Assigmnent 1 Rush Hour Professor Revision

Observation Assignment Tran 1 Site Location: “Rush Hour” Kenny Tran ENGL 1102-010 Assignment 1 My Personal Experience with Rush Hour Since I was a kid, I’ve watched each film of this film trilogy nonstop every year. I enjoy the plot, the comedy, and the actors/actresses that take part in the movies. The figured world is ba sed on two funny detectives who solve crimes in busy, interesting locations. I’ve been an actor o f this figured world by thinking about how th e dilemmas in these films can relate to real world situations. In a world of crime and kidnapping, people don’t know what to expect, and taking a step by step process, especially in a hostage negotiation, will ensure people’s safety and keep other minor characters away from danger. I think the comedy influenced in this film and the actors inspired me to choose this as my observation topic. As long as I have interest in it and I enjoy every aspect of a figured world, I can keep a conversation going about the topic without  being repetitive or dull. Location Description Rush Hour took place in Los Angeles (LA), California. The detectives are from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). There wasn’t a specific location because the detectives of the movie went everywhere in LA to solve their case. They went to a bar, which had about four billiards table and a gambling room in the back of the building. They went to the Chinese Ambassador’s house, which was gated and two stories high. The FBI had their desk and important documents in there because they were staying over to make sure nothing happens to the Ambassador. A norm in his house would be to be serious and make no jokes, but Carter (a detective) is very sarcastic and continuously acts like a f ool in his house. The detectives went to a building i n downtown LA and it is about 20 stories high. A bomb was placed in one of the rooms on the tenth floor and all of the lights were broken. Later in the future, they went to a h otel, for a mission, to spy at the next hotel, which had someone they were using as a suspect. F igu red Worl d: A f igu red wo r ld i s a place with many dif ferent type s of di s course commun it ies and behavior , whi ch re pres e nts a f orm of dive r s ity. Summary of Rules and Convention of Behavior (for the entire trilogy) Los Angeles is a populated area where many crimes and ruckus takes place. Consul Han’s house is gated with many securities surrounding it to protect him. There is a Chinatown where man y tourists come to buy souvenirs, eat, and enjoy themselves. Jung Tao owns a Chinese restaurant located there and people just go there to eat and relax. Jung Tao, on the other hand uses the restaurant for criminal transactions on the upper level, where there is a huge lounging area with


Professor Revision

Transcript of Assigmnent 1 Rush Hour Professor Revision

Observation AssignmentTran 1Site Location: Rush HourKenny TranENGL 1102-010Assignment 1My Personal Experience with Rush HourSince I was a kid, Ive watched each film of this film trilogy nonstop every year. I enjoy the plot, the comedy, and the actors/actresses that take part in the movies. The figured world is based on two funny detectives who solve crimes in busy, interesting locations. Ive been an actor of this figured world by thinking about how the dilemmas in these films can relate to real world situations. In a world of crime and kidnapping, people dont know what to expect, and taking a step by step process, especially in a hostage negotiation, will ensure peoples safety and keep other minor characters away from danger. I think the comedy influenced in this film and the actors inspired me to choose this as my observation topic. As long as I have interest in it and I enjoy every aspect of a figured world, I can keep a conversation going about the topic without being repetitive or dull.Location DescriptionRush Hour took place in Los Angeles (LA), California. The detectives are from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). There wasnt a specific location because the detectives of the movie went everywhere in LA to solve their case. They went to a bar, which had about four billiards table and a gambling room in the back of the building. They went to the Chinese Ambassadors house, which was gated and two stories high. The FBI had their desk and important documents in there because they were staying over to make sure nothing happens to the Ambassador. A norm in his house would be to be serious and make no jokes, but Carter (a detective) is very sarcastic and continuously acts like a fool in his house. The detectives went to a building in downtown LA and it is about 20 stories high. A bomb was placed in one of the rooms on the tenth floor and all of the lights were broken. Later in the future, they went to a hotel, for a mission, to spy at the next hotel, which had