ASSAULTED DRIVING BEGIN Way Win HusbandIs Prepare...

"ASSAULTED" HIS WIFE BY SOME ROUGH DRIVING NORRI8TOWN, Pa., Sept. 15 . The moat unuaual charge of assault and battery ever heard In criminal courts here was made by the wife of Calvin B. Moyer, miller, of Sanaa- mansville. She said she Insisted on accompanying him on an automobile Urip, that he tried to prevent her, and when she wouldn't get out, he ran the automobile so fast over a rough road that she had to have medical attention. She said she h&d heard her hus¬ band waa going to take another woman to the seashore, and she told him he never had taken her to such places and she wanted to go. Moyer virtually admitted the charges, say¬ ing he ran the car thirty miles an hour over a thank-youniarm road. The Jury found him guilty. D A N C I N G Our 2nd and 3rd Floors Open Saturday Our suc¬ cess in past seasons has been due m a i nly to our unex¬ celled serv¬ ice and in¬ viting cui¬ sine. This season w e have made preparations for our ban¬ ner year. Every Night, 9:30 to 12:30 Excellent Orchestra DOLLARS You Should Reap VOIJ can make every dollar you earn produce for you, at 4% compound interest, here in our Savings Department. Lay aside some¬ thing every pay-day.keep at it. You'll soon increase your income with this har¬ vest of dollars. 4% INTEREST American Commercial and Savings Bank 635 F Street N. W. Main 7617 WORKTO BEGIN ONllTEWAr IN NLEXANDRIA Completion of Enterprise Ex¬ pected About Nov. 1.Class Plant Running Again. ALEXANDRIA, Va., Sept. 15.. The work of removing the wooden poles on King-street and replacing them with iron poles, three on each side of the street will be begun next Monday morning as a starter for. the "Great White Way" for Alexandria. The work will be started at the corner of King and Patrick streets. The wires on the poles will be placed in cables and King street from Patrick to Fairfax street will be much improved by the removal of the network of wirjs which are now on that thorough¬ fare. As soon as all the iron poles are erected, which will take about a month, the work of installing elec- tris lights will be begun. It is ex¬ pected that the "white way" will be opened by November 1. The senior class of the Alexan¬ dria High School has elected the following officers: President, Henry Hayes; vice president, Robert Mid- kiff; secretary. Mine Louisa Thomas; treasurer, Frank O'Meara. The Old Dominion Glass Plant which has been closed on account of being unable to obtain coal, yes¬ terday resumed operations. The plant Is now employing over 300 men. A coroner's jury In Fairfax county, summoned by Justice F. W. Troth, li»ld an Inquest Into the death of Miss Madge Elizabeth Lucas of this city who died from injuries resulting by belnit thrown from a bus on the Camp Hum¬ phreys road and after hearing the evidence returned a verdict that the accident was unavoidable. The jury was composed of Horace W. Woolf. K. H. Roberts. William F. Float. Robert Arno'd, Thomas John¬ son and M. L. Ayera. The opening of bids for the con¬ struction of the new boathouse for the Old Dominion Boat Club, which was to have taken place last eve¬ ning. was postponed for a few days. The new boathouse will be erected at the foot of King street on the site of the old Washington ferry house. A tag day will be held In this city next Saturday to raise funds for the purchase of school books for the children of the men who have been on a railway strike th-s summer. The taira will also be sold in Del Ray and St. Klmo. The Garden P:ayers of Washing¬ ton last evening presented a drama entitled "The Lighthouse by the Sea" in the auditorium of the Elks' home. The proceeds will bo to the fanii'les of the strikers. As Thrifty A Buy As The Name Suggests Good old Ben Franklin was "The Father of Thrift," and our clothes are particularly fitting for his "Sons of Thrift" roaming in this world of ours today. While we're impressing you on the saving end, we're just as anxious about the fine points of our clothing; so anxious, in fact, that we would like to show every man in Washington these. SFALL and WINTER P UITS and O'COATJ 1003 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. Way to Win Husband Is to Prepare for Wifehood, Says Girl's Mentor Mrs. Evelyn S. Tobey Deplores*1 [ Temerity of French Maids in Advertising for Mates, and Predicts TKat Plan Will Never Spread to This Country. By MARGERY REX. NEW YORK, Sept. 15.