Assignment 1 - Jamuna Akka

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KUMARIAN ( MC1309BC4375)






KEONG (MC1309BC4175)

Education is an activity to help the students mature. In an education process, an individual as a student is given the chance to grow and develop. The quality of education must be developed that is aimed to help students to grow well, be of age, beneficial for himself in order to face lie demands, and beneficial for the society, nation, and state. This is because education is a necessity for every human being. Hence, we as a human need to implant education in our life. Education has a role in giving a beneficial environment for students growth and development. According to Undang Undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, education such as physical and mental education with physical exercises and health must be provided in all schools. Therefore, education must get a balanced attention in a students life. In this way, special education must be given in schools for students with special needs. One of these schools is the Special School C (SSC) which is a special school for mentally retarded children .Even though education must be learnt by every human being, there are also some limits of education that become an hindrance for education especially for the disabled students such as dumb, deaf and blind. Some of the other obstacles are school location whereby the school is situated in a rural or urban area, mental and physical abilities, that is a special aid for the disabled students. Another obstacle is limited time and resources, whereby a student cannot learn a new knowledge completely because of the short time and limited resources.

School location refers to the community in which the school is located, such as village, hamlet or rural area, small town and city. There are many factors to provide better education to the student who staying in the rural area in our country. The school location of the rural area is not supporting the students studies. The actual environment of rural schools causes hard for the students to succeed. The location of these rural schools forces them to use more effort in order to network with people and to get the materials needed for the teachers and students.

Poverty is another factor that exists in rural schools. Most of the students in the rural area are facing problem in their daily life. A critical factor that cause rural students have such problems is the funding that they received. Due to the small size of the schools, they tend to get less money from the government, but even when they get the same funding as non-rural districts, this is not enough due to the unique problems that rural schools are faced with. Because of the lack of funding, the condition of the schools is terrible. Usually, rural schools have dilapidated buildings, which makes the learning environment unsafe and not motivating to the students. Since schools do not have sufficient funding, they are not able to tailor programs for the students need, such as `Advanced Placement and Honors Classes' as well as remedial and special education classes, which creates problems for these students. They can't get better education because of these issues.

Moreover, the schools in rural areas face poor condition that their students are exposed to a daily basis. For an example, these schools have lack of facilities, course materials and programs that wealthier districts have. Lack of facilities make the students cannot get more information through internet to study or doing any assignment. This lead the student cannot improve or develop on their studies and it become obstacle for them. Another problem that become hindrance to get better education is lack of quality teachers at rural areas because of isolation, whether it is social, professional or culture. In addition to this, teachers in rural areas are also face many challenges such as low salaries, lack of access to professional opportunties and the responsibility to take on multiple duties. Most teachers and administrators in rural schools are typically younger, less well educated and get lower pay and benefits than non rural employees. This is one of the reasons why they can't give a better education for the student in our country. According to the `questia'(trust online research) stated that communities play a critical role in a supporting pre-service teachers during rural and regional professional experience. Moreover, there are 263 surveys completed for the Rethinking Teacher Education for rural and regional sustainability-Renewing Teacher Education for rural and regional Australia project (TERRAnova) (Feb. 1, 2013).

Apart from that, the parents education and their families income of the rural area also are hindrance to provide better education to the students. Parents of rural students tend to be low in their own personal achievement and aspiration, which leads to lower aspiration for their children. At the same time, the rural parents income also not enough to support their children's needs. Based on the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research recorded that there are 90% of the children in the rural area said low income of the parents is the main reasons for them to go to work(November 1,2012). Therefore, these factors may become one of the obstacles to provide better education to the students.

Usually schools located in the cities are better than in the village because of the facilities in the cities are numerous. In the rural area are difficult for students to get information and learning materials for studies. Besides that, school location at town or city also becoming obstacles to provide better education. Students in the cities are more advantage able because the area has many amenities and experience. Schools located in town/city areas will impact negatively on the students because usually there are many entertainment influences. Many students skip the school and go to the cyber cafe to spend their time rather than going to school. They lost of interest to study and get influenced by their friends and went to cyber cafe near school areas. This causes the school could not provide the good education for the students due to the lack of interest of the students to study.

Besides that, the town/city area is very dangerous because there are many social problems such as gangsterism and many more issues. With these students will be affected by the dispatcher who has the negative values. Usually the school areas has many fighting cases occurred. Some students have contact with the people which involved in gangsters will lead them to solve the problem occurred between their classmates. With this, students easily learn each others behavior. Nowadays, most the schools having a lot of criminal cases which happen in the schools. The schools name will tarnish due to the students characters. According to the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research Stated that the overall prevalence of child labor in the study said 32.5% of social problem cases in city/town increase every year. The number of students who involve in the social problems was 75% to 80 %. (Volume 7, November , 2012).