someone they were using as a suspect.Figured World: A figured world is a place with many different types of discourse communities and behavior, which represents a form of diversity.Summary of Rules and Convention of Behavior (for the entire trilogy)Los Angeles is a populated area where many crimes and ruckus takes place. Consul Hans house is gated with many securities surrounding it to protect him. There is a Chinatown where many tourists come to buy souvenirs, eat, and enjoy themselves. Jung Tao owns a Chinese restaurant located there and people just go there to eat and relax. Jung Tao, on the other hand uses the restaurant for criminal transactions on the upper level, where there is a huge lounging area with TV cameras located everywhere. The streets of LA are always populated with cars driving everywhere day and night. There are high buildings where officials have political meetings and people come to watch and listen to what the higher ranks of governmental businesses have to offer for the city. There is a police department, where Detective Lee and Carter works at, and they are responsible for the protection of the city. There are many alley ways for trashcans located between every building in the city. There is an area in LA specifically for hotels, which are mainly for out-of-towners. The expected behavior for LA would be loud and obnoxious. Everyone has a job and business to take care of, and in order to stay safe and keep themselves out of trouble, they need to just mind their own business and not get involved with any criminal acts. Lee and Carter are always running around solving crimes and protecting people from harm in LA. They chose to be part of the Los Angeles Police Department and they represent that everywhere they go.Actors: Actors are the individuals of a figured world, who hold the different characteristics of what makes the discourses community within the figured world. Ive only chosen the important actors in the film to describe because they are the individuals that take action throughout the observation. Detective Lee: A police detective originally in China, but flew to American to assist with completing a mission that involves a close friend of his. He is usually a serious character, but in this figured world, he is as foolish as his partner (Detective Carter). He and his partner become very good friends, and even though his partner gets him into a lot of trouble, he still wishes his presence. Detective Carter: A police detective of Los Angeles, CA. He is a very sarcastic and brave person, but his partner (Detective Lee) helps him be more professional whenever he is out of place. He does what he wants and always finds a way to achieve his objectives, even if that means disobeying the boss. He had an opportunity to be promoted to the FBI, but he chose to stay as a regular detective to keep Lee as his partner.Artifact: These are items that are significant to an actor, and they help tell us a lot about them and their behavior. Image 1. Carter and Lee pointing a gun towards each other to show who has more leadership skills and who will put their gun down first. This scene was before they started to get to know each other. They were still enemies in some way because they didnt like each other, both being in different figured worlds at the time.Picture of Soo-Yung (Consul Hans daughter): This picture is significant to Detective Lee because it gave him the motivation to do anything possible to fulfill his mission and help his good friend (Consul Han). Whenever he looks at the image, he puts all jokes aside and becomes determined to complete his mission. Detective Carters Corvette: Carter always wants to feel like the leader, but never really does because Lee is always outshining him by achieving the toughest part of every mission. Whenever he is in his car and Lee is in the passenger seat, he feels like the superior one because he is in control of the objectives (which is true). A gun: A gun makes a person feel dominate at all times, especially if the opponent doesnt have one. This is significant because throughout Rush Hour 1, every time someone pulls out a gun on him, he says, Drop the gun, and fight like a man. This makes his opponent feel discouraged about their strength and knowledge, so they put their gun away and fight. Money Plates: In Rush Hour 2, Ricky Tang stole money plates that help make copies of real money. It is significant because the detectives run all over Hong Kong and Los Angeles looking for Ricky Tang to retrieve the stolen plates. It is illegal to make your own copy of money, so it is important to stop this act of crime. Shi Shen: Genevive had an important Chinese artifact tattooed on the back of her head. It is significant because anybody who has possession of it will be wealthy since it holds ancient scriptures that are worth millions of dollars. In Rush Hour 3, everybody is in search of Shi