anti-Obama CLXIX

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  • 7/29/2019 anti-Obama CLXIX


    The Internet continues to explode; not having blasted info this-a.m. yields sensory-overload this-p.m.

    Start with a bit of levity ['The Day ObamaCare Died' - 'American Pie' Parody]; things are lookin up!

    Guzzardi distilled the following prognostication from a series of chats held during recent weeks and then

    disseminated it to his D.C.-contacts; it seems events are rapidly moving in a healthy direction:

    Vote No to Cloture and Continue Debate, thereby pressuring Reid to use a 60-vote

    threshold for approval of funding for ObamaCare. dr. bob and I predict that Boehner

    and Cruz have a fail-safe plan that is fool-proof. If the GOP hangs together, its possible

    to offer Reid the chance to achieve cloture only if he abandons his 51-vote threshold;

    were he to accept, it would then be possible to try to peel-away a few wayward Ds

    [running for re-election] and to envision presenting a stink-bomb for Obama to sign

    [defunding ObamaCare]; if he were to remain intransigent or if the GOP were not to be

    united in this venture, the issue would be ping-ponged to the House rather rapidly.

    Then, to silence claims that Rs are closing-down government, Boehner strategically

    would roll-out sequential segments of the initial CR, serially funding each department[starting with DoD/military] invoking existing sequester levels [proven to be safe].

    {Reids concession thathe-had held-the-line-on-federal-spendingwould be invoked.}

    Next, to silence claims that Rs are the Party ofNO, ObamaCare would be supplanted

    in the HHS budget with the revenue-neutral plan of the Republican Study Committee;

    the already-passed proscription that the IRS enforce ObamaCare would be inserted

    into the Treasury Department funding bill. From the D-perspective, these would be

    akin to poison pills; from the R-perspective, the House would have done its work,

    confronting the Senate with the Hobsons Choice of either signing-on or assuming total

    responsibility for a partial shutdown [of NIH-research and of the IRShow sexy].

    Ds would have to vote to fund each department; Rs would gleefully do so. Thus, the

    POTUS would have to delay tee-time until he would sign-away his signature-legislation.

    Boehner would deliver ~435 with few NO votes; Reids Senate would have to vote AYE.

    Cruz would then have outplayed them all. Machiavellian [as per Joe Scarborough].

    Genius. Government is funded but ObamaCare isnt funded. Boehner/Cantor/McCarthy

    smile like cats who ate canaries. Cruz/Lee are seen to be principled and masters of

    strategy as well as nervy. Ds are crushed as a prelude to killing immigration-reform.

    dr bob and I are making this prediction. We are on the record although dr bob figured

    this out, months ago.
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    With the weekend looming, there is less-than-24-hours-to-defund-ObamaCare; thus, ponder these

    three-ways-to-honor-ted-cruzs-efforts-and-to-make-a-real-difference. Please consult the following list

    ofPennsylvanians in the 113th Congressand communicate with your rep initially, but not exclusively.

    Consult for an infographic that depicts healthcare-premiums, and

    note that the ObamaCare-will-increase-avg-individual-market-insurance-premiums-by-

    99%-for-men-and 62%-for-women; in Pennsylvania, theexchange-costmay beamong-

    the-cheapest, inasmuch as theaverage monthly cost across U.S. is $328. InTennessee,

    ObamaCare will triple men's premiums and double women's; lamar-alexander noted

    that ObamaCare-will-force-some-tennessee-premiums-to-skyrocket-as much as 290%.

    Draw from the following data, all of which emerged during the past 24-hours. Start with a quote from

    Obamas Confession [We Did Raise Taxes On Some Things To Pay For ObamaCare], and notethis list.

    Then recognize that glitches already occurred [DC OBAMACARE EXCHANGE DELAYED], that'Deductibles

    Could Burn a Hole in Your Wallet', that it will impose amarriage tax, thatACORN's 'Fraternal Twin' is

    now An ObamaCare Navigator [with access to the most personal data], that $1B is TO BE SPENT TO

    PROMOTE ROLLOUT, that Exchanges are to Cost $5.3 Billion and consume 16 Million Hours, that the

    employer-mandate has already cut work-hours, and that michelle malkin reports that obama-lied,

    because-my-health-plan-died. This is transpiring whenamericans doubt the economy has rebounded

    [in defiance of-forecasts] when, for example, they see layoffs and emphasis on part-time employment.

