Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?


Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?. Social Studies. Rocky Mountain Region. How did Abraham Lincoln’s view of the nature of the Union differ from Robert E. Lee’s? A Lincoln believed in the preservation of the Union by force and Lee did not believe in preservation by force - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Page 1: Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Page 2: Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Social Studies

Page 3: Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?
Page 4: Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Rocky Mountain Region

Page 5: Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

How did Abraham Lincoln’s view of the nature of the Uniondiffer from Robert E. Lee’s?

A Lincoln believed in the preservation of the Union by force and Lee did not believe in preservation by force

B Lincoln believed in individual states rights in the Union, Lee didn’t

C Lincoln believed that the Union should be free and Lee didn’t

D Lincoln believed that the Union should be under British rule and Lee didn’t

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Lincoln believed in the preservation of the Union by force and Lee did not believe in preservation by force

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Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas

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What was one effect of the Civil War?

A Confederate money increased in value

B most of the North was devastated by the war

C families and friends were often pitted against each other

D women had to fight in the war

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Families and friends were often pitted against each other.

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What were 3 motivating forces forEuropean exploration in North America?

A exchange of goods, ideas and goldB improved ships, claimed territories and competition for empiresC economic, religious and competitions for empiresD religious, moral and economic

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economic, religious and competitions for empires

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How did West African empires impact European trade?

A Ghana became powerful by controlling trade in West Africa.

B They traded salt for gold.

C They traded metals, cloth and other manufactured goods for gold.

D They sunk all the Portuguese ships because they didn’t want to trade with Europe.

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They traded metals, cloth and other manufactured goods for gold.

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What were the basic weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

A Provided a common currency and a strong national government

B Provided for a weak notional government and gave Congress no power to tax or regulate commerce

C Provided an executive and judicial branch and gave each state only one vote

D It taxed the people and didn’t give them a voice in government

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Provided for a weak notional government and gave Congress no power to tax or regulate commerce.

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What were the 2 basic principles of government stated in the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights?

A Separation of powers and the Virginia Plan

B Separation of powers and the Judicial Branch

C The 3 branches of government and the separation of powers

D Separation of powers and checks and balances

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Separation of powers and checks and balances

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According the ideas of John Locke, why is government created?

A to control the people

B to give people a say in how they are ruled

C to protect the rights of the people

D to create an orderly society

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John Locke believed government was created to protect the rights of the people.

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According to the philosophy of theDeclaration of Independence, governmentderives its power from whom?

A Parliament

B the President

C Congress

D the people

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The people

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What goes in the blank in comparing the differences between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson’sbeliefs?

Hamilton JeffersonFavored a national bank

Opposed a national bank

Favored limits onstates’ powers

Supported states’ powers

Favored strong national government

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Jefferson favored a weak national government.

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What does the 13th Amendment to the Constitution do?

A bans slavery in the United States

B ensures all citizens the right to vote

C grants citizenship to all person born in the United States

D prevents cruelty to animals

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The 13th Amendment bans slavery in the United States.

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What do the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments have incommon?

A they all deal with slavery

B they all deal with citizenship

C they all deal with the right to vote

D they all guarantee equal protection under the law

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They all guarantee equal protection under the law.

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The Civil Rights Act of 1866 resulted in what group of people gaining equal rights?

A Northerners

B women

C African Americans

D Confederates

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African Americans gained equal rights asa result of the Civil Rights Act of 1866.

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What was one problem that resulted fromthe Reconstruction policies for the South?

A Southern soldiers supervised the North

B African Americans remained as slaves

C African American could not hold public office

D Southern military leaders could not hold office

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Southern military leaders could not hold office.

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What new territories became part of the United States between 1801 and 1861?

A Virginia, New York, Maryland and Kentucky

B California, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah

C California, Texas, Oregon and Florida

D Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri and Kansas

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California, Texas, Oregon and Florida

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Why was the Louisiana Purchase so important?

A it doubled the size of the United States

B Jefferson traded France for the land

C it stopped a war with France

D it made Lewis and Clark famous

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It doubled the size of the United States.

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What was an economic factor that influenced the Westward Movement?

A knowledge of the Oregon and Santa Fe Trails

B population growth in the eastern states

C California Gold Rush

D Belief in “Manifest Destiny”

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The California Gold Rush was an economic factorthat influenced the Westward Movement.

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How did the invention of the cotton gin affect the lives of Americans?

A it increased the need for slave labor

B it provided faster land transportation

C it connected Southern plantations to Northern industries

D it increased the productivity of the American farmer

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It increased the need for slave labor.

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Fill in the chart below.

Abolitionist Movement

Suffrage Movement

Believed women were deprived of basic rights

Leaders includedboth men and women

Led by strong women

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Abolitionists believed that slavery was wrong.

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What did the Compromise of 1850 decide?

A that Maine stayed a free state

B that people decided the slavery issue

C that the Southeast territories would be slave states

D that California was a free state

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The Compromise of 1850decided that California was a free state.

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What were the 4 issues that divided the nation before the Civil War?

A economic, moral, spiritual, congregational

B economic, cultural, moral, constitutional

C economic, slavery, spiritual, moral

D economic, cultural, slavery, constitutional

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economic, cultural, slavery, constitutional

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Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?