Anti Corruption Survey Presentation 1 Situational Analysis OSE and YCWJ empowering people to empower...

Anti Corruption Survey Presentation 1 Situational Analysis OSE and YCWJ empowering people to empower themselves Presented by K’adamawe K’nIfe OSE and YCWJ Dept of Management Studies UWI, Mona [email protected]

Transcript of Anti Corruption Survey Presentation 1 Situational Analysis OSE and YCWJ empowering people to empower...

Page 1: Anti Corruption Survey Presentation 1 Situational Analysis OSE and YCWJ empowering people to empower themselves Presented by K’adamawe K’nIfe OSE and YCWJ.

Anti Corruption Survey Presentation


Situational Analysis

OSE and YCWJ empowering people to empower themselves

Presented by K’adamawe K’nIfeOSE and YCWJDept of Management Studies UWI, [email protected]

Page 2: Anti Corruption Survey Presentation 1 Situational Analysis OSE and YCWJ empowering people to empower themselves Presented by K’adamawe K’nIfe OSE and YCWJ.


Desk Review – Caribbean SituationCase Analysis – Benchmarking perception of

police performance in Jamaica.Frequencies from Anti Corruption


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Perception of Corruption

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Percent of Population Victimized by Corruption

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Section I – Jamaican Case

Insights from JCF benchmarking perception of police performance

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Cross TabulationsOLS Regression Analysis (sensitivity

analysis)Perception at National LevelPerception at Community Level

Perception/prevalence of crime in the society

Fear of becoming a victim of crime in the society

Confidence in the policeTrust in the police

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Primary Objective


To unearth benchmark indicators on the Perception of Police Performance within Jamaica

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Limitations of the Study


The data analysis is solely on perception of policing

Aspects of the data do not lend itself to regression analysis.

The data has no time component and as such the analysis is static at a point time. Events like the one on Labour Day (Tivoli) could

change people perception of the police and policing.

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Perception – Country level – equation & Results



Unstandardized Coefficients

Sig. B Std. Error


.403 .018 .000


.047 .015 .001

TRUST .094 .021 .000 CONFIDENCE .236 .015 .000 FEAR -.043 .013 .001 PER_CRIME -.035 .017 .034 ACT_VICTIM -.006 .007 .389 ABUSE_RIGHTS -.002 .032 .947









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Perception – Community Level – Equation & Results



Unstandardized Coefficients

Sig. B Std. Error


.275 .024 .000


.053 .019 .006

TRUST .136 .027 .000 CONFIDENCE .171 .020 .000 FEAR -.060 .017 .000 PER_CRIME .000 .022 .984 ACT_VICTIM -.018 .009 .041 ABUSE_RIGHTS -.021 .042 .620









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Confidence in Police - Equation











Variables in this equation treated as dummy variables

These variables are also tested at two levels – 1.There is some amount of confidence & 2.There is a great deal of confidence

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Page 12: Anti Corruption Survey Presentation 1 Situational Analysis OSE and YCWJ empowering people to empower themselves Presented by K’adamawe K’nIfe OSE and YCWJ.

Confidence in the police – equation and results



Unstandardized Coefficients

Sig. B Std. Error CONSTANT .248 .007 .000


.090 .015 .000


.068 .008 .000


.128 .017 .000


.095 .019 .000


.030 .009 .001


.085 .015 .000

SIZE_FORCE .029 .007 .000 POLICE_TRAINED .042 .007 .000

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Trust in the Police – equation and results









Unstandardized Coefficients

Sig. B Std. Error CONSTANT .604 .009 .000


-.282 .013 .000

BRIBED_POLICE -.036 .009 .000 INFO .026 .008 .001 TRUST_LOCAL_POLICE

.000 .000 .500

POLICE_STATION .003 .006 .636 REPORT_CRIME -1.452 .000 .951

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Page 14: Anti Corruption Survey Presentation 1 Situational Analysis OSE and YCWJ empowering people to empower themselves Presented by K’adamawe K’nIfe OSE and YCWJ.

General Conclusion


It is not about numbers - It is not about force - More about people relating to people – interaction with police – Trust and Confidence

More about support services and non police intervention post police intervention – who replaces the dons – Social Entrepreneurship?

Holistic approach – JCF, MNS, UWI, JBDC, Social Intervention agencies

Who leads depends upon the context – JCF sometimes – meaningful platform required for JCF interventions.

Media is central to the perception of police performance – JCF must have its own propaganda machinery

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Section III - Frequencies from Anti Corruption Questionnaire

•Model•Methodology •limitations•Assumptions•Results•Conclusions

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Conceptual Model

Nc = ∑i1-n Ic + e – (Where Nc is National

Corruption; Ic internal corruption and ‘e’ is the error term).

