Answer of Unit 1.2. 7.8

Answer of Unit 1.2. Answer of Unit 1.2. 7.8 7.8


Answer of Unit 1.2. 7.8. Unit 1 Learning a Language. Warming Up - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Answer of Unit 1.2. 7.8

Page 1: Answer of Unit 1.2. 7.8

Answer of Unit 1.2. 7.8Answer of Unit 1.2. 7.8

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Unit 1 Learning a LanguageUnit 1 Learning a Language • Warming Up• We are all very familiar with learning languages

as we began to learn our mother tongue since our birth. Because of that many people always take it for granted that learning a language is like learning how to ride a bicycle and that people who use the same language usually understand each other very well. In fact, however, those two opinions are both wrong. Then

• 1. What’s the difference between learning a language and learning to ride a bike?

• 2. Is it easy for people using the same language to well understand each other?

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• When we talk about learning a language like English, Japanese or Spanish, we speak and think as though the language in question were a fixed unchanging thing. We expect to learn it as we learned geometry or how to ride a bicycle – systematically, and with clear ultimate success. Many people subsequently give up when they discover just what a misconception this is. They have in fact embarked on an activity that could last the rest of their lives. The experience makes them realize that they are not only going to have to work very hard indeed if they want to succeed, but also that they are – in many cases – barely masters of the language they call their own “mother tongue”.

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• Studying any language is, in fact, an endless voyage. Each of the thousands of languages currently used in the world is a complex affair. Many languages do have a standard form – particularly on paper – and this is what we learn, but they probably also have a variety of regional dialects and social styles, and many are the products of the historical mingling of other languages. The English language is just such a hybrid. It began its career just under two thousand years ago as a form of ancient German, collided with a special kind of old French, was subjected to several waves of Latin and a flood of Greek, and since then has acquired bits and pieces of every other language that its users have ever been in contact with.

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• A second common misconception about language is that words have fixed and clear meanings. This is – fortunately or unfortunately – far from true. Take even the apparently simple and specific English word man. It seems clear enough; it refers to “an adult male human being”. Of course it does, but just consider for a moment the following sentences:

• 1) There are several men missing in that chess set.

• 2) The boat was manned entirely by women and children.

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• You might argue that these sentences are somewhat unnatural; certainly, they do not represent the everyday core meaning of the word man. They are, however, legitimate extensions of that core meaning, the second being especially interesting because it is a verb and not a noun, and suggests that we expect adult male human beings to serve as the crews of ships, not women and certainly not children. Part of the pleasure and genius of language may well arise out of this slight “misuse” of words. After all, if you call a person a cat or a cabbage, no literal identification is intended, but a great deal of meaning is nevertheless conveyed.

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• A third misconception about language claims that every language is – or should be – equally used and understood by all its practitioners everywhere. Certainly, users of the standard forms of English in the United Kingdom generally understand their equivalents in the United States; the degree of similarity between these two major forms of English is great. Dialect-users in these countries, however, have serious problems understanding each other, to the extent that they may wonder if they are actually using the same language. Someone form Brooklyn, New York, will have trouble with a Cockney form London; and old-style British Army colonel won’t do well in discussions with a Californian flower-boy. Yet they all belong within the vast community of 20th century World English.

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• 当我们谈论语言学习,像英语、日语或西班牙语等的学习时,我们的言谈和思维都透露出我们所谈论的语言好像是一种固定不变的东西。我们期望学习语言像学习几何学或学习如何骑自行车一样――系统地学习,最终目标明确。很多人当发现这只是一个错误的想法时随后就放弃了。他们实际上踏上了一条能持续一生的旅程。这种经历使他们不仅意识到如果他们想成功他们就得非常努力,还意识到在多数情况下他们几乎不可能成为他们自称为是自己母语的语言的精通者。


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• 实际上,学习任何语言都是一条没有止境的航行。世界上现在所用的上千种语言中的任何一种都是非常复杂的。很多语言确实有标准形式,尤其在书面上,而且这也是我们所学习的;它们可能还有各种各样的地方性方言和不同的社会形式,不仅如此,有很多还是其它语言的历史混合的产物。英语就是这样一种混合语言。英语两千年前是以古德语的形式存在的,然后受到古法语的冲击,又受到一些拉丁语和希腊语的影响;之后,由于英语的使用者又接触到其他一些语言,英语又受到那些语言的零零碎碎的影响。

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• 关于语言的另外一个错误的看法是认为每个词都有明确固定的意思。这一点远非如此。就拿那个非常简单特定的英语单词 man 来说吧, 这个词的词义似乎足够明确了,指的是成年男性。当然是这样,但是,考虑一下下面的句子:

• 1) There are several men missing in that chess set.• 2) The boat was manned entirely by women and children.• 你可能会争辩说这些句子有点不正常;当然,它们并不代表

单词 man 的日常核心意思。然而它们也是其核心意思的合理引申;句子 2) 里的 man 尤其有意思,因为它是一个动词而非名词,并且暗示了我们期望成年男性来充当船上的工作人员,而不是妇女,当然更不是孩子。语言使用的聪明之处和乐趣就部分地来自于这种词的“无用”。毕竟,如果你叫一个人猫或白菜,并没打算表达猫或白菜的字面意思,但是很多隐含的意义已经传递出来了。

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• 第三个对语言的误解声称每种语言都是――或应该是――被其各地的使用者同样应用和理解的。当然,在英国英语标准形式的使用者通常都理解其美国标准形式的使用者;英语的这两种主要形式有很大的相似度。然而,这两个国家的方言使用者却很难理解彼此,以致于他们会怀疑他们是否使用的是同样的语言。比如,一个从纽约布鲁克林来的人会很难理解一个伦敦佬;一个旧式的英国军队的上校会无法和一个加利福尼亚的嬉皮士进行讨论。但他们都属于这个 20 世纪世界英语的大社区。

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• Unit 1 Language points• 1. in question: being discussed or involved at prese

nt• e.g. Where is the man in question? 我们谈论的这个

人在哪里。• She was so tired that she couldn’t listen carefully to

the problems in question.她太累了以至于无法集中精力听正在讨论的问题了。

• 2. embark on: start to do sth.; set about; be engaged in doing sth.

