Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 4


Transcript of Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 4

Why yes, it’s that time again. The heir poll has run its course and OF COURSE as soon as I get all happy I have an heir, the poll changes after it was locked. *sigh* Well

anyway, Orange gen’s poll will be better. My new heir is of course Pom-Pom.


But it should have been Goji-kun since he “technically” won…*cough* Now I have a Divatox heir with a LTW that crawls up the ladder at a snail’s pace…let’s go shall we?

It was finally time for Blair’s adult birthday. Betcha forgot he was like nine days/years younger than Clear right? Well let’s see it then.

Blair: Do I have to?


Clear: Aww, I kinda liked having a younger husband around, it made me feel desirable.

He’s still younger than you.

Clear: Yes but…now he shares my life stage.

Clear: Sparkle attack!

Pom-Pom: Yeah go daddy!! Get old and stuff.

Blair: Shut up. I am not old…

Well? How do you feel?

Blair: I feel a Mid Life Crisis coming on. Can we move now?

Figures. But hey for once our wants mesh so sure thing, after the heiress ages up.

Pom-Pom: I’m just so, so happy I’m going to derp out for my YA birthday and ruin your good shot. *rolls want to enroll in Uni*

Ah, yes, about that see your brothers are going with you and they still have 4 days left so have fun being a layabout loser who mooches off the ‘rents after high school. Oh wait, I made myself feel bad…I AM the layabout loser mooching off the ‘rents. But high school was over for me 14 years

ago…*cough* And no I have not been here for 14 years…only 9. I have reasons.

Cherry: Ooh, suspense.

Pom-Pom: One step closer to heirship!

You still need a spouse though…

So what to do with the Witch Boy twins? Well Sunset Valley still has people, not the right aged people…like Blondie Longstocking here.

Goji: So…are you single?

Blondie Longstocking: Nope.

Indy Spouse Race fail.

And Clear is still chugging away at that tenth Guitar point. Her attempts to play for tips during the Spring festival netted her a few good tips, mostly from this girl here.

But that skill bar is oh so slowly climbing higher.

Clear: Is there a song for the Slow Skilling Bar Blues?

You could write one, if only there was a Song Composer option in Sims 3, which there is not (unless I missed it somewhere).

Ooh pretty…you plant killing, Sim freezing, generally annoying snow. Guess I need to turn off snow for Spring too. Anyway, MOVE TIME!! Blair has the Midlife Crisis wish to move to a new house and I have the Annoying Lack of Available Spouses wish to find

a new town so off we go…

Well later for now Cherry is out and about in their new home/hood Starlight Shores! Yep, I bought them the lovely seaside lot which is the second biggest in Starlight Shores, again because the game would not LET ME get the biggest one…but hey, ocean side views are awesome right?

This is their next door neighbour Ariella Chen, who’s a YA and destined by SP to be with the buzz cut guy in the house…*sigh* Indy Spouse Race fail x2…

Oh look, there’s Pom-Pom in her YA glory. Also I got the Witch Twins cake so I can send them off to Uni with Pom-Pom. I don’t know what happened to Goji-kun, he was just sitting at the table and all of a sudden this Singed moodlet appeared and now he’s

all blackened for his birthday. Grr…

And here’s my Should-Have-Been heir Goji-kun off to college with his siblings. I chose again for his final Trait and now he’s Artistic. He also finally chose a LTW which is to be a Creature Robot Cross Breeder. I guess it fits with his Genius trait but that’s about all it

fits with.

And his still gorgeous twin Cherry, his final trait is Brave. Also he got a wish to be An Astronaut which fits with his Brave trait but that’s all I can see. Now let’s see if Uni

has any prospects for spouses, I need Orange gen babies!

Clear: Bye kids! *sniff* Your father and I will be just fine here in greyed out limbo while you go off and have an adventure.

Blair: I’ll miss you my babies.