Shen.Discourse Community: This is a group of individuals that have a common characteristic and similar interest, and there is more than one within a figured world Foolish Workers: Detective Lee and Carter. They are the policemen that are foolish, make trouble worse, and cause a scene everywhere they go. In this observation, they are constantly told to not continue their missions, but they continue regardless of their boss command because they know in the end, they will succeed. They share a way of communicating by using face gestures to win battles when they are in a difficult situation and sarcasm to get out of situations. Serious Workers: The policemen and secret agents aside from Lee and Carter. These are police force that believes they are always right, and have a limited strategy for capturing the criminals. In this observation, they are outshined by detective Lee and Carter because they take matters to the next level and try everything possible to accomplish their mission. They share a way of communicating by staying engaged with their obligations and disregard all distractions. Criminals: Juntao, Ricky Tang, and Kenji. They are the criminals that share a common goal. They each are in three different observations and they all hold someone hostage as they try to claim an ancient artifact that is worth millions of dollars. They share a way of communicating by going against the law without the police the catching them. Bosses/Leaders: Consul Han and Chief of the police. They are the people who are the commanding leaders and receive the highest respect from their people. In this observation, they are the individuals who are always calling for help from their man. They share a way of communicating by being concerned about the missions and planning ideas to resolve them. Literacy Practices: This is a technique used for individuals to communicate with each other (for example: writing, hand signs, code words) Lee and Carters funny sarcasm: Lee and Carter have been partners for almost ten years. Every time they are in the middle of a tough situation, Lee or Carter makes a joke and the other understands what he means, which is basically a plan rather than a joke. They both make a sudden movement at their enemies, which frees them from being harmed, and then they escape. Image 2. The ancient artifact, Shi Shen, tattooed on the back of Genevive's head. This showed that she wasnt just a minor character, since she has possession of something everyone is looking for. Shes as important as the other actors in Rush Hour 3.Carters denial of receiving a partner: Carter doesnt like to have a partner work with him on his job because he doesnt want to see anything happen to that person. As a result, he disrespects everyone in his police department, which leads to everyone else cooperating and discussing how self-centered he is. This literacy practice is important because it shows Carter strength and determination for others to trust him to be successful, and even though he may fool around a lot, he is still the man for the job.Note: Each observation has a time length of the movie instead of the time off the current time period of the film. It was difficult to estimate what time each event occurred, so it was substituted with the movies duration. A 30-40 minute duration of time was used from each film.Rush Hour 1Observation 1

Summary of Rules and Convention of Behavior A location with many specific rules of behavior would be the Chinese Ambassadors house. It is a place where maturity and respect is expected. People of the FBI or police department are the only people allowed in the house because they are serious and determined to complete their mission. There really isnt a specific time for the people in the house to go to sleep because completing the mission is the thing the people in there are concerned about. They try to find clues and anything that will help benefit their case and rest when they are tired. There are no foolish actions allowed in the house because that would just be wasting time and could anger the Ambassador. They only way a regular civilian can get into the house is to show some form of identification and have helpful information about the case. If the police are suspicious of who a civilian say they are, they will arrest them, take them in the house, and inspect them. Misconduct and resistance to the polices arrest will alarm them to fire their gun towards the person committing the inappropriate actions. Fighting or shooting in the house is not permitted, which means every action can only be committed outside of the hose. People in the house are allowed to answer to phone calls, specifically for information about the mission, but personal calls are acceptable, only if they are quick. People should know how to act when entering the household of a person with a higher rank in the work force, especially someone who is an ambassador.

