Avoid the 3 Biggest Mistakes of Getting Quality Website Traffic

The 3 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Looking for Guaranteed Targeted Traffic By Wayne Sharer YourTrafficStarterBlog.com © Published by HMI Group LLC. All Rights Reserved


Here are some great tips and resources to uncover the secrets of how to get quality website traffic to your business website. Also check out my website at http://www.YourTrafficStarterBlog

Transcript of Avoid the 3 Biggest Mistakes of Getting Quality Website Traffic

Page 1: Avoid the 3 Biggest Mistakes of Getting Quality Website Traffic

The 3 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Looking for Guaranteed

Targeted Traffic

By Wayne Sharer


© Published by HMI Group LLC. All Rights Reserved

Page 2: Avoid the 3 Biggest Mistakes of Getting Quality Website Traffic

LEGAL NOTICE: This report is © YourTrafficStarterBlog.com All Rights Reserved. You may not sell this report or reproduce and represent it as your own in any form whatsoever. You may give away the report, and rebrand it with your affiliate links. You may share it with your friends, clients, or post it where ever is appropriate. While reasonable attempts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this publication, the author does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of this information and any damages or costs incurred by that. The author does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are completely accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field. While examples of past results may be used occasionally in this work, they are intended to be for purposes of example only. No representation is made or implied that the reader will do as well from using the techniques. The author does not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever for what you choose to do with this information. Use your own judgment. Any perceived slight of specific people or organizations, and any resemblance to characters living, dead or otherwise, real or fictitious, is purely unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading. Use this information at your own risk. Thank You for your downloading this report Wayne Sharer

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Table of Contents

Overview ............................................................................................................ 4

3 Big Mistakes ..................................................................................................... 7

What are the 3 Biggies? ................................................................................... 7

Identifying Your Niche Market ............................................................................ 9

These Keywords are Great but… ....................................................................... 11

The Secret Language for Getting Buyers ............................................................ 14

What is Layered Traffic? .................................................................................... 16

Where do You Go from Here? ........................................................................... 18

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First, I want to introduce myself, I’m Wayne Sharer, and I’m a marketer who owns a

business just like you. What likely makes me different from you is I’ve already made all

these mistakes, and fixed them.

Now I want to start you on the right path to never having to live the pain and massive

expense of making these mistakes. Doing these things wrong will cost you time and

prevent you from ever seeing the profits you deserve.

When I started my venture online, I had no idea what I needed or what I had to do to

create a real, profitable business. You may have started the same way… knowing you

wanted your own business online, or having an existing business not leveraging the

profit making power of the web.

I had a plan. Literally, I had a suitcase, a box, and in the box was a plan. That’s

literally all I had. I didn’t yet have an apartment, any possessions, no bed, no plates,

no forks, no knives, no spoons. I didn’t have a bed, a sofa, no chair, no TV. Just a

suitcase, a box, and a plan…

… about to move into an empty apartment. I had no credit, no job. I had saved some

money, and I had ordered a computer because I knew the computer would be the most

valuable asset I could possibly attain. Everything else was luxury.

Great plans and ideas are wonderful, but I quickly found out I didn’t know what I was

doing. I tried everything I could to start creating a successful business using the


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Unfortunately, I had no money, so it cost me time and profits searching through

resources, and buying useless stuff and bad advice when I found the cash. I ended up

with websites and products with no visitors.

So I did get a job, and every penny I made went to finding solutions. I spent every

dime. I bought all kinds of programs and software. You know the ones…

Secret loop hole

Unknown glitch

Magic pill

Push button solution

You’ve heard them all I’m sure. My confidence was draining, and I was so tempted just

to get mad and waste my time yelling about how everyone and everything is a scam.

You may have felt the massive hair pulling frustration I did. I created “great stuff” but

couldn’t get the targeted traffic I needed to make sales happen. Nothing worked.

I wanted to cry

I wanted to quit

I wanted to blame everyone around me for my lack of progress

But I didn’t do any of these things. Instead, I chose to become a master of getting

traffic on a low budget. Guaranteed targeted traffic that arrives from the day I make

my site live, and targeted traffic that keeps on coming.

