August 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine

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Transcript of August 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine

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Page 5: August 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine

Fae Garden Posted by ღ Skye ღ

I had read a article on the net about making a fae garden. I thought what a great idea and how nice one would look on my porch. So, off to the home and garden center I went and I had an idea to use succulents. The unique shapes and colors of succulents add a touch of whimsy to a tiny world and I loved the different shades of green as well as the textures. Some even bloom! The elements of miniature gardens can vary from incorporating natural items such as pebbles, seed pods or twigs to small furniture, small houses and even the fae themselves. The one common element that ties all miniature gardens together are small plants. Using succulents are a great way to create container gardens that are low-maintenance and do not need much water. Miniature gardens don’t have to be expensive – you may already have many of the items already laying around your home and garden. Do you have a shallow container that has been standing empty too long? As long as it has a hole for drainage – it will work for your miniature garden. I purchased a pot that is actually made for a shallow container garden for less than $5 at a home and garden store. The next step is to take a walk outside to collect some other natural elements such as small rocks, sea shells or pebbles. The beauty of these small gardens are in the ‘natural’ world you are creating. Small twigs or pieces of bark can also find a place in your little garden. Use what “speaks” to you. There is no right or wrong way to assemble. It’s your garden, decorate as you wish. If you don’t like the finished product, remove and start over. Some succulents I recommend are burro’s tail, hen and chicks, jade plant, kalanchoe, panda plants and peanut cactus. When growing succulents in containers, well-drained soil is vital. Fill your container with a potting mix, formulated for cacti and succulents. Water sparingly, allowing the soil to completely dry out before watering again. Take care not to wet the leaves of your succulents. Place your miniature, fae succulent garden in an area that receives plenty of sunlight. Whatever you decide to do just remember to have fun with it. Creating a miniature world in a pot is one of my favorite container ideas – how about you? Blessings, Skye

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Smell of memory Posted by §haÐðw

Ever sat and thought a place you been to or have a fragrance come across reminds you of somewhere.. like for me as a kid I can still smell the Kitchen in chicago of Itilian food.. or the smell of the beach in Scotland or the Beach in Daytona. or even the high bitter weed in a field at a family members place.. smell of sand in white sands Nm . the air, feel the wind and all that.. those apparently had impact on us.. as I have several but not many even with all I can look back on and to me to go back and think of a place as such. the smell and feel the air is like awakened meditation of sorts it can actually take you away.. or remembering a sunset and smelling the ocean or hearing it.. those can last a few minutes or more to ground you if need in a rush situation. or stuck in long line at walmart.. these moments I know take me back to a moment that must have hit me as a cherished moment. these days doesnt seem to be many amongst the chaos.. country and the sound of crickets when your in a concrete jungle , windchimes it can go on n on.. so if you find yourself in a situation lil un nerving take a trip. smell a memory.. huggs and Peace Shadow

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The Enchantment milk bath Posted by ღ Skye ღ

The Enchantment Milk Bath

4 parts powdered milk

1 part dried orange peel

1 part dried lemon peel

1 drop of pure essential lemon oil

1 part dried rose petals

1 part dried marigold flowers Mix ingredients, wrap in double layered cheese cloth and bind with ribbon. Use the ribbon strings to hang over running bath water. Use organic oranges and lemons, grind the skin off and place of a piece of wax paper on a baking sheet, and let dry 3 days. I used rose and marigold right out of my garden, pulled the petals off and pressed them inside a phone directory book for 3 days to dry.

Lemon is cooling and reducing body temperature

Orange is cooling and purifying. Improves mental clarity

Rose petals are a quintessential summer reminder which in a bath beautifies and renews the feminine spirit

Marigold for is wonderful for people who are in need of some serious re-connection with the joy of life. Instantly compelling, enriching, balances strongly, re-centering, eye opening, seeing the extraordinary in everything Enjoy! BB, Skye

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Eagle Medicine Posted by ღ Skye ღ

Eagle medicine is the connection to the Great Spirit. Eagle soars high above the land and thus is closer to the heavens than man can be. Send your prayers to Eagle, and he will rise above the chaos to meet Great Spirit and return, with a vision for you. You too must take flight. It is time for you to soar to great heights. You must have a willingness to face the extremes, to push yourself to your limits. Through facing these challenges you will undergo a great spiritual initiation and reach a new zenith of your self-growth. It is time to go beyond your dreams. If eagle has come into your life it is a reminder that it is time to reconnect with the universe and your reasons for being here. What is your path and how are you contributing to the Greater Good? If you are not clear, connect with the eagle, ask him to aid your contact with the Great Spirit. He will bring you answers and then, like eagle, set your eyes on the target and take flight. In your spiritual pursuits, you must still remember to stay grounded and connected to the Earth. Eagle's strong talons ensures he has a strong grasp wherever he lands. You too must not get lost up in your head with your spiritual pursuits. Enjoy! BB, Skye

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Herb Markers 2 Posted by ღ Skye ღ

These markers as so easy to make. Make small ones for potted herbs and larger ones for herbs planted directly in the ground. 1 white (Painters brand) permanent white marker (available at craft stores) 1 gold Sharpie (I used the fine point) 1 silver Sharpie (I used the fine point) Polyurethane spray in clear gloss (available at craft stores) Smooth stones of whatever size you wish your herb markers to be You just draw on the stones what design you wish with the white marker and use the silver and gold markers for highlights. The sky is the limit on the designs. Make whatever you wish but just have fun! When finished drawing on the stones, let the marker paint dry for a couple of hours and then spray with the polyurethane spray. Be sure and use the spray outdoors! Let dry overnight but make sure they don’t get wet until they dry and then set them out by your plants or give away as gifts. Enjoy! BB, Skye

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The Power of Intention Post 5 Posted by ღ Skye ღ

Never underestimate the power of your Intention. It represents the most powerful magical tool at your disposal. Intention is pure Energy. It is the divine creative Force behind all cosmic, universal and human designs. The efficiency of intention relies on two factors 1 - Establishing a purpose 2 - Intensity Establishing a purpose, or setting a goal - is necessary as it gives us a direction. It affects the trajectory of the creative Energy. The practical question is: What do you wish to achieve? The more precise your answer is, the clearer your path will be. The second factor is intensity. This is the focus you draw into your thoughts. The greater the concentration, passion and amount of energy that you can give your intention, the greater and faster the results will appear. Coincidences won’t be coincidences but messages and divine signs that will automatically make sense. The practical question is: How much do you want this dream to come true? To be part of your reality? To be fully experienced? You need to engage your entire being into this process. The understanding of who you are is the key. Be aware of your thoughts, your choices, your decisions, and your beliefs and more so your power… Remember that your reality always matches the way you perceive the world outside. And remember that the way you perceive the world outside always matches the way you perceive your…Self. Skye

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Dragon Friendship Posted by §haÐðw

On wings of thunder Honor bound

Search me out, I drum the sound Twist and turn in the night

Dragon come, my guiding light. Protector, guardian, friend not foe

Come to me, see my sigil glow. Strong and true this friendship charm

I beckon thee, keep me from harm. Around and about your magick swirls

Come to me Your wings unfurled.

~ © 2000 Bill Wescott | all rights reserved

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nnnccchhhaaannnttteeeddd ooorrreeesssttt

rrraaapppeeevvviiinnneeeLLLooooookkk fffooorrr ttthhheee EEEnnnccchhhaaannnttteeeddd FFFooorrreeesssttt

GGGrrraaapppeeevvviiinnneee fffooorrr aaa llliiisssttt ooofff aaawwweeesssooommmeee dddiiissscccuuussssssiiiooonnnsss aaannnddd pppooosssttt fffrrrooommm

mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrrsss ooofff ttthhheee FFFooorrreeesssttt...... ttthhhiiisss wwwaaasss tttooo hhheeelllppp cccuuuttt dddooowwwnnn ooonnn mmmaaaiiilll

cccooonnnfffuuusssiiiooonnn iiinnn yyyooouuurrr iiinnnbbboooxxx... SSSooo aaalllwwwaaayyysss lllooooookkk fffooorrr ttthhhiiisss ssshhhaaarrreee iiisss

aaalllwwwaaayyysss gggooooooddd iiinnnfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiiooonnn fffrrrooommm ttthhheee sssiiittteee!!!!!!!!!

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Traditional Magic Main Discussion 1

Posted by ღ Skye ღ

On Becoming a Traditional Witch & the Breathing Exercise You may know about Wicca. Wicca is a newer religion. While I do respect Wicca, nevertheless Wicca has many beliefs and practices that do not originate from the old Traditional Witchcraft. I am not Wiccan. This group will only be about Traditional Witchcraft. I hope to develop your connection to the magical energy that is already inside of you. Each person is born with that sacred energy, the "spark of life” that is the very core of our existence. It is that energy that is us, our lives are made possible because we have this energy. Since magic works because of this energy, we can use this energy to alter the world around us. It is so incredible; you will be amazed at the advances you can make. It should be good fun; and we will go through it together. I am so happy to be able to share my approach about Traditional Witchcraft with you! I will tell you this. Spell work is very seldom done on this Path. We exhaust all other avenues before resorting to spells. So you won't be seeing many spells here written by me. Going Within I want to first talk about Going With, or what many call, "meditation." For the Traditional Witch, Going Within is vital. That may sound strange to you, because you may think of meditation as being Asian and has nothing to do with witchcraft. If that's what you thought, then I have a surprise for you. Meditation has been in Europe as long as it has been in Asia. Of course it wasn't called "meditation" in Europe in ages past. One term used is “Going Within." Today many call it "meditation" because the word has become so popular. Nevertheless, meditation certainly was in Europe and has always been a key discipline that every Trad Witch practices.

