cando. When clarity exists, everyone knows the guiding principles and corecompetencies that most directly contribute to organizational and individual vitalityand success. Rate this person on how clear a communicator this person is.

    UnityTo build a strong and viable organization, people must be united in a common causeunited on where they are going, on why they are headed in that direction, and onwhich principles will guide their journy. Credible leaders are able to build acommunity of shared vision and values. Rate this person on how unified his or herorganization is.

    IntensityUnderstanding and agreeing to aims and aspirations are essential to the process ofstrengthening credibility. Intensity exists when principles are taken seriously, whenthey reflect deeply felt standards and emotional bonds, and when they are the basisof critical organizational resource allocations. When values are intensely felt, there isa greater consistency between words and actions, and there is an almost moraldimension to keeping the faith. Rate this person on how intense he or she is intheir leadership role.

    TrustworthinessLeaders who are seen as trustworthy are those who are believed to have theirconsituents' best interests at heart. In order to strengthen credibility, leadersexplore others' aims and aspirations. Credible leaders often listen and listen well.

    They appreciate the hopes and dreams of their diverse constituencies. Rate thisperson on his or her trustworthiness.

    Shared ValuesShared values make a significant difference in the health of persons, organizations,and communities. We talk about how leaders can find common ground, buildcommunity, and resolve conflicts on the basis of principles, not positions. Rate thisperson on how well shared values are present in his or her organization.

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    CompetencyLeaders cannot do what they do not know how to do. Organizations cannot provideconsistently high levels of service, quality, innovation, or respect unless membershave the skills and abilities to do so. Competent organizational leaders continuouslydevelop the capacity of their organizations to put values into practice. Rate thisperson on his or her competence with respect to fulfilling his or her organizational


    ServiceConstituents do not serve leaders. Leaders serve constituents. Both serve acommon purpose. Leaders stay in touch with constituents, are the first to acceptresponsibility, spend time on important values, teach others, and hold themselvesaccountable for the promises they make. Rate this person on his or her servantattitude.

    HopeCredible leaders sustain hope by taking charge and demonstrating the courage oftheir convictions, by arousing positive thoughts and images, and by seeking andgiving support. Credible leaders keep hope alive for othersa critical task since, inthe end, only people with hope will achieve greatness. Rate this person on how wellhe or she has performed this task.

    HumilityLeaders make mistakes. Perfection should not be the ideal; rather, leaders shouldstrive for an attitude of humility and continuous learning. Rate this person on thesequalities.

    CredibilityLeadership is a relationship and a service, and credibility is the foundation ofleadership. Honest, forward-looking, inspiring, competent, and supportive people arecredible. This is an overall rating of each of the qualities listed above. Rate thisperson on how credible he or she is.

    How active is he or she in interacting with the community/towns visitors?

    How active are other members of this community/town?

    Overall, how well does he or she administrate the community/town?

    How much would you want to be a part of this community/town?

    How much in your estimation, do his or her peers, superiors, and subordinatesappreciate this persons leadership style and his/her contribution to the communityor town for which he/she has been nominated for? (It would be helpful, but notrequired, to interview several of these people).

    Outstanding Achievement in World AdministrationDescription: Awarded to those who show exceptional service to and leadership of aprivate world.

    Rate this person on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For all items, aten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and least desirable.

    Clarity of Communication

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    Commitment to credibility begins with the clarification of the leader's andconstituents' needs, interests, values, visions, aims, and aspirations. Clarity existswhen people can state I have a clear idea of what others value and what they cando. When clarity exists, everyone knows the guiding principles and corecompetencies that most directly contribute to organizational and individual vitalityand success. Rate this person on how clear a communicator this person is.

    UnityTo build a strong and viable organization, people must be united in a common causeunited on where they are going, on why they are headed in that direction, and onwhich principles will guide their journy. Credible leaders are able to build acommunity of shared vision and values. Rate this person on how unified his or herorganization is.

    IntensityUnderstanding and agreeing to aims and aspirations are essential to the process ofstrengthening credibility. Intensity exists when principles are taken seriously, whenthey reflect deeply felt standards and emotional bonds, and when they are the basisof critical organizational resource allocations. When values are intensely felt, there isa greater consistency between words and actions, and there is an almost moraldimension to keeping the faith. Rate this person on how intense he or she is intheir leadership role.