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People that want to buy, not people that have no idea why they are there. No random


In the process of solving this paradigm for myself, I studied what others were doing,

and what other people like you had in common with what happened to me.

The result was Layered Traffic™. In developing Layered Traffic™ found there are three

big things common to virtually everyone suffering the frustrations, the expense, and the

lack of profits caused by a lack of real, targeted traffic to their site. So this is where

this report begins. How to avoid the 3 biggest mistakes when looking for guaranteed

targeted traffic…

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3 Big Mistakes

You may already know this is some way or some context, but I’ll take the risk of saying

it anyhow. If you can avoid the 3 biggest mistakes most commonly made by new or

fledgling online entrepreneurs, you can start seeing profits and watch your business

grow in ways that become the next great testimonial of the “Gurus.”

Maybe that’s not your dream. I’m sure for most, it’s not. You most likely want similar

things that I want…

A comfortable lifestyle

No haggling boss pressing you every minute of the day

A way to know you’ll have a secure life and your family will be secure no matter

what’s happening everywhere else

To travel where you want, when you want

To have the money you need anytime you need it, whether for a home, a car, a

vacation, or (God forbid) a medical need for you or your family

That’s what having an endless supply of guaranteed targeted traffic is all about. And

the best way to get started is to never make the 3 biggest mistakes made by 95% of

people just like you and me, who want all the things above, but never got pointed in

the right direction.

What are the 3 Biggies?

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1. First and foremost, most people don’t really know their niche.

2. Second, the 95% majority are focused on the wrong keywords and phrases

3. Third, and just as important, new business owners are talking in the wrong

language (and I don’t mean English, or Spanish, or Chinese).

Doing these things wrong prevents you from ever generating a traffic machine with

profits. These are the first 3 layers of the Layered Traffic™ method.

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Identifying Your Niche Market

Were you ever told something like “the best way to get started is just get a website up

and start doing anything?”

Maybe you were told “taking any action is better than taking no action” or something of

the sort.

In a limited sense, these recommendations or guidance have some validity. But when

applied to the context of starting your own business, they nearly always result in taking

the wrong action, and thus…

… creating massive frustration, loss of money, wasting of time, and the complete

feeling of desperation because of failure. Am I right here?

The good news is, this can all be avoided by turning any action into profitable action

that brings real traffic, and real buyers to your website.

So if you were told, or read, or heard somewhere how it’s a great idea to start your

website by “Branding” your company or your name, let’s kill this idea right now. Since

you are brand new to the web, knowing knows you by your name or your chosen

company name. There isn’t anyone who is going to be searching for these things the

day your website goes live!

The most important thing for you to know before you ever put up your website is what

is the niche market you are providing a product or service for. You must know this

precisely. No guessing.

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The great news is, on the World Wide Web, it is easier to figure this out than ever

before in the history of business. You can uncover you precise, laser targeted niche

with free information literally at your fingertips any time you log on to your computer.

There is no reason for you start your business with your head in a giant cloud spread

across the globe, searching for the right person to sell your product to from among

almost 7 billion prospects.

By knowing exactly what your niche is, before you ever make your website, or try to

market your product, you will know who – EXACTLY – to put your offer in front of, and

be able to do it while starting to attract endless targeted visitors almost immediately –

and without advertising!

Your niche is what you are selling, and who you are selling to. It’s not “make money

online” or “lose weight” or “dating.” That’s not good enough. Broad phrases like these

will leave you in a sinking boat, and there is no traffic anywhere to come bail you out.

Nail your niche down to the exact, pin point, no-kidding, this is really who wants my

product. There should be no guessing here. You should know you are selling to “dogs

who like white chocolate” or “horses who speak Spanish when running.”

O.K. so that’s a little silly, but you get the point. You must know exactly what your

market is before you begin.

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These Keywords are Great but…

After we do what the great advisors and trusted “Gurus” told us and just did anything,

instead of really defining who we are going to provide solutions to… we got told to find

a list of 100 or 200 keywords or phrases to use in our marketing.

