Developing distributed applications with Akka and Akka Cluster

Developing distributed applications with Akka and Akka Cluster Presented by K.Tsykulenko

Transcript of Developing distributed applications with Akka and Akka Cluster

Page 1: Developing distributed applications with Akka and Akka Cluster

Developing distributed applications

with Akka and Akka Cluster

Presented by K.Tsykulenko

Page 2: Developing distributed applications with Akka and Akka Cluster


Page 3: Developing distributed applications with Akka and Akka Cluster

Agenda• What is Akka?• Concurrency paradigms overview.• Actors and actor model.• Live demo #1.• Akka remoting and clustering.• Live demo #2.• CRDTs and Akka Distributed Data.• Live demo #3.• Summary.• Q&A.

Page 4: Developing distributed applications with Akka and Akka Cluster

What is Akka?

Akka is a toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-

driven applications on the JVM.

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What is Akka?

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Concurrency paradigms

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Concurrency paradigms• Shared state and locks• Software Transactional Memory (STM)• Message-Passing Concurrency (Actors)• Dataflow Concurrency • and more…

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Software transactional memory

V 1 V 2

V 1 V 12

V 11

V 3

V 2 V 22





V 1


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Dataflow Concurrency

X 1



X 2

X 3

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Actors• Originate in a 1973 paper by Carl Hewitt• Implemented in Erlang• Encapsulate state and behavior• Closer to the definition of OO than classes

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Sender ActorRef








enqueue dequeue



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Actorsuser ! User(“John Doe")

class UserActor extends Actor { def receive = { case User(name) => sender ! s"Hi $name" }}

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Actorsval greeting = user ? User(“John Doe")

class UserActor extends Actor { def receive = { case User(name) => sender ! s"Hi $name" }}

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Supervision and hierarchy

worker 1

worker 2

worker 3

worker 4

supervisor 1

supervisor 2


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Building a web crawler1. Fetch a page2. Parse the page to get links3. Check if max crawl depth has been reached

and if yes, finish4. Go to 1 for all parsed links

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Building a web crawler





pass urls

pass page content

pass parsed urls

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Building a web crawler

Routerpass urls


initial url


create UrlHandler

Fetcher Fetcher


Parser Parser

Page 19: Developing distributed applications with Akka and Akka Cluster

Building a web crawlerclass FetcherActor(val parser: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging { import context.dispatcher val pipeline: HttpRequest => Future[HttpResponse] = sendReceive

override def receive: Receive = { case Url(link, depth) => pipeline(Get(link)).map(…).pipeTo(parser) }}

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Building a web crawlerclass ParserActor extends Actor with ActorLogging with HtmlParser { override def receive: Receive = { case UrlContents(Url(link, depth), resp, requester) => val links = parseHtml(resp) .map(l => if (l.matches("^[\\/#].*")) link + l else l) .filter(l => Try(new Url(l)).isSuccess links.foreach(requester ! Url(_, depth + 1)) }}

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Building a web crawlerakka { actor.deployment { /parsers { router = round-robin-pool nr-of-instances = 5 } /fetchers { router = round-robin-pool nr-of-instances = 5 } }}

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Live demo #1

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Going remote• Everything works using asynchronous

message passing which is good for remoting• Akka-remoting allows working with remote

actors just as if they were in the same JVM• Still need to handle additional issues like

serialization and handling potential networking problems

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Akka cluster – pool routing




Cluster PoolRouter


5. Gossip: localhost:2551

is Up

2. Gossip: localhost:2552

is Up

6. Deployroutee

3. Deployroutee



1. Joins cluster

4. Joins cluster



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1. Joins cluster

Akka cluster – group routing




Cluster GroupRouter


5. Gossip: localhost:2551

is Up

2. Gossip: localhost:2552

is Up

6. Routesmessages

3. Routesmessages



4. Joins cluster



Page 26: Developing distributed applications with Akka and Akka Cluster

Simple crawler clusterClient VM



Worker VM


Worker VM


Page 27: Developing distributed applications with Akka and Akka Cluster

Going remotecluster { seed-nodes = [ "akka.tcp://[email protected]:2551", "akka.tcp://[email protected]:2552"] auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s role { client.min-nr-of-members = 1 backend.min-nr-of-members = 2 }}

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Going remoteactor { deployment { /workerRouter { router = consistent-hashing-group nr-of-instances = 100 routees.paths = ["/user/master"] cluster { enabled = on allow-local-routees = on use-role = backend } } } provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider“}

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Live demo #2

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Distributed state

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Distributed state

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But what if we need to?

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CRDTs• Good performance and scalability, the cost is

eventual consistency• Two main classes: operation based and state


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Live demo #3

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Summary• Actor model provides a concurrency

paradigm that is easier to reason about than traditional Java concurrency

• Designing actor systems is a lot like OO• You can easily make your actor systems

distributed and have referential transparency… to an extent

• Akka has many useful modules, like Akka distributed data, which allows to manage distributed state

• Try to build your own application and see how it works for you

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Thank you!Konstantin Tsykulenko