    TrustworthinessLeaders who are seen as trustworthy are those who are believed to have theirconsituents' best interests at heart. In order to strengthen credibility, leadersexplore others' aims and aspirations. Credible leaders often listen and listen well.

    They appreciate the hopes and dreams of their diverse constituencies. Rate thisperson on his or her trustworthiness.

    Shared ValuesShared values make a significant difference in the health of persons, organizations,and communities. We talk about how leaders can find common ground, buildcommunity, and resolve conflicts on the basis of principles, not positions. Rate thisperson on how well shared values are present in his or her organization.

    CompetencyLeaders cannot do what they do not know how to do. Organizations cannot provideconsistently high levels of service, quality, innovation, or respect unless membershave the skills and abilities to do so. Competent organizational leaders continuouslydevelop the capacity of their organizations to put values into practice. Rate thisperson on his or her competence with respect to fulfilling his or her organizationalgoals.

    ServiceConstituents do not serve leaders. Leaders serve constituents. Both serve a

    common purpose. Leaders stay in touch with constituents, are the first to acceptresponsibility, spend time on important values, teach others, and hold themselvesaccountable for the promises they make. Rate this person on his or her servantattitude.

    HopeCredible leaders sustain hope by taking charge and demonstrating the courage oftheir convictions, by arousing positive thoughts and images, and by seeking andgiving support. Credible leaders keep hope alive for othersa critical task since, in

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    the end, only people with hope will achieve greatness. Rate this person on how wellhe or she has performed this task.

    HumilityLeaders make mistakes. Perfection should not be the ideal; rather, leaders shouldstrive for an attitude of humility and continuous learning. Rate this person on these


    CredibilityLeadership is a relationship and a service, and credibility is the foundation ofleadership. Honest, forward-looking, inspiring, competent, and supportive people arecredible. This is an overall rating of each of the qualities listed above. Rate thisperson on how credible he or she is.

    How well does he or she administrate the world?

    How active is he or she in interacting with the world?

    How active are other members of this world?

    How much would you want to be a part of this world?

    How much in your estimation, do his or her peers, superiors, and subordinatesappreciate this persons leadership style and his/her contribution to the world forwhich he/she has been nominated for? (It would be helpful, but not required, tointerview several of these people).

    Outstanding Event Planning and ExecutionDescription: Awarded to those who show exceptional leadership in planning andexecution of an event.

    Rate this person on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For all items, a

    ten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and least desirable.

    Clarity of CommunicationCommitment to credibility begins with the clarification of the leader's andconstituents' needs, interests, values, visions, aims, and aspirations. Clarity existswhen people can state I have a clear idea of what others value and what they cando. When clarity exists, everyone knows the guiding principles and corecompetencies that most directly contribute to organizational and individual vitalityand success. Rate this person on how clear a communicator this person is.

    UnityTo build a strong and viable organization, people must be united in a common causeunited on where they are going, on why they are headed in that direction, and on

    which principles will guide their journy. Credible leaders are able to build acommunity of shared vision and values. Rate this person on how unified his or herorganization is.

    IntensityUnderstanding and agreeing to aims and aspirations are essential to the process ofstrengthening credibility. Intensity exists when principles are taken seriously, whenthey reflect deeply felt standards and emotional bonds, and when they are the basisof critical organizational resource allocations. When values are intensely felt, there isa greater consistency between words and actions, and there is an almost moral

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    dimension to keeping the faith. Rate this person on how intense he or she is intheir leadership role.

    TrustworthinessLeaders who are seen as trustworthy are those who are believed to have theirconsituents' best interests at heart. In order to strengthen credibility, leaders

    explore others' aims and aspirations. Credible leaders often listen and listen well.They appreciate the hopes and dreams of their diverse constituencies. Rate thisperson on his or her trustworthiness.

    Shared ValuesShared values make a significant difference in the health of persons, organizations,and communities. We talk about how leaders can find common ground, buildcommunity, and resolve conflicts on the basis of principles, not positions. Rate thisperson on how well shared values are present in his or her organization.

