ArkdesignQuarterly 8th

® Edition 8 / 03.2012 ®



Transcript of ArkdesignQuarterly 8th

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Edition 8 / 03.2012


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RECENT PUBLICATION 1Soaring Population Growth? Keep Girls in School 5-7

RECENT PUBLICATION 2Asia Pacific Meeting Address Urban Planning 8

RECENT PUBLICATION 3Asia, Africa Megacities Top Climate Risk Survey 9-11

DISCOURSE DISCUSSIONThe World’s 15 Biggest Metropolitan Areas 12-13

DESIGN NEWSTribeca Central Park 14

TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONPiolo - The Small and Simple Iphone 4 Stand 16

PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION PLAYERSJakarta: A Messy Concrete Jungle 17-19






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Published by:

PT ARKIPURI INTRANASIONALArkdesign Architects Jakarta Office

Editor in Chief Paul Tan

Editor Zenia Rashelia

Marketing Ellena Chandra

Graphics Bentuk


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“We apologize that the first edition of the new look ArkBulletin has been delayed due to our commitment to give our readers only the best. After many weeks of redesigning the bulletin now called AQ (ArkdesignQuarterly) with our excellent design partners, Bentuk, we are finally pleased to present to you AQ. We welcome your comments and criticism. Enjoy !”

KiraKira Digital Media


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What is the maximum bearing capacity of the earth ?

Serious questions and actions need to asked and taken about our lifestyle.

“Should we limit the growth of human population to be more or less equal to the dying population?”

Today we are used to slogans of “green”, “carbon foot print”, global warming” and so on. Most of us will agree those issues are important to our future and as a species on this planet. Many movements have evolved to promote awareness and to get action taken to curb global warming. It is an environmental trend on earth, that has developed over extraordinary and massive efforts to reverse, if at all possible.

Based on the widely published research by the United Nations and other world agencies, this trend is caused by ourselves as human inhabitants of this planet. It is not a natural phenomena that has caused this globe to warm up as sea temperatures and sea levels continue to rise. It is a fact that the use of non-renewable resources and chemicals have a great contribution to global warming. The need for energy, resources, food and water is crucial to human survival on this planet.

Progress in medical science and technology has increased life expectancies and reduced infant deaths.


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Ample supply of resources, water and energy through technology and infrastructure have allowed more areas of the planet to become human habitable. All the development, infrastructure and storage to sustain human habitation in far flung places require energy and mainly non renewable resources. The point of this publication today is “over population”.

With the exponential growth in world human population as seen in the United Nations Census Bureau recently published, in the last 50 years, world population has more than doubled from 3 billion in 1959 to 7 billion people in 2011. This is an increase of 233%. Where it took 123 years to rise to 2 billion people, from 1 billion in 1804 to 2 billion in 1927. By any standards this is an alarming rate. Why ?

In the 1980’s governments of highly populated countries imposed limitations on the number of children allowable per family, Indonesia, China. Draconian social engineering? What “we” forgot is that many children are born outside a formal family, in places where there is no reliable census or restriction. As a comparison Indonesia’s population between 1959-2011 grew “only” 158 %, China 130 %, much less than the world populations growth of 233%.

The highest percentage increase occurred during the 1970-1990 period which by no accident was also the world oil boom which gave birth to various new countries in the Middle East and so on. It shows that population drives the need for energy which drives the global warming to alarming levels.

It is all and well and admittedly urgent to limit our carbon output, to reduce our zest for resources and harness the sun’s energy to power our industrial equipment, This is however a mere band-aid to a bleeding wound.

With this continuing exponential trend, the earth will surely deteriorate as a place to live in. Serious questions and actions need to be asked and taken about our lifestyle. Should we limit the growth of human population to be more or less equal to the dying population ?

There are moral, legal and social issues as a consequence. All signs indicates however that limiting the population is the only certain way of this “spiraling out of control” race for water, food, energy and space ! Do we have enough courage and determination as a species to take this route, or do we choose to let the future take its own course and try to stop the “bleeding” with greener buildings, wind farms and new technology to grow more wheat and rice ?


Paul Tan

“ the last 50 years, world

population has more than doubled from 3

billion in 1959 to 7 billion people in 2011. This is an

increase of 233%.”


What is the maximum bearing capacity of the earth ?