• e.g. He is about to embark on a new business venture. 他就要开始新的商业冒险活动。

• They embark on a campaign to get people to vote. 他们展开一场动员人们投票的运动。

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• 3. a variety of: all kinds of• e.g. With the economic development, the market is f

ull of a great variety of commodities, where people can get whatever they want. 随着经济的发展,市场充满了各种各样的商品,在那儿人们可以得到任何他们想要的东西。

• In China there are in variety of regional dialects. 中国有各种各样的方言。

• 4. be subjected to: experience; undergo (in this phrase “to” is a preposition )

• e.g. Not subjected good family cultivation, the boy has got into many bad habits. 由于没有受到良好的家庭教育,这个孩子养成了很多坏习惯。

• They were subjected to the enemy attack. 他们遭到敌人的进攻。

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• 5. bits and pieces 零零碎碎的东西• e.g. I make it from some bits and pieces I fou

nd in the shed. 我用在木房里找到的零星碎片做成了这玩意儿。

• The thief made a confession in bits and pieces. 窃贼吞吞吐吐作了招供。

• 6. to the extent that: 到……程度 ( to some extent: in a certain degree 在一定程度上)

• e.g. She works very hard to the extent that she has no idea of what is happening around her.她用功到对她周围所发生的事情一无所知的程度。

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• I. Reading Comprehension• According to the text, answer the following questions.• 1. When people talk about learning a language, they usually

expect to learn it as they learn geometry or how to ride a bicycle , which are learned systematically, with clear ultimate success. In other words, they tend to think that language is a fixed unchanging thing.

• 2. They may eventually discover their view of language learning is wrong. Language learning is a life-long activity, and requires very hard work if they want to succeed.

• 3. Studying a language is an endless voyage because any natural human language is a complex affair with many varieties of regional dialects, social styles and a long historical heritage.

• 4. The English language has mingled with many other languages in its development. It originated from a form of ancient German, was later mixed with Old English and was influenced by many other languages such as Latin and Greek.

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• 5. The purpose of the two examples is to indicate that the meaning of a word is not always the same. Words may generate meanings that are legitimate extensions of their core meaning.

• 6. Unnatural though it may seem to some people, a slight “misuse” of words can give them extra meanings which are legitimate extensions of their core meanings. It is part of the reason why language is so wonderful and pleasurable.

• 7. This is an open-ended question. To help the students sort out the ideas discussed in the text, the teacher can put the tree misconceptions on the board. Ask the students for opinions as to how they may be proved wrong. For example, for the first misconception that language learning is just like learning geometry or something like it, with clear ultimate success, the following points may be drawn from the text: work hard and be patient in one’s language study, be systematic and realistic in planning one’s study, etc.

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• II. Match the following words in Column A with the Chinese meaning in Column B.

• 1. e 2. d 3. g 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. f• III. Use the following given words and phrases to

produce sentences in the way as is shown in the model.

• 1. a. The land on both sides of the Yellow River was subjected to floods.

• b. Years ago, black children were subjected to discrimination in may schools.

• 2. a. Your work is far from satisfactory.• b. Far from admiring his paintings, I dislike them• 3. a. Their quarrel arose out of money.• b. Tom and Mary had a heated discussion, which

arose out of their different personalities.

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• 4. a. The girl is too young to convey her ideas coherently.• b. Her smile conveyed her satisfaction with her daughter’s

performance.• 5. a. husband and wife had trouble trusting each other to the

extent that they intend to live apart.• b. They are very good friend to the extent that they stay

together all the time.• IV. Vocabulary and structure• 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. B• V. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change

the form where necessary.• 1. subsequently 2. equivalent 3. legitimate 4.

Identification • 5. convey 6. variety 7. collides 8. subsequently• VI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.• (omitted)

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• VII. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words in the brackets.

• 1. The government hopes to gain enough support for the project in question.

• 2. Many experts have embarked on the study of a new universal language.

• 3. He could only find some bits and pieces in the kitchen.• 4. Their quarrel arose out of a small joke.• VIII. Summarize the main idea of the text.• The article discusses three aspects of language learning,

while trying to clear up three related misconceptions, which are, language can be learned systematically with clear ultimate success; words have clear-cut and fixed meanings; and people of the same language background speak the same variety everywhere. The message of the article is that learners should be aware that language is not a fixed unchanging thing, therefore learning a language is, in fact, a lifelong task.

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• Unit 2 Biotechnology As we all know, science and technology is clos

ely related to our daily life for its advances will bring about higher-level living standard for us human beings; in other words it is vital to our human lives. Can you find three examples of changes in people’s lives brought about by advances in science and technology? Can you tell when an advance in science and technology is good and when bad?

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• While the computer has had a profound effect on society in so many ways, there are other new technologies that are changing, or could change, our lives no less dramatically. One of these is the new science of biotechnology. Virtually unheard of thirty years ago, biotechnology is considered by many to be the most important development of the late twentieth century. It falls into three main areas: genetics, embryology and microbiology.

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• Genetics is the study and manipulation of genes in plants and animals. From the moment that each living thing – plant or animal – comes into being, its characteristics are strictly determined. Its shape, size, color, intelligence are all the result of a set of instructions contained in every cell of its body. These instructions are in the form of a “code”, its genes, passed on from parent to offspring. The genes themselves are arranged on a long chain in a complex chemical known as DNA. To understand DNA is to understand the secret of life; to be able to alter DNA is the basis of the new science of genetic engineering.

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• The implications of this are dramatic. Using genetic engineering, it is possible to produce plants and animals that have particular desired characteristics: to grow plants, for example, that are resistant to disease, or which yield an extra large crop, or grow in difficult conditions; or again, to breed animals that are good meat or milk producers – even to breed entirely new animals.

• Such plants or animals can be created not only once, but also, from a basic genetic model, in endless numbers of identical units – a process known as “cloning”.

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• Genetic science does also have a relevance for human beings. Many diseases and handicaps are hereditary, that is, are passed on from one generation to the next through genes. Identifying the presence of harmful genes in unborn children or potential parents, a technique known as “genetic screening”, is already possible and widely done. Thus a doctor can now inform parents who are expecting a child that it will be born handicapped, effectively giving them the choice of whether to go ahead with the birth or not. Similarly, a couple thinking of marriage could be screened for potential genetic problems. With the growing threat of the disease of AIDS, genetic screening is becoming more and more of a daily reality.

