Corporation Counsel Opinion Law Mount Pleasant...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES VE NESlAY PECEMBFK 10 IlOl 12 FLAW IN METHODS USED BY THE BILLPOSTERS Corporation Counsel Renders Opinion Constru ing the Law I The Police Department hiss dteooveted a in the methods used by tin Wank iugfou Dillpwsds Company In securing signatures for permission to locate It appears that the company in two Instances obtained the sigaatures of persons concerned mostly woman by to the doors of the homes sod writ Ing down the names when no objection to the hoards was signified Tin papers containing these names wrr Mi roitted to the Corporation an opinion In pert he said Commissioners are by cjuotcd paragraph of tile law to au- thorif In writing the Mad houses tom fences and oUr atmctures on vS h in their discretion advertlxments cr POSITS tray placed and then fol I s the clause relative to the i Tbe question is whether the t n siicnRture and consent must be ob from a majority of the household FRIENDS OF MORRISONS HOPE FOR A REUNION Believe Stories Were Circulated by De staging Persona fee a PHTPOM Mutual friends of Frank Morrison the popular secretary of the American Fed eratlon of Labor and his wife are hope ful that efforts now being made to a reconciliation between them will bo successful sad the suit for divorce instituted by Mr Morrison withdrawn It is caid by of the couple that ttip stories which led Mr Morrison to seek a divorce are without foundation and were circulated It to believed In first Instance by designing persons to bring about a separation if such was their case they succeeded admire tly Mrs Morrkroa however denies that there was ever say marriage eec between her and O M Dax aa alleged Sbe asserts that Mr flay waa never- more than a neighbor sad that her husband poeeeaeea all her affection Abe believes with her friend that the stories of the alleged manit were circulated for a purpose says that Mr Morrison who wrote h r at fre- quent intervals while she waa absent from the city with the hat com- pany can readily satisfy himself that slip could not have been living here aa Mrs Day or under nay other name has come to this city to he near hr nineyearold daughter who now a Washington convent and felt keen- ly th stigma which he says heeD undeservedly east upon her good an j that of lier child Mrs Morrison is well in musical circles here and in Chteage many frlende m both dtlea who refuse believe her eulpabie or capable of Ute folly attributed to her WILL OF W F JOHNSON OFFERED POR PROBATE will of William F Johnson offered for probate late yesterday aft- ernoon in the omce of tile lUglstor of Wills The document dated Septem- ber sad Titian W Johaoua Oscar H Billingsley and Charles A Mack a are named trustees and executors e testator directs that tile trustees hold hit real estate eighteen brick houses in trust for the use and benefit of his daughters MIa Oscar H Billingsley Falls Church Va Mrs Charles A Ma cbcn and his sons Titian W and Sul- livan V Johnson The income from the property is to he divided equally and paid to the beneficiaries except tbe abate of Sullivan V Johnson which I deposited with the WaaMngton Savings Bank or some other until too ar- rives at his majority The testator ex- presses a desire that none of the houses be sold until Are years after his death To bin grandson Brent IJarrlaoa Far- t r of Baltimore la left a ION watch The proceeds of his life insurance are to tic divided onethird to Mrs Blllln s ley and the remainder among the other beneficiaries named MASONS ELECT OFFICERS At the regular meeting of Arminius Lodge No 25 F A A M hold December 8 the following officers were elected for the cuRuing Masonic year Harry Roth M Joseph S W Leon Pohlmana J W Charles stan secretary Henry T RIM treas- urer Carl A Droop 8 D J Sobweppe J D Adam Schneider J Gus W Wicgand J S F W- Spi ss M C K Holer organist John Tomse tyler Charles G rsdorff Olarsir Harm H hordes proxies to lodge Werner stack Henry KllDge Charles Dicmer finance eomralt fbsrles Katzenstein delegate to Uaoonlr board of relief Louis Gold fc tanidt delegate to St Johns Mite Association Harry Rothschild delegate r ixrman Orphan Asylum Merrltz H r chairman instruction commlt K OF F LODGE ELECTION olumbla Lodge Knights of Fidelity has elected tits oflleenr Peat valiant ommaftder Hugh P Harvey valiant commander Carl Mailer omrnander Fred Oernam chief orator linjamln B veridge worthy treasurer 1 Carr rorrospondlng recorder W- XI BMrghausen financial recorder Cieorge Dtetz master of ceremonies Oorge Xlotay captain ot the guard James Bryaa grand tyler R A Me toy grand trustees Fred Wagner T D Harper Charles Diets FUNERAL OP A W SWEENEY The funeral of Arthur W ftweeney the carpenter who was accidentally killed at Indian Bead yesterday while at work on one of tbe el trfr truck iixed for moving the heavy r and mountlnajH will be halt tuorrov morning at 11 ovioek from Lees under taking estalillihment Sweeneys body was brought Wanhlnuton oa the nary yard tug j riarrd or burial Sweeneys was in Lewes Ud e I h empowered this be pa- t b toad t w I 1 last bib W grand pee f I rt gUll II and t flan I bill- boards go- ing Coo- ns for bill write tau 1 ef- fect fiends the e sad M- In has asies I The i- to Ban gen Its Oeo Morn House > f r y u 1 s rut leant ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ < ers only mates of ill tin Tatters on the squares The terms of tile taw are most gen- eral says Mr Duvall a majority of the