April 2012 Bulletin

APRIL 2012 BULLETIN BETH SHALOM SYNAGOGUE We wish you and your family a happy and healthy Passover! We wish you and your family a happy and healthy Passover! We wish you and your family a happy and healthy Passover! We wish you and your family a happy and healthy Passover! Community Passover Seder Community Passover Seder Community Passover Seder Community Passover Seder First Seder First Seder First Seder First Seder Friday, April 6th Friday, April 6th Friday, April 6th Friday, April 6th 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Our annual community Passover Seder will be held in the Social Hall at Beth Shalom on the first night of Pesach, Friday, April 6 at 6:30 p.m. Color Passo- ver booklets were mailed out in March with all the details. If you did not re- ceive one, please stop by the synagogue and pick up a copy. The cost for adults is $25.00 (over 12 years old), children $12.50 (4-12 years old), children 3 years old and under are FREE. Please RSVP to Beth Shalom Synagogue (782-2500) if you are interested in attending. We will continue to accept reservations until all seats are filled. A A A A Walk Walk Walk Walk Down Down Down Down Memory Memory Memory Memory Lane Lane Lane Lane Save the date: Save the date: Save the date: Save the date: Sunday, May 20 Sunday, May 20 Sunday, May 20 Sunday, May 20 5 5 5 5 - 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. A Beth Shalom Synagogue celebration to honor all congregants who have been mem- bers of our synagogue for 50 or more years CONTINUOUSLY!! See page 9 for more details. Yom Hashoah Memorial Service Yom Hashoah Memorial Service Yom Hashoah Memorial Service Yom Hashoah Memorial Service Thursday, April 19 Thursday, April 19 Thursday, April 19 Thursday, April 19 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. At Beth Shalom Synagogue Guest speaker: Ela Weisberger Guest speaker: Ela Weisberger Guest speaker: Ela Weisberger Guest speaker: Ela Weisberger Ela is a child survivor who performed in all 55 performances of the children's opera Brundibar and will appear in our local per- formances.


April 2012 Bulletin

Transcript of April 2012 Bulletin

Page 1: April 2012 Bulletin



We wish you and your family a happy and healthy Passover!We wish you and your family a happy and healthy Passover!We wish you and your family a happy and healthy Passover!We wish you and your family a happy and healthy Passover!

Community Passover SederCommunity Passover SederCommunity Passover SederCommunity Passover Seder First SederFirst SederFirst SederFirst Seder

Friday, April 6thFriday, April 6thFriday, April 6thFriday, April 6th 6:30 p.m.6:30 p.m.6:30 p.m.6:30 p.m.

Our annual community Passover Seder will be held in the Social Hall at Beth Shalom on the first night of Pesach, Friday, April 6 at 6:30 p.m. Color Passo-ver booklets were mailed out in March with all the details. If you did not re-ceive one, please stop by the synagogue and pick up a copy. The cost for adults is $25.00 (over 12 years old), children $12.50 (4-12 years old), children 3 years old and under are FREE. Please RSVP to Beth Shalom Synagogue (782-2500) if you are interested in attending. We will continue to accept reservations until all seats are filled.

A A A A Walk Walk Walk Walk Down Down Down Down

Memory Memory Memory Memory LaneLaneLaneLane

Save the date:Save the date:Save the date:Save the date:

Sunday, May 20Sunday, May 20Sunday, May 20Sunday, May 20 5 5 5 5 ---- 7 p.m.7 p.m.7 p.m.7 p.m.

A Beth Shalom Synagogue celebration to

honor all congregants who have been mem-bers of our synagogue for 50 or more years

CONTINUOUSLY!! See page 9 for more details.

Yom Hashoah Memorial ServiceYom Hashoah Memorial ServiceYom Hashoah Memorial ServiceYom Hashoah Memorial Service

Thursday, April 19Thursday, April 19Thursday, April 19Thursday, April 19 7 p.m.7 p.m.7 p.m.7 p.m.

At Beth Shalom Synagogue

Guest speaker: Ela WeisbergerGuest speaker: Ela WeisbergerGuest speaker: Ela WeisbergerGuest speaker: Ela Weisberger Ela is a child survivor who performed in all 55 performances of the children's opera Brundibar and will appear in our local per-formances.

Page 2: April 2012 Bulletin

April Calendar of Eve


4/1 NO Sunday School Adult Education Seminar. Guest speaker: Scott Middleton, author of Parent Talk and CEO of Agape Senior. Topic: Nine Conversations to have with your Aging Loved Ones. Mr. Middleton's presentation will be of interest to seniors and their children. Bagel & lox breakfast $4 per person.

10 a.m.

4/3 Ritual Committee Meeting in the social hall Board of Education meeting - Library

6:30 p.m. 7 p.m.

4/6 Erev Passover services Annual Community Passover Seder - First Seder.

Candle lighting 7:31 p.m.

6:30 p.m. 7 p.m.

4/7 First Day of Passover; Shabbat morning services. Light kiddush luncheon will follow services. Talmud study with Rabbi Case in the library after Kiddush. Havdallah candle lighting 8:39 p.m.

9:45 a.m.

4/8 NO Sunday School Second Day of Passover; Passover services.

9:45 a.m.

4/10 KOLOT - Voices of Torah and Haftarah. Kol Yankuta (novice). Instructor: Hazzan Michal Rubin. 6:30 p.m.

4/11 Hebrew School Executive Board Meeting - Library Board of Directors meeting - Library

4:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

4/13 Seventh Day of Passover (office is closed) Shabbat evening services. Candle lighting 7:36 p.m.

6:30 p.m.

4/14 Eighth Day of Passover - YIZKOR SERVICE; Light kiddush luncheon will follow services. Talmud study with Rabbi Case in the library after Kiddush. Havdallah candle lighting 8:45 p.m.

9:45 a.m.

4/15 Sunday School & Preschool Class “Sharing our School: A Parents Perspective.” A night of discussion and dinner with parents and board members.

9:30 a.m. 5 p.m.

4/17 KOLOT - Voices of Torah and Haftarah. Kol Yankuta (novice). Instructor: Hazzan Michal Rubin. 6:30 p.m.

4/18 Hebrew School 4:30 p.m.

4/19 Community Yom Hashoah Remembrance service at Beth Shalom. Special guest: Holocaust survivor, Ela Weissberger.

7 p.m.

4/20 Shabbat evening services. Candle lighting 7:41 p.m.

6:30 p.m.

4/21 Shabbat morning services. Kiddush luncheon will follow services. Talmud study with Rabbi Case in the library after Kiddush. Shabbat Playtime program (for 18 months - 1st grade children) Havdallah candle lighting 8:50 p.m.

9:45 a.m.

11 a.m.

4/22 Sunday School & Torah Tots 9:30 a.m.

4/24 KOLOT - Voices of Torah and Haftarah. Kol Yankuta (novice). Instructor: Hazzan Michal Rubin. 6:30 p.m.

4/25 Hebrew School 4:30 p.m.

4/26 Harvest Hope Food Bank Project. We need volunteers to help distribute food to the needy in Columbia.

Minyan services will be held at Harvest Hope Food Bank (2220 Shop Road). 5 p.m. 7 p.m.

4/27 Shabbat evening services. Candle lighting 7:47 p.m.

6:30 p.m.

4/28 Shabbat morning services. Shacharit Meditation service (in the Chapel) Kiddush luncheon will follow services. Talmud study with Rabbi Case in the library after Kiddush. Havdallah candle lighting 8:55 p.m.

9:45 a.m. 10 a.m.

4/29 Sunday School & Preschool Class. Klay Kodesh - Prayer book burial at Arcadia Lakes Cemetery. "Israel at 64" program. The JCCs annual celebration will feature a marketplace filled with food, music, and vendors.

9:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m.

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“Down to Gehenna or up to the throne. He travels the fastest who travels alone,” penned Rudyard Kipling.

Kipling was correct, wasn’t he? When we jettison the burden of carrying others, we proceed much more quickly. People slow us down. They cut into doing things that take us away from our goal. They stand in the way of progress. The best minds of the past were those who segregated themselves from others to work in solitude.

Michelangelo never married. Think of Van Gogh and his sepa-rate life. Alfred Nobel lived and worked alone. While married and a mother, Golda Meir was most wedded to her country, Israel. Leo Szlizard, true father of the atomic bomb, consulted other theoreti-cians and physicists but he trav-eled his path almost entirely by himself. And Alexander the Great was not a stay-at-home dad. Such undistracted dedication gave rise to their genius and creativity.

Torah takes a different view. It tells us several contradicting things at once. We are supposed to pursue a top rate, life-long Jew-ish education. We are commanded by the sages to pursue a profession until we achieve excellence. Our faith demands marriage and ex-pects children. At the same time, we are told to care of our parents. Holidays must be observed. Our spouse requires time, energy, and attentiveness. Tzedaka must be dispensed, prayers recited….

How can one possibly achieve ex-cellence with all these distrac-tions?

Contrast what Kipling wrote with commentator, Philip K. Howard: “Smart people spend time alone. They don’t fill their days with ap-pointments from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., as many politicians and executives

do. Great science does not emerge from hard logic and grinding hours. It comes from the mysteri-ous resources of the human brain and soul. Inspiration is nurtured by activities like chopping wood and raking leaves, preparing din-ner and reading to the kids. The activities soften the rigid pace of the day’s pursuits and allow all our God-given intuition to work its unlogical magic. Only then can we reach our fullest potential. On-ly then can we leap from thinking to understanding.” What our tradition seeks is bal-ance. The secret of life does not lie in obsessive behavior; it resides

the rainbow-colored spectrum we call life. Real beauty emerges from the full brush stroke from a palette of diversity. Let’s face it: black and white movies are a nov-elty but color is so much more vi-brant. It is the same with life.

The joys of existence emerge from playing with one another. Isn’t that what Pesah is all about? We tell stories, sing songs, chant, eat, regale with tales from the past, set sumptuous tables, encourage chil-dren to participate, open doors, and bless one another. Life lived alone, apart, is not a full life.

Once, a boy was walking in the street holding a beautiful apple. An elderly man remarked, “That looks like a scrumptious apple.” The boy replied, “It certainly does and I intend to eat it!” The man asked, “Tell me. How could you enjoy twice as much pleasure out of this apple?” “That’s simple,” said the boy. “Give me another apple and then it will be double.” The man said, “You are mistaken. Cut it in half and give half away. Then you will discover the addi-

tional pleasure that comes from your friend eating the other half of the apple together with you.”

What is the moral of all this? It is not about “you;” it is about “us.”

Have a sweet, zissen, Pesah. Rabbi Jonathan Case

Wisdom From Wisdom From Wisdom From Wisdom From Our PastOur PastOur PastOur Past

"Do not be like a servant who ministers to the Master because of a potential reward. Simply

serve Him."

- Antignos of Socho @ 100 bce

Did you know that Rabbi Case has video and audio messages

available online?

Visit our Facebook Fan Page at http://www.facebook.com/


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Meditation Monday ServicesMeditation Monday ServicesMeditation Monday ServicesMeditation Monday Services (in the Chapel)

Mondays at 6 p.m.Mondays at 6 p.m.Mondays at 6 p.m.Mondays at 6 p.m. We would like to provide a weekday opportunity for interested people to gather for a set period of Jewish meditation. Since Monday minyans are very sparsely, if ever, attended, the Ritual Committee has approved using this time for a period of Jewish meditation. We plan to meet for 30 minutes each Monday at 6 p.m. Meditation will be self-guided, un-less there is a need for or an interest in an introduction to Jewish medi-tation techniques. In the event there is yahrzeit or shiva, or a festival that falls on Monday, the meditation group will postpone their meeting in recognition of this necessary part of Jewish ritual observance. It is hoped that participants in the meditation group will lend their numbers to the minyan. For more information contact Meira Warshauer or Catherine Morgan.

The synagogue board meets at least monthly and our March meeting included reports from 13 commit-tees, the Board of Education, the Rabbi, as well as a Treasurer’s re-port. Ben Kranitz of the JCC was there and he introduced Laurie Slack, the new Jewish programing director to the board. Also, board member Howie Scher presented some initial findings of an on-going study of our membership that looked at demographics and dues. Some of the activities reported on by the committees included:

• Finance - A budget was pre-sented & approved. In round num-bers, our expected income is ap-

proximately $578,000 with almost 60% coming from dues and the remainder from donations, rent, High Holiday income, fundraising, etc. Estimated expenses are $583,000 with 46% attributed to personnel cost, 23% to building & grounds, and other expenses (religious school, office, cemetery, other miscellaneous) accounting for the remainder.

• Fundraising - An event is be-ing planned for May 20th honoring people who have been members for 50 years or more. Look for public-ity on this soon. Also planning has started for Bubbie’s - which will be held in November.

• House & Building - Storage space is always in short supply and we are looking at alternatives for storage.

• Ritual - Planning is starting for the High Holidays. One issue un-der discussion by the committee is to consider modifying our yizkor booklet to make it more of a me-morial book and utilizing the exist-ing yizkor service found in our prayer books.

• Social - The Purim event was a big success and work is underway for the Beth Shalom Seder which will be held on the first night this

year. A brochure for Pesach has been mailed out to the congrega-tion.

• Membership - Three new members were presented and ap-proved for membership. Welcome to Lora & David Stein, Joseph Ber-liner, and June Hochman.

• Gifts & Donations - This com-mittee is reviewing all of our (many!) designated funds to make sure moneys donated to them are properly allocated. We are looking at consolidating some of the funds and eliminating others where possi-ble. Many of the committees met during the month and most board members serve on more than one committee. So serving on the board requires a significant commitment of time and energy. Fortunately, I have a great board with many dedicated, hard-working members. But we are al-ways looking for congregation members to serve on committees and get involved in the running of the synagogue. So please let me know if you are interested in help-ing. Hyman Karesh

Shacharit Shacharit Shacharit Shacharit Meditation ServiceMeditation ServiceMeditation ServiceMeditation Service

(in the Chapel)

Saturday, April 28Saturday, April 28Saturday, April 28Saturday, April 28

10 10 10 10 ---- 11:15 am11:15 am11:15 am11:15 am You are invited to an alternative meditation period in the Chapel during Shacharit services. We will have chanting, silent meditation and a kavanah on the Torah portion. Participants will be encouraged to join the congregation in the main sanctuary for the Rabbi's sermon and Musaf.

For more information please contact Meira Warshauer or Catherine Morgan

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Not well? In the hospital?

The rabbi and

visitation team

want to support


Let us know by calling the Syna-

gogue office. The only way we know

is by you telling us.

In the case of an emergency over a

Jewish Holiday or Shabbat, please call our

President on the Board of Directors, Hyman

Karesh at 782-8177, or our Vice President,

Terri Hodges at 254-3787.