Actors Detective Lee: A police detective originally in China, but flew to American to assist with completing a mission that involves a close friend of his. He is usually a serious character, but in this figured world, he is as foolish as his partner (Detective Carter). He and his partner become very good friends, and even though his partner gets him into a lot of trouble, he still wishes his presence. Detective Carter: A police detective of Los Angeles, CA. He is a very sarcastic and brave person, but his partner (Detective Lee) helps him be more professional whenever he is out of place. He does what he wants and always finds a way to achieve his objectives, even if that means disobeying the boss. He had an opportunity to be promoted to the FBI, but he chose to stay as a regular detective to keep Lee as his partner. Consul Han (Chinese Ambassador): The Ambassador of Chinese, but then moves to Los Angeles for his new diplomatic post. He is always a victim in this discourse community, but he has Detective Lee for protection whenever he needs it. Soo Yung: She is the daughter of the Chinese ambassador. She is kidnapped by a criminal, named Sang and everyone is doing everything possible to get her back alive and safe from any harm. Sang: He is the mastermind behind all of the kidnapping and crimes that are going on in Los Angeles. Everybody is looking for him, but he is always running away, one step closer than everybody else. He is ruthless when he wants money.The Observation for Rush Hour 120:00- 27:00: Detective Carter picked up Detective Lee from the airport and while he was driving him around, he tried to get to know him, but Lee didnt answer any question he asked him because his only concern was about the mission he was on. He was trying to save the Chinese Ambassadors daughter, Soo Yung. The Chinese Ambassadors name is Han, and he and Lee are good friends. Carter and Lee stopped at Chinatown, in Los Angeles, and Carter leaves to get sources about the case, but meanwhile, Lee is trying to run away from him. Carter catches him trying to get away in a taxi cab, and then they start to cooperate.27:01-35:00: Carter takes Lee to a bar to get more sources about the case. His cousin works at the bar and he is the one with all the details. He told Carter everything he knew about the case, which wasnt much. Meanwhile, Lee is in the middle of a bar fight with everyone in the bar.35:01-41:30: Carter was wasting their time getting food to eat, so while he was ordering lunch at a fast-food restaurant, Lee leaves him again, and goes to Hans house. Lee had to find his way into the house because the guards/FBI were suspicious of who he was. They were about to arrest him, but Lee beat both of them down without harming them. They called for back-up, but Lee ran away to find another route to get inside the house. Lee climbed over a wall and ran jumped into a window that had Hans office in it. Lee found Han, and the FBI werent skeptical about him anymore. Carter found Lee at Hans house and sarcastically picked up the phone to make a phone call as a joke. While he was trying to make a call, he ended up actually answering the phone to the person who kidnapped Hans daughter. He was making a transaction with Carter and the FBI to drop millions of money at a building in downtown Los Angeles for Soo-Yung.41:31-46:30: They all go to the building, and instead of bringing the money, the FBI came in with a swat team to arrest the guy. The building is old and broken-down, and Lee made a good point to the FBI, which were standing outside watching with him, about it being a trap. They didnt listen, and the building ended up being blown up. While everybody was panicking, the Kidnapper ran in an ally, and Lee and Carter tried to catch him. The kidnapper climbed up an apartment building. Lee climbed up there with him, but the kidnapper tried to kill him with an ax, but missed every time he swung, so he ran. Carter finally made up to the top of the apartment building, but Lee and the kidnapper were running. Carter ran after them too. While running, the kidnapper turned around and threw the ax at Lee, but missed and almost hit Carter. The kidnapper ran away, Lee stumbled on a broken floor, and Carter got on the floor with him and they both fell through the ceiling. Although they didnt catch the kidnapper, he accidentally dropped a remote, and Carter used it as a lead on the case.46:31-51:00: Carter and Lee went to where Carters police partner was located to get information on the remote, and she said it was a C4 detonator. Then, Carter and Lee went to the penitentiary to talk to a guy name Clive, a person Carter previously arrested for having possession of a C4 bomb. Clive wouldnt tell Carter anything about what he knew because of everything Carter put him through, but Lee came up to him and showed him a picture of Soo Yung. He made him talk by asking him if he really wanted to see a little girl get murdered. He told Lee everything he knew about the mission and that the kidnappers name was Juntao.51:01-54:00: Juntao owned a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown Los Angeles, so Lee and Carter drove in front of the restaurant and waited in the car until they saw him. While they are waiting, Lee taught Carter how to fight and Carter taught Lee how to sing American music.Rush Hour 2Observation 2

