Astrology Numerology & You · Astrology Numerology & You Artefacts over 35,000 years old have been...

72 | | February 2010 February 2010 | | 73 Ast rology Numerology & You Artefacts over 35,000 years old have been found in recent decades. They consist of clearly marked Moon cycles recorded as notches on bone and wood and also thousands of small figurines of large breasted, wide-hipped women. It is agreed that these artefacts demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the Moon and the menstrual cycle of women, and worship of the source of this mystery, the Great Mother, the vessel of life. About 11,000 years ago, the great cultures of the area known as the Mesopotamian Fertile Crescent (the Middle East), the Great Mother was the supreme deity and focus of worship. The Earth itself was the Mother (we still today refer to Mother earth and Mother Nature), the moon represented her rhythm and all of life was subject to her laws. The fertility of women, animals and the land itself was directly attributed to the Mother Goddess. The mysteries of sexuality, birth, death and rebirth all came under her governance and the cycles of the Moon and rituals and celebrations developed over the millennia to reflect and honour the Moon’s cycles. The Moon is intimately connected to life on Earth and represents Spirit made manifest as form: the body, a new child, animals, plants and so on. The word mother starts with ‘m’ in many languages and this sound represents a strong feminine connection with life: mother, Moon, matrix, maternity, manifest, Mary, mother mata, muti, ma etc. by Babula Clement

Transcript of Astrology Numerology & You · Astrology Numerology & You Artefacts over 35,000 years old have been...

Page 1: Astrology Numerology & You · Astrology Numerology & You Artefacts over 35,000 years old have been found in recent decades. They consist of clearly marked Moon cycles recorded as

72 | | February 2010 February 2010 | | 73

Astrology Numerology & You

Artefacts over 35,000 years old have been

found in recent decades. They consist of clearly

marked Moon cycles recorded as notches on

bone and wood and also thousands of small

figurines of large breasted, wide-hipped women.

It is agreed that these artefacts demonstrate an

understanding of the relationship between the

Moon and the menstrual cycle of women, and

worship of the source of this mystery, the Great

Mother, the vessel of life.

About 11,000 years ago, the great cultures of the area known as the Mesopotamian Fertile Crescent (the Middle East), the Great Mother was the supreme deity and focus of worship.

The Earth itself was the Mother (we still today refer to Mother earth and Mother Nature), the moon represented her rhythm and all of life was subject to her laws.

The fertility of women, animals and the land itself was directly attributed to the Mother Goddess. The mysteries of sexuality, birth, death and rebirth all came under her governance and the cycles of the Moon and rituals and celebrations developed

over the millennia to reflect and honour the Moon’s cycles.

The Moon is intimately connected to life on Earth and represents Spirit made manifest as form: the body, a new child, animals, plants and so on. The word mother starts with ‘m’ in many languages and this sound represents a strong feminine connection with life: mother, Moon, matrix, maternity, manifest, Mary, mother mata, muti, ma Babula Clement

Page 2: Astrology Numerology & You · Astrology Numerology & You Artefacts over 35,000 years old have been found in recent decades. They consist of clearly marked Moon cycles recorded as

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The omnipresent Mother Goddess of the ancient world continues to live in our subconscious as a powerful archetypal force, affecting our bodies, emotions and deep instincts. In Egypt, she was Isis and Hathor; in Sumeria, Innana; in Babylon, Ishtar; in Judaism, Ev; in India, Bhavani, the Great Mother Goddess; in Greece she is Demeter; in Rome, Ceres; in Christianity, Mary; in Africa, Mawu, Ala, Ngame and many others; in the Celtic world she is Brigit and Ceridwen; for the Mayans she is Tlazolteotl.

Many sacred sites around the world are connected to the Great Mother and Moon cults and even the Vatican itself was built on Mount Vaticanus, an ancient mother goddess shrine.

On her monthly (moonthly) cycle, the Moon spends 2 ½ days in each zodiacal sign and whatever sign she is in at the time of your birth, connects you to all things lunar, including your connection to the personal mother and the Great Mother.

The Moon Goddess in the 12 Signs of the Zodiac:

Moon in Aries: the warrior Goddess, feisty, brave and independent. Bodua, Celtic war goddess.

Moon in Taurus: the Moon is also very well placed in fertile Taurus; it’s sign of exaltation. This Moon connects you to the Earth, to Mother Nature and all her creatures. This is Gaia, Mother earth herself and the Cow Goddess of India, where today, cows are still revered as divine. She is also Hathor, the Great Cow Goddess of Egypt. Isis was sometimes described as cow-eyed.

Moon in Gemini: Hecate is the Greek goddess of crossroads and magic.

Moon in Cancer: as I mentioned last month, the Moon rules the water sign of Cancer as this is the sign of the mother, home and family. So if you were born when the Moon was in Cancer (sign of dignity), as I was, you will feel this deep surge of instinctive mothering energy within you and will probably feel a strong connection to the ancient Great Mother in some way. Perhaps you lived in the Moon temples of long ago.

(The Moon in Cancer or Taurus are the most fertile of Moons and usually fertilisation, childbirth and mothering go well.)

Moon in Leo: the powerful Egyptian lion goddess of fire, Sekhmet.

Moon in Virgo: this Moon has a deep sacred connection to the Divine Mother as the pure vessel for the divine child. She is the Christian Mary who carries the inheritance of the Great Mother Goddess. This is also Kore, the Holy Virgin, the inner soul of Mother Earth and the Lunar Priestess. She is also Hygeia, goddess of health and healing.

Moon in Libra: Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Justice.

Moon in Scorpio: the dark devouring face of the mother; the Dark Goddess. She is Persephone, Destroyer Goddess, Queen

of the Underworld, Mother Kali of India. The Moon is in its fall in Scorpio.