    CompetencyLeaders cannot do what they do not know how to do. Organizations cannot provideconsistently high levels of service, quality, innovation, or respect unless membershave the skills and abilities to do so. Competent organizational leaders continuouslydevelop the capacity of their organizations to put values into practice. Rate thisperson on his or her competence with respect to fulfilling his or her organizationalgoals.

    ServiceConstituents do not serve leaders. Leaders serve constituents. Both serve acommon purpose. Leaders stay in touch with constituents, are the first to acceptresponsibility, spend time on important values, teach others, and hold themselvesaccountable for the promises they make. Rate this person on his or her servantattitude.

    HopeCredible leaders sustain hope by taking charge and demonstrating the courage oftheir convictions, by arousing positive thoughts and images, and by seeking andgiving support. Credible leaders keep hope alive for othersa critical task since, inthe end, only people with hope will achieve greatness. Rate this person on how wellhe or she has performed this task.

    HumilityLeaders make mistakes. Perfection should not be the ideal; rather, leaders shouldstrive for an attitude of humility and continuous learning. Rate this person on thesequalities.

    CredibilityLeadership is a relationship and a service, and credibility is the foundation ofleadership. Honest, forward-looking, inspiring, competent, and supportive people are

    credible. This is an overall rating of each of the qualities listed above. Rate thisperson on how credible he or she is.

    How successful this event was in your estimation.

    How much would you want to be a participant in this event?

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    How much did those who participated in this event appreciate this persons planningand execution of the event? (It would be helpful, but not required, to interviewseveral of the people who participated in this event)

    Outstanding Upcoming Leader in Community ServiceDescription: The sister award to Outstanding Upcoming Builder. It is awarded to

    those who have registered as Active Worlds citizens during the previous awardsseason who show exceptional motivation and selflessness when helping others.

    Rate this person on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For all items, aten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and least desirable.

    Clarity of CommunicationCommitment to credibility begins with the clarification of the leader's andconstituents' needs, interests, values, visions, aims, and aspirations. Clarity existswhen people can state I have a clear idea of what others value and what they cando. When clarity exists, everyone knows the guiding principles and corecompetencies that most directly contribute to organizational and individual vitalityand success. Rate this person on how clear a communicator this person is.

    UnityTo build a strong and viable organization, people must be united in a common causeunited on where they are going, on why they are headed in that direction, and onwhich principles will guide their journy. Credible leaders are able to build acommunity of shared vision and values. Rate this person on how unified his or herorganization is.

    IntensityUnderstanding and agreeing to aims and aspirations are essential to the process ofstrengthening credibility. Intensity exists when principles are taken seriously, whenthey reflect deeply felt standards and emotional bonds, and when they are the basisof critical organizational resource allocations. When values are intensely felt, there is

    a greater consistency between words and actions, and there is an almost moraldimension to keeping the faith. Rate this person on how intense he or she is intheir leadership role.

    TrustworthinessLeaders who are seen as trustworthy are those who are believed to have theirconsituents' best interests at heart. In order to strengthen credibility, leadersexplore others' aims and aspirations. Credible leaders often listen and listen well.

    They appreciate the hopes and dreams of their diverse constituencies. Rate thisperson on his or her trustworthiness.

    Shared ValuesShared values make a significant difference in the health of persons, organizations,

    and communities. We talk about how leaders can find common ground, buildcommunity, and resolve conflicts on the basis of principles, not positions. Rate thisperson on how well shared values are present in his or her organization.

    CompetencyLeaders cannot do what they do not know how to do. Organizations cannot provideconsistently high levels of service, quality, innovation, or respect unless membershave the skills and abilities to do so. Competent organizational leaders continuouslydevelop the capacity of their organizations to put values into practice. Rate this

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    person on his or her competence with respect to fulfilling his or her organizationalgoals.

    ServiceConstituents do not serve leaders. Leaders serve constituents. Both serve acommon purpose. Leaders stay in touch with constituents, are the first to accept

    responsibility, spend time on important values, teach others, and hold themselvesaccountable for the promises they make. Rate this person on his or her servantattitude.

