Assignment :connect and combine:team creativeEYE

Team creativeEYE Crash Course in Creativity -Prof. Tina Seelig (Stanford University) Team Member(s) Prashant Sahay Assignment : Connect and Combine – Designing a feasible sport using any two household materials.

Transcript of Assignment :connect and combine:team creativeEYE

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Team creativeEYE

Crash Course in Creativity-Prof. Tina Seelig

(Stanford University)

Team Member(s) Prashant Sahay

Assignment : Connect and Combine –Designing a feasible sport using any two household materials.

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Are you tired of watching football?

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Do you want to play football but don’t have a playground to play in ?

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Do you think you have a Messi or a Ronaldo hidden inside you ?

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Then my Friend ! You have landed in a correct

place !!!

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Presenting to you a sport never heard of


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Fingerball as the name suggests is a ball game(loosely based on football) played with fingers. In this sports which can be played on any small horizontal surface like a table top, floor, roof, garden, book cover etc., there are two players who play the game. The players assume position on opposite ends (maximum distance between them : arms length) and place their fingers before their goal posts . There is a ball made from squashed/squeezed waste paper.) .The players need to play the game of football with their fingers.(index and middle finger preferably) . Their target is to score goal with their fingers. The players with max goals wins.

Fingerball – All right ! But what is it and how is it played?

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Objective: To score maximum goals

Items needed :1. Ball made of squeezed paper.

2. Two shoe boxes or any other cardboards of appropriate size (to act as goal posts ), Rubber band .

Any horizontal domestic surface (table top, house floor, bed, shelves etc.) ,

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Settings of the playing field:

1. Take the two card boards and place them on the table in such a way that they rest on their longer sides as shown. They should be placed opposite to each other (facing) and the maximum distance between them should not exceed the arm length of the participating players.2. Take a waste piece of paper and squeeze it in such a way that it assumes a shape of a football. We can color it too , to make it look better and attractive too. We can even use rubber band to tie up the paper in its ball shape.3. If permissible, mark the middle line ,D line and penalty spots of the field. Otherwise, it is ok to keep the field unmarked.

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Who all can play fingerball?: Any body and everybody from tiny tots to elderly senior citizens.

How to play fingerball ? 1. The game of fingerball is like football played with our fingers. All the basic and primary rules of football imply to fingerball too . (except off side perhaps ) 2. Place the paper ball in the center at the start and let the fun begin 3. The game can be time based or “who scores X goals first ?” format .

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Few rules : 1. In order to discourage players from hitting the ball hard and thereby injuring the hand of other players, Goal will be considered legitimate only if scored from opponents half.

2. No player can grab the hand of the opponent in any case. a penalty kick is awarded instead.

3.No player can run into others’ hand directly. Ball possession will be awarded to other player in this case.

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Thanks for your time !