OPPORTUNITY Coming to Columbia are a group of events sponsored by the Opera-tunity Foundation, offered to the public free of charge. This foundation, founded by Executive Director and opera singer, Janet Hopkins, is a tribute through the cultural arts to the Survivors of the Holocaust. Planned around the "Day of Remembrance" Yom Hashoah on April 19th is the "Week of Remembrance," April 15 - 22. The week is filled with music, films, recitals, opera, etc. as it relates to the Holo-caust. Please check the Opera-tunity website: http://www.columbiacvb.com/includes/events/index.cfm?action=displayDetail&eventid=10159 for a full listing of events and times. A few examples of what is offered:

April 15 - Koger Center for the Arts

Defiant Requiem-Verdi Requiem at Terezin

USC Symphony 7:30 pm There will be a short presentation from survivor Edgar Krasa prior to performance, who participated in the actual Terezin performance. This is the only event not free to the pub-lic. The University of South Carolina Symphony Orchestra season ends with an extraordinary production: Defiant Requiem: Verdi

at Terezin. The multi-media concert/drama tells the story of Jewish prisoners who memorized and performed Giuseppe Verdi's Requiem at Terezin, a Jewish ghetto and prison during World War II. Defiant Requiem combines Verdi's magnificent music with testimony from survivors of the original chorus, a propaganda film about the camp, and actors speaking the words of prison-ers about their experience. The USC Symphony Orchestra con-cert will be the first time the work has been performed in the Southeast.

April 19 - Yom Hashoah

Memorial Service at

Beth Shalom Synagogue

Guest speaker: Ela Weisberger Ela is a child survivor who performed in all 55 performances of the chil-dren's opera Brundibar and will ap-pear in our local performances.

This event is being sponsored by the

Columbia Jewish Federation. April 20 - Brundibar performance at the Katie & Ir-

win Kahn Jewish Community Center

April 21 - Brundibar Performances at Dreher High School

Please place the week of events on your calendar and join us in celebrating Jewish Culture as it honors our survivors of the Holocaust. We need and welcome your financial support as sponsors. Please contact Lilly Filler for complete details, or send any contribution to: USC Ed Foundation/Opera-tunity

c/o Janet Hopkins School of Music 813 Assembly St Columbia, SC 29208

Ela Weissberger

Fort Jackson

Holocaust Days of Remembrance Service

Sunday, April 22

9:30 a.m. Come join us in our Holocaust Days of Remembrance ob-servance on Fort Jackson. This observance is open to the public and will be held on April 22, 2012. The Jewish ser-vice will be given by Rabbi Soussan at 9:30 a.m. in the me-morial chapel, with the observance following in the Joe E. Mann center. The guest Speaker will be Dr. Carol Apt, Professor of Sociology at SC State University. This ob-servance is free of charge. For more information please call James Walters at 543-4853 or 751-2990.

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As we teach our children about Pesach, an eight day exercise in Jewish sensibility, we keep in mind the lesson that must be lived throughout the year. Many people in our lives and in our community are in need of our help, our strength, and our compas-sion. As we rejoice with family and friends this holiday, let us continue our efforts on the behalf of those in need. Mitzvah Day was a wonderful op-portunity for families to join together for the sake of others. What a wonderful medium to introduce our children to the concept of Tikkun Olam and the mitzvah of doing acts of loving kindness. Our teachers take care in their weekly lesson plans to reinforce these concepts. Students are exploring Jewish heritage and identity. They are learning what has kept our culture alive in the face of adver-sity throughout history, as well as the Jewish val-ues that keep us strong today. The Religious School mock Seder was designed to give our students a feel for the tasks that our ances-tors undertook on a daily basis so long ago in Egypt. Our new children’s Haggadot were a joy to use, with their brightly colored illustrations and easy to understand text that brought the age old story to life. The Seder speaks of four different kinds of chil-dren with four different approaches to the Passover Seder: the wise, the wicked, the simple one, and the one who does not know how to ask. Many of us would be uncomfortable placing any child in the wicked category. However, the point really is that there are different kinds of children with different kinds of learning styles. The questions of each child come from the point where that child is in his own development. The goal is to address children where they are and lead them to a deeper under-standing of their lives and the lives of their family and people. TALK TO YOUR KIDS about the special herit-age of the Passover story and the importance of asking questions.

CONNECT TO THEIR LIVES: What is your favorite part of the Passover holiday?

How do you think the Passover story connects to

your life today?

Discuss the various rituals and their symbolism—hiding the Afikomen, dipping bitter herbs in salt water, eating a spring vegetable, having four cups of wine, asking four questions, etc. (The meaning of these rituals can be found in a Haggadah or on a variety of Jewish websites, including myjewish-learning.com) Are you part of our school? Come be a part of our discussion panel on Sunday, April 15th at 6 p.m. Sharing our School: “A Parents Perspective.” A night of discussion and dinner with parents and board members.

Todah Rabah!

We would like to thank all the parents & Board of Education members who helped volunteer during our recent Purim & Passover activities: Todd Serb-in, Randy Stark, Jerry Miley, Dr. Marc Berger, Ka-la Raxter, Cindi Stark, Shauna Webb, Jackie Webb, Elizabeth Vardi, Dr. Jennifer Abrams, Dr. Dan Matzner, Ella Weinkle, Beth Bernstein, Erica Serbin, Heidi Lovit, and Robin Lourie. Also, we would like say thank you to all our wonderful teaching staff. Pictures of both of these great events are available on page 12 & 13 of the bulletin and our Shutterfly website: http://bssreligiousschool.shutterfly.com/ and our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Beth-Shalom-Religious-/306488599403295?ref=tn_tnmn

Beth Shalom Religious School

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Ben Wagner’s Ben Wagner’s Ben Wagner’s Ben Wagner’s Bar Mitzvah ProjectBar Mitzvah ProjectBar Mitzvah ProjectBar Mitzvah Project

As all of you may know, I am

about to become a Bar Mitzvah May 19th! For my mitz-vah project I will be working with Jewish Family Ser-vices on a community-wide challenge to fight hun-ger. Through the Feinstein Foundation, JFS will be eligi-ble for matching funds for every dollar, and every food item donated to the Jewish Family Service Food Pantry. I am asking everyone at Beth Shalom Synagogue and the Hebrew school to donate at least one can of food for Jew-ish families in need. There will be designated box with my name on it for your donations at the entrance of the Beth Shalom. Thank you in advance for helping JFS and with my Bar Mitzvah project! Thanks! Ben Wagner

P.S. Donations made during Passover holiday need to be labeled “Kosher for Passover.”

Beth Shalom Shabbat Playtime

Join Moses on a Passover

Journey through the Desert

Puppet Show, Matzah,

Singing and Fun!

Saturday, April 21st 11:30 am

In the Chapel

Come have fun with Morah Leah & Alon

18 months to 1st Grade

Cookie Fundraiser Update

We had a successful Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Sale with the cookies distributed this week. Be Beep Toy Store was generous enough to donate gift certificates to our top sellers. Marlie Berger was our top seller and re-ceived a $25 gift certificate, our second place winner was Giana Abrams and she received a $15 gift certifi-cate. We had both the Raxter & Matzner families tying for third place and each family received a $10 gift cer-tificate. Our raffle winner was the Martin family and they will be receiving a voucher for $50 towards dinner and tickets to a movie of their choice. With the cookie sales and generous donations we were able to raise over $2,600. We are well on our way to purchasing a Smart Board! Thank you to all who participated in this suc-cessful fundraiser, and a special thank you to Nancy Nankin for coordinating this successful event!

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Musical Shabbat ServicesMusical Shabbat ServicesMusical Shabbat ServicesMusical Shabbat Services

Friday, May 4Friday, May 4Friday, May 4Friday, May 4 6:30 p.m.6:30 p.m.6:30 p.m.6:30 p.m.

Join us for a wonderful Musical Shabbat service.


Mr. & Mrs. Lora & David Stein

Mrs. June Hochman

Mr. Joseph Berliner

to Beth Shalom!