- Does a wise girl show she is willing to wedt \ oung women in Paris have just formed a "Green Badge Association;" members are those who seek husbands. Their wishes are to be con¬ veyed to desirable young men by little green ribbons pinned to their gowns. These daring maidens have asked Paris newspapers to give their plan publicity and re quest that bachelors similarly inclined also take to green streamers. But does a wise girl show she is willing: to wed? While no one denies that most young women are willing to marry when an agreeable oppor¬ tunity presents itself, few believe that even if a girl knows her best career would be that of wife, she should reveal her intentions But what is the way, then, fori a girl nghtfully, and with dignity, to achieve matrimony. We brought the question to a woman who deals daily with younjr women and their problems Mrs. Evelyn S. Tobey, director of the Carroll Club, 21 Madison avenue, a splendid organization, combining home life and club- rooms for working girls. Girta Miim Prepare. This la a serious enough prop- oaition for these young wornoh and they are probably going about it the only way they know how," we ex- way?" bUt Wh*1 wou,d ^ th® be,t "To make themselves fine mental¬ ly and strong physically, to be "al!- around' girls." ;jra. Tobey answer.*! thoughtfully. "You know that fine type used to become what was once called old maids.' They were the women who had the strength to get out and do the hard work, teaching and help. Ing the families of the fainting types who get married. "The situation now reversed. Now it is that fine progressive girl who is getting married. "That is the girl who has the greatest chances today, which is as It should be. Her forerunners, after their labors, usjd to fall back finally, and stay at home with no chances at all. Marriage of Friends. "More equality for women* bos made it possible for girls to be friends with men. In fact, it's the only way to begin. The only certain way to happfhess is that. "Best friends should marry! "That brings into their married relationship the fine qualities of loy¬ alty and understanding. Formerly wives didn't understand their hus¬ bands, didn't expect to. and weren't expected to. Wives were onca *n- ether kind of women. "Girls who want to be wives must L0ST4S POINDS Was Told Her Case Was Hopeless.Tanlac Again Proves Remarkable Power. "I was told that my case was hopeless and I have often been In such pain that I was almost frantic, but thanks to Tanlac, I am a healthy, happy woman to¬ day," recently declared Mrs. Anna Schwarz, of 2746 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md., a forelady for the English American Tailoring Company. "For seven years I have had stomach trouble. I could scarcely retain anything I ate and fre¬ quently I got so sick and weak I would faint. One day, they actu¬ ally had to Bend me home from he factory in an ambulance. I had cramping gas pains in my stomach and such choking sensa- ¦ tions and shortness of breath that at times I thought I would die. Neuritis in my shoulders and arms, and nervousness, headaches and dlxzy spells added to my misery, and in trying to avoid suffering. I ate so little I lost about forty-five pounds In weight and was alrpost a walking skel¬ eton. "The way Tanlac restored me has earned my everlasting grati¬ tude. Why. I never have an ache or pain now and I'm also regain ing my lost weight. I would not even think of being without Tan¬ lac any more." Tanlac Is sold In Washington by Peoples Drug Stores and all lead Ing druggists. Week-End Excursions to Blue Ridge Mountains of II* * > firpnii . -JZ" ."*"£» Mm Bound-trip oManloa tlokou rwl ftn n- - mhi< «n«l nldalcbt of tallowing BLITEMONT "."V. ^"T. f2 N Round Hill ...'.tit Fumllilh in Lnrtun 1J# Heradon | jf .M othor point* ftyMW > sad ante if m h»tf fmi BUh AWtwH. Hoaimrvl Clf.- MmsUIwi Km u WaUiiitN & Old DmIdIii Railviy MRS. EVELY b»> able to appreciate the work of Ibe family member who "swings the din¬ ner pail.' And the girl who In her-1 ¦'.If useful will have more regard for the labors that provide her with a home. '.Really. It in the girl who works who makes the best wife; that is the best training of all for her. It puts her in touch with the struggle* of life, and she will be the better wife CLERGY INSIST BOOTLEGGERS GET JAIL TERM Community Meeting in Rock- ville Demands Action Against Lawbreakers. ROCKVILLE, Md.. Sept. 13.At a community meeting held in the meeting house of the Society of Friends, at Sandy Spring, tills county, and attended by the con-, gregation