As level media coursework main task script draft 1 green (no escape)

NO ESCAPE (DRAFT 1)GREEN 1/11/14 FADE IN TO WHITE: INT. INTERROGATION ROOM. DAY Inaudible, muffled dialogue. Loud heartbeat. A P.O.V. shot shows the characters gaze, JASON, looking up at a bright white light. A few faces are looking down at JASON, however they are blurry due to JASON'S eyesight. JUMP-CUT-TO: A short flashback shows a series of cuts of JASON being chased by somebody-we don't know who. This is in black and white. JUMP-CUT-TO: A MID shot shows JASON strapped to a chair, harsh, artificial lighting beaming upon his bloody, sweaty and grazed face. His expression is wild, his hair messed up and plastered to one side with sweat, clear signs of him being tortured. The muffled voices become clear, coming from an AGENT, dressed in a normal black suit, with black shades. His expression is malicious and serious. AGENT(1) (with sinister tone) Where is it! I know you have it! A close up of JASON shows him stammering, then stops, and spits on the AGENT. The AGENT swings a right hook on JASON'S jaw, and JASON crumples and slumps on his chair. FADE-TO-BLACK: EXT. NORMAL LONDON STREET. DAY The camera PANS to show the location, and then JASON. Another full flashback shows JASON in a long shot. He looks fine; no bruises, blood, or heavy breathing, although his expression shows desperation and fear. The location which JASON is in is a dark, wintry but ordinary London street. A close OVER-THE-SHOULDER shot shows JASON on his phone, texting somebody. The phone shows a conversation between JASON and somebody else, who we don't know as well.


My script (draft 1) for my AS Level Media main coursework task.

Transcript of As level media coursework main task script draft 1 green (no escape)

Page 1: As level media coursework main task script draft 1 green (no escape)




Inaudible, muffled dialogue. Loud heartbeat.

A P.O.V. shot shows the characters gaze, JASON, looking up at a bright white light. A few faces are looking down at JASON, however they are blurry due to JASON'S eyesight.


A short flashback shows a series of cuts of JASON being chased by somebody-we don't know who. This is in black and white.


A MID shot shows JASON strapped to a chair, harsh, artificial lighting beaming upon his bloody, sweaty and grazed face. His expression is wild, his hair messed up and plastered to one side with sweat, clear signs of him being tortured. The muffled voices become clear, coming from an AGENT, dressed in a normal black suit, with black shades. His expression is malicious and serious.

AGENT(1)(with sinister tone)

Where is it! I know you have it!

A close up of JASON shows him stammering, then stops, and spits on the AGENT.

The AGENT swings a right hook on JASON'S jaw, and JASON crumples and slumps on his chair.



The camera PANS to show the location, and then JASON.

Another full flashback shows JASON in a long shot. He looks fine; no bruises, blood, or heavy breathing, although his expression shows desperation and fear. The location which JASON is in is a dark, wintry but ordinary London street.

A close OVER-THE-SHOULDER shot shows JASON on his phone, texting somebody. The phone shows a conversation between JASON and somebody else, who we don't know as well.

A CLOSE-UP shows a black-gloved hand grasp JASONS shoulder. JASON is caught by surprise and then retaliates by breaking free from the grasp and falls to the ground.

A HIGH-ANGLED P.O.V. shot shows the antagonist looking at JASON on the floor, backing away from him. JASON'S facial expression switches to bewilderment and then back to scared.

The shot switches to another P.O.V. shot of JASON, looking up at another AGENT(2) who is dressed the same (CONT.)

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way as AGENT(1). Even his facial expression is the same. Then, a WIDE shot shows JASON scrambling up and running away from his captor.

The AGENT(2) pulls out a hand gun and fires two shots towards JASON, but misses him barely.

AGENT(2)He is getting away. intercept him.

A TRACKING shot shows JASONS legs running frantically, then his upper-torso looking back. A series of fast paced shots shows him weaving through obstacles and streets, trying to escape.

JASON stops running and catches his breath-his hands are on his knees, and his breathing turns shallow. He looks up and a CLOSE-UP shows his face, now sweaty, and a tear runs down his cheek. The pace of the shots calms down. He is in a DARK, ISOLATED CAR PARK.

He quickly whips out his phone from his trouser pocket, and series of MID shots shows him dialling a number, and the ringing tone is heard. A few seconds pass and JASON is frustrated by the fact that the person he is calling isn't picking up. He re-dials, but again with no luck.



(JASON hangs up the phone)

Without any idea on what to do next, JASON paces around, with a quizzical look on his face, trying to formulate a plan. Suddenly, all is quiet, and a 'PING' from JASON'S phone shows that he has received a text message from an unknown number. The text message reads: "there is nowhere to hide, Jason..."


A P.O.V shot shows an ENIGMATIC FIGURE looking at JASON, who has now reacted to the recent text message he had received. Then the gaze moves forward to show footsteps, which echoes in the DARK, ISOLATED CAR PARK.

The gaze from the ENIGMATIC FIGURE cuts to JASON in an OVER-THE-SHOULDER shot, looking towards the source of the noise. It is very shadowy and you can barely see the outline of the ENIGMAIC FIGURE.


who-whose there? (sniffs) I-I-I'm not afraid of you...


A friend. I can help you get away from them.

A CLOSE-UP shows a hand emanating from within the shadows. JASON reluctantly sticks his hand out slowly. Suddenly the hand from the ENIGMATIC FIGURE pulls back and lands a punch onto JASON'S face.

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A series of CUTS FADE IN AND OUT occasionally to show JASON'S P.O.V. which looks like his eyes blinking. He is being dragged by the legs to an unknown location.


Please...I don't have it...I don't-

An EXTREME-CLOSE-UP of JASON'S eye shows that it is bloodshot, and it is blinking, until it slowly closes.