Page 8

4/1 Ella Kline 4/15 Betty Small

4/1 Richard Kline 4/17 Joe Gorchow

4/1 Jared Rapoport 4/17 Leah Greenberg

4/1 Leah Wray-Langer 4/19 Emery Rosansky

4/2 James Lamey 4/20 Benjamin Perrick

4/2 Eleanor Niestat 4/20 Marlene Riebman

4/2 Edward Poliakoff 4/20 Henry Ray Wengrow

4/3 Lowell Bernstein 4/21 Annette Kandel

4/3 Shirley Hammer 4/21 Sheryl Kline

4/3 Shauna Webb 4/22 Joel Gottlieb

4/4 Irene Jablon 4/22 Julie Jacobs

4/5 Catherine Fulton 4/22 David Milliman

4/6 Yosef Friedman 4/22 Helen Rothstein

4/6 Howard Scher 4/23 Sylvia Sheftman

4/7 Adrienne Archuleta 4/24 Isaac Dubinsky

4/7 Rivke Case 4/24 Sig Friedman

4/8 Harvey Rosen 4/24 Robin Lourie

4/9 David Shure 4/25 Bernice Berry

4/10 Gloria Goldberg 4/25 Randy Stark

4/10 Naomi Mart 4/26 Jay Bressler

4/11 Sarah McGwier 4/26 Jennifer Wagner

4/11 Adam Thur 4/27 Sandy Bressler

4/12 Samantha Goodman 4/28 Laura Golson

4/12 Gerald Sonenshine 4/28 Ben Kline

4/14 Nathan Dolbir 4/29 Joshua Davis

4/14 Claire Kline 4/29 Helen Rapoport

4/14 Carolyn Walden 4/29 Elysa Sexton

4/15 Aaron Arnold 4/29 Lauren Sribnick

4/15 Alan Kahn 4/30 Gabrielle Baker

4/15 David Perrick 4/30 Sheila Kaffee

4/15 Anna Poliakoff

Dear Beth Shalom family, I want to extend my sincere thanks for all the donations, cards, and gifts sent to me on my special birthday. I greatly appreciate all your kind thoughts. Love, Florence Levy

Dear Beth Shalom family, We would like to thank our Beth Sha-lom family for your kindness and com-passion in the aftermath of Georgy’s death. A special thank you to Rabbi Case, Rebbetzin Rivke, and Hazzan Michal Rubin for your spiritual guid-ance during our recent challenge. You have made a profound and positive dif-ference. Many thanks,

Andy, Marilyn and the entire Safran



Beginning this month our Synagogue Library will offer three different magazines for your reading pleasure. Hadassah, Jewish Woman, and Joy of Ko-

sher. These magazines are not for checking out, but there will be blank index cards available for those who'd like to copy recipes and craft ideas to "test drive" at home.

Thanks & happy reading!

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A Beth Shalom Synagogue celebration to honor all congregants who have been members of our synagogue for 50 or more years CONTINUOUSLY!!

Save the date:

Sunday, May 20, 2012

5 - 7 p.m. Mr. Bruce Filler will be our Master of Ceremonies and will help make this a most enjoyable evening as we recognize all of our seniors who have achieved this milestone. Enjoy the food, music, and stories from our seniors. We have tried to identify all of those who fill this criteria, but if ,per chance, you have not been notified about this event, please call the office immediately. The following people have been contacted and will hopefully be attending. *

* Additional members may be added.

Charge for admission is $36/pp but is free of charge to all honorees

This is a wonderful way to celebrate the life and contributions of all of our senior congregants.

We hope to see our entire congregation on Sunday, May 20, 2012.

Invitations will be mailed soon.

Norman & Gerry Sue Arnold Iris Balser

Ann Lee Baron Willardean Bernstein

Cydney Berry Arlene Cherney Helen Coplan

Rhena Denberg Selma Dickman

Dorothy Eisenstadt Florence Fox

Bluma Goldberg Heide Golden

Eleanor Hammer

Sheila Kaffee Robert & Barbara Kahn

Blanche Kaplan Melton & Helene Kligman

Harold & Rose Kline Morris & Claire Kline

Sarah Kline Sol Kline

Berny & Shirley Levine Arnold & Faye Levinson

Florence Levy Joel & Eleanor Levy Judith Litman Lindau Mick & Nancy Lourie

Susan R. Lourie Toby Lourie Ethel Miller

Alan Osterweil Ben & Arlene Pearlstine

Nathan Picow Harold & Gloria Rittenberg

Roselen Rivkin Harvey Rosen Hannah Rubin Helen Silver

Ted & Anne Solomon Sura W. Wengrow

Page 10: April 2012 Bulletin

I (we), _______________________________ hereby appoint Rabbi Jonathan Case as my (our)

agent to sell all hametz in my (our) possession, wherever it may be, in accordance with the re-

quirements of Jewish law.

Signature ___________________________ Address _______________________________________

Date _________________________

“In all your dwelling places there shall be no hametz.”

Selling your hametz before Passover is an accepted practice in order to avoid having any leavened products in your possession during the 8-day Festival. Jewish law provides this process by which you may sell your hametz to a non-Jew through an agency that makes the necessary arrangements. Rabbi Case will act as your agent in such a transaction.


USC students are in need of a

nice Jewish family like you!

USC Hillel is seeking families who would be willing to host TWO (2) or more students on the second night of Pesach (Second Seder), Saturday, April 7th. If you are willing to be a host, please email Dr. David Reisman at [email protected] with your name, address, email address and phone num-bers, and the number of students you are willing to host. Thanks for your help! Dr. David Reisman USC Hillel Advisory Committee


Apple Matzah


• 4 Matzahs • 1/2 tsp. salt • 1/4 cup margarine • 1/2 cup chopped nuts • 1/2 cup raisins • 3 eggs • 1/2 cup sugar • 1 tsp. cinnamon • 2-3 apples, pared and chopped • Additional margarine as needed Break matzah and soak until soft. Drain, but do not squeeze dry. Beat eggs with salt, sugar, margarine and cinnamon. Add matzah. Stir in chopped nuts, ap-ples, and raisins. Pour mixture into a greased casse-

role dish.

Dot top with additional margarine. Bake in 350 de-

gree oven for about 45 minutes.


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♦ Ariana Megan Wray-

Langer, who has graduated with Honors from South University, Columbia, South Carolina. Ariana was induct-ed into the International Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau, for her high academic achievements. Ariana is the daughter of Michelle Ehrlich and Steven W. Langer.

♦ Michelle Ehrlich, who is delighted to announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of her daughter, Suzanne Wray-Langer to Dwayne Ted Lockhart. Dwayne is the son of the late Jimmy E. Lockhart and Flor-ence Bailey Lockhart. The wedding is planned for May 12, 2012. Suzanne is also the daughter of Steven W. Lang-er.

♦ Dr. Josef Olmert, who has been appointed as an Ad-junct Associate Professor in the College of Arts & Sci-ences at USC, and is the newest member of the con-sulting faculty for the Jewish Studies Program in the Col-lege of Arts & Sciences.

♦ Professor Lauren Sklaroff, on being awarded a 2012 Course Development Grant of $2000 for the purpose of developing an undergraduate survey course in American Jewish History. This grant has been made possible by the Jewish Studies Program and the History Department in the College of Arts & Sci-ences at USC.