    Messaging can be deduced by these tweets by Cruz:

    @SenTedCruz: Any Republican who votes to give Harry Reid the ability to fund

    ObamaCare with 51 votes is voting to fund ObamaCare

    @SenTedCruz: Americans across the country are frustrated that politicians of both

    parties don't listen to the people#MakeDCListen,0,1397874.story,0,1397874.story,0,1397874.story,0,1397874.story
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    @SenTedCruz: Congress should be bound by the same rules as everybody


    It may be recalled that the TEA [Taxed Enough Already] Party Movement groups [which met on Monday]

    planned to focus on Senator Toomey [shifting from Congressman Fitzpatrick, whom they thanked], but

    two events obviated the need to take any formal action [i.e., issuing a third Press Release]. First,

    amazingly, this physician was told 100%of calls to Toomeys Philly-office were pro-Cruz @ 11:30 a.m.

    Second, Guzzardi received an e-mail in the mid-afternoon that definitively adopted the desired posture

    [c/o Mitch Vidovich Southeast Regional Director]:

    From the start, my goal has been, and continues to be, to completely repeal the

    Presidents health care law as soon as possible.#ObamaCarehurts our economy, shrinks

    paychecks, and moves our health care system in the wrong direction. It is simply not


    With President Obama in the White House and the Democratic party controlling the

    Senate, full repeal, unfortunately, cannot be achieved now. However, I believe that,

    right now, we can delay and dismantle some of the most egregious flaws in this law flaws which have been acknowledged by lawmakers in both parties. I, therefore, intend

    to offer reasonable amendments that would help achieve this objective, including for

    instance, a measure to repeal the health care laws medical device tax which drives up

    costs for patients and threatens Pennsylvania jobs.

    If Majority Leader Reid insists on granting himself the power to gut the House-passed

    bill with 51 votes, while preventing me and other Senators from even offering

    amendments with broad bipartisan support, I will vote against clotureon the bill.

    With all due respect, it is noted thatFitzpatrick wants to block Congressional pay if there is a Shutdown,

    supporting a bill to block pay to Members of Congress if a government shutdown were to transpire;indeed, although not a priority, thisCongressional Exemption was Debated During Cruz Talkathon.
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    The Quasi-Filibuster

    Asted-cruz-stood-his-ground, supporters offeredTwo Cheers for Tedand some determinedwhere-ted-

    cruzs-filibuster-stands-in-history; Cruz has been sporting the Come and Take it lapel pin, reminiscent

    of the flag waved defiantly atthe Battle of Gonzales in 1835, the first battle of the Texas Revolution.

    [Cruz Hit Back at Detractors in the process, as an observant sen-lee claimed aspiration to become-a-pirate.]

    Anyone who is confused by Ted Cruz's vote on cloture (including the NY Times.) is invited toread this.

    The terse message of Ted [via Bozell] to GOP is: You Fund it, You Own It and the

    elaborative message of Teds supporters is: shut-up-rinos, for sen-cruz-has-the-floor.

    He quoted different authors [Frederich Bastiat, Dr. Seuss, Ayn Rand, and Ashton Kutcher],compared


    His Marathon Speech Endures, it will be analyzed [capitalism institute], and it has yielded 10-lessons-

    that #MakeDCListen generated. It ended withthe claim that it is in the Hands of the American People.

    Far from beinga-self-promoting-stunt, it was a-valiant-effort-to-defund-ObamaCare, and the consensus

    view was that thisone-last-stand-against-ObamaCareeffectively resonated with the public.

    Anexhausted ted cruz explained what he thinks his 21-hour speech accomplished, and

    he Continued the Filibuster on EIB [Excellence in Broadcasting] during a long

    discussion with Rush. He was forced to stop @ noon by harry-reid, who allowed the

    racist-filibuster-record-to-stand; this may explain why Harry Reid is the Most HatedLeader in Congress, per Gallup, and it may also explain why even a critic has

    concluded [reluctantly?] thatcruzs-grand-gesture-deserves-respect .