recMents If this to to con stmed literally then It would include alt the inmates of all the houses Irrespective of age or pencaptncy of residence I cannot believe that this was the intention of Congress In view of the subject anti the object sought to be accom pllnHed Indeed It would be quite im- practicable to administer this law on any such basis I am of the opinion that a reasonable construction of the provision would be to limit it to a majority of householders on the side of the square la which the display Is to be made and oho the side of the confronting square Such a construction In my Judgment would not do violence to tbe terms of the law and would render It capable of practical administration NO PROTECTION FOR i THE GALLERY GODS Health Department Cannot Force Theater Managers to Lay Carpets OR Sidewalks The Health Department of tIN District Yea seat a reply to LiNt R B Rodney paymaster of the United States Navy who recently communicated with thin department taking tf theater managers or proprietors could not be compelled- to lay a covering on tile sidewalk where patrons of the gallery were forced to stand in the In order to pin admission LJeuteaant Rodney further said exposure was a menace to the health of the people gad Inquired if there war a Taw winch could force man- agers to remedy the condition Tho reply waa matte by Deputy Health OOtoer H C and read as fol lows In reply to your letter of the 3d Instant testing whether this department cars require theater managers to lay strips of matting on sidewalk for people- to stead oa who are compelled to wait at the entrance of the gallery have the honor to Inform you that there to no taw or health regulation that vests thte department with authority to require that action MUST WAIT SIX MONTHS FOR NEW PENSION CHECK Veterans Grandaea Makes Cigarettes- f Pay Warraat Seeks Im- mediate Reissue W Huffmaa of Alexandria Va a civil war veteran was a caller at the Treasury Department yesterday His grandson Ned Hall aged four awd he alleges the old solders pension mounting to 1 for a play cigarette December 5 and Mr Huffman wanted a duplicate t be Issued at once The statutes however provide that duplicate cheeks shall be IssuoJ seta six months have elapsed Mr Hut can prove the destruction of his check and says that as he Is bad ly in need of the money tile delay is aa unwarranted hardship SAVINGS BANK REPORT of the Capital Savings flank win not be randy before December 19 when It win be submitted to tile board of directors Caanler B McCary and his assist- ants are saw busy oa the boob The hank located at F Street north- west reeeivly served notice on its that sixty days notice would be required from those wishing to withdraw tlietr accocnts INSTALL PASTOR TIle installation of the Rev William Hart Dexter as pastor of the Presby- terian Church of ago Park will take place tonight at 7M oclock slang prominent ministers are expected to be present at the exercises OLD FOGY KNEW Experience Teaches People Mjr parents considered coffee simply a harmless beverage for oM and young so when a mere baby I commenced to drink It and when r reached woman hood toured myself troubled with nerv ouaoeaa headache and an irrltablo temper aged to obtain roller I drank more and coffee thus adding furl to the Ire I grew worse until life was one bin of pain My nerves were shat tered body wrecked with suffering DJV stomach pre out and utterly refusal to digest the mOAt simple foods an anally I lay for weeks rtarvlBg an longing for food but unable to eat mor than just enough to me alive While In this state my next door neighbor brought In a fragrant cup that I supposed was some now grade of cof- fee gad although I Tad suffered so ten rlkly front its effects the temptation wag too strong to resist and 1 drank It with relish I noticed It tad a agreeable taste and I drank It without distress She repeated the kindness two or three mornings I b gan to congratulate myself that It was not coffee that hurt me after all I was assuring my of this one day whoa she astonished me by saying that I was tat drinking coffee but a pure food drink called Porto Food Coffee made from nourishing paiD for build- ing up the system and nerves instead of tearing them down I then began to drink Postum regu- larly and to get will slowly but surely Today I am a strong hearty woman my nervous system is entirely rebuilt and with a reserve torso of strength In time of need I sleep well gad awake refreshed aad feel bright for uach days task with no indigestion or stomach trouble and a good strong active brain ready for any mental strain or toll is no doubt oo earth that coffee nearly killed me A friend of mine was obliged to re sip her position as school teacher be- cause of extreme nervousness caused bJ coffee drinking I induced her to use Porto In place of coffee and at the aad ot four months she began again her nervousness gone and feeling gad looking ten years er her sallow oomplexloa having a beautiful healthy Kame- glvea by PoattMM Co Battle Creek Mfteh a aU Ute I I McLer n k oal be of eeaudtt8e toe TO more I I keep I rich friend j be- come th l s or tajority K to uM t1oaN ire mat- ter tha- is Levi are e ain rays TYe report the atdltlltg e fOb k- night i r There tee hiteg a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = = = = = + I STREET EXTENSION Mount Pleasant Association Holds Monthly Session Questions pertaining to the extension of Sixteenth Street were considered at the meeting ot the Mount Cltl