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Soaring Population Growth?Keep Girls in School

Source : US Cencus Bureau, United Nation, Socioeconomic Data and Application Center, - Reuters Jakarta Post


Robinson said “Keeping girls in school was one of the most important things policymakers could do to address the coming challenges of an ever-increasing population, predicted by the United Nations to reach 7 billion at the end of the


Robinson said “Keeping girls in school was one of the most important things policymakers could do to address the coming challenges of an ever-increasing population, predicted by the United Nations to reach 7 billion at the end of the


Photo source :

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Former Irish President Mary Robinson was just making polite conversation when she asked an Ethiopian teenager about her wedding day.

The 16-year-old had already been married a year. "She looked at me with the saddest eyes and said, 'I had to drop out of school,'" Robinson said in a telephone interview

"That conveyed to me the reality," said Robinson, the first woman to serve as Ireland's president and former U.N. high commissioner for human rights. "Her life, as far as she is concerned, had more or less ended.“

"European countries are concerned about aging populations as is Japan, but this is much less of an issue than the huge bulge of people which we are going to see over the next 40 years when the population goes from 7 billion to 9 billion people," she said.

"Almost all of that increase will be in poor developing countries, so that we have a very big demographic challenge.“ Family planning experts worry in particular about the looming population boom in sub-Saharan Africa.

In May, the United Nations projected the world population would reach 9.3 billion in 2050 and 10.1 billion by 2100. Much of that growth will come from Africa, where the population is growing at 2.3 percent a year -- more than double Asia's 1 percent growth rate. If that rate stays consistent, which is not certain, Africa's population will more than triple to 3.6 billion by 2100 from the current 1 billion.

Joel Cohen, a professor of population studies at Rockefeller University York and Columbia, said universal secondary education offered a way to reduce population in high-fertility regions. In addition to providing information about contraception, a secondary education motivates women to reduce their own fertility, improve the health of their children and allows them to move from a mind-set of having many children in the hopes that some will survive to improving the quality of each child's life, Cohen wrote in the journal Nature. "Although there are other factors at work, in many developing countries, women who complete secondary school average at least one child fewer per lifetime than women who complete primary school only," he added.

Most family planning experts warn against extreme coercive population control measures, such as China's "One Child“ policy, which since 1980 has limited parents to only one child.

The uniquely draconian policy succeeded in limiting the growth of the world's largest population but led to other problems such as skewing the demographic toward males and creating a disproportionate aging population.

Population Fund or UNFPA, told Reuters his focus is very much on empowering women in such a way as to change the cultural norms.

"When a young woman goes through at least secondary education, her children survive better, physically they mature, emotionally they mature, and because they have education, they are able to make choices," Osotimehin said.


Soaring Population Growth? Keep Girls in School


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"It is not just their ability to make the choice about family planning. It's also that they have power of their own, which enables them to live a life of dignity and respect.“

Africa is full of examples of countries struggling with efforts to attain full educational enrollment in the face of high fertility, said Dr. Fred Sai, Ghanaian physician and former director general of the International Planned Parenthood Federation.

"Family planning can help to slow down population growth in those regions and countries where the fertility rates are over two (children) per woman and

especially where women want and need family planning and have no access.“

According to UNFPA, more than 215 million women want to delay or prevent pregnancies but lack modern contraception. Family planning experts are frustrated by lack of progress on commitments made to improve women's sexual and reproductive health at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo.

Progress has been stalled in part, they say, by increasing pressure from social conservatives, especially in the United States, who equate family planning with abortion.


Family planning is so much more than just access to abortion," said Lyndon Haviland, a senior health fellow at the Aspen Institute, a nonpartisan think tank in Washington.

"It's about healthy pregnancies. It's about building the future for young girls," Haviland said. Haviland and others argue that family planning is a development issue and the lack of it can increase political tensions.

In Yemen, which has the highest rate of unmet need for family planning, the population has doubled in less than 20 years and its high fertility rate of some six children per woman is pressuring that nation's fragile economy, Isobel Coleman of the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations said in a recent policy report.

In Somalia, 70 percent of the population is under age 30, yet only 1 percent of married women in Somalia have access to modern contraception, and the country has one of the highest rates of population growth in the world. That is something Robinson observed while visiting Somalia in July to draw attention to the famine, which has killed nearly 30,000 children.