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Now, I know that many people think they could never learn to meditate. They picture sitting on the floor in the lotus position with their legs crossed for hours on end chanting "om." Well, don't worry; that is not the way it's done! But first, what is meditation? Meditation is the focus of the mind on one thing. That's it. It may sound simple but it requires training to do it correctly. The type of meditation I will teach you is simple. Most people will find it to be very enjoyable when you get used to it. But also, keep in mind that it is so important to learn because it will help you in so many ways in everyday life. There are many benefits to meditation such as stress relief and greater ability to study. People who meditate regularly are much more productive in everything they do. They are much calmer in crisis situations. They are able to stop the "chatter" that normally occurs in the conscious mind. They also have an increased ability to focus on one situation or problem at a time. Meditation fosters spiritual growth and self-improvement. Both of these are central to witchcraft because the Trad Witch is always open to improvement and change. If we are truly in contact with the rhythms of Nature, do we really every stop learning and observing? The world is such an exciting place because of Nature. Meditation effects how we view life and the world around us. People who meditate develop sensitivity to other people, to all life forms, and to the Earth. They have a heightened ability to "connect" with the life forces around us. They gain a sense of belonging and develop an awareness of compassion. These are all highly beneficial to everyone and these alone make meditation of great value. But to the witch, meditation has an even greater gift. It allows the ability to access and control the energy necessary to perform magic. Let's get started! Learning to meditate can be easier than you think. I have a super easy meditation that is not only perfect for beginners but is also used by many people that are much more advanced. First, here are some important pointers:

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1) Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Use your diaphragm, which is your stomach, just below your ribs, to draw air in and back out. Breathe in deeply FIRST, feeling your abdomen expand and fill your lungs. Then release your breath through your mouth, slowly. 2) You normally exhale twice as long as you inhale. 3) Should you begin to feel lightheaded, then you need to exhale longer and breathe more slowly. The Breathing Exercise Step 1: You need to find a quiet place alone where you know you'll have no interruptions. This should be a room you can darken, but don't make the room dark yet. Step 2: You will need: • Any regular-height table. • One white utility candle (any size, new or partly used) and a candleholder. • Incense (this is optional). • A comfortable but firm chair placed in front of the table (such as a kitchen table and chair or a dining room table and chair).

Step 3: Position the candle directly in front of your chair about 2 - 3 feet away on the table. Light the candle and incense. Now, darken the room. Step 4: Be seated and make sure you are in a comfortable position. It's important to sit up straight throughout meditation. Your hands may be on your knees or on your lap, but do NOT cross your arms or legs. Step 5: Close your eyes. Relax. Step 6: While concentrating on your breathing, take a deep breath while counting to four. Step 7: Now breathe out while counting to eight. You may alter this pattern if it is more comfortable for you. Continue breathing in this manner for 3 to5 minutes. You will become very aware of the calming, rhythmic pattern.

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Step 8: When you are finished, take a deep breath, look around you, and return refreshed and aware of energy throughout your body. I recommend you do this meditation once daily over the next week. Soon you will be able to do this meditation for 5 to 15 minutes with little difficulty. You can do this exercise at home or even in the office (without the candle) whenever you feel the need. It is a wonderful for reducing tension. It can be an exercise for you to use whenever you like. Problems Meditating Especially at first, your mind might come up with thoughts, itches, tingles, or other uncomfortable feelings to annoy you. Your mind is not use to this type of mental exercise, so it has difficulty at first concentrating. The mind needs to "get use" to a new technique. You see, normally the mind "runs" in an undisciplined manner and you pay no attention to it. But when you begin to learn to control the mind you become very aware of such annoyances. This is only temporary. The best approach is to mentally put such irritations out of your mind's awareness one by one and return to concentrating on your breathing. Don't expect to be able to master this overnight. It will take a little time and practice, but everyone can do this, I guarantee. Also, take it easy. Don't try too hard. When distracted, gently return to concentrating on your breathing. Remain directed to this and you will ease into meditation well. I do hope you liked this part one. Remember, Going Within has always been an important part of Trad Witchcraft from the very beginning. I recommend that you do The Breathing Exercise for a few minutes every day for the next week and you will be amazed at the calm and energy it gives you. The secrets of the Traditional Witchcraft will come to you one step at a time. Don't be in a hurry. Great things come to those who are patient. Skye

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Shield Yourself From Negativity Psychic Workout

Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle

I have been practicing Gnostic meditation particularly to counter stressful situations in my job that happen on a daily basis. My question is when dealing with angry people who make demands of me, how do I deal with them without getting angry and keep myself protected from their negativity? Everyone can benefit from psychic protection, not only healers and those involved in the psychic arts, but those with more mainstream careers like teachers, doctors, and customer service representatives. Additionally, people sensitive to surrounding energies and emotions will find themselves less influenced when their psychic shield of protection is up. Protection rituals can be used both for prevention and for the occasional need for protection during a specific situation that simply won't resolve itself in the normal course of action. Psychic protection is easy to create and can be done in a moment's notice without any fancy tools. Get ready to manifest your own psychic shield with this exercise that takes merely seconds to perform. 1. Begin by visualizing the "essential you" that is the soul or core of your existence. 2. Mentally put on a thick cloak or robe. It can be of your color choice, but traditionally black is used for protection, as it absorbs, or you can visualize a white robe, which is used for reflection. 3. Now imagine that your robe has become an impenetrable shield. It is brilliantly repelling any potential negativity that you may encounter, whether it's a customer yelling at you or an argument with your partner. 4. Imagine the robe protecting you so securely that you remain clear and unaffected by the negative energy around you. When the negative energy is reflected in this manner, it is often "returned to sender" and the sender will become aware of their own negative actions or intentions, putting an end to arguments or harsh words. 5. The stronger the visualization, the stronger the protection. You may wish to begin with a soft cloth robe that is capable of evolving into a shield of armor when necessary.

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6. You may chose to add prayer, thereby communicating your specific request of protection to the divine. Now that you know this simple technique, imagine the endless possibilities for performing protection magick: 1. Engulf your house in a protective blanket before you leave for a vacation to keep your home safe from theft or fire hazards. 2. Surround yourself with a protective armor as you head out onto the field to keep yourself safe during physical contact sports. 3. Send a healing protective barrier to a loved one who is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction to help them resist temptation. 4. Each time you put your keys into your car's ignition, create a safe shield for traveling around your vehicle. 5. Worried about your child, who is away at summer camp or school? Meditate on a photograph of them and surround them with a protection robe. 6. Have a relative on active duty in the military? Visualize them wearing their government issued uniform, or fatigues, and see that attire as a protective barrier, repelling enemy fire. How will you put a psychic shield of protection to use?

Page 19: August 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine

4 Elements in the Universe and the Human Body

Posted by Ha-nu

THE FOUR ELEMENTS OF NATURE ARE FIRE, EARTH, AIR, AND WATER. As the astrology as the human body reflected all these elements in ( inner and otter orbit)….therefore, spreading these elements in a birth chart can play a key factor for a personality dominance of the person you’re talking to…. earth, fire, water, air A FIERY PERSON… A fiery person, that means a person with a lot of planets in the fire signs, which would be Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, would have high energy, high vitality. They would be very athletically inclined. They feel very childlike and childish at times and they seem to have this super humor feeling of being special as if they gods had divined their presence here on earth to do anything they wanted to, a little self-centered, a little aggressive, a little competitive, very enthusiastic. EARTH PEOPLE… Earth people, these are people with planets predominately in the signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. These are people who would be very, very down to earth, practical, have a great use of common sense, how the material world works. They know the value of things, how to use the earth element, work is very important to them. On the downside, they could be a little dull and plotting. But on the very positive side, they know how to get things done and they know how to materialize things in their life. These are very, very practical people and very sensational too; they know how the body works very well. AIRY INTELLIGENCE… The third element we have is air. Air is the intellectual element. This is the element of the human being. What distinguishes human beings from animals is our ability to reason and to use logic and to make deductions and make conclusions. So air is about communication, talking, thinking. People with a lot of air elements are probably very good writers, they use their mind, they know how to communicate. They also can be highly sarcastic because they know how to use words better than other people, and they’ll be sure to tell you. WATER HUMANS… The last element is water. This is the element that’s one of the most difficult to distinguish, especially in the western world because we don’t value this element as much as the other three. Water is a wonderful element. It’s durability to emphasize with people, to feel, to love. This is a great, great element if you’re in jobs like a therapist or counseling. This element, it’s just, it’s from the heart. If you can’t feel and emphasize with people, you can become very ruthless and not able to bond with other people. This is about your mother; it’s about your family; it’s about your past; it’s your, about your ability to bond with people. So people with a predominance of water are going to be very understanding of the human heart and how people love each other. What is your element (s)?