Therefore National corruption (macro) is assumed to be the summation of internal corruption (micro) with consideration for error which mean is assume to tend towards zero over time


Policy (P) Action (A)

Internal/Micro (I) IP IA National/Macro (N) NP NA

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Questionnaire - to generate frequencies and cross tabulations relating to the model outlined above - 26 responses from 15 countries

National policy (NP) and National action (NA) – implying policy and action to support anti corruption at the national level – here taken to be at the Macro/State operations

Internal policy (IP) and Internal action (IA) – implying policy and action to support anti corruption activities at the Micro/JCF (Division ect)

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Inconsistency in returning of questionnaires – Just in Time Approach

The critical limitation – gathered from a diverse set of countries each at different stages in their anti corruption efforts. As such the standard deviations will generally tend to be high.

Some questions were not answered resulting in missing data points which might skew the outcomes.

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Where the NP >NA and/or IP > IA = PC (Potential Corruption)

Where NP < NA and/or IP < IA = IS (inadequate legislative support the state and/or internal level respectively)

Where NP > IP = IA (inadequate adaptation)Where NP = NA and IP = IA (where ‘e’ = 0)

this presents the best environment for minimizing corruption – might not be attainable – Desired Future .

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List of countries – responses

AnguillaAntigua and

BarbudaBarbadosBelizeBermudaBritish Virgin IslandsCaymanDominica

GrenadaJamaicaMontserratSt. Kitts and NevisSt. Vincent and the

GrenadinesSurinameTurks and Caicos

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Trinidad and Tobago, Haiti & Guyana – no submission

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National Policy and Action - outcomes

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National Policy No Yes Is there a National Law Enforcement Anti-Corruption Policy?

70% 30%

Is there a Conflict of interest policy regarding Police officers acquiring a secondary source of income?

40% 60%

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22OSE and YCWJ empowering people to empower themselves

National Action No Yes Is there a dedicated court to handle corruption cases?


Has there been any prosecution of Law Enforcement Officers for corruption in the last three years?

35% 65%

Is there an effective Witness Protection/Whistle Blower Programme?

77% 23%

Is there an effective internal and external Communication strategy?

58% 42%

Is there a public education campaign regarding police corruption?

54% 27%

Are surveys conducted (publicly and internally) regarding the perceived levels of corruption in the police force?

75% 25%

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Internal Policy

No Yes

Is there an established Code of Ethics for Enforcement Officers?

35% 65%

Are the annual financial disclosures of staff mandatory?

79% 21%

Internal Policy and Action outcomes

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Internal Action No Yes Is there a Police Oversight Body? 60% 40% Is there an internal mechanism for the disclosure of wrong doing?

36% 64%

Is there an established centralized polygraph unit for the vetting of officers and recruits?

83% 17%

Is there a cleansing Programme to remove corrupt Police officers?

64% 36%

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Cross Tabs – Country -NP and NA

OSE and YCWJ empowering people to empower themselves25

National Policy - While Jamaica has a weak implementation of policies, it has very strong National Policies. Cayman also has very strong National policy with

corresponding strong national and internal actions.Hence from the data submitted Cayman has the

most robust anti corruption dynamic, while Jamaica has be strongest National Policy structure.

National Action – Cayman has very strong National Action, this supports its strong internal action as well

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Internal Action - While Antigua Barbuda has strong internal policy however it has week internal action.Additionally Cayman which has weak internal

policy and a strong internal action.Internal Policy across all countries - Jamaica

and Antigua has very strong internal policy.

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Cross Tabs – Country - IP and IA

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Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum MeanStd.


National Policy

12 1.00 4.00 2.2500 1.35680

National Action

12 1.00 3.00 1.4167 .66856

Internal policy

14 1.00 4.00 2.0714 1.14114

Internal Action

11 1.00 4.00 1.6364 1.02691

Valid N (listwise)



Note that NP > NA; IP > IA and NP > IP suggesting that there is scope for corruption at both levels

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Good/Effective Governance is a precondition for strategic planning

A good policy poorly implemented gives the same outcome of a poor policy properly implemented – sub optimal outcome

Where there is asymmetric information – perception outweighs experience/victimisation“Restoration of public safety and confidenceBoosting of the morale and confidence of JCF

members and auxiliariesEffective internal and external

communication (JCF 2010” – CCN’s Role?

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The Way Forward - Region

International best practice in the anti-corruption fight

Establish international, regional and national network anti-corruption intelligence & public education campaign

Establish and strengthen oversight bodies responsible for the detection, prevention, punishment and eradication of corruption

Constant vetting of recruitment and renewal of employment agreement – constant capacity building

Establish Integrity Commission Polygraph testing for all government officialsSpecialized training of public officials and members

of the police forceOSE and YCWJ empowering people to empower themselves29

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Questions & Comments

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Implementation - Implementation - Implementation

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