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• The second major area of biotechnology is embryology. Here, one technique in particular has attracted special attention: the fertilization of human eggs outside the body. In vitro fertilization (IVF) – or in more popular language, the conception of “test tube babies” – allows a woman unable to give birth in the normal way to have some of her eggs removed, fertilized in the laboratory by her partner’s sperm, and re-implanted in her uterus, where they would have the chance to develop naturally. It is a technique which therefore offers hope to many couples who would otherwise remain childless.

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• IVF and related techniques like AI (artificial insemination) create moral and legal problems because they allow, within limits, any egg to be fertilized by any sperm and implanted in any body. Thus a woman’s egg may be fertilized by sperm other than her partner’s, drawn from what is usually called a “sperm bank”; alternatively, it is possible for an egg other than a woman’s own to be implanted in her body – a process known as “surrogate motherhood”.

• The third area of biotechnology is that of microbiology, the study of bacteria (microbes) and in particular, their use in industrial processes.

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• Bacteria are tiny organisms which cause unpleasant spots on your face and turn milk sour. So far, not very useful. But the number and variety of bacteria are enormous and, using genetic engineering, even more can be created. Some of these can do things which have the most positive advantages to man: there are bacteria, for example, capable of producing oil, or “eating” toxic waste, or helping to manufacture plastic. The coal industry in Britain is currently looking into microbes that will liquefy coal, making it possible to pump it to the surface instead of mining it in the traditional way. There is even talk of bacteria able to convert sunlight into electrochemical energy; these are called “biological solar cells”.

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• 参考译文:当计算机在如此多的方面对社会产生影响的时候,还有其它一些新技术也在戏剧性地改变着,或能够戏剧性地改变,我们的生活。其中之一就是新科学生物工程学。生物工程学三十年前实际上根本没听说过,而现在却被很多人认为是 20 世纪后期最重要的发展。它分为三个主要领域:遗传学,胚胎学和微生物学。

• 遗传学是对动植物中的基因进行研究和控制。从每个生物――动物和植物――形成那一刻起,它的的特征就被严格地确定了。它的形状,大小,颜色,以及智能都是它身体里每个细胞中所包含的一套指令的结果。这些指令以代码的形式存在,代码的基因是上代传给下代的。这些基因被安排在 DNA 的长链上。了解了DNA 就了解了生命的秘密; 能够改变 DNA 是遗传工程新科学的基础。

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• 其意义是巨大的。运用遗传工程学,有可能生产出具有特殊的令人满意的特征的动植物:比如,抗病的植物,或产出超大庄稼的植物,或在恶劣环境下也能生长的植物;又或者养殖具有优质肉产出优质奶的动物――甚至培养出全新的动物。

• 这样的动植物不仅能被创造一次,还能从一个基本的基因模型创造出无数个同样的单位――这一过程就被成为“克隆”。

• 遗传科学还和人类息息相关。许多疾病和残疾都是遗传性的,也就是说,是通过基因代代相传的。有一种新技术,就是鉴别出未出世孩子或即将为人父母的人身上存在的有害基因,已经称为可能并被广泛采用了,这种新技术被称为“基因甄别”。通过这项技术,医生就能通知快生孩子的父母他们的孩子是否先天残疾,有效地让他们及时做出选择是否要这个孩子。同样地,考虑结婚的一对男女也可以进行这项新技术检查,以确定是否存在基因问题。随着艾滋病对人类的威胁越来越大,基因甄别这项技术对日常生活越来越不可或缺。

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• 生物工程学的第二个主要领域就是胚胎学。其中有一项技术尤其引人注意:体外受精。 IVF―― 或者用更大众的话来说就是试管婴儿――可以让一个不能生育的妇女的卵子被取出在实验室接受受精,再被植入其子宫内,在那里受精卵有机会自然成长。这项技术使许多不能生育的夫妇有了希望。

• IVF 和一些相关的技术,像人工受精,也引发了道德和法律方面的问题,因为在一定限度内,它们允许任何卵子被任何精子受精再被植入任何一个子宫内。这样,一个妇女反而卵子可能被不是她丈夫的精子的精子受精,精子来源于精子库;或者,有可能一个别人的卵子,而不是她自己的,被植入这个妇女的子宫――这一过程被称为“代理母亲”。

• 第三个领域是微生物学,是研究细菌,尤其是研究细菌在工业过程中的应用。

• 细菌是一种微小的有机体,能使你的脸上长斑,或使牛奶变酸,到目前为止,还不是太有用处。但是,细菌的种类和数量都非常多,并且如果运用遗传工程学种类和数量还会更多。有些细菌可被用来做对人类有利的事情:比如,有细菌能产油,或消化有毒废物,或帮助生产塑料。英国的煤炭工业现正在研究能使固态煤液化的微生物,以便能把煤用泵抽出来,而不是采用传统方式将其开采出来。甚至还有谈论说细菌能将太阳光转化成电化能量,这种细菌被称为生物太阳细胞。

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• Unit 2 Language Points• 1. fall into: be divided into 分成• e.g. This passage falls into three parts with each par

t having its own general idea. 这一节分为三个部分,每个部分各有自己的大意。

• Biotechnology falls into three main area: genetics, embryology and microbiology. 生物工程学分为三个主要领域:遗传学、胚胎学和微生物学。

• 2. be resistant to: 对……有抵抗力的( in this phrase “to” is a preposition)

• e .g. The scientists are making studies on a plant resistant to disease. 科学家正在研究一种抗病植物。

• This kind of material are resistant to externally applied pressure. 这种材料可以抵抗外来压力。

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• 3. relevance: the relation of something to the matter at hand 有关,重大意义

• have a relevance for: be significant/important to; be related to 对……重要 , 与……有关

• e.g. The teacher is explaining to her students that studying hard has a relevance for their future work.老师正在给学生们解释努力学习对将来的工作非常重要。

• The research and development of this technology does have a relevance for the economic growth in a sustainable way. 这种技术的研发确实经济的可持续增长很重要。

• 4. other than : being different from that or those first considered 不同于 , 除了 .