Moon in Sagittarius: Artemis, the Huntress who lives free in the wild places.

Moon in Capricorn: detriment.

Moon in Aquarius: Mother of the World. Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, source of the waters from on high. She is a messenger and gathered the souls of women.

Moon in Pisces: the Divine Waters of the Cosmic Womb. She is Thetis, the sea mother. Quan Yin, Chinese Goddess of healing and compassion.

The New Moon on February 14 is at 25 degrees of Aquarius, a sign known for a universal, rather than personal approach to motherhood. Through the sign of Aquarius, we have the urge to reach out and connect with friends, community and humanity at large, and to make a difference.

The New Moon is the start of the next four week Lunar Cycle and the New Moon sign sets the tone of that Lunar Cycle. This New Moon at 25 Aquarius is particularly important as it is very closely aligned with Neptune, planet of devotion and compassion, and Chiron, the ‘wounded healer’. Strong urges to be of service to a suffering world are likely to arise in many and we may see large-scale demonstrations of populations in the streets. At the New Moon, take the time to consider what ways draw you to make a difference and help others.

Moon Phases for January 2010(Times set for Australian Eastern Standard Time – add 1 hour for Daylight Savings)

Full Moon: January 30, 4.17pm - 10 degrees Leo

Third Quarter: February 6, 9.48am - 17 degrees Scorpio

New Moon: February 14, 12.51pm - 25 Aquarius

First Quarter: February 22, 10.42am – 3 degrees Gemini

Full Moon: March 1, 2.38am - 10 degrees Virgo

by Babula Clement BA, Dip Teach, Cert FAA, Cert Psych Astrol, Reiki Master.

Babula, an intuitive Pisces, has over 20 years experience as a professional astrologer and teacher and has practised her art throughout Australia and in New Zealand, the UK, Europe and India.

She has explored many forms of meditation, therapy and healing and her approach to astrology is a combination of the psychological and spiritual – the Astrology of the Soul.

Her special interest is in the Black Moon and the Divine Feminine.

Babula gives in-depth birthchart readings in person, by phone and via Skype. She also offers astrology courses and special workshops on specific astrological topics. Contact her for more information.

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1 39 0 5 98 54 5 9 8 5 2 6 1 1

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19 0 5 98 54 5

NumerologyLife Path Numbers

Life path of ‘4’ – Stability and Process

As discussed in previous issues, the life path is derived by adding up the numbers in the date of birth: 30/19/1980 = 3+1+9+1+9+8= 31 with 3+1= 4. The life path of the ‘4’s is to achieve stability and security, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. They achieve this by creating structures, steps, lists, plans and setting goals. ‘4’s are the builders in our society and they use step-by-step practical methods to create processes that make it easier to attain the desired outcome. For creative people this can seem boring, not fluid or spontaneous enough for them.

However, nothing gets done without some form of structure or process, even artists have a process that they go through. Skip one of the processes and something can go seriously wrong. ‘4’s learn that they must use process to obtain fulfillment. If ‘4’s ignore the need to lay firm foundations and put every brick in its rightful place, in whatever they are trying to build/achieve, it will eventually fall apart and crumble.

The 4 is in the middle of the line of ‘practicality’ and intersects with the line of ‘willpower’. This can result in them being very stubborn, willful, over controlling, arrogant, over powering or bossy, needing everything to be their way or the highway. In a more positive expression, if harnessed this quality makes for dynamic management and organisational capabilities.

Looking for short cuts will not be the answer for them. This lesson teaches them to be patient and organised, to let the un-folding of their ideas come about naturally as the focus of their intent remains on the practical day to day things to accomplish. As soon as they veer off track, they loose focus and get in a muddle.

They must also learn to develop patience with others who may not have their talent for practical organisation. Many ‘4’s get accused of being anal, overly organised or pedantic, because they need to create their own process that works for them. Having learnt how to do this, they make great teachers of it to others. As a result they make lists, need plans to follow and know what is expected as an outcome.

It doesn’t matter what we wish to pursue in terms of material success, humanitarian services or our relationships, education, or spiritual evolvement, we all need some form of process and steps to reach our goals, the ‘4’s help us to realise this. Without this in our society we wouldn’t have engineers, architects, builders and mechanics. As a masculine number, 4 brings us the main pillars of our social structures, like Law, Education,

Banking and Government, these are all ‘4’ based institutions. Without them there would be no order, we would all run a muck.

Because ‘4’s like structure they work best in organised environments, making great business managers, especially admin managers or clerical staff, accountants, lawyers, bankers, civil servants, secretaries and PA’s. If you have a 4 person in your office, you are blessed. ‘4’s function best in structured formal environments that have routine, it helps them feel psychologically safe. Even if they are creative they will need to have a routine.

Emotionally ‘4’s can suffer anxiety and worry about little things, a lot. They can panic easily when things go wrong even if they have a controlled demeanor on the outside, they’ll be freaking out on the inside. ‘4’s have to learn a balance between the flow created by structured processes and letting go of what they can’t control.

They like to have close family ties, often spending huge amounts of social time with family. They need to feel the constant security that family love can bring them. Difficult family history is often common for ‘4’s, as it helps to identify while teaching them about their need to create emotional security. If as a child they didn’t have that loving secure environment, they usually like to create it for themselves, either within their close-knit family of friends or having children and family of their own. As a result this can make them very loving loyal companions and great parents.

New Dawn Astrologywith Babula Clement

* Beginners Classes – Feb 2010

* 2–year Foundation Course Brisbane & by Correspondence

* Personal Readings, Consultations Brisbane, Phone or by Skype

* The Black Moon Lilith The Sacred Feminine

* Astrology Conference Brisbane, January 14-18, 2010

07 3372 [email protected]

By S’roya Rose