Association last night TiM asso- ciation suet at tn Hotel Stratford Coi K B Townsend presiding After a full dlecusaion of the matter a special committee was appointed to go the committees of Congress In behalf of the association and secure if- iraesihle the sum of 150890 for beginning the Improvement of Sixteenth Street ex- tended The members of the Mount Pleasant Aseociatlon many of them prop- erty holders along the line of thte thor- oughfare are anxious that Sixteenth Street extended should be more than two linos on the District rasp They want the physical opening of the Avenue to follow Immediately upon the legal pro eeodtnss incident to Its opening com- pleted this year The committee referred- to to composed of Col E U Louis P Shoemaker and B To Renumber Howe A resolution was proposed by T H Syphard and itdopted in unbalance that th opening cf Sixteenth Street makes peculiar angles with Keaesaw Avenue that the municipal authorities be to renumber the to pre- vent confusion The committee appointed at the tart meeting to investigate the plea of park lag Sixteenth Street through the center reported that nothing definite tad been HHtermlned by the Commissioners Fred- erick Law Olmsted C the Senate Park Commission Yes flatter under con- sideration and until his report to sub- mitted the committee told It would be Impossible to say what course would be pursued Fourteenth Street Cars Mr Shoemaker submitted a resolution with reference to the switching and parking of can at the Fourteenth Street terminus of the CAlM TraWWit panys lines The resolution called for the extension of the tracks further north to Lydecker Avenue and the removal of tile swUebiBK aramjementa to that point The resolution included a request that the Commtasiofieni pave Fourteenth Street northwest to Park Place Judge R B Stocking J J DuJty and Norton M Little were elected members of the association BIBLE CLASS CELEBRATION The third anniversary of the Metro- politan Bible Class was celebrated with a banquet last evening in the parlors of Ute Metropolitan Memorial Church on C Street northwest There were about IS persons present H C Oberbeixer president and of which was three yean ago acted in the capacity of toaatmaater Address as were made by Andrew 3 Mitchell who spoke on The Occasion Lyman L Pierce of the Y M C A The Youug Men William C Ktdrtdg The Ladles These were followed by- aa Interesting talk oa Personal Influ- ence by the Rev Don 8 Colt pastor of Grace M K Church Baltimore VOLUNTARY BANKRUPTCY A petition In voluntary bankruptcy has been lied in the District branch of tIe Supreme Court of the District by James C who says he is willing and ready to surrender all Ms property for the benefit of his creditors Mr King until recently was engaged in the lum- ber business He lists bis liabilities at ia sgc and makes no return of ss The greater part of his Indebted- ness Is due In Baltimore CITIZENS DISCUSS I fore HoI Ad houses t MIr e King merchants Pleasant sans Townsend re- quested a C the established sets ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ EXHIBITION OF COSTLY PETS ATTRACTS CROWDS Poultry and Pigeon Asso- ciation Prospers- The annual exhibition of tl Wash- ington Poultry Mgeon Jet Stock seoeiatteR in Masonic Temple Ninth gad F Streets northwest is attracting largo crowds Titers are a thousand more specimens of chickens pigeons guinea plea dusks geese turkeys gild cats en show in the rosin hall Ana annex Coops and are everywhere and the man- agers of the show declare they been compelled to turn away more than a thousand entries owing to lire tack of space Hundreds of pens are labeled with the name or class of the occupants their breed and the owners name A pyramid of wire has been erected la the center of the ball In thU a local exhibitor has placed his collection Black swan Chi nice pheasants native wood ducks and African sad Toulouse geese are plated in the lowest apartment of the pyramid Up at top of the coop a tiny pouter pigeon has been placed George K Howard says that while there are about a thousand fowls on ex- hibition some of the species have two or three representatives The managers believe they have out the beat poaofble specimens gad that the show has MuTered no be cause of the lack of space for the others The dray of pigeons the beat ever K on Here There are about 2W on R L Barclay A hoar have the largest number of entries The guinea Belgian bares ferrets sad last but by no means least the tarts are seen In great numbers in tin annex There Js one tabby baby which hails froM North Natlck Mass and is valued at 1M by the Dipper ThV costly feline aristocrat is a demure little bit of a cat white cad tortoise shell color Baby had won priors in BOB ton Buffalo Philadelphia Rochester Hartfor4 ProvMeaee 4 whirl 0 Jttjrott cat which weighs all of thirty pounds also attention Beauty la a Ke than two feet long gad M as his around stovepipe Its hoed is as large as a twoyearold babys Miss Ethel R Bevilt Champion of London Kngiand will be Ute JoUge fat time eat department She Beauty la the largest cat to fancy felines The show will eonttaa three days It promises to be tho aneeesaful one held by the aasoefatioa d it Is not only a most unique affair but it also bids to be a oneness exhibitors point of view MEADE POST ELECTION There was a largo attendance at the annual election of George G Meade Post No 5 G A In Grand Army Hall last sight TIle election resulted as follows I U Patterao omaader A A Maxim senior vice aommaader