of the Kpiscopsl Church at Olney, the Burtonsvllle M. E. Church, the ColeSville M. E. Church, South; the Goshen M. E. Church. South, and the Spencer- ville Free Methodist Church, as well as many members the So¬ ciety of Friends, and others, a reso¬ lution was unanimously passed urg¬ ing Judge Edward C. Peter, of the circuit court for the county, and Judge Samuel Rigg«. of the county police court, to impose Imprison¬ ment sentences in addition to fines in all bootlegging cases. The resolution declares it to be a matter of common knowledge that both the Volstead law and the county option law are being fla¬ grantly violated, and that the profits of the bootleggers are so great that a fine is virtually no more than a moderate license fee. The resolutions are signed by the Rev. Guy Kage.v, rector of St. Bar¬ tholomew's parish. Olney; rtie Rev. George R. Mays, pastor of the Goshen Methodist Church; the Rev. W. B. Dorsey, pastor of the Colesville Methodist Church; the Rev. Edward N. Reno, pastor of the Burtonsvllle Methodist Church; the Rev. Charles B. Norris, pastor of the Spencer- ville Free Methodist Church, and Francis Miller, representing the So ciety of Friends. Following an investigation of sev¬ eral days, Sheriff Alvie A. Moxlev, Chief of Police Charles T. Cooley, and Deputy Sheriff .T. Stanley Glngell yesterday arrested Frank Offutt. Mary Gibbs, and George Duffln, all colored residents of Rockvllle. on charges of violating the local option law of the county. Offutt wan charged with having intoxicating liquor In his possession with the in¬ tention of selling it, and the others are charged with selling intoxicating liquor. In the police court here to¬ day, Duffln and the woman wer» found guilty, the former being sen¬ tenced to the House of Correction for one year, and the latter fined $60 and coats. Offutt was acquitted. The supervisors of elections, Laurason B. Rlggs, J. Furr White and Frank Dwyer, met here yes¬ terday afternoon, and after organ¬ ising as a board of eanvessers by electing Mr. Rlggs chairman and Mr. Whits secretary, canvassed the vote cast m Monday's Democratic and Republican primary elections In the county, The official count showed no material changes frvm the vets as originally announced and the boarl ls«ued the i<siial certificates. N S. TOBEY. for her experience. . I know a young society girl who Is doing that now. She expect* to marry, and in fitting herself that way. Old Idea Still Hold*. "If a girl wishes men to want her as a wife, which is quite Justi¬ fiable. she must make herself de¬ sirable In the best way. "But It is her very worst card, so to speak, to show men that she wants to get married. It isn't .mart, of course, and generally it falls. "The plan of these girls in France could never be carried out in this country. It would be ridiculous. And 1 don't believe t|iat It would be possible for women anywhere." Kvery now and then women come forward who say that their sex should make the advances to men. But the majority still cling to the rule that the stating of the mar¬ riage idea at least should be the task of the man. no matter how the effective feminine may charm him Into his plea. Luxurious Economy Snyder & Little's Beige Buckskin Oxfords for FALL have arirved Hosier to match Siyder&little D^talteShp^awiHgfieiy 12U F Street VOW WW My * - _ Resinol Although Resinol Ointment ta pri¬ marily intended for the treatment of skin affection* and the control of itch¬ ing. it hut such a strong healing action that it is highly and widely recom¬ mended ai a dressing for the most stubborn boils, sores, wounds, etc. h I* mild, toatklnt'* nd «h net emart .Hng when ep»IU4 M««y Mtitfttd wntoa»t(r that kaa healed qoWMt mm' eeaily. aoree thai Kara nI»m< yield to other traatmata. Baruch Proposal of Offset Gets No Whit of Support by Lawmakers. By WILLIAM K. HL'TCHINSON International »<*. Dtrrlrc. Congress will turn a deaf ear to all pleas (or cancellation or modifi¬ cation of America's $11,000,000,000 worth of foreign debts. It was de¬ clared today by leaders of both parties. The suggested proposal of Ber¬ nard Baru-h, New York capitalist, that a portion of the "British debt, spent in this country for muni¬ tions of war, be cancelled in re¬ turn for payment to the United 8tate» of sums spent for munitions in England met a stone wall of op¬ position In the Senate. A prepon¬ derance of opinion was against modification qf the foreign debts in any jnanner during present chaotic business conditions. Senator