Arcenciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 6

A Sims 3 Rainbowcy

Transcript of Arcenciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 6

PowerPoint Presentation

A Sims 3 Rainbowcy

Episode 6:Travel the World and theSeven SeasLast time we saw very little of the kids because my heiress is a Diva and wants all the attention on her career as a singer. Anyway, my heir is Carrot for the Orange gen since hes the only boy and I wanted to alternate gender heirswhich is why Goji-kun should have been my heir. Ive played way too far ahead so now I need to write to catch up to my in-game play. Its addicting what can I say? Also Venus is the unofficial second heir because I really want to do her LTW which she got last chapter but I didnt post it. She wants a Private Museum which means she needs to have $20 000 worth of relics on display. So now this chapter title makes sense. I like tomb raiding as well. But first we have some business to attend to before Orange gen hits college.

See my lovely skulls? I adore gem cutting because you get these beauties from it. Top row has a Yellow Sapphire, Tanzanite, and two Smoky Quartz skulls. Lower row has one Ruby, Diamond, Blue Topaz and a Bloodstone skull. Pom-Pom got her 100 carat diamond after all. Her mommy loves her.

Moving did not spawn a new Future Portal so we had to buy one, it didnt take long for Clears old friend Emit Relevart to show up.

Emit: I was wondering if you were ever coming back to Oasis Landing.

Clear: I wish, but I have grandchildren now. See arent they cute?

Clear: Im old now and traveling through time is too much for these old bones. Id rather spend my golden years here with my family.

Emit: I understand, your priorities changed. Are any of your kids interested in taking up your adventures in time and space?

Clear: My daughter isnt and my sons moved out; but maybe my alien step-daughter might. Shes the adventurous one.

Clear did make a Plumbot though, however since the house is full there was no room for her creation so it ended up taking over her thumbnail. I couldnt see Clear to click on her or anything so the Plumbot had to go. I didnt take any pics since I was freaking out over missing my founder but her name was Asha. Perhaps later Ill have one, when the house is not full.

Ah so this is Bot Mode, thanks Persy. I wanted to know what it was like.

Persimmon: Unknown designation; voice not recognized.

Shes really into the whole Bot thing isnt she?

Then it was birthday time for the pseudo twins. I wish now I had taken more pics of them as kids it all seems so lacking*sigh* I blame Pom-Pom and her needy career. I am not doing one of those open work hour jobs again for future referencetoo much gets missed while I make sure they actually do the jobs.

Persy: Yay!! Go Pseudo Twin!! Woo!!

Peach: This is why I hate being a twin, we dont grow up in synch.

Pom-Pom: Oww

Cherry: Again? Come on sis, youre supposed to be good at this.

Pom-Pom: Want to help me up or would you rather continue to complain?

Pom-Pom: Im out of here. Nice house brat.

Cherry: Is there a spell to make her not suck?

I dont think so Cherrysorry. You do look cute in that uniform though.

Venus: Almost there

I cant wait, once you complete that Timber Terminator challenge I get my space rock gems!

Venus: So will I actually get to travel sometime soon?

Getting to that. I promise. Ive thought of a lovely place for you to go with your stepmother, China.

Venus: I cant wait. I have wanted to get to spend time with my mom, the only one Ive known.

Venus: So this is all you took of me in China? Running pictures?

The hill is eating your foot. Thats something right...okay I fail as a simmer. Sorry. I will get better pictures after college since you cant travel from there.

Clear: Dont be so hard on her dear, be thankful that we were even played long enough for me to get old. Shes not a Sims 3 player.

Venus: I know mom, but I wanted to raid some tombs, discover gems and metals, maybe even fishthose koi are beautiful.

Venus: So tell me about the future mom, is it nice there?

Clear: Im so happy that you want to carry on for me, and yes it is very beautiful there.

Venus: Maybe if I suck his mind dry hell forget where we live

Yes, were home I didnt take many pictures in ChinaI forgot. >_< But next time Ill give Venus a whole chapters worth of travel pics. So what about my official heir Carrot? Well hes growing up too and then I can wait for college.