So maybe you spent some time brainstorming the keywords. Or maybe you went to

Google or some other keyword source, and did a few searches. In the end, you found

you had a list of keywords. Maybe not 100 or 200, but a pretty good size list.

Maybe you were excited you got this done. You possibly found what you thought were

great keywords. Some of these words had 50,000 or 60,000 or 100,000 or more

monthly searches. If you’re at all like me, you were ecstatic with these finds.

Now, you may have thought, I’m going to get the real traffic. Guaranteed targeted

traffic is going to come rushing to my website like I never imagined.

Only it didn’t.

Why not? Well, even if you had your niche perfectly defined, if you did this, you still

didn’t get any of the right targeted traffic. The visitors who are laser targeted and

eager to buy your hot product or service…

They still didn’t come

You still barely had a sale

You weren’t indexed in the search engines

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You weren’t in any search engine results you could find

This is because you really didn’t pick the right keywords. This is particularly true if you

started without REALLY knowing your niche.

This is only makes sense, doesn’t it? If you chose keywords for something that really

isn’t your specific market, then won’t you really end up with the wrong people coming

to your website?

They arrive, and don’t find what they need, and they leave.

Even if you knew your niche definition precisely… if you choose these high volume

search keywords to target, you won’t be able to compete, and your brand new website

would never be found in the search results.

Your business DEPENDS on you or someone close to your business knowing how to

find the laser targeted keywords you can get indexed for FAST.

The keywords you can actually rank for

The keywords you can leap ahead of your competition with

The keywords with real buyers searching with and who will find your product or

service when they search

The keywords ending your frustration, and bringing you real buyers, day in and

day out

This is literally about getting the “low hanging fruit” that is really there, and really

brings profit, and you finding it fast and easy. By mastering (and you can MASTER this)

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right up front, you start getting search engine traffic loaded with buyers coming directly

to your site.

These techniques are not magic pills, or secret loopholes. These are proven techniques

only a handful of people know and use, and you NEED to grab them now, and get the

competitive edge.

Once you know these techniques, your website, website name, and your content will all

work together to bring you guaranteed targeted traffic almost literally without effort,

once everything is in place.

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The Secret Language for Getting Buyers

Now we’re getting somewhere. However, there is another problem which even if the

first two are solved, can still leave you without the profits you deserve.

You could have defined your niche market perfectly.

Used the perfect low hanging fruit for keywords

Even have lots of people arriving to your site every day

Yet you still barely see a sale and you finish each day more frustrated than the last.

How can this be happening?

It’s a language barrier!

You may have created tons of what you think is great content, what you think is a great

product, and what you think is the perfect product your customers really need. Yet you

can’t make any significant sales. It’s all so frustrating, you feel desperate solutions, and

maybe you think you are only missing one key piece of software, or one secret

technique to magically send you server crushing traffic for endless sales.

Only the real problem is your language. Not whether it’s in English, Spanish, French,

German, or Chinese. No, that’s not the language I’m talking about. You already know

what national language they speak.

The problem is, you aren’t talking to your customer.

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You are telling them what they think they want to know or hear, and not what they

want to see or hear.

Believe it or not, by learning how to find the power buyer keywords, you start to solve

the problem of knowing the language of your customer. You start giving your customer

the words and phrases they relate to directly.

Now your speaking their language. When you speak their language, they begin to


… and to buy!

When you really know your niche market, and thoroughly understand the REAL power

keywords your customer uses, you start to talk with the words and phrases that inspire

them and kick them into action. You give them what they want.

Now the traffic comes

Now it’s highly targeted traffic

Now it’s visitors who want to buy because you give them what they want

Now you have guaranteed targeted traffic

The traffic is built in layers

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What is Layered Traffic?

I spent 22 years in the Navy, flying the

E2-C Hawkeye aircraft from aircraft

carriers. The people who flew these

planes were the little talked about

individuals that were the lynch pin to

success for the naval air operations.

In those 22 years, I learned many things and developed and taught skills and strategies

for many people and organizations. I also flew in over 200 combat missions in this

time. All very successful missions.