    Finally, note thatRand's Curious Question to Ted Cruzwas a thinly-veiled manifestation of jealousy:

    On Tuesday evening, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) appeared on the Senate floor to support the

    filibuster-style stand by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for defunding ObamaCare. Paul had
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    originally revived the "talking filibuster" in March during a famous stand against the

    Obama administration's policy on the use of drones, and was returning the favor after

    Cruz supported him in that lengthy stand. Yet he also posed a curious question.

    Paul asked Cruz--twice, by my count--whether he would accept some kind of

    compromise short of defunding ObamaCare, if that could not be done. It did not come

    across as the typical sort of question asked by a supporter during a floor debate, meant

    to help a colleague draw out their arguments. Nor was it the sort of collegial challenge

    posed by Democrat Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, who sparred with Cruz late Tuesday


    It was a real challenge, one Cruz seemed to understand as such. It may have been based

    on a real proposal--floatedhere at Breitbart News and evidentlytaken upby the House

    GOP--to resolve the stand-off over the budget by allowing a one-year delay in

    ObamaCare's individual mandate rather than defunding it entirely. But it may also have

    been a bit of jostling at the front of the pack in the race for conservative leadership.

    An hour after he ended his speech, the Senate vote unanimously [at 1 p.m. ET] to bring the Houses CRdefunding ObamaCare to the floor, with this depicting the situation extant during the rest of the day;

    reportedly, negotiations are occurring in an effort to shorten the calendar, but it should be recalled that

    Reid rejected all three unanimous consent suggestions by Cruz [one of which would have led to a vote

    on the main motion that very day, rather than awaiting the completion of a 30-hour floor-discussion].

    Becauseall 100 senators voted to end debate on the motion to proceed, the future vote, on the motion

    itself, will be the test. [The key-question is whether a threshold of 51 can be expanded to 60.]

    Cruz voted in favor of the motion to proceed. He said Tuesday night during a 21-hour

    speech that the real vote on blocking the measure would come after Reid moves to strip

    language funding ObamaCare from the bill.

    Cruz held the Senate floor for more than 21 hours to protest President Obamas

    signature healthcare law and to raise public awareness of Reids plans to strip down the

    House bill.

    Reid chastised Cruz for what he called a big waste of time and warned it increases the

    possibility of a stalemate over government funding.

    Thegovernment is set to shut down in a matter of hours, he said.

    Its a shame were standing here having wasted perhaps two days, most of yesterday

    and a good part of today, when we could pass what we need to pass very quickly and

    send it back to the House, he added.

    The Senate must vote again on the actual motion to proceed to the stopgap spending

    measure. After filing his amendments, Reid must schedule another vote to end debate

    on the bill and set up a final vote. This second cloture vote could happen Friday.

    It should be noted that this iteration has been misportrayed; once it was clear that discussion of the bill

    was to proceed, Cruz showed his maturity by ensuring there was no public-split in the GOP.
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    The Supporters

    AnIowa Kingmaker Says Cruz Has Edge in 2016, butCruz still had to Blast Critics who Don't Even Know

    what day Senate GOP meets;Mike Lees memo to filibuster naysayers ['I Don't Care What They Call It']

    was amplified whenSen. Ted Cruz Talked Defund ObamaCare with Rush LimbaughandRush [vide supra]

    dubbed Cruz as a 'Freedom Fighter' Fighting for 'Soul of His Party.' A pundit concludedCRUZ CONTROL

    SHOULD BE STANDARD ON GOP MODELS, andbrent bozell was prompted to define good-journalism.

    Mark Levin's Liberty Amendments were Spotted Among Cruz's Reading Material [and

    people are invited toJoin Tea Party Patriots in a discussion about Restoring the Balance

    of Power, featuring a rare public speaking appearance by special guest, Mark Levin.
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    Bencarson-praised the-grit-and-gumption-to-resist-ObamaCare, as didAllen West.

    A huge groundswell occurred in support of Senator Ted Cruz. The Kentucky bikers are on

    their way to McConnell's office to#MakeDCListen. Senate voicemail boxes are full and

    America is answering the call to make their voices heard in DC. The electorate was

    exhorted to use social media [Facebook, Twitter, phone numbers] and, specifically,

    people were asked to monitor#TeaParty!#StillCruzin#DefundObamaCare.