"One of the ways you open up a conversation is to ask how many children do you have. Not a single woman said less than six children," Robinson said.

"We know what works. What works is education of girls and women and access to healthcare, so that mothers will know their children will survive," she said.

Source: Jakarta Post


Soaring Population Growth? Keep Girls in School

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The Pacific Rim Council on Urban Development (PRCUD) meeting that ended in Palembang on Wednesday addressed urban planning and climate change issues in the host city.

Representatives from 23 countries in the Pacific rim participated in the meeting, which was the second PRCUD meeting held in Palembang since 2002.

The forum, which was inaugurated on Monday by deputy of regional development and autonomy affairs at the National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) Max H. Pohan and PRCUD president Thomas L. Zearley, heard recommendations on urban development programs designed to prepare the city to overcome the threats of climate change, including rising sea levels.

Based on projections for the period 2005 to 2025, the urban population in Indonesia will increase by 67.5 percent.

This rapid urban population growth and climate change are projected to cause the average temperature in Indonesia to rise by between 0.8 and 1.0 degree Celsius from 2020 to 2050.

“The impacts can already be seen from the frequent flooding in major cities, like Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya, due to the rise in sea water. That’s why urban areas should be able to adapt to the climate change to anticipate disasters in urban development,” Pohan said.

Source: The Jakarta Post


Founded in 1989, the PRCUD is an organization of professionals and academics in the field of urban planning and development. It was created to contribute to the betterment of cities and their environments in the Pacific Rim Region. “Adaptation, environmental pollution management and disaster mitigation are among the 10 strategies for spurring national and regional growth. These strategies are arranged to determine the national direction,” he added.

Zearley said the Palembang municipality had shown its commitment to organize slum areas, evidenced by the development of special settlements, especially low-income families, public sanitation, such as decent public bathrooms and children’s facilities in the 3-4 Ulu slum area.

Asia Pacific meeting addresses urban planning


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Asia, Africa Megacities Top Climate Change Risk Survey

Source: Jakarta Post


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Other megacities at extreme or high risk include Manila, Kolkata, Jakarta, Kinshasa, Lagos, Delhi and Guangzhou.

The study by risk analysis and mapping firm Maplecroft, released on Wednesday, comes as the United Nations says the world's population will hit seven billion next week and as huge floods inundate areas of Thailand and the capital Bangkok.

The survey ranks nearly 200 nations in terms of vulnerability to climate change over the medium term. It also ranks the top-20 fastest-growing cities by 2020 in terms of risk, with the study based on a series of indices. The survey maps the world in 25-square-km segments according to vulnerability, making regional assessments easier.

"Population growth in these cities combines with poor government effectiveness, corruption, poverty and other socio-economic factors to increase the risks to residents and business," said Maplecroft.

This meant infrastructure already stretched in many cities , would struggle to cope as populations increase, making disaster responses less effective at a time when disasters might become more frequent.


Asia, Africa Megacities Top Climate Change Risk Survey

Asia, Africa Megacities Top Climate Change Risk Survey

David Fogarty / Reuters Singapore

Rapidly growing megacities in Africa and Asia face the highest risks from rising sea levels, floods and other climate change impacts, says a global survey aimed at guiding city planners and investors.

Haiti is the country most at risk from climate change, while Iceland is the least vulnerable. Thailand is ranked 37th. Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh, is the megacity most at risk with an "extreme" ranking.

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The impacts of this could have far reaching consequences, not only for local populations, but on business, national economies and on the balance sheets of investors around the world, particularly as the economic importance of these nations is set to dramatically increase," Charlie Beldon, Maplecroft's principal environmental analyst, said in a statement.

Maplecroft analyses the exposure of populations to climate related natural hazards and sensitivity of countries in terms of population concentration, development, natural resources, agricultural dependency and conflict. They also rank in terms of a country's, city's or region's ability to adapt.

The maps highlight areas within countries that might be more vulnerable, allowing risks to towns, cities, economic zones and individual company assets to be identified.

For instance, Manila, as the Philippines' commercial center, is extremely vulnerable because of its huge population, rapid growth -- estimated to add another 2.2 million people between 2010 and 2020 – risk from flooding and


Source: Jakarta Post

storms and the likely increase in these disasters. Rainfall intensity is likely to increase in tropical Asia, climate scientists say.