Al fred Show Junior commander Charles Matthews auarlermaster Rev Henry S Stevens chaplain Dr T L Matchett surgeon K A Wllber of 3eer of tbe day Albert Carew officer of the guard Calvin Farnsworth trustee Delegates to department encampment Robert H Marcel Matthews K A Wllber Alfred Shrew W M King C B flaring Judge C F Scott and F A Moo rick Alternates Charles F Oar sate W R Ramsey J J Data Peter S Lesh Asaph Dodge Albert Canoe John Riley and D P SleboM vBn- conraginn remarks from Ute oo elect followed Through Eaffet Drawing Jiw Washington to Cleveland Via Ballimor and Ohio learn Watb ington 845 p m daily I pr sacral have Ice the loss plies I gad c pin teen exhibited she been I pint J IL vice I Cur I Sleeper Railroad i and pick- ed show l at- tracts as- a says lru glace from the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ Tunic Cabinet door front finIshed best construc tion only 550 Handsome line of Xmas Rockers ThIs fine one for 198I- II t 1 inc tlabogan flnc- ly 1 = NOVEMBER WORK OF FIRE DEPARTMENT Estimated Loss During the Mantle a 994 en Property insured for R TV Button Chief engineer of the Fire Department has submitted to District Cofntesloners his report of op- erations for the month of November It shows that the department In that period responded to 49 regular alarms S of which were false the 37 fires for wMrh they were sounded causing an estimated loss of 12791 the property beating an Insurance of 345K The department answered 40 local or silent alarms 6 of whloh were The thirtyfive occasioning then resetted In aa estimated lop of 2tt0 0 the property involved being insured for lMMft The total estimated loss for the month was WX W- fortyfour of the 72 Ares during the month were in brick struc- tures 22 in fraate buildings 2 in nose 1 was the horsing of brush 1 of rub in aa allay while the oUr 2 were in steam carriages In case Sire traveled from one shod to the adjoining on in two cases to the two adjoining in one instance are traveled from on floor to the one above and to the ad- joining building and in another from one room to aa adjoining ore TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative BromoQuinlne Tablets This signature tffftV on ev ery box 25c It fmr P 49Ja4fS also b the false Ares occurring lab one ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CHRISTMAS BREAD tpctfariy haitd from the Snrrt sad wtX t flour We will line on land the boli tar eon bmklcB XmM links Mace nd rumkin Piattut thkk sad hncV o ii kinds at Pastry trade front the choicest insrcdientu and bv taken tbst wf 1 be a treat tax tbe dainty palate Holmes Sons Bakery omer First Hill E Streets PHONE EAST BEEF and AT THE STALLS OF THOS T KEANE SONS 34 to 51 Center Market no 9 Wholesale Row Incpntion cordially invited without oasis ties to imixhi hoi mid during I J Bat WASHINGTON DR SSED SOUTHDOWN LAMB t t skilled del0red tt t r t t il V WE WILL TRUST YOU WE WILL TRUST YOU WE WILL TRUST YOU 11 tit tit dJ dJdJ dJdJ 4 14 l1l t ll l t l I gal ill + = Sec Our dl Stock of Fine Furs Elegnnt Fur Scarfs From ii gac- oj Ladles dJ Tailormade di Suits From diI- di 1198- di up- i6i- t r Ca iWI I- OJ oJ Buys SuIts of Cassl vJ mares and ii Sizes 7 1016 cars 350 Values for S98i- bi j noyS Overcoats Style Cttrn Iong ii SIzes 8 to 16 iaj Jcnrs 398t- l t f thl tVl r 11 l Up- 1a1 t 11- 1ltl t t I Glade t Cltcvlots td let t4f ibi- tl fade Alnn t4 t9i 2 1 I t U- ii iti- I i I Just received another lot iii of these Dt our 1 prIce We give like cut for ifi 40 l i- ii i j i i- i i ii I I Oak Combination Desk and Book Case exactly like dJ I cut French betel plate mir i i ror pigeonholes In desk T adjustable shelves In book I our prIce i4i 998 ii ill ti- t l t l l- t4 t- At 1 tai Oil heaters oil will you t l- one exactly 1 4r lit L tt of- t f- t l- tPl case I t NrK AY E R en Formerly Mayer Pettit l 415 417 Seventh St m t- tr fit ff lisp t9 t l g ld rr r r v- t = > + S KANN SONS CO S KANN SONS CO Always the best of everything for the aMpty What a time tbe big and little ones are having in this depart meat Everything is spread out on the Fourth Floor In grea style What a wonderful world this Toy Store of ours prevent All brought here by Santa Claus from his Arctic nome to be distributed the CMiMrea ot Washington and the surrounding vicinity We have Dolls that will do everything bat breathe Mecnan lost Toys that work aa perfectly as the machinery which drives tbe world IK tact can be fouad here which will make the most dissatMtat cWW happy The Busy Corner least ToyvUle Turned Loose f I folks smear al- most ¬ Pan Six Drum like eat rot like cut for Regular Cooking Range like cut for ws l 4- Iprlght Engine perfectly harmless like cut for Saratoga Trunks like cut for of Tools like 49C eat for c horse 1 25 like eat for if j 7rc 1 25 omplt 49C same 80 cut tor I 98e Sl 98 i 1J- r L- r Complete act this r Set of Btoca like cut 9 c for a r vrChilds Ranking C 49- Colut u uioe ta- Sutcunliie G t Qw- I Strong Built Stable cut fir Nickelplated Horn like Q Uabreakable Sled like opt no Handsome Eoll same as title cat for f i r Dolls Drf for Doll like ut for 198 Complete Farm Wagon eat for MO like Bureau like cut or 49C 5C fer I- I 49C Ul lust 1 4J rut i Ilk r7 tut r lte r z c 5 r a o ac x r- QJ t 1 Zc > All these and a hundred thousand of all kinds of Toy on sale ia our Toy Department and 4th floors Make your selections now pay a mall deposit and have them delivered when you want thorn Eighth Street and d S Karen Sons Con Pas Aver morn f <