Summary of Rules and Convention of Behavior The Red Dragon is a huge yacht, owned by the owner of half of Los Angeles. There are chairs and tables for people to sit down and have conversations. About 80-100 can stand on the top deck and have enough space to walk around and enjoy themselves. The staircase that leads to the top deck from a coastal area is located on the left side of the yacht. There is a bar located at the rear for people to buy drinks and possibly order food. The stage for singers and band performances is located at the front of the yacht. The staircase that leads to the lower level of the yacht is located next to the bar. The nightly activities that run at the top deck would be classy dinner parties. People are expected to be dressed appropriately and come with a respectable behavior. The lower deck has about 10 rooms lined up next to each other and each room is big enough to fit about 10 people. There is a hallway that runs across the entire length of the yacht. It can only be accessed on one side of the yacht and it leads to the front of the yacht. The front consists of a cockpit for people to sit and relax. The behavior of the lower deck should be serious at all times. Employees of the people who Image 3. (Top) A better view of the corvette Carter owns. (Bottom) Carter takes control of where he and Lee goes, since he is the driver and is in his own car. The car is an artifact because Carter is in charge of the plans whenever he drives it. He decides where to go and what he and Lee does for their mission because he is the controller behind the on the yacht go there to get materials and resources for their business on the top of the deck. Also, the owner has private businesses on the lower level. Detective Carter and Lee suspects many troubled criminal actions taking place here. Actors Detective Lee: A police detective originally in China, but flew to American to assist with completing a mission that involves a close friend of his. He is usually a serious character, but in this figured world, he is as foolish as his partner (Detective Carter). He and his partner become very good friends, and even though his partner gets him into a lot of trouble, he still wishes his presence. Detective Carter: A police detective of Los Angeles, CA. He is a very sarcastic and brave person, but his partner (Detective Lee) helps him be more professional whenever he is out of place. He does what he wants and always finds a way to achieve his objectives, even if that means disobeying the boss. He had an opportunity to be promoted to the FBI, but he chose to stay as a regular detective to keep Lee as his partner. Isabella: An undercover detective sent from Los Angeles, CA. Her job is to uncover Ricky Tangs plan of criminal act and seeks help from Lee and Carter to help make Ricky think that she is on his side. Ricky Tang: A criminal from Hong Kong, China. He is known as the man that murdered Lees Father and the mastermind behind stealing money plates from United States. He is tough to capture because he has many gang members working for him and hiding him when he is at the sight of trouble, but he always gets away.The Observation for Rush Hour 202:30-9:30: Detective Lee and Detective Carter are in Hong Kong for a vacation. Detective Lee gets called to complete a mission, and he takes it without Carter knowing. They went to a club party and Lee lied to Carter saying that it was just a party, but they were actually there to complete a mission. Lee was searching the club for the man he was trying to arrest, but couldnt find him because the workers didnt allow him to proceed any further than the bathroom. Meanwhile, Carter is singing in front of an audience of people eating and brought most of the women on stage with him. Lee tried to stop him from continuing, but Carter wouldnt listen. Their cover is blown when Carter draws attention pertaining to them being the police, so the people they were suppose to catch for the mission ran away. 9:31-13:30: Lee ran out of the club and was chasing after the group of people, the Triads. They were climbing a bamboo construction, but didnt get