Borah (Rep.) of Idaho and Senator King (Diem.) of Utah led in opposing all plani# for modi¬ fication or reduction of the debts. Borah, however, declared he be- lieved Baruch had made his pro¬ posal merely as a suggestion for modification of the Balfour plan which England proposed recently. The Balfour plan was based pri¬ marily on cancellation of debts by the United States in return for cancellation of German reparations by England. Baruch's opposition to outright cancellation of the debts, however, did much to cement opinion in the Senate. Baruch made his announce¬ ment, it was pointed out, after visiting every capital in Europe and studying economic conditions there at first hand. With authen¬ tic information, Baruch then de¬ clared "every allied nation can pay her debt." "I don't understand that Baruch favored cancellation of any part of the debt," said Borah. "It was my understanding that he merely assumed for the sake of argument that cancellation is a legitimate subject of arbitration and sug¬ gested modifications he would make in the Balfour plan, which he had termed manifestly unfair and un¬ just." Senator King declared it wasn't "even opportune" to discuss can¬ cellation under present economic conditions. He indicated the Baruch plan for' modification of debts would not meet with consid-j eration until conditions improved. FREE LECTURE ON "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" BT FRANK BELL, C. S. B. or PHILADELPHIA. PA Member of the Board of Lectureship of th«» Mother Church. the First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston. Mussschusetts. TO BE DELIVERED AT FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Columbia Road and Euclid St. N. W. Saturday Evening Sept. 16, 1922, at 8 o'Clock. UNDER THE AUSriCES OF First Church of Christ Scientist OF WASHINGTON. D C. ALL WELCOME Mat. Hat. I stiw I MUHTg Mc. 60c. 75c_l I £Bc to »l.t» JKUUIT GARRICK tkutq * " CLARENCE MS. £ fHAXDAI.I.K i [METROPOLITAN! .s F AT TKSTH~~^ I.AST TWO DAYS S 10:10 A. M. TO II P. M. William Koi Preaenta 1 SILVER I WINGS SS A Deft Combination of Loughs, Heart Throbs and Thrillt Starring 1 MARY CARR .PHOI.OOI E. "That Womiorful Mother .f Mine" FRED VAST. Barytone N EWS.SYMPHONY.TOPICS NEXT WEEK CHARLES RAY In "ALIAS Jl l.Il S CAENAK" LARRY SEMON A Riot In "OOI.P" "WHILE SATAN SLEEPS" Br P»t« B. Ky»t JOHNNY H1NKB COMIBT Xawa.'Topic*.0»ertur» P LOEWS wp ALACK. fonilnnon. 10>M M >. . LAST TWO DATS JACK HOLT BEOINMXU BtNDAY VIOLA DANA In "The $5 Baby" LOEWS COLOMBIA Cowtla.a l*:M «. w.. 11 I.AHT TWO OAVH RODOLPH VALENTINO "BLOOD AND SAND' H»wrf on famoua Mtrl and play by V. Blaara Ibanrr. author of "Th» Tour How mm." .WITH. "ULA LEE.NITA 1*101" Rftinnlni Hnnday Rn Ingram'* Production "THE PRISONER OF ZENDA" By Anthony Hone WITH ALICE TERRY AND AM.-KTAR fAW MOORK'S RIALTO |>» A.M..I^WT 1 DAVB.11 P.*. LUXURY DRAMA OF 1922 Preferred Picture$ Presents RICH MEN'S WIVES IXC.)MPAHABLE CAST Hoaxe Peters Claire Wind tar Bmhy Richard Rosemary Thehy Htmdrick Gaston Glass Myrtle Steimsan Charles Clary Mildred Jane Carol Holla way William Aastia Martha Mattox ORCHESTRA SUBSIDIARIES NEXT WEEK. BETTY BLYTHE .IK. "HOW WOMEN LOVE" 2S» A0» (lihr«:|s 5undi» n B.F.KEITHS "ACE-HIGH "-Post ADELAIDES HUGHES I* "DANCE CREATIONS OF THE DAY" JOHHHY BURKE In "DRAFTED" "Flashes of Sonp land" Production TM Roth Kiddles In "The Nifht of ths Party." Billy Sharp * Co. In "The 70th Century Revue." Barrett JLr Cuneen. Geo. Austin Moore. Barbette. Other hits. Phone Main 4414. 4485. and 6823 SHUBERT-BELASCO THEATER Dlrootloii of Moasra. Loo and J. J. Shuhart WILLIAM HARRIS. Jr.. Presents "BANCO" A Comedy In Three Acts Adapted by Clare Kummer From the French Triumph by Alfred Savolr With LOLA FISHER and ALFRED LUNT Rrc. Mat. Saturday Befinnina Sunday «d at nee September 17. Gala Openlnf of 8HUBERT VAUDEVILLE JIMMY HUSSEY In Barney Gerard's "Fun makers." Big Cast of 50. Seat Sale Now Mats.. 25e and 50c. Eves.. 25c to $1. GAYETY F* STREET SMORINO PERMITTED JIMMIE COOPER (hlmaetf) and hi* .REACT* RETCH" >>it."Frank Finney*. Krvur" AUTO RACES ARLINGTON TRACK September 16th New Drivers, N-,w Thrills DANCING. GI.OTRR'll, fit 22d N. W. PrlTato loo- eons. 76r- couroo of t. >4. Ph. W. 11 St, DANCE In tho Beautiful Concourse of Mirrors Week Nlchta. «:<« to 12 ARCADE Real Music.Vast Floor Strict Censor WXlnrMlny ¦ml Hatnr«U». \ ft miction. |Ae I Karh PtiMf, 5c. Dancing Free Till » Other Night*. \ilmlMloni Udlea, !6r: Men, 46e. I>«nn> All Vou l.lko.