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Most important 15 spiritual test for personal growth

Posted by Ha-nu

There are a lot of different forms of Magick, and it’s a rather wide open subject to discuss, in the end magick is a tool that we use to focus and direct energy. Most people have a misconception of the practice and as with most things class it as wrong and evil. What they don’t understand is the praying is magick as well it’s a tool we use to focus and direct a request. A spell is in essence the prayer you use to focus your intention. As we get Wicca, Christianity, etc. Magick is a religion in its own right. Most religions ban magick as evil and have severe penalties, either now, in the eternal, or both for practitioners of any form of magick, but to live a magical life, you have to treat it like part of who you are. It is most effective when you truly believe in yourself and what you are doing. Magick is but a tool; it is not good / positive or evil / negative. All magick are neutral. The nature of the user is what determines the outcome or the use of this very useful tool, not the Magick itself. Some users like to be more aggressive in the use of their magick by attacking their enemies, or a friend's enemies. Other users use their magic to protect or shield themselves and their friends from their enemies. A majority of users focus on just one line of magick, and they abandon the others as it does not catch their fancy. Some abandon the idea of combative magic all together and rather focus on enchantments to help lighten the burden on the lives of those they know, such as blessings and prosperity spells, etc. In the end its a personal choice for you as the user.

Here are some of the major classes of magick White Magician - Expert of Protective and Healing Spells. Black Magician - Expert of Destructive Spells. Mage - Expert at Psychic and Mental Control, and Spells of Willpower. Druid / Shaman - Masters of Nature, Natural Forces and Animals. Enchanter - Experts at Area Effect Magic (Curses/Blessings).

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Divination - Experts of Future and Fortune telling. Conjurer - Experts at Summoning Spirits or Entities. Healer - Experts at Manipulating and Sustaining Life Force. Necromancer - Experts at Manipulating Death and the Dead (souls). Sorcerer - Freelance Offensive Casters of All Types; Mainly focused on black magic. Wizard - Freelance Defensive Casters of All Types; Mainly focused on white magic. Priest - Calls on God to defend them and to work with their situation as necessary (Christian Magick). Satanist - Calls on Satan to indulge their desires. Then you get what is called the Master or Aurthann. This person has learned and mastered all of the above, and has also learned the largest secret of all magick. Greater Wisdom! As users we all strive to achieve something, a desire that is within ourselves and by doing so there are certain rules that must be adhered to. Like in anything in life rules are the backbone of everything. Only those that have reached the Master or Aurthann status can to some extent bend these rules, to achieve so much more. The most important thing all users must remember is that, every action in magick has a reaction, especially on Karmic dept as well as your soul. In harming others for what ever reason, you are adding to your karmic dept as well as taking life force from your soul. So, in essence “Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself!” This little phrase has a world of meaning. Here are 15 ground rules that every user should first master before the use of any magick. It teaches extreme values as backbone and corner stone for a user to become all they can be. To have great power require great responsibility.... because you can harm someone don't mean you should.

1.Power This is the first and most important test for every user. This lesson is all about, either

not owning enough power, or letting all that power go to your head. This is Personal

Power the first and most important key to mental health and spiritual growth.

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By owning our own power all the time in a considerate way by never faltering you achieve self-mastery over your energies and in that way you become powerful in yourself, without giving your power away to others or your subconscious mind, negative ego, inner child, thoughts, emotions desires and physical body. In the end owning your personal power, allows you to be comfortable in whom you are, without forcing that power onto others. An example of this is “I am this good and you will never be as good as I am” this is an example of forcing your power onto another. When you can acknowledge your power without down playing others that show that you have learned that lesson well. Power is to be used with great responsibility, and respect. Always celebrate others, let them feel their important, loved and accepted, and celebrate their achievements. 2.Fame The next great test for the users is Fame. The first 3 tests are the hardest to master and they are so interconnected that through mastering one, you will be able to master all three. The question here is what happens to the personality of the users when fame and worldly recognition is achieved? How does this change your personality? Do you start looking down on others, treating them like lowly beings? Does the fame go to your head and inflate your ego? Do the fame allow for an opening for the negative ego? Or do you use this fame for self glory or as an opportunity to be of greater service to the greater good of mankind? The problem with the Earth life is that people who move into fame are not at all prepared for the mental effect this has on them. This also applied for many spiritual leaders as well. They are often highly developed spiritually or physically, but mentally they have very little control over the negative ego, inner child, body desires, emotional body, etc. Just look at King David, as well as King Solomon. They achieved all that could be desired, but in the end their desires, was their downfall. The key with all these tests is to remain exactly the same as you were before power, money and fame arrived in your life. These blessings should be used for the betterment of not just you bot in paying it forward in ways to help others that need help. By this I do NOT mean go around stuffing money into peoples hands thinking it will help them, money is not the solution for the world's problems.

3.Money This test is one so many fail, the power of Money / mula or as it is mostly called Mammon. The key question to all users is which do you worship, Mammon a lesser demi god. My question to you are how attractive is money to you? It amazes me to see users who are very much in possession of the high Consciousness, change to really offensive people, the moment money are involved in any issue. It is as if they are this high Consciousness as long as you are paying them a client fee. This is not true spiritually.

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What happen to you when someone rips you off over money? How do you respond? I am not saying money is not important, I am asking HOW important? If all your money and material possessions are stripped away NOW, how would you respond? Would you retain your faith and who you were before that? How does your personality change when you suddenly receive large sums on money? Will you still treat people in the same loving manner you always have? Will you still care about those less fortunate and share your luck with others? If you don’t then the negative ego’s interpretation of money has a hold on you. The universe wants everybody to have an abundant amount of money. It is not good to be poor, being poor is the product of negative ego poverty consciousness programming. There is no judgment in being poor. What does having a lot of money do to your personality? How does this interlock with the issue of power? You will pass or fail on the spiritual path with this kind of issues. In the end we are taught this lesson, by being put in these kinds of situations in our lives. Loosing everything you have and hold dear. How you handle that, how it matter to you and how it change you. You must be the same person with or without millions. If you can master this lesson, it takes you up another step on your path to a better person or user as well as your spiritual path. 4.Sexuality The next test is Sexuality, a word that gets many people to take an involuntary step back! Are you the master of your sexuality or is it the master of you? Does the flow of your sexuality serve the lower self or the higher self? Area you moderate in your sexual practices? Does your sexuality serve love and intimacy or just materialistic animal pleasure? Does your sexuality serve just a selfish purpose, or a selfless purpose? Is your sexuality being used also for the raising of your kundalini and brain illumination or just for a second chakra release?” These very brutal questions are questions all users HAVE to ask themselves with absolute brutal honesty. There is no shame in being slightly misused, but by becoming aware of this helps you adjust the imbalance. Life is all about making continual adjustments to who we are and how we act, and constantly bringing ourselves back to inner peace and the appropriate Tao. Use your sexuality in the service of the Higher Self, and life, and then it becomes a most sacred consecration. One of the greatest tests of the spiritual path in regards sexuality comes when you achieve power, money and fame. How do you then deal with your sexuality? I have seen so many great spiritual leaders fall when they were confronted by this lesson, again, just look at King David and King Solomon. They abused their power to get sex from another’s wives and it does not stop there. In the end, this key also has to be used with great respect towards yourself and others.

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As well as the use of Sex Magick, this alone should be handled with immense respect, if this is treated lightly, your karma dept can become severe. What very few people realize is that Sex Magick is not a pleasurable toy, in the right hands it can bind your soul to another, or kill you. When an inexperienced user gets tangled with someone with great skill, that person can take from you what ever they wish, and you would be helpless to prevent it. They can take all the good karma you have in exchange for their bad Karma, or they can take your very soul. This is very hard words to hear, but very true. All magick needs to be treated with great respect towards yourself and others, as in the end using it badly, will result in a very large karma dept, when you die. 5.Desire The transcendence of desire, this is the next lesson we look at. This key is a very confusing step on the ladder of all users and the spiritual path. The meaning is that we must transcend our lower self desires, for it is the largest of all negative ego qualities. All lower self desires should be transformed into higher self desires. These issues cause a very large confusion and in the end the users block all desires. It is good to have a desire to ascend to achieve liberation or to be of service. Transform lower self desire for GOD-realization, this is the ticket to paradise. The question is are you ruled by your need or your desire? What is desire to you? What is need to you? How does this affect your life, are your life ruled by your needs or your desires? Are they physical needs or desires, or of a higher lever? How do you live your life to achieve these? Walking over everyone, or playing them to get what you desire? It is only when we reach higher consciousness that we understand that what we need and what we desire is not the same in this world. Are the desires of your heart in line with the needs of your soul? Or are the desires of your heart, smothering the needs of your soul? It is truly hard to understand the difference between the two. The only way to understand how this affect you is to look inside. 6.Attachment For us to achieve Self-realization, happiness, inner peace and success we must release all addictions and attachments. Buddha said a very true thing “All suffering comes from attachment.” When we look at our lives it is amazing to see all the things we get attached to. The negative emotions we experience can be directly linked to attachments of one form or the other. All failed relationships can be traced to attachments. To pass this part of the 15 tests we must live in this world, but not be off this world. Do that make sense at all, yes very much. We must live here, as if this is not really where we belong. We must be able to leave at the drop of the hat, without, regret, without longing for our time here and without regrets of everyone and everything we have left behind. We must achieve our dreams and goals or preferences with all our heart, soul, mind and will, but when you do not get them you must still be happy without it. Can you do that?

