APPENDIX FOUR TRAFFIC REPORT - City of Armadale SISD is defined as “…minimum distance which...


Transcript of APPENDIX FOUR TRAFFIC REPORT - City of Armadale SISD is defined as “…minimum distance which...




INTRODUCTION Transcore has been engaged by Kargotich Industries to investigate the proposed South Western Highway crossover intersection for the three-lot subdivision in Wungong which entails frontage onto South Western Highway. According to a letter from City of Armadale dated 17 February 2016 City requested that “… a report prepared by a suitably qualified traffic consultant to demonstrate that safe and efficient access can be provided to South Western Highway.” Also according to a letter from Main Roads WA dated 5 April 2011 the advice provided to Transcore Main Roads WA proposed an access off an unmade R.O.W. located at the northern end of the subject site. Accordingly, Transcore was requested to review the development proposal and investigate the suitability, optimum location and standard of the Lot 810 crossover intersection on South Western Highway. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The proposed subdivision entails three rural residential lots (Lots 1, 2 and 3) and occupies an area of approximately 14.11ha in total. The subject site is located at the east side of South Western Highway approximately 340m south of Eleventh Road and about 1.4km north of Thomas Road. The site entails approximately 270m long frontage on South Western Highway. The subject site is currently vacant and as such has no formal access off South Western Highway. Refer Figure 1 and Appendix A for more details on subject site location.

Technical Note: No. 1 Date: 11/04/2016Project No: t16.058 Project: Proposed Subdivision - Lot 810 South Western Highway, Wungong Subject: South Western Highway Crossover Intersection.

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Figure 1: Location of the subject site

PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The proposed subdivision consists of three lots, each having a direct frontage on South Western Highway, with three separate residential dwellings (one dwelling per lot). However, a single shared crossover intersection onto South Western Highway is proposed to service all three lots with cross easement to accommodate an internal service road. The location of the proposed internal service road is such that it allows for the future South Western Highway widening and is set back from the South Western Highway road reserve. Refer Appendix B for more details. LOCAL ROAD NETWORK South Western Highway extends southwards from Armadale Road connecting Perth’s suburb of Armadale with the southern regions of WA passing through a number of major agriculture nodes and settlements. In the vicinity of the subject site South Western Highway is constructed as a two-lane, single carriageway road with wide shoulders (refer Figure 2 and Figure 3 for more details).

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According to the Main Roads WA Perth Metropolitan Area – Functional Road Hierarchy document, South Western Highway is classified as a Primary Distributor. South Western Highway is covered by a Primary Regional Roads (PRR) reservation in the MRS (Red Road) and as such is under care and control of Main Roads WA. Based on the latest available traffic count information sourced from Main Roads WA, South Western Highway (south of Eleventh Road) carried approximately 15,070vpd during a typical weekday in March 2013. South Western Highway operates with a sign-posted speed limit of 90km/h in the immediate vicinity of the subject site.

Figure 2: Northbound view along South Western Highway in the vicinity of the

subject site

Figure 3: Southbound view along South Western Highway in the vicinity of the

subject site

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TRAFFIC GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION The traffic generation rates for the proposed subdivision were sourced from the Roads and Traffic Authority NSW, “Guide to Traffic Generating Developments” document. The residential traffic generation rates range from 9 vehicle trips per day per dwelling for the lower residential densities in new developments (10 vehicle trips for dwellings with limited public transport access), 7 vpd for medium density dwellings and 5 vpd for high-density units. The trip rate of 10 vehicles per day was assumed for this subdivision. Accordingly, the subdivision is estimated to generate approximately 30 total daily vehicular trips for a typical weekday. The total daily vehicular traffic includes both inbound and outbound trips. Similarly, trip generation during the critical AM and PM peak periods for the subdivision is estimated to be in order of 3 trips per hour (inbound and outbound trips combined). The distribution and assignment of the subdivision-generated traffic was based on the actual location of the subject development, the existing local and regional road network and the location of various district attraction nodes. Accordingly, the following assumptions were made for the distribution and assignment of the generated traffic:

Approximately 70% of the subdivision generated traffic will access/egress site from the north along South Western Highway; and,

Approximately 30% of the subdivision generated traffic will access/egress site from the south along South Western Highway.