• e.g. All parts of the house other than the windows were in good condition.除了窗户,房子的其它部分都好好的。

• Do other than to accept. 只有接受。• There’s nobody here other than me.除了我这里没有人。

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• I. Reading Comprehension• According to the text, answer the following questions.• 1. Biotechnology falls into three main areas: genetics,

embryology and microbiology. They are concerned respectively with the study and manipulation of genes in plants and animals, the fertilization of human eggs outside the body and the study of microbes and their use in industrial processes.

• 2. When a living thing comes into being, its characteristics, including shape, size, color and intelligence are determined by the genes passed on to it from its parents.

• 3. DNA is a complex chemical which carries a long chain of genes. To understand DNA is to understand the secrets of life; to be able to alter DNA is the basis of the new science of genetic engineering.

• 4. DNA is the basis of genetic engineering. And genetic engineering makes it possible to produce plants or animals that have particular desired characteristics or even to breed entirely new types of animals in endless numbers known as “cloning”.

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• 5. Genetic science can help to identify the presence of harmful genes in unborn children or in potential parents so that many hereditary diseases and handicaps can be prevented from being passed on t the next generation.

• 6. “Test tube babies” refers to the fertilization of human eggs outside the body. The process is to have some of a woman’s eggs removed from her body and fertilized in the laboratory by the sperm of her partner or of somebody else, and then re-implanted in her uterus.

• 7. IVF offers hope to many couples who would otherwise remain childless. But this technique may also create moral and legal problems because a woman’s egg could be fertilized by sperm other her partner’s or implanted in a body other than her own.

• 8. Microbiology, the study of bacteria, could find its use in industrial processes, for example, to manufacture plastic, to liquefy coal underground so that it could be pumped up to the surface, and to convert sunlight into electrochemical energy.

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• II. Match the following words in Column A with the Chinese meaning in Column B.

• 1. g 2. f 3. e 4. d 5. b 6. c 7. a• III. Use the following given words and phrases to produc

e sentences in the way as is shown in the model.• 1. a. Having tried virtually all means of transport, the America

ns find riding a bicycle is the best way of travelling in this city.• b. The twins are so alike that virtually it is impossible to tell t

hem.• 2. a. The teacher explained to students that study has a relev

ance for their work.• b. The tough environmental regulations have a relevance fo

r every person.• 3. a. We went ahead with the management system even tho

ugh facing difficulties.• b. The mathematical problems must be examined every tim

e you go ahead with the next step.

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• 4. a. Solving this problem is in particular difficult.• b. The Chinese dialects are so different that their speakers,

in particular those in the south, find it hard to understand each other.

• 5. a. Yesterday Tom was looking into a question at home all day long.

• b. The government is looking into a project that could benefit the public. IV. Vocabulary and structure

• 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. D• V. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change

the form where necessary.• 1. resistant 2. relevance 3. implanted 4. profound • 5. potential 6. identical 7. converted 8.yielded• VI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.• (omitted)

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• VII. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words in the brackets.

• 1. The business of this company falls into two types: commercial electric appliances and household electric appliances.

• 2. Through biotechnology, a new type of tomato has been bred which is resistant to disease.

• 3. The sofa, when unfolded, can be converted into a bed.• 4. Within limits, the higher the temperatures are, the quicker

the chemical reaction will be.• VIII. Summarize the main idea of the text.• The passage briefly introduces biotechnological

information about genetics, embryology and microbiology and explains how these new sciences will influence the life of human beings. Respectively, the three areas of modern biotechnology will enable human beings to produce new living things as desired, carry out artificial insemination, and make use of bacteria to the advantage of humans.

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• Unit 8 Future Cars

• Cars are familiar to us as they are our vehicle which can carry us to any place we want to go at any time convenient to us. And as we all know, cars have been developed very rapidly in recent years. With such rapid development, let’s guess, what would the future car be like? What comfort would it bring to us?

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• Still busy with the toast and marmalade, the motorists of the 21st century is already prepared for the day’s drive. From the breakfast table a remote control device has opened the garage door, unlocked the car and set the air-conditioning: a split-level system, giving cool air to the face and warmth to the feet, with pre-chosen temperatures.

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• Our driver lives in Hastings and has a business call in Northampton. There is no need to look closely at a battered old road atlas to work out a route. A video disc is on hand to slot into the fascia provide step-by-step instructions, either on a screen, or by voice, or both. Arguments about whether we should have turned left at the traffic lights when we went right will be no more.

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• The disc stores enough information to offer a choice of routes and to print out maps, of regions, or towns or individual streets. During the journey the car radio will be automatically interrupted with the latest news of traffic hazards – fog, roadworks, accidents. If necessary, the disc can be called upon to suggest another way round.

• The car’s fascia will be simpler than it is now, but capable of yielding more complex information. Before setting off, a button is pushed to give a visual check list of the health of the components – brakes, lights, tyres, batteries.

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• Speed limits will surely still be with us in the next century. The old-fashioned speedo will have given way to a head-up display reflected at the foot of the windscreen: no need to take one’s eyes off the road. We shall all be used to digits by then and instead of the analogue, a single figure will tell us whether it is time to slow down.

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• It is raining hard on the way to Northampton but the windscreen stays clear without the aid of wipers. The glass used for the screens of today has been replaced by water-repellent plastic. The rear screen will not have wipers for the same reason. All the windows will incorporate tiny heating elements that automatically activate when the temperature falls below a certain level, so that visibility is not impaired by frost or ice.

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• Much more startling to 1985 eyes is the absence of a steering wheel. Steering is no longer mechanical but electronic, requiring only a hand controller situated between the front seats. This will also have button to operate the accelerator and brakes. Gone, too, is the clutch: there are no gears to change.

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• The console-mounted controller overcomes the problems of driving on the other side of the road when the car goes abroad. The driver simply shifts over into the passenger seat. The fascia displays are clipped to a continuous rail and can be moved as required.

• The eagle-eyed will spot that there are no outside door mirrors. In the cause of good aerodynamics (of which more in a moment) they have been eliminated and instead the car is equipped with a small video camera which gives the driver a complete picture of what is happening on the road behind. Door handles have also gone: doors are opened by remote control, perhaps contained in the driver’s credit card.