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When it comes to the matter of love, releasing what you love allowing it to be with you in its own completeness, if it moves on, then it was only meant to be with you for a time, helping you with a lesson. This is the law of life. The things you cling to the most desperately, will always be the things you will lose. This is also the key principal in understanding the laws of manifestation. Whatever are your attachments in this life, people, material things, future events, sex, money, no matter what, releasing the attachment is the first step. Other go so far as to completely detach from everything without preferences, this however is not good either for then you are detached from life, so you can’t experience the lessons you need to learn. The key is to be happy, have inner peace and be in complete harmony and balance, regardless of what happens in our lived, by fighting who we are, and our lives we make it harder than it needs to be. 7.Transcending Fear This lesson is almost more important than power, as this one word describes the effect of the negative ego on us, FEAR! There are two very large and main emotions in our lives LOVE and FEAR! One is Positive and one negative. It is interesting to see how these two little four letter words can cause havoc in our lives. All emotions we experience have these 2 little words as a core element. To understand fear is to see it in a projected attack. When we attack others we live and act in fear by the Law of Karma, operating thought our lives. Here is where every action we do, incur a reaction. If the action is in love the reaction will be in love, yet if the action is in fear, the reaction will be in fear. Just remember, all reactions always return to you in three fold. The law of Karma, what you sow, you shall reap! The greatest lesson a user can ever learn is to release all core fear and to replace it with core love. As you release the fear inside yourself you release the transcended negative ego consciousness, by releasing that fear it ties to having faith in yourself. There is absolutely no lesson in life or in our spiritual path that is more important and rewarding than transcending negative ego consciousness and replacing it with positive or Higher Consciousness! In our lives and on our path to spiritual beings, FEAR is the only thing the darkness can use to control you and keep you from being all you are! FEAR is the only thing that keep us imprisoned in our own minds! 8.Selfishness This part of the test it to transcend selfishness and self-centeredness to total unselfish

love. Though some people confuse a person that is centered in their own power and

life, with selfishness and self-centerdness) We must learn to remove our own selfish

glasses, and see the bigger picture out there!

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Embrace the opposite of selfishness which is selflessness in helping others. When you can truly and selflessly step out of your own perception and life and truly help another, without expecting anything in return, not even a thank you! This is when you have reached true spiritual mastery over this. If you are on your way to a meeting, and you are already a little late, will you help someone that is in distress? This is where selflessness comes in. When you as user see the NEED, your first call has to be help this person. At that point it is the only thing that matters, that persons needs. You were the angel send to help that person in need. The true Master consciousness sees everything inside themselves in total balance and harmony without one part being more than the other. They also see that the greater good are selflessly served by each and every one of us. 9.False Pride In the bible there is this powerful little verse “After pride cometh the fall!” This test blends between the first three tests and are equally important. Do you fill yourself with self glorification? I have seen so many users out there that have this self glorification tattooed on their fore heads. Oh you can’t teach them anything, they know everything. That is false pride and incredibly dangerous and we as users have to be very careful to keep this matter in hand. There is no such thing as a greater or lesser user; some of us are stronger or more advanced on one element while others are stronger on another. That does not make them less than you! If this is the way you think then you have a serious False Pride issue to address! We are all learning and are on different levels as users, no-one is less, than another, and we can all learn something from another. If you believe yourself better than another, you are headed for a very serious and painful fall! False Pride is negative humility, negative ego, rolled into one. It is a inferiority complex, low self-esteem, lack of self worth, poor self concept, feeling undeserving, etc, etc, etc. We must keep the balance between inferiority and superiority, that users are the golden paved way. This is something we all have to learn from and we all need to constantly be on guard for any sign of the negative ego, as it is incredibly tricky and self seductive, and can sneak in at the worst possible times.

10.Anger The definition of anger is: “The lack of control and the attempt to regain it!” I believe those few word say just about everything. By misusing anger you are misusing your power! There are two kinds of anger Positive and negative anger! We all need positive anger in our lives; it can be used as a driving force in tough lessons. When you are a spiritual warrior, positive anger get you through battles, by manifesting tough love with self and others when needed.

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Base anger is a ego trait, but instead of ridding yourself of anger it could rather be channeled properly, as in anger there are an enormous power, that when used correctly can yield a lot of very good and positive results. When you use anger in its true destructive form as an attack it can cause immense damage and pain to the person under attack. Users attacking a fellow brother or sister are a rather large NO, as in doing so you incur karmic dept, and it scars your soul. To hurt another is to hurt yourself. People that are angry all the time are demonstrating a lack of personal power and self mastery! Anger creates separation between us and our life purpose is to achieve harmony. 11.Greed This is one of the vilest qualities to learn to control. Instead of being satisfied with our little life, our negative ego yearns and long for the pieces that belong to another. This can be seen in relationships, money, power, fame and even greed in spiritual growth! Our negative ego and the spoiled inner child always want more and more and that is the product run by the ego or astral body! (note I say Astral body not spiritual body that is 2 very different things) Instead of focusing on what we have already achieved, we focus on what we do not have; we yearn for another’s gift and believe your own not to be strong enough or good enough. Greed is a negative emotion; that ties with competition, jealousy and envy, and as you greedily grab and hold onto that, you will in the end loose it. Us as users can only retain that which we give away freely. Have knowledge, abilities, gifts, etc. but share it with those on the same path as you, freely. We are all here to learn, and greedily keeping knowledge to only yourself, is a form of greed. There is however circumstances where a spell, that can cause great harm, is only shared with people that are deemed mature in spirit and responsible enough to know that certain spells in the hands of an inexperienced user, can mean death. This is not greed, but a healthy respect for your craft. Healthy competition is a great form of kinship and learning, but again it must be love based not negative ego based. When you walk away from a competition that you as user lost, and feel angry and resentful, then you need to reassess your motives.

12.Jealousy The ugly little green monster, that can rear its ugly head so very fast in our lives. Jealousy is born out of insecurity and attachments, making us compete with others instead of co-operate. Jealousy is the ugliest part of our negative ego. It connects with envy, greed and selfishness, this trait is something that really needs to be released.

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We need to be connected to all out there, and our true identity that is our Eternal Self, not the physical body and our personalities. When any one of us suffers others suffer with us and vice versa. This is why we are all here, to be in service of each other, not for you as user to serve another as if he is your master. We are all masters of our own lives. We as users state our preference in life and then let go of it. Live to reach it, but do not let it consume you. Be happy for another’s joy when they achieve an ability they have tried to master. Do not let the negative ego, make you resentful, as you were not able to reach it yet. The key to our lives is to recognize our own unique puzzle pieces and to find them and add them onto the puzzle that is your own life. Each puzzle is designed in a unique way, and you as user have to find your own unique way, to assemble your puzzle pieces. Trying to fit another’s puzzle piece into your puzzle will cause you much anger and frustration. The key is your puzzle, your life, your power. 13.Vanity “Mirror, mirror, on the wall who is the fairest of us all!” We all know this little statement, so nicely portrayed in the story of Snow white. Vanity is always followed by jealousy, greed and anger. There is nothing wrong to look after our physical bodies and appearance, but ask yourself this do you do that in a loving and nurturing way or in a negative ego level. Having good grooming habits, being clean, neat and presentable is something to strive for. Wearing appropriate clothes, nothing wrong with that, but, here come the but. Are you doing that to get noticed by others? Are you doing it as a seduction of some kind? Do you spend too much time looking in the mirror, or when choosing an outfit to wear for an occasion? Some people spend too much time on these issues and others too little time, they are both mistakes of omission and commission! Be moderate in what you do! Be clear in what you are trying to present to others! Be very honest in this regard with no judgment and make appropriate adjustments where you deem it necessary! 14.Transcending Duality In essence this is about much more than the top or under dog concept; it applies to all the aspects of the user’s lives. This concept is the absolute most difficult to understand for all users. The key to this is by seeing the 3rd and 4th dimensional consciousness focused on duality and polarity. As users we must move into the 5th dimensional consciousness and move beyond that, by thinking in the God-consciousness way, by doing that you are transcending dualistic, and are still involved in your life.

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In other words, being a user on the physical plain, as well as for filling your higher life path in the Spiritual realms. Keeping balance between these to very different worlds is not easy, but achievable. The Negative Ego also has two sides to it; you have profit and loss, pleasure and pain, sickness and health, victory and defeat, success and failure. Keeping balance in the negative Ego are just as challenging! In learning to transcend duality we do not have to get tossed around like a little boat on the stormy sea of our lives, when we hit the emotional highs and lows. There is a way of thinking that allows us to be more in harmony, always in our power, always loving and always happy, always even minded, always in joy, inner peace, forgiveness and in short, always in harmony with our self, no matter how stormy our lives get. It is called the God self, and it allows the user to remain the same whether people praise you or are mean and hurtful to you! Through all the storm and fluctuations of our outer life, it does not affect your even mindedness of your thinking process. In this way the Negative ego does not become engaged. It is not about what is going on in the physical, that should be your concern, but what is going on the inside of your life. Your connection with the higher you, that should be a users only main concern at all times. In other words are you optimistic or pessimistic? Do you see the glass as half full or half empty? How will you react if you loose everything you own right NOW, jump out a window? It is all about perception and interpretation of what you believe. It is to help you achieve a mindset shift, out of thinking from fear based thoughts and emotions, to love based thoughts and emotions. In the end the user are their own salvation! Your live is what you believe it to be, and not the cause of another, only the cause of your own belief’s and actions! 15.Egotism Now the final and largest test for all users is egotism! Egotism goes way beyond pride and really is a direct link to the negative Ego and negative emotions. For a user to really become a master or Arthan, you have to transcend the negative ego with all its negative attributes, qualities and emotions to that of love and God self. Your EGO is the source of all the above mentioned tests that was mentioned here, it is also the source of all lower self desires, all separation, fear and selfishness. This little word Ego is the ultimate lesson every single user and soul must learn. The key to inner peace is to deny every thought that is not in harmony with your God self, only affirm and place your attention on every thought and emotion that is of love and your God self. The user’s subconscious mind is as happy to be programmed with the God-consciousness as it is to be programmed with the Negative Ego consciousness. It does not care, because it has no reasoning. It is the job of the user to use their conscious mind to reprogram their subconscious mind with the right program, which will be beneficial to the user.