Highlighting the areas of great risk also offered investment opportunities.

"Changing demands for goods and services can present opportunities for new products or innovative modifications to existing ones," Maplecroft says.

Globally, many other cities were also vulnerable to climate change, Maplecroft said, but better governance, greater wealth and better policies meant they were more able to adapt.


Asia, Africa Megacities Top Climate Change Risk Survey


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12DiscourseDiscussion Tokyo (Japan)

Metropolitan Area: 35.2 million peopleCity: 12.9 million people

Seoul (South Korea)Metropolitan Area: 25 million peopleCity: 10.4 million people

Jakarta (Indonesia)Metropolitan Area: 22 million peopleCity: 9.6 million people

Mumbai (India)Metropolitan Area: 21.9 million peopleCity: 14 million people

New Delhi (India)Metropolitan Area: 20.9 million peopleCity: 9.8 million people

Manila (The Philippines)Metropolitan Area: 20.6 million peopleCity: 11.2 million people

Sao Paulo (Brazil)Metropolitan Area: 20.1 million peopleCity: 11 million people

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Beijing (China)Metropolitan Area: 19.7 million peopleCity: 13.3 million people

Shanghai (China)Metropolitan Area: 19.2 million peopleCity: 13.8 million people

New York City (USA)Metropolitan Area: 19 million peopleCity: 8 million people

Mexico City (Mexico)Metropolitan Area: 18.7 million peopleCity: 8 million people

Cairo (Egypt)Metropolitan Area: 17.2 million peopleCity: 7 million people

Kolkata (India)Metropolitan Area: 15.6 million peopleCity: 5.1 million people

Los Angeles (USA)Metropolitan Area: 14.7 million peopleCity: 3.8 million people

Moscow (Russia)Metropolitan Area: 13.7 million peopleCity: 10.5 million people

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Concept │As Built

TribecaCentral Park

The masterplan of Central Park has an organic flowing form with the head at the main entrance, that asks for a continuation and a closure. The request for a bridge between the mall and Tribeca and the design of Tribeca itself, rose as a perfect opportunity to bring this form to a complete curve and tail, back close to the main entrance to delineate several negative spaces to become more defined.

The park is now truly at the center of Central Park. The entrance and drop off to the hotel adjacent to the park, is now more defined and given a specific identity from the overall mall facade. The dynamism of the flowing curves and fins of the bridge with its leaning columns and the waving facade of Tribeca, slowly terminates at the end of Tribeca, paying homage to its head which is the main entrance.

The park was designed to become the main draw card of the design, both functionally as well as functionally. Not many other malls have the courage to spend about 18,000m2 on parkland. These "green lungs" is exactly what Jakarta inhabitants needed being an overcrowded city of 15 million. The park has become the heart of the this mall creating a lively urban habitat for thousands of people everyday.


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Tekstur Batu Pembentuk Suasana Melalui pemilihan material penunjang yang tepat, bangunan modern yang identik dengan kesan dingin dan kaku, kini dapat tampil hangat dan natural.


Jl. Panglima Polim Raya No. 20A, Jakarta 12160, INDONESIA Phone +6221 7279 7980, 7279 3068 Fax +6221 739 3681 Email: [email protected] www.

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Wherever you are in the world you can sit back, relaxand watch a movie, stream live television, chat on..

FaceTime with your friends or keep the kids entertained.... with some cartoons – completely hands free......

It’s small enough to fit on your keyring or pop into your.........pocket, allowing you to take it wherever you and your...........

iPhone go. Only for Apple iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 too if............. we’re lucky...............

Source :




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Photo by: Jakarta Post

Jakarta:A Messy Concrete Jungle

Skyscrapers. High-rise offices and hotels dominate the Mega Kuningan business district in South Jakarta. More such tall buildings are under construction and are expected to open in the city later this year.

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This year more concrete buildings will spring up, decorating Jakarta’s skyline to meet the needs of people for living space or to expand their business.

Analysts have also forecast that the property sector in the city will remain strong in 2012 on the back of high demand and positive economic growth.

But has the concept behind a high-rise city really worked in Jakarta? Or will it only portray Jakarta as a messy concrete jungle?