Pom-Pom: Let the Indy Spouse Race 2016 begin. As the new heiress, I shall of course take first place.

Goji-kun: We have to listen to this the whole way there?

Cherry: Unfortunately.

Being rich helps, so they got this lovely three bedroom, three and a half baths house for like $818 which is so freakin’ cheap it’s frightening. Real rents for a three bedroom house like this in the real world up here will cost you about $1500 a month or more depending on where you live. In Toronto

for example it will cost you nearly triple that for a three bedroom/bath house. Toronto is ridiculously expensive for renting (I don’t live there but I watch Income Property).

Heh, pretty flowers. I got the message for the Frosh mixer which is what it was called when I went to college in 2003. Cherry sees this girl and immediately asked her if she was single, she was! Praise the Llama! However, he could not queue up Romantic wants fast enough without needs desperation to make her his Girlfriend…and of course, SP kicks me in the stomach and takes her off the market.


Llama Boy was actually not bad looking if you get past the ridiculous mascot outfit (see thought bubble) so pounce Pom-Pom!! He was single but then again Sims 3 Uni is so foreign to me with NPC interactions I could not figure out how to de-mascot him for a


Where was Goji-kun while his siblings leave him in the dust for spouse racing? Upstairs playing foosball with a level 10 Jock Witch. Seems the Uni hood is loaded with Supernaturals! Yay! I

checked the NRAAS list for the Student Body populations and I see fairies, vamps, witches, and werewolves! Score! But I also saw something else…something I have wanted to find in Sims 3…

PLANTSIMS!! Huzzah! Pom-Pom found her spouse! Yes forget Llama Boy or Bartender Boy, HE’S A PLANT!! I know…this EP has been out for 3 or 4 years already and I have never used it or seen a Sims 3 Plantsim. Oh his name? Shea Hollis a level 10 Rebel. He was immediately asked to be their roommate since I want him close to spite SP’s attempts to ruin my spouse hunting. Also there are only two Plantsims that I could see in the NRAAS Student Directory and he’s one of them. The

other is of course female.

Aww, they rabbit-holed me… I wanted to see them in class. Yes there’s the lectures but I haven’t found that yet. I only chose one term and 12 credits since I really have no idea how Sims 3 Uni

works. I need babies so once I get them the Orange gen kids will probably be here longer after I’ve figured out how to use this place.

Goji-kun: So I just have to study Mr. Bojangles here?

Looks like it, your degree that will never be finished, uses this as a Skilling object.

Goji-kun: Ah, I see…wait what do you mean I’ll never finish my degree? I want to.

I’m a Sims 3 Uni noob, you’re lucky you got this far Goji-kun.

Pom-Pom: So none of us are going to get degrees? What a rip!

Cherry: You have a LTW that doesn’t even NEED one so what are you bitching about?

Pom-Pom: I’m a Diva, the heiress, and Dramatic now too so I’ll bitch if I wanna bitch okay SPARE?

Goji-kun: I should have been the heir…the voters decided but Camera Lady didn’t know that.

One sec, let me just get rid of that weirdly placed lamp. *enters Buy Mode* *sells* There we go all better. So what did I miss?


Cherry: You really are Dramatic aren’t you?

What happened?

Goji-kun: Nothing important Camera Lady.

Goji-kun: Kicky bag?

Shea: Sure thing future brother-in-law.

Goji-kun: What?

Shea: I’m gonna marry your sister brah, why else would I be here decked out in Autumn red leaves?

Goji-kun: I see, so I get Athletic skill and Rebel influence from playing with you?

Shea: Yeah, brah. Awesome init?

Cherry also found his spouse, Aiyana Yuki. She was miraculously single so I pounced while I could. Sadly, he never got a single vote in the poll so he will never get to be with her. Because I don’t know how to drop out Uni Townies…which is troublesome for my


Which may be a good thing, Aiyana is an open-mouth kisser…and a level 9 Nerd (literally she is).

Aiyana: Can you see my fillings? Are they cracked?