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• Going round London on the M25 (surely it will be finished by then?) our driver suddenly remembers an urgent telephone call. Does he pull off at the next junction and find a phone box? Of course not: a push of a button and a voice asks for the number, the driver speaks it and the computer does the rest. No coins, no handset: the change is debited automatically to the driver’s account.

• Brakes will be radar-assisted, automatically slowing the car down when it is getting too close to the vehicle in front and removing a basic cause of that late 20th-century horror, the motorway pile-up. Collisions of a less serious kind – backing into another car while parking, clipping the edge of a narrow gateway – can be averted by sensors which warn the driver when he is about to make contact.

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• 参考译文: 21 世纪的驾车者,尽管早晨还在忙着吃烤面包加果酱,但已经准备好驾车出发了。在餐桌旁,驾车者就已经用一个遥控器打开了车库门,打开车锁并打开空调;空调是一个错层系统,通过预先选定的温度,可以让脸感受凉风而让脚感受暖风。

• 我们的驾车者住在黑斯廷斯,在北安普敦有一个商业会议。 驾车过程中,司机没有必要仔细查看破旧的地图册以确定路线,旁边就有一个嵌在汽车仪表盘上的录像盘,它能提供逐步指令,或显示在屏幕上,或通过声音,或声像并用。关于我们应该在交通灯出左转的争论将不复存在。

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• 录像盘储存了足够的信息可供司机选择路线,打印地区或城镇地图,甚至每条街道的地图。行程中,汽车广播会自动插入最新的交通危险新闻――雾,道路施工,交通事故。如果必要,;录像盘还会被要求建议另一条路线。

• 汽车的仪表盘将壁现在的更简单,但却能够提供更负责的信息。汽车出发前,按下一个按钮,就可以视频检测各个零部件――刹车,车灯,电车――的安全性。

• 下个世纪,速度限制仍然存在。过时的速率计将会被挡风玻璃底部反射的平视显示器所代替:再没有必要将视线从道路上移开。到那时,我们都将习惯于数字,不是一串数字,而只是一个数字就能告诉我们是否该减速了。

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• 去北安普敦的路上下着瓢泼大雨,但挡风玻璃没有玻璃清洁器的自动清洁依旧干净。因为今天用的那种玻璃将被防水塑料所取代。同样,汽车后部的玻璃也被替换了。而且,所有的车窗都讲包含微小的热元素,当车内温度降到一定水平,它们就会被自动激活,以保证汽车的能见度不会因霜雪儿降低。

• 更让生活在 1985 年的人们吃惊的是,汽车将不再有方向盘。方向确定不再是机械操作而是电子操作,仅仅需要一个位于前车座之间的手动控制器。刹车和油门也是通过按钮来控制的。离合器也不存在了:这样也就没有排挡需要变换了。

• 装有控制板的控制器解决了国外开车要走马路另一边的问题。司机指需要换坐到副驾驶的位置就可以了。仪表盘显示被扣在一个连续横杆上,可根据需要自由移动。

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• 观察敏锐的人还会注意到没有外车镜了。为了空气阻力更小(有时会更小),外车镜被摘除,相反地,车内安装了一个小的摄像机,以便司机完全看到后面路上的情况。车把手已被去掉了:车门开关由遥控器控制,遥控器可能被安装在司机的信用卡上。

• 驾驶着M25(到那时可能已经完成制作了),我们的司机突然想起要回复一个紧急电话。他需要在下一个交叉口停车找一个电话亭打电话吗?当然不用:按一下按钮,一个声音询问电话号码,司机告诉它之后,余下的事情就有计算机来处理了。没有硬币,没有听筒,费用自动记入司机的账户上。

• 刹车将是雷达辅助式的,当汽车与前面车辆的距离太近,它会自动减慢汽车速度,从而排除 20 世纪末多车相撞事故的基本诱因。轻微的汽车相撞――比如停车时倒车撞到别的车,夹到狭窄的入口处――都可以通过传感器避免,因为快接触时传感器会自动向司机提出警告。

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• Unit 8 Language Points

• 1. on hand: present and easily available 在手边• e.g. The cash on hand is adequate for current need

s.手边的现金足够现在需要了。• The emergency police is on hand in case of trouble.

现在就有现成的应急政策以备出现问题。• 2. call upon: also call on; if we say “call on sb.”, its

meaning is visit sb. This phrase has another meaning: 号召 ,要求

• e.g. She usually calls upon her parents on weekends.她通常周末探望她的父母。

• The policemen called upon the thief to tell the truth.警察要求窃贼说实话。

• They will call upon us to help in case of emergency. 有紧急情况他们会找我们帮忙的。

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• 3. give way to: be replaced with让位于 ,让步• e.g. With the social development, the out-dated stuff has given way to tho

se new updated things. 随着社会的发展,那些过时的东西已经被新鲜事物所取代。

• We mustn’t give way to these impudent demands. 我们对这些蛮横的要求不能让步。

• 4. be used to: 习惯于• In this phrase “to” is a preposition, followed by nouns or noun phrases

or gerunds; pay attention to that it is different from the phrase “used to”; “used” in the latter is as an auxiliary(助动词 ) to express habitual or accustomed actions, states, etc, taking place in the past but not continuing into the present with the Chinese meaning 过去经常…… and “to” in it is followed by verbs.

• e.g. Living in that country, she had to get used to using a knife and fork. 在那个国家生活她必须学会用刀叉吃饭。

• I have been used to those noises. 我已经习惯那些噪音了。• * He used to use a lot of flowers of speech in his writing.过去他在写作


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• 5. in the cause of: 为了……• e.g. I will labor in the cause of humanity. 我要为人类而尽力

• They were fighting in the cause of justice. 他们正为正义而战。

• 6. equip: vt.装备 , 配备 , usually used as equip sb. with sth. or sb. be equipped with sth.

• e.g. to equip the army with better weapons 为军队配备更好的武器装备

• All future expressways will be equipped with emergency telephones. 日后建成的所有快速公路,均会装设意外求助电话。

• Is the camera equipped with a self-timer? 这台照相机装有自动计时器吗?

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• I. Reading Comprehension• Circle the best answer according to the passage.• 1. D 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. D

• II. Match the following words in Column A with the Chinese meaning in Column B.

• 1. g 2. e 3. c 4. d 5. b 6. a 7. f

• III. Use the following given words and phrases to produce sentences in the way as is shown in the model.