Transcript of ASSAULTED DRIVING BEGIN Way Win HusbandIs Prepare...



NORRI8TOWN, Pa., Sept. 15 .The moat unuaual charge of assaultand battery ever heard In criminalcourts here was made by the wife ofCalvin B. Moyer, miller, of Sanaa-mansville. She said she Insisted on

accompanying him on an automobileUrip, that he tried to prevent her,

and when she wouldn't get out, heran the automobile so fast over a

rough road that she had to havemedical attention.She said she h&d heard her hus¬

band waa going to take anotherwoman to the seashore, and she toldhim he never had taken her to suchplaces and she wanted to go. Moyervirtually admitted the charges, say¬ing he ran the car thirty miles anhour over a thank-youniarm road.The Jury found him guilty.


Our 2nd and 3rd FloorsOpen Saturday

Our suc¬cess in pastseasons hasbeen duem a i nly toour unex¬celled serv¬ice and in¬viting cui¬sine. Thisseason w ehave madepreparationsfor our ban¬ner year.

Every Night, 9:30 to 12:30Excellent Orchestra

DOLLARSYou Should ReapVOIJ can make every dollar

you earn produce for you,at 4% compound interest, here in our

Savings Department. Lay aside some¬

thing every pay-day.keep at it. You'llsoon increase your income with this har¬vest of dollars.

4% INTERESTAmerican Commercial and Savings Bank

635 F Street N. W.Main 7617


Completion of Enterprise Ex¬pected About Nov. 1.Class

Plant Running Again.ALEXANDRIA, Va., Sept. 15..

The work of removing the woodenpoles on King-street and replacingthem with iron poles, three on eachside of the street will be begunnext Monday morning as a starterfor. the "Great White Way" forAlexandria. The work will bestarted at the corner of King andPatrick streets. The wires on thepoles will be placed in cables andKing street from Patrick to Fairfaxstreet will be much improved by theremoval of the network of wirjswhich are now on that thorough¬fare.As soon as all the iron poles are

erected, which will take about amonth, the work of installing elec-tris lights will be begun. It is ex¬pected that the "white way" willbe opened by November 1.

The senior class of the Alexan¬dria High School has elected thefollowing officers: President, HenryHayes; vice president, Robert Mid-kiff; secretary. Mine Louisa Thomas;treasurer, Frank O'Meara.

The Old Dominion Glass Plantwhich has been closed on accountof being unable to obtain coal, yes¬terday resumed operations. Theplant Is now employing over 300men.

A coroner's jury In Fairfaxcounty, summoned by Justice F.W. Troth, li»ld an Inquest Into thedeath of Miss Madge ElizabethLucas of this city who died frominjuries resulting by belnit thrownfrom a bus on the Camp Hum¬phreys road and after hearing theevidence returned a verdict thatthe accident was unavoidable. Thejury was composed of Horace W.Woolf. K. H. Roberts. William F.Float. Robert Arno'd, Thomas John¬son and M. L. Ayera.

The opening of bids for the con¬struction of the new boathouse forthe Old Dominion Boat Club, whichwas to have taken place last eve¬ning. was postponed for a fewdays. The new boathouse will beerected at the foot of King streeton the site of the old Washingtonferry house.

A tag day will be held In thiscity next Saturday to raise fundsfor the purchase of school booksfor the children of the men whohave been on a railway strike th-ssummer. The taira will also be soldin Del Ray and St. Klmo.

The Garden P:ayers of Washing¬ton last evening presented a dramaentitled "The Lighthouse by theSea" in the auditorium of theElks' home. The proceeds will boto the fanii'les of the strikers.

As Thrifty A Buy AsThe Name SuggestsGood old Ben Franklin was "The Father of Thrift," and ourclothes are particularly fitting for his "Sons of Thrift"roaming in this world of ours today. While we're impressingyou on the saving end, we're just as anxious about the finepoints of our clothing; so anxious, in fact, that we wouldlike to show every man in Washington these.