“The absence of a development concept has turned Jakarta into a disorganized city,” Tarumanegara University urban and spatial planner Suryono Herlambang told The Jakarta Post.

He said that most cities focused on developing their areas vertically because they wanted to create a compact and efficient city so that they would have more open public spaces on the ground.

“Do we see that here? We don’t see plenty of open spaces in Jakarta. What we have got here is the more vertical buildings stand, the less open space we [Jakarta] have,” he said.

“The lack of concept had also prompted the development of too many central business district centers that only created new problems,” Suryono said.

“While the development in Sudirman has not been totally completed, Jakarta has seen another business district development in Kuningan, and other areas. In addition, the trend of superblocks in Jakarta has created new traffic congestion zones in the city,” he said.


Jakarta has at least five areas that have become the main Central Business District (CBD). They are located along Jl. MH. Thamrin and Jl. Jend. Sudirman in Central Jakarta, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said and Jl. TB. Simatupang in the South Jakarta.

In recent years, superblocks have begun to emerge in Jakarta, with developers offering city dwellers all the exclusivity with interrelated residences and industries along with commercial, social and recreational facilities. People can have their dream homes close to offices, malls, hospitals and other facilities.

Photo by: Jakarta Post


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Suryono said developers could not be totally blamed for constructing many high-rise buildings across the city as they had been given permits from the authorities. He also said a thorough development concept was urgently needed in order to re-organize the city.

“Jakarta’s administration must plan and prepare all supporting infrastructure so that the construction of concrete buildings will not worsen the face of the city,” he said. “And I don’t see that yet in the 2010-2030 spatial planning bylaw.”

The bylaw sets an outline on how Jakarta will be developed over the next 20 years. There are currently over 120 high-rise buildings in Jakarta, most of which are used as office space. According to a property consultant, Cushman & Wakefield Indonesia, the demand for office space in Jakarta’s CBDs is expected to grow between 8 and 9 percent while the annual net usage is predicted to reach approximately 350,000 square meters. In its report, four high-rise buildings are scheduled to be completed this year.

Arief Rahardjo, the associate director of research at Cushman & Wakefield also said Jakarta would see a significant increase in the construction of condominiums. “Greater Jakarta will see 18,140 condominiums completed in 2012, up from 8,088 units in 2011,” he said. “But the development of shopping malls in Jakarta will slow down this year as the city administration has imposed a moratorium on shopping malls,” Arief said.

Governor Fauzi Bowo issued a gubernatorial decree to restrict the issuance of construction permits for new shopping malls bigger than 5,000 square meters until the end of 2012.

Source: Jakarta Post

Photo by: Jakarta Post


Jakarta: A Messy Concrete Jungle


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Location Jakarta, Indonesia | Status Design Development 100% | Architects Paul Tan, Hema Saepudin, Riki Aljhaparian & Wawang Nurdayaman.

Gallery West

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The New Pilot Pen FactoryLocation | Jakarta Indonesia

Status | Preliminary Regulation

Architects | Paul Tan & Ivonne Gondo Wardojo

Majestic @ KutuhLocation | Bali, Indonesia

Status | Concept

Architects | Paul Tan & Ivonne Gondo Wardojo


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Location Bali, Indonesia | Status Schematic Design | Architects WATG in association with Indesign Domus

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Welcome H.E. Yoshinori Katori, Ambassador of Japan

Merchantile Athletic Club Jakarta

Australia Awards Alumni Morning Tea with the Hon. Mr. Kevin Rudd, Minister for Foreign Affairs.

The Ambassador of Australia ResidenceJanuary 9th , 2012

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Arkdesign team .would like to introduce.

the new crew members


Surely we can work together and give our creative contribution for our team. Welcome aboard, guys!

Graduated from Petra University on 2000. She has joined Arkdesign Architects on October 2011 as an Associate.

Ivonne Gondo Wardojo, ST, IAI

Ahmad Soleh, STGraduated from Winaya Mukti University on 2005. He has joined Arkdesign Architects on September 2011 as a CAD Architect

Fajar Abdi Wibawa

Graduated from SMK PGRI 12 Rawamangun on 1994. He has joined Arkdesign Architects on January 2012 as a CAD Architect

Selamat Hari Raya Nyepi23 Maret 2012

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