    He was supported vigorously by Sarah PALIN, Mark Levin, VITTER, Jon Voight [Obama Following His

    Father Toward Socialism],Brad Thor [Larry the Cable Guy] andKERRY PICKET of FOX BUSINESS. Also,

    Sen. Vitter announced Support for Ted Cruzs Strategy to Defund ObamaCare.

    The Lefties

    The morning joe crew again sneered at cruzs quasi-filibuster; Cokie Roberts [NPR]predictably/sadly,

    said: some of this Tea Party anger isracist; having a non-black person on the ticket will diffuse it to

    some degree. This was retweeted JWF (@JammieWF)This Ted Cruz filibuster is so meaningless and

    dumbthat the angry-left is obsessed with it. abc-and the WaPo-sneered-at-sen-cruz, JON STEWARTIGNORED FACTS while going INTO DEFENSE MODE,Bette Midler beclowned herwelf when she claimed

    Ted Cruz was not a real Christian,lapdog-milbank-said-cruz-is-all-about himself,MATTHEWS exclaimed



    The new anarchy inciter, harry-reid, mocked the speech as a big waste of time and

    criticized the tea party.Rep. Van Hollen exclaimed the GOP was Scared ObamaCare Will

    Be Successful [without noting the cascade of faults that continue to emerge daily];

    Schumer said he had been 'Appalled' at Cruz's Interpretation of 'Green Eggs and Ham.'

    MEDIA essentially determined that THE FILIBUSTER IS ONLY 'FAKE' WHEN TED CRUZ DOES IT; as themedia-claimed-ted-cruz-was not-filibustering, democrat-filibusterswere hailed. Dramatizing these facts

    was howmedia-biaswas demonstrated whented-cruz and wendy-daviswere not handled objectively.

    Ignoring the fact thatsen-harry-reid admitted ObamaCare absolutely is a step toward a

    single-payer-system, lefties @ the WaPo then issued this subtly-negative determination:

    Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) sustained a marathon talking attack on President Obamas

    health-care law overnight and showed no sign of stopping well into Wednesday morning
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    a feat of stamina that likely will complicate House GOP efforts to pass a funding bill

    aimed at averting a looming government shutdown. {This segue was artificial.}

    With Their Ted Cruz Smears, the Left Showed Their Fear of the Grassroots Tea Party ; indeed,POLITICO

    was compelled to TRACK-DOWN a 'DR. SEUSS EXPERT' TO TRASH CRUZ. Meanwhile,NPR Hid the Cost of

    ObamaCareand the key-challenge being debated currently was misconstrued in a headline inusa-today

    when it claimed a senate-vote-on the CR was to determine whether a shutdown on the ObamaCare s CR

    would occur [that would reflexly be blamed on the GOP, of course].

    The GOP

    McCain Bashed Cruz and, in the process, exclaimedThe People had Spoken on ObamaCare and the GOP

    Should Respect the Outcomes of Elections; hepraised how democrats had passed it and emphasized

    the fact that elections-have-consequences, essentially delivering-the-democratic-response-to-cruz.

    Reaction was swift, as mark-levin-slammed-john-mccain-as-a-useful-idiot-for-the-democrats, it wasadvised that he acquiesce to the message in an old ditty [Theyre coming to take me away, ha-ha!] and

    Errol Phillipsdetermined that he emerged after Charlie Crist and Arlen Specter were placed into a juicer.

    [McCain wasnt alone in attacking Cruz, to wit:in-crazy-cruz-versus-mcclique, im-with-cruz.]

    And after his daughter meghan-mccain-claimed to hate chris-christie, the media were

    not fooled; theMedia Turned on Meghan McCain and Blasted her New Pivot Show.

    Becauseted-cruz-now-owns-the-conservative base[per Herman Cain], its easier to lobby people such

    asRoy Blount, who Joined 10 Other GOP Senators Who Will Vote To Fund Obama-Care[to encourage a

    reassessment of priorities by as many as 11-rino-parasites-who-are-ready-to-vote-against-defunding.

    Necessarily, this effort would be perceived as aGreat Big attack on the GOP Establishment, and it would

    have to withstand counter-attacks by people who think they are presidential timbre [plus the media],

    such as Rep. Peter King [who called Ted Cruz afraudand aterrorist, as he dared to cross to the House].

    None of this would have anything to do with the debt-ceiling, whichobama-once-opposed-lifting.
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