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Many users spend too much time focusing on the Ascended Masters and do not spend enough time cleansing their minds and emotions of the effects of the negative ego’s thoughts, emotions and attributes. The ascended masters and Angels will not get rid of the users negative Ego, that dear user is a lesson you have to master. By not giving your negative ego any attention it will wither away, but when you get mad at it you focus on it and it will take over gradually. In reality the negative ego do not exist, you as user think it does, but it is nothing more that a bad dream. It is something that only manifest on the mental plane and this illusion we are currently living in. It further manifest on the astral planes ad glamour and on the etheric plane as maya. The ego has been called many things, lower self, ego, negative ego, but I believe calling it the Negative ego explain it the best. It can only be described in one way “separation consciousness” When we focus on the negative ego we get separated from our higher self or true self, and that voice get over shadowed by the voice of the negative Ego. In the end the law of all magick is this: “What you believe will come to pass!” That is the only truth that matter in the lives of each user. Believe you can’t and you will not! Believe you can and you will soar. The little word “CAN’T” must be changed by removing ‘T, and suddenly you as user CAN achieve anything. Following these 15 tests is a constant daily chore, which forces the users to be constantly aware of who they are and how they act. Each user and their circumstances change on continual bases, and we have to keep making tiny adjustments to ourselves. Not one of us can claim that we have perfected all these lessons. Every day we learn and achieve a little more control, over who we truly are. When we use magick it needs to be in a positive way, taking in consideration the effect it will have on us as users as well as the greater good out there. By being responsible and taking responsibility for our own actions, we take control of our own lives, abilities and or path. This is the fundamental ground rules that form the backbone or corner stone for each and every user, no matter on what level you are, or what your abilities is. These golden rules, teaches us as users the path to greater wisdom, that not only magical users wish to achieve, but every other person and light worker out there. These fundamental rules are the rules that should also be used to teach the young. Without this backbone and corner stone, many users will not achieve their goals, and those who constantly remind themselves of these rules, will truly grow and move forward on their own unique spiritual path. Magick is a tool and we as users, the energy that makes or breaks that tool. The only people you can ever blame for a failure are you the user and not the tool. Therefore, go out and enjoy magick by learning and growing, and remember, treat your tools with respect and responsibility, if you neglect to respect it, the consequences can be far-reaching. Next we will look at the different types of magic, and then how to choose which of them best suit you and your skills.

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CCChhhaaatttsss wwwiiittthhh