Transcript of Corporation Counsel Opinion Law Mount Pleasant...

Page 1: Corporation Counsel Opinion Law Mount Pleasant their case they succeeded admire tly Mrs Morrkroa however denies that



Corporation Counsel Renders Opinion Construing the Law


The Police Department hiss dteooveteda in the methods used by tin Wankiugfou Dillpwsds Company In securingsignatures for permission to locate

It appears that the company intwo Instances obtained the sigaatures ofpersons concerned mostly woman by

to the doors of the homes sod writIng down the names when no objectionto the hoards was signified

Tin papers containing these nameswrr Mi roitted to the Corporation

an opinion In pert he saidCommissioners are by

cjuotcd paragraph of tile law to au-

thorif In writing the Mad housestom fences and oUr atmctures onvS h in their discretion advertlxmentscr POSITS tray placed and then folI s the clause relative to the

i Tbe question is whether thet n siicnRture and consent must be ob

from a majority of the household


Believe Stories Were Circulated by De

staging Persona fee aPHTPOM

Mutual friends of Frank Morrison thepopular secretary of the American Federatlon of Labor and his wife are hopeful that efforts now being made to

a reconciliation between them willbo successful sad the suit for divorceinstituted by Mr Morrison withdrawnIt is caid by of the couple thatttip stories which led Mr Morrison toseek a divorce are without foundationand were circulated It to believed In

first Instance by designing personsto bring about a separation if suchwas their case they succeeded admiretly

Mrs Morrkroa however denies thatthere was ever say marriage eecbetween her and O M Dax aa allegedSbe asserts that Mr flay waa never-more than a neighbor sad that herhusband poeeeaeea all her affection

Abe believes with her friend thatthe stories of the alleged manit werecirculated for a purpose says thatMr Morrison who wrote h r at fre-quent intervals while she waa absentfrom the city with the hat com-

pany can readily satisfy himself thatslip could not have been living here aaMrs Day or under nay other name

has come to this city to he nearh r nineyearold daughter who now

a Washington convent and felt keen-

ly th stigma which he says heeDundeservedly east upon her goodan j that of lier child

Mrs Morrison is well in musicalcircles here and in Chteagemany frlende m both dtlea who refuse

believe her eulpabie or capable of Utefolly attributed to her


OFFERED POR PROBATEwill of William F Johnson

offered for probate late yesterday aft-

ernoon in the omce of tile lUglstor ofWills The document dated Septem-ber sad Titian W Johaoua OscarH Billingsley and Charles A Mack aare named trustees and executors etestator directs that tile trustees holdhit real estate eighteen brick housesin trust for the use and benefit of hisdaughters MIa Oscar H BillingsleyFalls Church Va Mrs Charles A Macbcn and his sons Titian W and Sul-

livan V Johnson The income from theproperty is to he divided equally andpaid to the beneficiaries except tbeabate of Sullivan V Johnson which

I deposited with the WaaMngtonSavings Bank or some other until too ar-

rives at his majority The testator ex-presses a desire that none of the housesbe sold until Are years after his death

To bin grandson Brent IJarrlaoa Far-t r of Baltimore la left a ION watchThe proceeds of his life insurance are totic divided onethird to Mrs Blllln sley and the remainder among the otherbeneficiaries named

MASONS ELECT OFFICERSAt the regular meeting of Arminius

Lodge No 25 F A A M hold December8 the following officers were elected forthe cuRuing Masonic year Harry Roth

M Joseph S WLeon Pohlmana J W Charlesstan secretary Henry T RIM treas-urer Carl A Droop 8 DJ Sobweppe J D Adam SchneiderJ Gus W Wicgand J S F W-

Spi ss M C K Holer organist JohnTomse tyler Charles G rsdorffOlarsir Harm H hordes proxies to

lodge Werner stack HenryKllDge Charles Dicmer finance eomralt

fbsrles Katzenstein delegate toUaoonlr board of relief Louis Gold

fc tanidt delegate to St Johns MiteAssociation Harry Rothschild delegate

r ixrman Orphan Asylum MerrltzH r chairman instruction commlt

K OF F LODGE ELECTIONolumbla Lodge Knights of Fidelity

has elected tits oflleenr Peat valiantommaftder Hugh P Harvey valiant

commander Carl Maileromrnander Fred Oernam chief orator

linjamln B veridge worthy treasurer1 Carr rorrospondlng recorder W-XI BMrghausen financial recorderCieorge Dtetz master of ceremoniesOorge Xlotay captain ot the guardJames Bryaa grand tyler R A Metoy grand trustees Fred Wagner TD Harper Charles Diets