far because Lee got up to where they were and beat them all down. Carter approached the scene late because he was the last person to leave the club and he didnt have that good of stamina to catch up to them. He took the stairs because he saw everyone fall from the bamboo construction. Lee took everyone down except their boss, Su Lee. She pushed him off with a bamboo stick, leaving him helpless hanging on a bamboo stick. Then Carter came up and tried to help him, but Su Lee pushed him off too, along with Lee. Lee and fell off the bamboo constructed, landed on a fast-food stand, and became injured.13:31-21:30: Carter is furious at Lee for getting into another mission during their vacation because he never had a chance to relax yet. Lee tried to make it up to him by taking him to a Chinese Massage Parlor. While they were both enjoying their massage, Lee saw the person he was suppose to arrest in the parlor with him. Lee left to call the police and expected Carter to wait and be calm, but Carter came up and confronted the suspect (Ricky Tang). Lee came back and tried to calm Carter down, but Rickys crew surrounded them and attacked them. Ricky left while Lee and Carter handled his crew, but then another set of crew came out to fight. Lee and Carter were too tired to fight, so the other crew threw them in their car, went on the highway, stripped them butt-naked, and kicked them out of the car.21:21-25:30: Lee and Carter had to run back to their police department and embarrassed their boss by walking around naked. They both got in an argument about the whole scene. They blamed each other for not accomplishing the mission and tried to point out who was at fault. Carter was mad at Lee and left to go for a walk, and Lee went to a meeting with his boss about the mission. The boss said he couldnt continue the mission anymore because hed just mess everything up, so Lee went back to his office. Before he walked in the office, it blew up because someone dropped off a package with a bomb inside. Lee thought Carter was still in the office, so he became depressed.25:31-33:30: Carter was ordering a chicken and saw Ricky get inside a limo. He got inside a taxi and followed his limo. Meanwhile, Lee is driving on the road and he receives a call from his boss telling him where Ricky Tang is located. Ricky Tang went on a yacht, which was having a party on it. Carter went on the yacht to see what Ricky Tang was doing, but he was distracted when he saw a beautiful woman named Isabella. He was trying to tell her that he owned the yacht, but she knew the owner of the yacht, so that couldnt be possible. The owner of the yacht came up to Isabella, and escorted her to a dance. Meanwhile, Lee went on the yacht, without knowledge of Carter being present. Lee went to the lower level of the yacht and got in a fight with one of Rickys workers, asking him questions about someone that he thought killed Carter. Carter came down, saw him, and asked him what was going on, and Lee is relieved to see he is still alive. They began their journey again to capture Rick Tang, even without their boss permission.Rush Hour 3Observation 3

Summary of Rules and Convention of Behavior In Paris, there is a huge stadium performance room where Genevieve dances and sings for an audience. In the observation area where the audience sit and watch, there are dinner tables and seats throughout the entire building. There are even balconies for VIP guests to sit and watch the performance from above. Approximately 1,500 to 2,000 people can fit in the stadium and watch as audiences. The stage sits in front of the audience, and behind it, there are rooms where people get prepared to perform and other exit ways for people to leave. The fitting rooms can fit about 30 people, and only those who are authorized for assistance or work for the company of the performances can have access behind the stage. The audiences are expected to dress classy and come with a respectful behavior. When a performance is running, each individual conversation should come to a halt, and should have their full attention to the performance. Whenever a performance ends, they are allowed to clap for appreciation of the performance. The stage performers may have spotlights pointing at them from the top of the front of the stadium, where the audiences enter to be seated. Genevieve has a performance, but Lee and Carter tried to stop her from having the spotlight pointed at her. There are gang members trying to kill her, and if she is clearly spotted for firing, they will shoot. They are disguised as audiences, so their cover wont be blown. When they fired at her, Carter and Lee helped her escape, and the audiences clapped because they thought it was part of the performance.