SSSuuusssuuunnn WWWeeeeeeddd

~~~ TTThhhiiirrrddd MMMooonnndddaaayyy ooofff eeevvveeerrryyy mmmooonnnttthhh ~~~

PPPllleeeaaassseee jjjoooiiinnn uuusss wwwiiittthhh SSSuuusssuuunnn WWWeeeeeeddd eeevvveeerrryyy mmmooonnnttthhh aaasss ssshhheee

dddiiissscccuuusssssseeesss dddiiiffffffeeerrreeennnttt HHHeeerrrbbbaaalll tttooopppiiicccsss... VVVeeerrryyy iiinnnfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiivvveee

aaannnddd hhheeelllpppfffuuulll tttooo aaallllll...

CCChhheeeccckkk ttthhheee dddaaattteeesss bbbeeelllooowww aaannnddd tttiiimmmeee sssaaannnddd hhhooopppeee yyyooouuu cccaaannn

cccooommmeee bbbyyy aaannnddd vvviiisssiiittt aaannnddd ccchhheeeccckkk ooouuuttt sssooommmeee ooofff SSSuuusssuuunnn’’’sss


sssccchhheeeddduuullleeeddd tttiiimmmeee fffooorrr aaallllll ccchhhaaattt ssseeessssssiiiooonnnsss:::

EEEaaasssttteeerrrnnn --- 777 pppmmm

CCCeeennntttrrraaalll --- 666 pppmmm

MMMooouuunnntttaaaiiinnn TTTiiimmmeee --- 555 pppmmm

WWWeeesssttteeerrrnnn --- 444 pppmmm AAAuuussstttrrraaallliiiaaa (((MMMeeelllbbbooouuurrrnnneee))) --- 999 aaammm

UUUKKK --- 111222 aaammm

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A to Z Charm Bags Posted by ღ Skye ღ

I love charm bags. They are so easy to make to you can purchase at any craft store and the bags are not expensive. Just mix up your herb mixture and place in the bag. Can’t get any easier than that! Autumn Blessings Paper Pen or pencil Sachet An assortment of the following – small cinnamon sticks, whole allspice, pine needles, sunflower seeds or petals, dried apple, orange peel, whole nutmeg Handwrite at least five blessings in your life. Tear it into small pieces and place in a sachet with your choice of the above blessing and prosperity related items. Tuck the sachet someplace safe to always keep the blessings close and to attract others. Balanced Life Besom bristles Myrtle leaves Caraway seeds Burlap or muslin sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck in your purse, pillow or somewhere else safe.

Courage Whole allspice Crystallized ginger Tea leaves Green sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck in your purse, pillow or somewhere else safe.

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Dreams of a Psychic Nature Dried lavender florets Jasmine flowers Dandelion Lemongrass Purple sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck inside or beneath your pillow to promote restful sleep and prophetic dreams. Energy Tangerine rind or zest Small broken cinnamon stick Whole allspice Red sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck in your purse, pillow or somewhere else safe to help you feel energized throughout the day. Friendship Dried lemon rind Dried orange rind Pineapple leaves Yellow sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck in your purse, pillow or somewhere else safe to strengthen and forge friendships. Good Luck Clover Parsley Basil Green sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck in your purse, pillow or somewhere else safe to promote good luck in your life.

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Home Protection Hyssop Rosemary sprigs Thyme sprigs Cactus needles White sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck in your purse, pillow or somewhere else safe to help protect your home. Intuition & Psychic Abilities Coffee beans Apple seeds Dandelion Purple sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck in your purse, pillow or somewhere else safe to strengthen your intuition and psychic abilities. Joy Azalea flowers Geranium flowers Cherry stem Orange sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck in your purse, pillow or somewhere else safe to promote joy and happiness in your love. Knowledge Oak leaves Sage leaves Laurel leaves White sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck between the pages of a book such as a textbook or dictionary to encourage the gaining of knowledge and ease of learning.

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Long-lasting Love Red rose petals Whole cardamom Vanilla beans Pink sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck in your purse, pillow or somewhere else safe to promote long-lasting love in established relationships. Memory Statice flowers Orchid flowers or petals Caraway seeds Purple sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck in your purse, pillow or somewhere else safe to promote a strong memory. (To Quell) Nervousness Dried ylang ylang petals Coconut fibers Lime zest White sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and place in your pocket during a performance or other anxiety-inducing situation. Opening Your Heart to Love Dried rose petals Freeze-dried raspberries Whole cardamom Red sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck in your purse, pillow or somewhere else safe.

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Peace Dried lavender florets Dried vervain flowers Dried violet flowers Blue or lavender sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck in your purse, pillow or somewhere else safe. Quit a Bad Habit Cactus needles Eucalyptus Pinch of cayenne Black or white sachet Combine the materials in the sachet to banish a bad habit from your life. Restful Sleep Dried lavender florets Chamomile heads Jasmine flowers White sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck inside or beneath your pillow to promote restful sleep and sweet dreams. Springtime Blessings Paper Pen or pencil Sachet An assortment of the following – lavender florets, dried rosebuds, thyme, tarragon, dried chamomile, dried clover, moss, dried sage Handwrite at least five blessings in your life. Tear it into small pieces and place in a sachet with your choice of the above blessing and prosperity related items. Tuck the sachet someplace safe to always keep the blessings close and to attract others.

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Travel Protection Chamomile heads Oak leaves Sachet Optional: Earl Grey bergamot tea leaves, comfrey, fresh mugwort, quince seeds Mix chamomile heads and oak leaves in a sachet, asking the Roman goddess Fortuna Redux (the aspect of the goddess of good fortune associated with travel) for protection and a watchful eye. Hang the charm bag from your rear view mirror, tuck it into your carry-on luggage or simply carry in your purse. For a little extra oomph, add one or more of the optional ingredients, all known for lending their protection while traveling. Union of Love White lily petals Wine cork Beeswax Apple peel White sachet Combine the materials in the sachet as a part of a handfasting ceremony to ensure a loving and happy union. Vacuum & Home Purification Sage leaves Rosemary sprigs Bay leaves Juniper sprigs Sachet Mix the purification herbs in a sachet and place in your vacuum bag. Not only will you be cleaning up, you will be perfuming the room with a beautiful, magickal scent that makes way for good things! Wisdom Sunflower petals Clean peach pit Sage leaves Blue sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck in your purse, pillow or somewhere else safe.

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To Be (E)xpecting Daffodil petals Pussy willow buds Eggshell fragments Green sachet Combine the materials in the sachet and tuck in your pillow or near the bed to promote fertility. Youthfulness Dried witch hazel flowers or leaves Apple stems Lettuce leaves Green sachet Combine the materials in the sachet to promote prolonged youthfulness and beauty. Zest for Life Tangerine peel Watermelon seeds Azalea flowers Orange sachet Combine the materials in the sachet to promote vitality and a zest for life. Enjoy! BB, Skye

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Living Like Water a repost from Patty

Posted by ღ Skye ღ

A Great Teacher Living Like Water The journey of water as it flows upon the earth can be a mirror of our own paths through life. Water begins its residence on earth as it falls from the sky or melts from ice and streams down a mountain into a tributary or stream. In the same way, we come into the world and begin our lives on earth. Like a river that flows within the confines of its banks, we are born with certain defining characteristics that govern our identity. We are born in a specific time and place, within a specific family, and with certain gifts and challenges. Within these parameters, we move through life, encountering many twists, turns, and obstacles along the way just as a river flows. Water is a great teacher that shows us how to move through the world with grace, ease, determination, and humility. When a river breaks at a waterfall, it gains energy and moves on, as we encounter our own waterfalls, we may fall hard but we always keep moving on. Water can inspire us to not become rigid with fear or cling to what's familiar. Water is brave and does not waste time clinging to its past, but flows onward without looking back. At the same time, when there is a hole to be filled, water does not run away from it in fear of the dark; instead, water humbly and bravely fills the empty space. In the same way, we can face the dark moments of our life rather than run away from them. Eventually, a river will empty into the sea. Water does not hold back from joining with a larger body, nor does it fear a loss of identity or control. It gracefully and humbly tumbles into the vastness by contributing its energy and merging without resistance. Each time we move beyond our individual egos to become part of something bigger, we can try our best to follow the lead of the river. This post inspired me. I hope it does you too. BB, Skye

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Elder's Meditation Posted by Vonnie

Elder's Meditation

"I started drinking more seriously, seeking refuge, seeking death actually, from a world that was feeling more and more unnatural to me. Following a painful accident related

to drinking, I finally realized that I must decide whether I want to follow my grandparents or truly take up this life. Circumstances that followed led me to choose


--Barney Bush, SHAWNEE

My life is run by choices and decisions. Every choice I make today will carry with it the consequences of that choice. Every decision I make today will carry with it the

consequences of that decision.

The question I will ask myself today is: "Do I want to be happy or do I want to be right?" Which ever one I choose will have a lot to do with the consequences I will

experience today. If today was the last day of my life, what choices and what decisions would I make?

Oh Great Spirit, guide my path today and help me see the value of choosing the Red


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Wicca vs Witchcraft Posted by ღ Skye ღ

I realize that there's some confusion as to the difference between witchcraft and Wicca, and understandably so. After all, you can be a witch without being a Wiccan, but you can't be a Wiccan without being a witch. According to my antiquated, 1986 dictionary, "witchcraft" is the act of performing black arts, enchantment, or fascination; power more than natural. "Wicca" isn't even included. Of course, the word wasn't invented until the 1950's, when Gerald Gardner used it to describe the religion of witchcraft. That is what Wicca is, a religion. It is a branch of Paganism that focuses on the act of performing magick. That's magick with a "k" and not magic without one - that's stage stuff. Witches perform magic. They do spells, enact rituals, place enchantments, etc. Wicca is the religion some witches choose to follow in order to have guidelines as to what kind of magic they can do. Witches can pick from a variety of religions to follow. Whatever religion a witch takes provides them with a different set of guidelines than the others. Of course, the wide variety of witches and their ethics makes the word a tricky one. I know some Wiccans who don't use it to avoid being associated with non-wiccan witches and their differing values. I don't mind sharing the word with Christians, Satanists, Buddhists, Atheists, Agnostics, and every angry teenager who lifts a tarot deck from their local Barnes and Noble. Declaring myself a witch is declaring myself powerful, no matter what my religious choice. No, I'm not a Wiccan. But, whenever someone asks, I simply say, "I'm a witch." The magic is the pull, for all witches. Enjoy! BB, Skye

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12th Century Herbal Prayer Posted by ღ Skye ღ

Earth, divine Goddess, Mother Nature who generates all things and brings forth anew the sun which you have given to the nations; Guardian of sky and sea and of all gods and powers....through your power all nature falls silent and then sinks in sleep. And again you bring back the light and chase away night and yet again you cover us most securely with your shades. You do contain chaos infinite, yea and winds and showers and storms; you send them out when you will and cause the seas to roar; you chase away the sun and rouse the storm. Again when you will you send forth the joyous day and give the nourishment of life with your eternal surety; and when the soul departs to you we return. You are indeed duly called Great Mother of the Gods; you conquer by your divine name. You are the source of strength of nations and of gods, without you nothing can be brought to perfection or be born; you are Great Queen of the Gods. Goddess! I adore thee as divine; I call upon your name; be pleased the grant that which I ask of you, so shall I give thanks to thee, Goddess, with due faith. Hear, I beseech you, and be favorable to my prayer. Whatsoever herb your power does produce, give, I pray, with goodwill to all nations to save them and grant me this my medicine. Come to me with your powers, and howsoever I may use them, may they have good success to whosoever I may give them. Whatever you grant, may it prosper. To you all things return. Those who rightly receive these herbs from me, please make them whole. Goddess, I beseech you, I pray as a suppliant that by your majesty you grant this to me. Now I make intercession to you all your powers and herbs and to your majesty, you whom Earth parent of all has produced and given as a medicine of health to all nations and has put majesty upon you, I pray you, the greatest help to the human race. This I pray and beseech from you, be present here with your virtues, for She who created you has Herself promised that I may gather you into the goodwill of him on whom the art of medicine was bestowed, and grant for health's sake good medicine by grace of your powers. I pray grant me through your virtues that whatsoever is wrought by me through you may in all its powers have good and speedy effect and good success and that I may always be permitted with the favor of your majesty to gather you into my hands and to glean your fruits. So shall I give thanks to you in the name of the majesty which ordained your birth. BB, Skye

