Anotaciones Ingles

Why werent you at home last nigth = correct


ejercicios prácticos de ingles basico.

Transcript of Anotaciones Ingles

Page 1: Anotaciones Ingles

Why werent you at home last nigth = correct

Page 2: Anotaciones Ingles

Shopping 2

I buy food in the supermarket.

I went to the store but it was closed.

Delivery is in 10 days.

We can buy clothes and furniture in the department store.

I bought her a present at the gift shop.

Mis respuestas:

That dress store is a good business - there are always customers in there.

You can order a new dress from the store.

I paid $500 for those shoes.

Buy your clothes on sale and save money.

I want to speak to the store manager about the TV I bought.

Drag the correct answer/s into place

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Fill in the blank/s with the correct answer/s


1. I buy  food in the supermarket. x

2. The office is closed for the weekend.

3. Wait at home for the delivery of the new sofa.

4. Tom works in the electrical section of a big  department store

5. Does the gift shop  sell birthday presents for children?

6. This restaurant does very good business . You can't get a table at lunchtime!

7. The store  ordered  my new computer.

8. She pays her workers every Friday.

9. You can save money here because the food is cheap.

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10. The store manager is having a meeting with all the workers tomorrow.

TEST FOOD unit 2

3. What is true about Durelle plates and dishes?

 You can't cook food in them.

 It's not healthy to cook in them.

 You can freeze food in them.

 You can't bake in them.

4. Today's program is about              salads.


5. There is              Durelle plates and dishes during "Sheila's Kitchen."

an ad fora meal witha song abouta salad in

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Puntos débiles pasado

Who was your teacher?Where was  there?Everyone was there except you!Who was there?Why was  everyone late for work this morning?

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2. - We had a great vacation. Our hotel  was         on the beach.-    Was there      a swimming pool, too?- Yes, and there     there was        a lot of interesting people. (were)There    wasn´t         anyone from work! - 

3 Were you at Sally's party?- Yes, I was. Cindy and Tom were there, too. Why weren't  you there?- I wasn't well, so I stayed in bed.

-4 How      were       your dinner? (was)- It     wasn´t         very good, the vegetables    weren´t          too cold. (were)

5 What were year you born? (year were)I was born in 1979

6 - My books    were          lost, but I found them.-      there weren´t        in your room then, were they?- No.    There were          in a cupboard in the kitchen.



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7. - Why there were a lot of people on the beach yesterday? (were there) - Well, there was  a big race.- Was it a marathon? - No. It was a ten - kilometer race.

8. How many students there were in your Spanish class last year (were there)

9. no la coloqueWas, wasn´t y were

10 was X were Was ok wasAre X was


Much and Little: incontable

Many anf few: plurales

Few: unos cuantos

A lot, a lot of, plenty sustantivos incontables y plurales


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1. How many Friends do you have in frankurtI have some (many), a lot of Friends there. I lived there for a few years

2. Robert doesn't eat a Little  (a few) / muchmeat, but he ate  some turkey last night.

3. Cathy wants to take some  pictures, but she forgot to buy a film. (film)Do you have any film to give her?

4. How many CDs are you buying? - I don't know yet.- Well, how much money can you spend?- Oh, about twenty-five dollars.

5. Julia had a few (any) (a lot of) homework this weekend. She just finished it a few (a Little) (a lot) much hours ago.

6. Where are you staying in Los Angeles?- With friends. There are 

a few (a lot) of hotels there, but there isn't much (are any) (aren't many) cheap ones.

7. Mr. Starbucks has 

Many  (any) (a lot of)money, but he doesn'thave some (many) friends.

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8. Are there any (Are there some) (Is there any)

 news about your brother's football game?- We have some (many) (any) a lot news, but it's not good. His team lost.

9. There were Some (Little) (a lot) any  calls for you, but there weren't any (weren't some) (wasn´t any) wasn't a lotmessages.

10 I know Mrs. Smythe has 

Much (a Little) (a lot of) pets, but exactly how many dogs and cats does she have?

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1 Who wrote the book "Fit Feels Great"?

Kim Fit ok

Maxi Star

David Meals

Virginia Vegan

2 Which sentence is true?

 Kim Fit is a businesswoman. O x

 Maxi eats a lot of steak. O x

 Breakfast is not important.

 Anyone can use Kim's diet. Ok

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3 What is another title for Kim Fit's diet book?

"The Healthier Way to Eat" ok

"The Life of Kim Fit"

"Less Fat and Less Salt"

"The Most Important Meal" o x

4 Who is "I" in: "I look ten years younger ... "?

Maxi ok

David Meals

Kim Fit

a basketball player

5 How do many people feel after they use the diet?

They feel wonderful. ok

They feel fat.

They feel terrible.

They feel important.

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TESTCan you help me 

Bake ok

 some bread?

2. Let's go out to a restaurant. I don't want to 

Cook ok


3 She loves cooking and she has lots of 

Cookbooks ok

 at home.

4 Can I make you a 

Cup ok

 of tea?

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5 Please help me put the 

Dishes ok

 on the table.

6 We didn't finish all the food so I 

Froze ok

 it to eat later.

7 I just made the salad so it's very 

Fresh ok

8 I eat my big 

Meal ok

 at lunch time.

9 Bring your 

Plate ok

 to the kitchen and I'll give you more pancakes.

10 Does this restaurant 

Serve ok.


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The man needs to make a right on Grant Street.



The man needs to make a left at the  gift store

Which of these things does the man have?

 An address


 A map

 A pen

 None of these things

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