    HopeCredible leaders sustain hope by taking charge and demonstrating the courage oftheir convictions, by arousing positive thoughts and images, and by seeking andgiving support. Credible leaders keep hope alive for othersa critical task since, inthe end, only people with hope will achieve greatness. Rate this person on how wellhe or she has performed this task.

    HumilityLeaders make mistakes. Perfection should not be the ideal; rather, leaders shouldstrive for an attitude of humility and continuous learning. Rate this person on thesequalities.

    CredibilityLeadership is a relationship and a service, and credibility is the foundation ofleadership. Honest, forward-looking, inspiring, competent, and supportive people arecredible. This is an overall rating of each of the qualities listed above. Rate thisperson on how credible he or she is.

    How much would you want this person to lead you?

    How much in your estimation, do his or her peers, superiors, and subordinatesappreciate this persons leadership style and his/her contribution to the communityservice organization for which he/she has been nominated for? (It would be helpful,but not required, to interview several of these people).

    Outstanding Leadership in Community ServiceDescription: Awarded to those who show exceptional leadership in leading othersinvolved in community service.

    Rate this person on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For all items, aten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and least desirable.

    Clarity of CommunicationCommitment to credibility begins with the clarification of the leader's andconstituents' needs, interests, values, visions, aims, and aspirations. Clarity exists

    when people can state I have a clear idea of what others value and what they cando. When clarity exists, everyone knows the guiding principles and corecompetencies that most directly contribute to organizational and individual vitalityand success. Rate this person on how clear a communicator this person is.

    UnityTo build a strong and viable organization, people must be united in a common causeunited on where they are going, on why they are headed in that direction, and onwhich principles will guide their journy. Credible leaders are able to build a

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    community of shared vision and values. Rate this person on how unified his or herorganization is.

    IntensityUnderstanding and agreeing to aims and aspirations are essential to the process ofstrengthening credibility. Intensity exists when principles are taken seriously, when

    they reflect deeply felt standards and emotional bonds, and when they are the basisof critical organizational resource allocations. When values are intensely felt, there isa greater consistency between words and actions, and there is an almost moraldimension to keeping the faith. Rate this person on how intense he or she is intheir leadership role.

    TrustworthinessLeaders who are seen as trustworthy are those who are believed to have theirconsituents' best interests at heart. In order to strengthen credibility, leadersexplore others' aims and aspirations. Credible leaders often listen and listen well.

    They appreciate the hopes and dreams of their diverse constituencies. Rate thisperson on his or her trustworthiness.

    Shared ValuesShared values make a significant difference in the health of persons, organizations,and communities. We talk about how leaders can find common ground, buildcommunity, and resolve conflicts on the basis of principles, not positions. Rate thisperson on how well shared values are present in his or her organization.

    CompetencyLeaders cannot do what they do not know how to do. Organizations cannot provideconsistently high levels of service, quality, innovation, or respect unless membershave the skills and abilities to do so. Competent organizational leaders continuouslydevelop the capacity of their organizations to put values into practice. Rate thisperson on his or her competence with respect to fulfilling his or her organizationalgoals.

    ServiceConstituents do not serve leaders. Leaders serve constituents. Both serve acommon purpose. Leaders stay in touch with constituents, are the first to acceptresponsibility, spend time on important values, teach others, and hold themselvesaccountable for the promises they make. Rate this person on his or her servantattitude.

    HopeCredible leaders sustain hope by taking charge and demonstrating the courage oftheir convictions, by arousing positive thoughts and images, and by seeking andgiving support. Credible leaders keep hope alive for othersa critical task since, inthe end, only people with hope will achieve greatness. Rate this person on how wellhe or she has performed this task.

    HumilityLeaders make mistakes. Perfection should not be the ideal; rather, leaders shouldstrive for an attitude of humility and continuous learning. Rate this person on thesequalities.

    CredibilityLeadership is a relationship and a service, and credibility is the foundation ofleadership. Honest, forward-looking, inspiring, competent, and supportive people are

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    credible. This is an overall rating of each of the qualities listed above. Rate thisperson on how credible he or she is.

    How much would you want to work under this person?

    How valued, in your estimation, is this person to his/her community service


    How much in your estimation, do his or her peers, superiors, and subordinatesappreciate this persons leadership style and his/her contribution to the communityservice organization(s) for which he/she has been nominated for? (It would behelpful, but not required, to interview several of these people).