1003 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.

Way to Win Husband Is to Preparefor Wifehood, Says Girl's Mentor

Mrs. Evelyn S. Tobey Deplores*1[ Temerity of French Maids in

Advertising for Mates, andPredicts TKat Plan WillNever Spread to ThisCountry.By MARGERY REX.

NEW YORK, Sept. 15.-Does a wise girl show she iswilling to wedt

\ oung women in Paris havejust formed a "Green BadgeAssociation;" members arethose who seek husbands.Their wishes are to be con¬veyed to desirable young menby little green ribbons pinnedto their gowns.These daring maidens have

asked Paris newspapers to givetheir plan publicity and re

quest that bachelors similarlyinclined also take to greenstreamers.

But does a wise girl show sheis willing: to wed?While no one denies that most

young women are willing tomarry when an agreeable oppor¬tunity presents itself, few believethat even if a girl knows herbest career would be that of wife,she should reveal her intentions

But what is the way, then, foria girl nghtfully, and with dignity,to achieve matrimony.We brought the question to a

woman who deals daily withyounjr women and their problemsMrs. Evelyn S. Tobey, director ofthe Carroll Club, 21 Madisonavenue, a splendid organization,combining home life and club-rooms for working girls.

Girta Miim Prepare.This la a serious enough prop-

oaition for these young wornoh andthey are probably going about it theonly way they know how," we ex-

way?"bUt Wh*1 wou,d ^ th® be,t

"To make themselves fine mental¬ly and strong physically, to be "al!-around' girls." ;jra. Tobey answer.*!thoughtfully."You know that fine type used

to become what was once calledold maids.' They were the womenwho had the strength to get out anddo the hard work, teaching and help.Ing the families of the fainting typeswho get married."The situation l» now reversed.Now it is that fine progressive

girl who is getting married."That is the girl who has the

greatest chances today, which is asIt should be. Her forerunners, aftertheir labors, usjd to fall back finally,and stay at home with no chancesat all.

Marriage of Friends."More equality for women* bos

made it possible for girls to be friendswith men. In fact, it's the only wayto begin. The only certain way tohappfhess is that."Best friends should marry!"That brings into their married

relationship the fine qualities of loy¬alty and understanding. Formerlywives didn't understand their hus¬bands, didn't expect to. and weren'texpected to. Wives were onca *n-ether kind of women.

"Girls who want to be wives must

L0ST4S POINDSWas Told Her Case WasHopeless.Tanlac AgainProves Remarkable

Power."I was told that my case was

hopeless and I have often been Insuch pain that I was almostfrantic, but thanks to Tanlac, Iam a healthy, happy woman to¬day," recently declared Mrs. AnnaSchwarz, of 2746 W. BaltimoreSt., Baltimore, Md., a forelady forthe English American TailoringCompany."For seven years I have had

stomach trouble. I could scarcelyretain anything I ate and fre¬quently I got so sick and weak Iwould faint. One day, they actu¬ally had to Bend me home fromhe factory in an ambulance. Ihad cramping gas pains in mystomach and such choking sensa- ¦

tions and shortness of breath thatat times I thought I would die.Neuritis in my shoulders andarms, and nervousness, headachesand dlxzy spells added to mymisery, and in trying to avoidsuffering. I ate so little I lostabout forty-five pounds In weightand was alrpost a walking skel¬eton."The way Tanlac restored me

has earned my everlasting grati¬tude. Why. I never have an acheor pain now and I'm also regaining my lost weight. I would noteven think of being without Tan¬lac any more."Tanlac Is sold In Washington by

Peoples Drug Stores and all leadIng druggists.

Week-End Excursions to

Blue Ridge Mountains ofII* * >firpnii

. -JZ" ."*"£» MmBound-trip oManloa tlokou rwl ftn n-- mhi< «n«l nldalcbt of tallowing

BLITEMONT "."V. ^"T. f2 NRound Hill ...'.titFumllilh in

Lnrtun 1J#Heradon | jf

.M othor point*ftyMW > sad ante if m h»tf fmiBUh AWtwH. Hoaimrvl Clf.-

MmsUIwiKm u

WaUiiitN & Old DmIdIii Railviy


b»> able to appreciate the work of Ibefamily member who "swings the din¬ner pail.' And the girl who In her-1¦'.If useful will have more regard forthe labors that provide her with a

home.'.Really. It in the girl who works

who makes the best wife; that is thebest training of all for her. It putsher in touch with the struggle* oflife, and she will be the better wife