Overall, the key parties should play an important role in overcoming the obstacles to provide better education. In the city area, the school should tighten rules and regulations, schools must ensure that students always attend school and participate in extra activities and co-curricular which related to education and provide opportunities for them to engage in negative activities. Schools also need to provide moral education and counseling to students. The parents should monitor their children and observe their daily activities. In other hand, Government need to provide better facilities to the school in the rural area such as better study materials, internet connections, more qualified teachers as well as the develop the condition of school building . Besides that, government also need to consider the salary of parents in rural area so that they able to minimize the poverty.

Besides that, mental and physical abilities of students also become obstacles which focus on the special learning aids for the disabled students in education. They need a very special attention from the government and society. For instance, the government should appoint well-trained teachers in the schools. This is because disabled students need more attention comparing to others. First of all, we need to concentrate on the education for them. There are disabilities in education named learning disability. This learning ability state that, actually students are not lazy or dumb but they are having problems with learning new information and skills. The most common type of learning disabilities involve problems with reading, writing, listening and reasoning. In a simple way, we can said that this abilities has their own named such as learning disability in reading called as dyslexia, for writing disability dysgraphia, and mathematics dyscalculia , many more than this. Moreover, Autism is also considered as another disorder of education. This can cause the students into troubles in communicating, reading body language, learning basic skills and eye contact.

There are also some symptoms that can be identified from the disabled students itself. We can notice this when they are in pre-school, students will be having difficulty to pronounce the words and they could not find out the right word. Students who are between 5 to 9 ages, unable to blend sounds to make words, confused in using basic words when reading and they arent able to memorize the sequence of the time. While the students whose age are between 10-13 will be having problem with open-ended test questions and wording problems, difficulties to answer comprehension or mathematics question and they also have poor handwriting. These symptoms can help the teachers to identify students problems and solution this kind of case.

There are many suggestions that must conduct to overcome the disability students in education. Government, teachers, counselors and parents need to be gather together to overcome the students disability problems. First of all, every single solution for a matter must start from house. This is because family or parents is the first person that whom deals with the children or students since they are kids. Besides, house is the major place where the students learn something. Thus, parents role in solving students mental and physical problems are very important.

Therefore, parents is the first place where the students complaint about their problems. If the parents are warm and have open relationship with the children, then the children will feel free to tell them about their problems. For instance, the students whom have problem in hearing need to tell their parents. Thus, the parents would able to send them to special classes for that case. In short, if the children are scared to talk to the parents, then there wont be any solution for their problem.

Besides, parents can find for the professional help such as Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). This services department helps the students or children to share their problems and this service persons or officers are willing to help the certain individual further. Parents can send their disabled students to these services.

Furthermore, the school has to play its own role in solving these problems. First of all, the school can have a adapted physical education to the students whom are mentally and physically disturbed. According to Sherill (1981: 10), this education is a comprehensive service delivery system designed to identify and solve the problem within the psychomotor domain. Meanwhile, Auxter, Pyfer, and Hueting (2001: 3) stated that adapted physical education is the art and science of developing , implementing and monitoring a carefully design physical education instructional program for learner with disability, based on a comprehensive assessment, to give the learner the skills necessary for lifetime of rich leisure recreation, and sport experiences to enhance physical fitness and wellness.

Thus, the school needs to have social learning method for the disabled students. This social learning believes that most of human development behaviors is gained from observation in learning .Before someone studies a model (certain behavior), the person actively comes to this behavior model. The attention to this model is caused by the subject and observer model. Meanwhile, memory and motorist processes and also involved. Then, Pearlman and Cozby, (1983 : 49) state that due to the ethologists, adaption process in evolution process has a role in social behavior formed. They believe that behavior must be studied in natural setting. In other words, behavior must be studied in natural situation. Thomas and Lee (2003: 144 145) argue that naturally children are active and need to learn movement skills. Competition and gift can be given positive influences in participation. The teachers have to understand the psychological and social aspects of physical education for children. Team work and motivation is the best solution for the children to do their activities. The children must be motivated to develop their skills.

Lastly, the school also can conduct special classes for the disabled students. This classes included the classes for physically mentally challenged, classes for the hearing- impaired and the classes for the comprehensive vocational department. For instance, the classes for the mentally challenged firstly founded in Taipei, namely Zhongsham Primary School by the year, 1962. In 1970, Jinhua , Datong, Chengyuan and Dazhi Primary Schools in Taipei also founded classes for the mentally challenged. So far this education has undergoes more than 30 years of development. The number of classes has increased from 126 to 1391 by the year 1980 and 2004. Meanwhile, students enrollments have changed from mildly mentally- challenged to moderately, seriously mentally challenged.