FUNERAL OP A W SWEENEYThe funeral of Arthur W ftweeney

the carpenter who was accidentallykilled at Indian Bead yesterday whileat work on one of tbe el trfr truckiixed for moving the heavy r

and mountlnajH will be halt tuorrovmorning at 11 ovioek from Lees undertaking estalillihment Sweeneys bodywas brought Wanhlnuton oa the naryyard tug j riarrd or burialSweeneys was in Lewes Ud



h empoweredthis








1 last

bib W




I rt gUll








Coo-ns for



tau 1













Ban genIts

























ers onlymates of ill tin Tatters on the squares

The terms of tile taw are most gen-eral says Mr Duvall a majority ofthe recMents If this to to constmed literally then It would include altthe inmates of all the houses Irrespectiveof age or pencaptncy of residence I

cannot believe that this was the intentionof Congress In view of the subject

anti the object sought to be accompllnHed Indeed It would be quite im-

practicable to administer this law on anysuch basis I am of the opinion that areasonable construction of the provisionwould be to limit it to a majority ofhouseholders on the side of the square lawhich the display Is to be made and ohothe side of the confronting square Sucha construction In my Judgment wouldnot do violence to tbe terms of the lawand would render It capable of practicaladministration



Health Department Cannot Force

Theater Managers to Lay CarpetsOR Sidewalks

The Health Department of tIN DistrictYea seat a reply to LiNt R B Rodneypaymaster of the United States Navywho recently communicated with thindepartment taking tf theater managersor proprietors could not be compelled-to lay a covering on tile sidewalk wherepatrons of the gallery were forced tostand in the In order to pin admission

LJeuteaant Rodney further saidexposure was a menace to the

health of the people gad Inquired ifthere war a Taw winch could force man-agers to remedy the condition

Tho reply waa matte by Deputy HealthOOtoer H C and read as follows

In reply to your letter of the 3dInstant testing whether this departmentcars require theater managers to laystrips of matting on sidewalk for people-to stead oa who are compelled to waitat the entrance of the gallery have thehonor to Inform you that there to notaw or health regulation that vests thtedepartment with authority to requirethat action


Veterans Grandaea Makes Cigarettes-f Pay Warraat Seeks Im-

mediate Reissue

W Huffmaa of Alexandria Vaa civil war veteran was a caller at theTreasury Department yesterday Hisgrandson Ned Hall aged four awd healleges the old solders pensionmounting to 1 for a play cigaretteDecember 5 and Mr Huffman wanted aduplicate t be Issued at once

The statutes however provide thatduplicate cheeks shall be IssuoJseta six months have elapsed Mr Hutcan prove the destructionof his check and says that as he Is badly in need of the money tile delay is aa

unwarranted hardship


of the Capital Savings flank win not berandy before December 19 when It winbe submitted to tile board of directorsCaanler B McCary and his assist-ants are saw busy oa the boob Thehank located at F Street north-west reeeivly served notice on its

that sixty days noticewould be required from those wishingto withdraw tlietr accocnts

INSTALL PASTORTIle installation of the Rev William

Hart Dexter as pastor of the Presby-terian Church of ago Park willtake place tonight at 7M oclock slangprominent ministers are expected to bepresent at the exercises


Experience Teaches PeopleMjr parents considered coffee simply

a harmless beverage for oM and youngso when a mere baby I commenced todrink It and when r reached womanhood toured myself troubled with nervouaoeaa headache and an irrltablotemper aged to obtain roller I drankmore and coffee thus adding furlto the Ire

I grew worse until life was one binof pain My nerves were shat

tered body wrecked with suffering DJV

stomach pre out and utterly refusalto digest the mOAt simple foods ananally I lay for weeks rtarvlBg anlonging for food but unable to eat morthan just enough to me alive

While In this state my next doorneighbor brought In a fragrant cup thatI supposed was some now grade of cof-fee gad although I Tad suffered so tenrlkly front its effects the temptationwag too strong to resist and 1 drankIt with relish I noticed It tad aagreeable taste and I drank It withoutdistress She repeated the kindness twoor three mornings

I b gan to congratulate myself thatIt was not coffee that hurt me after allI was assuring my of this one daywhoa she astonished me by saying thatI was tat drinking coffee but a purefood drink called Porto Food Coffeemade from nourishing paiD for build-ing up the system and nerves instead oftearing them down

I then began to drink Postum regu-larly and to get will slowly but surelyToday I am a strong hearty womanmy nervous system is entirely rebuiltand with a reserve torso of strength Intime of need I sleep well gad awakerefreshed aad feel bright for uach daystask with no indigestion or stomachtrouble and a good strong active brainready for any mental strain or toll

is no doubt oo earth that coffeenearly killed me

A friend of mine was obliged to resip her position as school teacher be-cause of extreme nervousness causedbJ coffee drinking I induced her touse Porto In place of coffee and atthe aad ot four months she began

again her nervousness goneand feeling gad looking ten yearser her sallow oomplexloa having

a beautiful healthy Kame-glvea by PoattMM Co Battle CreekMfteh

a aU Ute



McLer n



of eeaudtt8e















or tajority K to

uM t1oaN





are e

ain rays

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Mount Pleasant AssociationHolds Monthly Session