Community Meeting in Rock-ville Demands Action Against


ROCKVILLE, Md.. Sept. 13.Ata community meeting held in themeeting house of the Society ofFriends, at Sandy Spring, tillscounty, and attended by the con-,gregation of the Kpiscopsl Churchat Olney, the Burtonsvllle M. E.Church, the ColeSville M. E.Church, South; the Goshen M. E.Church. South, and the Spencer-ville Free Methodist Church, aswell as many members the So¬ciety of Friends, and others, a reso¬lution was unanimously passed urg¬ing Judge Edward C. Peter, of thecircuit court for the county, andJudge Samuel Rigg«. of the countypolice court, to impose Imprison¬ment sentences in addition to finesin all bootlegging cases.The resolution declares it to be

a matter of common knowledgethat both the Volstead law and thecounty option law are being fla¬grantly violated, and that theprofits of the bootleggers are so

great that a fine is virtually nomore than a moderate license fee.The resolutions are signed by the

Rev. Guy Kage.v, rector of St. Bar¬tholomew's parish. Olney; rtie Rev.George R. Mays, pastor of the GoshenMethodist Church; the Rev. W. B.Dorsey, pastor of the ColesvilleMethodist Church; the Rev. EdwardN. Reno, pastor of the BurtonsvllleMethodist Church; the Rev. CharlesB. Norris, pastor of the Spencer-ville Free Methodist Church, andFrancis Miller, representing the Society of Friends.

Following an investigation of sev¬eral days, Sheriff Alvie A. Moxlev,Chief of Police Charles T. Cooley, andDeputy Sheriff .T. Stanley Glngellyesterday arrested Frank Offutt.Mary Gibbs, and George Duffln, allcolored residents of Rockvllle. oncharges of violating the local optionlaw of the county. Offutt wancharged with having intoxicatingliquor In his possession with the in¬tention of selling it, and the othersare charged with selling intoxicatingliquor. In the police court here to¬day, Duffln and the woman wer»found guilty, the former being sen¬tenced to the House of Correction forone year, and the latter fined $60and coats. Offutt was acquitted.

The supervisors of elections,Laurason B. Rlggs, J. Furr Whiteand Frank Dwyer, met here yes¬terday afternoon, and after organ¬ising as a board of eanvessers byelecting Mr. Rlggs chairman andMr. Whits secretary, canvassed thevote cast m Monday's Democraticand Republican primary electionsIn the county,The official count showed no

material changes frvm the vets asoriginally announced and the boarlls«ued the i<siial certificates.

N S. TOBEY.for her experience. . I know a youngsociety girl who Is doing that now.

She expect* to marry, and in fittingherself that way.

Old Idea Still Hold*."If a girl wishes men to want

her as a wife, which is quite Justi¬fiable. she must make herself de¬sirable In the best way."But It is her very worst card,

so to speak, to show men that shewants to get married. It isn't.mart, of course, and generally itfalls."The plan of these girls in France

could never be carried out in thiscountry. It would be ridiculous.And 1 don't believe t|iat It would bepossible for women anywhere."Kvery now and then women come

forward who say that their sexshould make the advances to men.But the majority still cling to therule that the stating of the mar¬

riage idea at least should be thetask of the man. no matter how theeffective feminine may charm himInto his plea.


Snyder & Little'sBeige Buckskin Oxfordsfor FALL have arirved

Hosier to match

Siyder&littleD^talteShp^awiHgfieiy12U F Street

VOWWWMy * - _

ResinolAlthough Resinol Ointment ta pri¬

marily intended for the treatment ofskin affection* and the control of itch¬ing. it hut such a strong healing actionthat it is highly and widely recom¬mended ai a dressing for the moststubborn boils, sores, wounds, etc.

h I* mild, toatklnt'* nd «h net emart .»

.Hng when ep»IU4 M««y Mtitfttd wntoa»t(rthat l« kaa healed qoWMt mm' eeaily. aoree thaiKara nI»m< t« yield to other traatmata.

