Are You Looking to Hire Fresh MBAs from Top B-Schools ?

Looking to Hire Fresh MBAs from Top BSchools in India?

Transcript of Are You Looking to Hire Fresh MBAs from Top B-Schools ?

Looking  to  Hire  Fresh  MBAs  from  Top  B-­‐Schools  in  India?


We  could  help  you

your  hiring  process,  cost  and  effec?veness

across  top  25  B-­‐Schools,  without  a  need  to  travel

by  allowing  you  to

screen  candidates

by  providing  you  with

                                                                                                                                                                                       (30  soN  skills;  8  hard  skills)   assessed  by  seasoned  professionals  (not  just  HR)  over  12  months  of  engagement   comprehensive  skill-­‐profile

ul?mately  enabling  you  to  hire

that  can  contribute  value  to  your  business  from  Day  1 “employable”  candidates

and  should  you  so  wish,  on  your  behalf

-­‐ offer  internships  to  MBA  students -­‐ carry  out  customized  skill  assessment

What  do  we  do  to  achieve  this  feat  for  you?

We  offer  MBA  students:

encouraging  them  to  work  upto  12  months  while  pursuing  their  MBA perpetual  internships

We  offer  MBA  students:

                                                                                               (teaming  students  of  different  B-­‐Schools  together)   to  evaluate  and  promote  team-­‐skills,  co-­‐learning  and  professional  networking team  projects

We  offer  MBA  students:

based  on  weekly  interac?on  with  each  student  over  12  months  of  engagement comprehensive  skill-­‐assessment

We  offer  MBA  students:

in  form  of  a  single  score  (InternSmiths  Employability  Score) employability  assessment

We  offer  MBA  students:

to  enable  students  make  an  informed  choice  on  employers  and  roles  offered placement  guidance

Our  Program  offers:

that  expose  students  to  real-­‐life  work  situa?ons  and  requirements prac?cal  projects

Our  Program  offers:

by  experienced  professionals  (weekly  interac?ons) ac?ve  mentorship

Our  Program  offers:

enabling  a  realis?c  assessment  of  candidates’  personali?es,  interests  &  ap?tudes an  informal  environment

mail  us  at  [email protected]

wish  to  know  about  us?    <enter>

sounds  interes?ng  ?

about  us Energized  by  an  Investment  Banker  with  over  15  years’  experience  in  corporate  finance  advisory  services,                       our  team  is  raring  to  go  the  extra  mile  to  make  a  meaningful  contribuCon  to  the  Society. We  bring  on-­‐board  a  bouCque  advisory  approach  to  the  MBA  Internship  and  Placement  Process. We  strongly  believe  that  by  enabling  fresh  MBA  graduates  to  become  more  employable,  we  would  add  significant  value  for  students,  recruiters,  educaConal  insCtuCons  and  the  society  at  large.