In line with the assumed traffic generation and distribution, the forecast AM and PM peak hour and total daily traffic volumes generated by the proposed subdivision are illustrated in Figure 4 and Figure 5. Based on the estimated peak hour traffic expected to be generated by the proposed subdivision it is concluded that capacity issues are not anticipated for the proposed single crossover intersection on South Western Highway during either of the peak traffic operation periods.

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Figure 4: Morning and afternoon peak hour trip distribution of the proposed


Figure 5: Total daily trip distribution of the proposed subdivision

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ASSESSMENT OF THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION CROSOVER INTERSECTION As previously discussed the subdivision application contemplates a single shared crossover intersection onto South Western Highway as opposed to multiple individual crossovers for each lot separately. An internal service road (cross easement) would provide internal distribution of trips for each of the three lots. This internal service road is proposed to be parallel to the South Western Highway and is located such that it allows for the planned South Western Highway widening. Following review of the original subdivision application Main Roads WA has suggested that the proposed subdivision take access from South Western Highway via Rails Crescent and the unmade R.O.W. which runs along the northern perimeter of Lot 810. This access road would then turn south and continue to run along the eastern site boundary branching off to each subdivided lot in order to provide separate access for each lot. Review of this proposal indicates that it is neither practical nor feasible due to the existing terrain constraints at this location and the extensive earth works required to be undertaken which would render this proposal cost-prohibitive. Accordingly feasibility of crossover intersection along South Western Highway was assessed in order to identify an optimal location and standard to satisfy the sightline warrants, Austroads guidelines and provide a feasible and cost-effective solution. In order to establish the minimum SISD (Safe Intersection Sight Distance) for the speed limit of 90km/h (design speed 100km/h) applicable for South Western Highway at this location Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 4A: Unsignalised and Signalised Intersections document was referenced. The SISD is defined as “…minimum distance which should be provided on the major road at any intersection”. SISD provides sufficient distance for a driver of a vehicle on a major road to observe a vehicle on a minor road approach moving into a collision situation and to decelerate and stop before reaching the collision point. It is viewed between two points to provide inter-visibility between drivers and vehicles on the major road and minor road approaches. In a vertical plane, SISD is measured from a driver eye height if 1.1m above the road to points 1.25m above the road which represents driver seeing the upper part of the car. In a horizontal plane, SISD is measured along the carriageway from the approaching vehicle to the conflict point, the line of sight having to be clear to a point 5.0m (3.0m minimum) back from the holding line or stop line on the side road. Accordingly, based on the given parameters such as 90km/h speed limit (design speed 100km/h) of South Western Highway at this location and driver reaction time of 2.0s recommended as a minimum reaction time for use in Western Australia a SISD of 248m is required to satisfy the Austroads guidelines.

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The SISD of 248m would result in Lot 810 South Western Highway crossover intersection being located about 302m south of the Rails Crescent intersection measured along the carriageway. With the crossover positioned at this location the SISD warrants are met both to the north and south. Figure 2 and Figure 3 are taken at the approximate location of the proposed crossover intersection and illustrate the northbound and southbound views from the future side road taken about 3.0m back from the South Western Highway carriageway. The aerial photo depicting the available SISD to the north and south of the proposed Lot 810 crossover is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Available SISD sight distances from the location of the proposed Lot

810 crossover intersection In order to establish the minimum required intersection treatment (intersection standard) for the proposed Lot 810 crossover on South Western Highway Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 4A: Unsignalised and Signalised Intersections and Main Roads WA supplement to Austroads Guidelines document was referenced. Accordingly, based on the estimated morning (AM) and afternoon (PM) peak hour traffic at the future Lot 801 crossover and the warrants for the rural road intersection turn treatments stipulated in the aforementioned document for major road design speed of ≥100km/h it is established that a basic left turn (BAL) and basic right turn (BAR) treatment is sufficient for the proposed crossover.

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The BAL treatment on major road involves widened and sealed shoulder which assists turning vehicles to move further off the through carriageway making it easier for through vehicles to pass. The BAR treatment features a widened and sealed shoulder on the major road that allows through vehicles, having slowed, to pass to the left of the turning vehicles. Accordingly, Transcore has developed a concept design in line with Austroads and Main Roads WA warrants as shown in Appendix B. It is considered that Transcore’s recommendation is safer that the subdivision gaining access from Rails Crescent as the existing intersection of South Western Highway and Rails Crescent does not entail any treatment on South Western Highway.

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Appendix A


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Appendix B


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Appendix C


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