Questions pertaining to the extensionof Sixteenth Street were considered atthe meeting ot the Mount Cltl

Association last night TiM asso-

ciation suet at tn Hotel Stratford CoiK B Townsend presiding

After a full dlecusaion of the matter aspecial committee was appointed to go

the committees of Congress Inbehalf of the association and secure if-

iraesihle the sum of 150890 for beginningthe Improvement of Sixteenth Street ex-

tended The members of the MountPleasant Aseociatlon many of them prop-erty holders along the line of thte thor-oughfare are anxious that SixteenthStreet extended should be more than twolinos on the District rasp They wantthe physical opening of the Avenue tofollow Immediately upon the legal proeeodtnss incident to Its opening com-pleted this year The committee referred-to to composed of Col E U

Louis P Shoemaker and B

To Renumber HoweA resolution was proposed by T H

Syphard and itdopted in unbalance thatth opening cf Sixteenth Street makespeculiar angles with Keaesaw Avenue

that the municipal authorities beto renumber the to pre-

vent confusionThe committee appointed at the tart

meeting to investigate the plea of parklag Sixteenth Street through the centerreported that nothing definite tad beenHHtermlned by the Commissioners Fred-

erick Law Olmsted C the Senate ParkCommission Yes flatter under con-

sideration and until his report to sub-

mitted the committee told It would beImpossible to say what course would bepursued

Fourteenth Street CarsMr Shoemaker submitted a resolution

with reference to the switching andparking of can at the Fourteenth Streetterminus of the CAlM TraWWitpanys lines The resolution called forthe extension of the tracks further northto Lydecker Avenue and the removal oftile swUebiBK aramjementa to that pointThe resolution included a request thatthe Commtasiofieni pave FourteenthStreet northwest to Park Place

Judge R B Stocking J J DuJty andNorton M Little were elected membersof the association

BIBLE CLASS CELEBRATIONThe third anniversary of the Metro-

politan Bible Class was celebrated witha banquet last evening in the parlors ofUte Metropolitan Memorial Church onC Street northwest There were aboutIS persons present H C Oberbeixerpresident and ofwhich was three yean agoacted in the capacity of toaatmaaterAddress as were made by Andrew 3Mitchell who spoke on The OccasionLyman L Pierce of the Y M C AThe Youug Men William C KtdrtdgThe Ladles These were followed by-

aa Interesting talk oa Personal Influ-ence by the Rev Don 8 Colt pastorof Grace M K Church Baltimore

VOLUNTARY BANKRUPTCYA petition In voluntary bankruptcy has

been lied in the District branch of tIeSupreme Court of the District by JamesC who says he is willing andready to surrender all Ms property forthe benefit of his creditors Mr Kinguntil recently was engaged in the lum-ber business He lists bis liabilities atia sgc and makes no return of ss

The greater part of his Indebted-ness Is due In Baltimore



































Poultry and Pigeon Asso-

ciation Prospers-

The annual exhibition of tl Wash-ington Poultry Mgeon Jet StockseoeiatteR in Masonic Temple Ninth gadF Streets northwest is attracting largocrowds Titers are a thousand morespecimens of chickens pigeons guineaplea dusks geese turkeys gild cats enshow in the rosin hall Ana annex Coopsand are everywhere and the man-agers of the show declare they beencompelled to turn away more than athousand entries owing to lire tack ofspace

Hundreds of pens are labeled with thename or class of the occupants theirbreed and the owners name A pyramidof wire has been erected la the center ofthe ball In thU a local exhibitor hasplaced his collection Black swan Chinice pheasants native woodducks and African sad Toulouse geeseare plated in the lowest apartment ofthe pyramid Up at top of the coopa tiny pouter pigeon has been placed

George K Howard says that whilethere are about a thousand fowls on ex-

hibition some of the species have twoor three representatives

The managers believe they haveout the beat poaofble specimens gad

that the show has MuTered no because of the lack of space for the others

The dray of pigeons the beat everK on Here There are about 2W onR L Barclay A hoar have the largestnumber of entries

The guinea Belgian bares ferretssad last but by no means least the tartsare seen In great numbers in tin annexThere Js one tabby baby which hailsfroM North Natlck Mass and isvalued at 1M by the Dipper ThVcostly feline aristocrat is a demure littlebit of a cat white cad tortoise shellcolor Baby had won priors in BOBton Buffalo Philadelphia RochesterHartfor4 ProvMeaee

4 whirl 0 Jttjrott cat whichweighs all of thirty pounds also

attention Beauty la a Ke thantwo feet long gad M as his around

stovepipe Its hoed is as large as atwoyearold babys Miss Ethel RBevilt Champion of London Kngiandwill be Ute JoUge fat time eat departmentShe Beauty la the largest cat

to fancy felinesThe show will eonttaa three days It

promises to be tho aneeesaful oneheld by the aasoefatioa d it Is notonly a most unique affair but it alsobids to be a oneness exhibitorspoint of view