Ughh, not there, in the dark with a crappy camera angle! Bad heir!

Peach: Yeah way to stick it to the Camera Lady for ignoring us for mom!

Heythis is still Red generation, shes my heiress still.

I told you my Red gen heiress demanded all the attention, I am sadly lacking any teen pics of my next HEIR because of her. But she FINALLY reached level 8 so closeso very, very closePom-Pom is a Star now.

Oh look a full moon zombie came out to see Pom-Pom perform for tips. Its a long road because she mainly advances through sing-a-grams and gigs the third option of performing for tips gets badly neglected since I never get a moments peace from the pop ups for sing-a-grams.

Blair: Is it finally my turn?

Yes honey*sniff* My founding couple is finally getting old.

Blair: I still have time left, no worries.

Good for you, I dont even have to change your clothes, you got the grey going on still, but your hairthat we must fix.

Blair: I can see that, I can still fish right?

Hopefully. Though I dont know if you can make level 10 beforethe end.

See that? Shes finally level 9. Pom-Pom is a Superstar now. And I took video of her singing, its huge though. I have it set to record with sound for 75 seconds and after watching them its still blurry even on High Quality, WTF game? Also I dont know why she suddenly stops near the end, not my fault. And I suck as a Camera Lady with the jerky moving and shutter click sounds. I was taking pictures during the recording.

Click the pic to play.

Way to upstage my heiresss concert Townie chick with your labour. You didnt even boost the concert reviews.

Egyptian Tourist: This is not why I came to Hollywood

Apparently it was a boy, I saw him later when I got another pop up for a sing-a-gram for her to celebrate his birth. I forget his name, hes not important.

OhI knew this was coming, I was watching you like a hawk Clear. At least you got to see your daughter sing. And those lovely holographic masterpiece paintings will be forever immortalized.

Clear: Im ready, I got to see my little girl sing live so Im happy.

Pom-Pom: I was in the middle of a job, whats sooh. Mommy!! No!

Clear: Sorry dear, I just couldnt wait. It was time.

Carrot: Grandma no! What will I do without you? I dont know how to be an heir.

Clear: Youll be alright Carrot-Top, I have faith in you.

Pom-Pom: Mommy.I wish I had time to call the boys.

Blair: Oh Clear!! Dont leave me!!

Carrot: Personal space has been violated!! Hes so cold and creepy!

Yes, I would move you but youre kinda stuck half inside Deathand that music my God, it scared me. I have never had a playable die in Sims 3 before.

Shea: Mother-in-lawIll take good care of your garden, I promise.

Clear: I know you will Shea. Its in good hands.

Clear Arcenciel, Founder, Time Traveler, wife, mother, grandmother.Lived: 115 days (five days longer than my set span)Spouse: Blair ChurchillChildren: Pomegranate, Cherry, Goji, VenusGrandchildren: Persimmon, Peach, CarrotLTW: Master of the Arts (completed)

With that, its time for the Orange gen kids to head off to college. Leaving the house in the care of Pom-Pom, Shea, and Blair. Next chapter is all about college, short and sweet.

But first, we need the heir to hurry up since his sisters and Venus are already YAs. So I caked him at the one day pop up for his birthday.

Carrot: I miss grandma. She loved birthdays.

Carrot: Thanks sis, now Im deaf.

Peach: No problem little brother. Just doing my sisterly duties.

Venus: Yay nephew!! Woo!!

And of course my heir has to get his limo driver to take him all over campus. The perks of being a four star celebrity. Anyway, see you next time for a short college chapter.


Next time on the Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:Episode 7:Orange You Glad ItsCollege Time?I do hope the video worked for you guys, I have never inserted one into a PowerPoint before so I dont even know if Slide Share will convert it right. The video is huge so dont expect to see a You Tube link, if I am lucky it wont matter since uploading takes FOR-FREAKIN-EVER to You Tube if its huge like this one. Okay its about 8.42 MEGS, if you call that huge.