Cherry: No they’re perfect…like you.

Which leaves Goji-kun. He did end the term with B and a Romantic Interest in a vampire chick, she had cool dreads so that’s how I remember her, the name…pssh. The other two got C’s by the way. She was with some dude, they were fighting so Goji-kun asked her to break it off with him and she did but then the term was over and it kicked me out back to Starlight Shores before Goji-kun could

lock her in as a Girlfriend. *ARRGH* I hate not knowing how to work things, it annoys me.

As if my Uni noob-ness was not enough already; Pom-Pom’s alien friends came back and beamed up Blair!!

Alien: We told you we were searching for a human male to pollinate, now we have him.

You had better bring him back unharmed…

Blair: That was unpleasant, thanks for scarring me for the rest of my life.

Alien: No problem human male; we shall be back to check your progress.

Blair: My what now?

Yes, his what now?

Umm, Blair? Honey…you may want to head home now.

Blair: Why? This is such a lovely time of day for fishing in the ocean that’s literally in my backyard.

Just…trust me on this, I see that panel of yours.

Blair: OH!! This is why you wanted me to head home!

My first actual, natural, honest, alien pregnancy and it’s my FOUNDER’S SPOUSE!! I wanted to be done with the Red gen babies!! *whine* Yes I cheated one before, like I

said I do that in Sims 3…

Blair: I’m sorry!! The lights…they were so pretty!!

*sigh* I’m sure they were now let’s see this unwanted and unplanned fourth Red gen baby already.

And I didn’t send her away to the Homeworld, I could have but she’s my first non-cheated alien sprog and well…she can grow up with the Orange gen kids. Meet Venus; Venus can be seen from

Earth on certain occasions and it appears to the viewer as a yellow-orange colour so her name fits the generation she will be growing up with. My first Orange gen baby (supposed to be Red gen).

Venus is a Brave Athletic who likes Spaghetti with vegetable sauce, Digi Tunes (like Goji-kun), and the colour Sea Foam. I didn’t choose this time, she was random. Looks like my Orange gen kids are going to be green which so does not fit. Green is generation five’s colour. I count my

founders as generation one.

Remember I said this was my first glitch? Shea is a Uni Townie, when the kids came back he was all greyed out so I had to use the Invite Foreign Visitors option to get him to come. He was

supposed to arrive Friday at 9 am…he didn’t. So I called him again, this time to Invite Over and finally he showed up.

So I got him to move in; then promptly married them so he wouldn’t vanish or something. They went to try for baby, and while I did hear the lullaby Pom-Pom DID NOT SHOW IT! I waited two days, nothing; no Nausea moodlet, no Pregnant buff

NOTHING!! So I tried again, heard the lullaby again and same thing so I had to NRAAS them instant babies. Twice…yes I selected to have three kids again the first two

were “pseudo twins”.

I was freaking out, thinking the game was broken or something. Anyway…I’m sure it would have been nice to have birth shots and caterpillar pictures of my official Orange

gen babies…but I have none.

I did make my Portrait Hall on the second basement level. I chose Aqua and Pink as my ninth and tenth generation colours in honour of my Witch Twins’ favourite colours. This is why I like my

space to build. The rooms are for my extras that I will no doubt be collecting over the generations, my Skull cut gems, Tomb Raider Statues/Relics and the Large Metal Ingots. My Sims 3


And my garden, the other Sims 3 thing I love to do. Since my founder and Red gen spouse share the Green Thumb traits I will see them both out here a lot. I once again

forgot the Spouse intro picture. Next time, I promise.

Squee! Shea can plant himself! And I have no idea what the hell he’s doing down there to make the plant have a smilie thought bubble…I almost don’t want to know. See his plumbbob? Next chapter

we’ll see the Orange gen kids; there’s four of them this time so until then.


Next time on An Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:

Also a new colour design! All decked out in red for Red generation’s chapters. See you then.