What does this have to do with Layered Traffic™?

Every successful naval strategy depends of defense in layers. Your chances of

succeeding are mega-times greater if multiple layers have to fail in order for your

mission to fail.

Building a strong base layer of all the right tools, all the right skills, and all the correct

technical elements gives you an incredible competitive edge over your enemy in

combat, and your competition in business.

If one of your more complex, top tier layers fails, then you have several more behind

them to keep you running until you can regroup or restructure. In combat, these

decisions and adjustments were made instantaneously and literally on-the-fly.

Having very strong layers backing you up ensured you didn’t have to quit and the

mission would still go on.

E2C Hawkeye on the USS Theodore Roosesvelt

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It took me a long time to realize this was what was missing from the methods being

taught by young business gurus who, by no fault of their own, didn’t really understand

why they had succeeded.

Thus Layered Traffic™ is born: A method to translate the powerful success of years of

strategic and tactical success in the Navy to winning against your competition online.

Layered Traffic™ starts by building a base to eliminate the 3 biggest mistakes stopping

your targeted traffic, leads and customers from arriving like you expected.

It puts that right skills and tools in place up front.

It attacks the 3 biggest causes of failure first.

Then you build on your power base and add one layer of traffic after another. This

allows you take your business to any level of success you desire.

Maybe you just want to build an income stream to supplement your current business.

Layered Traffic™ is the key to starting.

Possibly you want to replace your job and have your own business you run on your

own. Layered Traffic™ is the key to starting and building successfully.

Maybe you really want a multi-million dollar business of unlimited scope. Layered

Traffic™ is the foundation for success.

Layered Traffic™ literally makes it possible to build a nearly indestructible business.

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Where Do You Go from Here?

It’s a fact, that the best way to make all of this work for you is to have a proven

system, and proven method for putting it all together.

Now I’m no fool. If you want to spend countless hours searching, and even more hours

writing, and even more hours after that searching some more, then…

… over time (how much time, I really can’t say) you can probably find all these answers

for free. Though you likely won’t find anyone who understands the principles of

Layered Traffic™ laying it out for you in a method you can actually build on.

This will likely bring you such slow progress you’ll get so frustrated that you’ll do one of

two things…

1. Quit your online efforts

2. Buy another dozen magic pill, loop hole, glitch promise products

I’m pretty certain you don’t want to do either.

So this is the real reason why I created the Your Traffic Starter Blog Silver Level


… so you can leverage the power of Layered Traffic™.

Layered Traffic™ serious business owners like you the ability to end the nightmares of

never seeing the traffic, and never achieving the results capable of brining you real

security, the income you deserve, and the life of your dreams.

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If I can I want to ask you something…

Have you ever set up a website, thought you did everything right… maybe even

followed a “Guru Program” exactly, and were left with the same horribly

frustrating, complete lack of web traffic, and sales?

Can you remember when you made a commitment to yourself and your family to

get a real business you owned online, and they told you how you must be nuts…

and now you feel maybe a little or maybe a lot DESPERATE to prove them

wrong, but nothing’s working?…

Have you’ve been taking repeated actions to get guaranteed targeted traffic,

even though it hasn’t worked the way you expected, and you keep doing it

anyhow because you really don’t know what to do next?

And you want to end these problems fast with proven techniques and proven methods

presented in way no one has ever provided for you at such a low price, then I ask you

to take a serious look at the Your Traffic Starter Blog Silver Level Membership.

Your Silver Level membership is completely risk free. You have 30 full days to decide if

this is the right place for you. If the Layered Traffic methods in YourTrafficStarterBlog

don’t work for you, then you get your money back, absolutely no questions asked.

So if you’re ready to discover how to easily eliminate the 3 Biggest Mistakes preventing

you from having the guaranteed targeted traffic you need, and then take your traffic

your generation and sales to a scale you never realized, then you owe yourself a Silver

Membership in YourTrafficStarterBlog.

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Click the link now, and claim your completely risk free membership today, and be on

the road to endless traffic in a matter of minutes.

Click Here for Silver Member Access Now

Your Silver Level Membership is Waiting