    Outstanding Community ServiceDescription: Awarded to those who show exceptional selflessness and motivation tohelp others.

    Rate this person on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For all items, aten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and least desirable.

    Clarity of CommunicationCommitment to credibility begins with the clarification of the leader's andconstituents' needs, interests, values, visions, aims, and aspirations. Clarity existswhen people can state I have a clear idea of what others value and what they cando. When clarity exists, everyone knows the guiding principles and corecompetencies that most directly contribute to organizational and individual vitalityand success. Rate this person on how clear a communicator this person is.

    UnityTo build a strong and viable organization, people must be united in a common causeunited on where they are going, on why they are headed in that direction, and onwhich principles will guide their journy. Credible leaders are able to build a

    community of shared vision and values. Rate this person on how unified his or herorganization is.

    IntensityUnderstanding and agreeing to aims and aspirations are essential to the process ofstrengthening credibility. Intensity exists when principles are taken seriously, whenthey reflect deeply felt standards and emotional bonds, and when they are the basisof critical organizational resource allocations. When values are intensely felt, there isa greater consistency between words and actions, and there is an almost moraldimension to keeping the faith. Rate this person on how intense he or she is intheir leadership role.


    Leaders who are seen as trustworthy are those who are believed to have theirconsituents' best interests at heart. In order to strengthen credibility, leadersexplore others' aims and aspirations. Credible leaders often listen and listen well.

    They appreciate the hopes and dreams of their diverse constituencies. Rate thisperson on his or her trustworthiness.

    Shared ValuesShared values make a significant difference in the health of persons, organizations,and communities. We talk about how leaders can find common ground, build

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    community, and resolve conflicts on the basis of principles, not positions. Rate thisperson on how well shared values are present in his or her organization.

    CompetencyLeaders cannot do what they do not know how to do. Organizations cannot provideconsistently high levels of service, quality, innovation, or respect unless members

    have the skills and abilities to do so. Competent organizational leaders continuouslydevelop the capacity of their organizations to put values into practice. Rate thisperson on his or her competence with respect to fulfilling his or her organizationalgoals.

    ServiceConstituents do not serve leaders. Leaders serve constituents. Both serve acommon purpose. Leaders stay in touch with constituents, are the first to acceptresponsibility, spend time on important values, teach others, and hold themselvesaccountable for the promises they make. Rate this person on his or her servantattitude.

    HopeCredible leaders sustain hope by taking charge and demonstrating the courage oftheir convictions, by arousing positive thoughts and images, and by seeking andgiving support. Credible leaders keep hope alive for othersa critical task since, inthe end, only people with hope will achieve greatness. Rate this person on how wellhe or she has performed this task.

    HumilityLeaders make mistakes. Perfection should not be the ideal; rather, leaders shouldstrive for an attitude of humility and continuous learning. Rate this person on thesequalities.

    CredibilityLeadership is a relationship and a service, and credibility is the foundation ofleadership. Honest, forward-looking, inspiring, competent, and supportive people arecredible. This is an overall rating of each of the qualities listed above. Rate thisperson on how credible he or she is.

    How much would want to work under this person?

    How valued, in your estimation, is this person to his/her community serviceorganization(s)?

    How much in your estimation, do his or her peers, superiors, and/or subordinatesappreciate this person and their contribution to the community serviceorganization(s) for which he/she has been nominated for? (It would be helpful, butnot required, to interview several of these people).

    Outstanding CommunityDescription: Awarded to the community, world, or town that shows exceptionalcommunity spirit.

    Rate this community on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For allitems, a ten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and leastdesirable.

    How much would you want to be a part of this community?

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    How welcoming is this community to visitors and potential members?

    How much does this community outreach to other people within the Active Worldsuniverse?

    How nice are the people inside of this community?

    How active are the members of this community?

    Outstanding Achievement in ProgrammingDescription: Awarded to those who create a utility that can be used for thebetterment of Active Worlds. Includes but is not limited to bot or web-based utilities.

    Rate this utility on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For all items, aten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and least desirable.

    How efficiently does this utility accomplish the purposes for which it was nominated?