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How to make Essential Oils Posted by ღ Skye ღ

Essential oils can be quite expensive to buy so I thought I would cover how you can make many of them at home. Firstly, what is an essential oil? The formal definition for essential oil is that it is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid that contains volatile aromatic compounds from flowers and plants. In pure layman's terms it's the concentrated smelly stuff from flowers! Most essential oils are made commercially by distillation. In this process the raw plant material, which can be in the form of flowers, bark, leaves, stems, roots or seeds, is placed on a rack above the water in a still. When the water is heated, the steam passes through the flowers vaporizing the complex volatile compounds. These vapors then pass through a cooling coil and condense back into liquid form. The essential oil itself then forms a film on the top of the liquid. It is then separated by skimming. The remaining water underneath the oil is a product known as a hydrosol and is often sold in this form as rose water or lavender water. Unless you have a cousin with a still this probably isn't a practical method to use at home. Luckily distillation is a fairly modern method of producing essential oils so we have some more traditional alternatives for making our own fragrance oils. Effleurage is the process of placing flower petals or similar plant material onto trays of odorless vegetable oils which will absorb the flower's volatile essential oils. You can use a variation of the technique to make your own essential oils. Although this doesn't produce oils as concentrated as you can purchase, this is fairly easy to do at home given the raw materials. You can use a variety of vegetable oils in this process including olive oil, sweet almond oil or refined jojoba oil. How to make essential oils: You will need: Half a cup of oil Four cups of tightly packed flowers (see instructions) A wide-mouth jar such as a mason jar A wooden mallet or similar A zipping plastic bag Some cheesecloth for filtering

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You will need four cups of flowers picked over the course of a week for the best results. Put one cup of the flowers into the plastic bag and expel as much of the air as you can before sealing. Bruise the flowers in the bag with a wooden mallet. The idea behind putting them in a plastic bag first to cut down on the mess and to avoid losing any of the material. Don't bash them to a pulp, this isn't necessary, just hit the bag a dozen times gently. Mix the flower material with the oil well and place it into the jar. Seal the jar and put it into a warm place for about 48 hours. A sunny window ledge or a warm spot in the kitchen is fine. The warmer the spot, the less time they need to be left but don't overdo the warming or you may damage the oils. Filter the mixture through the cheesecloth and return the oil to the jar. Discard the filtered flower material. Take the next cup of flowers and repeat the bruising process. Mix this batch with the oil from step one and leave in a warm place for another 48 hours or so. Repeat twice more with the next two cups of flowers. After the final straining, transfer the oil to a storage bottle and keep in a cool, dark place. Colored bottles are ideal for storage. This will keep for up to a year. This whole process to make your own essential oil will take a week or a little more, so it isn't as quick as the distillation process but of course doesn't involve the expense of building or buying a still. BB, Skye

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Homemade Dry Hair Shampoo Posted by Charlene 'White Deer' Heathwood

There was a time in my life when I was one of those people who washed my hair every single day. I took a shower every morning, dried my hair, and straightened it with a flat iron. I did that all through high school and college, even though it took me at least half an hour each day. Looking back, I can’t believe how much of my life I’ve spent drying my hair. Part of the reason that it used to take me so long to do my hair is that my hair is thick. Seriously, hairstylists marvel over how much hair I have. (That’s always a hard thing to reply to, by the way. Do I say thanks? Are they even complimenting me? Are they actually kind of complaining because my hair is more work? I can never tell.) After a few different hairstylists styled my hair and then said something like, “Wow, I hope you don’t wash this every day! That would take so much time!” it occurred to me that perhaps I really should start skipping a few showers. So I did. I started washing my hair every other day. It was a little oily at first, and sometimes it was really hard to make it through that second day without giving in and washing it. But I was determined to give it a good try at least, and within a few weeks my hair had adjusted to my new schedule and was hardly getting oily at all between showers. In fact, it went so well that I started fantasizing about going even longer without washing my hair. Could I wait three days? Four? A week? I had won back so much time in my life, and if anything, it made me detest styling my hair even more. Dry shampoo was the obvious solution to my problem. When a friend suggested it to me I went and picked up a can from Target immediately. I tried it the next day and was sadly unimpressed. It smelled weird and it felt weird, and those are two deal-breakers for me when it comes to products that I use on my body. (I don’t even want to think about what the ingredients were. I’m sure they weren’t all-natural!) Still, I was intrigued by the idea of dry shampoo, and it occurred to me that I could probably make some form of it on my own. Thus began my quest for a natural dry shampoo that I could make myself.

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Homemade Dry Shampoo Recipe There are many different substances that you can use as the base of dry shampoo. Ground-up oatmeal, arrowroot powder, and a variety of other fine, absorptive powders can be used. I like organic cornstarch because it’s easy to find and it’s something that I always have around the house anyway. Ingredients ½ cup organic cornstarch Optional Additions 3-4 drops essential oil for the scent (find essential oils here) 2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder–for people with darker hair 2 tbsp cinnamon–for people with red or auburn hair Directions Combine all ingredients well and store your all-natural, homemade dry shampoo in the container of your choice. Some good options are a mason jar with holes poked in the lid (the method I used), a large, un-used salt shaker, or a recycled parmesan cheese container. Application Dry shampoo is always applied at the roots of the hair. Use a brush or a comb and separate sections of your hair, shaking the powder onto your scalp. Massage it into the surrounding hair and let it sit for approximately two minutes–just enough time to absorb all that oil! When you’re finished brush the dry shampoo through your hair until it is no longer visible. Results I was eventually able to cut my styling time down to nearly nothing, by the way. It mostly involved giving up on straight hair forever and embracing my natural curls, but I have to say that dry shampoo helps too. It hasn’t replaced my regular hair-washing routine, but it does help me get an extra day or two when I need it. from DIY Natural

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The Spirit of Shamanism Brings Harmony and Magic into

Everyday Life Posted by Ha-nu

Keith Varnum, Guest Waking Times Shamanism is a very practical spirituality. A modern-day shaman could live next door to you and the only clues you might have are that they get along well with people and animals and have a green thumb with plants. Also, shamans have a knack for putting people at ease and for saying and doing the right thing at the right time. In his book, Urban Shaman, Serge Kahili King defines a shaman as “a healer of relationships, between mind and body, between people, between people and circumstances, between humans and Nature and between matter and spirit.” Currently across the planet, the sacred knowledge of the shaman or wizard is being translated into everyday street language in order to create more healthy, harmonious and enriching lives for people. The spirit of shamanism is more of an open, flexible attitude and approach to living than a rigid set of rules, formulas and techniques. Applying the basic principles of shamanism opens people to new possibilities and options for dealing with modern daily challenges. Following Omens and Signs The shaman relates to every form of life as being alive, filled with energy and always communicating something to us. The key is in learning how to receive the communication. “Omens are a way Spirit communicates with us in the physical world,” states shaman Ken Eagle Feather in Traveling with Power. “You can decipher omens from virtually anything, but pay special attention to unusual occurrences, whether it’s the strange behavior of birds, or conversations in which someone says something that catches your attention, or when a book falls off a shelf in front of you. You might find that messages on billboards change right in front of you, so that while others are reading an ordinary advertisement, you end up reading a message from Spirit.” Using personal experience as the means through which wisdom is gleaned (rather than through reading, thinking or analyzing), the shaman presents opportunities where people begin to sense a real, interactive connection with everything else that exists, even those things believed to be inanimate such as rocks, plastic, glass or metal.

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Everything is Energy The basis of shamanistic creation, healing and transformation has always been the knowledge that the essential nature of everything is energy. Modern science, specifically quantum physics, has only recently concluded that every living thing is made of energy. The reason that walls and rocks appear solid is because they vibrate at a low, dense rate. We know that pictures travel invisibly through the air and arrive on our TV screens. Is it such a stretch to open to the possibility that everything has an invisible energy within it? And that communication can be transmitted through this energy? Shamans utilize the knowledge that everything is energy to create in their world by using their conscious attention to direct the flow of energy within all forms of life. Energy flows where attention goes. Indeed, scientists are now reporting that the outcome of their experiments are significantly affected by the beliefs and thoughts of the person conducting the experiment. Seeing Deeply When shaman use their ability to “see” the underlying energy dynamics of situations and relationships, they are able to “see” cause and effect connections and forces that are not visible when viewing the circumstances superficially, i.e., looking only at the outer form. A shaman would “see,” for example, that the anger of a supermarket clerk resulted from the clerk’s inability to express their feelings. The shaman could “see” how this emotional energy was adversely affecting not only the clerk, but also the people in line. Consequently, a shaman may choose to engage the angry clerk in a friendly, relaxing conversation in order to shift the situation into flow and harmony. Practical Power We have many powers within us that we can learn to use for our own benefit and for the benefit of others. From the shamanistic point of view, all power comes from within. Power comes from authorship (authority). Shamans become the authors of the creations in their world by freeing themselves of programmed and conditioned perceptions. In moving beyond customs, manners, rules and techniques, the shaman embraces the practicality of “What works, works.” The shaman has little concern for how something works, only that it produces the results that one intends. Shamans are the most flexible, utilitarian and efficient authors of their world. They take the shortest, quickest route to their goals, even if the path tramples on their own concepts or beliefs.