• 1. a. We have new books on hand• b. A dictionary is on hand to be used to look up the word.• 2. a. I can bear the pain no more• b. Those good memories has been no more since he left

his hometown.• 3. a. Tom is used to doing morning exercises.• b. The dog has been used to staying around her.

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• 4. a. Today we shall have fish instead of meat• b. I will go instead of you.• 5. a. The soldiers are equipped with uniforms and

weapons before the war.• b. This lab is equipped with advanced instruments

for further experiments.• IV. Vocabulary and structure• 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. A 9.

B 10. C• V. Fill in the blanks with the words given

below. Change the form where necessary.• 1. interrupted 2. fashion 3. horror 4.

continuous 5. split • 6. yielded 7. visible 8. assist 9. absence 10.


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• VI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

• (omitted)

• VII. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words in the brackets.

• 1. Being faced with the grave situation, everyone is prepared for the worst.

• 2. Having missed the last bus, we had to setting off walking.• 3. Father called upon him to keep his promises.• 4. In some areas, the old hand-made methods have given way to the

advanced science and technology.

• VIII. Summarize the main idea of the text.• This passage mainly shows the new feature of the future cars, which will

be improved in many ways, such as the multi-functional video disc, the windscreen and the rear screen made of water-repellent plastic, no steering wheel, no door mirror, and no door handles. In short, the future car will provide more convenience, comfort and protection for the motorists.

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• VII. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words in the brackets.

• 1. The government hopes to gain enough support for the project in question.

• 2. Many experts have embarked on the study of a new universal language.

• 3. He could only find some bits and pieces in the kitchen.• 4. Their quarrel arose out of a small joke.• VIII. Summarize the main idea of the text.• The article discusses three aspects of language learning,

while trying to clear up three related misconceptions, which are, language can be learned systematically with clear ultimate success; words have clear-cut and fixed meanings; and people of the same language background speak the same variety everywhere. The message of the article is that learners should be aware that language is not a fixed unchanging thing, therefore learning a language is, in fact, a lifelong task.

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• Unit 9 Reforest the Earth

• Warming up

• The environmental issue is always one of our human big concerns, of which the protection of the forests is significantly important. Why do we say so? You can imagine what it would be like if there were no trees on the earth; and by relating to the present situation you will find out why it is so important for us to plant more trees.

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• Throughout the drought-ridden summer of 1988, the world heard much about how the burning of fossil fuels causes the greenhouse effect (the rapid warming of the earth’s atmosphere). We heard little about how the burning of the tropical rain forests also contributes to the green house effect. And still less do we hear about how reforestation of these tropics could help heal an ailing world.

• The earth constantly maintains 700 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Fossil fuels emit another 5.2 billion metric tons of CO2 in the air each year, while the burning of tropical forests emits roughly 1.8 billion metric tons of CO2 – both contributing to a buildup of carbon dioxide that will soon trigger the greenhouse effect. The CO2 gases trap the heat of the sun in the same way the glass of a greenhouse controls temperature for plants. If the gases become too concentrated, too much heat will collect, resulting in rising temperature.

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• Of all the carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere, only about half accumulates in the skies while the rest disappears into oceans and lakes, vegetation and soil. So out of the 5.2 billion metric tons of CO2 emitted from the burning fossil fuels and the 1.8 billion metric tons released from the burning of rain forests each year, only 3.5 billion metric tons contributes to global warming.

• In 1980, 36 000 square miles of forest were burned in the tropics. In 1987, 33 000 square miles of rain forest were burned in Brazilian Amazonia alone. By the year 2020 the figure for tropical-forest emissions of CO2 could climb to another 5 billion metric tons. As a result, the CO2 released into the atmosphere each year would rise to approximately 10.2 billion metric tons.

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• Replanting trees in the tropics could eventually offer a solution to the greenhouse effect. A tree absorbs carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. Plant enough trees (as many as 250 billion) and we could remove much of the additional CO2 building up in the atmosphere. Nowhere in the world are conditions better for growing trees than in the tropics, where year-round warmth and moisture encourage rapid growth. To start a grand-scale tree-growing project in the tropics, however, would require as many as 20 governments in Latin America, Africa, and Asia to stop the rapid destruction of rain forests.

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• How may trees would we need to reforest the earth and stabilize the damage produced by global warming? One acre of a tropical plantation can absorb an annual average of four metric tons of atmospheric carbon. In order to soak up 1 billion metric tons of CO2, we would have to plant 400 000 square miles of new tropical forests. To eliminate the buildup of 3.5 billion metric tons would require planting trees on 1.2 million square miles, an expanse roughly equivalent to all states east of the Mississippi.

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• Where can we find enough space to replant what isn’t being otherwise utilized? In the humid tropics forests have been cut down in watershed regions where replanting is urgently needed to spot topsoil from eroding and to prevent flooding. Last year flooding devastated regions in Bangladesh, India, the Sudan, and Thailand. In lowland Southeast Asia deforested lands have degenerated into poor-quality scrub and brush or coarse grasslands, good for little apart from reforestation. In addition, tropical countries urgently need to increase forest cover to adequately expand their fuelwood and commercial timber supplies.

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• At an average cost of $160 per acre, reforesting the tropics would cost $120 billion. This may seem like a high figure, but the global community would be spared much higher greenhouse costs. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a rise in sea level (just through heating of the ocean surface) would threaten the developed coastal regions of the eastern United States. To protect these shore-lines, seawalls and tidal dams would have to be built at a cost of $110 billion. To improve dams and irrigation systems in the United States could cost an additional $23 billion. In comparison, the Department of Agriculture currently spends $200 million a year on flood-prevention programs. Further costs related to sea level rise and disrupted agriculture in other parts of the world (lush, fertile cropland may turn into desert) would surely turn out to be similarly great.

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• The consequences of the greenhouse effect will be far-reaching and possibly even devastation. If the projections of experts come to pass in the next 50 years, the earth’s temperatures will rise between 3º and 9ºF (in polar regions the temperatures may rise as much as 20ºF). After a look at the consequences we face as a result of the greenhouse effect, reforesting the earth doesn’t seem as unusual as it might have at first. In fact, a program to plant billions of trees throughout the tropics now seems like a very sensible action.