Image 4. Detective Lee showing a picture of Soo-Yung to a prisoner (Clive) to help get information on where to find the person who kidnapped her. The picture is an artifact because it keeps Lee motivated to complete the mission. He is determined to find Soo-Yung and it helps keep the plot going.Actors Detective Lee: A police detective originally in China, but flew to American to assist with completing a mission that involves a close friend of his. He is usually a serious character, but in this figured world, he is as foolish as his partner (Detective Carter). He and his partner become very good friends, and even though his partner gets him into a lot of trouble, he still wishes his presence. Detective Carter: A police detective of Los Angeles, CA. He is a very sarcastic and brave person, but his partner (Detective Lee) helps him be more professional whenever he is out of place. He does what he wants and always finds a way to achieve his objectives, even if that means disobeying the boss. He had an opportunity to be promoted to the FBI, but he chose to stay as a regular detective to keep Lee as his partner. Consul Han (Chinese Ambassador): The Ambassador of Chinese, but then moves to Los Angeles for his new diplomatic post. He is always a victim in this discourse community, but he has Detective Lee for protection whenever he needs it. Genevive: A stage performer who lives in Paris, France. She is known as the person who has possession of Shi Shen tattooed on the back of her head. Whoever finds her with it, will have millions, but Carter and Lee protect her from any harm. Kenji: A Chinese criminal from Hong Kong, China. Also known as Lees brother. He goes to Los Angeles to shoot the Chinese Ambassador, then he runs away to Paris to find Shi Shen. He is a criminal who also plans to kill his brother, Lee, if he doesnt agree to work with him. The Observation for Rush Hour 326:00-29:00: Lee and Carter flew to Paris to find an ancient artifact that is worth millions of dollars because criminals are willing to do anything possible to claim that item. One of the main criminals they need to capture is Lees brother, Kenji, because he shot Consul Han before they left United States (he is still alive though). Lee and Carter went inside of a taxi cab to go to a hotel, but the Frenchman that is the driver dislikes Americans. Carter points a gun to his head and made him sing the National Anthem, and the driver is now forced to appreciate Americans.29:00-34:30: The two detectives settled in a hotel, went back to the taxi cab, and chose to go to a casino, since they expected the person holding the artifact was inside. Carter sat and played poker with a lady he finds interest in, but he lost all of his money. While asking about the person holding the artifact, a strange woman told Lee that she knows who has it, brought him to a room, and tried to kill him. Lee defeats her and got away. He grabbed Carter, left the casino and left in the taxi cab. 34:31-40:00: Their cab was being chased and shot at by two men on a motorcycle. The driver was frightened, but Carter persuaded him to be stronger, as they handled the two men on motorcycles. They lost both of the motorcycle men, but Carter and Lee fell out of the taxi cab and landed in the middle of the street. They are picked up by Kenjis men, and taken to a sewer, where Kenji was located. Kenji and the two detectives had a discussion about the ancient artifact, and he asked them to leave Paris or die. They refuse to leave and Kenji told his men to kill both detectives as he was leaving. Lee and Carter got away by sliding down a sewer line, landing in a pile of filth.40:01-46:00: Carter and Lee went back to their hotel and have an argument because Lee didnt tell Carter that he purposely didnt arrest Kenji for shooting Han in United States. Carter leaves the hotel angered, but calmly. Lee watches television and ate food that reminded him of Carter because he misses him. Carter did the same thing, but of things that reminded him of Lee. While he was eating, he saw the woman he was playing at the casino with, and started to follow her to a live performances show of dances. Meanwhile, a chief leader of a corporation in Los Angeles flew to Paris and met Lee in his hotel. He told him about a woman name Genevieve, which is the same woman Carter is following, and she was the last person who communicated with Han before he got shot. The chief told Lee that people are planning to kill her and where her location was, and Lee left to go find her.46:01-52:00: Carter pretends to be Genevieves costume designer because many performers asked him who he was. Lee and Carter found each other in the back-stage of the show. Then they see Genevieve getting ready to perform. They both pulled her away from getting to the front of the stage because if she does, she will be shot at by the people who are trying to kill her. Before they can shoot her, Carter and Lee grabbed her and left the show. Their taxi driver from earlier in the scene found them, and took them back to their hotel. He said he wanted to work for them full-time and no charge, because he enjoyed the thrilling experience he had with them earlier.52:01-57:00: Carter is interested in Genevieve and told her things to comfort her form the shooting. They engage in a physical relationship, but before any action took place, the lady that tried to murder Lee earlier in the casino was in their hotel room and attempted to kill both of them with some knives. Lee and Genevieve both caught her and pointed their guns at her, but she threw her knives in distraction, and Lee accidentally shot Genevieve. 