4/4 Ira & Esther Greenberg 31 years

4/7 Arnold & Isa Reichenthal 44 years

4/9 Ron & Melissa Port 18 years

4/10 Justin & Michelle Peterson 1 year

4/10 Roland & Ilsa Young 7 years

4/17 Andrew Levinson & Lisa Strause 1 year

4/20 Andrei & Erin Bolshakov 11 years

4/27 Michael & Dianna Arnold 9 years

4/28 Larry & Jessica Kline 11 years

4/28 Ezra & Mandy Riber 28 years

TGIF Most of us are aware of the meaning of this acronym. Perhaps the TGIF should be re-placed with TGIES -Thank G-d Its Erev Shabbat. Yester year Friday meant a more elaborate family dinner after the home was thoroughly cleansed and the floors scrubbed clean and then covered with recycled newspaper. Just prior to candle lighting the newspapers were once again recycled to the trash can. The traditional menu usually included an appetizer of gefilte fish or chopped liver followed by a hearty chicken soup "mit" matzoh balls and an entree of chicken or brisket, sometimes both. Of course dessert and tea in a glass. For numerous reasons there are some who restrict their diet. They omit animal and meat products. For an observant Jew there appears to be an added benefit that two sets of dish-es, pots/pans, and utensils are unnecessary. A major disadvantage, my opinion, is that it limits their attendance or participation at some more elaborate dinners or celebra-tions. There are some hosts or hostesses who do not fully comprehend this choice of dietary restrictions. In some situations the hostess might think that the preparation is inadequate. There exists a support group of "Traditional Jewish Veggies" who are reluctant to opt out of familial or communal affairs. They made a concession and willingly deviate from their restrictive diet, as follows. Their Mantra:

MOOSHY: MEAT-ONLY-ON-SHABBAT-HOLIDAYS (including bar/bat mitzvahs, weddings, plus other events.)

YOM TOV I wonder whether I could make such a con-cession by cutting back on my meat con-sumption. My imagination leads me to be-lieve that my bad cholesterol level would be lowered. Along with my decrease in the consumption of gasoline by not having to make pilgrimages to Atlanta, Charlotte, or NYC Kosher Butchers in order to restock my freezer because the local markets, here, do not stock an adequate selection of my favorites. As an added incentive I might avoid frostbitten fingers by not packing and unloading my portable coolers. Additionally, my home freezer would be able to accommo-date a bottle of Vodka as a replacement for package of flanken. Perhaps I should apply for membership in MOOSHY. If I were to tell this to Bubby, I envision the response of "AH BE GEZUNT - CAN'T DO NO HARM BUT FIRST LET'S EAT AND WE CAN DISCUSS THIS MISHIGAS LATER." Isaac Bashevis Singer is credited with the statement that a vegetarian diet does enhance longevity - for the animals, too! Wishes for a "Ziessen Pesach"- meat, meat-less, or parve. Signed, One In A Minyan www.Mooshy.org

Page 12: April 2012 Bulletin

Pictures from the community Purim Masquerade Ball!

This night was made possible because of the hard work and planning

efforts made by Amy Berger, Terri Hodges, and their committee.

Thank you ladies for making this holiday such a memorable event - Todah Rabah!!

Page 13: April 2012 Bulletin

Pictures from the “Living it Pesach Style” model Seder

with the Beth Shalom

Religious School children.

Page 14: April 2012 Bulletin

Senior Program—Everyone Welcome

Come Enjoy the Fun, Food & Friendship

What a metziah! All for just $4 bucks!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012 11:30 am-1 pm

Featuring: Members of the Southern Klezmer Band

Fun Fitness with Kaytina & Birthdays Celebration!

Beth Shalom Synagogue, 5827 N. Trenholm Road

To RSVP call Beth Shalom at 782-2500, by April 26th

This program is funded in part with a grant from The Columbia Jewish Federation and the BJH Foundation for Senior Services.

The BJH Foundation for Senior Services is a non-profit foundation exclusively

committed to enhancing the lives of Jewish elderly residing in North and South Carolina through programs, activities and organizations that share their

mission in accordance with Jewish practices and beliefs.



Page 14

Page 15: April 2012 Bulletin


Adinah Kitchen Fund To Aileen Sunshine & family - In memory of

your son, Marc Sunshine. By: Nancy & Howard Nankin To Naomi & Carl Freedman - In memory of

your mother, Ruth Goldberg. By: Penny & Moss Blachman

Ben Stern Cantorial Memorial Fund

To Michal Rubin & David Reisman - In

memory of your sister, Yaela Granot. By: Wendy & Joe Sharnoff By: Esther & Ira Greenberg To John Baker - In honor of receiving the

citation of “Humanitarian of the Year” by

United Way.

By: Toni & Sam Elkins By: Linda & Bill Stern To Barbara & Roger Blau - In honor of

receiving the JDRF 2012 Living & Giving

Award. By: Linda & Bill Stern To Florence Levy - Mazel tov on your 105th

birthday. By: Linda & Bill Stern By: Rhena Denberg

To Helen Silver - In honor of your 90th birth-

day. By: Rhena Denberg

In memory of my beloved husband, Max

Denberg. By: Rhena Denberg

To Naomi & Carl Freedman - In memory of

your mother, Ruth Goldberg. By: Rhena Denberg

To Erika & Jack Swerling - In memory of

your mother, Clara Helfer. By: Rhena Denberg

To Claire Nezvesky - In memory of your hus-band, Issy Nezvesky. By: Rhena Denberg

To June Safran - In memory of your daughter,

Georgy Safran Martin. By: Rhena Denberg

Bereavement fund To Aileen Sunshine - In memory of Marc


By: Jenny & Steve Wagner By: Ellen & Fred Seidenberg By: Harriet & Marty Barocas By: Gloria & Harold Rittenberg To Amy Younginger & family - In memory of

Marc Sunshine. By: Jenny & Steve Wagner In memory of Ralph J. Friedman. By: Sylvia Friedman Cremer, Leslie, Sidney, Mindy & Robert.

In loving of memory of my dear friends,

Patricia & Lee Baker. By: Sylvia Friedman Cremer

To John Baker - Congratulations on receiving

the citation of “Humanitarian of the Year” by

United Way. By: Sylvia Friedman Cremer and family In memory of Judy Nankin. By: Howard Nankin

Betty & Marvin Brownstein Torah Restoration Fund

In loving memory of my parents, Betty Jean &

Marvin Brownstein. By: Janet Brownstein By: Joanne B. Epley

To Aileen Sunshine & family - In memory of

your son, Marc Sunshine. By: Joanne B. Epley In memory of my grandmother, Celia Berry

Rosen. By: Joanne B. Epley

Carol O. Bernstein Memorial Fund

To Aileen Sunshine & family - In memory of

your son, Marc Sunshine.

By: Arline & Gerald Polinksy By: Eleanor & Herb Niestat In memory of Jean Krugman.

By: Irene Rudnick To Sheila & Steven Gendil - In memory of

your mother, Bernice Forstot.

By: Eleanor & Herb Niestat To Diana & Josef Olmert - Best wishes for a

long & happy life together.

By: Eleanor & Herb Niestat

To Florence Levy - Best wishes for a happy

birthday and many, many more.

By: Eleanor & Herb Niestat To Barbara & Roger Blau - In honor of

receiving the JDRF 2012 Living & Giving

Award. By: Eleanor & Herb Niestat To John Baker - Congratulations on receiving

the citation of “Humanitarian of the Year” by

United Way. By: Eleanor & Herb Niestat

To Susan R. Lourie - In memory of Harold

Klein. By: Eleanor & Herb Niestat

To Claire Breger - Best wishes for a speedy

recovery. By: Eleanor & Herb Niestat

To June Safran - In loving memory of your

daughter, Georgy Safran Martin. By: Eleanor & Herb Niestat

Cemetery Fund In memory of E. Lesov.

