April 9, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting. NPLCC Business NPLCC FY 15 Work Plan Committee and...

April 9, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting

Transcript of April 9, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting. NPLCC Business NPLCC FY 15 Work Plan Committee and...

Page 1: April 9, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting. NPLCC Business NPLCC FY 15 Work Plan Committee and Subcommittee Updates LCC Network Update Round Robin.

April 9, 2015

Steering Committee Meeting

Page 2: April 9, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting. NPLCC Business NPLCC FY 15 Work Plan Committee and Subcommittee Updates LCC Network Update Round Robin.

NPLCC Business NPLCC FY 15 Work Plan Committee and Subcommittee Updates LCC Network Update Round Robin

Page 3: April 9, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting. NPLCC Business NPLCC FY 15 Work Plan Committee and Subcommittee Updates LCC Network Update Round Robin.

Selection Process for Steering Committee Co-Chair

Send nominations

to Penny Mabie

Confirm nominees’ willingness

to serve

Receive information

about willing nominees and

the selection poll

Complete selection


Results of poll sharedNew Co-Chair confirmed and notified (May 4)

ORDiscuss nominees and come to consensus at Portland meeting (May 5-6)April 9-23

Due April 23 April 24April 24-May 1

Due May 1April 9-24

Page 4: April 9, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting. NPLCC Business NPLCC FY 15 Work Plan Committee and Subcommittee Updates LCC Network Update Round Robin.

2015 Work Plan Discussion


Review and confirm 2015 plan Review S-TEK’s proposed 2015-16

implementation actions Secure leadership positions

MAY 5. 6 *Meeting in Portland JUNE JULY *Phone/Web Meeting AUGUST

Review National LCC Strategy and align NPLCC work relevant National Goals and Objectives

Discuss results of Nov. MeetingSphere activity and translation into a 5-year outlook for NPLCC

Discuss the need and approach to align and leverage partner contributions† related to NPLCC priority resources and conservation goals and objectives

Receive and agree on actions regarding TR/FN plans and recommendations

Discuss and seek conceptual agreement on draft measurable objectives

Review materials as needed

Receive and discuss Partnership Engagement survey results and recommendations

Adopt measurable objectives Hear about projects selected for funding Finalize and document approach to align

and leverage partner contributions†

related to NPLCC priority resources and conservation goals and objectives

Review materials as needed

SEPTEMBER 28 – OCT1 *Meeting in Juneau


Review 2015-2020 outlook and discuss 2016 work priorities

Hear about TR/FN in-person meeting and 2015 accomplishments

Approve 2016 plans from S-TEK 2015-2016 Implementation Plan

Receive status update on annual report and COR 2015 accomplishments

Take action on Partnership Engagement Recommendations

Review TR/FN, S-TEK, COR, and P/L priorities for 2016 based in part on performance evaluations

Review materials as needed

Consider possible Call/Web meeting Finalize review performance of 2015

actions and discuss 2016 work plan

Page 5: April 9, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting. NPLCC Business NPLCC FY 15 Work Plan Committee and Subcommittee Updates LCC Network Update Round Robin.

S-TEK Update

April 9, 2015Steering Committee Meeting

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February 4, 2015 In-person S-TEK Meeting

Topics of Discussion:

Increasing use and relevance of products/ deliverables

Project/ product evaluations / follow-through

Measurable Objectives for NPLCC Conservation and Sustainable Resource Management Goals

12 to be Completed 12/15 or later

23 Completed

5 to be Completed By 9/15

8 to be Completed by 4/15

NPLCC Projects2011 - 2015

(48 Total)

Page 7: April 9, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting. NPLCC Business NPLCC FY 15 Work Plan Committee and Subcommittee Updates LCC Network Update Round Robin.

February 4, 2015 In-person S-TEK Meeting

Questions to Steering Committee: What are you hearing from managers & others

• What tools/ information are they using & what are the gaps?

• How useful are NPLCC developed products/ deliverables for their work?

• How do they want information communicated / provided to them?

What are some key up and coming decisions and what are the impacts of the decisions?

Should Steering Committee be expanded to include NGO participation?

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Measurable Objectives

Small Work Group Meeting April 27 & 28:

Meet at NPLCC office – Lacey, WA

• 7 S-TEK members, NPLCC Staff, and led by Karen Jenni (contract)

Develop draft measurable objectives

Present to you in May at in-person meeting

Continue discussion with full S-TEK Subcommittee to develop final recommendations for July Steering Committee Mtg.

Page 9: April 9, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting. NPLCC Business NPLCC FY 15 Work Plan Committee and Subcommittee Updates LCC Network Update Round Robin.

2015-2016 S-TEK Strategy Implementation Plan Adopted

Four Areas of Focus Review and refine, if necessary, S-TEK directions

• Measurable objectives Evaluation of projects and adaptive learning from past projects

• Evaluation • Reinvesting or expansion / Past identified needs• Implementation of project tracking system and Project Accountability

Plan Identify new priority activities/projects

• Data sharing/coordination• Use vulnerability assessments/ adaptation planning• Support Landscape Planning

Communicate S-TEK project results • Increase awareness and application of findings/tools

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Estimated 2015 S-TEK ActivitiesS-TEK Implementation Plan (2015)

Focused Activity 1 – Evaluation and Reinvesting


• Project evaluation framework/ measurable objectives

• Peer review project products• Reinvestment/expansion or ID past workshops

Focused Activity 2 - Data sharing & synthesis $5,000• CPA expansion

Focused Activity 3 - Use Vulnerability Assess & Adaptation Planning


• AK - Tongass/ Chugach• State Resource Agencies - SWAPs

Focused Activity 4 – Support Landscape Conservation Planning


• WA/BC – Cascadia Partner Forum• WA/OR – Coastal areas and lower Columbia• CA – Humboldt Bay

Page 11: April 9, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting. NPLCC Business NPLCC FY 15 Work Plan Committee and Subcommittee Updates LCC Network Update Round Robin.

2015 NPLCC Partner Leveraging

USFWS: staff, projects, communication, partner training and other activities (~ $665k)

USGS: S-TEK support with project tracking and implementation (~$30k to $40k?)

BIA: Support NPLCC Tribal communication, training, projects and travel (~ $20k to $100k?)

Other ?

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• Leaders - Eric Morrison, Terry Williams, Joe Hostler, Preston Hardison, David Redhorse, Don Sampson

• Prioritization questionnaire distributed to participants in September 4, 2014 tribal forum– Hear results at May 5-6 Steering Committee meeting– Decide action steps recommendations.

• Climate adaptation training event – Ray Paddock– Dec 7-11; or November 30 – Dec 4th

– Washington State– Collaboration with Central Council, Sitka Tribe, ITEP, USFS, NPLCC– Reach out to South Central AK Tribes and First Nations

Tribes / First Nations Committee

Page 13: April 9, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting. NPLCC Business NPLCC FY 15 Work Plan Committee and Subcommittee Updates LCC Network Update Round Robin.

LCC Network News• LCC Council– Strategic Plan– Meetings/progress

• Funding outlook• National Academy of Sciences LCC Review

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Wrap up

• Closing comments• Partner updates