    How effectively does this utility accomplish the purposes for which it was nominated?

    How intuitive and user friendly is this utility?

    Outstanding Achievement in Object DesignDescription: Awarded to those who have achieved exceptional modeling and/ortexturing of a specific object.

    Rate this object on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For all items, aten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and least desirable.

    How well does this object look like what its supposed to be?

    How laggy is this object? (Mark a 1 for a very laggy object and a 10 for a non-laggy object)

    How well textured is this object?

    How creative was the nominee in creating this object?

    Outstanding Achievement in Avatar DesignDescription: Awarded to those who have achieved exceptional modeling and/ortexturing of a specific avatar.

    Rate this avatar on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For all items, aten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and least desirable.

    How well does this avatar look like what its supposed to be?

    How well textured is this avatar?

    How well do the sequences on this avatar do what they describe? (If the avatarhas no sequences, mark a 1 down for this question.)

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    How natural-looking is this avatars walk sequence? (If the avatar has no walksequence and is supposed to, mark a 1 down for this question. If its notsupposed to have a walk sequence [for example, the Bike avatar], mark a Dfor this question and it will be disregarded.)

    How natural-looking is this avatars idle sequence? (If the avatar has no idle

    sequence, mark a 1 down for this question.)

    How creative was the nominee in creating this avatar?

    Outstanding Achievement in Avatar SkinningDescription: Awarded to those who have created an exceptional skin for acustomized avatar.

    Rate this avatar skin on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For all items,a ten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and leastdesirable.

    How well textured is this avatar?

    How well does this skin look like what it is supposed to be?

    How creative was the nominee in making this skin?

    Outstanding Media PresentationDescription: Awarded to those who have created a media presentation that is relatedto Active Worlds.

    Rate this media presentation on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. Forall items, a ten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score andleast desirable. This award is different from the others in that there are differentcriteria for each type of media. Each nominee is judged on three questions relating

    specifically to the type of media it is and three general questions, making for sixquestions in total that will determine the winner of this award.

    If the presentation is a radio presentation, answer these questions.Otherwise, mark a D next to them and they will be disregarded.

    Radio: How comfortable were the hosts in front of the microphone and with eachother?

    Radio: How good were the hosts at keeping dead air off the air? (Dead air are lulls inconversation.)

    Radio: How good was the audio quality? (Pay attention to the amount of pops and

    clicks when people are speaking, the overall sound quality of the audio, and whetheryou can understand what people are saying.)

    If the presentation is a television presentation, meaning that it is a series of imagesuploaded sequentially to a server that a viewer sequentially downloads via anupdating picture object, answer these questions. Otherwise, mark a D next to themand they will be disregarded.

    Television: How well written was the scripted dialogue?

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    Television: How good was the story? (Answer only if the nominee is a drama.Otherwise, mark a D.)

    Television: How funny were the jokes? (Answer only if the nominee is acomedy. Otherwise, mark a D.)

    Television: How well did the host interview each subject? (Answer only if thenominee is an interview. Otherwise, mark a D.)

    Television: How well was each shot framed?

    If the presentation was a full motion video, meaning that it can bepresented via the streaming media function in Active Worlds, answer thesequestions. Otherwise, mark a D next to them and they will be disregarded.

    Video: How well done was the editing and pacing of the video?

    Video: How well was the frame rate held at or above 24 frames per second? (Wasthe video smooth through most of the video or jerky in spots?)

    Video: How well done was the cinematography? (How well were the shots in thevideo framed?)

    If the presentation is an online newspaper or magazine, answer these questions.Otherwise, mark a D next to them and they will be disregarded.

    News: How well written is the content?

    News: How well does the photographic content show the reader what each article istalking about? (If there are no photos, mark a 1.)

    News: Story choice: How relevant is the newspaper or magazine content to itsintended audience?

    Answer these questions regardless of what type of media the nominee is.

    How likable is the presentation?

    How professional is the presentation?

    How much effort is apparent that went into this presentation?

    Outstanding Active Worlds Themed WebsiteDescription: Awarded to those who have created a well developed Active Worlds

    themed website.

    Rate this website on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For all items, aten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and least desirable.