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• Reforesting the earth is not the definitive solution to the warming trend of the greenhouse effect. It is only one way to bring the rising levels of carbon in the atmosphere under control. A worldwide campaign to reforest the earth, however, will improve the quality of our lives, stabilize rising temperatures, and buy time until we find additional solutions to the greenhouse effect.

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• 参考译文:• 1988 年,整个干旱的夏天,全世界听到很多关于化石燃料的燃烧如何引发温室效应(地球大气的迅速升温)。关于热带雨林的燃烧如何促成温室效应我们却听到的很少。关于这些热带地区的再造林如何有助于使这个境况不佳的世界恢复原样,我们听到的更少。

• 地球连续不断的能将 7 千亿公吨的二氧化碳存在大气中。化石燃料每年释放另外 52亿公吨的二氧化碳,而热带森林的燃烧释放大约 18亿公吨的二氧化碳――这两样都促成了大气中二氧化碳的堆积从而很快会引发温室效应。二氧化碳气体会聚集太阳的热量,就像温室的玻璃控制植物的温度那样。如果气体太密集,大量热量就会被收集,就会导致温度上升。

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• 在释放到大气中的所有的二氧化碳中,只有大约一半的量堆积在空中,而其它的都消失在海洋、湖泊、植被以及土壤中了。因此,在那每年由化石燃料释放的 52亿公吨和雨林燃烧释放的 18亿公吨的二氧化碳中,只有 35亿公吨促成了全球变暖。

• 1980 年,热带地区 36 000平方英里的森林被烧掉。 1987 年,巴西亚马逊河流域地区, 33 000平方英里的雨林被烧掉。到2020 年,热带雨林二氧化碳的释放量可能攀升到 50亿公吨。结果,每年释放到大气中的二氧化碳的量将上升到 102亿公吨。

• 在热带地区再植树最终将可能提供一个解决温室效应的办法。树可以通过光合作用吸收二氧化碳。种植足够多的树(多达 2500亿棵),我们就有可能消除掉大量的大气中堆积的多余的二氧化碳。世界上再没有其他地方的条件会比热带地区的条件更适宜种植树木了,在那里成年的热度和湿度有助于树木的快速生长。然而,要在热带地区开始大规模的植树工程,这要求包括拉丁美洲,非洲和亚洲的多达 20 个政府停止对雨林的快速毁坏。

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• 我们需要种植多少树木来使全球变暖造成的损害不再恶化?一英亩的热带种植园每年可以吸收 4公吨的二氧化碳。要吸收 10亿公吨的二氧化碳,我们得中 400 000平方英里的热带森林。要消除 35亿公吨的二氧化碳,需要种植 1 200 000平方英里的树木,这个面积相当于密西西比河东面的所有州加起来。

• 我们在哪里能找到足够的空间来重新种植树木,以利用起来那些未被利用的。在潮湿的热带地区,集水区的森林已经被砍伐了,那里急需重新种植树木,以便阻止上土层受侵蚀,阻止发洪水。去年,洪水破坏了孟加拉国、印度,苏丹和泰国等地。在东南亚低地,被砍伐树木的土地已经恶化成了贫瘠的灌木丛或者是粗糙的草地,除了再造林没有任何用处。而且,热带地区的国家急需扩大森林覆盖面积,从而提高它们的燃料木材和商用原木的供应量。

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• 按每英亩平均花费 160美元来算,热带地区再造林将花费 1200亿美元。这看起来不是个小数目,但是全球加起来,要比不进行再造林而加重温室效应的花费低得多。根据美国环境保护局,海平面的上升(仅仅通过加热海洋表面)将会威胁到美国东部的发达沿海地区。为了保护这些地区,要花费 1100亿美元筑造海堤和防潮坝。改善大坝和灌溉系统要另外花费 230亿美元。相比较而言,美国农业部目前一年在防洪工程上花了2000亿。世界其它地方相关费用也肯定同样多。

• 温室效应的后果将是深远的,可能更糟糕。如果专家关于今后50 年的预测实现的话,地球的温度将上升 3- 9度(极地地区温度将上升 20度)。看过温室效应造成的后果,再造林似乎并不像一开始那样看起来不同寻常了。事实上,在整个热带地区种植上亿的树木这个工程现在看来是一个明智的举动。

• 对地球进行再造林并不是温室效应最终的解决办法。它只是使大气中二氧化碳的含量得到控制的办法之一。然而,全球范围的再造林运动将会提高我们的生活质量,使温度不再上升,并且能为我们找到其它解决办法争取时间。

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• Unit 9 Language Points• 1. concern: anxiety or worry; something that affects or is of importance to

a person; affair; business 关心 , 忧虑;关心的事;业务或公司• e.g. What is their concern? 他们担心的到底是什么呢?• * The identity of the shareholders in a large concern may be changing

daily. 大公司股东的身份可能天天都在换。• 2. contribute: to give (support, money, etc) for a common purpose or fund;

• to be partly instrumental( 有作用的 ) (in) or responsible (for)

• This word is usually followed by the preposition “to” and become the

phrase “contribute to”. Keep in mind one point that the phrase is followed

by both positive and negative things.

• e.g. He offered to contribute to the Red Cross. 他主动提出向红十字会捐款。

• Drink contributed to the accident.喝酒促成 /导致了事故的发生。• Other issues contribute to this mismatch. 其他问题也影响这种不匹配。

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• 3. trigger: vt. to give rise (to); set off; to fire or set in motion by or as by pulling a trigger(扳机 ) 触发 , 发射 , 引起

• e.g. Careless political action can trigger off a war. 不慎重的政治行动能引发一场战争。

• Price increases trigger off demands for wage increases.物件上涨引起了增加工资的要求。

• 4. trap: vt. to catch, take, or pen in ( 关起来 ) as if in a trap (陷阱 ) 诱捕 , 困住

• e.g. Hoe many rabbits have you trapped this week? 这星期你捕了多少兔子?