Baruch Proposal of Offset GetsNo Whit of Support by


International »<*. Dtrrlrc.Congress will turn a deaf ear to

all pleas (or cancellation or modifi¬cation of America's $11,000,000,000worth of foreign debts. It was de¬clared today by leaders of bothparties.The suggested proposal of Ber¬

nard Baru-h, New York capitalist,that a portion of the "British debt,spent in this country for muni¬tions of war, be cancelled in re¬

turn for payment to the United8tate» of sums spent for munitionsin England met a stone wall of op¬position In the Senate. A prepon¬derance of opinion was againstmodification qf the foreign debts inany jnanner during present chaoticbusiness conditions.Senator Borah (Rep.) of Idaho

and Senator King (Diem.) of Utahled in opposing all plani# for modi¬fication or reduction of the debts.Borah, however, declared he be-lieved Baruch had made his pro¬posal merely as a suggestion formodification of the Balfour planwhich England proposed recently.The Balfour plan was based pri¬marily on cancellation of debts bythe United States in return forcancellation of German reparationsby England.Baruch's opposition to outright

cancellation of the debts, however,did much to cement opinion in theSenate. Baruch made his announce¬ment, it was pointed out, aftervisiting every capital in Europeand studying economic conditionsthere at first hand. With authen¬tic information, Baruch then de¬clared "every allied nation can payher debt."

"I don't understand that Baruchfavored cancellation of any partof the debt," said Borah. "It wasmy understanding that he merelyassumed for the sake of argumentthat cancellation is a legitimatesubject of arbitration and sug¬gested modifications he would makein the Balfour plan, which he hadtermed manifestly unfair and un¬just."Senator King declared it wasn't

"even opportune" to discuss can¬cellation under present economicconditions. He indicated theBaruch plan for' modification ofdebts would not meet with consid-jeration until conditions improved.






Member of the Board of Lectureshipof th«» Mother Church. the FirstChurch of Christ. Scientist, in Boston.Mussschusetts.


Columbia Road and Euclid St. N. W.

Saturday Evening Sept. 16,1922, at 8 o'Clock.


First Church ofChrist ScientistOF WASHINGTON. D C.


Mat. Hat. I stiw I MUHTgMc. 60c. 75c_l I £Bc to »l.t»






William Koi Preaenta

1 SILVERI WINGSSS A Deft Combination of Loughs,Heart Throbs and Thrillt



"That Womiorful Mother.f Mine"





JOHNNY H1NKB COMIBTXawa.'Topic*.0»ertur»

P LOEWS wpALACK.fonilnnon. 10>M M >. .




In "The $5 Baby"


COLOMBIACowtla.a l*:M «. w.. 11




H»wrf on famoua Mtrl andplay by V. Blaara of "Th» Tour Howmm."


Rftinnlni HnndayRn Ingram'* Production"THE PRISONER OF

ZENDA"By Anthony Hone



RIALTO|>» A.M..I^WT 1 DAVB.11 P.*.

LUXURY DRAMA OF 1922Preferred Picture$



IXC.)MPAHABLE CASTHoaxe Peters Claire Windtar

Bmhy Richard Rosemary ThehyHtmdrick Gaston Glass

Myrtle Steimsan Charles ClaryMildred Jane Carol HollawayWilliam Aastia Martha Mattox






(lihr«:|s 5undi» n




"Flashes of Sonp land" Production TMRoth Kiddles In "The Nifht of thsParty." Billy Sharp * Co. In "The70th Century Revue." Barrett JLr Cuneen.Geo. Austin Moore. Barbette. Other hits.

Phone Main 4414. 4485. and 6823

SHUBERT-BELASCO THEATERDlrootloii of Moasra. Loo and J. J. Shuhart


"BANCO"A Comedy In Three Acts Adapted by Clare

Kummer From the French Triumphby Alfred Savolr With


Befinnina Sunday «d at nee September 17.Gala Openlnf of 8HUBERT VAUDEVILLE

JIMMY HUSSEYIn Barney Gerard's "Fun makers."

Big Cast of 50. Seat Sale NowMats.. 25e and 50c. Eves.. 25c to $1.


JIMMIE COOPER(hlmaetf) and hi*.REACT* RETCH"

>>it."Frank Finney*. Krvur"


September 16thNew Drivers, N-,w Thrills

DANCING.GI.OTRR'll, fit 22d N. W. PrlTato loo-

eons. 76r- couroo of t. >4. Ph. W. 11 St,

DANCEIn tho Beautiful

Concourse of MirrorsWeek Nlchta. «:<« to 12

ARCADEReal Music.Vast Floor

Strict CensorWXlnrMlny ¦ml Hatnr«U». \ ft miction.

|Ae I Karh PtiMf, 5c.Dancing Free Till »

Other Night*.\ilmlMloni Udlea, !6r: Men, 46e.

I>«nn> All Vou l.lko.