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One way people can experience this power is to look for proof in their own lives. Take love, for example. One way to increase the presence and power of love in a person’s life is to decrease the presence and power of judgment. Shamans notice that their attention cannot be in both places at the same time, and, therefore choose where they want to spend their energy. To spend energy judging that they harmed someone or that another person caused them harm, would be a misdirection and waste of energy for a shaman. Profound Healing A shaman is a bridge between this world and the invisible world of the spirit. A shaman is very anchored, very present, in this world. Being so centered and grounded, a shaman can assist a person to travel into dimensions and see things from a much bigger perspective. Then people can heal because there is more room for them to expand and open to fresh new realities. Shaman Frederick Wolf concurs. “People really know how to heal themselves. It’s an illusion to think that someone is going to come and heal them. But what will happen is, when they feel the support and safety that the shaman can hold for them, they will have faith enough to go into that place inside of them that knows how to heal. It’s not some magical thing that happens. It’s very natural.” A Vibrant Way of Living Shamanism is a way of living on the altar of Mother Earth. It’s a way to live in balance on the earth, a way of finding not only peace with yourself personally, but peace with nature and your environment. Shamanism is bringing the two worlds together: your inner world—“your heart”—with your outer world. It’s important to be balanced, to be grounded in both worlds. We should be able to go anywhere and be at home, whether it’s in a cave or a big city.

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5 Strategies to Read People’s Emotional Energy

Posted by Ha-nu

Emotions are a stunning expression of our energy, the “vibe” we give off. We register these with intuition. Some people feel good to be around; they improve your mood and vitality. Others are draining; you instinctively want to get away. This “subtle energy” can be felt inches or feet from the body, though it‘s invisible. Indigenous cultures honour this energy as life force. In Chinese medicine it‘s called chi, a vitality that‘s essential to health. Though the molecular structure of subtle energy isn‘t fully defined, scientists have measured increased photon emissions and electromagnetic readings about healers who emit it during their work. Emotional energy is contagious. It can make the difference between a toxic and healthy relationship. It‘s crucial to get a clear read on this aspect of anyone you plan to regularly interact with. Then, you can decide whether a relationship is feasible based on your energetic compatibility. In my medical practice and life this chemistry is a deal breaker. Experience has taught me that it‘s pointless to work with a patient or form a friendship if such basic rapport isn‘t there. You don‘t have to force a fit when the energy feels right. Forcing anything is simply the mind‘s attempt to interfere with flow. Of course, we all have quirks, anxieties, and fears, but energy cements your bond with others and motivates you to work through the rough spots. Nevertheless, healthy relationships have a momentum that carries them, a surrender that feels more natural when you‘re both in sync. When reading emotions, realize that what others say or how they appear frequently don‘t match their energy. You must let go of the notion that what you see is what you always get. As a psychiatrist, I‘ve observed how people go to great lengths, purposely or not, to appear in certain ways—either to impress, say the right thing, or sell you on something—but this “self” isn‘t aligned with their true emotions. Consider these examples: your spouse apologizes for blowing up but her hostility still lingers. A man you just met tries to charm you, but you don‘t feel much heart there. A friend seems cheerful but you sense that she‘s hurting inside. Realize: just because people smile doesn’t mean they’re happy. Or just because people are reserved, doesn’t mean they’re not ecstatic. Ultimately, the energy transmitted by someone’s smile and presence tells the truth about where they’re at. So, be smart enough to correlate a person‘s energy with their emotions. Most people aren‘t being intentionally misleading—often they don‘t know what they feel or project. They might tell you one thing—and believe it—but you‘ll learn to decode their emotions.

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Here, the surrender to focus on is saying “yes” to the messages your body sends. Your mind may want to talk you out of your body‘s wisdom. Don‘t allow it to. Reading energy lets you attune to how you relate to people, who you feel comfortable around and who you don‘t. To avoid bad relationships and regrets, you must let go of trying to convince yourself of anything the body‘s intuition doesn‘t affirm. To help with this surrender, here‘s what to do. When identifying how you energetically respond to others always ask, How does my body feel? Does my energy go up or down? Then follow your body‘s lead rather than resisting it. In practical terms this means: you want to marry someone who increases your energy not drains it, regardless of how perfect he or she looks on paper. You want to sit beside a coworker who‘s positive, not negative. You want to choose friends you resonate with so that you can nurture each other. Then notice the positive difference in your life. To experience the pleasure of compatible relationships, use the following tips. Strategies to read emotional energy Sense people’s presence - This is the overall energy we emit, not necessarily congruent with words or behaviour. It‘s the emotional atmosphere surrounding us like a rain cloud or the sun. For instance, they may give off an aura of mystery, joy, or sadness. To compare extremes, think of the Dalai Lama‘s light, compassionate presence versus Charles Manson‘s deranged darkness. Presence is also associated with charisma, a personal magnetism that you‘re drawn to. Warning: charisma doesn‘t always contain heart, something to beware of. Charisma without heart can‘t be trusted. It‘s a dangerous combination present in many con artists and seducers. As you read people notice: does their overall energy feel warm? Calming? Uplifting? Invigorating like a breath of fresh air? Or is it draining? Cold? Detached? Angry? Jarring? Depressed? Do they have a friendly presence that attracts you? Or are you getting the willies, making you back off. Also see if people look anchored in their bodies, indicating their feet are firmly planted on the ground. Or are they floating outside themselves, which may indicate flakiness and distractibility? Watch people’s eyes – We can make love or hate with our eyes. Our eyes transmit powerful energies, what the Sufi poet Rumi calls “the glance.” Just as the brain has an electromagnetic signal extending beyond the body, studies indicate that the eyes project this too. In fact, research reveals that people can sense when they‘re being stared at, even when no one is in sight—an experience reported by police officers, soldiers and hunters. Indigenous cultures respect the energy of the eyes. Some believe that the “evil eye” is a gaze that inflicts injury or bad luck on its target. Also, science has documented “the look of love.” Joining eyes with a loved one (or dog!) triggers a biochemical response, releasing oxytocin, the warm and fuzzy “love hormone.” The more oxytocin your brain has, the more trusting and peaceful you‘ll feel.

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Take time to observe people‘s eyes. Are they caring? Sexy? Tranquil? Mean? Angry? The way others look at you can make you feel adored or afraid. Also determine: is there someone at home in their eyes, indicating a capacity for intimacy? Or do they seem to be guarded or hiding? Certain people‘s eyes can be hypnotic. Avoid looking deeply into eyes you distrust or sense may be dangerous. The less you engage negative people, the less they’ll zone in on you. On the other hand, feel free to fall into people’s eyes who you cherish. Enjoy all that beautiful energy! Notice the feel of a handshake, hug and touch – We share emotional energy through physical contact much like an electrical current. Ask yourself, Does a handshake or hug feel warm, comfortable, confident? Or is it off-putting so you want to withdraw? Are people‘s hands clammy, signaling anxiety. Or limp, suggesting being non-committal and timid? Is their grip too strong, even crushing your fingers, indicating aggression or over control? Along with physical cues, the energy of touch reveals people‘s emotions. Some hugs and handshakes impart kindness, joy, and calm whereas others feel clingy, draining, even hostile. Therefore, spend time with people whose energy you like. Be wary of those you don‘t so you‘re not depleted. Avoid physical contact (including making love) with anyone whose energy doesn‘t feel good. Listen for people’s tone of voice and laugh – The tone and volume of our voice can tell much about our emotions. Sound frequencies create vibrations. Some frequencies we hear. Below an audible range, sound can be felt (think of a bass’ vibration.) When reading people, notice how their tone of voice affects you. Words ride the energy of tone, its warmth and coldness. Ask yourself: Does their tone feel soothing? Or is it abrasive, snippy, or whiny? Are they a soft-talker or mumbler whom you can barely hear, signs of meekness or low self-esteem? Or do they talk too loud or too much, signs of anxiety, narcissism, or insensitivity. Are they fast-talkers, trying to sell you something? Or boring you to death with a slow monotone, suggesting depression and no spontaneity? Be aware of sighing which relays sadness or frustration. Also, a pinched voice suggests emotional repression, over control, or a thyroid disorder. Always observe how much people laugh, a sign of lightheartedness. Does their laugh sound genuine? Fake? Child-like? Joyous? Or are they overly serious, rarely laughing? In addition, FBI profilers interpret a quivering voice and sudden change in pitch as potential signs of deception. Sense people’s heart energy – The most important aspect to read about energy is whether people exude a sense of heart. This is the loving-kindness in us, our capacity for empathy, giving and connection. When heart is present you‘ll feel the warmth of unconditional love emanating from others which makes you feel safe and at ease. It‘s the unspoken sense of being accepted, not judged. No one can fake this. Our heart presence builds through our good intentions, deeds and emotional work to overcome fear and negativity. The heart is the most positive quality anyone can have. It‘s healthy to be drawn to it. Reading energy is a game-changer where intense emotions blur your clarity. It enables you to see past fantasies or desires to pinpoint someone‘s motivations by sensing invisible messages they give off.

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I was once attracted to a man, a successful financial manager who knew exactly what to say to melt my heart. Todd was from the country club set and much too conservative for my taste—I often fall for wild, creative men. Yet he was smart, boyishly playful, seemed to “see” me and respect my sensitivities. We could discuss anything from politics to the nature of the universe and he‘d speak to me in an appreciative low tone of voice I melted around (I‘m very responsive to sound). Still, from the start, when I looked into Todd‘s eyes, I had the oddest feeling—there was no “there” there. His eyes seemed cold, vacant, even a touch mean. However, for better or worse, I was drawn to him, which doesn‘t happen to me every day. I really wanted to surrender to my romantic feelings for Todd, to explain away the niggling truth his eyes conveyed, though I knew I ignored this red flag at my own peril. But, as the desiring mind can do when it wants something, it downplayed intuition. I rationalized, “You‘re just too picky. Todd is wonderful. It‘s crazy to let his eyes stop me.” My friends also told me this, and I agreed. So, for a year, I stayed in the relationship. But in the end, this man‘s eyes revealed his true colours. The problem was that Todd was a super-smooth operator and my raging hormones were blinding me. Also, I was naïve. I confused his seductive energy with heartfelt caring and was horribly susceptible to the charisma he wielded so well. It was a perfect storm of forces I didn‘t have a handle on. I needed to sort them through before I could read him from a neutral place which at that time was light years away. A policy of mine is to study what makes me weak or strong, so I can learn from it. If something knocks me off my centre I want to know why and not repeat the situation. To break Todd‘s spell, I had to grasp that what excited him most was not to love me but to have power over me. I just couldn‘t grasp how he or anyone could feel that way. He‘d reel me in with gorgeous intimacy, then be unavailable. Or he‘d be incredibly sensitive, then incredibly cold. I kept wracking my brains, “What could he possibly be getting from this.” Slowly, I came to understand that he got off on the rush of being in control. For him, it was an aphrodisiac. I didn‘t operate like this, nor had that been a dynamic in my past relationships. But, thanks to Todd, I can recognize it now. In retrospect, I‘m grateful to have learned this lesson about power versus love from a perfect teacher. Also, I realized that once again, I‘d talked myself out of intuition in favour of passion. I‘d surrendered to the wrong thing, to what I wanted, rather than what I “saw.” However, being human, sometimes I have to keep making the same mistakes until I finally learn. Today, I value the energy of the eyes more than ever. It communicates an essence in someone if we can trust this. In your life, get used to reading people‘s emotions. Factor what you sense into your total assessment. Maybe just a single red flag will appear so you‘re not sure what to do. Then, take your time. Watch how people treat you. Notice if their words back up their behaviour. The purpose of reading energy is to become more empathic by sensing the nuances of different personalities. Stay alert to the signals energy sends so that you can see the whole person.

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Nature and its beauty Posted by ƷBЯ££Z£ Ʒ

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