Attachment 1


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New Year's motivation to lose weight has made Laura a winner, and changed her life!

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Laura Brunty from Andersonstown JBO shares with us, her motivational story on how her New Year’s resolution last year helped to shape a new way of life for her. Laura hopes her story can inspire others across the department to ‘shape up’ this New Year.

“It was New Years Eve 2013 and as we all do, I made my New Year Resolution. Mine were always the same – lose weight, get fit…..never happened. So this time I was determined to make it work – determined that this year was the year that I would change things for the better.

“At a size 18 and at nearly 14 stone, I wasn’t confident or happy with myself. So I heard that Brian Magee, a World Class Boxing Champion was opening a brand new sports gym close to my home (behind Asda in Andersonstown) and joined online before the clock struck 12pm. I hadn’t even seen the gym as wasn’t due to open until 4 January 2014.

“When discussing New Year resolutions, I was met with rolling of the eyes and ‘here we go again’ so I got into the right frame of mind and decided I’m gonna show them!

“I started off by doing the boxing classes which I loved doing, then included a spin class a week and eventually when I noticed my fitness levels improving I added the dreaded circuit classes which I now love. So from not going to the gym, I was going to the gym 5-6 times a week. It sort of became a bit of addiction – there’s no denying the high you feel after a class. Exercise not only boosts your physical health but improves your mental health. It was the one hour a day when I wasn’t just a mum or a wife. Just me time which is so important when stress levels are high from working full time and running a household.

“I even took part in the Race for Life with other women from the Magee’s this year and managed 5K no problem where we raised £1,100. Everyone at Magee’s are so friendly - I found myself making new friends and started to socialise a bit more and really beginning to enjoy life and just being happy in general.

“One of the reasons I loved it so much was the fact that Brian Magee himself took the classes and takes a personal approach to his members and really gets to know you as an individual and you’re not just a number. He’s passionate about health and fitness and changing people’s perception about exercise. He knows what you have to do to reach the top and as a child he wasn’t a natural athlete, he jokes that he actually never won a medal at school sports day but still managed to reach the top. So he knows what it takes to get there but also knows about the struggles that come along with it. Brian brings his unique experience and enjoyment to his classes and is gaining a reputation for first-class gym expertise with a heavy emphasis on fun. And I found that that’s the best way to lose weight and stay fit and the reason to why I’ve stuck to it.

“I don’t know about you but from a psychological standpoint if I’m ‘ON A DIET’ I’ve always failed. So I didn’t want to follow a meal plan as such. I’d get so consumed with it in my head that after a few weeks I’d give up because I’m very impatient and want results now. I found that keeping myself in the right mindset is the most important way to succeed. I used common sense and just started by cutting down on firstly my biggest weakness – chocolate, I ate more fruit and vegetables then after a while started eating low carb high protein meals.

“By end of May I had two stone off but the weight loss had started to slow. So I enlisted the help of Mary Hunter, a first class personal trainer at Magee’s who has trained people from all walks of life including Carl Frampton, the new IBF World Champion, for many years.

“Mary isn’t your ordinary run of the mill trainer. She cares about each and every one of her clients and gets to know you, your strengths and weaknesses and builds a rapport and with it an individually tailored programme. I never thought these words would actually come out of my mouth, but…. I actually look forward to working out! Mary also introduced me to weights and strongman training – this definitely kick-started my weight loss again and even got muscle definition – didn’t even know what a quad looked like until I got them. I have even pulled a 7.5 tonne truck during strongman training!!

“So 9 months later I had reached a 4 stone loss and dropped 3 dress sizes. Fitter, healthier, happier and I feel more confident about myself. In moments of doubt, close your eyes and imagine yourself a year from now.”

New Year’s Resolution ‘shapes up’ for Laura

Laura pictured before joining Magee’s Gym.

Laura after losing 4 stone in weight.

Laura,Strongman Training with trainer Mary Hunter.

Laura pictured at Race for Life event.