MEADE POST ELECTIONThere was a largo attendance at the

annual election of George G MeadePost No 5 G A In Grand ArmyHall last sight TIle election resulted asfollows I U Patterao omaader AA Maxim senior vice aommaader Alfred Show Junior commanderCharles Matthews auarlermaster RevHenry S Stevens chaplain Dr T LMatchett surgeon K A Wllber of3eer of tbe day Albert Carew officer ofthe guard Calvin Farnsworth trusteeDelegates to department encampmentRobert H Marcel MatthewsK A Wllber Alfred Shrew W M KingC B flaring Judge C F Scott and FA Moo rick Alternates Charles F Oarsate W R Ramsey J J Data PeterS Lesh Asaph Dodge Albert CanoeJohn Riley and D P SleboM vBn-conraginn remarks from Ute ooelect followed

Through Eaffet Drawing JiwWashington to Cleveland

Via Ballimor and Ohio learn Watbington 845 p m daily










pin teen exhibited she beenI















sayslru glace

from the








TunicCabinet door front

finIshed best construction only


Handsome line of XmasRockers ThIs fine onefor



1 inc tlaboganflnc-






Estimated Loss During the Mantle a

994 en Property insured for

R TV Button Chief engineer of theFire Department has submitted toDistrict Cofntesloners his report of op-

erations for the month of November Itshows that the department In that periodresponded to 49 regular alarms S ofwhich were false the 37 fires for wMrhthey were sounded causing an estimatedloss of 12791 the property beating anInsurance of 345K The department

answered 40 local or silent alarms6 of whloh were The thirtyfive

occasioning then resetted In aaestimated lop of 2tt0 0 the propertyinvolved being insured for lMMft Thetotal estimated loss for the month wasWX W-

fortyfour of the 72 Aresduring the month were in brick struc-tures 22 in fraate buildings 2 in nose1 was the horsing of brush 1 of rub

in aa allay while the oUr 2 werein steam carriages In case Siretraveled from one shod to the adjoiningon in two cases to the two adjoiningin one instance are traveled from onfloor to the one above and to the ad-

joining building and in another fromone room to aa adjoining ore

TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAYTake Laxative BromoQuinlne TabletsThis signature tffftV on every box 25c It fmr P












CHRISTMAS BREADtpctfariy haitd from the Snrrt sad

wtX t flour We will line on landthe boli tar eon bmklcB XmM links

Mace nd rumkin Piattut thkk sadhncV o ii kinds at Pastry trade frontthe choicest insrcdientu and bv takentbst wf1 be a treat tax tbe dainty palate

Holmes SonsBakery

omer First Hill E StreetsPHONE EAST

BEEF and



34 to 51 Center Marketno 9 Wholesale Row

Incpntion cordially invited without oasisties to imixhi












del0red tt

t r t


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11tit titdJ dJdJ dJdJ

414l1l t ll l t l I gal




Sec Ourdl Stock of FineFursElegnnt FurScarfs From



LadlesdJ Tailormadedi Suits From


di 1198-

di up-


tr Ca iWI



Buys SuItsof Cassl

vJ mares and

ii Sizes7 1016 cars350 Values for



noyS OvercoatsStyle

Cttrn Iongii SIzes 8 to 16

iaj Jcnrs



t f



1 1



t 11-

1ltl t t






tlfade Alnn





I tU-





Just received another lot iiiof these Dt our1prIce We give

like cut for ifi40 l




i i-

i i

ii I


Oak Combination Deskand Book Case exactly like dJ

Icut French betel plate mir i iror pigeonholes In desk Tadjustable shelves In book

Iour prIce i4i998 ii


t ltl l-


t-At 1


Oil heatersoil will you t l-

one exactly




t f-

t l-




tNrK AYER en Formerly Mayer Pettit

l 415 417 Seventh St mt-




t lgld

r r r rv-t





Always the best of everything for the aMpty

What a time tbe big and little ones are having in this departmeat Everything is spread out on the Fourth Floor In grea style Whata wonderful world this Toy Store of ours prevent All brought here bySanta Claus from his Arctic nome to be distributed the CMiMrea otWashington and the surrounding vicinity We have Dolls that will do

everything bat breathe Mecnan lost Toys that work aa perfectly asthe machinery which drives tbe world IK tact can be fouad herewhich will make the most dissatMtat cWW happy

The Busy Cornerleast

ToyvUle Turned Loosef





Pan Six Drum like eatrot

like cut for

Regular Cooking Rangelike cut for




Iprlght Engine perfectlyharmless like cut for

Saratoga Trunks like cutfor

of Tools like 49Ceat for


horse 1 25like eat for

ifj 7rc

1 25

omplt 49Csame 80 cut tor



Sl 98



r L-r

Complete actthis


Set of Btoca like cut 9 cfor





Colut u uioe







Strong Built Stable cutfir

Nickelplated Horn like Q

Uabreakable Sled like opt no

Handsome Eoll same as titlecat for

f i r

Dolls Drffor

Doll like ut for 198

Complete Farm Wagoneat for MOlike

Bureau like cut or






Ul lust 1 4Jrut











o ac



QJ t




All these and a hundred thousand of all kinds of Toy on sale iaour Toy Department and 4th floors Make your selections now pay amall deposit and have them delivered when you want thorn

Eighth Street and


S Karen Sons ConPas Aver