• 5. equivalent: adj. equal or interchangeable in value, quantity, significance, etc相当的 , 相等的

• This word usually collocates with the preposition “to”, that is, equivalent to, meaning 相当于

• e.g. Silence is sometimes equivalent to agreement.沉默有时等于同意。

• DM 210 is equivalent to RMB 400.210 德国马克折合人民币 400元。

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• 6. come to pass: happen• e.g. Strange things come to pass in troubled times.乱世出怪事。

• I doubt if his promises will ever come to pass. 我怀疑他的那些许诺是否会兑现。

• 7. bring … under control: 使……得以控制• e.g. The firemen have brought the fire under contro

l.消防员已将火势控制住了。• It took the teacher months to bring his class und

er control.教师花了几个月的时间才把自己的班级整顿好。

• * Here “under control” can be used to collocate with some other verbs, such as be.

• e.g. Everything is under control. 一切都在掌控之中。

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• Exercises• I. Reading Comprehension• Circle the best answer according to the passage.• 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. C• II. Match the following words in Column A with the Chinese m

eaning in Column B.• 1. b 2. f 3. e 4. g 5. d 6. c 7. a• III. Use the following given words and phrases to produce sente

nces in the way as is shown in the model.• 1. a. Time heals slowly sorrows.• b. Because of advanced medical equipment, Jerry will be healed quickly.• 2. a. The area of my land is approximately half an acre.• b. The warm-hearted businessman contributed approximately 100 thous

and yuan to the Red Cross.• 3. a. He went to the concert; in addition, he enjoyed it.• b. What Tom has done benefited the public and in addition earned him r


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• 4. a. The professor required his pupils to eliminate the slang words from the essay.

• b. Mother asked little Jimmy to eliminated the wastes in his drawer.

• 5. a. Kate spent half an hour in doing her homework; in comparison, it took Ted one and a half hour to do his.

• b. She is kind-hearted; in comparison, her sister is a little cold.

• IV. Vocabulary and structure• 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. B• V. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the

form where necessary.• 1. coarse 2. soaked 3. destruction 4. eliminate 5.

approximately• 6. damage 7. urgent 8. released 9. threatened 10.

average• VI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.• (omitted)

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• VII. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words in the brackets.

• 1. Drink contributed to his bad health.• 2. In French there is no such a word whose meaning is

equivalent to that of the English word “home”.• 3. He had to cut down expenses to maintain the normal

operation of his company.• 4. By taking effective measures Tom has brought the

situation under control.• VIII. Summarize the main idea of the text.• This passage, through talking about the emission of CO2

from various aspects resulting in the greenhouse effect, clearly points out the great importance of reforesting the earth at present. At the same time, it also states that although the total costs of reforestation are very high the costs of not reforesting are even higher by illustrating many figures.

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Answer of Unit SevenAnswer of Unit Seven

• Part One Grammar

• Task 1 Multiple Choice

• 1-10 D D B C B D A A C D

• Task 2 Multiple Choice

• 1-10 D D D D D C C C D D

Page 81: Answer of Unit 1.2. 7.8

• Part Two Practical Writing• Task 1 Translate the above Sample into Chinese.• • 姓名:约翰 · 史密斯 国籍:美国• 目前所在地址:美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市高街 506号• 电话: 101—818—4575911 传真: 010—818—

4575912• 出生日期: 1964 年 4月 9号 出生地点:纽约• 已婚,生有一女。 1978~1982 年在洛杉矶 Lincoln High Sc

hool 学习, 1982~1986 年在加州大学的法学院学习。上大学期间始终学习法语,具有很好的阅读能力,且擅长笔译,并能流利地交谈。从 1986-1988 年在加利福尼亚大学任助教,1988 年至今在该大学任讲师。希望寻求一份律师工作,原因是本人一直渴望作律师,因为这工作不仅有趣,而且有助于提高工作能力,薪金也很诱人。

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• Task 2 Write a resume according to the following information.

• Resume• Name: Yang Yong Nationality: China• Present Location: Guangzhou nation: Han• Account Location: Shantou build• Marital status: single Age: 23-year-old• Work Experience:• Unicom Guangzhou Branch (April 2006 to June 2006)• Causes of separation: This is a short-term part-time,• Educational Background:• Graduate institutions: Panyu Vocational and Technical Coll

ege• The highest academic qualifications: college graduates - 2

008-07-01• Language ability:• Foreign Language: English good

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• Part Three Translation • Task 1 Translate the following instruction into Chinese,

paying attention to the translation skills.

• 本品蕴含牛奶和甜杏仁乳液 , 其独特的水润美白萃取精华 ,令肌肤如凝乳般细滑白皙 ,水润亮泽 .

• 白皙亮泽肌肤 --甜杏仁美白乳液精华 ,蕴含丰富 B族维生素和天然杏仁蛋白 , 能深层祛除黄气 ,润泽美白粗糙暗哑的肌肤 ,令肌肤红润白皙 , 有光泽 .

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Answer of Unit EightAnswer of Unit Eight • Part One Grammar

• Task 1 Multiple Choice

• 1-10 A D D B B D C C C A

• Task 2 Multiple Choice

• 1-10 D A C D B D A C C A

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• Part Two Practical Writing• Task 1 Translate the above Sample into Chin

ese.• 亲爱的弗兰克:• 很抱歉,上星期您借给我的那本书竟遗失了。


• 但是,新书恐怕不能代替那本旧书吧!旧书跟旧友一样,一旦失去就不能再得。旧书与往事相连,这种不可弥补的损失,皆由我起。我对待一切太大意了,这次给我一个警告,叫我以后要小心。

• 汤姆

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• Task 2 Write a letter of apology according to the following information.

• Dear David ,• I am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in

not having answered your letter dated 7, December sooner, but when I have told you the reason, I trust you will be convinced that the neglect was excusable. When your letter arrived, I was just in Hong Kong. As my family could not forward it to me during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment when I took it up. Now the first thing I have to hasten to do is to write to you these few lines to express my deep regret.

• I enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. I shall be pleased to give you an account to of them when I see you next.

Yours, Henry

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• Part Three Translation• Task 1. Translate the following sentences into C

hinese, paying attention to the translation skills.• 1. 在两个相对发达的电网之间存在着薄弱的连接时,技术问题在案例研究中最具重要性。

• 2. 若进行电力改革,就将成为贸易的制约条件。 • 3. 在已签定电力市场协议的地方,需要适当的管理机构,并且选举制度应能确保电力市场运转的高度一致。

• 4. 增加了对成本的极小化的刺激,成本更具透明度。