April 2014

Therefore GoApril 2014


Testimonies of God's faithfulness in our ministry in Peru - April 2014

Transcript of April 2014

Page 1: April 2014

Therefore Go…

April 2014

Page 2: April 2014

Hi there

The days are just flying by as Jaime and I prepare for our move to Cusco. It

seems that there is an endless list of things that we need to do, but thankfully

we are getting through them all slowly but surely.

Many friends have asked me how I feel about moving to a more rural part of

Peru and away from our friends and family here in Lima. To be honest, I am

trying not to think too deeply about it at the moment and am rather

focussing on everything that needs to be done. I think it might be too much for me otherwise. This move is a

step of faith and obedience and both Jaime and I are convinced that it is where God would have us be in

this next season. With that in mind, we go confidently. We know that it is probably going to be quite tough,

but at the same time, we also know that God is going to be with us and that He is faithful to His promises.

Thank you so much for being a part of and for helping to make possible this great faith adventure. We would

not be able to do it without you!

Much love, Kim

On the 7th of April we celebrated the first birthday of our precious

son, Kai Mateo. We thank God that Kai is healthy and strong and are

constantly amazed by the joy that he brings to our lives each day.

We also thank God for you and for the support that you have given

our family in this past year. Jaime and I are so aware that had it not

been for your faithfulness and generosity we would not have been

able to provide for Kai as we have, nor would we have had the time

to lay the relational foundations

that are so important in his little life.

Thank you for the difference that

you make in our lives.

Kai’s first birthday….

Page 3: April 2014

Praise God! It seems we have land!!! Thank you so much for

standing with us in prayer that we would find land upon which to

build our greenhouse and to start the blueberry project. God

has granted us more than we could have asked for.

Last week Jaime returned from a very successful trip to Cusco

with Jose Luis and Rosendo to see whether there was any land

close to the lakes that was available for us to buy. Initially they

were a little discouraged as almost all the land in the area

belongs to the community as a whole and as a result it is not for

sale. However Jaime and Rosendo were given the chance to

present the project to the presidents of two local villages to see

whether they might be willing to lease it to us.

Because of the great mineral wealth in the area, there is a great

mistrust of any outsiders who want to move in to the area and so

we were somewhat doubtful as to whether they would be willing

to consider the project. But God was faithful and both presidents

were very interested. After hearing of our desire to use the

project to bring blessing to their communities, they said that they

would be willing to allow us to use the land free of charge for the

next 10 years and then, depending on the success of the

project, they will renew the contract.

The land we hope to use is just under a hectare and is 2km from

the lakes. It has also recently been ploughed, so it is ready for

sowing, which is a great blessing.

In the next few weeks Jaime will be travelling to meet with the

rest of the community leaders to get their approval to use the

land. Please trust with us that we will once again find favour with

the community and that they will sign the contract for our lease

of the property.


Page 4: April 2014

This month I would like to ask to you to trust with us for something very specific… Favour!

Please pray that God will grant both Jaime and me supernatural favour in two main areas...

My application for Peruvian Nationality:

I am becoming a Peruvian! Last week I handed in all the

documents required by immigration in order to obtain Peruvian

nationality. However, on the 16th of May I have to write an exam

on Peruvian history and culture. Although it is only a 20 point

exam, I have a vast amount of information that I have to study.

Please trust with me that I will study the correct information, that

God will help me to remember what I have studied and that He

will give me peace when I go to write the exam. Please also pray that I will find favour with the

authorities at immigrations and that my application will be approved.

Favour with the community leaders in Yanaoca:

Later this month Jaime is going to be returning to Cusco to formalise the lease of the land on

which we will be building our greenhouse. Please pray that God will give him favour with the

community leaders and that he will explain the project in such a way that they can understand

our desire to bring blessing to their community. Please also trust with us that they will be willing

to extend the initial lease from a 10 to a 15 year period.

Thank you so much for your prayers! It is such a

privilege for us to have such a faithful team supporting

us in the ministry that God has called us to here in


Please keep us in your prayers….