Aon Best Employers - Singapore 2015 Country Report Sample

Prepared by Aon Performance, Reward & Talent Best Employers – Singapore 2015 Country Report ary 2016 ase note that the slides here represent a few highlight taken from the Country Report can get access to the full report by submitting at the end of this sample

Transcript of Aon Best Employers - Singapore 2015 Country Report Sample

Prepared by AonPerformance, Reward & Talent

Best Employers – Singapore 2015Country Report

February 2016• Please note that the slides here represent a few highlight taken from the Country Report• You can get access to the full report by submitting at the end of this sample

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The Country Report provides a deep-dive into our observations, supporting practices and outcome on the Best Employers construct in Hong Kong.

We hope you continue successfully on this journey.

Best Employers Program in Asia Pacific

Aon began the Best Employers research in Asia in 2001 to provide insights into how organisations can create real competitive advantage through people and explore the contours of what makes a workplace of choice.

15 Years of Best Employers Data Insights and Best Practices

Our 15 years of Best Employers studies in Asia, backed with engagement research of over 6,400 global organisations including 2,300 in the region, covering 800,000 employee’s opinions support the striking evidence: Having a high level of Employee Engagement, a Compelling Employer Brand, Effective Leadership and a High Performance Culture translates into a committed and productive workforce that delivers stronger business results.

Through our research, we know that high employee engagement not only delivers greater shareholder value, but it also reduces staff turnover and improves customer satisfaction.

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Best Employers - Asia Pacific

The Best Employers program is conducted in 12 markets:



Hong Kong






New Zealand




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What Constitutes a Best Employer ?

Four Measurable Factors Contribute to Whether an Organisation is a Best Employer

High Employee Engagement

Say: The employees consistently speak positively about the organisation to co-workers, potential employees and customers

Stay: The employees have an intense desire to be a member of the organisation

Strive: The employees exert extra effort and engage in work that contributes to business success

Compelling Employer Brand

Reputation: The organisation is well-known and has a good reputation in the market, especially for those target groups which are critical for the organisation’s business success

Internal Brand: Employees are proud to be part of the organisation, and can explain what makes working here different from other organisations

Credibility: Employees believe that the organisation delivers on its promises it makes to employees

Effective Leadership

Future Vision: Leaders show clear and compelling future vision to the members of the organisation

Valuing People: Employees experience that leaders are appropriately visible and accessible; treat them as organisation’s most valued asset

Business Excellence: Employees trust their senior leaders to be open and honest; and believe they make good business decisions to drive the organisation to success

High Performance Culture

Accountability & Trust: Managers set clear goals and expectations, and employees know how they can best contribute to realise their business strategy

Reward: Rewards and recognition for high performance are clearly understood and transparent to employees

Growth: The organisation prepares for future challenges by offering interesting careers for high potential employees and learning opportunities for all employees

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50% 60% 70% 80%50%




Critical People Challenges – Singapore 2015

Consistent with Asia, Critical Skills Shortage and Rising Sales are the Top Concerns

On average only 30% of organisations feel they are prepared to tackle these risks Poor labour relations features low in Singapore, in contrast to other markets

People risks likely to impact your business



Likely Near Certain

Rising Salaries

Critical Skills


Availability & Selection of


Degree of impact ofthe people risks

Inability to Retain TalentInadequate

Leadership Pipeline

Inability to Attract


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Best Employers Summary – Singapore 2015

High Employee Engagement Compelling Employer Brand


59% 66%

Effective Leadership High Performance Culture

80% 81%

60% 59%

Market Average Best Employers

The Best Employers Outperform the Market by 21% Across All 4 Pillars

Best Employers filled 42% more openings internally compared to market level

Best Employers have 25% lower attrition

Best Employers achieve 29% higher income than market average

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High Employee Engagement – Singapore 2015







SAY: The employees consistently speak positively about the organisation to co-workers, potential employees and customers

STAY: The employees have an intense desire to be a member of the organisation

STRIVE: The employees exert extra effort and engage in work that contributes to business success


Employee Engagement index

2003 2007 2011 2015






85% 80%

59%54% 60%





Favourable engagement scores overthe last 15 years

Market Average Best Employers

Best Employersengagement score

at 80%is significantly higher than market average

at 59%

Overall Employee Engagement Scores in Singapore Have Remained Stagnant Over the Last Ten Years. The Scores for Best Employers Have Fluctuated to Some Extent.