Last but not least, the circuit guidance and assistance is also an important factor to be considered. In the circumstance of circuit guidance and assistance students are placed in regular classes. Trained circuit teachers visit schools that having special education students, serving students or providing teachers and parents with consultative services. The practice of this was first introduced in 1967. The Blended Education Program for Vision- Impaired the students was promoted. The students were placed in regular classes, with circuit teachers, who have received one year training at Taman Normal College on education for the vision impaired, visiting the students regularly.

Limited time and resources is also one of the important obstacles for the students to learn. Nowadays, students need to learn a lot of knowledge and skills. The time is most important to help students to learn new things. The time requirements needed for preparation and delivery of distance courses was a major concern. The time that had been prepared in schools is not enough for the teachers to deliver the knowledge for particular course. Because normally, teachers will be given 45 minutes for one period and one hour 15 minutes for teachers to teaching for two periods continuously.

As a teacher to teach the students, it will take more than 45 minutes because subjects consist of more than 10 to 20 topics to be covered within one month. And the time that given by school which is 45 minutes not cover even 3 topics in a week. It will be difficult to teachers to follow up the students who do not understand the topics that they have learnt. In addition to this, students also do not have time to ask questions. Moreover, if they able to asked the teachers, the teachers could not give a better explanation because they have to follow the system accordingly and try to finish up a certain topic on that particular day or week. Most of the time, it happens in public school compare to private schools. Teachers are having problem to prepare the students towards their goal.

Moreover, schools need to have a good resources to make students feel better and able to make it as a benefit to do their assignment and task that given by their teachers. To achieve this, our government should provide strong education facilities such as computers, e-book system in schools, internet connection, upgrade the library levels and more than this. Most of the publics schools are lack of resources compare private schools. Classes also need to be a comfortable place for students to feel better because learning location is also being a factor to create interest among the students study. Acker and Hardman point out those impediments to learning also include a lack of teaching resources and poor physical conditions of classroom spaces (2001).

Moreover, class size is also important for the teachers and the students because overcrowded class can break the flow of the lesson. It can distract the students attention and focus on the studies. For an example, students who are sitting at the back might be doing their work or sleeping but the teachers wont be conscious about these things because the class consists of 50 students. Teachers could not control the whole class if so many students. It also pointed by Lee-Anne Benoit, In such cases it is virtually impossible for a single teacher to meet the needs of every individual learner. Differentiation becomes ineffectual, as does mobility within the classroom. Resources are spread thin and many struggling learner are overlooked. (27th April 2013)So, the school should have their own strategy to create interest among the students to study. They might come with 30 students in a class. It will make easy for teachers to conquer all the student focus on the lesson that going on.

In our country, schools are still having issues and problems in special needs education mirrored this argument. Major issues that were include the stigmatization of persons with disabilities, lack of facilities in rural school areas and not enough resources in the schools that has many students. Because it can be a block or hindrances for students to increase their IQ level and gain knowledge especially students in rural area. This students need to be updated as the students who are in cities. We are informing this fact because some students who come from rural area find difficulty to use computers and technology system when they enrol their selves in institutions.

To be conclude in short, from all the journals that we have read, we can says that education is an necessity for every human being.Even though there are some hindrance of education, all the key parties need to be gamble together to solve the students problems. Government should give attention to the rural areas schools. Besides,The Ministry of Education need to extend the limit of class period to make the teachers and students have more understanding in learning. It can lead the students to ask their confused question directly to the teachers. Lastly, the government and teachers need to put effort together to make the mentally and physically disabled students to make them feel easy and better in learning. To increase the learning effiency and affectivity, teachers have to understand students characteristics and appropriate choice of learning approaches. Almost all of the students need support to join the learning activities. Meanwhile, teachers always have to try to be near to students and understand their needs. Besides, the teachers should understand that for certain students. This students need to be given explanation about the importance or advantages of physical exercises. Mental retarded students will always do their activities enthusiastically or be motivated if they understand the values or advantages of what they do. In giving instructions, teachers should be brief and do not give more than one instruction at a time.Thus, education is a necessity for every human being.


Questia ( Trusted Online research) by Kline. At ( Feb, 2013)Partnership ( Canadian Journal of Library & Information Practice and research) ( Nov 1,2012)Indian Journal of Community Medicine (April 2008)Journal of Education, Vol 1 number 02, Nov 2009Sheril.(1981). Adapted Physical and Recreation. (2nd Edition). Dubuque, Lova; WmC, Brown Company PublisherEducationnext by Ludger Woesmann, summer 2001/Vol 1, no.2