57:01-1:00:00: Lee, Carter, and Genevieve left the hotel and went to the drivers house because Kenjis men will find them in the hotel. The drivers wife is concerned about her familys safety, and has a conversation with him the driver in another room. Lee and Carter questions Genevieve about why people want to murder her. She took off her wig, and Carter reacts in distress because he thought he was fooling around with a man. He calms down and Genevieve showed both of them the back of her head, which has the artifact tattooed on it. They thought of a place to keep her safe and from harm and left the drivers house.Link to Rush Hour Trilogy Trailer/Overview

Detective Carter Interview Questions1. Explain to me why you became a detective for this city.I became a detective for this city to protect the people. They need my help and I need them to do my job. I wouldnt be a detective for any other place then L.A. I grew up here and I plan to stay. I couldve been promoted to the FBI, but Id rather stay a cop for L.A.2. Are you ever scared when you risk your life for missions like this?Every time I go out there and do my job Im scared. You never know what to expect. People will do anything to get what they want, criminals I mean. I just have to hope that nobody gets hurt, and I can just do my job and arrest them. Whenever I take a case, I just know that my life is on the line, and its a risk Im willing to take.3. Tell me about the many different types of people you had to encounter while you were a detective for this city.Oh there were many different kinds of people, too many really. You had people who wanted to steal, fight, or just break the law. Every time I make an arrest Im just disappointed man. I expect better from people of this town.4. Give me an example of how you would confront a situation where someone points a gun at you while you are trying to arrest them.Honestly, anything can happen at times like that. A while ago, Lee taught me how to take a gun from a suspect when they point it at me, but ever so often do I get to perform that move. I dont know, I never have time to think when someone pulls out a gun at me. Whatever happens, happens.5. How do you plan to improve your quality of work on the job so you wont be worried about how to solve a specific case or risk your life?I just have to keep doing my job and hope that Ive made some kind of improvement out of every case I take. Ive done many side activities to help me with work. I took karate classes because I know it will be very helpful to have some form of defense instead of using my gun all of the time. Lee handles all of the fighting on the cases, but I want to get involved too, like for support. I earned two black belts in karate. Other than that, I just hope to get better so every time Im doing a case, it will be easier than the last.

Detective Lee Interview Questions1. How have you adjusted to your job and living in an environment that is relevant to Hong Kong, but with people of diversity?Its interesting because I get to meet all kinds of different people. There is a lot of people in this city and you never know what to expect when you meet some of them. In my job, I catch many kinds of people too, and I dont know what their personalities are like. Its just L.A. There wasnt that much of a diversity of people in Hong Kong. Only if you see tourist, youll see a few people from different countries.2. Are you ever scared when you risk your life for missions like the ones pertaining JunTao, Ricky Tang, and your brother?Yes, I am always scared because every time I do my job, its a dangerous task, and when I was doing missions like those, I never know if it is my last time doing my job or not. I will always be scared when I do a mission, but that is my job.3. Tell me about the many different types of people you had to encounter while you were a detective for this city.Well, there is no real difference really in the type of people I had to catch or arrest. They were all just being bad people, and I just catch them. I think they are all the same really if youre a criminal.4. Give me an example of a difficult situation where your life was at risk, but your partner, Detective Carter, helped made it better.Well there were times when I thought about giving up on a case, but Carter would always be there to help pick me back up. He always know what to say to make me become better, even if he jokes around a lot. He shows me that he is there to support me in whatever we do.5. Explain to me why you enjoy having your Carter as your partner, especially in a city with many crime breakouts, like LA?I couldnt find a better partner than him. He gets me in a lot of trouble, believe me, but the history we have is great. Whenever I am called for a case, Im glad Carter is there to solve the case with me. He is just as scared as I am, but he is always willing to take a case, if Im there with him. He is brave and funny, and is always trying new things. He has been my partner since I came to L.A. and Im glad we still are. He is my brother.