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Compelling Employer Brand – Singapore 2015

More Than 6 Out of 10 Employees Surveyed Said that They Were Likely to Recommend Their Organisation to a Friend Seeking Employment







REPUTATION: The organisation is well-known and has a good reputation in the market

INTERNAL BRAND: Employees are proud to be part of the organisation, and can explain what makes working here different from other organisations

CREDIBILITY: Employees believe that the organisations delivers on its promises it makes to employees


Employer Brand index

Best Employers

employer brand index

at 88%is significantly higher than market average

at 66%

Market Average Best Employers

Net Pro-


Promoter Passive Detractor


9% 7%



21% 17%

Net promoter score 2015The NPS gap between Best Employers and the market average has widened by 4% over the 2013 results

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Effective Leadership – Singapore 2015

100% of the Best Employers Have Their High Potential Programme Integrated Into Talent Management Processes Compared to 60% Market Average

Higher fixed pay and/or benefits

External coaching and/or mentoring

Accelerated career growth

Increased access to and interactions with senior executives/top management

Customised learning and development opportunities



15% 33%

29% 33%

29% 33%

31% 33%

Placement in high impact roles

Market Average Best Employers

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Walking the Talk – Distance to Cover Between Rhetoric and Reality


71% of CEOs say people managers have the tools and

resources to manage.

But only 55% ofpeople managers feel they are

fully productive.

Leaders say “our employees are our greatest asset”.

But only 58% ofemployees believe their senior

leaders treat them as their organisation’s most valued


Career opportunities is the top driver of engagement

across all generations.

But only 54% ofemployees think they have

good career opportunities at their organisation.

65% of organisations said that they have a clearly defined

employer brand.

But only 15% have complete alignment between the CEO and HR definition of

their employer brand.

Effective Leadership

High Employee




High Performance


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Start Your Journey by Having a ‘Best Employers’ Baseline

Business Strategy

Strategic priorities for an organisation

Employee Expectations

Employee opinion, aspiration and needs

People Practices

Maturity of HR program and practices

Review Alignment

Across 3 Pillars

Benchmark to Best


Prioritise Your HR


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Participation Benefits

Best Employers is more than just a study, it is an on-going program. The service includes the following benefits:

Employee Opinion Benchmark Report – your organization scores on Best Employer themes benchmarked to best employers and market scores1People Practices Benchmark Report – your people practices maturity relative to key industry and market benchmarks2Consulting Advice – two hours session presenting your organization’s results and insights by an experienced Aon Hewitt consultant3Country report - presenting country-specific HR and Business insights and trends on the Best Employer themes4Best Employers Awards Ceremony and Learning Conference – sharing of insights by Aon Hewitt and Best Employers including Best Employers felicitation 5Access to Digital Library – sharing research, multi-media content, case studies and best practices through our digital library (2 logins per participating company)6Media promotion for organizations that make it to the Best Employers list, to enhance your employer brand and talent attraction and retention activity7

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Contact Information

To order full Best Employers – Singapore 2015 Country Report, please click here

To participate in Aon Best Employers – Asia Pacific 2016, please contact

Zihao Chua

Project Manager

Best Employers – Singapore

[email protected]

Gitansh Malik

Regional Project Manager

Best Employers – Asia

[email protected]

Aon Hewitt Asia

@Aon HewittAsia

Aon Hewitt

Join us on a Journey to Becoming a Best Employer 2016