    How informative is this website about the subject that it is based on?

    How easy is it to navigate from place to place within the website?

    How eye-pleasing is this website, aesthetically speaking?

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    How well does this website hold the readers attention?

    Outstanding Upcoming BuilderDescription: The sister award to Outstanding Upcoming Leader in CommunityService. It is awarded to those who have registered as Active Worlds citizens during

    the previous awards season who show exceptional motivation and willingness tolearn the art of building with object paths. Nominees are nominated for theirmotivation and willingness to learn, not for a specific creation.

    Rate this person on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For all items, aten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and least desirable.

    How motivated in learning how to build is the nominee?

    How much progress has this person made? (Compare his/her earliest creation withhis/her most recent, and factor in the amount of time that has passed between thecompletion of both creations. A longer amount of time for minimal improvementwould earn the lowest score and a shorter amount of time for a vast improvement

    would earn the highest score.)

    How much creativeness has this person shown?

    How proficient is this person in managing lag, eliminating z-buffer, and making surethere are no gaps between objects where there shouldnt be?

    Outstanding Achievement in Interactive ApplicationDescription: Awarded to those who have created an environment that includesexceptional interactive elements that either the user interacts with or that interactwith the user. The specific rights granted to the user by the world in which theenvironment was created in will be considered by the Academy when selecting thewinner of this award.

    Rate this environment on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For allitems, a ten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and leastdesirable. Interactive elements use the bump and activate commands to triggerspecial actions or sounds when a person passes by a specific spot or that a userintentionally activates.

    How well do the interactive elements fit within the environment?

    How creatively are these interactive elements used?

    How well do the interactive elements do what they are supposed to do?

    Is the use of interactive elements too sparse/concentrated, or are there just the rightamount of them? (Mark a 10 for just right, and use lower numbers for thedegree of scarcity/concentration. An environment that is somewhat sparsewould receive something like an 8, while an environment that has nointeractive elements would receive a 1.)

    Overall, rate the percentage of interactive elements that have a specific reason forbeing there. (Hint: Ambience/eye candy is a perfectly good reason, but elements thatappear randomly for no other reason, are not. Mark a 10 for all elements having

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    a good reason for existing, and mark a 1 for 10% to no elements having agood reason for existing.)

    Outstanding Innovation in ArchitectureDescription: Awarded to those who have created interesting, functional, andaesthetically pleasing architecture for a specific building or object. The object path

    used will be considered by the Academy when selecting the winner for this award.

    Rate this building on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For all items, aten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and least desirable.

    How well does the nominee balance functionality and form?

    How functional is the building?

    How eye pleasing is the building?

    How much creativeness has this person shown in the design of this building?

    How well does this building fit into its surrounding environment? (Pay specialattention to other buildings in the area and the landscaping around the building.)

    Outstanding Ground Zero DesignDescription: A ground zero is often where users who are visiting your world or townland for the very first time. This award is given to those who have created aninformative and aesthetically pleasing ground zero for a specific town or world.

    Rate this ground zero on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For allitems, a ten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and leastdesirable.

    How well can you find your way around the ground zero to the various sections of the

    GZ and to the town/community/world beyond?

    How informative is the ground zero about the surrounding town/community/world?

    How eye pleasing is the ground zero?

    Based only on the ground zero, rate how likely you are to visit thistown/community/world again.

    Outstanding Achievement in Game Design in a PrivateWorldDescription: Awarded to those who have achieved a successful melding of gameplay,

    immersion, and functionality of a game within a private world.

    Rate this game on a scale from one to ten for each for these items. For all items, aten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and least desirable.

    How clear are the goals of this game?

    How fun is this game to play?

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    How immersive is this game? How far do you get pulled into the game when playingit?

    How functional is this game? How well does it do what it is supposed to do?

    Outstanding Achievement in Game Design in a Public

    Building WorldDescription: Awarded to those who have achieved a successful melding of gameplay,immersion, and functionality of a game within a public building world.

    Rate this game on a scale from one to ten for each for these items. For all items, aten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and least desirable.

    How clear are the goals of this game?

    How fun is this game to play?

    How immersive is this game? How far do you get pulled into the game when playingit?