By: Baysa & Jacob Lesov

Education Fund To the Safran, Martin & Webb family - In

memory of Georgy Safran Martin. By: The Matzner Family To Aileen Sunshine & family - In memory of

your son, Marc Sunshine. By: Shelli & Tom Charles By: Penny & Moss Blachman By: Naomi & Carl Freedman In memory of Bertha & Jacob Katz.

By: Ruth Burack To Paula Abrams - Happy birthday. By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner To Lewis Abrams - Happy birthday. By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner

To Linda Schoen-Giddings - Happy birthday. By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner To Doris Frank - Happy birthday.

By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner To David Lovit - Happy birthday. By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner

To the Ptashkin family - Mazel tov on Nicole’s

engagement to Barnett Greenberg. By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner

Page 15

The congregation extends its condolences to: Jean Brock on the loss of her mother, Mary Brock, of Virginia.

Page 16: April 2012 Bulletin

Page 16

To Diana & Josef Olmert - Mazel tov on your


By: Wendy & Peter Stahl

Endowment Fund

To June Safran & family - Our deepest sympa-

thy on the loss of your sweet Georgy.

By: Rose & Harold Kline By: Dolores & Sig Friedman To Aileen Sunshine & family - In memory of

your son, Marc Sunshine. By: Arlene & Ben Pearlstine By: Linda & Daryl Giddings By: Dolores & Sig Friedman By: Beth Friedman By: Wendy & Joe Sharnoff To Sue & Jerry Kline - Mazel tov on the birth

of your new grandson, Isaac Kline.

By: Rose & Harold Kline

To Diana & Josef Olmert - In honor of your

marriage - Mazel tov!

By: Linda & Daryl Giddings By: Suzi & Scrappy Stark To Florence Levy - In honor of your 105th

birthday. By: Barbara & Meyer Drucker By: Joan Smith

To Jessica & Larry Kline - In honor of the

birth of your daughter, Elliott Rebecca Kline. By: Linda & Daryl Giddings By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner To Rose & Harold Kline - In honor of the

birth of your granddaughter, Elliott Rebecca


By: Suzi & Scrappy Stark In loving memory of Dr. Benjamin


By: The Stark families To Adele Salzberg - In memory of your

brother, Herman Erlichson. By: Suzi & Scrappy Stark To Claire Breger - Thinking of you and

wishing you well. By: Suzi & Scrappy Stark To Leslie Ptashkin - In honor of Nicole’s &

Barnett’s engagement. By: Suzi & Scrappy Stark To Paula & Hyman Karesh - In honor of the

birth of your grandson, Grayson Marshall


By: The Stark families To Jackie Webb & family - In memory of your

sister, Georgy Safran Martin.

By: The Stark families In loving memory of Sadye Robinson. By: The Stark Families

To Sheila & Steven Gendil - In memory of

your mother and grandmother, Bernice

Forstot. By: Fran & Larry Weiner To Nancy & Mick Lourie - Happy anniver-

sary. By: Ann Baum To Arlene & Ben Pearlstine - In honor of your

mother’s birthday. By: Ann Baum To John Baker - In honor of receiving the

citation of “Humanitarian of the Year” by

United Way. By: Wendy & Peter Stahl

General Fund To John Baker - In honor of receiving the

citation of “Humanitarian of the Year” by

United Way. By: Dale A. Baker, Emily & Brad Moree, Rebecca A. Zimmer and Lowell A. Zimmer To John Baker - Mazel tov on being elected

for the National Board of Directors of Israeli


By: Dale A. Baker, Emily & Brad Moree, Rebecca A. Zimmer and Lowell A. Zimmer To Aileen Sunshine & family - In memory of

your son, Marc Sunshine. By: Paula & Hyman Karesh To Florence Levy - Mazel tov on your 105th

birthday. By: Harriet & Marty Barocas To Daryl Giddings - In honor of your service

to Beth Shalom. By: Wendy & Peter Stahl

George Port Memorial Kiddush Fund

To Sheila Gendil - In memory of your mother,

Bernice Forstot. By: Susan R. Lourie By: Aileen Sunshine To Hyman Karesh - For all your years of

dedication to Shabbat services.

By: Michal Rubin & David Reisman To Barry Laban - Wishing you a speedy


By: Nancy & Gerald Sonenshine With appreciation for the aliyah given to our

granddaughter, Bayle Smith Salzberg.

By: Adele & Herman Salzberg In memory of Stanley Riebman. By: Ilse Sammon In memory of my father, William Marks. By: Helen Rothstein

To Claire Nezvesky - In loving memory of your

husband, Israel Nezvesky.

By: Esther & Ira Greenberg To Paula & Hyman Karesh - In memory of

your father, Dr. Marshall Solomon.

By: Esther & Ira Greenberg To Donna & Norman Goldberg - In memory

of your mother, Mary Porter.

By: Esther & Ira Greenberg To June Safran & family - In loving memory

of Georgy Safran Martin.

By: Esther & Ira Greenberg To Aileen Sunshine - In loving memory of

Marc Sunshine.

By: Esther & Ira Greenberg By: Sue & Joel Sussman To Barbara & Roger Blau - In honor of

receiving the 2012 Living & Giving Award

from JDRF. By: Wendy & Peter Stahl

To Leslie Ptashkin & Joseph Sigal - Mazel tov

on the Nicole’s engagement to Barnett

Greenberg. By: Wendy & Peter Stahl To Susan R. Lourie - In memory of your

husband, Senator Isadore E. Lourie. By: Anne & Flynn Harrell

To Florence Levy - In honor of your special

birthday. By: Belle & Jerry Jewler

To Rose & Harold Kline - Mazel tov on the

naming of your new granddaughter, Elliott

Rebecca Kline. By: Belle & Jerry Jewler

Ida & Isidore Gergel Memorial Fund

To June, Andrew, Michael & Jackie and

families- In memory of Georgy Safran Martin. By: Beverly Barnett and Ivan Gottlieb

To Florence Levy - In honor of the your 105th

birthday. By: Beverly Gergel Barnett

Library Fund To Claire Nezvesky - In loving memory of your

husband and our neighbor, Issy Nezvesky. By: Penny & Moss Blachman To Wendy & Joe Sharnoff - In honor of

Michael successfully defending his PhD at

Kings College in London. By: Penni & Larry Nadel

Page 17: April 2012 Bulletin

Page 17

Outreach Hesed Fund To June Safran & family - In loving memory

of your daughter, Georgy Safran Martin.

By: Penni & Larry Nadel By: Helen Silver In memory of Isadore Silver.

By: Helen Silver To Chava & Rabbi Hesh Epstein - In honor of

your son’s forthcoming wedding.

By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner In memory of our father, Fred Ferdinan

Newman Silver. By: Rachel & Rick Silver To Aileen Sunshine & family - In memory of

your son & brother, Marc Sunshine. By: Rachel & Rick Silver By: Helen Silver To Helene Kligman - Wishing you a speedy


By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner To Sylvia Friedman Cremer - Wishing you a

happy birthday. By: Doris & Ronnie Frank To Sheila & Steven Gendil - In memory of

your mother, Bernice Forstot.

By: Toni & Sam Elkins In loving memory of my father, Sam


By: Reberta W. Karesh In memory of Isaac Greher. By: Ilsa & Roland Young To Florence Levy - Congratulations on your

special birthday. By: Helen Silver To John Baker - In honor of receiving the

citation of “Humanitarian of the Year” by

United Way. By: Ellen & Fred Seidenberg To Barbara & Roger Blau - In honor of

receiving the JDRF 2012 Living & Giving


By: Ellen & Fred Seidenberg To Minda & Henry Miller - Happy anniver-


By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner To Sig Friedman - Wishing you a speedy &

complete recovery.

