AVC hospitality Company profile - March 2015

avc hospitality is specialized in innovative Training, Coaching & Consulting services throughout South-East Asia Its programs are dedicated to people working in/with hotels, restaurants, serviced apartments, airlines, hospitals, hotel management companies, sales' people of all fields and all corporates strongly dealing with services to Customers “Who learns but doesn’t think, is lost. Who thinks but doesn’t learn is in great danger.” - Confucius -

Transcript of AVC hospitality Company profile - March 2015

a v c ho sp i t a l i t yis specialized in innovative

Training, Coaching & Consulting services throughout South-East Asia

Its programs are dedicated to people working in/with hotels, restaurants,

serviced apartments, airlines, hospitals, hotel management companies, sales'

people of all fields and all corporates strongly dealing with services to Customers

“Who learns but doesn’t think, is lost.Who thinks but doesn’t learn is in great danger.”

- Confucius -

About AVC hospitality

Training & Benefits

Coaching & Benefits

Consulting & Benefits

Graduated from Glion International Hotel School in Switzerland,

Antoine Villette has been enjoying his Passion for the past 25 years in

France, South Africa, Reunion Island and, in Indonesia since 2005.

Thanks to a strong operational background due to his experiences with

Sofitel, Novotel, Ibis, Aston and Harris

Antoine is now sharing his Passion for Hospitality through

Training, Coaching and Consulting.

Antoine is also a EQ-i 2.0 certified assessor

Click below links for more information about Antoine and AVC hospitality

His Vision

To be a leader in bringing Emotional Intelligence into our daily lives

His Mission

To assist people to reach their own targets and their Company’s ones

His Plus

After Training & Coaching’s periods, an adjusted assistance can be provided

His S’gnature


Emotional Intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills. Emotional Quotient (EQ)

is estimated to account up to 45% of job success

IQ alone is not enough. Emotional Intelligence is proven to be a key indicator in

human performance and development

It all starts with the senses and each of us has its own way to perceive, to analyse,

to understand and to react to its environment.

D e v e l o p i n g & P r e p a r i n g P e o p l e

An innovative and inspiring approach

through Senses, People and Perception

1 day

2,5 days

1 day

• Training: developing People

The success of a Company depends on its main asset: its People!

Our approach to train is unique and truly inspiring

D e v e l o p i n g & P r e p a r i n g P e o p l e

• Customized Customer Service program TBA

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

-Benjamin Franklin -

• Handling Emotions: A key to success

• Marketing & Sales: BE the difference

• Making a decision: Purpose first

• Training: developing People

• Customized Customer Service program

Benefits for the Attendees

D e v e l o p i n g & P r e p a r i n g P e o p l e


• Understanding of themselves, each other and its environment

• Approach of a Relationship


• Their self-perception and confidence

• Their self-expression abilities

• Their creativity to positively surprise

• Their creativity to better cope with challenges

• Their self-motivation capabilities

• A stronger focus on their Guests, Partners and Objectives

• A stronger and sustainable sense of business

• A stronger sense of loyalty towards your Company

• Coaching: preparing People

Because Talents need a particular attention and a customized development

program, because HR teams might not have always enough time to focus on one

person, AVC hospitality listens to your Wants, understands your Talent’s Needs

and designs a program accordingly to both Wants and Needs

Coaching is a One-to-One development process to help the Coachee to:

Blossom | Improve his/her performance | Reach his/her target(s)

To prepare the Coachee to:

New challenges | New responsibilities

Coaching is focusing on the Coachee’s personal behavior, attitude,

perception, vision, understanding, values, principles and perspectives

EQ-i 2.0 assessment before designing a program is highly recommended

Coaching is a perfect support for HODs, EAMs and GMs

D e v e l o p i n g & P r e p a r i n g P e o p l e

What Coaching does for the:

D e v e l o p i n g & P r e p a r i n g P e o p l e


• Self-awareness and confidence

• Ability to think and to act more strategically

• Working relationship

• Leadership skills

• Results

• Reveals Talents and develop Potentials

• Improves Team’s performance

• Decreases the turnover ratio

• Improves cost management and profitability

• Consulting: a flexible Approach

Our fields of expertise:

Consulting is to assist Corporates, Investors and Owners

D e v e l o p i n g & P r e p a r i n g P e o p l e

Select the right candidate – We use the EQ-i model assessment

Elaborate and monitor your Marketing and Sales strategies

We assist you to:

Design appropriate training modules based on surveyed needs

Put your property back on track

Design appropriate Talent’s development program

based on surveyed needs


Marketing & Sales

Pre-opening trainingTrain your front liners

(hotels | restaurants | banks | retails | airlines | airports…)

Building training

Building development program

Hotel facing difficulties




Flexibility: Our Clients use our consulting services as per their Wants & Needs

Objectivity: We give objective opinions & advices to ease our Clients’ decisions

Our flexibility & objectivity at the service of our Clients’ sustainable Profitability

D e v e l o p i n g & P r e p a r i n g P e o p l e


Thank you for your attention

To develop in a efficient & innovative way your

Teams’ performances and your profits

please contact us now:

[email protected]

HP: +62-815 1303 0622

D e v e l o p i n g & P r e p a r i n g P e o p l e