    How functional is this game? How well does it do what it is supposed to do?

    Outstanding Achievement in Immersive EnvironmentDesign in a Private WorldDescription: Awarded to those who have created an environment that immerses theuser into the world that they have created. The use of sounds, textures, ambience,realism, aesthetics, zones, particles, and management of lag are integral parts of theselection process for this award. Interactive elements will not be judged during theselection process.

    Rate this environment on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For all

    items, a ten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and leastdesirable.

    How well are sounds used throughout the environment?

    How well are textures used throughout the environment?

    How real-looking is this environment? (Look out for floating objects, z-buffer, windowsthat arent framed properly, etc.)

    How well does this environment evoke the intended mood in the user? (For example,if it is supposed to be a creepy environment, how spooky is it? If it is set in ancienttimes, how ancient does it feel?)

    How well is lag managed in this environment? (Mark a 10 for very well and a 1for horribly.)

    How well are zones used?

    How well are particles used?

    Overall, how immersive is this environment? How much does it pull you into itsworld?

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    Outstanding Achievement in Immersive EnvironmentDesign in a Public Building WorldDescription: Awarded to those who have created an environment that immerses theuser into the world that they have created. The use of sounds, textures, ambience,realism, aesthetics, zones, particles, and management of lag are integral parts of theselection process for this award. Interactive elements will not be judged during theselection process. The specific rights granted to the user by the world in which theenvironment was created in will be considered by the Academy when selecting thewinner of this award.

    Rate this environment on a scale from one to ten for each of these items. For allitems, a ten is the highest and best score, while a one is the lowest score and leastdesirable.

    How well are sounds used throughout the environment?

    How well are textures used throughout the environment?

    How real-looking is this environment? (Look out for floating objects, z-buffer, windowsthat arent framed properly, buildings that arent properly supported, etc.)

    How well does this environment evoke the intended mood in the user? (For example,if it is supposed to be a creepy environment, how spooky is it? If it is set in ancienttimes, how ancient does it feel?)

    How well is lag managed in this environment? (Mark a 10 for very little lag and a1 for very much lag.)

    How well are zones used? (If the right to use zones is disabled in the worldthat the environment was built in, mark a D and this question will bedisregarded. Then, answer Special Question 1. If the right to use zones is

    enabled, but the environment does not use zones and does not needthem, mark a 10 here, but do not answer Special Question 1. If theenvironment does not use zones, but you feel zones would enhance theimmersiveness of the environment, mark a 1 here.)

    Special Question 1: How well are weather effects emulated? (Do not answer thisquestion if you can answer the question about how well zones are used. Ifthe environment does not use weather effects and does not need them,mark a 10 here. If the environment does not emulate weather effects, butyou feel weather effects would enhance the immersiveness of theenvironment, mark a 1 here.)

    How well are particles used? (If the right to use particles is disabled in the

    world that the environment was built in, mark a D and this question will bedisregarded. Then, answer Special Question 2. If the right to use particlesis enabled, but the environment does not use particles and does not needthem, mark a 10 here, but do not answer Special Question 2. If theenvironment does not use particles, but you feel particles would enhancethe immersiveness of the environment, mark a 1 here.)

    Special Question 2: How well are particle-like objects (example: fire1.rwx) used?(Do not answer this question if you can answer the question about how well

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    particles are used. If the environment does not use particle-like objectsand does not need them, mark a 10 here. If the environment does not useparticle-like objects, but you feel particle-like objects would enhance theimmersiveness of the environment, mark a 1 here.)

    Overall, how immersive is this environment? How much does it pull you into its


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    Proposed PrizesWith the support of Active Worlds, Inc., The Academy Awards task force would like

    to award each winner in each category one of the following:

    1. A special statuette model that the winner may place near his or her winning

    creation. This should be available to all winners, including those whose creationscan be found within AWI-controlled public building worlds.2. Their choice of one of the following:

    1. A free year-long citizenship extension, a US $70 value.2. A free year-long license and registration for a P-10/5 world, a US $80 value

    (including Basic World License fee).

    Finalists in each category will receive a free three-month citizenship extension, a US$20.85 value.

    Currently, the valued givaway will cost between a total of US $3221.40 and US$3431.40