Audience demographic

Audience Demographic

Transcript of Audience demographic

Page 1: Audience demographic

Audience Demographic

Page 2: Audience demographic

All Magazine producers have to consider a variety of elements when deciding on their main target audience. They have to think about whether they are going to focus on a specialized market ( a niche ) and what genre the Magazine is about .

Other aspects to take into consideration is : age range. Gender, Social class and the list goes on and on …

Links genre :




Page 3: Audience demographic

For my Music Magazine I have decided to concentrate within the age range of 15 to 23. (teenagers to young adults.)I think that from the age of 15 you start to have a better idea about life and the problems involved. Also they are more open minded and can accept certain musicians.

I have chosen this because I think my magazine will link to teenagers and young adults and the type of music they might like and the type of music they hear and listen too. These individuals can relate to the artists and their problems they sing about.My choice of age range will show by the front cover and constantly throughout the magazine.

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I have decided to base my Music Magazine on both types of sexes. My reason being is because for my genre which is Indie / rock music ..both type of sexes are extremely famous …such as Paramore and Kings of Leon. They are both famous and are seen in regular magazines and especially in gigs and TV…

In my opinion I think that you will get a better / wider audience if you include both types of sexes instead of just one.

Doing both types of sexes could seem as a hard thing to do and can be classed as a challenge however if it results in a good magazine and a good range of audience then it does in fact pay off in the end.


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When looking at social class there is a lot to look at ; you have to take into account if people in certain households are working or whether they are unemployed .

Also they have to think about income individuals might be getting.

However In a music magazine producers have to watch not to stereotype. For example, it would be wrong if they presumed a rich Granma wouldn’t listen to grime or hip-hop because of her social class and because of her age.

In fact anyone from any background can be into all different kinds if music and any genre magazine, because of this fact magazine producers find it hard. They have to produce one magazine of one genre that can relate to everyone…. But is it possible?

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Psychographics is simply splitting a market into groups based on attitudes and ideals of potential target audiences.

Succeeders: People who are successful and self confident. They tend not to buy aspirational products and follow they own ideas of what is a good product. Reformers: Creative, caring, altruistic, not brand conscious. Aspirers: People who want to "get on". Mainstreamers: The largest group, conformists who buy "safe", big brand products. Strivers: status oriented people who seek money, approval and social status. Obvious buyers of "aspirational" goods. Explorers: seek novelty and want to try new things. They are likely to be early adopters of completely new products Constrained: they are the resigned and struggling poor..I am aiming to use 3 types of the psychographics shown


1. Mainstreamers This is because it is the largest and I thought it

would be sensible to aim towards the biggest psychographics.

2. Reformers: This is because they are creative and my magazine needs to be creative to be able to stand out from the crowd.

3. Explorers: I would like my audience to be open minded and want to try different things for my magazine. I need my magazine to have new things/ideas included within and it needs to be imaginative.