By: Helen Silver By: Harriet & Marty Barocas To Natalie Steckman - Get well soon.

By: Harriet & Marty Barocas

Prayer Book Fund To June Safran & family - In memory of

Georgy Safran Martin.

By: Barbara LaBelle

Prayer Book Fund (High Holiday)

To Henry & Minda Miller and Rita & Phil

Blank - In loving memory of David Miller. By: Esther & Ira Greenberg.

To Florence Levy - In honor of your 105th

birthday. By: The Stark Families

To John Baker - In honor of receiving the

citation of “Humanitarian of the Year” by

United Way. By: Dr. & Mrs. Howard Schneider

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

To the Safran family - In loving memory of

your daughter, Georgy Safran Martin. By: Gail & Bobby Ginsberg By: Heidi & David Lovit By: Suzanne & Ron Jebaily By: Diann Simm, Simms Brooks, Lynn & Walt Brooks and Nelson Brooks By: Grampian Hills Development, LLC By: Bunny & Pope Johnson By: Theresa (Terri) Barber Yarnell By: Moore, Taylor & Thomas, P.A. By: Mr. & Mrs. David Anderson By: Bluestein, Nichols, Thompson, Deglado, LLC

By: Kenneth Wayne Harrell By: Ellen & Fred Seidenberg By: Jean Smolen By: Margaret & David Fouty By: Beth & William Parks By: K.R. & T.D. Cockrell By: Wanda & Michael Uswa By: Irene Scarborough By: S.C. Department of Motor Vehicles By: Barbara & Meyer Drucker By: Fay G. Sinkoe and Cissy Gottlieb By: Penny & Moss Blachman By: Hilda & David Wajnberg By: Marlene Roth By: Cydney Berry By: Susan & Grady Beard By: Elizabeth J. Render By: Ellis Lawhorne & Sims By: Ann Baum By: Naomi & Carl Freedman By: Katie & Irwin Kahn Jewish Community Center

By: Jill, David, Elena & Stephanie Carr By: Belle & Jerry Jewler By: Hannah Rubin By: Rebecca Wengrow Fixel & Abigail Fixel By: Jean Brock & Henry Ray Wengrow By: Gloria & Harold Rittenberg To Mike Safran & family - In loving memory

of your sister, Georgy Safran Martin. By: Donna Fusci & Marjorie Fusci By: Lindsey & David Moore

To Andy Safran & family - In memory of your

sister, Georgy Safran Martin.

By: Linda & Bill Stern By: Wendy & Joe Sharnoff By: Kaye G. Hearn By: Minda & Henry Miller To Jackie & Sean Webb and family - In

memory of your sister, Georgy Safran Martin. By: Linda & Daryl Giddings In memory of Dr. Abram Berry. By: Bernice Berry

To Helene Kligman - Wishing you a speedy

recovery. By: Patricia Lovit

To Rabbi Jonathan Case - In honor of receiv-

ing your doctoral degree. By: Wendy & Joe Sharnoff

To Heidi & David Lovit - In honor of Adam &

Shanna’s marriage. By: Toni & Sam Elkins

To Diana Rubinger & Josef Olmert - Mazel

tov on your wedding. By: Toni & Sam Elkins

To Florence Levy - In honor of your 105th

birthday. By: Marjorie Cooper By: Hannah Rubin

In memory of Sidney Goodwin. By: Marion & Stuart Goodwin In honor of Beth Shalom.

By: Yolanda & Gerald Cruzado

Yahrzeit Fund In loving memory of my father, Martin Leffler. By: Nancy & Gerald Sonenshine In memory of Steve Mesnik. By: Hannah & Paul Kirschenfeld In memory of our mother, Jean F. Gergel.

By: Shirley & Everett Ness In memory of our father, Joseph Gergel. By: Shirley & Everett Ness In memory of Esther Berger Ness. By: Shirley & Everett Ness

In memory of Ben E. Ness. By: Shirley & Everett Ness In loving memory of our father, Dr. Abram

Berry. By: Ellen & Fred Seidenberg In memory of Evelyn Spevack.

By: Sherry & Michael Spevack.

Page 18: April 2012 Bulletin

Page 18

In loving memory of our grandmother, Gussie

Lipitz Gottlieb.

By: Hilda & David Wajnberg In memory of Bess Herson. By: Diane & Mayer Zimmerman In memory of Katie Roth Rivkin. By: Harriett Zalkin & Robin Zalkin Brown

In memory of my husband, Alvin Levine. By: Judy Levine In memory of Solomon Gelman.

By: Dena & Mark Gelman In memory of Mariya Volfson. By: Dena & Mark Gelman In memory of Yakov Gelman. By: Dena & Mark Gelman

In memory of my father, Joseph Berliner. By: Joseph Berliner In memory of my beloved grandmother, Gussie

Lipitz Gottlieb. By: Arthur Solomon In loving memory of my father, Samuel Eventov

Evens. By: Eleanor & Joel Levy In memory of my mother, Sylvia Fox. By: Helen Bellah In memory of my father, William Fox. By: Helen Bellah

In memory of my husband, William Bellah. By: Helen Bellah In memory of Sadie Dickman.

By: Selma Dickman In memory of my husband, Max Dickman. By: Selma Dickman In memory of Melvin Gergel. By: Shirley & Everett Ness

Flower Power Toni & Sam Elkins

Ilse Sammon Jane & David Kulbersh Diana Rubinger Olmert Jessica & Larry Kline

Ann Baum Harvey Rosen Sarah Kline

Douglass & Florence Abramson Jackie, Sean & Shauna Webb

Patricia Lovit Joseph Rosen

The Stark Families Gail & Steve Anastasion, Janna Baker

and Laurie & Ken Walden

The Selden K. Smith

Foundation for

Holocaust Education

The Foundation was formed in May 2010 to further the programs of the SC Council on the Holo-caust. The Foundation functions as a private source of funding for support of Holocaust educational activities and community aware-ness events in South Carolina and has a 501(c)(3) status. Current economic conditions and cutbacks in state appropriations have re-sulted in the need for private funding to ensure the future of various educational projects in our state. In 2010 the directors of the Foundation launched a three-year campaign to raise $100,000. As of February 2012, a total of $52,618 has been raised statewide. The purpose of the Foundation is to strengthen the Council’s activi-ties in memory, history, and edu-cation. The Foundation will hon-or those survivors who moved to South Carolina and the soldiers from South Carolina who liberat-ed the concentration camps. It

will also address related issues of international conflict, genocide, prejudice and intolerance. Fund-ing is provided to schools, colleg-es, churches, synagogues, civic groups and individuals. Projects include teacher grants, classroom supplies, student field trips, teach-er training and workshops, Holo-caust speakers, exhibits and other related educational programs. Please visit the website and con-sider making a donation. It is ex-tremely important to continue teaching and reminding both chil-dren and adults the lessons of the Holocaust, especially now since so few survivors and liberators are alive to give first-hand testi-mony. Please honor their memory with a contribution to help fight hatred and intolerance. Website address: www.HolocaustEducationFoundation.org Contributions can be sent to: The Selden K. Smith Foundation for Holocaust Education, PO Box 25740, Columbia, SC 29224

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Page 19: April 2012 Bulletin

Page 19

Page 20: April 2012 Bulletin

Page 20


4/1 Dora Baker Nissan 9 4/14 Sylvia Fox Nissan 22

4/1 Irving Berkeley Nissan 9 4/14 Carolyn Katz Frankel Nissan 22

4/1 Stewart Bruckner Nissan 9 4/14 Moe Levy Nissan 22

4/1 Jack Cohen Nissan 9 4/14 Isadore Edward Lourie Nissan 22

4/1 Isidor Hirshman Nissan 9 4/14 Marguerite Marcus Nissan 22

4/1 Saul Kaplan Nissan 9 4/14 Gerry Sammon Nissan 22

4/1 Jean Krugman Nissan 9 4/14 Ben Sklar Nissan 22

4/1 Joseph Levine Nissan 9 4/15 Gus D. Arnold Nissan 23

4/1 Myron Wander Nissan 9 4/15 Charles Levinson Nissan 23

4/2 Nell Berry Nissan 10 4/15 Murray Stern Nissan 23

4/2 Anna Witten Datnoff Nissan 10 4/16 Robert Carlson Nissan 24

4/2 Esther Fins Nissan 10 4/16 Lillian Winter Hirsch Nissan 24

4/2 Zlata Lavisky Nissan 10 4/16 Lawrence Koenig Nissan 24

4/2 Joseph Port Nissan 10 4/16 Tillie Libowitz Nissan 24

4/3 Rabbi Martin Kraus Nissan 11 4/16 Judith B. Nankin Nissan 24

4/3 Abraham B. Sutker Nissan 11 4/16 Warren Rapoport Nissan 24

4/3 Max Wicker Nissan 11 4/17 Samuel Eventov Evens Nissan 25

4/4 Benjamin Jacob Bloom Nissan 12 4/18 Goldie Filler Nissan 26

4/4 William Harrison Crystal Nissan 12 4/18 Morris Ralph Filler Nissan 26

4/4 Eli David Darling Nissan 12 4/18 Mollie Roth Nissan 26

4/4 Samuel Gorney Nissan 12 4/18 Bella Selden Nissan 26

4/4 Donald I. Kessler Nissan 12 4/18 Sidney Volinsky Nissan 26

4/4 Else Loewensberg Nissan 12 4/19 Arthur M. Arnold Nissan 27

4/4 Charles Solomon Nissan 12 4/19 Selma Smolowsky Nissan 27

4/5 Ernest Bukatman Nissan 13 4/20 Annie Coplan Nissan 28

4/5 Helen Ptashkin Nissan 13 4/20 Sabina K. Goldstein Nissan 28

4/6 Helen Glaser Nissan 14 4/20 Sylvia Prager Nissan 28

4/6 Feiga Krevens Nissan 14 4/21 John J. Alion Nissan 29

4/6 Dr. Samuel Litman Nissan 14 4/21 Phyllis Betcher Nissan 29

4/6 Sophia Revelise Nissan 14 4/21 Ida Volinsky Nissan 29

4/6 Edith Shirley Spivak Nissan 14 4/22 Harriett Hoffman Nissan 30

4/7 Sadie Dickman Nissan 15 4/22 Pauline Rizinsky Horowitz Nissan 30

4/7 Leon Laban Nissan 15 4/23 Joe S. Berry Iyar 1

4/7 Sadye Robinson Nissan 15 4/23 Jack Cherney Iyar 1

4/9 Mildred Raphaeli Nissan 17 4/23 Manya Kaufman Iyar 1

4/9 Lena Reichenthal Nissan 17 4/23 Allan Spero Iyar 1

4/9 Irving "Jeff" Sunshine Nissan 17 4/24 William Bellah Iyar 2

4/10 Mark A. Berry Nissan 18 4/24 Libby F. Levinson Iyar 2

4/10 Yakov Berry Nissan 18 4/24 William Marks Iyar 2

4/10 Melvin Gergel Nissan 18 4/24 Ida Levi Sollod Iyar 2

4/10 Ida Berry Ginsberg Nissan 18 4/25 Fannie Bogen Iyar 3

4/10 Charlotte Karesh Nissan 18 4/25 Ezra Meir Iyar 3

4/10 Charles Lieb Nissan 18 4/25 Ralph Spiro Iyar 3

4/10 Morris Wengrow Nissan 18 4/26 Max Dickman Iyar 4

4/11 Hilda Nadel Bader Nissan 19 4/26 Ralph Milton Feldman Iyar 4

4/11 Chayim Baruch Kahn Nissan 19 4/26 Zelick Levy Iyar 4

4/11 Judith Oppenheim Sunshine Nissan 19 4/28 Roslyn Goodwin Iyar 6

4/12 Emil Gross Nissan 20 4/28 Moe Harts Iyar 6

4/12 Howard Lee Koch Nissan 20 4/28 Benjamin Swerling Iyar 6

4/12 Sarah Wengrow Nissan 20 4/30 Rose Rubin Iyar 8

Page 21: April 2012 Bulletin

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Page 22: April 2012 Bulletin

Page 22


If you have one of these books or know where one is, please either return it or contact Skyler Harvey @ 667-1923 or [email protected] so we can make arrangements

to return it to the library. Thank you!

THE TALMUD We are missing 5 different volumes!!!

These are the same books our Rabbi uses for the weekly

Midrash and they are very expensive to replace. Having a

complete set of these books is vital for our Synagogue.

Page 23: April 2012 Bulletin

Page 23

Beth Shalom Synagogue 5827 North Trenholm Road * Columbia, SC 29206 Phone: (803) 782-2500 Fax: (803) 782-5420 General email: [email protected] Web page: www.BethShalomColumbia.org

Become a friend of Beth Shalom on Facebook at: www.Facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: http://Twitter.com/BethShalomSC Office Hours:

Monday—Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.


Jonathan Case [email protected] Hazzan Dr. Michal Rubin [email protected]



President Hyman Karesh [email protected] Vice President Terri Hodges [email protected]

Treasurer Dr. Daniel Matzner [email protected] Financial Secretary Heidi Lovit [email protected]

Recording Secretary Todd Serbin [email protected] Past President Daryl Giddings [email protected] Board of Directors: Amy Berger Kenny Berger Penny Blachman Bruce Filler Andy Gendil Dr. Stanley Greenberg Dr. David Kulbersh Dr. Shane Rabin Dr. David Reisman William Saltzman Dr. Howie Scher Randy Stark Andy Zalkin To be filled Trustees: Dr. Lilly Filler Doris Frank Belle Jewler Dr. David Lovit Gad Matzner Minda Miller Howard Stravitz Sandra Whitton


Julie Berger Dr. Linda Schoen Giddings Rachel Golson Robin Lourie Heidi Lovit Bobbi Matzner Eveda Matzner Jerry Miley Nancy Nankin Kala Raxter To be filled To be filled

Beth Shalom Men’s Club President Dr. Dan Matzner [email protected]


Beth Shalom Beth Shalom Beth Shalom Beth Shalom Judaica Judaica Judaica Judaica

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The deadline for the

May bulletin is

April 15th

Send submissions for the bulletin to: BethShalom

[email protected]

Bulletin Editor: Penni Nadel

Layout & Publishing: Tonya Dotson

Bulletin Donations: Sara Simmons

Adult Education


Sunday, May 6

10 a.m.

Topic: Do It Yourself Cognitive Behavioral

Therapy for Everyday Issues.

Guest speakers: Marilyn Ronnie Ducker, LPC and

Linda Wheatley, LISW-CP

Bagel & lox breakfast $4 per person.

The Kolot program

continues with Torah

chanting for the novice


April 10, 17

& 24

6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Instructor: Hazzan Michal Rubin

Klay Kodesh

Prayer book Burial at Arcadia Lakes Cemetery

Sunday, April 29

9:30 a.m.

We would like all Religious School students to meet at 9:30 a.m. at Arcadia Lakes Cemetery. Once we finish the book burial we would like the families to then proceed to drop off your children at Beth Shalom for a reg-ular Sunday School day.

Klay Kodesh - 2009